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DOI: 10.1126/science.1220131 , 1018 (2012); 336 Science et al. Hexiang Deng Large-Pore Apertures in a Series of Metal-Organic Frameworks This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. clicking here. colleagues, clients, or customers by , you can order high-quality copies for your If you wish to distribute this article to others here. following the guidelines can be obtained by Permission to republish or repurpose articles or portions of articles ): April 17, 2013 www.sciencemag.org (this information is current as of The following resources related to this article are available online at http://www.sciencemag.org/content/336/6084/1018.full.html version of this article at: including high-resolution figures, can be found in the online Updated information and services, http://www.sciencemag.org/content/suppl/2012/05/23/336.6084.1018.DC1.html can be found at: Supporting Online Material http://www.sciencemag.org/content/336/6084/1018.full.html#ref-list-1 , 5 of which can be accessed free: cites 37 articles This article http://www.sciencemag.org/content/336/6084/1018.full.html#related-urls 4 articles hosted by HighWire Press; see: cited by This article has been http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/collection/chemistry Chemistry subject collections: This article appears in the following registered trademark of AAAS. is a Science 2012 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science; all rights reserved. The title Copyright American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1200 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20005. (print ISSN 0036-8075; online ISSN 1095-9203) is published weekly, except the last week in December, by the Science on April 17, 2013 www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from
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et al.Hexiang DengLarge-Pore Apertures in a Series of Metal-Organic Frameworks

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of larger ones—show that, even in systems whereOA is dominant, Ostwald ripening can playa role.

In all examples, nanoparticles explored mul-tiple configurations before attachment occurred.This was possible because the primary particlestended to aggregate into clusters where theyinteracted in close proximity for sufficient pe-riods of time to become nearly aligned throughBrownian motion (fig. S3 and movie S1). Thistendency implies the existence of a long-rangeattractive force that is necessary to keep them inproximity. Osmotic forces, which largely drivecolloidal stabilization (30), are most likely re-sponsible. Previous ex situ studies of OA alsoproposed this as a source of initial aggregation(5); however, this colloidal stabilization must besufficiently weak to allow the nanoparticles toapproach each other within the primary min-imum of the interaction potential, where van derWaals interactions could lead to further attrac-tion. In addition, the diffusional dynamics mustbe sufficiently rapid to allow rearrangement intolow-energy configurations. Because the OA eventis accompanied by a jump to contact only afterorientation is established (Fig. 1), OA is ulti-mately driven by a short-range force that actsover <1 nm and is highly sensitive to orientation.The orientation dependence would seem to ar-gue for Coulomb interactions as the source ofthis force, although one cannot rule out van derWaals interactions with anisotropic polarizabil-ity. The observation that the acceleration phaseoccurs over the last 0.5 to 1 nm is consistent withthe expected Debye length for a 50 mM 3:1electrolyte solution (30). In addition, the factthat the particles tend to remain separated bynanometer-scale distances until a correct con-figuration is reached implies the existence ofa slight energetic barrier. This provides furthersupport for the importance of electrostatic inter-actions, which, in the case of molecular crystalssuch as iron oxides, would produce cation-cationand anion-anion repulsion when the lattices aremismatched.

Irrespective of its source, to estimate thestrength of this short-range attraction, we deter-mined the translational and angular accelera-tion by measuring the frame-to-frame velocityand rotation rate (Fig. 3A). Using the densityof ferrihydrite and the measured particle sizeto determine the mass and moment of inertiafor spherical particles, we calculated that theforces and torques acting on the approachingparticle arising from particle-attraction are al-most completely offset by the resistance of thesolution (supplementary text). Even so, the po-tential energy for the particle-particle interaction,which equals 1.6 × 10−19 J, far exceeds theinitial kinetic energy of 7.5 × 10−40 J. Inaddition, if we assume that this interaction ener-gy is due to the electrostatic force, we find thatthe particles interact with an effective number offundamental charges (1.6 × 10−19 C) on theorder of unity (supplementary text).

References and Notes1. Y. Politi et al., Science 306, 1161 (2004).2. C. E. Killian et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 18404

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5. J. F. Banfield et al., Science 289, 751 (2000).6. Y. Yadong, P. Alivisatos, Nature 437, 7059 (2005).7. K. S. Cho et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 7140 (2005).8. J. Zhang et al., Nanoscale 2, 18 (2010).9. S. Mann, Biomineralization: Principles and Concepts in

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materials on Science Online.16. R. L. Penn et al., J. Phys. Chem. B 105, 2177 (2001).17. C. Frandsen et al., Phys. Rev. B 72, 214406 (2005).18. Y. Yang et al., Inorg. Chem. 50, 10143 (2011).19. J. C. Joubert, Anal. Quim. 93, S70 (1997).20. N. Deo, K. A. Natarajan, Int. J. Miner. Process. 55, 41

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Properties and Applications (Imperial College Press,London, 2004).

30. J. N. Israelachvili, Intermolecular and Surface Forces(Academic Press, Waltham, MA, 2011).

Acknowledgments: We thank V. Altoe and S. Aloni fortheir assistance with electron microscopy and L. Zhangfor his help with analysis of the data. This research wassupported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office ofBasic Energy Sciences (OBES), by LBNL under contractno. DE-AC02-05CH11231 and Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory (LLNL) under contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.Development of the TEM fluid cell was supported by theOBES, Division of Chemical, Biological and GeologicalSciences; analysis of iron oxide formation was supportedby the OBES, Division of Materials Science and Engineering;and cell fabrication and TEM analysis were performed atthe Molecular Foundry, LLNL, which is supported by theOBES, Scientific User Facilities Division. M.H.N. acknowledgesgovernment support under and awarded by the Department ofDefense, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and aNational Defense Science and Engineering GraduateFellowship, 32 CFR 168a. C.F. acknowledges support fromThe Danish Council for Independent Research. Data areavailable in the supplementary materials.

Supplementary Materialswww.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/336/6084/1014/DC1Materials and MethodsSupplementary TextFigs. S1 to S5Table S1References (31–33)Movies S1 to S6

25 January 2012; accepted 27 March 201210.1126/science.1219643

Large-Pore Apertures in a Seriesof Metal-Organic FrameworksHexiang Deng,1* Sergio Grunder,2* Kyle E. Cordova,1 Cory Valente,2

Hiroyasu Furukawa,1 Mohamad Hmadeh,1 Felipe Gándara,1 Adam C. Whalley,2 Zheng Liu,3

Shunsuke Asahina,4 Hiroyoshi Kazumori,4 Michael O’Keeffe,1 Osamu Terasaki,5,6,7

J. Fraser Stoddart,2,7 Omar M. Yaghi1,7†‡

We report a strategy to expand the pore aperture of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) into apreviously unattained size regime (>32 angstroms). Specifically, the systematic expansion of awell-known MOF structure, MOF-74, from its original link of one phenylene ring (I) to two,three, four, five, six, seven, nine, and eleven (II to XI, respectively), afforded an isoreticular seriesof MOF-74 structures (termed IRMOF-74-I to XI) with pore apertures ranging from 14 to 98angstroms. All members of this series have non-interpenetrating structures and exhibit robustarchitectures, as evidenced by their permanent porosity and high thermal stability (up to 300°C).The pore apertures of an oligoethylene glycol–functionalized IRMOF-74-VII and IRMOF-74-IX arelarge enough for natural proteins to enter the pores.

Porous crystals are useful because they al-low access of molecules through their poreapertures for storage, separation, or con-

version. The pore apertures dictate the size ofthe molecules that may enter the pores, whichprovide the surface and space to carry out thesefunctions. A long-standing challenge is to makecrystals whose pore apertures are of a size suit-able for the inclusion of large organic, inorganic,and biological molecules. The largest reported

pore aperture is 32 by 24 Å, and the largest re-ported internal pore diameter is 47 Å, both ofwhich are found in metal-organic frameworks(MOFs) (1, 2). In principle, it should be possibleto use longer links in the synthesis of MOFsso as to provide for even larger pore apertures.However, attempts to do so often yield eitherinterpenetrating structures (3, 4), restricting thesize of the pore aperture, or fragile frameworksthat collapse upon removal of guests (1, 3).

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Here, we report that these challenges are over-come by the expansion of a well-known MOFstructure, MOF-74 (5, 6), M2(2,5-DOT) (whereM is Zn2+,Mg2+ and DOT is dioxidotereph-thalate) (Fig. 1, I), from the original DOT linkof one phenylene ring to two (II), three (III), four(IV), five (V), six (VI), seven (VII), nine (IX),and eleven (XI) to give an isoreticular (havingthe same topology) series of MOF-74 structures(termed IRMOF-74-I to -XI), with the dimensionof the pore apertures ranging from 14 to 98 Å.Six members of this series (IRMOF-74-IV to-XI) have the largest pore apertures reported todate for a crystalline material, and one member(IRMOF-74-XI), in its guest-free form, has thelowest density (0.195 g cm−3) known thus far fora crystal at room temperature. All members ofthis series have noninterpenetrating structuresand exhibit robust architectures, as evidenced bytheir permanent porosity and high thermal stabil-ity (up to 300°C). We further report experimentsindicating that large molecules—such as vitaminB12, metal-organic polyhedron-18, myoglobin,and green fluorescent protein (GFP)—can passthrough the pore apertures of IRMOF-74-IV, V,VII, and IX, respectively.

Mesoporous silica, porous carbon, and otherrelated materials are known to have very largeapertures (up to 100 nm), and their pore sizecan be varied in the scale of a few nanometers(7–10). Unlike these mesoporous materials,the formation of MOFs is governed by theprecise linkage of organic struts with the metalatoms to form the secondary building unit(SBUs) (11). The formation of the SBUs im-poses the precise disposition of the links. Inthis way, the pore aperture of MOFs can becontrolled on the angstrom level through thegradual increase in the number of atoms in theorganic links used in the MOF design. Thesefeatures, coupled with the flexibility in whichthe MOFs’ composition and structure metricscan be varied (11–19), make them highly de-sirable for well-defined inclusion processes andindeed distinguish them from other mesoporousmaterials.

Our strategy for making MOFs with large-pore apertures and avoiding the problem of in-terpenetration is to start with a framework inwhich one canmaintain a short axis with the longorganic links inclined to that axis. The short axiseffectively eliminates the possibility of inter-penetration because it is the distance betweenthe links along that axis joining the SBUs (20, 21).Ideal in this regard are the frameworks builtfrom infinite rod-shaped metal oxide SBUs, asexemplified in the structure ofMOF-74 (Fig. 1A)(5, 6). Here, the metal oxide rod SBUs are in ahexagonal arrangement, joined along the shortand long axes by metal-oxygen bonds and or-ganic DOT links, respectively. The formationof the short axis is ensured by the coordinationof the metal to the carboxylic and the ortho-positioned hydroxyl functionalities of the DOTlinks, which in turn generates tight packing of thelinks at an intersecting angle to this axis (fig. S1)(22). The resulting product is an extended frame-

work composed of channels along the direc-tion of the short axis that are isolated by wallsformed by the aforementioned packing of theorganic links, a construct that forbids inter-penetration regardless of the organic link’s length[(22), section S1].

Initially, we produced models of a MOF-74structure with progressively longer links II to XI.Considering that the composition of the inorganicSBU remains unaltered throughout the entire se-ries, we used the atomic coordinates of the al-ready known MOF-74 structure (6) and simplyadded the appropriate number of phenylene unitsfor each respective member of the series in orderto develop the crystal models. All members ofthis isoreticular series inherit the etb net of theparent MOF-74 topology (23). The models forIRMOF-74-II and -III were built in R 3, the samespace group as for the original MOF-74, whereasfor the other members of the series we created themodels in R3 to better describe the torsion angles

1Center for Reticular Chemistry, Center for Global Mentoring,University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)–U.S. Departmentof Energy (DOE) Institute for Genomics and Proteomics, and theDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UCLA, Los Angeles,CA 90095, USA. 2Center for the Chemistry of Integrated Sys-tems,Department of Chemistry,NorthwesternUniversity, Evanston,IL 60208, USA. 3Nanotube Research Center, National Instituteof Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba305-0046, Japan.4SMBU, JEOL,Akishima,Tokyo 196-8558, Japan.5Department ofMaterials and Environmental Chemistry, StockholmUniversity, Stockholm 10691, Sweden. 6EXSELENT, StockholmUniversity, Stockholm 10691, Sweden. 7NanoCentury KAIST In-stitute and Graduate School of Energy, Environment, Water,and Sustainability (World Class University), Daejeon 305-701,Republic of Korea.

*These authors contributed equally to this work.†Present address: Department of Chemistry, University ofCalifornia and The Molecular Foundry at Lawrence BerkeleyNational Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.‡To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:[email protected]

Fig. 1. (A) Crystal structure of MOF-74. DOT link is joined by a metal oxide SBU to make the three-dimensional MOF-74 structure with one-dimensional hexagonal channels. C atoms are shown in gray,O atoms are shown in red, 5-coordinate Mg or Zn atoms with open metal sites are shown in blue, andH atoms and terminal ligands protruding into the pores are omitted for clarity. (B) Chemical structureof organic links used in the synthesis of a series of nine IRMOFs.

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that are now present in the links. A molecularmechanics energy minimization was then per-formed to optimize the geometry of the linkswithin the framework. This approach allowed usto calculate for the IRMOF series the powderx-ray diffraction patterns (PXRDs), their expectedcell parameters, pore aperture, and other relatedporosity information (table S1) (22). This initialanalysis was followed by the preparation of thelinks as well as by carrying out the synthesis andcharacterization of the IRMOFs and comparingthe observed and calculated structural data to ver-ify that the entire IRMOF series has the originalMOF-74 topology.

In our design of the organic links, a homol-ogous series of palindromic oligophenylene de-rivatives terminated with a-hydroxy-carboxylic

acid functions were targeted to afford linear androbust building blocks for expanding the MOF-74 structure. The notoriously low solubilities of theparent oligophenylenes (24) were circumventedby introducing (III to VI) pairs of methyl substit-uents with para dispositions onto all but theterminal phenylene rings in order to introducetorsional twists between the planes of the rings.This stereoelectronic control breaks interring con-jugation and reduces p-p stacking (25), enhancingthe solubilities of the building blocks for IRMOFproduction [(22), section S2]. In the syntheses ofthe longer links (VII to XI), solubilities were main-tained by replacing, in a constitutionally sym-metrical manner, selected pairs of methyl groupswith hexyl substituents on appropriate phenylenerings. These crucial design criteria, coupled with

a modular synthetic strategy, based on transition-metal catalyzed cross-coupling reactions, enabledthe efficient elaboration of a series of slender androbust organic links with lengths ranging from 7 (I)to 50Å (XI) (Fig. 1B). Gram quantities of solubleorganic links II to XI were synthesized in 5 to16 steps [(22), section S2].

The synthetic procedures for the IRMOF-74series were developed on the basis of conditionspreviously used in the synthesis of the parentMOF-74 (5, 6). As an illustrative example, color-less microcrystalline powder of IRMOF-74-II wasisolated from the reaction of a mixture containingMg(NO3)2·6H2O, link II,N,N-dimethylformamide,ethanol, and water at 120°C for 24 hours (90%yield based on the organic link). Similar condi-tions, with some adopted changes, were used to

Fig. 2. X-ray diffractionpatterns of IRMOF-74 se-ries. (A to F) The Rietveldrefinements of IRMOF-74-IIto -VII. (G andH) The Pawleyrefinements of IRMOF-74-IXand -XI. Shown are the ex-perimental (red), refined(black), and difference(green) patterns. The Braggpositions are marked aspink bars, and the pat-terns calculated from thecrystal models are shownin blue in (G) and (H). (I)HRSEM image of a crystalof IRMOF-74-VII. (J and K)HRTEM images of IRMOF-74-VII and -IX, respectively.(Insets) The correspondingFFT diffraction patterns ofthe dashed square area inthe original images. Scalebar, 0.2 nm−1.

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synthesize the rest of the series in gram quanti-ties and 50 to 95% yield [(22), section S3]. Thephase purity of each material was confirmed bythe singular nature of its needle-like crystal mor-phology as observed in the scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM) images [(22), section S3]. Thematerials are highly crystalline, as demonstratedby their sharp powder x-ray diffraction peaks(Fig. 2). However, repeated attempts to producecrystals of the IRMOFs sufficiently large forsingle-crystal x-ray analysis were unsuccessful.Comparison of the experimental PXRD patternswith those calculated from the crystal models isin good agreement with regard to both posi-tions and the relative intensities of the peaks. Thepredicted IRMOF-74 structures were ultimatelyvalidated with the Rietveld refinements per-

formed for IRMOF-74-II to -VII (Fig. 2, A to H,respectively). The structural parameters wererefined against the PXRD patterns collected witha synchrotron source, resulting in satisfactoryresiduals (table S2) [(22), section S4]. IRMOF-74-IX and -XI display broad peaks in their PXRDpatterns—indicative of small crystals—a situa-tion that precludes distinguishing the peaks withlow intensities in the high-angle area. Further-more, a possible lessening in the extent of orderwithin the pore walls cannot be ruled out becausethese members of the series are constructed fromextremely long organic links with long alkylchains in which disorder and flexibility of thelinks are more pronounced. Although the qual-ity of the diffraction patterns for these membersdoes not allow us to perform a meaningful full

structural refinement (Rietveld), the patternsclearly show the most intense diffraction peaks,corresponding to the largest d-spacings, at theirexpected 2q positions. Accordingly, we carriedout Pawley refinements in order to obtain theirunit cell information. Low convergence residualswere achieved in the refinements of both com-pounds, and the agreement of the measured andmodel-calculated cell parameters indicated theformation of the targeted crystal structures (tablesS2 and S3) (22).

Visualizing the pores of MOFs by means ofEM presents a considerable challenge because oftheir sensitivity to the electron beam. We exam-ined members of this IRMOF-74 series withlow-voltage high-resolution SEM (LV-HRSEM)(IRMOF-74-VII) and high-resolution transmis-sion EM (HRTEM) (IRMOF-74-VII and IX). Pre-liminary results showed that we could clearlyvisualize the arrangement and the size of the poresin specimens of the crystals of those IRMOFs(Fig. 2, I to K). Ordered pores arranged in ahexagonal formation were resolved through bothtechniques, and the pore metrics are in agreementwith those determined from x-ray crystallogra-phy. Through theHRTEMexperiments, six-sidedrings were observed when the incident electronbeam was positioned along the c axis and thusparallel to the pore channels. Fast Fourier trans-form (FFT) analysiswas performed on the centeredsquare areas in the HRTEM images of IRMOF-74-VII and -IX (Fig. 2, J and K, insets). Six re-flection spots corresponding to the 110 reflectionswere resolved from the FFT patterns, from whichthe d-spacing was measured (3.95 and 5.57 nmfor IRMOF-74-VII and -IX, respectively). Thesevalues are in good agreement with the d-spacingvalues derived from the x-ray crystal structureanalysis (4.59 and 5.69 nm for IRMOF-74-VIIand -IX, respectively). The small deviations fromx-ray crystal analysis can be attributed to thebroad spot in the FFT analysis and the ultra-highvacuum condition used in the HRTEM experi-ment. Furthermore, through the HRTEManalysisimages of the channel direction (c axis) were ob-served by placing the incident electron beam per-pendicular to the channels [(22), section S5].

The unit cell, void volume, and pore aperturecover a wide range as the size of the organic linkis increased (table S4). The void volume calcu-lated by using the crystal structure data increasedfrom 49 to 85% for the parent IRMOF-74-I to -XI.The pore aperture is defined as the length ofthe diagonal and the distance between the twoopposite edges in the regular hexagonal crosssection (Fig. 3A, atom-to-atom distance). Thismethod is consistent with that previously usedfor referring to the pore aperture, and it was de-ployed here to facilitate comparison with reportedvalues (2, 26). The diagonal dimension of thepore aperture, based on the refined unit cell, in-creased from 19 Å in IRMOF-74-II to 98 Å inIRMOF-74-XI, with a discrete increment of near-ly 6 Å as each phenylene unit was added. Fur-thermore, upon the addition of each phenylene

Fig. 3. Crystal structures of IRMOF-74 series. (A) Perspective views of a single one-dimensional channelshown for each member of IRMOF series, starting from the smallest (top right). Pore aperture is describedby the length of the diagonal and the distance between the two opposite edges in the regular hexagonalcross section. Hexyl chains as well as hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity. C atoms are shown in gray, Oatoms in red, Mg atoms in blue, and Zn atoms in green. (B) Perspective side view of the hexagonalchannel, showing the ring of 282 atoms (highlighted in gold) that define the pore aperture of the largestmember of the series, IRMOF-74-XI.

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unit there was an increase of 24 atoms in the ringsize defining the pore aperture, leading to ringsof 282 atoms in IRMOF-74-XI (Fig. 3B). Thisnumber of atoms far exceeds that defining themost open zeolites. In this series of IRMOFs,eight out of nine members (IRMOF-74-II to XI)have pore dimensions falling in the mesoporousregion (>20 Å). Several other MOFs have beenreported whose pore sizes are in this mesoporousregion (1–3, 26–31); however, their pore aper-tures are all exceeded by six members of thisIRMOF series (IRMOF-74-IV to XI).

In order to assess the porosity of the IRMOFsand their architectural stability, Ar gas adsorptionmeasurements at 87 K were performed. Initially,we carried out the activation procedures andcharacterization so as to ensure that the poreshave been activated and free of guests. The solidsof the IRMOFs were subjected to solvent ex-change followed by evacuation, and in somecases treated with supercritical carbon dioxide,to obtain porous samples [(22), section S6]. Thesesamples were studied by means of thermal grav-imetric analysis, which showed no weight lossup to 300°C, confirming the high thermal stabil-ity of all the IRMOFs and indicating the absenceof organic solvents from their pores. Successful

removal of unreacted starting materials and or-ganic solvent was further confirmed through 13Ccross-polarization/magic angle–spinning nuclearmagnetic resonance [(22), section S6], elementalanalysis, and Fourier transform infrared spectros-copy [(22), section S5]. Ar adsorption isothermswere measured on the activated samples ofIRMOF-74-II to -XI (Fig. 4, A to D) [(22), sec-tion S7], each of which displays a Type IV iso-therm that is typical of mesoporous materials(8). The magnitude of the relative pressure ofthe second step in the type IV isotherm is at-tributed to the increase in the effective energyof adsorption (pore-filling or condensation), inwhich higher pressures (P/P0) are required forprogressively larger pore sizes. Indeed, the start-ing point of the second step for IRMOF-74-IIto -XI is observed atP/P0 = 0.03, 0.12, 0.21, 0.30,0.38, 0.46, 0.55, and 0.64, respectively. This grad-ual shift of the step position corresponds closelyto the pore size expansion trend in the series. Inaddition, the pore sizes of these IRMOFs wereexamined by fitting nonlocal density functionaltheory models to the Ar adsorption isotherms.The estimated values are in line with the poreaperture metrics derived from the crystal struc-tures [(22), section S7].

The pore volume in the frameworks is re-flected in their Ar uptake capacity, which increasessystematically from IRMOF-74-I to -XI as lon-ger organic links are incorporated (440, 800, 990,1310, 1520, 1320, 1680, 2000, and 2580 cm3 g−1

at P/P0 = 0.9, respectively; slightly lower up-take is observed in IRMOF-74-VI because ofthe use of Zn instead of Mg). The largest cal-culated pore volume in the series is for IRMOF-74-XI (3.3 cm3 g−1), which is near that of therecently reported ultrahighly porous MOF-210(3.6 cm3 g−1) (27). In contrast, the highest Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area among theIRMOFs was observed in IRMOF-74-II, andthe BET surface areas for IRMOFs with longerorganic links showed even lower values becauseof the smaller geometric surface per volume(1350, 2510, 2440, 2480, 2230, 1600, 1800, 1920,and 1760 m2 g−1 for IRMOF-74-I to -XI, respec-tively). Nevertheless, the surface areas are stillmuch higher as compared with those found inmesoporous silica, porous carbon, and zeolites,thus providing more readily available surfacesfor interaction with large guest molecules. Thelow density, which was also achieved in thisIRMOF series, is not only attributable to theincrease of open space but is a consequence of

Fig. 4. Ar isotherm of selected members in theIRMOF-74 series at 87 K. (A to D) IRMOF-74-IV, -V,-VII and -IX, respectively. Ar uptake capacity, whichreflects the pore volume in the frameworks, increasessystematically as longer organic links are incorporated.Adsorption and desorption branches are representedby solid circles and open circles, respectively. P/P0,relative pressure. Instrument uncertainty is T5%. (Arisotherm of other members of this series can be foundin the supplementary materials.) (E to H) Inclusionstudy of selected large molecules in IRMOF-74-IV, -V,-VII-oeg and -IX series, respectively. This process wasmonitored through the decrease in absorbance at a selected wavelength as a function of contact time. For each measurement, the initial absorbance wasnormalized to 1.0. (Insets) Illustrations of the inclusion complex for each study.

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Page 7: Large-Pore Apertures in a Series of Metal-Organic ...yaghi.berkeley.edu/pdfPublications/Science-2012-Deng-1018-23.pdfDOI: 10.1126/science.1220131 Science 336, 1018 (2012); Hexiang

the use of Mg, a metal with light weight, for theformation of the SBU. Seven of the eight newIRMOFs were constructed with Mg, includingIRMOF-74-XI, which has the crystal density of0.195 g cm−3, the lowest known so far for a guest-free crystal at room temperature. There are sev-eral examples of crystalline materials reportedwith slightly lower framework density; however,they have not been proved to exist in their guest-free form (32, 33).

Given the remarkable stability, ultrahigh po-rosity, and extremely large-pore-aperture charac-teristic of the IRMOF-74 series, we now have theability to access a new size regime for the inclu-sion of large organic, inorganic, and biologicalmolecules inside the pores of these IRMOF crys-tals. Preliminary measurements demonstrate theinclusion of large molecules into IRMOFs with ap-propriate pore apertures—specifically, vitamin B12

(largest size dimension of 27 Å) in IRMOF-74-IV,MOP-18 (inorganic spherical cluster with a diam-eter of 34 Å) (34) in IRMOF-74-V, myoglobin(globular protein with spherical dimensions of 21by 35 by 44 Å) in IRMOF-74-VII-oeg, and GFP(barrel structure with diameter of 34 Å and lengthof 45 Å) in IRMOF-74-IX.

Typically, crystals of the desired IRMOF-74were immersed in a solution containing the par-ticular guest compound to be included. Activatedcrystals of IRMOF-74-IV were immersed in a0.11 mM solution of vitamin B12. The amount ofvitamin B12 in the supernatant was measuredwith ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotom-etry, and the characteristic absorbance at 480 nmwas monitored over a period of 48 hours. Theresults are plotted in Fig. 4E, which clearly showsa continuous decrease of the amount of vitaminB12 in the supernatant. The same experimentwas carried out, as a control, with IRMOF-74-III,whose pore aperture is smaller than IRMOF-74-IVand was not expected to show any uptake ofvitamin B12. This result was confirmed in that nodecrease in absorbance was observed (Fig. 4E).Similar experiments were done for the inclu-sion of MOP-18 in IRMOF-74-V, myoglobin inIRMOF-74-VII-oeg, and GFP in IRMOF-74-IX(Fig. 4, F to H, respectively). For the solid re-sulting from the inclusion of MOP-18, an Aradsorption isotherm at 87 K of a dried sampledisplayed a decrease in the step pressure as aresult of inclusion into the pore [(22), section S8].In the case of myoglobin, we functionalizedthe pores with a hydrophilic group (triethyleneglycol mono-methyl ether, oeg) and observedsubstantial uptake by the corresponding IRMOF-74-VII-oeg because of myoglobin’s hydrophilicsurface. However, a negligible amount of myo-globin inclusion was observed in the controlexperiment, in which the pores were function-alized by hydrophobic hexyl chains, IRMOF-74-VII (Fig. 4F). For the control experiment inthe GFP inclusion study, we used the hexyl chainfunctionalized IRMOF-74-V, termed IRMOF-74-V-hex, to provide a similarly hydrophobic poreenvironment to IRMOF-74-IX (Fig. 4G). Fur-

thermore, GFP retained its folded structurewhen included in IRMOF-74-IX, as evidencedthrough confocal microscopy, which showedan unaltered characteristic fluorescence of GFP[(22), section S8]. It is remarkable that the crys-tallinity of the IRMOF materials is fully main-tained throughout the inclusion process; thediffraction lines in the PXRD patterns of the in-cluded samples are coincident with those ofthe starting materials [(22), section S8].

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Acknowledgments: The research at UCLA was funded byBASF SE (Ludwigshafen, Germany) (synthesis of MOFs),the Center for Gas Separations Relevant to Clean EnergyTechnologies, an Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC)funded by the DOE, Office of Science, Office of Basic EnergySciences (U.S. DOE–BES) for adsorption (DE-SC0001015),and the U.S. Department of Defense, Defense ThreatReduction Agency for inclusion studies (HDTRA11-1-0018).The research conducted at Northwestern University wassupported in part by the Non-equilibrium Energy ResearchCenter, which is an EFRC funded by the U.S. DOE–BES(DE-SC0000989). We acknowledge the World Class UniversityProgram (R-31-2008-000-10055-0). We thank M. Zhao and D. Lifrom D. S. Eisenberg’s group at UCLA for providing GFP andhelpful discussions. Portions of this research were carried out atthe Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, a national userfacility operated by Stanford University on behalf of the U.S.DOE–BES. Confocal laser scanning microscopy was performed atthe California NanoSystems Institute Advanced Light Microscopy/Spectroscopy Shared Resource Facility at UCLA, supported withfunding from NIH–National Center for Research Resources sharedresources grant (CJX1-443835-WS-29646) and NSF MajorResearch Instrumentation grant (CHE-0722519). We acknowledgeJEOL for providing their latest LV-HRSEM instrument. We thankM. Schibler, S. Wan, L. Wang, A. Sue, C. Stevens, C. Knobler, andJ. Brown for their invaluable assistance. Z.L. acknowledgesK. Suenaga at AIST, Tsukuba, Japan, for his encouragement.S.G. acknowledges the Swiss National Science Foundation forfinancial support. F.G. acknowledges funding by the SpanishMinistry of Education through the “Programa de Movilidad deRecursos Humanos del Plan Nacional de I-D+i 2008-2011.” Alldata and images are available in the body of the paper or assupplementary materials. Crystallographic data for the reportedcrystal structures have been deposited at the CambridgeCrystallographic Data Centre via www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk with codes841642 to 841651 (IRMOF-74-II to -XI, respectively).

Supplementary Materialswww.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/336/6084/1018/DC1Materials and MethodsFigs. S1 to S51Tables S1 to S6References (35–38)

6 February 2012; accepted 6 April 201210.1126/science.1220131

Linking Petrology and Seismologyat an Active VolcanoKate Saunders,1* Jon Blundy,1 Ralf Dohmen,2 Kathy Cashman1

Many active volcanoes exhibit changes in seismicity, ground deformation, and gas emissions,which in some instances arise from magma movement in the crust before eruption. An enduringchallenge in volcano monitoring is interpreting signs of unrest in terms of the causal subterraneanmagmatic processes. We examined over 300 zoned orthopyroxene crystals from the 1980–1986eruption of Mount St. Helens that record pulsatory intrusions of new magma and volatiles into anexisting larger reservoir before the eruption occurred. Diffusion chronometry applied to orthopyroxenecrystal rims shows that episodes of magma intrusion correlate temporally with recorded seismicity,providing evidence that some seismic events are related to magma intrusion. These time scales arecommensurate with monitoring signals at restless volcanoes, thus improving our ability toforecast volcanic eruptions by using petrology.

Zoned volcanic crystals preserve a record ofmagmatic processes over the lifetime ofthe crystal, from initial nucleation to final

quenching upon eruption (1–3). Perturbations inmagmatic variables (such as composition, vola-

tile content, temperature, pressure, and oxidationstate) can cause crystal zonation. The interplay ofvolatile loss through degassing and heating dueto magma chamber recharge can result in com-plex textural patterns of crystal growth and dis-

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