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Las Vegas daily gazette ([Las Vegas, N.M.]). ([Las …...LAS VEGAS ÍJAÍLY GAZETTE; TatTRSDAY,...

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LAS VEGAS ÍJAÍLY GAZETTE; TatTRSDAY, AÜGUST 21, 1884. ANNIE WILEY HPEAKS THE CITY. D. S, P. N . ILI.I ROSENTHAL Wholesale and Retail Dealer in General Merchandise Dry Goods, Hosiery, and a full lino of DRESSES and WRAPS. New Mexico Las Vegas, Hardware, Stoves, Agricultural Implements. Complete Stock of Nails. -- EXCLUSIVE SALE OF- - The Celebrated Charter Oak Stoves, and Buckeye Mowers and Reapers C. Aultman & Co. "Vibrator." "Sweepstakes" Threshers. Portable Erginee. Fence "Wire a Leading Specialty ; and a large stock always on hand- - Barb Wiro at mnnfacturere prices with actual freight to Las Vegas added. Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware, agency Hazard PowaerCo- - Store in Bast and West Las Vegas. section! of tbe territory to express my view regarding tbe candidacy for del- egate to congress next fall, 1 deem it but but proper, at Una time, to make a statement to my friends and citizens in general of New Mexico, thereby de- nning my position, this in answer to and in Cvimpiiance with tbe wishes of inquiring friends, and in connection therewith I hope it will not be regarded amiss to give a brief account of my mission in congress. As everybody in the territory is well aware, the first and eminently tbe most important balf of the first session of the Forty-eight- congress, 1 consumed in the just prosecution of my claim to a seat in that august body to whicb the popular vote of-- free people had pro. ferred and e ected me to represent them, and in. assuming such responsi- bility I earnestly and scrupulously wished aoove all other motives to carry out the will of the people, aud to main- tain inviolably, and assert emphatically their rights, of whicb high prerogative it was sought to deprive them, and 1 undertook all this with the firm hope that my example might be heeded in the future, and that a repetition of such outrages as were perpetrated iu my case would, with tbe efficient aid of every good and loyal ciiizen, be pre- vented forever, and liberty, right and harmony restored to such a degree that the boon and benefaction derived from a propei ly governed and well behaved community might be effectually felt with satisfaction throughout the entire territory On tbe final and triumphant adjudi- cation of my case, and soon as 1 was sworn in, I hastened as much as was consistent with my duties in the prepa- ration and introduction ot Ule various bills which 1 have before congress, and he execution of the accumulated busi ness before the various departments of ihe government, and of all my efforts the Congressional Record and said de- partments witi bear teitimouy up to tbe present time; aud my labors as your public sci vain not ending until the end of next session, I shall during this time exert my best endeavors iu the consum- mation and accomplishment ot the sev- eral measures which I have now before congress, together with any new ones which 1 may y t present. ut in Import tnce among ibese last 1 desito to prepare a bill for the speedy, final and junt settlement of our laud lilies, of whatever origin they may be, that wo may be ab e to invite immigra- tion to our soil, with the assurance that all now comers will be warmly wel- comed, and that whatever investments may be sought to bo made will meet with quiet and perfect titles to all lands and definitely dt lined beyond contro yersy, and in order to intelligently pre- pare said bill I intoud 10 make a trip to ihe City of Mexico, whero I hope to obtain such information aud data as will more effectually secure tbe equita- ble and just adjudication of all titles derived from that country. Now, to the main point, to unite all anxious minds, and as I said before, in answer to numerous inquiries from my valued friinds, I must declare and say that owing principally to the continued sffiictious in my family, as well as anous other minor causes toonumei-ou- s to mention in detail, aid putting them all together, auer mature r flec- tion on the subject and due justice to all oncerned. I have concluded that 1 cannot accept tho nomination tor dele gate to congress, and I sincerely hope that my action and tinal determination will not cause any disappointment to mv friends, and before closing I would recommend and suggest that in the election of a candidate you will act with such prudence and wise delibera- tion as will insure his election and r ,i representative w.rtl.y of tbe name and object of his mission - In conclusion, aud with the utmost respect for the people of New Mexico IU general and my friends in particular, allow mo to convey to you all my sin cero expressions of gratitude for your kind support aud good wishes toward me as your public and most humble servant. Fhancis A. Manzanarks Las Vegas. N- M. Mr. Manzanares then presented the name of Anthony Joseph to the con- vention and tbe delegates to vote for him. Judge Trimble was made chairman pro teni. The delegates of the various counties that had beeu instruclecWor Manzanares made a vigorous tight to get a nomina tion of their candidate by acclamation. That gentleman again declined posi- tively and tho nomination of Joseph was made unanimous After the convention there was a general feeling of disappointment and dissatisfaction on the faces of the dele- gates; and considerable complaint that Mr. Manzanares bad not treated bis constituency fairly by keeping them so long ignorant of his purpose. It can not be said, however, that he had prom- ised anybody he would run. With their usual blundering capacity tbe demo- crats were sure be would be a candidate because they wanted him to. O00D MORNING ! ! ! Fire, Life and Accident INSURANCE! AD!N H. WHITMORE, Agt, LAS VECAS, NEW MEXICO. John A. Lne, Thomas Releher, L. Mer-rima- Neilt B. Field and Jo?e do Ina Chaven. (o; fax J. Osfield, C. B.Adams. J. C Lcarv. W. T. Stracban, M. M. Milli-ga- n. John Lee, Cipriano Lara. Dona Ana A Woldb. T.J. BuU. W. ('. BeaOOSS;, J. C. Booth, Don Evangel- ism ("have. Grant J. P McGrorty, I. L. Fielder, by proxy to J P. McGrorty, T. D Wa- ters. A. S. Potter, J. P Ormsby, by proxy to A. S. Potter, E- E. Furman. Rio Arriba L. M. Ortis, Manuel Gar eia, by proxy to W. Spiegelborg, Luci- ana de Herrero, by proxy to W. Spie-eeibe- rg, Benoto Maranjo bv proxy to N. B Laugh in, Pablo Sanches, by proxy to P. F. llorlo. M A. Vigil by proxy to Henry Grant, P. A. Doningues, by proxy lo C. M. Creamer, Marti- nes, by proxv to A. P. Connor, Juan C. Joseph, by proxy to Mariano Armijo. Bant re Judge Warren, C. H Judge Waldo. Jesus Maiiay Baca, Naario trónzales, W C. Rodgers, S. D. Baldwin, Vincent Mares. San Miguel F. A. Manzanares, W. A. Vincent, J. Gross, Eduardo Mártir Des, LorenSO Labadie, Geo. W. Stone road, Castilino Ro ñero, Francisco Ro- mero, Narcerio Romero, A. B. Sager, K. J. Holmes. E C. Henriques, W. U.. Keller J. M. 'Tafoya. Sierra A. C. Lowry, D. Meredith, 1 'liornas Murphy. Socorro--Lie- o. Vorhee, H. Lockhart, E. V. Chavez, (ioo. W. Fox, L. F.Levy. J B McGee, J. M. Buckley, J. S. Hu'cbinson by proxv for E. F. Mc-lval- n. Valencia Pablo Garcia, Francisco Vigil, A. Sanchez bv proxy to F. Vigil, tí. Chavez by proxy to E. C. Henriquts. F. iblo Chavez by proxy to W. B. Childers. 'Taos Mariano Larragoile, Antonio Joseph, Cristobal Mares proxy for Tomas Torres, Bonito Valdez, J. G. Marlines. 'The committee on permanent organ-isalio- n then reported as follows: President, Anthony Joseph; vice pres- idents, 'Thomas J. Bull, J. C. Leary, Eor nzo 1, abadie, M 'McGonnegal, L. S. Trimble, L- - M Ortiz, 11. L. Warren. Juan Jose Baca, A. C. Lowroy, J. C, Lee. J. r McGrorty, Felipe Chayez, Captain Sena Secretaries A. Welch, J G. Albright, W Chavez, Mrecano Gallogos. Interpreten Mariano Larragoiteand Eduat do Martinez. Judge Trimble Judge Warren and Hon. F. A. Manzanares were appointed a co lino tee to escort tho president to the chair. Mr. Joseph said: "gentlemen of the democratic convention of the territory ot New Mexico. There are limes in the course ot a human life when words can not t xplain the sentiments of the heart, and one of those times to me is that now present. In the political history of New Mexico there never has met a con- vention as respectable and composed of a bodv Ot such representative men haying tho prosperity of the territory at heart, ll is lilting that on such an im portent occasion as this one should as- semble in th is beautiful city; the beau- tiful (laughter of the valley, here is tho l ight placo to raise the pedestal of liberty and the standard ot freedom. Democratic his glorious and noble, ro- lled i ng from its organization the noble countenance of 'Thomas Jefferson. It has been a glorious party in limes of war. 'The history of the republican party is sanguinary and in our territory lias been arbitrary and tyrannical, and leaves us as an inheritance an enor- mous lax and our interests are pros- trated. Our government has been conducted bv men not identified with the territory, not honest men, who in the d isobarge of their duties have tram-pelle- d the laws under their feet and the people have raised a voice to have a change. They have their eyes fixed or. tins convention sod upon our work in the way of making a plaiform and adopting resolutions. Upon ilion will wo have to make our cam- paign before the people. By the prin- ciples of ihe democratic party we are all equal. Our officers are the servants of the people, and not the bosses of their souls as the federal officers have shown themselves to be. The ques- tion is simply reduced to this: Are we to be free or no ? If we are to bo statues, 1 don't waut to stay here. The feudal times hayo passed aud the days of oppression and obscurity are things of t PS long ago. 'The took tho places on the platform. More time was asked by the committee on resolutions and an endeavor was made to adjourn the convention until yesterday morning, tor what purpose nobody knows, unless it was to give the miserable Armijo hotel another day of b'g business. The con vent ion was in a stato ot considerable excitement at this moment. Branch, ot Mora (who boarded at tho Armijo), was decidedly in favor of getting away by the lirst train. In expressing his sentiments OO this subject he was re- peat, dly interrupted by Capt. Jesus Sena, of Santa Fe, who stood about twelve feet distant As stated in yes- terday's Gazkttk, Sena got pounded and after tho doctor had dressed bis wounds, he in the forum, presenting a most ludicrous appearance. Adjourned until 8:30 p. m. NINE O'CLOCK SESSION. After the bouse had assembled in the evening the Union flag was spread ovei the speaker's tabio, which act called forth rounds of applause. As soon us tho chairman had takeu his place, on motion of Judge Trimble it was ordered that the chairman ap- point six democrats at largo and that the delégales of the various counties alio obooss one member from each county, the whole to form tbo demo- crat lc central committee Of the territory. Lockhart, of Socorro, moved to limit debate to live minutes, amended to litteen minutes. I mined lately following the adoption 01 the renoitoftbe committee on reso- lutions ihe order was called tor nomina lions for delegate to congress. It was do hi on the card for Wm. A Vincent to pre.-e- nt ihe name of Manzanares, but Captain Sena the abused and pom mailed gentleman from Santa Fe, bounced up and (1 ill the job in a grace- less manner which threw a wet blanket on t he convention. Mr. Manzanares took tho platform and read ihe following which ho had Intended to send to the convention by the San Miguel delegation. M A N'ZANAUKS' LETT Kit. Hiving been urged from different Hot 8prng Steam Laundry docs cuito tu work. Skates 23 centa tonigbt at the rink. Only 26 cent admiaaiwn U the rink tonigbt Tram from the north fortyflve min-ute- a late iaat oigbt. Ice cream, cake and lemonade to- nigbt at the akaiing rink. The ladies are requested to meet at the rink at 2 o'clock today. We learn that Ado. on Sandoval has not been married as reported. Eyery man, woman and child in Las Vegas m learning how to skate. The 'adiei' social circle will meet at the residence of A. D. Higgtns today at 2:80 p. m. Tonight will be the grandest time ever witnessed in Las Vegas. Every- body will be present. The resolutions of the democratic ter- ritorial convention are unavoidably crowded out of this issue. Wo would rather have an interest in the skating rink than have a boil on the back of our nock by long odds. Mike Kerrigan, of Deming. was ac- - of the charge of the murder of 3uitted by the grand jury. Five hundred people will be present at the rink tonigbt. Carpets and cushions will be placed in convenient places to fall on. Dr M. AddieKester makes a (DAoial ty of female diseases. Ladies suffering in that direction will do well to consult her while in the city. A reception was given last evoning at the residence of Joseph Kosenwald to Mrs. P. Leon, of tnis city, who intends to leave for Trinidad and niako it her future home. Billy Burton, of tlio Snug, furnished his customers with over three hundred mountain trout from Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock to 7 o'clock yesterday morning. Billy always lias the best the season affords. The awkward squad tonight at the skating rink. At least twenty-fiv- e peo- ple will try on skates for tne first time. All that understand 'he art will sit down for half an hour, in order that the awkward squad may have a chance. Mr. (J. W. Taylor, salesman in Mr. Sinclair's store, at Lake Valley, was E resented with a gold watch and chain y the proprietor, as a mark of his ap- preciation of his faithful services. Mr. Taylor is a brother of Mrs. W. K. Haluios, of this city. Ex Depot Policdman Perry went to Deming from Los Vegas and through G. A. K. influence got into the good graces of the boys down there. His presunt whereabouts is a matter of very aerioub intetest to Dolan and others who loaned him considerable sums of money. J. U. Allen, the tailor on Bridge street, has just received a fine lot of samples for fall and winter clothing from Wanamaker & Brown. Philadel- phia, and.is prepared to take measures and forward orders. He will guarantee better goods ana better litting garments for less monev than any othor tailor taking orders for any other eastern house. A tramp who gave his name as plain John Hobson, yesterday stole J. J. Fitzgenell's military cjat from the lat-ter- 's real estate office Mr. F. (eft his office a moment or two alone when John II. stepped in ami cabbaged the ooat, perhaps with tho intent ion of be- coming a military gentleman. The thief was tracked and captured, ac knowledged the theft and lodged in jail, but failed to stato where the coat was left. The parson would like to know whero it is. Any Information of the whereabouts of tho garment will be thankfully .eceived by the owner. A very pleasant surpriso was tender- ed Miss Maudie Sewnld last night at the residence of her sister, Mrs. Henry Coors, yesterday being Miss Muudie's birthday, she naturally expected her friends to greet her with more than or- dinary cordiality, but instead of it she met a reserve that grow unplen-an- t be- fore tho day had drawn to a close. Imagine her joyous surpriso about 8 o'clock last night when a large number of her friends greeted her in n inoi?t delightful manner. A sum putous supper was served and the merry making was kept up till about 12 o'clock when the party bade Miss Maudie good nigbt, wishing her many more haprfy birth- days. Puffs For People. C. B. Adams, of the Raton Comet and delegate to the late convention, was in the city yesterday. Byron Archibald left for Fon du Lac, Wiscousin, yesterday morning. Byron is one of the old engineers of this divi MM. Dr. M. Addie Kester, a well known lady of lopeka, ll at the I'n.a hotel. Her professional notice appears iu another column. Mrs. M. A. Kester, M. I)., Topeka;S. T. S. Longueran, John Dougherty, Mareado Gallegos, H. L. Branob, Miles McGonigle, Henry Kobinson. A. Van-derwar- t. Mora; h M. Mcllhauy. M . and John S. Tuptill, St. Louis are al the Plaza. What a Democrat Says. To th (iazotte : "Blaine? Blaine? Who is Blaine? Why he is a workingman's friend, and is opposed to ' Bread and water needi- er.' " Ol'HMALMIA Life and public services of James 0. Blaine, published at his home, Augusta, Maine. Price, $150 and $1 75, according to binding, etc. Subscriptions received by George I). Allen. tf. Concerning- - Herself and the Treat- ment Received in Rev. Mr. Fraaer'a Home. A reporter of tbe Gazette called at tbe residence of Rev. James Eraser last evening and requested an interview with Misa Annie Wiley. The yonng ladv appeared in the parlor and tbe following Conversation occurred: Reporter: Miss Wiley, the report is current upon tbe street and Mrs. J. B Martin has given it currency that you baye complained of harsh and cruel treatment by tbe members of Mr Era- ser's household, have you made such statements? Miss Wiley: I have never at any time stated anything ot the kind nor anything whicb could honestly be taken to mean that I have not bad the beat of treat man! in this household. Rep: But why did you loave Mr. Fraser's and avoid him when he was searching for you? Miss W . I did not want to come back here, and when he called at Mrs Martin's house, I begged her not to tell him 1 was there as I did not want to see him. I bad done him and Mrs. Fraser and myself a wrong, for which I was very sorry and I did not caro to trouble Mrs. Fraser with it. 1 do not want to say anyth'OK about that now for publi- cation. It is a personal matter. Rep: Have you ever been punished here by being put on a bread and water diet? Miss M: What do you mean by such a question ? Rep: 1 mean have you ever been kept away from tbe regular meal and given on l bread and water. Miss W. : Do I look like a person who has neon starved or treated in that way? 1 should think I would show it if 1 bad-No- . sir; I have alwavs bad tbe same food as Mr. and Mrs Fraser and st the same table. Thev have alwavs treated mo as their own daughter Here tbe tears came to the young lady's eyes, and I was not brought to Las Vetras. when they came, against my will, bui was asked to come with them. I weui to school eyery winter, although no much last winter. Mrs. Fraser and I took turns about in going out. The young lady also gave a theory foi the outrageous stories which the impor- ter stated had been given out by Mid Martin, but we withhold it from publica tion. 8h ais i stated thai sin- hail never seen wine on the dinner table ot Ihe tamilj. Miss Speakman, who has beeu for mine than a year in the family of Rev. Mr. Fraser, confirmed the stau menta of Miss Wiley as given above. ;.nd nHirm d most positively that no id treatment bad ever been manifested. Thus, in a few words, is nailed another of those damnable fabrications which the evening paper is notorious for pub- lishing, calculated to destroy tbe good name of our best people. There is no excuse for such work. Why should t lie story of one woman be. believed wiihoui making further inquiry of tbe parties whose lite work it is intended to injure forever. The interview with Mrs Martin was written with a criminally libelous intent. The writer thereof dm not want to learn any other story. If ibis kind of defamation is tolerated, and those whom the people believe to be true and honorable are to be burled to the same dust in which the common tattler lives, what is to become of the fabric of society and the respect due to fellow men in general ? Our entire sjpek of Sum- mer Goods must and will he sold within the next thirty days, either at cost or less than cost. Call at once and buy goods at low figures. J. ROSEN WALD, Plaza. House fainting ot all kinds, Decorating-- , Fapertianging and (Jalciimmiiig. Satisfaction guar- anteed. CHAS. L. SHEKMAJS. POINTEItS. M. A. Reidlinger has purchased the interest of Thos. Clinton, in the Keg saloon on Bridge street. 3t A new addition of stylish millinery of every description just arrived at Chas. Ilfeid's. Lockhart & Co. have $2,000 worth of new wall paper, decorations and cor- ners, of all styles, and prices to suit everybody. 807tf Call at Sporledor's aud have your fine boots and shoes made to order. 305tf 'I he Montezuma barber shop has been refitted and papered in elegant style. Satisfaction guaranteed Call aud see them. 305tf NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Homestead No. 5M. Lamo ornen at Santa i k, n M. I June IS, 1884. f Notice Ib hereby given tbat ibe following-name- d settler nan tiled notice of hit Intention to make final proof In support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before tne register and receiver at Sunta Fe, N. M., on August 11, 1884, viz: John G. Clancy, of 8n Miguel county .'or the NW. 4, 8. W H, 8. W. N. W. H, Lot. 4, 860.Í.T. 6, N. I'. 243 He mine a flic following wit' eai-- e tu prove big courlnunuB residence upon, and cultiva- tion of . ssiii Ui.d, viz: John Uerhardt, c. H. Moore, Juan Pais, Jose Chaves, all of Puerta de i.un V. 0 N. M. max mon, 2 Register. Notloe for Publication Homestead, No. 2218.) Land Orric-- at Santa H,N. M., I August 9, 1881. f Notice U hereby given that the following named settler ha tiled notice of hit Intention to make final proof in support of hii claim, and that said proof will He made before the pro-1- 1 e J udge of San Miguel oounty, at Lai Wgas, N M . , on Oo- - nb r S, 1884, viz ; He cedei Cara-baj- of an Miguel 0 unt. for h N. W; 8 N. W) 8o 17, T 7. N. H vi . He mimes the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultiva- tion of, said land, viz; Cruz uoero, of I as Vegas po'tofficc. N. M A. QrezlachuW k ,O 'nrge (iddlngi. of Pu rto dn l.una. N. M. . Jamos biddn gs, of Agua Negro, pontouice, N. M. MAX rip HT. W Kw Keglster Which Moans the Democrat Parly. Attended by Delegate from Thir- teen Counties, nan session. At 12:20, Col. George W. Stone ro ail , chairman of territorial democratic neo tral committee, called tho convention to order. He reviewed the action of the committee by which the present con- vention bad been assembled; expressed satisfaction tha. there had been so larne a response to the call and hoped lh.it harmony would characterise all tlx' oroceedinus of the body Applause The chairman then requested the holders of the list of delegates to pre- sent them to the secretary who read the same and tho delegates answered to the call by counties. Win n the county ot San Miguel was called Hon. Francisco Manzauares pro- ceeded to the platform and presented the list. The moment he left his seat the house burst into rounds of auplause which grow like approaching thunder. Delegates arose in their seats and cheer after cheer arose. The response of Hon. Anthony Jo- seph to the secretary's call was also met with cheers and applause. When the reading of the list of dele- gates had concluded the chairman an- nounced that he had beeu requested to present the name of Judge Potter for temporary chairman. There being no other nominations the choice was made unanimous and Messrs. Childers, War- ren and Joseph were made a 00 mm it tee to conduct tho gentleman to the chair. Judge Potter said he recognised it as a compliment to his county to receive such distinction at the hands of the convention. He asked and hoped that tho delegates would place before the territory a loyal democrat anil a man whose hands were free from fraud and corruption. We hayo but little voice iu ihe affairs of the government but we can support tho bands that are endeavoring to roll back the fraud and corruption which wo have so long opposed. Wo heave tho best chance now to succeed that we have ever had. J. Oilloid moved the election of Wm. A. Vincent as temporary secretary of the convention. The election was unan- imous. A lively discussion took placo over the subject of priority of motions, J. Us-Ue- urged at leuglli the appointment ot interpreters and Charles O'Connor Roberts opposed upon a point of order. The former gen lie man said it was prob- able that he had not had quito as many cocktails as his opponent before coming into the meeting. Cries of "order." Roberts said he was not so well posted on tho subject of cocktails as Dir. Usfield. Cries of order again.) The interpreters wore appointed aflora noisy disturbance as follows : Eduardo Martinez and Mariano Larragoi to. l'he following committee on credentials was appointed: .J. A. Leo, J. C. Leary, A. VVolch, J. P. McGrearty, A. Montoya, Macario Gallegos, Willi Spiegel berg, Vincent Mares, Antonio Joseph. E. C. Henrique and A. C. jjowrey. Motions wore simultaneously made to adjourn until tomorrow; for ond hour; to appoint committees upon resolutions and permanent organization. fhe chairman lost his head and allowed the talkative delegates to play hatlledoor and shuttlecock with the various mo- tions. O'Conor Roberts attempted to speak again and the house' drowned his voice, whereupon ho attempted to take tho platform, but at tho request of tho chair he took hii seat The committee on permanent organ- ization consisted of N. B. Field; C. B. Adams, E. E. turtunii. C. B. Young, Henry Robinson, L M Ortiz. Norai GoDSaleSi U. J. Holmes. E. V. Chaves, J, G. Albright, Pablo Garcia y Ortiz and A. C. Lowry. . Following is the names of those appointed on tho committee of resolu- tions: Tomas C. Guite rez. J. Ostfeld, A. Welsh. D. G. Walters, Jose Mon- toya. A. L. branch, N. B. Laughliu, C. H. Gilderaleevo, A. B. Sager, Geo. W. Fox, Antonio Joseph, W. B. Childers and David Meredith. J. Osfield, of Colfax, wore i.pon his soul the weight of the land grant ques- tion and occupied considerable lime in urging the instruction of the committee on resolutions to place an anti-gra- nt plank in the resolutions. The spirited discussion which followed indicated a wide difference of opinion upon the subject iu baud, and showed that it was likely to bo the bone of contention in committee as well as in open house through the convention. . Judge Waldo moved to adjourn. Os- field urged his niotidn in order to find out who was against fraudulent land grants and who was not. Childers moved to refer to the committee on resolutions. Judge Trimble said ho wanted to know what ho was votirg upon. If the mo- tion was a general onslaught on grants, be whs opposed to it, and he, as well as the entire democrat ic party, would see that the owner of genuine grants, and those whoso titles were recognized by the United States were protecten m their rights. If there ever was a time when it behooved the democratic party of New Mexico to take care in the adoption of proper principles wbl ih will carry us out of thedark days of defeat it is now, and he thought the delegate from Colfax was in a hurry. Ihe whole matter was referred to the com- mittee on resolutions Adjourned till 4 o'clock. AT TftK KOUK O'CLOCK lESSION the oommittee oo credentials reported favorably upon the following lis met: Lincoln rat F. Uarretl, g. r. Young by proxy to Jose Montano, J. C, Lea. and J. J. Dolan, both l proxy to Jose Montano and Jose Montano. Mora A. L. Branch. John Doberty, Macarlo Gallegos Z'b Looguevan, Henry Kobinson. Ronaldo Gonsnles, by proxy to Miles McGonmglc, Feliciano Guiteres, bv proxy (O Evaristo Lucero, Dolores, Romero by proxv to (J. B S E Tipton, by proxy to Fran- cisco Arniijo y Otero. Bernalillo Thomas iberwood, by proxy toll. B. Ferguson, Tin 0. Gui terree, W. B, Childers, L. s. Prim ble, m NEW MEXICO Planing Mill. SAH, DOORS AND BLINDS Made to order and kept in stock. All kinds of Shingles. L&th Builders' Hardware, Mouldings, Plaster Hair. Etc. Native Lumber And all regular sizes kept in stock. Contraots taken for all kinds and classes ot buildings. A Specialty made of Bank and Office Fixtuss; Parties from abroad write tor estimates. Las Vegas, - Grand Opening! LAS VEGAS FEMALE SEMINARY. A School for Young Ladies and Children, beuins its third Annual Session September 8, 1884. GEO. T. UOULD, A. M Academic Dept. Mrs. 8. W. FOSTER, Intcrmwllate. Mr. W. M. W HITELA w, Primary. Señor U. C. GALLE US, Spa.iiiih. Prof. F. L. KKI-TO- Muxic and Art. Tuition from (5tolu por term. Music tf per month ; Orawinfi or PaintiK $.' per month Teacberx all competent anil experienced. Young ladies prepared tor senior year of best rusten, female colleiros. Especial attention irlven to Manners and Mom l. No extra cha ge for Latin, Greek and German; Spanish and French extra liy tbe opcntuK ot the Hchool the seminary wiiiie thoroaxhly fenced, separating? the boys' and Mr play grounds, ai d giving to each a P' i vacy and comfort not. beforo known. We hull also have three ol th handsomest and best furnished recitation rooms In the terri- tory A few pupils taken to board in tbe family of tho prlncl al Address GEO. X. GOÜLÜ, D. D. Fine Rams for Sale FOUR Hl'NDKED, one aud twovearold, Rams, bred by Vermont Spanish Merino rams out of California Merino ewes. Price, eight dollars per head. Can be seen at Gallinas Crossing, forty miles south of Las Vegan. HUGO ZUBER. Post Office, Gallinas Spring, New Mexico. MRS, I i HOLMES' Art Embroidery Parlors Are removed to tbe Rosenwald Block, Plaza. She Is Importer r.f Floss snrt Patterns, and takes orders f .r Dress and Ladles' burnishing Woods of every description. She bas the mo t elegant line of patterns that ran be found In the United States, both In quantity and quality. Cuttl' g and basting a specialty. ill) N BROS., THE GROCERY AND BAKERS Are now receiving three tlmea a week Spring Ch'ckens, Fresh Tomatoes, resh Cucumbeis, " Corn " Peax and Heans. " Av les. and a l aini's of vegetable. Have Just re ceived tne mirsl HKKi.rtinimt of all xtra cts ever found In Las Vega New Mexico. THE Rink ! OF THE Academy. - AugratZIát.. and Good Musia FULL ATTENDANCE I! -- OF Skating BENEFIT Las Vegas Tüursoay Evening, - Refreshments LET THERE BE A Kirsch wasser at Billy's Snug. lw H. W. Wyman lias just received an invoice of those celebrated cigars put up in tin boxes. ICECREAM. Those desirine Ice Cream of the best quautv. by the dish or quart will find that Mrs. E A. HopKius on Doug as or Centre street, has the best in the market. Also homemade bread pies and cakes fresh every day. 65-- 1 m The grocery and lhiuor store of A. Aboulafla. West Las Vegas, Manuel Silba manager. Is now tbe center of a large and increas- ing trade. Do you wish a beautiful complexion? Then use Ayer1 Sarsaparil a. It cleans and purifies the blood, and iherely re- moves blotches and pimples from tbe skin, making it smooth and clear, and giving it a bright and healthy appear an ;e Las Vegas. lie file if Las Veps ami My i M, lie Ladies ii Particular Before haying made np our mind to elose out certain lines, we ordered a great many FALL and WINTER GOODS, in Underwear and Shoes. They hare now arrived and will be sold at ACTUAL COST, in connection with other goods to be closed Out. Thev are of the best make ever brought to tlic I I erritory, and will prove, as offered now, one of the most desirable articles in the market. LADIES, SN'S UNDERWEAR in all qualities, suitable for fall and winter. A full and complete line o,f Bennet & Ber- - MISSES and CHILDR nard's French Kid Shoes, the finest ever brought to ACTUAL AT ACTUAL COST. COST. bro"wne nvciisrz: añares
Page 1: Las Vegas daily gazette ([Las Vegas, N.M.]). ([Las …...LAS VEGAS ÍJAÍLY GAZETTE; TatTRSDAY, AÜGUST 21, 1884. THE CITY. D. S, P. ANNIE WILEY HPEAKS N. ILI.I ROSENTHAL Wholesale



N . ILI.I ROSENTHALWholesale and Retail Dealer in

General MerchandiseDry Goods, Hosiery, and a full lino of


New MexicoLas Vegas,

Hardware, Stoves, Agricultural Implements.

Complete Stock of Nails.--EXCLUSIVE SALE OF- -

The Celebrated Charter Oak Stoves, and Buckeye Mowers and Reapers

C. Aultman & Co. "Vibrator." "Sweepstakes" Threshers. Portable Erginee.Fence "Wire a Leading Specialty ; and a large stock always on hand- - Barb Wiro at mnnfacturereprices with actual freight to Las Vegas added. Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ware,

agency Hazard PowaerCo- -

Store in Bast and West Las Vegas.

section! of tbe territory to express myview regarding tbe candidacy for del-

egate to congress next fall, 1 deem itbut but proper, at Una time, to make astatement to my friends and citizens ingeneral of New Mexico, thereby de-

nning my position, this in answer toand in Cvimpiiance with tbe wishes ofinquiring friends, and in connectiontherewith I hope it will not be regardedamiss to give a brief account of mymission in congress.

As everybody in the territory is wellaware, the first and eminently tbe mostimportant balf of the first session of theForty-eight- congress, 1 consumed inthe just prosecution of my claim to aseat in that august body to whicb thepopular vote of-- free people had pro.ferred and e ected me to representthem, and in. assuming such responsi-bility I earnestly and scrupulouslywished aoove all other motives to carryout the will of the people, aud to main-tain inviolably, and assert emphaticallytheir rights, of whicb high prerogativeit was sought to deprive them, and 1

undertook all this with the firm hopethat my example might be heeded inthe future, and that a repetition of suchoutrages as were perpetrated iu mycase would, with tbe efficient aid ofevery good and loyal ciiizen, be pre-

vented forever, and liberty, right andharmony restored to such a degree thatthe boon and benefaction derived froma propei ly governed and well behavedcommunity might be effectually feltwith satisfaction throughout the entireterritory

On tbe final and triumphant adjudi-cation of my case, and soon as 1 wassworn in, I hastened as much as wasconsistent with my duties in the prepa-ration and introduction ot Ule variousbills which 1 have before congress, andhe execution of the accumulated busi

ness before the various departments ofihe government, and of all my effortsthe Congressional Record and said de-partments witi bear teitimouy up to tbepresent time; aud my labors as yourpublic sci vain not ending until the endof next session, I shall during this timeexert my best endeavors iu the consum-mation and accomplishment ot the sev-

eral measures which I have now beforecongress, together with any new oneswhich 1 may y t present. ut

in Import tnce among ibese last 1

desito to prepare a bill for the speedy,final and junt settlement of our laudlilies, of whatever origin they may be,that wo may be ab e to invite immigra-tion to our soil, with the assurance thatall now comers will be warmly wel-comed, and that whatever investmentsmay be sought to bo made will meetwith quiet and perfect titles to all landsand definitely dt lined beyond controyersy, and in order to intelligently pre-pare said bill I intoud 10 make a trip toihe City of Mexico, whero I hope toobtain such information aud data aswill more effectually secure tbe equita-ble and just adjudication of all titlesderived from that country.

Now, to the main point, to unite allanxious minds, and as I said before, inanswer to numerous inquiries from myvalued friinds, I must declare and saythat owing principally to the continuedsffiictious in my family, as well as

anous other minor causes toonumei-ou- s

to mention in detail, aid puttingthem all together, auer mature r flec-

tion on the subject and due justice toall oncerned. I have concluded that 1

cannot accept tho nomination tor delegate to congress, and I sincerely hopethat my action and tinal determinationwill not cause any disappointment tomv friends, and before closing I wouldrecommend and suggest that in theelection of a candidate you will actwith such prudence and wise delibera-tion as will insure his election and r ,irepresentative w.rtl.y of tbe name andobject of his mission- In conclusion, aud with the utmostrespect for the people of New MexicoIU general and my friends in particular,allow mo to convey to you all my sincero expressions of gratitude for yourkind support aud good wishes towardme as your public and most humbleservant. Fhancis A. Manzanarks

Las Vegas. N- M.Mr. Manzanares then presented the

name of Anthony Joseph to the con-

vention and tbe delegates to votefor him.

Judge Trimble was made chairmanpro teni.

The delegates of the various countiesthat had beeu instruclecWor Manzanaresmade a vigorous tight to get a nomination of their candidate by acclamation.

That gentleman again declined posi-tively and tho nomination of Josephwas made unanimous

After the convention there was ageneral feeling of disappointment anddissatisfaction on the faces of the dele-gates; and considerable complaint thatMr. Manzanares bad not treated bisconstituency fairly by keeping them solong ignorant of his purpose. It cannot be said, however, that he had prom-ised anybody he would run. With theirusual blundering capacity tbe demo-crats were sure be would be a candidatebecause they wanted him to.

O00D MORNING ! ! !

Fire, Life and Accident



John A. Lne, Thomas Releher, L. Mer-rima-

Neilt B. Field and Jo?e do InaChaven.

(o; fax J. Osfield, C. B.Adams. J.C Lcarv. W. T. Stracban, M. M. Milli-ga- n.

John Lee, Cipriano Lara.Dona Ana A Woldb. T.J. BuU. W.

('. BeaOOSS;, J. C. Booth, Don Evangel-ism ("have.

Grant J. P McGrorty, I. L. Fielder,by proxy to J P. McGrorty, T. D Wa-ters. A. S. Potter, J. P Ormsby, byproxy to A. S. Potter, E- E. Furman.

Rio Arriba L. M. Ortis, Manuel Gareia, by proxy to W. Spiegelborg, Luci-ana de Herrero, by proxy to W. Spie-eeibe- rg,

Benoto Maranjo bv proxy toN. B Laugh in, Pablo Sanches, byproxy to P. F. llorlo. M A. Vigil byproxy to Henry Grant, P. A. Doningues,by proxy lo C. M. Creamer, Marti-nes, by proxv to A. P. Connor, Juan C.Joseph, by proxy to Mariano Armijo.

Bant re Judge Warren, C. HJudge Waldo. Jesus Maiiay

Baca, Naario trónzales, W C. Rodgers,S. D. Baldwin, Vincent Mares.

San Miguel F. A. Manzanares, W.A. Vincent, J. Gross, Eduardo MártirDes, LorenSO Labadie, Geo. W. Stoneroad, Castilino Ro ñero, Francisco Ro-mero, Narcerio Romero, A. B. Sager,K. J. Holmes. E C. Henriques, W. U..

Keller J. M. 'Tafoya.Sierra A. C. Lowry, D. Meredith,

1 'liornas Murphy.Socorro--Lie- o. Vorhee, H. Lockhart,

E. V. Chavez, (ioo. W. Fox, L. F.Levy.J B McGee, J. M. Buckley, J. S.Hu'cbinson by proxv for E. F. Mc-lval- n.

Valencia Pablo Garcia, FranciscoVigil, A. Sanchez bv proxy to F. Vigil,tí. Chavez by proxy to E. C. Henriquts.F. iblo Chavez by proxy to W. B.Childers.

'Taos Mariano Larragoile, AntonioJoseph, Cristobal Mares proxy forTomas Torres, Bonito Valdez, J. G.Marlines.

'The committee on permanent organ-isalio- n

then reported as follows:President, Anthony Joseph; vice pres-

idents, 'Thomas J. Bull, J. C. Leary,Eor nzo 1, abadie, M 'McGonnegal, L.S. Trimble, L- - M Ortiz, 11. L. Warren.Juan Jose Baca, A. C. Lowroy, J. C,Lee. J. r McGrorty, Felipe Chayez,Captain Sena

Secretaries A. Welch, J G. Albright,W Chavez, Mrecano Gallogos.

Interpreten Mariano LarragoiteandEduat do Martinez.

Judge Trimble Judge Warren andHon. F. A. Manzanares were appointeda co lino tee to escort tho president tothe chair.

Mr. Joseph said: "gentlemen of thedemocratic convention of the territoryot New Mexico. There are limes in thecourse ot a human life when words cannot t xplain the sentiments of the heart,and one of those times to me is thatnow present. In the political history ofNew Mexico there never has met a con-

vention as respectable and composed ofa bodv Ot such representative menhaying tho prosperity of the territory atheart, ll is lilting that on such an importent occasion as this one should as-

semble in th is beautiful city; the beau-tiful (laughter of the valley, here istho l ight placo to raise the pedestal ofliberty and the standard ot freedom.Democratic his glorious and noble, ro-

lled i ng from its organization the noblecountenance of 'Thomas Jefferson. Ithas been a glorious party in limes ofwar. 'The history of the republicanparty is sanguinary and in our territorylias been arbitrary and tyrannical, andleaves us as an inheritance an enor-mous lax and our interests are pros-trated. Our government has beenconducted bv men not identified withthe territory, not honest men, who inthe d isobarge of their duties have tram-pelle- d

the laws under their feet and thepeople have raised a voice to have achange. They have their eyes fixed or.tins convention sod upon our work inthe way of making a plaiformand adopting resolutions. Uponilion will wo have to make our cam-paign before the people. By the prin-ciples of ihe democratic party we areall equal. Our officers are the servantsof the people, and not the bosses oftheir souls as the federal officers haveshown themselves to be. The ques-tion is simply reduced to this: Are weto be free or no ? If we are to bostatues, 1 don't waut to stay here. Thefeudal times hayo passed aud the daysof oppression and obscurity are thingsof t PS long ago.

'The took tho placeson the platform. More time was askedby the committee on resolutions and anendeavor was made to adjourn theconvention until yesterday morning,tor what purpose nobody knows, unlessit was to give the miserable Armijohotel another day of b'g business. Thecon vent ion was in a stato ot considerableexcitement at this moment. Branch,ot Mora (who boarded at tho Armijo),was decidedly in favor of getting awayby the lirst train. In expressing hissentiments OO this subject he was re-

peat, dly interrupted by Capt. JesusSena, of Santa Fe, who stood abouttwelve feet distant As stated in yes-terday's Gazkttk, Sena got poundedand after tho doctor had dressed biswounds, he in the forum,presenting a most ludicrous appearance.

Adjourned until 8:30 p. m.NINE O'CLOCK SESSION.

After the bouse had assembled in theevening the Union flag was spread oveithe speaker's tabio, which act calledforth rounds of applause.

As soon us tho chairman had takeuhis place, on motion of Judge Trimbleit was ordered that the chairman ap-point six democrats at largo and thatthe delégales of the various countiesalio obooss one member from eachcounty, the whole to form tbo demo-crat lc central committee Of the territory.

Lockhart, of Socorro, moved to limitdebate to live minutes, amended tolitteen minutes.

I mined lately following the adoption01 the renoitoftbe committee on reso-lutions ihe order was called tor nominalions for delegate to congress. It wasdo hi on the card for Wm. A Vincentto pre.-e- nt ihe name of Manzanares, butCaptain Sena the abused and pommailed gentleman from Santa Fe,bounced up and (1 ill the job in a grace-less manner which threw a wet blanketon t he convention.

Mr. Manzanares took tho platformand read ihe following which ho hadIntended to send to the convention bythe San Miguel delegation.

M A N'ZANAUKS' LETT Kit.Hiving been urged from different

Hot 8prng Steam Laundry docs

cuito tu work.

Skates 23 centa tonigbt at the rink.

Only 26 cent admiaaiwn U the rinktonigbt

Tram from the north fortyflve min-ute- a

late iaat oigbt.

Ice cream, cake and lemonade to-

nigbt at the akaiing rink.

The ladies are requested to meet atthe rink at 2 o'clock today.

We learn that Ado. on Sandoval hasnot been married as reported.

Eyery man, woman and child in LasVegas m learning how to skate.

The 'adiei' social circle will meet atthe residence of A. D. Higgtns today at2:80 p. m.

Tonight will be the grandest timeever witnessed in Las Vegas. Every-body will be present.

The resolutions of the democratic ter-

ritorial convention are unavoidablycrowded out of this issue.

Wo would rather have an interest inthe skating rink than have a boil on theback of our nock by long odds.

Mike Kerrigan, of Deming. was ac- -

of the charge of the murder of3uitted by the grand jury.

Five hundred people will be presentat the rink tonigbt. Carpets andcushions will be placed in convenientplaces to fall on.

Dr M. AddieKester makes a (DAoialty of female diseases. Ladies sufferingin that direction will do well to consulther while in the city.

A reception was given last evoning atthe residence of Joseph Kosenwald toMrs. P. Leon, of tnis city, who intendsto leave for Trinidad and niako it herfuture home.

Billy Burton, of tlio Snug, furnishedhis customers with over three hundredmountain trout from Tuesday eveningat 6 o'clock to 7 o'clock yesterdaymorning. Billy always lias the bestthe season affords.

The awkward squad tonight at theskating rink. At least twenty-fiv- e peo-ple will try on skates for tne first time.All that understand 'he art will sitdown for half an hour, in order that theawkward squad may have a chance.

Mr. (J. W. Taylor, salesman in Mr.Sinclair's store, at Lake Valley, was

E resented with a gold watch and chainy the proprietor, as a mark of his ap-

preciation of his faithful services. Mr.Taylor is a brother of Mrs. W. K.Haluios, of this city.

Ex Depot Policdman Perry went toDeming from Los Vegas and throughG. A. K. influence got into the goodgraces of the boys down there. Hispresunt whereabouts is a matter of veryaerioub intetest to Dolan and otherswho loaned him considerable sums ofmoney.

J. U. Allen, the tailor on Bridgestreet, has just received a fine lot ofsamples for fall and winter clothingfrom Wanamaker & Brown. Philadel-phia, and.is prepared to take measuresand forward orders. He will guaranteebetter goods ana better litting garmentsfor less monev than any othor tailortaking orders for any other easternhouse.

A tramp who gave his name as plainJohn Hobson, yesterday stole J. J.Fitzgenell's military cjat from the lat-ter- 's

real estate office Mr. F. (eft hisoffice a moment or two alone whenJohn II. stepped in ami cabbaged theooat, perhaps with tho intent ion of be-

coming a military gentleman. Thethief was tracked and captured, acknowledged the theft and lodged in jail,but failed to stato where the coat wasleft. The parson would like to knowwhero it is. Any Information of thewhereabouts of tho garment will bethankfully .eceived by the owner.

A very pleasant surpriso was tender-ed Miss Maudie Sewnld last night at theresidence of her sister, Mrs. HenryCoors, yesterday being Miss Muudie'sbirthday, she naturally expected herfriends to greet her with more than or-dinary cordiality, but instead of it shemet a reserve that grow unplen-an- t be-

fore tho day had drawn to a close.Imagine her joyous surpriso about 8o'clock last night when a large numberof her friends greeted her in n inoi?tdelightful manner. A sum putous supperwas served and the merry making waskept up till about 12 o'clock when theparty bade Miss Maudie good nigbt,wishing her many more haprfy birth-days.

Puffs For People.

C. B. Adams, of the Raton Comet anddelegate to the late convention, was inthe city yesterday.

Byron Archibald left for Fon du Lac,Wiscousin, yesterday morning. Byronis one of the old engineers of this diviMM.

Dr. M. Addie Kester, a well knownlady of lopeka, ll at the I'n.a hotel.Her professional notice appears iuanother column.

Mrs. M. A. Kester, M. I)., Topeka;S.T. S. Longueran, John Dougherty,Mareado Gallegos, H. L. Branob, MilesMcGonigle, Henry Kobinson. A. Van-derwar- t.

Mora; h M. Mcllhauy.M . and John S. Tuptill, St.

Louis are al the Plaza.

What a Democrat Says.To th (iazotte :

"Blaine? Blaine? Who is Blaine?Why he is a workingman's friend, andis opposed to ' Bread and water needi-er.' " Ol'HMALMIA

Life and public services of James 0.Blaine, published at his home, Augusta,Maine. Price, $150 and $1 75, accordingto binding, etc. Subscriptions receivedby George I). Allen. tf.

Concerning-- Herself and the Treat-

ment Received in Rev. Mr.Fraaer'a Home.

A reporter of tbe Gazette called attbe residence of Rev. James Eraser lastevening and requested an interviewwith Misa Annie Wiley. The yonngladv appeared in the parlor and tbefollowing Conversation occurred:

Reporter: Miss Wiley, the report iscurrent upon tbe street and Mrs. J. BMartin has given it currency that youbaye complained of harsh and crueltreatment by tbe members of Mr Era-ser's household, have you made suchstatements?

Miss Wiley: I have never at anytime stated anything ot the kind noranything whicb could honestly be takento mean that I have not bad the beat oftreat man! in this household.

Rep: But why did you loave Mr.Fraser's and avoid him when he wassearching for you?

Miss W . I did not want to comeback here, and when he called at MrsMartin's house, I begged her not to tellhim 1 was there as I did not want to seehim. I bad done him and Mrs. Fraserand myself a wrong, for which I wasvery sorry and I did not caro to troubleMrs. Fraser with it. 1 do not want tosay anyth'OK about that now for publi-cation. It is a personal matter.

Rep: Have you ever been punishedhere by being put on a bread and waterdiet?

Miss M: What do you mean by sucha question ?

Rep: 1 mean have you ever been keptaway from tbe regular meal and givenon l bread and water.

Miss W. : Do I look like a person whohas neon starved or treated in that way?1 should think I would show it if 1 bad-No- .

sir; I have alwavs bad tbe samefood as Mr. and Mrs Fraser and st thesame table. Thev have alwavs treatedmo as their own daughter Here tbetears came to the young lady's eyes,and I was not brought to Las Vetras.when they came, against my will, buiwas asked to come with them. I weuito school eyery winter, although nomuch last winter. Mrs. Fraser and I

took turns about in going out.The young lady also gave a theory foi

the outrageous stories which the impor-ter stated had been given out by MidMartin, but we withhold it from publication. 8h ais i stated thai sin- hailnever seen wine on the dinner table otIhe tamilj.

Miss Speakman, who has beeu formine than a year in the family of Rev.Mr. Fraser, confirmed the stau menta ofMiss Wiley as given above. ;.nd nHirm dmost positively that no id treatmentbad ever been manifested.

Thus, in a few words, is nailed anotherof those damnable fabrications whichthe evening paper is notorious for pub-lishing, calculated to destroy tbe goodname of our best people. There is noexcuse for such work. Why should t liestory of one woman be. believed wiihouimaking further inquiry of tbe partieswhose lite work it is intended to injureforever. The interview with MrsMartin was written with a criminallylibelous intent. The writer thereof dmnot want to learn any other story. Ifibis kind of defamation is tolerated,and those whom the people believe tobe true and honorable are to be burledto the same dust in which the commontattler lives, what is to become of thefabric of society and the respect due tofellow men in general ?

Our entire sjpek of Sum-mer Goods must and willhe sold within the nextthirty days, either at costor less than cost. Call atonce and buy goods at lowfigures.J. ROSEN WALD, Plaza.House fainting ot all kinds,

Decorating-- , Fapertianging and(Jalciimmiiig. Satisfaction guar-anteed. CHAS. L. SHEKMAJS.


M. A. Reidlinger has purchased theinterest of Thos. Clinton, in the Kegsaloon on Bridge street. 3t

A new addition of stylish millinery ofevery description just arrived at Chas.Ilfeid's.

Lockhart & Co. have $2,000 worthof new wall paper, decorations and cor-ners, of all styles, and prices to suiteverybody. 807tf

Call at Sporledor's aud have yourfine boots and shoes made to order.

305tf'I he Montezuma barber shop has

been refitted and papered in elegantstyle. Satisfaction guaranteed Call audsee them. 305tf


Lamo ornen at Santa i k, n M. I

June IS, 1884. fNotice Ib hereby given tbat ibe following-name- d

settler nan tiled notice of hit Intentionto make final proof In support of bis claim,and that said proof will be made before tneregister and receiver at Sunta Fe, N. M., onAugust 11, 1884, viz: John G. Clancy, of 8nMiguel county .'or the NW. 4, 8. W H, 8. W.

N. W. H, Lot. 4, 860.Í.T. 6, N. I'. 243He mine a flic following wit' eai-- e tu prove

big courlnunuB residence upon, and cultiva-tion of . ssiii Ui.d, viz: John Uerhardt, c. H.Moore, Juan Pais, Jose Chaves, all of Puertade i.un V. 0 N. M.

max mon,2 Register.

Notloe for PublicationHomestead, No. 2218.)

Land Orric-- at Santa H,N. M., I

August 9, 1881. fNotice U hereby given that the following

named settler ha tiled notice of hit Intentionto make final proof in support of hii claim, andthat said proof will He made before the pro-1- 1

e J udge of San Miguel oounty, at Lai Wgas,N M . , on Oo- - nb r S, 1884, viz ; He cedei Cara-baj-

of an Miguel 0 unt. for h N. W;8 KÜ N. W) 8o 17, T 7. N. H vi .

He mimes the following witnesses to provebis continuous residence upon, and cultiva-tion of, said land, viz;

Cruz uoero, of I as Vegas po'tofficc. N. MA. QrezlachuW k , O 'nrge (iddlngi. of Pu rtodn l.una. N. M. . Jamos biddn gs, of AguaNegro, pontouice, N. M.

MAX rip HT.W Kw Keglster

Which Moans the DemocratParly.

Attended by Delegate from Thir-

teen Counties,

nan session.At 12:20, Col. George W. Stone ro ail ,

chairman of territorial democratic neotral committee, called tho conventionto order. He reviewed the action of thecommittee by which the present con-vention bad been assembled; expressedsatisfaction tha. there had been so larnea response to the call and hoped lh.itharmony would characterise all tlx'oroceedinus of the body Applause

The chairman then requested theholders of the list of delegates to pre-sent them to the secretary who read thesame and tho delegates answered to thecall by counties.

Win n the county ot San Miguel wascalled Hon. Francisco Manzauares pro-ceeded to the platform and presentedthe list. The moment he left his seatthe house burst into rounds of auplausewhich grow like approaching thunder.Delegates arose in their seats and cheerafter cheer arose.

The response of Hon. Anthony Jo-seph to the secretary's call was alsomet with cheers and applause.

When the reading of the list of dele-gates had concluded the chairman an-

nounced that he had beeu requested topresent the name of Judge Potter fortemporary chairman. There being noother nominations the choice was madeunanimous and Messrs. Childers, War-ren and Joseph were made a 00 mm it teeto conduct tho gentleman to the chair.

Judge Potter said he recognised it asa compliment to his county to receivesuch distinction at the hands of theconvention. He asked and hoped thattho delegates would place before theterritory a loyal democrat anil a manwhose hands were free from fraud andcorruption. We hayo but little voice iuihe affairs of the government but we cansupport tho bands that are endeavoringto roll back the fraud and corruptionwhich wo have so long opposed. Woheave tho best chance now to succeedthat we have ever had.

J. Oilloid moved the election of Wm.A. Vincent as temporary secretary ofthe convention. The election was unan-imous.

A lively discussion took placo over thesubject of priority of motions, J. Us-Ue-

urged at leuglli the appointmentot interpreters and Charles O'ConnorRoberts opposed upon a point of order.The former gen lie man said it was prob-able that he had not had quito as manycocktails as his opponent before cominginto the meeting. Cries of "order."Roberts said he was not so well postedon tho subject of cocktails as Dir.Usfield. Cries of order again.)The interpreters wore appointed aflora

noisy disturbance as follows : EduardoMartinez and Mariano Larragoi to. l'hefollowing committee on credentials wasappointed: .J. A. Leo, J. C. Leary, A.VVolch, J. P. McGrearty, A. Montoya,Macario Gallegos, Willi Spiegel berg,Vincent Mares, Antonio Joseph. E. C.Henrique and A. C. jjowrey.

Motions wore simultaneously made toadjourn until tomorrow; for ond hour;to appoint committees upon resolutionsand permanent organization. fhechairman lost his head and allowed thetalkative delegates to play hatlledoorand shuttlecock with the various mo-tions. O'Conor Roberts attempted tospeak again and the house' drowned hisvoice, whereupon ho attempted to taketho platform, but at tho request of thochair he took hii seat

The committee on permanent organ-ization consisted of N. B. Field; C. B.Adams, E. E. turtunii. C. B. Young,Henry Robinson, L M Ortiz. NoraiGoDSaleSi U. J. Holmes. E. V. Chaves,J, G. Albright, Pablo Garcia y Ortizand A. C. Lowry. .

Following is the names of thoseappointed on tho committee of resolu-tions: Tomas C. Guite rez. J. Ostfeld,A. Welsh. D. G. Walters, Jose Mon-toya. A. L. branch, N. B. Laughliu, C.H. Gilderaleevo, A. B. Sager, Geo. W.Fox, Antonio Joseph, W. B. Childersand David Meredith.

J. Osfield, of Colfax, wore i.pon hissoul the weight of the land grant ques-tion and occupied considerable lime inurging the instruction of the committeeon resolutions to place an anti-gra- nt

plank in the resolutions. The spiriteddiscussion which followed indicated awide difference of opinion upon thesubject iu baud, and showed that it waslikely to bo the bone of contention incommittee as well as in open housethrough the convention.. Judge Waldo moved to adjourn. Os-field urged his niotidn in order to findout who was against fraudulent landgrants and who was not. Childers movedto refer to the committee on resolutions.Judge Trimble said ho wanted to knowwhat ho was votirg upon. If the mo-tion was a general onslaught on grants,be whs opposed to it, and he, as well asthe entire democrat ic party, would seethat the owner of genuine grants, andthose whoso titles were recognized bythe United States were protecten mtheir rights. If there ever was a timewhen it behooved the democratic partyof New Mexico to take care in theadoption of proper principles wbl ih willcarry us out of thedark days of defeatit is now, and he thought the delegatefrom Colfax was in a hurry. Ihewhole matter was referred to the com-mittee on resolutions Adjourned till4 o'clock.

AT TftK KOUK O'CLOCK lESSIONthe oommittee oo credentials reportedfavorably upon the following lis met:

Lincoln rat F. Uarretl, g. r. Youngby proxy to Jose Montano, J. C, Lea.and J. J. Dolan, both l proxy to JoseMontano and Jose Montano.

Mora A. L. Branch. John Doberty,Macarlo Gallegos Z'b Looguevan,Henry Kobinson. Ronaldo Gonsnles, byproxy to Miles McGonmglc, FelicianoGuiteres, bv proxy (O Evaristo Lucero,Dolores, Romero by proxv to (J. B

S E Tipton, by proxy to Fran-cisco Arniijo y Otero.

Bernalillo Thomas iberwood, byproxy toll. B. Ferguson, Tin 0. Guiterree, W. B, Childers, L. s. Prim ble,


NEW MEXICOPlaning Mill.

SAH, DOORS AND BLINDSMade to order and kept in stock. All kinds of Shingles. L&th

Builders' Hardware, Mouldings, Plaster Hair. Etc.

Native LumberAnd all regular sizes kept in stock.

Contraots taken for all kinds and classes ot buildings.A Specialty made of Bank and Office Fixtuss;

Parties from abroad write tor estimates.Las Vegas, -

Grand Opening!


A School for Young Ladies andChildren, beuins its third

Annual SessionSeptember 8, 1884.

GEO. T. UOULD, A. M Academic Dept.Mrs. 8. W. FOSTER, Intcrmwllate.Mr. W. M. W HITELA w, Primary.Señor U. C. GALLE US, Spa.iiiih.Prof. F. L. KKI-TO- Muxic and Art.Tuition from (5tolu por term. Music tf

per month ; Orawinfi or PaintiK $.' per monthTeacberx all competent anil experienced.Young ladies prepared tor senior year of

best rusten, female colleiros.Especial attention irlven to Manners and

Mom l. No extra cha ge for Latin, Greekand German; Spanish and French extra

liy tbe opcntuK ot the Hchool the seminarywiiiie thoroaxhly fenced, separating? the boys'and Mr play grounds, ai d giving to each aP' i vacy and comfort not. beforo known. Wehull also have three ol th handsomest and

best furnished recitation rooms In the terri-tory A few pupils taken to board in tbefamily of tho prlncl al Address


Fine Rams for Sale

FOUR Hl'NDKED, one aud twovearold,Rams, bred by Vermont Spanish Merino ramsout of California Merino ewes. Price, eightdollars per head. Can be seen at GallinasCrossing, forty miles south of Las Vegan.

HUGO ZUBER.Post Office, Gallinas Spring, New Mexico.


Art Embroidery ParlorsAre removed to tbe

Rosenwald Block, Plaza.

She Is Importer r.f Floss snrt Patterns, andtakes orders f .r Dress and Ladles' burnishingWoods of every description. She bas themo t elegant line of patterns that ran befound In the United States, both In quantityand quality. Cuttl' g and basting a specialty.

ill) N BROS.,




Are now receiving three tlmea a weekSpring Ch'ckens, Fresh Tomatoes,

resh Cucumbeis, " Corn" Peax and Heans. " Av les.and a l aini's of vegetable. Have Just received tne mirsl HKKi.rtinimt of allxtra cts ever found In Las Vega

New Mexico.


Rink !


Academy.- AugratZIát..


-- OF



Las VegasTüursoay Evening, -

RefreshmentsLET THERE BE A

Kirsch wasser at Billy'sSnug. lw

H. W. Wyman lias justreceived an invoice ofthose celebrated cigarsput up in tin boxes.

ICECREAM.Those desirine Ice Cream of the

best quautv. by the dish or quartwill find that Mrs. E A. HopKiuson Doug as or Centre street, hasthe best in the market. Alsohomemade bread pies and cakesfresh every day. 65-- 1 m

The grocery and lhiuor storeof A. Aboulafla. West Las Vegas,Manuel Silba manager. Is nowtbe center of a large and increas-ing trade.

Do you wish a beautiful complexion?Then use Ayer1 Sarsaparil a. It cleansand purifies the blood, and iherely re-

moves blotches and pimples from tbeskin, making it smooth and clear, andgiving it a bright and healthy appearan ;e

Las Vegas.

lie file if Las Veps ami My i M, lie Ladies ii Particular

Before haying made np our mind to elose out certain lines, we ordered a great many FALL and WINTER GOODS, in Underwearand Shoes. They hare now arrived and will be sold at ACTUAL COST, in connection with other goods to be closed Out. Thev are ofthe best make ever brought to tlicI I erritory, and will prove, as offered now, one of the most desirable articles in the market. LADIES,

SN'S UNDERWEAR in all qualities, suitable for fall and winter. A full and complete line o,f Bennet & Ber--MISSES and CHILDRnard's French Kid Shoes, the finest ever brought to

ACTUAL AT ACTUAL COST. COST.bro"wne nvciisrz: añares
