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Laurent Itti: CS564 - Brain Theory and Artificial Intelligence. Introduction and Brain Overview 1...

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1 tti: CS564 - Brain Theory and Artificial Intelligence. Introduction and Brain Overview Laurent Itti: CS564 - Brain Theory and Artificial Intelligence Lecture 1. Introduction and Brain Overview Reading Assignments:* TMB2: Chapters 1; 2.4 HBTNN: I.1. Introducing the Neuron (Arbib) * Unless indicated otherwise, the TMB2 material is the required reading, and the other readings supplementary.
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1Laurent Itti: CS564 - Brain Theory and Artificial Intelligence. Introduction and Brain Overview

Laurent Itti: CS564 - Brain Theory and Artificial Intelligence

Lecture 1. Introduction and Brain Overview

Reading Assignments:*TMB2: Chapters 1; 2.4

HBTNN:I.1. Introducing the Neuron (Arbib)

* Unless indicated otherwise, the TMB2 material is the required reading, and the other readings supplementary.

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CS 564: Brain Theory and Artificial Intelligence

URL: http://iLab.usc.edu/classes/2002cs564/ for syllabus, instructor and TA information, handouts, homework and grades

Instructor: Laurent Itti; itti@pollux (Office Hour: Mon 3-5,


Yoo-Hee Shin [email protected]

This course provides a basic understanding of brain function, and of artificial neural networks which provide tools for a new paradigm for adaptive parallel computation.

No background in neuroscience is required, nor is specific programming expertise, but knowledge of C++ will be useful for homeworks.

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Texts and Grading

Text: M.A. Arbib, 1989, The Metaphorical Brain 2: Neural Networks and Beyond, Wiley-Interscience.

Supplementary reading: M.A. Arbib, Ed., 1995, The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, MIT Press (paperback).

One mid-term and a final will cover the entire contents of the readings so far as well as the lectures.

The final exam will cover all of the course, but emphasizing material not covered in the mid-term.

Distribution of Grades:

Homeworks: 40%; Mid-term: 30%; Final Exam: 30%.

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Syllabus Overview



Charting the brain

The Brain as a Network of Neuronsx (t)1

x (t)n

x (t)2








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Syllabus Overview

Introduction (cont.)

Experimental techniques

Introduction to Vision


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Syllabus Overview

Basic Neural Modeling & Adaptive Networks

Didday Model of Winner-Take-All

Hopfield networks

Adaptive networks: Hebbian learning;Perceptrons; landmark learning

E = - ½ ij sisjwij + i sii

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Syllabus Overview

Neural Modeling & Adaptive Networks (cont.)

Adaptive networks: gradient descentand backpropagation

Reinforcement learning

Competition and cooperation

Visual plasticity; self-organizing feature maps; Kohonen maps

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Syllabus Overview

Examples of Large-scale Neural Modeling

System concepts

Model of saccadic eye movements

Feedback and the spinal cord; mass-spring model of muscle




































Brainstem Saccade Generator

eye movement









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Syllabus Overview

Large-scale Neural Models of Vision

Early visual processing

Depth perception

Optic flow







-qmax +qmax



qLB, qLD

q0 q0

qLA, qLC qRB, qRC

qRA, qRD

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Syllabus Overview

Large-scale Neural Models of Vision (cont.)

Visual attention

Object recognition

Scene perception

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dorsal/ventral streams

Task Constraints (F6)

Working Memory (46)

Instruction Stimuli (F2)

Task Constraints (F6)Working Memory (46?)Instruction Stimuli (F2)





Ways to grab this “thing”

“It’s a mug”PFC

Syllabus Overview

Other Advanced Neural Modeling

Reaching, grasping and affordances

Cerebellar adaptation

Memory and consciousnessVisualCortex



How (dorsal)

What (ventral)

reach programming

grasp programming

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Syllabus Overview

Applications and Outlook

Towards highly-capable robots

Overview and summary

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Three Frameworks

Artificial intelligence (AI): build a “packet of intelligence” into a machine

Cognitive psychology: explain human behavior by interacting processes (schemas) “in the head” but not localized in the brain

Brain Theory: interactions of components of the brain -

- computational neuroscience

- neurologically constrained models: e.g., networks of neurologically localized schemas

and abstracting from them as both Artificial intelligence and Cognitive psychology:

- connectionism: networks of trainable “quasi-neurons” to provide “parallel distributed models” little constrained by neurophysiology

- abstract (computer program or control system) information processing models

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The Aim of the Course

To gain an understanding of biological neurons as the basis for:

Brain Theory: modeling interactions of components of the brain, especially more or less realistic biological neural networks localized in specific brain regions

Connectionism in both Artificial intelligence (AI) and Cognitive psychology: modeling artificial neural networks -- networks of trainable “quasi-neurons” -- to provide “parallel distributed models” of intelligence in humans, animals and machines

This lecture: A tourist’s guide to the brain ;-)

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A motivating theme: Vision

Vision as a progressive change in representation

Marr (1982): through 2 ½ D primal sketch

Because vision is by far the most studied sense (because it is easy to experiment with), we will use it as a basis for many examples of models studied in this course.

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Vision and the brain

Roughly speaking, about half ofthe brain is concerned with vision.Although most of it is highly auto-mated and unconscious, vision henceis a major component of brain function.

Ryback et al, 1998

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Vision, AI and robots

1940s: beginning of Artificial Intelligence

McCullogh & Pitts, 1942i wixi

Perceptron learning rule (Rosenblatt, 1962)

BackpropagationHopfield networks (1982)Kohonen self-organizing maps…

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Vision, AI and Robots

1950s: beginning of computer visionAim: give to machines same or better vision capability as

oursDrive: AI, robotics applications and factory automation

Initially: passive, feedforward, layered and hierarchical process

that was just going to provide input to higher reasoning

processes (from AI)

But soon: realized that could not handle real images

1980s: Active vision: make the system more robust by allowing the

vision to adapt with the ongoing recognition/interpretation

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A tourist’s guide to the brain

Gross anatomy

Non-neural structures

Major cortical areas

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Central vs. Peripheral Nervous System

The brain is not the entire nervous systems; there is also the spinal cord, many peripheral “ganglia” (small clusters of neurons), and neurons extend connections to locations all over the body (e.g., sensory neurons, motor neurons).

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Autonomic Nervous System

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Axes in the brain

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The “Bauplan” for the Mammalian Brain

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Medical Orientation Terms for Slices

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Main Arterial Supply to the Brain

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Arterial Supply is Segmented

Occlusion/damage to one artery will affect specific brainregions. Important to remember for patient studies.

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Ventricular System

Ventricules: Cavities filled with fluid inside and around the brain. One of their functions is to drain garbage out of the brain.

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Cortical Lobes

Sulcus (“fissure” if very large): Grooves in folded cortexGyrus: cortex between two sulci

1 sulcus, many sulci; 1 gyrus, many gyri

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Cell body (soma): where computation takes placeDendrites: input branchesAxon: unique output (but may branch out)Synapse: connection between presynaptic axon and

postsynaptic dendrite (in general).

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Electron Micrograph of a Real Neuron

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Neurons and Synapses

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Grey and White Matters

Grey matter: neurons (cell bodies), at outer surface of brain

White matter: interconnections, inside the brainDeep nuclei: clusters of neurons deep inside the brain

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Major Functional Areas

Primary motor: voluntary movementPrimary somatosensory: tactile, pain, pressure, position, temp., mvt.Motor association: coordination of complex movementsSensory association: processing of multisensorial informationPrefrontal: planning, emotion, judgementSpeech center (Broca’s area): speech production and articulationWernicke’s area: comprehen-

sion of speechAuditory: hearingAuditory association: complex

auditory processingVisual: low-level visionVisual association: higher-level


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Major Functional Areas

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A View of the Monkey Brain

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Limbic System

Cortex “inside” the brain.Involved in emotions, sexual behavior, memory, etc(not very well known)

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Major Functional Areas

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Visual Input to the Brain

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Eye and retina

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Human Visual System

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Primary Visual Pathway

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Layered Organization of Cortex

Cortex is 1 to 5mm-thick, folded at the surface of the brain (grey matter), and organized as 6 superimposed layers.

Layer names:1: Molecular layer2: External granular layer3: External pyramidal layer4: internal granular layer5: Internal pyramidal layer6: Fusiform layer

Basic layer functions:Layers 1/2: connectivityLayer 4: InputLayers 3/5: Pyramidal cell bodiesLayers 5/6: Output

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Layered Organization of Cortex

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Slice through the thickness of cortex







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Columnar Organization

Very general principle in cortex: neurons processing similar “things” are grouped together in small patches, or “columns,” or cortex.

In primary visual cortex… as in higher (object recognition) visual areas…

and in many, non-visual, areas as well (e.g., auditory, motor, sensory, etc).

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Many visual areas are organized as retinotopic maps: locations next to each other in the outside world are represented by neurons close to each other in cortex.Although the topology is thus preserved, the mapping typically is highly non-linear (yielding large deformations in representation).

Stimulus shown on screen… and corresponding activity in cortex!

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Mammalian and Frog Visual Systems

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Felleman & Van Essen, 1991


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Interconnect… (other source)

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More on Connectivity

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Primitive Mammal




Varieties of Vertebrate Brains

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There is a lot to learn about the brain!… but don’t feel overwhelmed, we will smoothly

introduce all new concepts.

Principled theoretical and engineering methods will allow us to abstract some of these complications.

Starting with fundamental techniques, we will then study fairly complex, large-scale neural models.
