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THE GROVE 1 FROM THE LATEST NEWS AND REVIEWS FROM ST JOHN’S COLLEGE NOTTINGHAM SUMMER 2014 Message from the Principal: We are delighted that St John’s has been validated for Common Awards. Shortly after the Durham validation Ministry Division’s External Quality Assessor also visited us, noting that we ‘were doing a remarkable job’ and should be ‘greatly encouraged’ by the quality of our provision. His most ‘abiding impression’, he said, was ‘the warmth with which the student representatives spoke of the atmosphere of St John’s and particularly of the level of trust which exists between students and staff.’ This, he added, ‘is a prize to be treasured’. Continued on page 2 St John’s College Nottingham was one of the first Church of England training colleges to be told that they would be validated to run their training programmes under the exciting, new, national framework for ministerial training agreed by the Church of England and Durham University. Under the Common Awards scheme, St John’s will continue its tradition of training Christians from all backgrounds for ministry in contemporary society. Since its formation 150 years ago, St John’s has prided itself in offering theology to everyone. It has welcomed and encouraged students from all social and educational backgrounds, often pioneering new ways of learning that equip people in ministry and mission. Under the new Common Awards scheme St John’s will build on this tradition, developing a Community Mission Pathway and a unique set of lay training programmes in the Graduate Certificate. Our thanks go to all involved but particularly to Revd Dr David Firth who led us ably through the process, and to Katherine Onion whose keen eye for detail kept us on track throughout. Revd Dr Andrea Russell, Director of Studies, also played a key part and said that “The validation process was extremely rigorous” . “Durham University has shown great confidence in the education and training we offer and we are looking forward immensely to working with them.” Revd Dr David Hilborn, Principal Great team work! “We are delighted that the Common Awards process has given us the opportunity to ensure that our training programmes will enable Christians to minister effectively in the world and the churches.” Revd Dr Andy Angel, Vice Principal
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Message from the Principal:

We are delighted that St John’s has been validated for Common Awards. Shortly after the Durham validation Ministry Division’s External Quality Assessor also visited us, noting that we ‘were doing a remarkable job’ and should be ‘greatly encouraged’ by the quality of our provision. His most ‘abiding impression’, he said, was ‘the warmth with which the student representatives spoke of the atmosphere of St John’s and particularly of the level of trust which exists between students and staff.’ This, he added, ‘is a prize to be treasured’.

Continued on page 2

St John’s College Nottingham was one of the first Church of England training colleges to be told that they would be validated to run their training programmes under the exciting, new, national framework for ministerial training agreed by the Church of England and Durham University. Under the Common Awards scheme, St John’s will continue its tradition of training Christians from all backgrounds for ministry in contemporary society. Since its formation 150 years ago, St John’s has prided itself in offering theology to everyone. It has welcomed and encouraged students from all social and educational backgrounds, often pioneering new ways of learning that equip people in ministry and mission. Under the new Common

Awards scheme St John’s will build on this tradition, developing a Community Mission Pathway and a unique set of lay training programmes in the Graduate Certificate.Our thanks go to all involved but particularly to Revd Dr David Firth who led us ably through the process, and to Katherine Onion whose keen eye for detail kept us on track throughout. Revd Dr Andrea Russell, Director of Studies, also played a key part and said that “The validation process was extremely rigorous” .

“Durham University has shown great confidence in the education and training we offer and we are looking forward immensely to working with them.”

Revd Dr David Hilborn, Principal

Great team work!

“We are delighted that the Common Awards process has given us the opportunity to ensure that our training programmes will enable Christians to minister effectively in the world and the churches.”

Revd Dr Andy Angel, Vice Principal

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2 New Wine Leadership Conference

3 Bishops from across the globe

4 All Change!

5 MCYM News

6 Off they go...

8 Anglican Pentecostal Consultation

9 Dates for the Diary

10 Resources

12 College life and Prayers

That comment reminded me of a recent book in which Daniel Aleshire applies Paul’s image of the eternal ‘treasure’ of the gospel carried in various forms of ‘earthen vessel’ (2 Cor. 4:7) to the ever-changing shape of theological education. The structure of our programmes may vary with time and circumstance, but our call to hold and bear the good news to others remains. With this in mind we are thrilled that recruitment to our new Community Mission Pathway has exceeded the targets we set for it, and that from September our Pioneer Ministry Tutor, Mark Rodel, will be working with a healthy cohort of ordinands as they develop a distinctive pattern of contextual training in Lady Bay, where he is Priest-in-Charge. Finally, to assure you that Principals get to play as well as work, I am ridiculously pleased that on May Day Bank Holiday the college cricket team defeated Bramcote CC, and that I somehow managed a century partnership with our Sports Rep, Tim Roberts. With my running between the wickets the ‘trust’ commended by the Quality Assessor was certainly needed, but it was a wonderful day in the life of a wonderful community of faculty, staff and students which I am privileged to lead.

Revd Dr David Hilborn, Principal

Continued from front page

Wonderful... great night’s sleep

best college digs EVER”

In March, Victoria O’Neill and Jonathan Hill, St John’s New Wine Leaders in Training Representatives, attended the National New Wine Leaders Conference Empowering leaders to release God’s kingdom into the community in Harrogate.The conference was attended by nearly 1000 church leaders and workers. It was a significant time of worship and ministry, with top-quality teaching to empower leaders to release God’s kingdom in their local community. Apart from the

main session lead by guest speakers John Tyson, Christy Wimber, Pastor Ying and Alan Scott, there were dedicated streams included working in larger churches, worship, church planting, urban, youth and kids, and young leaders. Outside of the session in the Marketplace, the college stand was set up, promoting the college. Between the sessions a large number of former and prospective students came to the college stand and spoke to Victoria and Jonathan as well as David Hilborn who joined us on Tuesday. There was a lot of interest in the different ordination courses, MCYM and the new course on The Work of a Church Administrator.As well as being a really inspiring and helpful conference, it was great to be able to promote the college.For further information about the St John’s New Wine Core Group please contact [email protected]. To listen to any of the talks from the conference go to http://www.new-wine.org/node/1736

New Wine Leadership Conference 2014

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Bishops from across the globe...

Meeting the Bishop of Adelaide By FIONA CROCKER and KATHY EVANS

Back in January, we were both fortunate to be part of the group who met with Bishop Alison from Adelaide, the first female bishop that St John’s College has ‘entertained’. Possibly the most lasting impression is one of a person called to follow Christ and grow in maturity as Christ’s follower day by day, regardless of gender. This was a refreshing

perspective as Bishop Alison described herself as having a skillset and calling which had led to her being the correct fit for the role of Bishop, which was only partly a result of her being female. She acknowledged that often it was men who were seen as having the ‘big picture’ skillset, but also there were many men (and women) whose gifts meant that their best place was a parish setting. Bishop Alison’s former professional role as a town planner had been an asset in her strategic skills, reminding us of the unique gifts we all bring to ministry, whether lay or ordained.

There was a refreshing groundedness about Bishop Alison that was both inspirational and a challenge. She did not demonstrate an overtly feminist slant, more a recognition of the unique gifts of all disciples and a focusing on serving Jesus Christ, and continuing to both grow in discipleship personally, and help

others to do so as the focus of her ministry. She emphasised a collaborative approach to authority and the need to be part of a team. The time we were with Bishop Alison flew by and Fiona had the privilege of being able to pray for her as the meeting drew to a close. How many times in our lives will we have the opportunity to pray directly for a Bishop, and a female one at that? We await the honour of doing that for a female bishop here in the Church of England!

The Arctic BishopsIn February Bishop David Parsons and Bishop Darren McCartney, Bishops of the Arctic, came to St John’s as part of a wider tour of the UK. As well as meeting with staff and students for informal discussions about ministry in a challenging environment, they also gave a talk to staff , students and visitors entitled God’s Mission in the Canadian Arctic.

Our first woman Bishop

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Over the last six months we have said fond farewells to various members of staff who have devoted their time and energy tirelessly to St John’s College.

It is all change in the Catering Team. In December 2013 Sue Alldread hung up her catering whites after twenty years of feeding the community of St John’s, physically and spiritually. Since retiring Sue, who is a fully recognised, local preacher in the National Forest East Methodist Circuit, has become very actively involved with local infant and junior schools, bringing bible stories to life for and with the children. Following a successful dramatised Easter event, Sue is planning a Christmas journey for the children. We are enormously grateful for all the devoted work Sue gave to St John’s.

Jo Allerton who worked as Sue’s second in command for several years has risen to the challenge and taken up the reins in a very professional and welcoming way.

This spring we also said farewell to Debbie Evans who has fed us for over eight years. She has moved to a full time post as a Chef / Manager in a primary school in Clifton. We wish Debbie every success with her promotion and new role. Congratulations to Tracey Webb on completing her NVQ Diploma in Food Production and Cooking. We are delighted to welcome back Liz Chester as part of the catering team where she will work as a Catering and Kitchen Assistant with Caroline Rowbottom.

After Kate Ellis’s departure last summer David Hilborn was delighted to appoint Katy Lake as his permanent PA in February. Katy took over from Fiona Riley who had stepped in as a temp for six months before taking up a post as a language teacher in a primary school close to her home. Before arriving at St John’s Katy worked for ten years in London, chiefly for Tearfund, a Christian relief and development charity, where she was Executive Assistant to the CEO. After leaving Tearfund, she spent a year studying for a postgraduate diploma in theology at Regent College, Vancouver, followed by a year working on a research project at the Wales Autism Research Centre, Cardiff University, in 2012. In her spare time she enjoys travelling, reading, hiking, gardening and loves being outdoors.

Finally, we are sad to say farewell to Revd Dr Andrea Russell this summer as she leaves to take up a post at Queen’s College Birmingham. Andrea has been at St John’s for just over two years but in this relatively short time she has truly left her mark on us all. We shall miss her infectious, raucous laugh, her love of Richard Hooker and David Tennant, her outstanding professionalism delivering theological education and her dedication to students and colleagues alike, not to mention her matching clerical shirts and earrings!

All Change!

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MCYM NewsCelebrating 30 years with Youth for Christ

On 14th May we celebrated with two MCYM staff – Sally Nash and Nigel Roberts – who this month both

mark 30 years involvement with Youth for Christ. Both Sally and Nigel began work with YfC in May 1984 and

have maintained this connection ever since, both undertaking a number of different roles, most recently

through MCYM’s partnership with YfC. It was really good to welcome a number of people including local

students, colleagues from St John’s, staff and students from CYM nationally and locally, Richard Dawson from

Nottingham YfC and Liz Dumain representing the national leadership of YfC and to celebrate with Bucks Fizz

and cake. We were proud to recognise the contribution Sally and Nigel have made to work with young people in

the UK and the way they have inspired and influenced those working with young people in a variety of different

settings. They both spoke about their desire that youth work be seen as a lifelong calling – something they are

living out as they continue to minister in this vital area.

Counselling Skills for Pastoral Care5 - 7 Sept 2014 to 13 - 17 April 2015

This six month course equips people in basic skills in communication and interpersonal relationships. It combines a broad foundation in approaches to counselling, space for personal reflection and growth, and a Christian theoretical framework in which pastoral skills are grounded. Opening with a weekend residential

Mark Yaconelli visits St John’s

MCYM was delighted to host Mark Yaconelli at St John's

College in May as part of the 150th anniversary celebrations.

Mark gave a very interesting talk to students and visitors

from as far afield as Wales on the subject of Sustaining your

Spirituality for the Long Haul.

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Off they go... SUSE McBAYIt’s been a long haul, but the end is nearly here - I’ve been at St John’s for four years training for ordination and getting on with a PhD, and now I’m about to embark on a new adventure: moving to Houston, Texas, to take up a post at St Martin’s Episcopal Church, a large (8,500) church in uptown Houston. The church is bigger and busier than any I’ve ever known by quite some degree, so it will be a significant learning curve. There are many new things to learn: a new prayer book and lectionary, new patterns of worship and discipleship and of course the new language! I’m really looking forward to working with the clergy at St Martin’s - I spent two weeks visiting the church last summer and look forward to joining their team and learning from their various gifts and skills. It will undoubtedly be a massive change for me in all sorts of ways and something I can honestly say I never thought would happen when I was a ‘green’ first year ordinand. But my time here at St John’s has been a time of preparation and while I’m aware more than ever of my need to trust God and rely upon Him in the busyness and change ahead, I am also readier than I’ve ever been for the challenge.

Life at St John’s is a blend of worship, prayer, study, small groups, planning, meetings, conversation, pool, coffee, dinners, children’s work, essay writing, and placements. It’s both hectic (because of the busyness)

and relaxed (because of the atmosphere). It’s all about -- to use a St Johnsism -- keeping everything in tension.

But as far as I’m concerned, the best thing about life at St John’s is the strong sense of community, and the way in which people love and support each other. The Student Association Committee (SAC) is right at the heart of this community: we represent the students to the academics and other staff, and we represent the staff to the student body. At every point, students are involved in decision making processes, and as president I’m privileged to be a member of a wide variety of committees, subcommittees, and standing committees.

It’s not all meetings, though. I get to see St John’s from a unique perspective, an in-between vantage point that gives me a view over much more of the college’s life, decision-making processes, and behind-the-scenes workings than most students get. It’s so exciting to be part of a community which, at every level, is prayerfully seeking the will of God, the increase of his kingdom, and the glorification of his name.

Soon I shall hand over to another fortunate student, and shortly afterwards I’ll head out, along with many other seasoned Johnians, into the ‘real world’ of curacy. I’m looking forward to it, and to the chance to put some of the theory into practice. It would be easy to dismiss the last few weeks at college, to look forward to the future so much that the present gets swept aside. But I don’t want to do that. As much as I’m looking forward to curacy, I’ve loved being here too, and part of me doesn’t want to leave...

DOM TURNER exiting SAC chair...

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When is a curate not a curate? When she’s a stand-up comic of course! I’m coming to the end of the second year of my curacy in Finningley and Auckley on the edge of Doncaster but as well as this, about twice a month, I also perform stand-up comedy. It all started at the College Revue while I was a student at St John’s. I found I thoroughly enjoyed writing and performing comedy and was encouraged by my peers to do more. On leaving college I was asked to perform at a couple of church entertainment evenings and then one of my congregation suggested I entered a competition for Comic Relief and it all snowballed from there really. It’s a bit of a diary juggle sometimes but I currently manage to perform stand-up comedy either at a club or for a church or charity around once or twice a month. I find it enables me to express myself and to exercise my creativity and it has also given me a lot more confidence in leading church services and being able to speak to people I don’t know too. I’m not sure where this ‘weird hobby’ might lead but I figure that while ever I enjoy doing it I will continue with it. I never imagined the College Revue would lead me here but lead me here it has. LOUISE TINNISWOOD

Off they go... It’s a funny old life!

Story to tell? We would love to include stories from students and alumni in future newsletters.

Please email [email protected]

Are you interested in studying at St John’s? Our new suite of university validated programmes includes options to study residentially, as daytime students or as distance learners. For those looking at ordination training our very attractive Community Mission Pathway is designed to prepare students for pioneering mission. Recruitment has been good in the first year and we are very encouraged. Our first cohort on this exciting new contextual programme will start this September.

Most courses can be studied full or part time and all courses are eligible to UK nationals for Student Loan funding subject to your personal circumstances and Student Loan company regulations.

Certificate (HE) in Theology, Ministry and Mission

Diploma (HE) in Theology, Ministry and Mission

BA (Hons) in Theology, Ministry and Mission

MA in Theology, Ministry and Mission

For further information and to download an application form please check the website - www.stjohns-nottm.ac.uk. Applications to start

courses in Sep 2015 will be accepted up to the end of July 2015. Contact [email protected]

OPEN DAYS!• Sat 8 Nov 2014• Sat 7 Feb 2015• Fri 8 May 2015To book contact Admissions on 0115 9683203 or [email protected]

REUNIONS• Tuesday 16 September 2014 for

leavers in 2013

• Tuesday 12 May 2015 five year reunion for leavers in 2009

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Anglican Pentecostal ConsultationSt John's College is delighted that

Principal, Revd Dr David Hilborn,

was instrumental in instigating

the historic consultation that took

place between Anglicans and

Pentecostals in April at High Leigh

in Hertfordshire. Initiated by the

Church of England's Council for

Christian Unity, it took forward

resolutions passed at successive

Lambeth Conferences, and bore

out Archbishop Justin Welby's

recent call for greater interaction between the two traditions. Nine Anglicans and eight Pentecostals gathered

for two days of dialogue, prayer and worship to explore their similarities and differences, and to chart a

way forward for enhanced partnership in mission. Papers were presented on the roots and development of

Anglicanism and Pentecostalism in England and worldwide, on Christian initiation, on worship, ministry and

spiritual gifts, and on the nature and mission of the Church. A report of the consultation will be made available

shortly on the websites of the Church of England and participating Pentecostal churches and networks.

The consultation was organised in response to a proposal presented in 2012 by David who is a member of both

the Faith and Order Commission and the Society for Pentecostal Studies: "I had been involved in ecumenical

work for some years and had noticed that while Roman Catholic, Reformed and Lutheran churches had been

engaged in bilateral theological conversations with Pentecostals, Anglicans had lagged behind. Although the

1988 and 1998 Lambeth Conferences encouraged such interaction, Anglicans in the Church of England and

beyond have been slow to take up the challenge at an institutional level. This consultation represents a real

step forward in mutual understanding and co-operation between our two traditions." Professor William Kay,

a Pentecostal participant from the Assemblies of God, said: "Pentecostals have much to learn from Anglicans

and, dare I say it, Anglicans have much to learn from Pentecostals, and this enriching consultation got us

off to a flying start." The Revd Dr Roger Paul, National Ecumenical Officer at the CCU, noted the value of

addressing both theological and practical concerns at the consultation: "Alongside key doctrinal questions on

the work of the Holy Spirit, apostolic leadership and prophecy, we have explored significant grass-roots issues

such as church sharing, Christian schools and joint ministerial training." The Revd Nezlin Sterling, from the

New Testament Assemblies, with a distinguished record of ecumenical work, described the consultation as a

"welcome new development in understanding and co-operation between our respective traditions". Bishop

Samuel Thomas from the New Testament Church of God added that it was "good to have the conversation"

on so varied and relevant a range of issues.

Pentecostal and Charismatic streams have flowed across church boundaries, bringing new styles of unity.

David reflected on these changes in the worldwide Christian church when he lectured in June at the

University of Nottingham on the theme of A New Pentecost? Reimagining Christian Unity.

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Dates for the DiaryComing Up...14 - 20 July 2014 Introduction to NT Greek14 - 20 July 2014 Theology week27 - 29 March 2015 Exploring Your Calling13 - 18 April 2015 L istening Skills

Counselling Skills for Pastoral Care5 - 7 Sept 2014 to 13 - 17 April 2015

This six month course equips people in basic skills in communication and interpersonal relationships. It combines a broad foundation in approaches to counselling, space for personal reflection and growth, and a Christian theoretical framework in which pastoral skills are grounded. Opening with a weekend residential and closing with a week long residential, the course offers face to face and distance learning experience to gain the full Counselling introduction.

Counselling Skills for Pastoral Care5 - 7 Sept 2014 to 13 - 17 April 2015This six month course equips people in basic skills in communication and interpersonal relationships. It combines a broad foundation in approaches to counselling, space for personal reflection and growth, and a Christian theoretical framework in which pastoral skills are grounded. Opening with a weekend residential and closing with a week long residential, the course offers face to face and distance learning experience to gain the full Counselling introduction.

“The standard of teaching and tutoring was very professional. Well balanced with theology and counselling. Well worth coming from Spain – can’t recommend this course highly enough.”

The Work of a Church AdministratorThe latest Certificate in Christian Studies module is a joint venture between St John’s and the UK Church Administrator Network (UCAN). This is a 20 credit 10 unit module entitled ‘The Work of a Church Administrator’ and represents something of a first: a distance learning course prepared specifically for those who are employed by their church as an Administrator, usually working out of the church office.

Study Weeks 2014/15 29 September - 3 October 2014The Mission of the Triune God

20 - 24 October 2014Christian Apologetics in a Post Modern World

17 - 21 November 2014Fresh Expressions of Church: Starting, Developing and Sustaining

5 - 9 January 2015The Gospels as a Resource for Practical Theology

26 - 30 January 2015 Holy Spirit and Charismatic Life

2 - 6 March 2015Reading Ecclesiastes for Post Modern Mission

Anniversary Conference‘Renewal’ is a term much used in the church today, but its use and meaning have changed over the years. This conference, rounding off the 150 anniversary celebrations at St John’s, will explore potential future directions for renewal, and will bring together practitioners and

thinkers for whom renewal in its various forms has been central.

15 -16 July 2015 Renewal at the Crossroads

Further details will be published in the next edition and on the website, www.stjohns-nottm.ac.uk

For further information about any of the above courses, modules and events please see www.stjohns-nottm.ac.uk or contact [email protected]. To book a place please email [email protected]

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resourcesPlaying with Dragonsby Revd Dr Andy Angel, Vice Principal and Director of Extension

There be dragons all over the Bible. From the great sea monsters of Genesis to the great dragon of Revelation, dragons appear as the Bible opens and closes, and they pop their grisly heads up at various junctions in between. How did they get there and what on earth (or indeed heaven) are they doing there?

This is a book for those who find standard discussions of faith and suffering frustrating. Andy Angel opens up the rich biblical tradition of living with God in the midst of suffering. He takes the reader on a journey of exploration through biblical texts that are often overlooked on account of their strangeness - texts about dragons. He shows how these peculiar passages open up a language of prayer through suffering in which people share their anger, weariness, disillusionment, and even joy in suffering with God. Angel explores how such ‘weird’ Scriptures open up a whole new way of praying and reveal a God who approves of honest spirituality, a spirituality that the Bible holds open but too many of its interpreters do not.

As part of the St John’s College 150 year celebration there is a new book covering a 50 year history to carry forward the story of the first 100 years, which was told in Men for the Ministry in 1963. Written by Colin Buchanan, who was 21 years on the staff himself, and has known virtually all those who have taught in the college over the past 50 years. He was both intimately involved himself in the move to Nottingham in 1970, and was Principal from 1979 to 1985. He has researched widely - including interviews with over 200 former staff and students - and tells a fascinating story. Actual college lives, alongside the author’s own prejudices, have ensured that the book is laced with sheer fun, in which the ways of God, the energies of his people, and the bizarre quirks of both unforeseen events and notable characters combine to provide a colourful account of a unique college. The book can be ordered through the St John’s College website at a cost of £14.99 for the paperback version, including postage and packing.

St John’s College Nottingham: From Northwood to Nottingham, A History of 50 Years, 1963-2013by Colin Buchanan, past Principal

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Christian Youth Work in Theory and PracticeEdited by Sally Nash and Jo Whitehead, MCYM facultyChurches today face unique challenges as they seek to help young people engage with the Christian faith and youth workers, whether employed or volunteers, play a key role in supporting this process. Here is a comprehensive overview of Christian youth work, drawing together practice, theory and theology in a format which is both engaging and informative.

Topics covered includemission • church • adolescent identity • appropriate relationships • spiritual practices • youth culture • pastoral care • work with families • education • leadership and management • inclusive youth work • theology • lifelong learning • ethical dilemmas and the Kingdom of God

There’s something different about AWESOME women. They’re distinctive for at least two reasons:

• Women called to ordained ministry in the Church of England• Women from the evangelical tradition

That distinctive difference can be a challenge. It’s a challenge to follow God’s calling when others in the church argue that women should not be church leaders. And it’s a challenge to be an evangelical woman in ministry: passionate about being Christ-like, about making disciples and growing the church, about studying and standing for biblical truth, about seeing that truth bring hope to people’s lives.

This book tells the stories of some of those women, celebrating the unique network that is AWESOME: Anglican Women Evangelicals: Supporting our Ordained Ministries. The women who have written have

different backgrounds, different paths to faith, different personalities, different ministries. Some of the women are single, some married. Some have children, some don’t. Some are in parish ministry, some are in other forms of ministry. Together, they tell the story of the difference that evangelical women’s ministry is making.

Awesome Voiceswith contributions from Jane Plackett and Suse McBay, two talented ordinands studying at St John’s

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College Life...

PRAYERS...As the end of the academic year draws near there are several things we would love to invite you to pray for:

... the move to Common Awards – we now have successful validation with Durham University but it would be good to continue to pray for faculty and registry as they work extremely hard to ensure a smooth transition to the Common Awards system

... all those students leaving St John’s this year: for good endings, wonderful beginnings and smooth moves to the next step on their journeys

... the new Student Association Committee who took up responsibility on 30th April: for unity, discernment and energy as they serve the College and student body

... all of those preparing to study at St John’s in September – particularly the first group of people starting on the Community Mission Pathway

...fundraising, development and revision of the LRC campaign, please pray for Directorate and Council over the next month as they review the Business Plan

... Faculty, Registry and other support staff who are under particular pressure as we approach the end of the academic year and gear up for the start of Common Awards in September

... student recruitment – the next few weeks are key. Please pray for good numbers!

If you have any specific prayer requests we would love to pray for you. Please do email these to [email protected]

Sue Ives-Smith, Prayer Secretary

Formation and spirituality is important and very special at St John's. From the work undertaken at old people's

homes, local schools and charities on an off site Community Day, through celebrating sporting success

(though not as often as we would like!) and the final submission deadline, to great teams of students, faculty

and support staff, we are blessed to have a rich, diverse community who share and support one another.

Thiselton Lecture '14

This year's lecture

presented by Dr Richard

Briggs was titled "These

Are The Days of Elijah": The

Hermeneutical Move from

Applying the Text to Living

in its World.

We were delighted

that Professor Anthony

Thiselton, in whose honour

the lectures are named, was

able to attend. Next year's

lecture will be given by

Dr Angus Paddison of the

University of Winchester.
