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Land-Office. Deft A HISTORY JOEL · Augujla, Sej>t» 8, 179 1 • Notice. IHAVE deposited in the...

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Land-Office. AT the request of a few of my friends, I am induced to inform the public, that I thall open an Office at mv houie, on Long creek, in Wilkes county; for the purpose of-- felling Lands on Commiflions ; aud shall at - tend from the firft day oDOrtober next, un fc til the firff day of September following, for?: that purpose: As I have surveyed a eonfi-- derable quantity of land whicb'ha*heeff,,- per- •• haps, trefpafled upon'by other surveyors, I make no doubt the owners will anticipate the * eligibility of this plan. Gentlemen withiug to fee lands, muff expert to pay roe one dol- lar per day for such lervice; and on all sales made I (hall charge two aud a half per cent, to be paid by the proprietor. 6 WILLIAM HAY. Notice. THE Captain of the Augufla Company of Militia requeffs that all persons be- longing thereto, will attend muster on Satur- day the 24th inst. at Springfield, at tooVlock. AH tbofe who do not attend, properly ac- coutred, will be returned as defaulters, agree- ably to Regimental Orders* Augujla, Sej>t» 8, 179 1 Notice. I HAVE deposited in the Clerk’s Office of the Superior Court, Richmond county, a Copv, as near as may be, of a Bill of Sale, executed by William jackfon to the fubferi. ber, for five Negroes, viz. Char Toby, Dinah, Amoho, and Hannah, dated the 20th February, 1778.' I have also deposited the depofitiou of Be- verly Lowe and Obedience Lowe, in fapport of the laid Bill of Sale. 2ACHARIAS FENN. July 28, 179*» I DO certify, that Zacharlas Fenn has lodged in iny Office the above defcribed-B*ll * of Sale and depofitioos, for the purpolh of tffablifhing the Copy. THO WATKINS, C. S. C. R. July 28, 1791* Notice. IDO hereby give notice to all thnfe who have any claims by bond, note or account, against the effate of William Price, late of Burke county, deceased, to render their said j claims, duly attefled, to me on or before the ffxteeuth day of December ensuing, that they may be fettled; aud those indebted to laid effate, are desired to make payment on or before the day a orefaid, otherwise they will be (ued witnout refpert to persons. WILLIAM LITTLE, jun. Alt. for JeJfe Rtlyb, jur-viving Ex*r Sept.' j, 1791. The personal effate of said Price will be fold at public aurti°n, at the house of the fubferiber, on the lass Thursday in this mouth. WILLIAM LITTLE, jun. Georgetown, June 30, 1791. THE Prelklent ot the United States having approved the sites for the Public Buildings, to he everted in purfu- anre of the Art cf Congvefs for effablilhing the temporary and permanent teat of the Go- vernment of the United States, the Comimf- fioners, appointed in virtue of that Art, will meet at George-Town, ou Monday, the 17th day of Ortober ncx', and proceed to tell, at Vendue, a number of Lota in the beff fitua* tiotis in t> e Federal City. A deposit of 8 per cent, will be required \ the retidue to be fe- curcd on Bonds, with security, payable in three equal yearly payments. The fatibcr Uinta will be made known at the tale* THOMAS JOHNSON, T* DAVID B'rUARr, > Cemm'if* DANIEL CARROLL, } Liftof Deft fullers in CiiumHa county > for 1791. ] JOEL Jones, Thomas* Jones. Jonathan Wood, Abner Sims, William Williams, Bazil j«»nef, james jones,* Nimrod Gerdeo, Thomas Smith, William Bell, George Bull* . man, Thomas Newman, jure. Benjamin er* , gufon, Christopher Mooney* William Brown,* - Hial M'Daniel, Daniel M‘Daniel, v "soathan Clyatt, Andrew Russell, Henry Collins, Wil- * liam Edwards, Isaac Underwood, jun.-Wi!-' liana Blacky John Glover, lobnL- NPCoHockv Matthias Beavers; Aimey Savage, Michael Conner, Calep Rußtl, Enoch RKhardfon,'Afa - Dawget, John B/Spencer, Timothy Pitman, William Goolefbey, Isaac Worthy, John Wor- thy, Robert Dixon, Thomas Ward, John Watkins, Barney Cantey, Mkry Pitman, Eli- zabeth M‘Carter, jacob Gairo, George Gr Tankerfley, Reubeu Garnett, John"' Lolland, Lewis Phebus, John Cartledge, Heury-Thomp- fon, William Moats, james Swan, Moses Weldon, Jeremiah Blanchard, Lemuel Dixon, Lewis Frails, Barrett White, Joel (elton, James Boyd, Samuel Boyd, William Boyd, Harberd Avery, Archer Avery, Nathan Ward, Joseph Germany, James Few, Joseph Hutch- tnfou, William Saterwhite, Richard Scruggs, Truman Cooper, Emanuel Hargrove, John Lucky, William Culbreath, Thomas Angle, WYlliam Saterwhite, fen. Thomas Worthy, John F. Pettit, Nathaniel Upson, Samplon Lamkins, John Ellis, George Ellis, Thomas Moon, jelTe Beck, Stepheu Holliway, Elias Jones, William Few, Samuel Owens, Wil- liam Hunt, Mary Robcfon, Corbin Tilly, Francis Beek, Daniel Zackry, Prater Fuqua, James Rowland, Molcey Harrison, Hugh Milligan, David York, oho Luiiu, Mary Smith, Ann Bennett, Nelly Km jrick. Mary Sfcenlock, W*. Fuller, W. Harris, W; Smith, Abigail Cowan, James Martin, jun. He- zekiah Jacob Steward, joihua Cox, David Ragland, John Burnsides, N c Dugle M Dulfee, Nathaniel Kiudnck, Wijliam Ayres, Patrick Glaze, James Olive, jofiah Dardan, jofeph Watson, Kneel M‘Duffee, JelTe Lample, Michael Flyn, lolhua Ayres, Paul Wilkes, Edward Havhdrn, Simeon Par- ker, jqhn Bennett, Ba(del M‘Groodcr, john O’Neal, George Upton, . Reuben Bu hi Tides, John Elam, ——Getet, Zadock M*Groodcr, William White, James White, - Duncan, Nathaniel Brown, james Chambers, Wv El- liion, William M‘D.’wall, Ezekiel Offhtt, Gad Harrison, Thomas Few, Robert Dawson, William Leach, William Evans, Alien Wyl. ly, John Davis, John M‘Corc!e, Thomas Shields, John jackfon, James- Claylaud, Sa- muel Devoraux, William Denton, jofeph Moats, John Cain,- Patrick Doharty, james Smith, Elizabeth Andrew, Widow Morgan, Ephraim Potter, Mordecai Moore, George Waiuright, Samuel Boggs, Thotnas Wyley, Edward Duncan, jofeph Carter, John Davis, Andrew- Giphart, Henry Hams, Benjamin Hall, Henry Tunis, Thomas Mace, William Smith, Sterling Williams, Isaac Carter, John Maize, Zcphaniah Tunis, Alexander Smith, James Brantly, Nathaniel Robcfon, John Brantley, James-Bradley, john Deyampant, Doflor William Childer, Joseph Gator, Ben- jamin Jones, Samuel Alexander, fen Wil- liam Smith, Wrightfborough ; Ezekiel Alex- ander, £epbaniah Franklin, John Claiboru, Josiah Whiilock, Matthew Parham, Henry Candler, Lewis Davis,. —¦¦ Baker, Wil- liam-Smith, Lewis Parham, William Folier, Robert jobnftonj Wyatt Bonner, William Fagler, Baalani. Stephen*,' Robeit Wilkey, James Wilkey, john Broughton, Goldman Tapley, Darling Glover* Andrew Thompson, Benjamin Broughton,. Joseph Irby, Patrick Brady, jun, Marcha Huff, Mary Tapley, Jo- seph lilands, Daniel Harmer, Larkin johu- fton, jeffe Newton, William Eagaw, Jacob Jiles, David Calh, Robert Hatcher, Cuet Howell, jofeph Buffon, Thomas Carter, john Upton, Peter Taylor. The above is a digest of defaulters, from the returns made by the refpctti’ve Captains, of their diftiitfs, io this county. A. CRAWFORD, R. T. R, For SALE, Cypress Shingles , , Delivered in town on the (homft notice, bv | KOUERT WALTON, A HISTORY O F Ibt STATE ol GEORGIA, From its firft Settlement ; With memoirs of the principal tranfaAion# which happened thereto during the late Revolution* By EDWARD LANG WORTHY, Esq. ¦ - -Hoiking extenuate, Nor Jet don/n ugbt in malice* Shakefpcare# In two volumes. t i .> A Pompous elaborate declamation, to pr*»ve the-ufefulnefa of this work, would beneedlefs; the encouragement already given to writers of a similar class fufhcieutly de- mon!! rates the general sense and appiobatioa of the public. » The pretent performance has long employ* ed the lerious con lice rati on of the author, aod, 'it* publication is a tertiraony oPhis regard towards a date in which he formerly fpeut ro*uy happy years. He could no* longer si- lently observe fever*! relpetfxMe writers, ei- ther throughmi-liaformation or ignorance,- in—- uring the-reputation of his eottn* * try, though not generally known, yet of small importance in the A#neritatf%.eVolufion. : He has therefore been *odue*d to publiih a. narrative of such traufaftious as came to hie knowledge and observation through the me« 1 dmra of official information. Let him the® flatter himfclf that the patriots of Georgia will kindly receive this well meant attempt to refeue from oblivion the manifold exertions of the virtuous citizen and intrepid soldier $ for such is the nature of the work which now solicits the attention and adidancc of a gene* rous and candid public. PROPOSAL 9. i. The above work will be printed on neat elegant type and good paper, in two haudfome volumes quarto. a. The price to fubferibers will be 7w# Dellart ; one dollar to be paid at the time of fuofcribiug, the other on the delivery of tho book. 3. The work shall be put to the press at soon as there are LiWcriptious fuflicient to dc- fray the expencea of the fame. Subscriptions willbe received at the Print i»g«Office in Savannah ; at Augusta by Sea* born June*, Esq. in Wilkes county by Gen* Clarke; and in Richmond by Gen. Twiggs.. IT 7HEREAB William Partin is now, an<d VV hath bt>€n f,nc * thc «*B h th of June last pad, confined in goal in the county of Walhington in virtue of a capiat aU fatis* jactendum iflued againd him out of the luferior Court of the count* of Wilkes, ,at the indance of David Thurman: Thefc arc therefore to notify the said Dfvid Thur- man and all other the creditors of the said Wiluam Martin, bat I (hail, as his attorner, move their Honors the Judges of the Superior Court, or one of them, at Chambers in Au- gusta, on the ayih day of September inftanf, ; that he, the said William Partin, be liberated from his confinement iu of an -\d of the General Adfembly, entitled, An for the relief of insolvent debtors,** on hi# complying with the terras required of hi ® by that Act, which he will then and there bo ready to do. THOMAS P. CARNES, Attorney for fVm. Partin, Augusta , Sept.%l, 179 1* Five Guineas , Reward, TRAY ED or dolen about the *oth Feb,’ O lad, a Yellow B y Horse, about 13 i-x bands high, 8 years old, no brands that can be remembered, rairked with «be gears by working under the saddle in the waggon, white uoder the belly aud mouth, canters, snd trots remarkably well. One Guinea reward will be paid on deli* very of the said horse) and if dolen, the above reward, on couviftioo of the thief of thieves, , ROBERT NJXO& A*i<ft*, July it, lypl.
Page 1: Land-Office. Deft A HISTORY JOEL · Augujla, Sej>t» 8, 179 1 • Notice. IHAVE deposited in the Clerk’s Office of the Superior Court, Richmond county, a Copv, as near as may be,

Land-Office.AT the request of a few of my friends,

I am induced to inform the public, that

I thall open an Office at mv houie, on Longcreek, in Wilkes county; for the purpose of--felling Lands on Commiflions ; aud shall at -

tend from the firft day oDOrtober next, un fc

til the firff day of September following, for?:that purpose: As I have surveyed a eonfi--derable quantity of land whicb'ha*heeff,,- per- ••

haps, trefpafled upon'by other surveyors, I

make no doubt the owners will anticipate the *

eligibility of this plan. Gentlemen withiugto fee lands, muff expert to pay roe one dol-lar per day for such lervice; and on all salesmade I (hall charge two aud a half per cent,

to be paid by the proprietor.6 WILLIAM HAY.

Notice.THE Captain of the Augufla Company of

Militia requeffs that all persons be-

longing thereto, will attend muster on Satur-

day the 24th inst. at Springfield, at tooVlock.AH tbofe who do not attend, properly ac-coutred, willbe returned as defaulters, agree-ably to Regimental Orders*

Augujla, Sej>t» 8, 179 1 •

Notice.I HAVE deposited in the Clerk’s Office of

the Superior Court, Richmond county, aCopv, as near as may be, of a Bill of Sale,executed by William jackfon to the fubferi.ber, for five Negroes, viz. Char Toby,Dinah, Amoho, and Hannah, dated the 20thFebruary, 1778.'

I have also deposited the depofitiou of Be-verly Lowe and Obedience Lowe, in fapportof the laid Bill of Sale.

2ACHARIAS FENN.July 28, 179*»

I DO certify, that Zacharlas Fenn haslodged in iny Office the above defcribed-B*ll


of Sale and depofitioos, for the purpolh oftffablifhing the Copy.

THO WATKINS, C. S. C. R.July 28, 1791*

Notice.IDO hereby give notice to all thnfe who

have any claims by bond, note or account,against the effate of William Price, late ofBurke county, deceased, to render their said jclaims, duly attefled, to me on or before theffxteeuth day of December ensuing, that theymay be fettled; aud those indebted to laideffate, are desired to make payment on orbefore the day a orefaid, otherwise they willbe (ued witnout refpert to persons.

WILLIAMLITTLE, jun.Alt.for JeJfe Rtlyb, jur-viving Ex*r•

Sept.' j, 1791.The personal effate of said Price will be

fold at public aurti°n, at the house of thefubferiber, on the lass Thursday in this mouth.


Georgetown, June 30, 1791.

THE Prelklent ot the UnitedStates having approved the sites for

the Public Buildings, to he everted in purfu-anre of the Art cf Congvefs for effablilhingthe temporary and permanent teat of the Go-vernment of the United States, the Comimf-fioners, appointed in virtue of that Art, willmeet at George-Town, ou Monday, the 17thday of Ortober ncx', and proceed to tell, atVendue, a number of Lota in the beff fitua*tiotis in t> e Federal City. A deposit of 8 percent, willbe required \ the retidue to be fe-curcd on Bonds, with security, payable inthree equal yearly payments. The fatibcrUinta will be made known at the tale*


LiftofDeftfullers in CiiumHa county >for 1791. ]

JOEL Jones, Thomas* Jones. JonathanWood, Abner Sims, William Williams,

Bazil j«»nef, james jones,* Nimrod Gerdeo,

Thomas Smith, William Bell, George Bull*. man, Thomas Newman, jure. Benjamin er*

, gufon, Christopher Mooney* William Brown,*- Hial M'Daniel, Daniel M‘Daniel,v "soathan

Clyatt, Andrew Russell, Henry Collins, Wil-* liam Edwards, Isaac Underwood, jun.-Wi!-'

liana Blacky John Glover, lobnL- NPCoHockvMatthias Beavers; Aimey Savage, MichaelConner, Calep Rußtl, Enoch RKhardfon,'Afa -

Dawget, John B/Spencer, Timothy Pitman,William Goolefbey, Isaac Worthy, John Wor-thy, Robert Dixon, Thomas Ward, JohnWatkins, Barney Cantey, Mkry Pitman, Eli-zabeth M‘Carter, jacob Gairo, George GrTankerfley, Reubeu Garnett, John"' Lolland,Lewis Phebus, John Cartledge, Heury-Thomp-fon, William Moats, james Swan, MosesWeldon, Jeremiah Blanchard, Lemuel Dixon,Lewis Frails, Barrett White, Joel (elton,James Boyd, Samuel Boyd, William Boyd,Harberd Avery, Archer Avery, Nathan Ward,Joseph Germany, James Few, Joseph Hutch-tnfou, William Saterwhite, Richard Scruggs,Truman Cooper, Emanuel Hargrove, JohnLucky, William Culbreath, Thomas Angle,WYlliam Saterwhite, fen. Thomas Worthy,John F. Pettit, Nathaniel Upson, SamplonLamkins, John Ellis, George Ellis, ThomasMoon, jelTe Beck, Stepheu Holliway, EliasJones, William Few, Samuel Owens, Wil-liam Hunt, Mary Robcfon, Corbin Tilly,Francis Beek, Daniel Zackry, Prater Fuqua,James Rowland, Molcey Harrison, HughMilligan, David York, oho Luiiu, MarySmith, Ann Bennett, Nelly Km jrick. MarySfcenlock, W*. Fuller, W. Harris, W; Smith,Abigail Cowan, James Martin, jun. He-zekiah Jacob Steward, joihua Cox,David Ragland, John Burnsides, Nc DugleM Dulfee, Nathaniel Kiudnck, WijliamAyres, Patrick Glaze, James Olive, jofiahDardan, jofeph Watson, Kneel M‘Duffee,JelTe Lample, Michael Flyn, lolhua Ayres,Paul Wilkes, Edward Havhdrn, Simeon Par-ker, jqhn Bennett, Ba(del M‘Groodcr, johnO’Neal, George Upton, . Reuben Bu hi Tides,John Elam, ——Getet, Zadock M*Groodcr,William White, James White, - Duncan,Nathaniel Brown, james Chambers, Wv El-liion, William M‘D.’wall,Ezekiel Offhtt, GadHarrison, Thomas Few, Robert Dawson,William Leach, William Evans, Alien Wyl.ly, John Davis, John M‘Corc!e, ThomasShields, John jackfon, James- Claylaud, Sa-muel Devoraux, William Denton, jofephMoats, John Cain,- Patrick Doharty, jamesSmith, Elizabeth Andrew, Widow Morgan,Ephraim Potter, Mordecai Moore, GeorgeWaiuright, Samuel Boggs, Thotnas Wyley,Edward Duncan, jofeph Carter, John Davis,Andrew- Giphart, Henry Hams, BenjaminHall, Henry Tunis, Thomas Mace, WilliamSmith, Sterling Williams, Isaac Carter, JohnMaize, Zcphaniah Tunis, Alexander Smith,James Brantly, Nathaniel Robcfon, JohnBrantley, James-Bradley, john Deyampant,Doflor William Childer, Joseph Gator, Ben-jamin Jones, Samuel Alexander, fen Wil-liam Smith, Wrightfborough ; Ezekiel Alex-ander, £epbaniah Franklin, John Claiboru,Josiah Whiilock, Matthew Parham, HenryCandler, Lewis Davis,. —¦¦ Baker, Wil-liam-Smith, Lewis Parham, William Folier,Robert jobnftonj Wyatt Bonner, WilliamFagler, Baalani. Stephen*,' Robeit Wilkey,James Wilkey, john Broughton, GoldmanTapley, Darling Glover* Andrew Thompson,Benjamin Broughton,. Joseph Irby, PatrickBrady, jun, Marcha Huff, Mary Tapley, Jo-seph lilands, Daniel Harmer, Larkin johu-fton, jeffe Newton, William Eagaw, JacobJiles, David Calh, Robert Hatcher, CuetHowell, jofeph Buffon, Thomas Carter, johnUpton, Peter Taylor.

The above is a digest of defaulters, fromthe returns made by the refpctti’ve Captains,of their diftiitfs, io this county.


For SALE,Cypress Shingles ,

, Delivered in town on the(homft notice, bv



Ibt STATE ol GEORGIA,From its firft Settlement ;

With memoirs of the principal tranfaAion#which happened thereto during the lateRevolution*

By EDWARD LANGWORTHY, Esq.¦ - -Hoiking extenuate,

Nor Jet don/n ugbt in malice*Shakefpcare#

In two volumes.t

i .>

A Pompous elaborate declamation, topr*»ve the-ufefulnefa of this work, would

beneedlefs; the encouragement already givento writers of a similar class fufhcieutly de-mon!! rates the general sense and appiobatioaof the public.

» The pretent performance has long employ*ed the lerious con licerati on of the author, aod,'it* publication is a tertiraony oPhis regardtowards a date in which he formerly fpeutro*uy happy years. He could no* longer si-lently observe fever*! relpetfxMe writers, ei-ther throughmi-liaformation or ignorance,- in—-uring the-reputation of his eottn*


try, though not generally known, yet of n®small importance in the A#neritatf%.eVolufion. :

He has therefore been *odue*d to publiih a.narrative of such traufaftious as came to hieknowledge and observation through the me« 1

dmra of official information. Let him the®flatter himfclf that the patriots of Georgiawill kindly receive this well meant attemptto refeue from oblivion the manifold exertionsof the virtuous citizen and intrepid soldier $

for such is the nature of the work which nowsolicits the attention and adidancc of a gene*rous and candid public.


i. The above work will be printed on •

neat elegant type and good paper, in twohaudfome volumes quarto.

a. The price to fubferibers will be 7w#Dellart ; one dollar to be paid at the time offuofcribiug, the other on the delivery of thobook.

3. The work shall be put to the press atsoon as there are LiWcriptious fuflicient to dc-fray the expencea of the fame.

Subscriptions willbe received at the Printi»g«Office in Savannah ; at Augusta by Sea*born June*, Esq. in Wilkes county by Gen*Clarke; and in Richmond by Gen. Twiggs..

IT 7HEREAB William Partin is now, an<dVV hath bt>€n f,nc* thc «*B hth of June last

pad, confined in goal in the countyof Walhington in virtue of a capiat aU fatis*jactendum iflued againd him out ofthe luferior Court of the count* of Wilkes,

,at the indance of David Thurman: Thefcarc therefore to notify the said Dfvid Thur-man and all other the creditors of the saidWiluam Martin, bat I (hail, as his attorner,move their Honors the Judges of the SuperiorCourt, or one of them, at Chambers in Au-gusta, on the ayih day of September inftanf,

; that he, the said William Partin, be liberatedfrom his confinement iu of an -\dof the General Adfembly, entitled, “ Anfor the relief of insolvent debtors,** on hi#complying with the terras required of hi ®

by that Act, which he willthen and there boready to do.

THOMAS P. CARNES,Attorney for fVm. Partin,

Augusta , Sept.%l, 179 1*

Five Guineas ,Reward,

TRAYED or dolen about the *oth Feb,’O lad, a Yellow B y Horse, about 13 i-x

bands high, 8 years old, no brands that canbe remembered, rairked with «be gears byworking under the saddle in the waggon,white uoder the belly aud mouth, canters,snd trots remarkably well.

One Guinea reward will be paid on deli*very of the said horse) and if dolen, theabove reward, on couviftioo of the thief ofthieves,


ROBERT NJXO&A*i<ft*, July it, lypl.
