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  • 8/11/2019 LAST 11 CASES.doc


    MA. JEAN B. CASTAEDACriminal Law 2 (Sunday 8:00-12:00)

    CASE #1

    JACUTIN vs.PEOPLEG.R. No. 140604March 6, 00


    On 01 December 1995, in Cagayan de Oro City, Ms. Juliet Q. Yee, a young year!old "oman, single and #res$ graduate in %ac$elor o# &cience in 'ursing soug$t #orem(loyment in t$e o##ice o# t$e City )ealt$ O##icer *ico Jacutin. During t$e course o# $era((lication #or em(loyment, Dr. Jacutin unla"#ully and criminally re+uested seual #avors#rom $er by demanding t$at s$e s$ould e(ose $er body and allo" $er (rivate (arts to bemas$ed and stimulated by t$e accused. &aid seual #avor "as made as a condition #or t$eem(loyment o# Ms. Yee in t$e -amily rogram o# t$e O##ice o# t$e accused. /$e

    &andiganbayan #ound t$e accused, Dr. *ico Jacutin, guilty o# t$e crime o# &eual)arassment under *e(ublic ct 'o. 2.


    3$et$er or not t$e accused is guilty o# t$e crime c$arged.


    /$e &u(reme Court $eld t$at t$e accused is guilty o# t$e crime o# &eual )arassmentde#ined and (unis$ed under *e(ublic ct 'o. 2, (articularly &ections 4 and t$ereo#. nt$e case at bar, t$e seual #avor "as made by t$e accused as a condition in t$e $iring orem(loyment o# t$e victim. )ence, t$e decision o# t$e &andiganbayan "as a##irmed by t$e&u(reme Court. )o"ever, a"ard o# moral and eem(lary damages are MOD-6D. /$eaccused is ordered to indemni#y t$e o##ended (arty, Juliet Yee, in t$e amount o# 40,000.00and 0,000.00 #or moral and eem(lary damages.


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    Criminal Law 2 (Sunday 8:00-12:00)

    CASE #

    PAISTEvs. MAMENTAA.M. No. P$0%$16&'Oc(o)*r 1, 00%


    /$ese consolidated administrative cases arose #rom t"o di##erent com(laints #iled againstres(ondent (roniano 7. Mamenta, Jr., Cler8 o# Court , Munici(al Circuit /rial Court o#/ayug!&an 'icolas, angasinan. n an a##idavit!com(laint #iled "it$ t$e O##ice o# t$e C$ie#Justice,1:dated ugust 10, 001, com(lainant Joanne &. ;oltiao c$arged $im "it$ gamblingand drin8ing li+uor during o##ice $ours, seual $arassment, arrogance and acts unbecomingo# a government o##icial. n anot$er a##idavit!com(laint #iled "it$ t$e O##ice o# t$e Court

    dministrator,:dated ugust 2, 001, t$e ot$er com(lainant Jocelyn C. aiste c$arged $im"it$ conduct unbecoming o# a (ublic o##icer and "it$ violation o# t$e nti!;ra#t and Corru(tractices ct4:#or $is #ailure to issue o##icial recei(t.

    #ter res(ondent denied t$e accusations against $im in se(arate letters,

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    a#ter"ards tried to #ree $er $ands o## $is but $e "ould no let $er. nstead, $e told $er, 3ait#or a "$ile, "ould Gust li8e to tell you somet$ing. love you, is t$at o8ay /ell me t$at youlove me too. 'o strings attac$ed.E &$e retorted, s i# you are my #at$er.E &(urned, $e gotmad. /$is 8ind o# incident $a((ened at least ten more times.-urt$ermore, res(ondent sent $er love notes. )e "rote $is love messages on (ieces o#(a(er in #ront o# $er and $anded t$em to $er.9:&$e 8ne" t$at t$ey "ere intended #or $er ast$ere "as nobody else (resent "$en $e gave t$e notes to $er. )e "ould also call $er at $ermot$erBs $ouse. &$e did not res(ond a##irmatively to $is dis(lay o# a##ection as bot$ o# t$emare married. -inally, s$e e(lained t$at s$e #iled a com(laint against $im only on ugust 10,001 because o# t$e ugust , 001 incident, "$en s$e got #ed u( at t$e "ay $e treated $er.Marilyn de Heon, also a court stenogra($er o# MC/C /ayug!&an 'icolas, corroborated t$etestimony o# ;oltiao.10:&$e stated t$at s$e "itnessed t$e incident on ugust , 001, "$enres(ondent became angry at ;oltiao a#ter t$e latter "ent to as8 #or $is signature "$ile $e"as (laying tong-its. &$e $eard res(ondent s$out #oul "ords at ;oltiao. &$e added t$atres(ondent gets mad at everyone at t$e o##ice on trivial matter. &$e, too, received love notes#rom t$e res(ondent.Court stenogra($er ;lenda C. *amireI also corroborated t$e testimony o# ;oltiao. 11:&$edeclared t$at s$e "itnessed t$e incident on ugust , 001 at t$eir o##ice. &$e observed t$atres(ondent "as #uming mad at ;oltiao, "$en t$e latter as8ed $im to sign a clearance#orm. &$e $eard res(ondent s$out at ;oltiao inside t$e courtroom and at t$e sta##room. *es(ondent got mad "$en ;oltiao allo"ed t$e re(resentatives o# t$e insurancecom(any to enter t$e courtroom, "$ere $e "as (laying tong-its. &$e related t$at s$e alsoreceived love notes #rom $im. One time, a#ter res(ondent signed $er travel order s$e noticedt$e #ollo"ing message "ritten on t$e orderA A40 in t$e evening, Jollibee.E &$e did not goout "it$ $im. &$e c$ose $im as a (rinci(al s(onsor on $er "edding in t$e $o(e t$at $e"ould treat $er li8e $is o"n c$ild and t$at $e "ould sto( sending notes to $er. /$is did not$a((en even as res(ondent continued to easily get mad at $er #or sim(le la(ses.*enato *omba"a, a utility "or8er at t$e court, sa" t$e incident on ugust , 001, "$enres(ondent got mad at ;oltiao inside t$e courtroom. 1: )e did not 8no" "$y $e became#urious. t t$e time o# t$e incident, res(ondent "as (laying tong-its.6sti#anio costa, Cler8 at t$e MC/C, stated t$at $e li8e"ise sa" res(ondent got mad

    "$en ;oltiao tried to obtain $is signature #or a clearance #orm. 14:*es(ondent, $e recalled,"as at t$at time (laying tong-its. )e 8ne" t$at res(ondent gives love notes to ;oltiao and;lenda *amireI, as t$e t"o revealed t$is secret to $im.Hastly, David agaoan testi#ied t$at at about 4A00 oBcloc8 in t$e a#ternoon o# ugust , 001,somebody came to get a clearance #rom t$e court. 1

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    agricultural business #irst be#ore going to t$e court. )e adds t$at "itnesses *omba"a,costa and agaoan all (lay tong-itseit$er at t$e session $all o# t$e court or t$e #irst #loor o#t$e building.On rebuttal, com(lainant ;oltiao revealed t$at res(ondent invited $er several times #or a dateat Jollibee, instructing $er not to tell $er $usband about it. 1>:*es(ondent countered t$atevery time $e invites $er, it "as "it$ de Heon, *amireI and ot$er court (ersonnel.1:

    n .M. 'o. !04!1>9 ?#ormerly OC ... 'o. 01!119>!@, com(lainant aiste is t$e o"nero# JC nsurance gency, and as its (ro(rietor, $as transactions "it$ t$e MC/C /ayug!&an 'icolas.12:&$e testi#ied t$at on (ril 4, 001 at about A00 (.m. s$e "ent to t$e court,toget$er "it$ a client, to (ost bail. 3$en t$ey arrived, t$ey could not #ind t$e res(ondent. nem(loyee named Marilyn accom(anied t$en to one o# t$e rooms at t$e $all o# Gustice "$eret$e res(ondent "as $olding game cards and (laying tong-its"it$ some (eo(le. Marilyncalled res(ondentBs attention telling $im t$at somebody "ants to (ost bail. *es(ondentretorted, You Gust go a$ead u(stairs. 3$y, could you not "aitE /$ey "ent a$ead andres(ondent #ollo"ed #i#teen minutes a#ter. &$e noticed t$at $e "as mad. /$ey told $im t$ey"ant to (ost bail and $e as8ed #or t$e records o# t$e case. #ter eamining t$e records, $eslammed it and said, You go to *osalesF /$at is not our "or8FE )e also became angry "$ent$ey #ollo"ed $im.On (ril 0, 001, aiste, an o##icemate and a client again "ent to t$e MC/C in /ayug!&an'icolas to (ost bail in connection "it$ Criminal Case 'o. 1. /$e res(ondent instructedt$em to go to t$e $ouse o# Judge astor. /$ey "ent t$ere as told but t$e Gudge reGected t$eir(a(ers. /$ey returned t$e net day, a &aturday, a#ter com(leting t$eir documents. /$eycame #rom t$e court "$ere t$ey met res(ondent, "$o accom(anied t$em to t$e GudgeBs$ouse. /$e Gudge a((roved t$e surety bond.19:Hater, t$ey $anded t$ree t$ousand (esos?4,000.00@ to t$e res(ondent, t"o t$ousand #our $undred (esos ?,00.00@ a#ter $e as8ed t$em,Paano naman yung sa akin?E /$ey understood t$at to mean t$at $e "as e(ecting some#orm o# com(ensation as $e accom(anied t$em outside t$e o##ice on a non!"or8ingday. /$ey t$en demanded an o##icial recei(t #or t$e t"o t$ousand #our $undred (esos?,

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    99 ade+uately establis$es t$at $e "as guilty o# gambling,using abusive language and seually $arassing $is #emale subordinates. 3e #ind crediblet$e categorical and straig$t#or"ard testimonies o# com(lainant ;oltiao and $er"itnesses. /$eir #ran8 and candid testimonies, uns$a8en by cross!eamination andun#la"ed by inconsistencies or contradictions in t$eir material (oints, deserve our #ull #ait$and belie#.>:

    n contrast, "e are not (ersuaded by t$e denial (ut #or"ard by t$e res(ondent. /$e(ur(orted motive $e im(utes against com(lainant and $er "itnesses #or #iling t$is case is not"ort$y o# attention. )e asserts t$at t$ey Gust "ant $im removed so t$ey can continue "it$t$eir bad "ays in t$e o##ice.E t stri8es us strange t$at $e allo"ed t$ese bad "ays #or a longtime "it$out ta8ing any measures or re(orting t$em to t$e OC./ime and again, "e $ave em($asiIed t$at court o##icers, circumscribed "it$ $eavyres(onsibility, must be t$e (aragon o# (ro(riety and good be$avior.:/$is is es(ecially true#or a cler8 o# court li8e t$e res(ondent. s a ran8ing o##icer o# t$e court, it is incumbent u(on$im to set an eam(le to $is co!em(loyees as to $o" t$ey s$ould conduct t$emselves ino##iceK to see to it t$at $is subordinates "or8 e##iciently in accordance "it$ t$e rules andregulations o# t$e civil service and t$e GudiciaryK and to (rovide t$en "it$ a $ealt$y "or8ing

    atmos($ere "$erein co!"or8ers treat eac$ ot$er "it$ res(ect, courtesy and coo(eration, sot$at in t$e end (ublic interest "ill be bene#ited. 2:

    *es(ondent #ailed to measure u( to t$ese standards. )is use o# o##ensive language to"ardscom(lainant ;oltiao re#lects $is im(oliteness and lac8 o# decorum. )e s$outed (ro#anity at$er, verbally abused $er and even disres(ected $er mot$er. )e did t$is in t$e (resence o# somany em(loyees and clients o# t$e court. 3orse, t$ere "as no reason #or $im to unleas$ to$er a #ury o# t$is 8ind. &$e "as merely as8ing $im to sign a clearance #orm and to eaminet$e a((licant (ursuant to $is s(eci#ic instruction t$at $e s$ould #irst see t$e a((licant #or t$eclearance be#ore $e sign t$e #orm. n #ine, s$e "as Gust doing $er Gob. /$e trut$ is, $e gotmad at $er out o# $is #ear t$at t$e client s$e broug$t along mig$t re(ort $im to t$is court "$ent$ey caug$t $im in lagrante delitogambling.&imilarly obGectionable is res(ondentBs (enc$ant #or (laying tong-its?a card game@ and

    gambling "it$ ot$er em(loyees o# t$e court. ;ambling is illegal and is absolutely #orbidden atcourt (remises during o##ice $ours.9:t generates un"$olesome conse+uences on t$egambler as it diverts $is attention #rom t$e more im(ortant res(onsibilities o# $is Gob.40:*es(ondent $imsel# "as very muc$ a"are o# t$is (ro$ibition and t$is is eactly t$e reason"$y $e castigated t$e com(lainant #or a((roac$ing $im "$ile $e "as (laying cards, t$usA3$y did you bring t$en "it$ you Did you li8e t$em to bring me to t$e &u(reme CourtE 41:

    3orse, res(ondent "as (laying cards and gambling during o##ice $ours at t$e session $all o#t$e courtroom, "$ic$ is $ardly t$e (lace #or suc$ undesirable activities. courtroom isgenerally loo8ed u(on by (eo(le "it$ $ig$ res(ect and regarded as a sacred (lace "$ere


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    "itnesses testi#y under oat$, "$ere con#licts are resolved, rig$ts adGudicated, and Gusticesolemnly dis(ensed.4:Ma8ing it a game room and a casino area diminis$es its sanctity anddignity.44:

    /$e undue advances res(ondent made to com(lainant ;oltiao betrays $is t"isted sense o#(ro(riety. Many times, $e declared $is #eelings #or $er and $anded $er love notes. )e "ouldt$en beseec$ $er to say t$e same t$ings to $im. )e (ro(osed to $ave dinner dates "it$ $erat Jollibee. /$ere "ere times t$at $e cornered $er at t$e GudgeBs c$amber and unnecessarily$eld $er $and. 3$ile (ro#essing oneBs amorous intention is not somet$ing t$at usuallycauses a $ullabaloo, it becomes indecent and im(ro(er in t$is case considering $e iscom(lainant ;oltiaoBs su(erior and bot$ o# t$em are married. )is dissoluteness told itsel#"$en $e "ent to t$e etent o# calling $er at $er mot$erBs $ouse and (ersuading $er not to tell$er $usband about t$ese incidents.t a((ears too t$at t$e com(lainant "as not t$e eclusive obGect o# res(ondentBsadvances. 3itnesses Marilyn de Heon and ;lenda *amireI testi#ied t$at t$ey also receivedlove notes and invitations #or dinner #rom $im. Hi8e a $unter out on t$e (ro"l, $e victimiIedot$er #emale "or8ers unabas$edly (ro#essing $is alleged #eelings #or t$em in utter disregardo# t$e #act t$at t$ey "ere $is subordinates, t$ey "ere married and t$ey "ere young enoug$to be $is daug$ters. nstead o# $e being in loo parentisover $is subordinate em(loyees, $e(reyed on t$em as $e too8 advantage o# $is su(erior (osition.4:&eual $arassment in t$e "or8(lace is notabout a man ta8ing advantage o# a "oman by reason o# seual desire L it is about (o"erbeing eercised by a su(erior over $is "omen subordinates. 4:/$at (o"er emanates #romt$e #act t$at $e can remove t$em i# t$ey re#use $is amorous advances.42:

    /$ere is li8e"ise su##icient evidence in .M. 'o. !04!1>9 to $old res(ondentadministratively liable #or $is #ailure to issue o##icial recei(t a#ter receiving court #ees and #ordiscourtesy. /$e testimony o# com(lainant aiste is "ort$y o# belie#. 3e #ind $er categoricaland consistent declarations credible, es(ecially "$en vie"ed in t$e lig$t o# t$e #act t$at no ill!

    motive on $er (art "as establis$ed.49:gainst $er (ositive testimony, su((orted bydocumentary evidence based on o##icial court records, t$e mere uncorroborated denial o# t$eres(ondent deserves scant considerations.

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    and gambling. )e "as very irritable t$e "$ole time $e "as tal8ing to t$em. #ter $eeamined t$e record, $e slammed it an told t$em to go to t$e court at *osales. )e t$en gotannoyed "$en t$ey #ollo"ed $im. /o be sure, t$is is no "ay to treat court users.)ig$ strung and belligerent be$avior $as no (lace in government, es(ecially in t$e Gudiciary,"$ere t$e (ersonnel are enGoined to act "it$ sel#!restraint and civility at all times, even "$encon#ronted "it$ rudeness and insolence. 9, $is #ailure to issue a recei(t amounted to gross neglect o#duty "$ile $is grossly discourteous be$avior is conduct unbecoming o# a (ublic o##icer. -ort$is reason, "e im(ose on $im a sus(ension o# one ?1@ mont$.' 763 3)6*6O-, *6&O'D6'/ (roniano 7. Mamenta, Jr. is #ound ;uilty o# grossdiscourtesy, gambling, and seual $arassment in .M. 'o. !04!1>99 and is accordinglyD&M&&6D #rom t$e service "it$ (reGudice to re!em(loyment in any branc$, agency, orinstrumentality o# t$e ;overnment, including government!o"ned and controlled cor(orations.)e is li8e"ise #ound ;uilty o# gross discourtesy and #ailure to issue an o##icial recei(t in .M.'o. !04!1>9 and is meted t$e (enalty o# sus(ension #or a (eriod o# One ?1@Mont$. Considering, $o"ever, t$at "e already ordered $is dismissal in .M. 'o. !04!1>99,

    $is sus(ension is moot.&O O*D6*6D.


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    MA. JEAN B. CASTAEDACriminal Law 2 (Sunday 8:00-12:00)

    CASE #%

    TE+ES vs. PEOPLE a- BONGALONG.R. No. 1''/A2( 4, 011


    On December 10, 001, Cenon *. /eves being (reviously united in la"#ul marriageon 'ovember >, 199 "it$ /$elma %. Jaime and "it$out t$e said marriage $aving legallydissolved, $ad unla"#ully and #eloniously contracted a second marriage "it$ one 6dita /.Calderon, "$o coo(erated in t$e eecution o# t$e o##ense by marrying Cenon *. /eves,des(ite 8no"ledge o# t$e eistence o# t$e marriage o# t$e latter "it$ /$elma %. Jaime. /eves"as c$arged "it$ %igamy. During t$e (endency o# t$e said criminal case, t$e marriage o#(etitioner and /$elma "as declared by t$e Court as null and void (ursuant to rticle 4> o# t$e-amily Code. /$erea#ter, t$e */C #ound /eves guilty beyond reasonable doubt o# t$e crimeo# %igamy. /$e Court o# ((eals --*M6D t$e said conviction in /O/O. /$e case "aselevated to t$e &u(reme Court.


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    3$et$er or not t$e accused is guilty o# t$e crime o# %igamy.


    Yes. /$e instant case $as all t$e elements o# t$e crime o# bigamyA ?1@ /$at t$eo##ender $as been legally marriedK ?@ /$at t$e marriage $as not been legally dissolved or, incase $is or $er s(ouse is absent, t$e absent s(ouse could not yet be (resumed deadaccording to t$e Civil CodeK ?4@ /$at $e contracts a second or subse+uent marriageK and ?

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    3$et$er or not 'ollora is guilty beyond reasonable doubt o# t$e crime o# bigamy.


    Yes. /$e circumstances in t$e (resent case satis#y all t$e elements o# bigamy. ?1@'ollora is legally married to inatK ?@ 'ollora and inatBs marriage $as not been legally

    dissolved (rior to t$e date o# t$e second marriageK ?4@ 'ollora admitted t$e eistence o# $issecond marriage to ;eraldinoK and ?

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    %uan eluded arrest and "as not arraigned. /$e c$arges against ascual, Quimlat,Macasaet and lbano "ere dismissed u(on motion o# t$e (rosecution. Only %rillante and&ison remained as accused. /$e */C!Manila ac+uitted &ison but #ound %rillante guilty o#libel on #our counts. /$e C a##irmed t$e said decision. n t$e meantime, %rillante "asli8e"ise convicted #or libel on #ive counts by t$e */C!Ma8ati. /$e Court o# ((eals alsoa##irmed t$e said decision.


    3$et$er or not %rillante is guilty beyond reasonable doubt o# libel.


    Yes. /$ere could be no dis(ute as to t$e eistence o# t$e #irst t$ree elements o# libelin t$e cases at barA ?a@ t$e allegation o# a discreditable act or condition concerning anot$erK?b@ (ublication o# t$e c$argeK ?c@ identity o# t$e (erson de#amedK and ?d@ eistence o# malice.

    /$us, t$e determination o# %rillanteBs cul(ability #or libel $inges on t$e +uestion o#"$et$er $is statements "ere made "it$ malice. =nder rticle 45< o# t$e *C, 6veryde#amatory im(utation is (resumed to be malicious, even i# true, i# no good intention and

    Gusti#iable motive is s$o"nE. lt$oug$, t$e (resum(tion o# malice is done a"ay "it$ "$en t$ede#amatory im(utation +uali#ies as (rivileged communication, t$e re+uisites o# a (rivilegedcommunication under rticle 45< "ere not establis$ed in t$e caseA ?1@ t$e (erson "$o madet$e communication $ad a legal, moral, or social duty to ma8e t$e communication, or at least,$ad an interest to (rotect, "$ic$ interest may eit$er be $is o"n or o# t$e one to "$om it ismadeK ?@ t$e communication is addressed to an o##icer or a board, or su(erior, $aving someinterest or duty in t$e matter, and "$o $as t$e (o"er to #urnis$ t$e (rotection soug$tK and ?4@t$e statements in t$e communication are made in good #ait$ and "it$out malice.

    MA. JEAN B. CASTAEDACriminal Law 2 (Sunday 8:00-12:00)

    CASE #6

    BUATIS vs.PEOPLE a- PIERA7G.R. NO. 14/0&March 4, 006


    %e#ore us is a (etition #or revie" on ertiorari#iled by Jose lemania %uatis, Jr.?(etitioner@see8ing to set aside t$e Decision1dated January 12, 000 o# t$e Court o# ((eals?C@ in C!;.*. C*. 'o. 0922 "$ic$ a##irmed t$e decision o# t$e *egional /rial Court

    ?*/C@, %ranc$ 1> o# asig City, convicting $im o# t$e crime o# libel. lso assailed is t$ea((ellate courtBs *esolutiondated Marc$ 14, 000 denying (etitionerBs Motion #or*econsideration./$e #acts o# t$e case, as summariIed by t$e a((ellate court, are as #ollo"sAOn ugust 12, 1995, t$e "i#e o# (rivate!com(lainant tty. Jose J. ieraI ?tty. ieraI@,retrieved a letter #rom t$eir mailbo addressed to $er $usband. /$e letter "as o(en, notcontained in an envelo(e, and tty. ieraIB "i#e (ut it on $er $usbandBs des8. On t$at sameday, tty. ieraI came u(on t$e letter and made out its content. t readsA


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    DO' )6*MO;6'6& *OD*;=6 Y *6Y6& 6&//6O##ice o# t$e sst. Court dministrator'o. 10>4 amias &t., %gy. Mangga$an, asig City,Metro Manila

    ugust 12, 1995//Y. JO&6 J. 6*Counsel #or %enGamin . MonroyN2 Quirino &t., Hi#e )omes &ubdivision*osario , asig City, Metro Manila&ubGectA nent your letter dated ugust 12, 1995addressed to one Mrs. /eresita Quingco

    tty. ieraIA/$is $as re#erence to your lousy but inutile t$reatening letter dated ugust 12, 1995,addressed to our clientK using carabao 6nglis$.May "e remind you t$at any attem(t on your (art to continue $arassing t$e (erson o# Mrs./eresita Quingco o# 'o. 152 Mngo &t., %gy. Mangga$an, asig City, Metro Manila!!!undersigned muc$ to $is regrets s$all be constrainedcom(elled to #ile t$e necessarycom(laint #or disbarment against you.You may (roceed t$en "it$ your stu(idity and su##er t$e #ull conse+uence o# t$e la".'eedless #or you to cite s(eci#ic (rovisions o# t$e *evised enal Code, as t$e same isirrelevant to t$e (resent case. s a matter o# #act, t$e same s$all be used by no ot$er t$ant$e (erson o# Mrs. Quingco in #iling administrative c$arge against you and all (ersons be$indt$ese ne#arious activities.-inally, it is a "elcome o((ortunity #or t$e undersigned to #ace you s+uarely in any courts o#

    Gustice, so as "e can (rove P"$o is "$oP once and #or all./rusting t$at you are (ro(erly in#orm ?sic@ regarding t$ese matters, remain.Yours in &atan nameK?&igned@JO&6 H6M' %=/&, J*.

    tty!in! -act o# t$e (resentCourt dministrator o# t$e entire

    ntestate 6state o# Don )ermogenes*odrigueI Y. *eyes.Co(y #urnis$edA

    ll concerned.'ot (ersonally 8no"ing "$o t$e sender "as, tty. ieraI, nevert$eless, res(onded and senta communication by registered mail to said %uatis, Jr., accused!a((ellant. n re(ly, %uatis, Jr.dis(atc$ed a second letter dated ugust

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    made and sent anot$er letter, t$is time dated ugust

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    %. 3)6/)6* O* 'O/ /)6 6HH/6 CO=*/ 6**6D ' 'O/ -'D'; /)6 HH6;6DH%6HO=& H6//6* & O'6 O- /)O&6 -HH'; ='D6* /)6 =*763 O- *7H6;6?sic@ COMM='C/O'C. 3)6/)6* O* 'O/ /)6 6HH/6 CO=*/ 6**6D ' 'O/ -'D'; /)/A /)66//O'6* C' 'O/ %6 MD6 /O CC6/ -=HH *6&O'&%H/Y /)/ 3)/ )6DD & C*M6>

    /$e O##ice o# t$e &olicitor ;eneral #iled its Comment in be$al# o# t$e eo(le and res(ondent#iled $is o"n Comment (raying #or t$e a##irmance o# t$e C decision. s re+uired by us, t$e(arties submitted t$eir res(ective memoranda./$e (rinci(al issue #or resolution is "$et$er or not (etitioner is guilty o# t$e crime o# libel.n $is Memorandum, (etitioner claims t$atA t$e C #ailed to a((ly t$e ruling in People +.elasot$at Pi# t$e actmatter c$arged as libelous is only an incident in an: act "$ic$ $asanot$er obGective, t$e crime is not libelKP "$en $e made $is re(ly to res(ondentBs letter toMrs. Quingco ma8ing a demand #or $er to vacate t$e (remises, $is obGective "as to in#ormres(ondent t$at Mrs. Quingco is one o# t$e recogniIed tenants o# t$e *odrigueI estate "$ic$is claiming o"ners$i( over t$e area o# %rgy. Mangga$an, asig City, and (etitioner is t$eattorney!in!#act o# t$e administrator o# t$e *odri+ueI estateK communication in "$ateverlanguage, eit$er verbal or "ritten o# a la"yer under obligation to de#end a clientBs cause is buta (rivileged communicationK t$e instant case is a +uali#ied (rivileged communication "$ic$ islost only by (roo# o# malice, $o"ever, res(ondent #ailed to (resent actual (roo# o# maliceK t$eeistence o# malice in #act may be s$o"n by etrinsic evidence t$at (etitioner bore a grudgeagainst t$e o##ended (arty, or t$ere "as ill "ill or ill #eeling bet"een t$em "$ic$ eisted at t$etime o# t$e (ublication o# t$e de#amatory im(utation "$ic$ "ere not at all indicated byres(ondent in $is com(laintK contrary to t$e #indings o# t$e C, t$ere "as Gusti#iable motive insending suc$ a letter "$ic$ "as to de#end t$e vested interest o# t$e estate and to abate anymove o# res(ondent to eGect Mrs. Quingco.etitioner #urt$er argues t$at i# t$e "ords used in t$e libelous letter!re(ly "ould be #ullyscrutiniIed, t$ere is Gusti#ication #or t$e use o# t$ose "ords, to "itA Plousy but inutilet$reatening letterusing carabao 6nglis$P "as due to t$e #act t$at t$e demand letter "asindeed a t$reatening letter as it does not serve its (ur(ose as res(ondentBs client $as nolegal rig$t over t$e (ro(erty and res(ondent did not #ile t$e eGectment suitK t$at res(ondent is

    Gust ma8ing a moc8ery out o# Mrs. Quingco, t$us $e is stu(idK t$at t$e "ords PYours in &atannameP is only a com(lementary greeting used in an ordinary communication letter, "$ic$ isre#lected to t$e sender but not to t$e (erson being communicated and "$ic$ is Gust t$ereverse o# saying PYours in C$ristP.3e deny t$e (etition.

    rticle 454 o# t$e *evised enal Code de#ines libel as a (ublic and malicious im(utation o# acrime, or o# a vice or de#ect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, status, orcircumstance tending to cause t$e dis$onor, discredit, or contem(t o# a natural or Guridical(erson, or to blac8en t$e memory o# one "$o is dead.-or an im(utation to be libelous, t$e #ollo"ing re+uisites must concurA ?a@ it must bede#amatoryK ?b@ it must be maliciousK ?c@ it must be given (ublicityK and ?d@ t$e victim must beidenti#iable.2

    /$e last t"o elements $ave been duly establis$ed by t$e (rosecution. /$ere is (ublication int$is case. n libel, (ublication means ma8ing t$e de#amatory matter, a#ter it is "ritten, 8no"nto someone ot$er t$an t$e (erson against "$om it $as been "ritten. 9etitionerBs subGectletter!re(ly itsel# states t$at t$e same "as co(y #urnis$ed to all concerned. lso, (etitioner$ad dictated t$e letter to $is secretary. t is enoug$ t$at t$e aut$or o# t$e libel com(lained o#$as communicated it to a t$ird (erson.10-urt$ermore, t$e letter, "$en #ound in t$e mailbo,"as o(en, not contained in an envelo(e t$us, o(en to (ublic./$e victim o# t$e libelous letter "as identi#iable as t$e subGect letter!re(ly "as addressed tores(ondent $imsel#.


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    3e s$all t$en resolve t$e issues raised by (etitioner as to "$et$er t$e im(utation isde#amatory and malicious.n determining "$et$er a statement is deamatory, t$e "ords used are to be construed int$eir entirety and s$ould be ta8en in t$eir (lain, natural and ordinary meaning as t$ey "ouldnaturally be understood by (ersons reading t$em, unless it a((ears t$at t$ey "ere used andunderstood in anot$er sense.11

    -or t$e (ur(ose o# determining t$e meaning o# any (ublication alleged to be libelous, "e laiddo"n t$e rule in$imene +. eyes,1to "itAn /a"ney vs. &imonson, 3$itcomb R )urley Co. ?109 Minn., 4

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    Clearly, t$e (resum(tion o# malice is done a"ay "it$ "$en t$e de#amatory im(utation is a+uali#ied (rivileged communication.n order to (rove t$at a statement #alls "it$in t$e (urvie" o# a +uali#ied (rivilegedcommunication under rticle 45

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    n aa +. /ourt o Appeals,4"$ere (etitioners t$erein "ere convicted o# %.. "$ic$(rovides #or alternative (enalties o# #ine or im(risonment or bot$ #ine and im(risonment, "edeleted t$e (rison sentence im(osed u(on (etitioners and instead ordered t$em only to (aya #ine e+uivalent to double t$e amount o# t$e c$ec8. 3e $eldAetitioners are #irst!time o##enders. /$ey are -ili(ino entre(reneurs "$o (resumablycontribute to t$e national economy. ((arently, t$ey broug$t t$is a((eal, believing in all good#ait$, alt$oug$ mista8enly, t$at t$ey $ad not committed a violation o# %.. %lg. . Ot$er"ise,t$ey could sim(ly $ave acce(ted t$e Gudgment o# t$e trial court and a((lied #or (robation toevade (rison term. t "ould best serve t$e ends o# criminal Gustice i# in #iing t$e (enalty"it$in t$e range o# discretion allo"ed by T1, (ar. 1, t$e same ($iloso($y underlying t$endeterminate &entence Ha" is observed, namely, t$at o# redeeming valuable $umanmaterial and (reventing unnecessary de(rivation o# (ersonal liberty and economic use#ulness"it$ due regard to t$e (rotection o# t$e social order.15$as t$e #ollo"ingelementsA

    ?1@ im(utation o# a crime, vice or de#ect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission,condition, status or circumstanceK

    ?@ (ublicity or (ublicationK

    ?4@ maliceK


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    t$at article P&o /$e ublic May no",P suc$ circumstance "ill not eclude t$e subGectPne"sletterP as an intended anne to t$e said (leading as in #act (rivate res(ondent e(licitlymentioned ParticlesP "it$out stating t$at t$ere "ere only t"o ?@ (articular articles beingre#erred or "$ic$ o# t$ose articles caused to be (ublis$ed by $is counsel.

    s t$e Justice &ecretary o(ined and "$ic$ (osition t$e res(ondent Judge ado(ted, t$e

    Pne"sletterP containing t$e de#amatory statement is relevant and (ertinent to t$e criminalcom(laint #or esta#a t$en under (reliminary investigation. /$e crime o# esta#a involves deceit,dis$onesty and ot$er #raudulent acts. /$e inclusion in t$e &ur!*eGoinder ##idavit o# t$ePne"sletterP discussing t$e alleged Pcor(orate grabbingP by (etitioner "ill tend to su((ort(rivate res(ondentBs case o# esta#a against (etitioner inso#ar as suc$ alleged Pcor(orategrabbingP "ill $ig$lig$t or mani#est (etitionerBs (ro(ensity #or dis$onest dealing or #raudulentmac$inations. /$ere is t$ere#ore no doubt t$at t$e subGect Pne"sletterP is relevant and(ertinent to t$e criminal com(laint #or esta#a, and $ence t$e same comes "it$in t$e(rotective cloa8 o# absolutely (rivileged communications as to eem(t (rivate res(ondent#rom liability #or libel or damages.

    n determining t$e issue o# relevancy o# statements made in Gudicial (roceedings, courts $ave

    ado(ted a liberal attitude by resolving all doubts in #avor o# relevancy. /$us, in People +s.A'uino, our &u(reme Court $as em($asiIed t$at Pit is t$e rule t$at "$at is relevant or(ertinent s$ould be liberally construed to #avor t$e "riter, and t$e "ords are not to bescrutiniIed "it$ microsco(ic intensity. /$e doctrine o# (rivileged communication $as a(ractical (ur(ose.

    ublication in libel means ma8ing t$e de#amatory matter, a#ter it $as been "ritten, 8no"n tosomeone ot$er t$an t$e (erson to "$om it $as been "ritten. /$ere is (ublication i# t$ematerial is communicated to a t$ird (erson. 3$at is material is t$at a t$ird (erson $as read or$eard t$e libelous statement, #or Pa manBs re(utation is t$e estimate in "$ic$ ot$ers $old $im,

    not t$e good o(inion "$ic$ $e $as o# $imsel#.P Our &u(reme Court $as establis$ed t$e rulet$at "$en a (ublic o##icer, in t$e disc$arge o# $is or $er o##icial duties, sends a communicationto anot$er o##icer or to a body o# o##icers, who ha+e a duty to perorm with respet to thesub5et matter o the ommuniation, suh ommuniation does not amount to publiation .

    ((lying t$is rule by analogy to t$e (resent case, (rivate res(ondentBs submission o# t$ePne"sletterP intended as an anne to $is &ur!*eGoinder ##idavit in .&. 'o. 9!495

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    %autista remains a t$ird (erson because t$e subGect Pne"sletterP "as never included or#ormally o##ered as evidence, $ardly convinces =s to $old t$at t$ere "as actual (ublication #or(ur(ose o# #inding aprima aiecase #or libel against t$e (rivate res(ondent. )e must bereminded t$at t$e case #or esta#a "as still at t$e (reliminary investigation stage and t$ere isno re+uirement o# a P#ormal o##erP o# suc$ documentary evidence or su((orting documents toestablis$ (robable cause ?citations [email protected]

    &ince t$e ne"sletter "as (resented during t$e (reliminary investigation, it "as vested "it$ a(rivileged c$aracter. 3$ile $ili((ine la" is silent on t$e +uestion o# "$et$er t$e doctrine o#absolute (rivilege etends to statements made in (reliminary investigations or ot$er(roceedings (re(aratory to t$e actual trial, t$e =.&. case o# Borg +. Boas12ma8es acategorical declaration o# t$e eistence o# suc$ (rotectionA

    t is $ornboo8 learning t$at t$e actions and utterances in Gudicial (roceedings so #ar as t$eactual (artici(ants t$erein are concerned and (reliminary ste(s leading to Gudicial action o# ano##icial nature $ave been given absolute (rivilege. O# (articular interest are (roceedingsleading u( to (rosecutions or attem(ted (rosecutions #or crime : "ritten c$arge orin#ormation #iled "it$ t$e (rosecutor or t$e court is not libelous alt$oug$ (roved to be #alse

    and un#ounded. -urt$ermore, t$e in#ormation given to a (rosecutor by a (rivate (erson #ort$e (ur(ose o# initiating a (rosecution is (rotected by t$e same cloa8 o# immunity and cannotbe used as a basis #or an action #or de#amation. ?6m($asis ours@

    /$e ruling in Borgis (ersuasive in t$is Gurisdiction. 3e see no reason "$y "e s$ould notado(t it.

    -urt$ermore, t$e ne"sletter +uali#ied as Pa communication made bona ideu(on any subGect!matter in "$ic$ t$e (arty communicating $as an interest . . . made to a (erson $aving acorres(onding interest or duty, alt$oug$ it contained in:criminatory matter "$ic$ "it$out t$is(rivilege "ould be slanderous and actionable.P19

    3$ile t$e doctrine o# (rivileged communication can be abused, and its abuse can lead togreat $ards$i(s, to allo" libel suits to (ros(er strictly on t$is account "ill give rise to evengreater $ards$i(s. /$e doctrine itsel# rests on (ublic (olicy "$ic$ loo8s to t$e #ree andun#ettered administration o# Gustice.0t is as a rule a((lied liberally.1

    /$e one obstacle t$at t$ose (leading t$e de#ense o# (rivileged communication must $urdle ist$e test o# relevancy. =nder t$is test, a matter alleged in t$e course o# t$e (roceedings neednot be in every case material to t$e issues (resented but s$ould be legitimately related to t$eissues or be so (ertinent to t$e controversy t$at it may become t$e subGect o# in+uiry in t$ecourse o# trial.

    )ere, t$e controversial statements "ere made in t$e contet o# a criminal com(laint against

    (etitioner, albeit #or ot$er, se(arate acts involving greed and deceit, and "ere disclosed onlyto t$e o##icial investigating t$e com(laint. Hiberally a((lying t$e (rivileged communicationdoctrine, t$ese statements "ere still relevant to t$e com(laint under investigation because,li8e t$e averments t$erein, t$ey also involved (etitionerBs alleged ra(acity and deceit#ulness.

    3)6*6-O*6, t$e instant (etition is $ereby D6'6D and t$e &e(tember 14, 00 decisionand 'ovember 1, 00 resolution o# t$e Court o# ((eals in C!;.*. & 'o.1129 --*M6D.


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    Costs against (etitioner.

    MA. JEAN B. CASTAEDACriminal Law 2 (Sunday 8:00-12:00)

    CASE #&

    CRISTINELLI S. !ERMINvs. PEOPLEG.R. No. 1/'64%March , 00


    Cristy -ermin is t$e (ublis$er and %ogs /ugas is t$e editor!in!c$ie#o# ;ossi( /abloid./$e June 1

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    MA. JEAN B. CASTAEDACriminal Law 2 (Sunday 8:00-12:00)

    CASE #10

    JASON I+LERvs. JUDGE MODESTO$SAN PEDRO a- PONCEG.R. No. 1''16No3*5)*r 1', 010


    -ollo"ing a ve$icular collision in ugust 00

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    *es(ondent once #inds no reason #or t$e Court to disturb t$e */CBs decision#or#eiting (etitionerBs standing to maintain $is (etition in &.C.. 204. On t$e merits,res(ondent once calls t$e CourtBs attention to Guris(rudence $olding t$at lig$t o##enses ?e.g.slig$t ($ysical inGuries@ cannot be com(leed under rticle #or t$e $omicide and damage to (ro(erty.

    n t$e *esolution o# > June 00, t$e Court granted t$e O##ice o# t$e &olicitor;eneralBs motion not to #ile a comment to t$e (etition as t$e (ublic res(ondent Gudge ismerely a nominal (arty and (rivate res(ondent is re(resented by counsel.

    Dismissals o# a((eals grounded on t$e a((ellantBs esca(e #rom custody or violation o#t$e terms o# $is bail bond are governed by t$e second (aragra($ o# &ection 2, *ule 1

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    but any disadvantage t$us caused is more t$an com(ensated by t$e certainty o# non!(rosecution #or +uasi!crime e##ects +uali#ying as Plig$t o##ensesP ?or, as $ere, #or t$e moreserious conse+uence (rosecuted belatedly@. # it is so minded, Congress can re!cra#t rticle4>5 by etending to +uasi!crimes t$e sentencing #ormula o# rticle

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    3$et$er or not t$e accused is guilty o# t$e crime c$arged.


    /$e &u(reme Court "as morally convinced t$at #ollo"ing elements #or conviction tot$e crime o# rec8less im(rudence "ere establis$ed in t$is caseA ?1@ /$e material damagesu##ered by t$e victimK ?@ /$e #ailure in (recaution on t$e (art o# t$e accusedK and ?4@ /$edirect lin8 bet"een material damage and #ailure in (recaution.

    /$e &C #ound no reason to overturn t$e lo"er courtsB #indings o# #act and conclusionso# la" #inding t$e (etitioner guilty beyond reasonable doubt o# t$e crime c$arged.
