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Laura's Documents (1)

Date post: 06-Apr-2018
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Intmigrarfi Vsa ard Alien Registratian - Confinnatian Fage 'four Imrnlgrant Vlsa and Alien Registration Visa Center (NVC) and will be processed in https:l/ceac.stirte.gov/IVr\PP/IVApp/esign/complete_dorc.aspx?node:f)ons it& ai: t E Application form (Form DS-260) has been automatically forwarded to the National 3 to 5 business days. All applicants ust: 1. Obtain and submit required supporting civil documents. 2. Obtain and submit photographs that meet the Department of State's visa requirements. 3. Revi€w the information specific to U.S. Embassy/Cons ulate General where your visa interview will occur. If you have not already collected and submitted the required documents to the National Visa Center then you should do so at this time. lf the documentation you have submitted is either insufficient or incomplete you will be notified by the NVC. Your visa interview cannot be scheduled until your supporting documentation is complete and correct. Note: During the interview with a consular officer, you will be required to sign your application by providing a biometric signature, i.e. yourfingerprint. By providing this biometric signatur€, you are certifying under penalty of perjury that you have read and understood the questions in your immigrant visa application and that all stat€ments that appear in your immigrant visa application have been made by you and are true and complete to the best of your knowledge and belief. Furthermore, at the time of your interview, you will be required to certify under penalty of perjury that all statements in your application and those made during your interview are true and complete to the best of your knowledge and belief. This confirmr the submission of thc Immigrant Visa and Alien Rcgistrdion application for: Name Provided: Nationality: Com pleted On: Case No: Confirmation No: SANCHEZ BERRELLEZA, JESUS EDUARDO MEXICO 4 June 2011 MEP2011520109 AAOO].K3XST I rffiilil ffi ffil H $Iil Hil ffir H[ |lilr f,ilr ltil ilril ilil ffi ill ME P:0 1 I 3 3 0 1 0I r rililil ilIil Hr fiffi ffil fifiil lil ffi ffitil il||| il ffi AAO O I K3HST Version 01.00.00 l of 1 6/4/2A11 2:03 PM

8/2/2019 Laura's Documents (1)

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Vsa ard Alien Registratian - Confinnatian Fage

'four Imrnlgrant Vlsa and Alien RegistrationVisa Center (NVC) and will be processed in


it& ai: t E

Application form (Form DS-260) has been automatically forwarded to the National3 to 5 business days.

All applicants must:

1. Obtain and submit required supporting civil documents.2. Obtain and submit photographs that meet the Department of State's visa requirements.3. Revi€w the information specific to U.S. Embassy/Consulate General where your visa interview will occur.

If you have not already collected and submitted the required documents to the National Visa Center then you should do so atthis time. lf the documentation you have submitted is either insufficient or incomplete you will be notified by the NVC. Your visainterview cannot be scheduled until your supporting documentation is complete and correct.

Note: During the interview with a consular officer, you will be required to sign your application by providing a biometricsignature, i.e. yourfingerprint. By providing this biometric signatur€, you are certifying under penalty of perjury that you haveread and understood the questions in your immigrant visa application and that all stat€ments that appear in your immigrantvisa application have been made by you and are true and complete to the best of your knowledge and belief. Furthermore, atthe time of your interview, you will be required to certify under penalty of perjury that all statements in your application andthose made during your interview are true and complete to the best of your knowledge and belief.

This confirmr the submission of thc Immigrant Visa and Alien Rcgistrdion application for:

Name Provided:Nationality:Com pleted On:

Case No:

Confirmation No:


4 June 2011MEP2011520109


I rffiilil ffi ffil H $Iil Hil ffir H[ |lilr f,ilr ltil ilril ilil ffi illME P:0 1 I 3 3 0 1 0I

r rililil ilIil Hr fiffi ffil fifiil lil ffi ffitil il||| il ffiAAO O I K3HST

Version 01.00.00

of 1 6/4/2A11 2:0

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Vsa ard Alien Registratian - Confirnration Page

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'four Imrnlgrant Visa and Alien ReEistrationVisa Center (NVC) and will be processed in

liltp s : l/ ce &c . s tste. govfIVAPP/IVAp p/ e s i g#c omp l e te d orn . a s px? mde -f

Application form (Form DS-260) has been automatically forwarded to the National3 to 5 business days,

All applicants must:

1. Obtain and submit required supporting civil documents.2. Obtain and submit photographs that meet the Department of State's visa requirements.3. Review the information specific to U.S. Embassy/Consulate General where your visa interview will occur.

If you have not already collected and submitted the required documents to the National Visa Center then you should do so atthis time. If the documentation you have submitted is either insufficient or incomplete you will be notified by the NVC. Your visainterview cannot be scheduled until your supporting documentation is complete and correct.

Note: During the interview with a consular officer, you will be required to sign your application by providing a biometricsignature, i.e. yourfingerprint. By providing this biometric signature, you are certifying under penalty of perjury that you haveread and understood the questions in your immigrant visa application and that all stat€mEnts that appear in your immigrantvisa application have been made by you and are true and complete to the best of your knowledge and belief. Furthermore, atthe time of your interview, you will be required to certify under penalty of perjury that all statements in your application andthose made during your interview ar€ true and complete to the best of your knowledge and belief.

This confirrns the submission of thc Immigrant Visa and Alien Rcgistrdion application for:

Name Provided:Nationality:Com pleted On:

Case No:

Confirmation No:


4 June ?011MEP2011520109


I rilffiil ffi ffi|fi rilil Hil ffit Hffiilr ffir ilil iltil ilil ffi illME P:0 1 1 3 3 0 i 0 p

r rililr ilil ilt tilil ffit ilfifi ffi ffi ffiilt ill|| il l|l|AAO I] l K3HST

Version 01.00.00

of l 6/4/2011 2:0

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TEL. 0l-9oo-s49-4949 MEx. cHARCE br uExsr z.oo GTvELVE pEsos) pER MINtrrE.


ES RESPONSABILIDAD SUYA tener con usted los resultados completos de su eramen mddico ANTES DE SU CITA; porlo tanto. se le sugrere que arregle con uno o dos dias de anticipaci6n los triimites del examen medico.

NOTA: Solicitantes de dos (2) afros a catorce (14) afios de edad deberdn practicarse el examen mddico por lo menos con cuatro (4)dias laborales de anticipaci6n a su cita programada en el Consulado. El no hacerlo, puede resultar en retrasos o rqprogramaci6n de

su fecha de cita inicial. Tambien se le recomienda que si va a vacunar a los nifios dentro de este rango de edad lo haga por lo menoscuatro (4) ssman&s antes de su examen mddico.

Cada solicitante de residencia, sin importar la edad, debe hacerse lm examen medico. Las unicas oficinas m6dicasautorizadas por este Consulado para dichos ex6menes son:


613-A2$,613-3277,613-8872 FAX: (01l-52656) 6t1-2789FAX: (01 1-52656) 613-0294

El horario que tienen para recibir a los solicitantes de visa es de 6:00 a 1l:{X) de la mafrana de hmes a viernes. Las oficinas medicasestan situadas una enfrente del Consulado y la otra a un lado del mismo. El doctor recomienda que los solicitantes mayores de 15

afios, incluyendo j6venes que ya cumplieton 15 aflos, se abstengan de comer cuardo menos seis horas antes de ser examinados. Asimismo, si ustred tiene problerna m6dico cr6nico, ha sido tratado de cualquier eofemredad ven6rea o ha estado bajo cuidado

psiquidhico, el doctor le recomienda que traiga un resumen medico con usted o arregle que este le sea mandado al doctor antes de suexamenmfiico.

Cada solicitante deberd presentar lo siguiente al doctor que lo eramine:

A. Hoja de su cita.

B. Pasaporte Mexicano o pasaporte del pais que le corresponda.

C. Pagart al Doctor la cantidad de U.S.D. $135.00 o su equivalente en moneda nacional.Esta cantidad incluye solamente los exiimenes clinicos necesarios, exc€pto por el examen del DNA. Serii necesarioque el peticionariol solicitante cubran los gastos que este genere. El costo de la(s) vacuna(s) es independiente delcosto de su examen mddico regulm, ver la t'orma CDJ-439 anexa a este paquete.

D. El costo del examen mddico para los menores de l5 affos serd de U.S.D. $55.00.E. Al valor total del examen mfiico se le deb€rA agregar el l0% de I.V.A.

F.No es necesario que presente una fotogafia pa.ra su

examen mddico, la clinica se laproporcionara gratuitamente.

INSTRUCCIONES PARA EL DIA DE SU CITArPresentar a la recepcionista la hoja de zu cita, fnicamente. Aparte debe traer con usted todos srx documentos.*[Solicitantes para visa de fiance(e) o prometido(a) no necesitan presentar una hoja de cita].

Menride-202 October M7
