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Larval nervous systems: true larval and precocious …Crepidula, the four apical cells degenerate at...

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The Journal of Experimental Biology 629 © 2015. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd | The Journal of Experimental Biology (2015) 218, 629-636 doi:10.1242/jeb.109603 ABSTRACT The apical organ of ciliated larvae of cnidarians and bilaterians is a true larval organ that disappears before or at metamorphosis. It appears to be sensory, probably involved in metamorphosis, but knowledge is scant. The ciliated protostome larvae show ganglia/nerve cords that are retained as the adult central nervous system (CNS). Two structures can be recognized, viz. a pair of cerebral ganglia, which form the major part of the adult brain, and a blastoporal (circumblastoporal) nerve cord, which becomes differentiated into a perioral loop, paired or secondarily fused ventral nerve cords and a small perianal loop. The anterior loop becomes part of the brain. This has been well documented through cell-lineage studies in a number of spiralians, and homologies with similar structures in the ecdysozoans are strongly indicated. The deuterostomes are generally difficult to interpret, and the nervous systems of echinoderms and enteropneusts appear completely enigmatic. The ontogeny of the chordate CNS can perhaps be interpreted as a variation of the ontogeny of the blastoporal nerve cord of the protostomes, and this is strongly supported by patterns of gene expression. The presence of ‘deuterostomian’ blastopore fates both in an annelid and in a mollusk, which are both placed in families with the ‘normal’ spiralian gastrulation type, and in the chaetognaths demonstrates that the chordate type of gastrulation could easily have evolved from the spiralian type. This indicates that the latest common ancestor of the deuterostomes was very similar to the latest common pelago-benthic ancestor of the protostomes as described by the trochaea theory, and that the neural tube of the chordates is morphologically ventral. KEY WORDS: Deuterostomy, Metamorphosis, Nervous systems, Dorsal–ventral orientation Introduction Studies on ontogeny are very important for our understanding of nervous system evolution and diversification, and new methods have made important contributions to knowledge of the structure and development of larval nervous systems and their relationships to adult nervous systems. The nervous system has for a long time been considered one of the most conservative animal organ systems and has therefore been given high importance in studies of animal evolution. More than a century ago, Hatschek (Hatschek, 1888) introduced the names Zygoneura (now Protostomia), Ambulacraria and Chordonia (now Chordata) for three major groups of the Bilateria, based on the structure and position of the central nervous system (CNS). The Zygoneura were characterized by a paired longitudinal ventral nerve cord [a cluster of nervous cells including their cell bodies, as opposed to a nerve, which is a bundle of axons (Richter et al., 2010); the ventral nerve cord may REVIEW The Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. *Author for correspondence ([email protected]) be specialized into rows of ganglia connected by connectives] and the Chordonia by an unpaired dorsal neural tube. The division of the Bilateria into Protostomia and Deuterostomia (=Cordonia + Ambulacraria) (Grobben, 1908) is still universally accepted and is now supported by numerous phylogenomic studies (Hejnol et al., 2009; Wheeler et al., 2009; Edgecombe et al., 2011). However, the interpretation of the dorsal/ventral orientation of the two groups has been challenged, and it now appears that the two longitudinal nerve cords are homologous (see below). The topology of the bilaterian part of the animal tree of life is relatively well established, but there is not agreement about the inter-relationships of the basal metazoan groups. In particular, the position of the Ctenophora has recently come into focus. The classical view has been that the Ctenophora together with Cnidaria form the clade Coelenterata, but a number of recent phylogenomic studies (Dunn et al., 2008; Hejnol et al., 2009; Maxwell et al., 2012; Nesnidal et al., 2013) have placed the Ctenophora as the sister group of all the remaining metazoans, and the recent studies of the whole genomes of Mnemiopsis leidyi (Ryan et al., 2013) and Pleurobrachia belcheri (Moroz et al., 2014) support to this position. This implies either that the nervous systems (and muscles) have been lost in sponges and placozoans or that the nervous systems and muscles of Ctenophora and Neuralia (Cnidaria + Bilateria) have evolved convergently. However, loss of the nervous system appears highly unlikely, and the phylogenomic analyses may suffer from long branch attraction, because the latest common ancestor of the living ctenophores could have been as recent as around the K–T (Cretaceous–Tertiary) boundary (Podar et al., 2001; Jékely et al., 2015). The cydippid stage characteristic of the ctenophore life cycles must be interpreted as a juvenile rather than a larva (Ryan et al., 2013), both because it lacks special larval organs and because it can already carry out sexual reproduction (Martindale, 1987). The ‘apical organ’ of the mainly holopelagic ctenophores is situated at the apical pole, but its structure is completely different from that of cnidarians and bilaterians (Hernandez-Nicaise, 1991) and it is not considered homologous of the neuralian apical organ (Jager et al., 2011). The discussion of larval nervous systems can therefore be restricted to the nervous systems of Cnidaria and Bilateria, i.e. Neuralia. Ciliated primary larvae are found in numerous lineages of Porifera, Cnidaria, Spiralia (Lophotrochozoa) and Ambulacraria (Echinodermata + Hemichordata), but are absent in Ecdysozoa and Chordata (except for the non-feeding amphioxus larva). This larval type has been called primary larvae (Jägersten, 1972). Within the Neuralia, the position of the Acoelomorpha (Acoela, Nemertodermatida and Xenoturbellida) is still debated, with the more traditional view that they are the sister group of the remaining bilaterian groups (Hejnol et al., 2009; Nielsen, 2010; Ryan et al., 2013), or the alternative view that they are the sister group of the Ambulacraria (Philippe et al., 2011). A discussion of their phylogenetic position falls outside the scope of the present paper, and the uncertainty dictates that they will not contribute to the present discussion. Larval nervous systems: true larval and precocious adult Claus Nielsen*
Page 1: Larval nervous systems: true larval and precocious …Crepidula, the four apical cells degenerate at an early developmental stage, long before the larva hatches from the egg mass (Conklin,



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© 2015. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd | The Journal of Experimental Biology (2015) 218, 629-636 doi:10.1242/jeb.109603

ABSTRACTThe apical organ of ciliated larvae of cnidarians and bilaterians is atrue larval organ that disappears before or at metamorphosis. Itappears to be sensory, probably involved in metamorphosis, butknowledge is scant. The ciliated protostome larvae showganglia/nerve cords that are retained as the adult central nervoussystem (CNS). Two structures can be recognized, viz. a pair ofcerebral ganglia, which form the major part of the adult brain, and ablastoporal (circumblastoporal) nerve cord, which becomesdifferentiated into a perioral loop, paired or secondarily fused ventralnerve cords and a small perianal loop. The anterior loop becomespart of the brain. This has been well documented through cell-lineagestudies in a number of spiralians, and homologies with similarstructures in the ecdysozoans are strongly indicated. Thedeuterostomes are generally difficult to interpret, and the nervoussystems of echinoderms and enteropneusts appear completelyenigmatic. The ontogeny of the chordate CNS can perhaps beinterpreted as a variation of the ontogeny of the blastoporal nervecord of the protostomes, and this is strongly supported by patterns ofgene expression. The presence of ‘deuterostomian’ blastopore fatesboth in an annelid and in a mollusk, which are both placed in familieswith the ‘normal’ spiralian gastrulation type, and in the chaetognathsdemonstrates that the chordate type of gastrulation could easily haveevolved from the spiralian type. This indicates that the latest commonancestor of the deuterostomes was very similar to the latest commonpelago-benthic ancestor of the protostomes as described by thetrochaea theory, and that the neural tube of the chordates ismorphologically ventral.

KEY WORDS: Deuterostomy, Metamorphosis, Nervous systems,Dorsal–ventral orientation

IntroductionStudies on ontogeny are very important for our understanding ofnervous system evolution and diversification, and new methods havemade important contributions to knowledge of the structure anddevelopment of larval nervous systems and their relationships toadult nervous systems.

The nervous system has for a long time been considered one of themost conservative animal organ systems and has therefore been givenhigh importance in studies of animal evolution. More than a centuryago, Hatschek (Hatschek, 1888) introduced the names Zygoneura(now Protostomia), Ambulacraria and Chordonia (now Chordata) forthree major groups of the Bilateria, based on the structure and positionof the central nervous system (CNS). The Zygoneura werecharacterized by a paired longitudinal ventral nerve cord [a cluster ofnervous cells including their cell bodies, as opposed to a nerve, whichis a bundle of axons (Richter et al., 2010); the ventral nerve cord may


The Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen,Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark.

*Author for correspondence ([email protected])

be specialized into rows of ganglia connected by connectives] and theChordonia by an unpaired dorsal neural tube. The division of theBilateria into Protostomia and Deuterostomia (=Cordonia +Ambulacraria) (Grobben, 1908) is still universally accepted and isnow supported by numerous phylogenomic studies (Hejnol et al.,2009; Wheeler et al., 2009; Edgecombe et al., 2011). However, theinterpretation of the dorsal/ventral orientation of the two groups hasbeen challenged, and it now appears that the two longitudinal nervecords are homologous (see below).

The topology of the bilaterian part of the animal tree of life isrelatively well established, but there is not agreement about theinter-relationships of the basal metazoan groups. In particular, theposition of the Ctenophora has recently come into focus. Theclassical view has been that the Ctenophora together with Cnidariaform the clade Coelenterata, but a number of recent phylogenomicstudies (Dunn et al., 2008; Hejnol et al., 2009; Maxwell et al.,2012; Nesnidal et al., 2013) have placed the Ctenophora as thesister group of all the remaining metazoans, and the recent studiesof the whole genomes of Mnemiopsis leidyi (Ryan et al., 2013) andPleurobrachia belcheri (Moroz et al., 2014) support to thisposition. This implies either that the nervous systems (and muscles)have been lost in sponges and placozoans or that the nervoussystems and muscles of Ctenophora and Neuralia (Cnidaria +Bilateria) have evolved convergently. However, loss of the nervoussystem appears highly unlikely, and the phylogenomic analysesmay suffer from long branch attraction, because the latest commonancestor of the living ctenophores could have been as recent asaround the K–T (Cretaceous–Tertiary) boundary (Podar et al., 2001;Jékely et al., 2015). The cydippid stage characteristic of thectenophore life cycles must be interpreted as a juvenile rather thana larva (Ryan et al., 2013), both because it lacks special larvalorgans and because it can already carry out sexual reproduction(Martindale, 1987). The ‘apical organ’ of the mainly holopelagicctenophores is situated at the apical pole, but its structure iscompletely different from that of cnidarians and bilaterians(Hernandez-Nicaise, 1991) and it is not considered homologous ofthe neuralian apical organ (Jager et al., 2011). The discussion oflarval nervous systems can therefore be restricted to the nervoussystems of Cnidaria and Bilateria, i.e. Neuralia.

Ciliated primary larvae are found in numerous lineages ofPorifera, Cnidaria, Spiralia (Lophotrochozoa) and Ambulacraria(Echinodermata + Hemichordata), but are absent in Ecdysozoa andChordata (except for the non-feeding amphioxus larva). This larvaltype has been called primary larvae (Jägersten, 1972).

Within the Neuralia, the position of the Acoelomorpha (Acoela,Nemertodermatida and Xenoturbellida) is still debated, with themore traditional view that they are the sister group of the remainingbilaterian groups (Hejnol et al., 2009; Nielsen, 2010; Ryan et al.,2013), or the alternative view that they are the sister group of theAmbulacraria (Philippe et al., 2011). A discussion of theirphylogenetic position falls outside the scope of the present paper,and the uncertainty dictates that they will not contribute to thepresent discussion.

Larval nervous systems: true larval and precocious adultClaus Nielsen*

Page 2: Larval nervous systems: true larval and precocious …Crepidula, the four apical cells degenerate at an early developmental stage, long before the larva hatches from the egg mass (Conklin,



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Most recent authors agree that the eumetazoan ancestor was agastraea, although this is rarely discussed directly (e.g. Knoll andCarroll, 1999; Brusca and Brusca, 2003). Most ciliated larvae havea ciliated sensory organ at the apical pole, and I have called thecorresponding ancestor neurogastraea (Nielsen, 2008). Itsorganization was retained in the larvae when the pelago-benthic lifecycle(s) evolved through addition of adult benthic stages; this andalternative theories for the evolution of the pelago-benthic life cycleshave been discussed elsewhere (Nielsen, 2013). New nervouscenters developed in the benthic adults and gradually becameestablished in the larval stages, through the evolutionary processcalled adultation (Jägersten, 1972), so that two types of nervouscenters can be recognized in the larvae, viz. the exclusively larvalapical organ and the larval–adult nervous system.

The following discussions are based on the framework of thetrochaea theory (Nielsen, 2012), which appears to be the only theorythat explains both the origin of the ciliary bands of the trochophoralarva and the morphology of the protostomian CNS in a continuousseries of adaptational modifications of existing structures.

The apical organ: the ancestral neuralian brainThe apical organ is a characteristic, ciliated, putative sensory structurein most of the ciliated neuralian larvae. It develops from the mostapical blastomeres, as shown in numerous cell-lineage studies(Nielsen, 2004; Nielsen, 2005). The apical group of long cilia workstogether as a compound cilium (cirrus) in many species (Fig. 1), butother species show a more generally ciliated area. The apical organconsists of a group of columnar or flask-shaped cells usually with onecilium, but in some species with several; it does not fit the narrowdefinition of a ganglion, because it apparently comprises only sensorycells (Richter et al., 2010). Many spiralians develop lateral (cerebral)ganglia in close apposition to the apical organ, and this compoundstructure has been called the apical organ in most of the oldermorphological literature, and this is also seen in some studies on geneexpression (Tosches and Arendt, 2013). However, most recent papersuse the term apical organ in the restricted sense in accordance with theterminology of Richter et al. (Richter et al., 2010). The homology ofapical organs of cnidarians and bilaterians has been questionedbecause the animal–vegetal axis has the same orientation as theapical–blastoporal axis in the bilaterians, whereas the two axes haveopposite directions in the ‘coelenterates’ (Dunn et al., 2007). However,new observations of gene expression clearly demonstrate that theapical pole of cnidarians and the apical pole of bilaterians arehomologous (Sinigaglia et al., 2013; Marlow et al., 2014;Fritzenwanker et al., 2014).

CnidariaThe apical organ of cnidarian larvae is well studied, especially thatof the sea anemone Nematostella, where it consists of a group ofmonociliated nerve cells (Marlow et al., 2014). The organization ofthe organ seems rather similar in all groups, but the prominentciliary cirrus seen in anthozoans (Fig. 1A) is lacking in themedusozoans (Nakanishi et al., 2008).

The apical organ is necessary for settling (Rentzsch et al., 2008).It is lost when the larva settles with cells around the apical pole(Yuan et al., 2008). The nervous system becomes reorganized withdegeneration of the larval nerve net and development of a net of newneurons; a brain is lacking both in the polyps and in the medusae(Martina, 2000; Nakanishi et al., 2008).

ProtostomiaA slightly twisted cirrus of long apical cilia is seen in many ciliatedlarvae of annelids, mollusks, nemerteans and phoronids (Nielsen,1987; McDougall et al., 2006; Maslakova, 2010; Temereva andWanninger, 2012) (Fig. 1B). There is usually only one cilium per cell,but multiciliate cells are known both from mollusks and fromnemerteans (Cantell et al., 1982; Page, 2002). There is much variationin the number and structure of the cells in the organ. A characteristicpattern of eight flask-shaped serotonergic cells, each with one cilium,is found in many species, but the number may increase duringdevelopment, for example in the phoronid Phoronopsis (Temerevaand Wanninger, 2012; Temereva and Tsitrin, 2014). Other types ofserotonergic cells may also be present (Page, 2002).

Several annelids, mollusks, nemerteans and platyhelminths havebeen the subject of classical cell-lineage studies (reviewed inNielsen, 2004; Nielsen, 2005) and the few modern studies haveconfirmed the earlier results in almost all details (Ackermann et al.,2005; Hejnol et al., 2007; Meyer et al., 2010). The apical organdifferentiates from the most apical cells, named 1a1–1d1 in thespiral-cleavage terminology. The organ degenerates before or at thetime of settling (Dickinson and Croll, 2003), and the cells mayundergo apoptosis (Gifondorwa and Leise, 2006). In the gastropodCrepidula, the four apical cells degenerate at an early developmentalstage, long before the larva hatches from the egg mass (Conklin,1897). In the pilidium larvae, the apical organ is shed atmetamorphosis together with the whole larval body, which in somecases becomes ingested by the juvenile (Maslakova, 2010).

All entoproct larvae have a large apical organ with several typesof cells; it disappears at metamorphosis (Nielsen, 1971).

Bryozoan larvae show wide variation in the structure of the apicalregion. Phylactolaemate ‘larvae’ show a concentration of


CB Fig. 1. Apical organs. (A) Light micrograph of aplanula larva of the cnidarian Nematostellavectensis (courtesy of Dr Uli Technau, University ofVienna). (B) Scanning electron micrograph of atrochophora larva of the polyplacophoran molluskLepidochitona dentiens. (C) Drawing of an earlytornaria larva of the enteropneust Balanoglossusclavigerus (Stiasny, 1914).

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serotonergic sensory cells at the apical pole, but an apical tuft is notpresent (Gruhl, 2010); the whole ciliated epithelium including theapical pole is invaginated at metamorphosis and degenerates (Brien,1953). Nerve cells have not been observed in cyclostome larvae.Eurystome larvae show considerable variation. The planktotrophiccyphonautes larvae have a well-defined apical organ with a centralarea of neurons connected to a basal nerve plexus surrounded byring-shaped areas of monociliated and non-ciliated cells and oneepitheliomuscular cell. The function of this organ is unknown, butit is connected to the pyriform sensory organ, which is used intesting the substrate for settling (Stricker et al., 1988). All the larvalorgans degenerate after settling (Atkins, 1955). The lecithotrophiccoronate larvae have a much more complicated apical structure, witha radial array of wedge-shaped multiciliated cells (Woollacott andZimmer, 1971; Reed and Cloney, 1982; Reed et al., 1988). Thesecells are underlain by a nervous plexus, which sends a prominentnerve to the pyriform organ. A ring-shaped blastema below theciliated cells surrounds the nerve. At settling, the neural plate ispulled down and disintegrates, and the ciliated cells and the lowerblastema develop into the polypide of the first zooid (Reed andWoollacott, 1983; Fuchs et al., 2011). There is no connectionbetween the apical organ and the nervous system of the polypides.

The function of the protostomian apical organ is poorly known,but certain cells in the organ of the gastropod Phestilla are necessaryfor recognition of the right substrate for settling (Hadfield et al.,2000).

DeuterostomiaIn the ambulacrarians (hemichordates + echinodermates), ciliatedapical organs are found in enteropneusts and in species of all classesof echinoderms, although only some species show the typical,slightly twisted tuft and only in some stages, for example in someenteropneusts (Stiasny, 1914) (Fig. 1C). The various types of larvaeshow some variation in the structure of the nervous system at theapical pole, with more scattered groups of flask-shaped cells locatedat the most apical parts of the circumoral ciliary band (neotroch)(Byrne et al., 2007). So the morphology is not very reminiscent ofthe apical organ in cnidarians and protostomes, but gene expressionsupports the homology (Yaguchi et al., 2010), and the apical organsalways degenerate before or at metamorphosis, both in echinoderms(Byrne et al., 2007) and in enteropneusts (Miyamoto et al., 2010).

The chordates do not have ciliated larvae and an apical organ isnot present. The theory for the origin of the chordate CNS proposedby Garstang (Garstang, 1928) and presented in many textbooksshows the apical organ being internalized by the fusion of lateralciliary bands and becoming situated in the brain. This idea has foundsome support from ultrastructure and gene expression studies(Lacalli et al., 1994; Tagawa et al., 2000), but it is incompatible withthe theory for the evolution of the chordate CNS presented below.

The larval–adult CNSThe adult CNS begins to develop already in an early larval (orembryonic) stage in all bilaterians. In protostomes, it consists of apair of cerebral ganglia and a blastoporal (circumblastoporal) nervering, where the anterior part of the ring and the cerebral gangliatogether become the adult brain. The deuterostomes are moredifficult to interpret, but both embryology and gene expressionpatterns of the chordate CNS indicate homology with the blastoporalnerve ring of the protostomes.

The recent papers by Tosches and Arendt (Tosches and Arendt,2013) and Marlow et al. (Marlow et al., 2014) recognize the dualnature of the nervous system of the vertebrates; the cerebral ganglia

are called the apical legacy or apical plate and the blastoporal nervecord is called the blastoporal legacy or medio-lateral patterning. The‘forebrain’ is described as a chimaera. This is in good accordancewith the descriptions and interpretations below.

CnidariaA concentration of nerve cells is seen around the mouth, but theycannot be characterized as a nerve cord (Koizumi, 2007; Marlow etal., 2009).

ProtostomiaBoth development and morphology of the adult central nervoussystem is quite well known in many spiralians (reviews in Nielsen,2004; Nielsen, 2005), and its evolution has been explained by thetrochaea theory (Nielsen, 2012). Typically, it consists of a pair ofcerebral ganglia and a blastoporal nerve cord, which differentiatesinto the paired or fused ventral nerve cord with a perioral and aperianal loop (Fig. 2). This is best seen in annelids (Meyer et al.,2010), but the pattern can clearly be recognized, for example inmollusks (Dickinson and Croll, 2003).

The cerebral ganglia differentiate from two cells of the firstmicromere quartet in the spiral cleavage, from the cells 1c and 1d inthe polychaete Platynereis (Ackermann et al., 2005), and from 1aand 1c in the gastropod Crepidula (Hejnol et al., 2007). The eyesfound in many annelid and mollusk larvae develop from cells of thecerebral ganglia (Conklin, 1897; Ackermann et al., 2005).

Apical organ Cerebral ganglia




Blastoporalnerve cord


Ventral nervecord

Prototroch Telotroch



Anterior loop of blastoporal nerve cord


Anterior loop of

blastoporalnerve cord


GutVentral nervecord


Fig. 2. Central nervous systems (CNSs) in protostomes, exemplified byannelids. The upper two illustrations show the CNS of a trochophora larvaand a juvenile, as interpreted by the trochaea theory [modified from Nielsen(Nielsen, 2012)], and the lower illustration shows the CNS of a latelecithotrophic larva of Capitella as demonstrated through a cell-lineage study(see Meyer et al., 2010). The shape of the circumblastoporal nerve ring inCapitella is exactly as predicted, except that the anal loop is missing; it mayhave been overlooked, and it is present in many other annelids.

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The anterior part of the perioral loop around the mouth, whichbecomes the posterior part of the brain, has only been demonstratedby the cell lineage in annelids (Ackermann et al., 2005; Meyer et al.,2010; Meyer and Seaver, 2010). In Capitella, the right and leftventral nerve cords develop from the blastomeres 2d1121 and 2d1122,respectively (Meyer and Seaver, 2010). Observations of geneexpression (Tosches and Arendt, 2013) are in full agreement withthis interpretation (see below).

The embryological origin of the cerebral ganglia and blastoporalnervous system is difficult to deduce in groups without spiralcleavage. Phoronids and brachiopods seem to lack cerebral gangliaand are usually believed to lack the blastoporal nervous system.However, the large larva of Phoronopsis harmeri (Temereva, 2012)and the larva of the brachiopod Novocrania anomala (Altenburgerand Wanninger, 2010) show paired longitudinal blastoporal nerveswith a number of commissures, and this is very similar to theblastoporal nervous system of the annelids.

Entoproct larvae have a paired or unpaired frontal organ/ganglion,which may be modified cerebral ganglia. The organ degeneratesafter metamorphosis (Nielsen, 1971). Some observations onLoxosomella larvae indicate the presence of longitudinal nerves inthe foot (Wanninger et al., 2007). Their fate is unknown. Bryozoanlarvae lack cerebral ganglia and ventral nerve cords.

Both morphology and gene expression indicate that the cerebralganglia of the annelids are homologous with the protocerebrum ofthe arthropods (Harzsch, 2004; Scholtz and Edgecombe, 2006)(Fig. 3). The deutocerebrum, tritocerebrum and the more posteriorganglia and their commissures represent the blastoporal nerve cordswith the loop around the mouth.

The few cell-lineage studies of ecdysozoans, such as the shrimpSicyonia (Hertzler, 2002) and the nematodes Caenorhabditis andRomanomermis (Sulston et al., 1983; Schulze and Schierenberg,2009), are difficult to relate to those on the spiralians.

DeuterostomiaEchinoderms and hemichordates have ciliated primary larvae,whereas chordates lack primary larvae (except for the early non-feeding amphioxus larva).

The various types of dipleurula larvae of the echinoderms and thetornaria of the enteropneusts have a perioral ciliary band, theneotroch, which is of a structure and function quite different fromthose of the protostomian larvae, viz. a band of monociliate cells thatcapture particles through ciliary reversal (Strathmann, 2007). Itdisintegrates together with the associated nerves before or atmetamorphosis and the nerves are apparently not in any wayassociated with the adult nervous system. The nervous system of theadult echinoderms consists of an oral nerve ring and five (or more)

radial nerve cords. There is nothing like a brain (Heinzeller andWelsch, 2001). The radial nerves of echinoids, asteroids andholothurians develop from invaginations of the ectoderm along thedeveloping radii of the adult rudiment and this resembles theformation of the chordate neural tube (Smith, 1988). Theorganization of this structure involves a number of genes also activein neurulation, and the radial nerves have been interpreted ashomologs of the chordate neural tube (Haag, 2005). However, thismust be interpreted as an example of homoplasy (Nielsen andMartinez, 2003; Nielsen, 2006). The tornaria larva has a posteriorring of large, compound cilia, which has often been called atelotroch, but its homology is uncertain (Nielsen and Hay-Schmidt,2007). There is a nerve along this ciliary band (Lacalli and Gilmour,2001), and both the ciliary band and the nerve begin to degenerateat metamorphosis. The nervous system of juvenile and adultenteropneusts comprises a dorsal collar cord in the region justbehind the mouth, a longitudinal nerve cord extending from thecollar cord posteriorly along the length of the body, and nervesaround the pharynx to a longitudinal nerve cord along the ventralside. The collar cord develops through a chordate-like neurulation,and a number of the cell types and their distribution resemble thoseseen in chordates (Kaul and Stach, 2010). Also, gene expressionshows strong similarities (Pani et al., 2012), but the gene expressionpatterns in the dorsal and ventral nerve cords of the body are verysimilar (Nomaksteinsky et al., 2009). Neither morphology nor geneexpression give unambiguous information about the dorsal–ventralorientation (Holland et al., 2013).

The CNS of the chordates develops from the characteristic neuraltube, which is specialized in different ways in the three phylaCephalochordata, Urochordata and Vertebrata.

The dorsal–ventral orientation of the cephalochordates can onlybe inferred through comparisons with the other chordates, becausetheir ontogeny clearly indicates that their mouth is the modified firstleft gill opening (Ruppert, 1997; Benito-Gutiérrez and Arendt,2009). The anterior part of the neural tube differentiates into a brainvesicle, and various types of photoreceptors and other sensoryorgans are found along its length (Wicht and Lacalli, 2005).

The orientation of most of the adult urochordates is difficult tomake out because of their metamorphoses with the rotation of thegut, but the development of certain ascidians, such as Ciona andClavelina, shows that the stomodaeum/mouth is situated at the sameside as the neural tube, which then ought to be described as ventral(Seeliger and Hartmeyer, 1893-1911; Veeman et al., 2010). Theascidian larvae have a neural tube without nerve cells in the tail andan anterior brain vesicle, in some species with an eye, a statocyteand various other sensory structures (Burighel and Cloney, 1997).The neural tube in the tail is resorbed at settling. In the ascidians,









JawsCerebral ganglia

Walkingleg withclaws


Parapodiumwith chaetae




Arthropoda (Decapoda)Onychophora

Fig. 3. Comparison of spiralian and ecysozoan CNSs. Nervous systems of annelids, onychophorans and arthropods (exemplified by a crustacean) with thecerebral ganglia in yellow and the blastoporal nervous system in green (cf. Fig. 2). Based on Eriksson et al. (Eriksson et al., 2003), Harzsch (Harzsch, 2004)and Scholtz and Edgecombe (Scholtz and Edgecombe, 2006).

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the anterior end differentiates into a small brain (Mackie andBurighel, 2005).

The orientation of the vertebrates appears intuitivelystraightforward, with the mouth on the ventral side (and the CNS onthe dorsal side), but more than a century ago Dohrn (Dohrn, 1875)suggested that the central nervous systems of annelids and vertebratesare homologous. Many studies have demonstrated that geneexpression exhibits the same pattern in the developing ventral nervecord of an annelid and the fused neural folds of a vertebrate (DeRobertis and Sasai, 1996; Denes et al., 2007; Lowe et al., 2006)indicating homology, and several studies of anatomy and embryologyhave supported this view, so both CNSs ought to be called ventral(Arendt and Nübler-Jung, 1997; Nielsen, 1999). Comparisons of geneexpression in cnidarians, protostomes and vertebrates are in fullagreement with this view (Tosches and Arendt, 2013) (Fig. 4).

A fresh view on the classical description of the embryology of thefrog Xenopus (Hausen and Riebesell, 1991) with the apical pole keptin the same position during development clearly shows how theanterior end of the neural tube extends around the anterior end of theembryo (and the blastoporal/anal area around the posterior end) sothat both the mouth and anus become situated on the side calleddorsal in the protostomes (Fig. 5).

The character used for distinguishing Protostomia andDeuterostomia has always been the fate of the blastopore. Theprotostomian nerve cords typically differentiate along the fusinglateral blastopore lips, or from homologous areas in directdeveloping species, with the blastopore developing into the mouth,or in more modern interpretation into the mouth + anus(amphistomy). In the deuterostomes, the blastopore becomes theanus (Grobben, 1908). Amphistomy has never been observed in anydeuterostome, but it is remarkable that an embryology with theblastopore becoming only the anus has been observed both in thegastropod Viviparus (Dautert, 1929) and in the annelid Eunice(Åkesson, 1967) (Fig. 6). Both genera are nested within groups withthe ‘normal’ protostomy. Also, the Chaetognatha, which areprotostomes, as indicated both by their CNS and by molecularphylogeny (Harzsch and Müller, 2007; Hejnol et al., 2009;Edgecombe et al., 2011; Rieger et al., 2011), show deuterostomy(Doncaster, 1902). This indicates that deuterostomy is in fact avariation of protostomy, with the neural tube of the chordates beinga homolog of the ventral nerve cord(s) of the protostomes. This

implies that the mouth (stomodaeum) should develop inside thebrain area or be a completely new structure. In the urochordates(ascidians), the stomodaeum is derived from the anterior neuropore,which is situated at the anterior edge of the neural plate (Veeman etal., 2010). In vertebrates (Xenopus), the mouth develops from theanterior part of the neural fold, which extends forward in a narrowline and appears to become pinched off from the neural tube(Drysdale and Elinson, 1991). Thus, there is good reason to interpretthe mouth of the urochordates and vertebrates as a modified anterioropening of an amphistome blastopore closure.

The question then arises whether a homolog of the protostomiancerebral ganglia could be present in vertebrates. The ‘apical legacy’area of the vertebrate brain (Tosches and Arendt, 2013) is situatedin the area corresponding to the episphere of the spiralian larva, soit could represent the cerebral ganglia with the eyes of the









Blastoporal patterning systems

Apical patterning systems


Fig. 4. Regional gene expression systems incnidarians, annelids, arthropods andvertebrates. None of the genes is expressed atthe apical pole. The ‘blastoporal patterningsystem’ (especially nk2.1/nk2.2) of the annelidand insect shows strong similarities with theexpression in the vertebrate. The ‘apicalpatterning system’ in the annelid appears tocorrespond to the position of the cerebral gangliaat the apical side of the prototroch; homology ofthe cerebral ganglia of annelids and theprotocerebrum of arthropods is supported (seeFig. 3), but homology with the hypothalamus andeyes of vertebrates is questionable. Modified fromTosches and Arendt (Tosches and Arendt, 2013).

Polar bodies

Apical pole




Adhesive organ


Neural plate

MouthAdhesive organ Apical poleAdhesive organ

Endoderm + chorda+ mesoderm




Fig. 5. Development of the frog Xenopus. The orientation is determined bythe apical pole (red arrow). (A) Fate map. (B) Young embryo. (C) Olderembryo. The blastopore rim is blue and the cells of the neural platedeveloping into the CNS are black. Modified from Nielsen (Nielsen, 1999).

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protostomes, but the vertebrate eyes develop from the apical plate,i.e. in the blastoporal area (Eagleson and Harris, 1990), so this isvery questionable.

ConclusionsThe CNSs of the neuralians (cnidarians + bilaterians) comprise threemain components. (1) The apical organ, which is present in almostall ciliated larvae. It degenerates before or at metamorphosis. It isthe ancestral neuralian brain and the only cnidarian ‘brain’. (2) Apair of cerebral ganglia that develop in bilaterian larvae/embryos(from the first micromere quartet in the spiralians). They form themain part of the protostomian brain, but it is difficult to identifyhomologous structures in the vertebrate brain. (3) A blastoporal(circumblastoporal) nerve cord, which is represented by the posteriorpart of the brain and the ventral nerve cords in the protostomes(developing from the second micromere quartet in the spiralians)and by the neural tube in the chordates (brain plus spinal cord in thevertebrates).

A further conclusion is that the latest common ancestor of thebilaterians resembled the pelago-benthic ancestor of the protostomesas envisaged by the trochaea theory (Fig. 2). The blastopore fate of thedeuterostomes could be a specialization of the protostomian lateralblastopore closure (amphistomy), as illustrated by the occurrence of‘deuterostomy’ in the annelid Eunice, the gastropod Viviparus and thechaetognaths. This indicates that the deuterostomes could be an earlyoffshoot from the stem-lineage of the protostomes.

AcknowledgementsThis work was presented at the ‘Evolution of the First Nervous Systems II’meeting, which was supported by the National Science Foundation. I am most

grateful to Dr Peter Anderson for organizing the meeting and for inviting me topresent a lecture.

Competing interestsThe author declares no competing or financial interests.

FundingThis research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public,commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

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Archenteron Gut





Shell gland area



Ventral foot area








Shell gland


‘Neural’ areaStomodaeum‘Neural’ area

Fig. 6. ‘Deuterostomy’ in protostomes. Median sections of embryos. InViviparus, the blastopore directly becomes the anus and the wholearchenteron becomes the stomach; the stomodaeum develops from an areajust behind the prototroch. The ventral foot area is the general area of theblastoporal nervous system, although there are no nerves in the midline.Modified from Otto and Tönniges (Otto and Tönniges, 1906). In Eunice, thearchenteron becomes solid, but the anus breaks through in the area of theblastopore at a later stage; the stomodaeum develops from an area justbehind the prototroch. The ventral nerves develop from the ventral area butthere are no nerves in the midline. Modified from Åkesson (Åkesson, 1967).

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