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  • 7/30/2019 LandPlanning#1


  • 7/30/2019 LandPlanning#1



    Cape Wind stakeholder debate

    Alliance vs. DPU

    Dormant Commerce Clause Cost/Benefit Analysis

    Public Finding (within cost/benefit analysis)

    Private Negotiations

  • 7/30/2019 LandPlanning#1


    Key Take-Aways

    What is land planning? Examples?

    Planned vs. Unplanned States (analysis)

    National Amusement vs. City of Boston Facts

    Zoning Amendment

    Court decision

    What could the court have done? (how would this havechanged land planning in Massachusetts?)

  • 7/30/2019 LandPlanning#1


    Land Planning (Defined)

    The regulation of activities (How can I use my land?)

    The regulation of land use (What can I build on myland?)

    Protection of natural resources (What am Iprevented from doing to protect ____wetlands____ ?)

    Preparation (or recovery) for disaster relief. (i.e.Mitigate the effects of Hurricane Sandy, Nemo & alsoprevent damage in the future)

  • 7/30/2019 LandPlanning#1


    Example of Land Planning

  • 7/30/2019 LandPlanning#1


    Example of Land Planning

  • 7/30/2019 LandPlanning#1


    Example of Land Planning

  • 7/30/2019 LandPlanning#1


    Example of Land Planning

  • 7/30/2019 LandPlanning#1


    Example of Land Planning

  • 7/30/2019 LandPlanning#1


    How do you regulate?

    Comprehensive Plan (Goals)

    Zoning Code (Laws)

    Zoning Map

    Zoning Enforcement Agency

  • 7/30/2019 LandPlanning#1


  • 7/30/2019 LandPlanning#1


  • 7/30/2019 LandPlanning#1


  • 7/30/2019 LandPlanning#1


  • 7/30/2019 LandPlanning#1


    Where does the power toregulate land planning

    come from?

    State Police Power

    Power to regulate for the protection health, safety,and welfare.

    Power of domain (eminent domain)

    Power of taxation (impact fees)

  • 7/30/2019 LandPlanning#1


    Plan vs. Unplanned States

    Planned States

    Consistency Doctrine

    Unplanned States

    Rational Basis Test

  • 7/30/2019 LandPlanning#1


    National Amusement vs.City of Boston


    Zoning History

    Courts Decision? (Was deference given to ZoningCommission?)

    Spot Zoning (NOT void ab nitio)

  • 7/30/2019 LandPlanning#1


    Hypo #1

    James, a property owner in Massachusetts, hasretained you. He is concerned that the 40-acre farmhe recently purchased may be encroached upon by

    noxious and undesirable land uses. His best friend,an attorney from California, told him not to worry,that the zoning regulating the abutting lands is lowdensity residential and is unlikely to change. Even ifit does change, counseled James friend, the change

    must be in accord with the communityscomprehensive plan. True?

  • 7/30/2019 LandPlanning#1


    Hypo #2

    The City of Smithville wants to protect its historicdowntown district by imposing conditions onproperty owners for new construction or

    significant reconstruction of structures. Is this aproper exercise of Smithvilles police powers?

  • 7/30/2019 LandPlanning#1


    Hypo #3

    Bruce Enterprises wants to construct a large industrialfactory to produce weapon parts. The area that BruceEnterprises would like to build is zoned for residentialuse. The surrounding area is all industrial (i.e. cement

    factory, auto parts factory). Currently, on the propertyBruce would like to build there are no residentialproperties. The City of Oz changes the zoning code fromresidential to industrial use. They conduct severalstudies looking at the current uses, patterns of

    development, uses in the surrounding area. Theyconclude that it is in the best interest of their city torezone the area for industrial use. Is the change inzoning ordinance spot zoning? How would your analysischange if you knew it was a planned or unplanned state?

  • 7/30/2019 LandPlanning#1


    Hypo #4

    As counsel for a medium-sized local government,you have been asked to draft zoning regulationsdesigned to protect the Citys vast wetland

    resources from impacts caused by adjacentdevelopment. The state recently passedcomprehensive wetland regulations. Can yourcommunity adopt wetlands regulations that aremore stringent than the states? What are the rules

    regarding local governments adoption ofsupplemental regulations?

  • 7/30/2019 LandPlanning#1


    Key Terms

    Police power(s)


    Zoning ordinance/bylaw Comprehensive plan

    Consistency doctrine

    Presumption of validity

    Judicial deference

    Plan state, non-plan state
