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Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995

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  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995




    [REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7875]





    SECTION 1. Short Title. - This Act shall be known as the "National Health

    Insurance Act of 1995." 



    SECTION 2.cha!"#$%& '(!)*a$ $a+ $(#!a!,Declaration of Principles and Policies. - Section 11, Article

    XIII of the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the hilippines !eclares that

    the State shall a!opt an inte"rate! an! co#prehensi$e approach to health

    !e$elop#ent which shall en!ea$or to #ake essential "oo!s, health an! othersocial ser$ices a$ailable to all the people at affor!able cost% riorit& for the

    nee!s of the un!erpri$ile"e!, sick, el!erl&, !isable!, wo#en, an! chil!ren

    shall be reco"ni'e!% (ikewise, it shall be the polic& of the State to pro$i!e

    free #e!ical care to paupers% cralaw

    In the pursuit of a )ational *ealth Insurance ro"ra#, this Act shall a!opt

    the followin" "ui!in" principles+

    a Allocation of National Resources for Health - The ro"ra# shall

    un!erscore the i#portance for "o$ern#ent to "i$e priorit& to health as a

    strate"& for brin"in" about faster econo#ic !e$elop#ent an! i#pro$in"

    ualit& of life.b ni!ersalit - The ro"ra# shall pro$i!e all citi'ens with the #echanis#

    to "ain financial access to health ser$ices, in co#bination with other

    "o$ern#ent health pro"ra#s% The )ational *ealth Insurance ro"ra# shall

    "i$e the hi"hest priorit& to achie$in" co$era"e of the entire population with

    at least a basic #ini#u# packa"e of health insurance benefits.

    c #$uit  - The ro"ra# shall pro$i!e for unifor# basic benefits% Access to

    care #ust be a function of a person/s health nee!s rather than his abilit& to


    ! Responsi!eness - The ro"ra# shall a!euatel& #eet the nee!s for

    personal health ser$ices at $arious sta"es of a #e#ber/s life.e Social Solidarit  - The ro"ra# shall be "ui!e! b& co##unit& spirit% It

    #ust enhance risk-sharin" a#on" inco#e "roups, a"e "roups, an! persons

    of !ifferin" health status, an! resi!in" in !ifferent "eo"raphic areas.

    f #ffecti!eness - The ro"ra# shall balance econo#ical use of resources

    with ualit& of care.

    " Inno!ation - The ro"ra# shall a!opt to chan"es in #e!ical technolo"&,

    health ser$ice or"ani'ations, health care pro$i!er paents s&ste#s, scopes

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    of professional practice, an! other tren!s in the health sector% It #ust be

    co"ni'ant of the appropriate roles an! respecti$e stren"ths of the public an!

    pri$ate sectors in health care, inclu!in" people/s or"ani'ations an!

    co##unit&-base! health care or"ani'ations.

    h De!olution - The ro"ra# shall be i#ple#ente! in consultation with the

    local "o$ern#ent units 0(2s, sub3ect to the o$er-all polic& !irections setb& the )ational o$ern#ent.

    i %iduciar Responsi&ilit  - The ro"ra# shall pro$i!e effecti$e stewar!ship,

    fun!s #ana"e#ent, an! #aintenance of reser$es.

     3 Infor'ed (hoice - The ro"ra# shall encoura"e #e#bers to choose fro#

    a#on" accre!ite! health care pro$i!ers% The Corporation/s local offices shall

    ob3ecti$el& apprise its #e#bers of the full ran"e of pro$i!ers in$ol$e! in the

    ro"ra# an! of the ser$ices an! pri$ile"es to which the& are entitle! as

    #e#bers% This e4planation, which the #e#ber #a& use as a "ui!e in

    selectin" the appropriate an! #ost suitable pro$i!er, shall be "i$en in clear

    an! si#ple 5ilipino an! in the local lan"ua"e that is co#prehensible to the#e#bers.

    k )a*i'u' (o''unit Participation - The ro"ra# shall buil! on e4istin"

    co##unit& initiati$es for its or"ani'ation an! hu#an resource reuire#ents% cralaw

    l (o'pulsor (o!era+e - All citi'ens of the hilippines shall be reuire! to

    enroll in the )ational *ealth Insurance ro"ra# in or!er to a$oi! a!$erse

    selection an! social ineuit&.

    # (ost Sharin+ - The ro"ra# shall continuousl& e$aluate its cost-sharin"

    sche!ule to ensure that the costs borne b& the #e#bers are fair an!

    euitable an! that the char"es b& health care pro$i!ers are reasonable.

    n Professional Responsi&ilit of Health (are Pro!iders - The ro"ra# shallassure that all participatin" health care pro$i!ers are responsible an!

    accountable in all their !ealin"s with the Corporation an! its #e#bers.

    o Pu&lic Health Ser!ices - The o$ern#ent shall be responsible for

    pro$i!in" public health ser$ices for all "roups such as wo#en, chil!ren,

    in!i"enous people, !isplace! co##unities in en$iron#entall& en!an"ere!

    areas, while the ro"ra# shall focus on the pro$ision of personal health

    ser$ices% re$enti$e an! pro#oti$e public health ser$ices are essential for

    re!ucin" the nee! an! spen!in" for personal health ser$ices.

    p ,ualit of Ser!ices - The ro"ra# shall pro#ote the i#pro$e#ent in the

    ualit& of health ser$ices pro$i!e! throu"h the institutionali'ation of pro"ra#s of ualit& assurance at all le$els of the health ser$ice !eli$er&

    s&ste#% The satisfaction of the co##unit&, as well as in!i$i!ual

    beneficiaries, shall be a !eter#inant of the ualit& of ser$ice !eli$er&.

    (ost (ontain'ent - The ro"ra# shall incorporate features of cost

    contain#ent in its !esi"n an! operations an! pro$i!e a $iable #eans of 

    helpin" the people pa& for health care ser$ices. an!

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    r (are for the Indi+ent - The "o$ern#ent shall be responsible for pro$i!in"

    a basic packa"e of nee!e! personal health ser$ices to in!i"ents throu"h

    pre#iu# subsi!&, or throu"h !irect ser$ice pro$ision until such ti#e that the

    pro"ra# is full& i#ple#ente!% cralaw

    SECTION -. eneral &/ecti!es. - This Act seeks to+

    a pro$i!e all citi'ens of the hilippines with the #echanis# to "ain financialaccess to health ser$ices.

    b create the )ational *ealth Insurance ro"ra#, hereinafter referre! to as

    the ro"ra#, to ser$e as the #eans to help the people pa& for health care


    c prioriti'e an! accelerate the pro$isions of health ser$ices to all 5ilipinos,

    especiall& that se"#ent of the population who cannot affor! such ser$ices.


    ! establish the hilippine *ealth Insurance Corporation, hereinafter referre!

    to as the Corporation, that will a!#inister the ro"ra# at central an! local




    SECTION . Definition of Ter's. - 5or the purpose of this Act, the followin"

    ter#s shall be !efine! as follows+

    a 0eneficiar  - An& person entitle! to health care benefits un!er this Act% cralaw

    b 0enefit Paca+e - Ser$ices that the ro"ra# offers to its #e#bers% cralaw

    c (apitation - A paent #echanis# where a fi4e! rate, whether per

    person, fa#il&, househol!, or "roup, is ne"otiate! with the health care

    pro$i!er who shall be responsible for !eli$erin" or arran"in" for the !eli$er&of health ser$ices reuire! b& the co$ere! person un!er the con!itions of a

    health pro$i!er contract% cralaw

    ! (ontri&ution - The a#ount pai! b& or in behalf of a #e#ber to the

    ro"ra# for co$era"e, base! on salaries or wa"es in the case of for#al

    sector e#plo&ees, an! on househol! earnin"s an! assets, in the case of the

    self-e#plo&e!, or on other criteria as #a& be !efine! b& the Corporation in

    accor!ance with the "ui!in" principles set forth in Article I of this Act% cralaw

    e (o!era+e - The entitle#ent of an in!i$i!ual, as a #e#ber or as a

    !epen!ent, to the benefits of the ro"ra#%cralaw

    f Dependent  - The le"al !epen!ents of a #e#ber are+ 1 the le"iti#ate

    spouse who is not a #e#ber. 6 the un#arrie! an! une#plo&e! le"iti#ate,

    le"iti#ate!, ille"iti#ate, acknowle!"e! chil!ren as appearin" in the birth

    certificate. le"all& a!opte! or stepchil!ren below twent&-one 061 &ears of 

    a"e. chil!ren who are twent&-one 061 &ears ol! or abo$e but sufferin"

    fro# con"enital !isabilit&, either ph&sical or #ental, or an& !isabilit&

    acuire! that ren!ers the# totall& !epen!ent on the #e#ber for support.

    the parents who are si4t& 0: &ears ol! or abo$e whose #onthl& inco#e is

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    below an a#ount to be !eter#ine! b& the Corporation in accor!ance with

    the "ui!in" principles set forth in Article I of this Act% cralaw

    " Dia+nostic Procedure - An& proce!ure to i!entif& a !isease or con!ition

    throu"h anal&sis an! e4a#ination% cralaw

    h #'er+enc  - An unforeseen co#bination of circu#stances which calls for

    i##e!iate action to preser$e the life of a person or to preser$e the si"ht of one or both e&es. the hearin" of one or both ears. or one or two li#bs at or

    abo$e the ankle or wrist% cralaw

    i #'ploee - An& person who perfor#s ser$ices for an e#plo&er in which

    either or both #ental an! ph&sical efforts are use! an! who recei$es

    co#pensation for such ser$ices, where there is an e#plo&er-e#plo&ee


     3 #'ploer  - A natural or 3uri!ical person who e#plo&s the ser$ices of an


    k #nroll'ent  - The process to be !eter#ine! b& the Corporation in or!er to

    enlist in!i$i!uals as #e#bers or !epen!ents co$ere! b& the ro"ra#% cralaw

    l %ee for Ser!ice - A reasonable an! euitable health care paent s&ste#

    un!er which ph&sicians an! other health care pro$i!ers recei$e a paent

    that !oes not e4cee! their bille! char"e for each unit of ser$ice pro$i!e!% cralaw

    # lo&al 0ud+et  - An approach to the purchase of #e!ical ser$ices b&

    which health care pro$i!er ne"otiation concernin" the costs of pro$i!in" a

    specific packa"e of #e!ical benefits is base! solel& on a pre!eter#ine! an!

    fi4e! bu!"et%cralaw

    n o!ern'ent Ser!ice Insurance Sste' - The o$ern#ent Ser$ice

    Insurance S&ste# create! un!er Co##onwealth Act )o% 18, as a#en!e!% cralaw

    o Health (are Pro!ider  - Refers to+1 a health care institution, which is !ul& license! an! accre!ite!

    an! !e$ote! pri#aril& to the #aintenance an! operation of 

    facilities for health pro#otion, pre$ention, !ia"nosis, treat#ent,

    an! care of in!i$i!uals sufferin" fro# illness, !isease, in3ur&,

    !isabilit& or !efor#it&, or in nee! of obstretical or other #e!ical

    an! nursin" care% It shall also be construe! as an& institution,

    buil!in", or place where there are installe! be!s, cribs, or

    bassinets for twent&-four hour use or lon"er b& patients in the

    treat#ent of !iseases, in3uries, !efor#ities, or abnor#al ph&sical

    an! #ental states, #aternit& cases or sanitarial care. orinfir#aries, nurseries, !ispensaries, an! such other si#ilar

    na#es b& which the& #a& be !esi"nate!. or

    6 a health care professional, who is an& !octor of #e!icine,

    nurse, #i!wife, !entist, or other health care professional or

    practitioner !ul& license! to practice in the hilippines an!

    accre!ite! b& the Corporation. or

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    a health #aintenance or"ani'ation, which is an entit& that

    pro$i!es, offers, or arran"es for co$era"e of !esi"nate! health

    ser$ices nee!e! b& plan #e#bers for a fi4e! prepai! pre#iu#.


    a co##unit&-base! health care or"ani'ation, which is an

    association of in!i"enous #e#bers of the co##unit& or"ani'e!for the purpose of i#pro$in" the health status of that co##unit&

    throu"h pre$enti$e, pro#oti$e an! curati$e health ser$ices%

    p Health Insurance Identification 2ID3 (ard  - The !ocu#ent issue! b& the

    Corporation to #e#bers an! !epen!ents upon their enroll#ent to ser$e as

    the instru#ent for proper i!entification, eli"ibilit& $erification, an! utili'ation


    Indi+ent  - A person who has no $isible #eans of inco#e, or whose inco#e

    is insufficient for the subsistence of his fa#il&, as i!entifie! b& the (ocal

    *ealth Insurance ;ffice an! base! on specific criteria set b& the Corporation

    in accor!ance with the "ui!in" principles set forth in Article I of this Act% cralaw

    r Inpatient #ducation Paca+e - A set of infor#ational ser$ices #a!e

    a$ailable to an in!i$i!ual who is confine! in a hospital to affor! hi# with

    knowle!"e about his illness an! its treat#ent, an! of the #eans a$ailable,

    particularl& lifest&le chan"es, to pre$ent the recurrence or a""ra$ation of 

    such illness an! to pro#ote his health in "eneral%cralaw

    s )e'&er  - An& person whose pre#iu#s ha$e been re"ularl& pai! to the

    )ational *ealth Insurance ro"ra#% *e #a& be a pa&in" #e#ber, an

    in!i"ent #e#ber, or a pensioner

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    4 Personal Health Ser!ices - *ealth ser$ices in which benefits accrue to the

    in!i$i!ual person% These are cate"ori'e! into in-patient an! out-patient


    & Philippine )edical (are (o''ission - The hilippine =e!ical Care

    Co##ission create! un!er Republic Act )o% 111, as a#en!e!% cralaw

    ' Philippine National Dru+ %or'ular  - The essential !ru"s list for thehilippines which is prepare! b& the )ational >ru" Co##ittee of the

    >epart#ent of *ealth in consultations with e4perts an! specialists fro#

    or"ani'e! professional #e!ical societies, #e!ical aca!e#e an!

    phar#aceutical in!ustr&, an! which is up!ate! e$er& &ear%cralaw

    aa Porta&ilit - The enable#ent of a #e#ber to a$ail of ro"ra# benefits in

    an area outsi!e the 3uris!iction of his (ocal *ealth Insurance ;ffice%cralaw

    bb Prescription Dru+ - A !ru" which has been appro$e! b& the ?ureau of 

    5oo! an! >ru"s an! which can be !ispense! onl& pursuant to a prescription

    or!er fro# a ph&sician who is !ul& license! to !o so% cralaw

    cc Pu&lic Health Ser!ices - Ser$ices that stren"then pre$enti$e an!pro#oti$e health care throu"h i#pro$in" con!itions in partnership with the

    co##unit& at lar"e% These inclu!e control of co##unicable an! non-

    co##unicable !iseases, health pro#otion, public infor#ation an! e!ucation,

    water an! sanitation, en$iron#ental protection, an! health relate! !ata

    collection, sur$eillance, an! outco#e #onitorin"% cralaw

    !! ,ualit Assurance - A for#al set of acti$ities to re$iew an! ensure the

    ualit& of ser$ices pro$i!e!% @ualit& assurance inclu!es ualit& assess#ent

    an! correcti$e actions to re#e!& an& beneficiaries i!entifie! in the ualit& of 

    !irect patient, a!#inistrati$e, an! support ser$ices% cralaw

    ee Residence - The place where the #e#ber actuall& li$es%cralaw

    ff Retiree - A #e#ber of the ro"ra# who has reache! the a"e of 

    retire#ent or who has retire! on account of !isabilit&%cralaw

    "" Self-e'ploed  - a person who works for hi#self an! is, therefore, both

    e#plo&ee an! e#plo&er at the sa#e ti#e% cralaw

    hh Social Securit Sste' - The Social Securit& S&ste# create! un!er

    Republic Act )o% 111, as a#en!e!% cralaw

    ii Treat'ent Procedure - An& #etho! use! to re#o$e the spto#s an!

    cause of a !isease% cralaw

     33 tili4ation Re!ie  - A for#al re$iew of patient utili'ation or of the

    appropriateness of health care ser$ices, on a prospecti$e, concurrent orretrospecti$e basis%



    SEC. 5. #sta&lish'ent and Purpose. - There is hereb& create! the )ational

    *ealth Insurance ro"ra# which shall pro$i!e health insurance co$era"e an!

    ensure affor!able, acceptable, a$ailable an! accessible health care ser$ices

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    for all citi'ens of the hilippines, in accor!ance with policies an! specific

    pro$isions of this Act% This social insurance pro"ra# shall ser$e as the

    #eans for the health& to help pa& for the care of the sick an! for those who

    can affor! #e!ical care to subsi!i'e those who cannot% It shall initiall&

    consist of ro"ra#s I an! II of =e!icare an! be e4pan!e! pro"ressi$el& to

    constitute one uni$ersal health insurance pro"ra# for the entire population%The ro"ra# shall inclu!e a sustainable s&ste# of fun!s constitution,

    collection, #ana"e#ent an! !isburse#ent for financin" the a$ail#ent of a

    basic #ini#u# packa"e an! supple#entar& packa"es of health insurance

    benefits b& a pro"ressi$el& e4pan!in" proportion of the population% The

    ro"ra# shall be li#ite! to pa&in" for the utili'ation of health ser$ices b&

    co$ere! beneficiaries or to purchasin" health ser$ices in behalf of such

    beneficiaries% It shall be prohibite! fro# pro$i!in" health care !irectl&, fro#

    bu&in" an! !ispensin" !ru"s an! phar#aceuticals, fro# e#plo&in"

    ph&sicians an! other professionals for the purpose of !irectl& ren!erin" care,

    an! fro# ownin" or in$estin" in health care facilities% cralaw

    SEC. /. (o!era+e. - All citi'ens of the hilippines shall be co$ere! b& the

    )ational *ealth Insurance ro"ra#% In accor!ance with the principles of 

    uni$ersalit& an! co#pulsor& co$era"e enunciate! in Section 6 0b an! 6 01

    hereof, i#ple#entation of the ro"ra# shall, further#ore, be "ra!ual an!

    phase! in o$er a perio! of not #ore than fifteen 01 &ears+ Pro!ided6 That

    the ro"ra# shall not be #a!e co#pulsor& in certain pro$inces an! cities

    until the Corporation shall be able to ensure that #e#bers in such localities

    shall ha$e reasonable access to a!euate an! acceptable health care


    SEC. 7. #nroll'ent. - The ro"ra# shall enroll beneficiaries in or!er forthe# to be place! un!er co$era"e that entitles the# to a$ail of benefits with

    the assistance of the financial arran"e#ents pro$i!e! b& the ro"ra#% The

    process of enroll#ent shall inclu!e the i!entification of beneficiaries,

    issuance of appropriate !ocu#entation specif&in" eli"ibilit& to benefits, an!

    in!icatin" how #e#bership was obtaine! or is bein" #aintaine!% The

    enroll#ent shall procee! in accor!ance with these specific policies+

    a all persons currentl& eli"ible fro benefits un!er =e!icare ro"ra# I,

    inclu!in" SSS an! SIS #e#bers, retirees, pensioners an! their

    !epen!ents, shall i##e!iatel& an! auto#aticall& be #a!e #e#bers of the

    )ational *ealth Insurance ro"ra#.b all persons eli"ible for benefits throu"h health insurance plans establishe!

    b& local "o$ern#ents as part of ro"ra# II of =e!icare or in accor!ance with

    the pro$isions of this Act, inclu!in" in!i"ent #e#bers, shall also be enrolle!

    in the ro"ra#.

    c all persons eli"ible for benefits as #e#bers of local health insurance plans

    establishe! b& the Corporation in accor!ance with the i#ple#entin" rules

    an! re"ulations of this Act shall also be !ee#e! to ha$e enrolle! in the

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    ro"ra#% Bnroll#ent of persons who ha$e no current health insurance

    co$era"e shall be "i$en priorit& b& the Corporation. an!

    ! all persons eli"ible for benefits as #e#bers of other "o$ern#ent-initiate!

    health insurance pro"ra#s, co##unit&-base! health care or"ani'ations,

    cooperati$es, or pri$ate non-profit health insurance plans shall be enrolle! in

    the ro"ra# upon accre!itation b& the Corporation which shall !e$ise an!pro$i!e incenti$es to ensure that such accre!ite! or"ani'ations will benefit

    fro# their participation in the pro"ra#% cralaw

    All in!i"ents not enrolle! in the ro"ra# shall ha$e priorit& in the use an!

    a$ail#ent of the ser$ices an! facilities of "o$ern#ent hospitals, health care

    personnel, an! other health or"ani'ations+ Pro!ided6 howe$er, That such

    "o$ern#ent health care pro$i!ers shall ensure that sai! in!i"ents shall

    subseuentl& be enrolle! in the ro"ra#% cralaw

    SEC. 8. Health Insurance ID (ard - In con3unction with the enroll#ent

    pro$i!e! abo$e, the Corporation throu"h its local office shall issue a health

    insurance I> which shall be use! for purposes of i!entification, eli"ibilit&$erification, an! utili'ation recor!in"% The issuance of this I> car! shall be

    acco#panie! b& a clear e4planation to the enrollee of his ri"hts, pri$ile"es

    an! obli"ations as a #e#ber% A list of health care pro$i!ers accre!ite! b&

    the (ocal *ealth Insurance ;ffice shall likewise be attache! thereto% cralaw

    SEC. 9. (han+e of Residence. - A citi'en can be un!er onl& one (ocal *ealth

    Insurance ;ffice which shall be locate! in the pro$ince or cit& of his place of 

    resi!ence% A person who chan"es resi!ence, beco#es te#poraril& e#plo&e!,

    or for other 3ustifiable reasons, is transferre! to another localit&, shoul!

    infor# sai! ;ffice of such transfer an! subseuentl& transfer his ro"ra#


    SEC. 10. 0enefit Paca+e. - Sub3ect to the li#itations specifie! in this Act

    an! as #a& be !eter#ine! b& the Corporation, the followin" cate"ories of 

    personal health ser$ices "rante! to the #e#ber or his !epen!ents as

    #e!icall& necessar& or appropriate, shall inclu!e+

    a Inpatient hospital care7

    1 roo# an! boar!.

    6 ser$ices of health care professionals.

    !ia"nostic, laborator&, an! other #e!ical e4a#ination ser$ices.

    use of sur"ical or #e!ical euip#ent an! facilities.

    prescription !ru"s an! biolo"icals. sub3ect to the li#itations state!in Section 7 of this Act.

    inpatient e!ucation packa"es.

    b utpatient care7

    1 ser$ices of health care professionals.

    6 !ia"nostic, laborator&, an! other #e!ical e4a#ination ser$ices.

    personal pre$enti$e ser$ices. an!

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    prescription !ru"s an! biolo"icals, sub3ect to the li#itations

    !escribe! in Section 7 of this Act.

    c #'er+enc and transfer ser!ices. an!

    ! Such other health care ser$ices that the Corporation shall !eter#ine to be

    appropriate an! cost-effecti$e+ Pro!ided6 That the ro"ra#, !urin" its initial

    phase of i#ple#entation, which shall not be #ore than fi$e 0 &ears, shallpro$i!e a basic #ini#u# packa"e of benefits which shall be !efine!

    accor!in" to the followin" "ui!elines+

    1 the cost of pro$i!in" sai! packa"es is such that the a$ailable national an!

    local "o$ern#ent subsi!ies for pre#iu# paents of in!i"ents are sufficient

    to e4ten! co$era"e to the wi!est possible population% cralaw

    6 the initial set of ser$ices shall not be less than half of those pro$i!e!

    un!er the current =e!icare ro"ra# I in ter#s of o$erall a$era"e cost of 

    clai#s pai! per beneficiar& househol! per &ear%cralaw

    the ser$ices inclu!e! are prioriti'e!, first6 accor!in" to its cost-

    effecti$eness an!, second6 accor!in" to its potential of pro$i!in" #a4i#u#relief fro# the financial bur!en on the beneficiar&+ Pro!ided6 That, in

    a!!ition to the basic #ini#u# packa"e, the ro"ra# shall pro$i!e

    supple#ental health benefit co$era"e to beneficiaries of contributor& fun!s,

    takin" into consi!eration the a$ailabilit& of fun!s for the purpose fro# sai!

    contributor& fun!s+ Pro!ided6 further6 That the ro"ra# pro"ressi$el&

    e4pan! the basic #ini#u# benefit packa"e as the proportion of the

    population co$ere! reaches tar"ete! #ilestone so that the sa#e benefits are

    e4ten!e! to all #e#bers of the ro"ra# within fi$e 0 &ears after the

    i#ple#entation of this Act% Such e4pansion will pro$i!e for the "ra!ual

    incorporation of supple#entar& health benefits pre$iousl& e4ten!e! onl& toso#e beneficiaries into the basic #ini#u# packa"e e4ten!e! to all

    beneficiaries+ an! Pro!ided6 finall6 That in the phase! i#ple#entation of 

    this Act, there shoul! be no re!uction or interruption in the benefits

    currentl& en3o&e! b& present #e#bers of =e!icare% cralaw

    SEC. 11. #*cluded Personal Health Ser!ice. - The benefits "rante! un!er

    this Act shall not co$er e4penses for the ser$ices enu#erate! hereun!er

    e4cept when the Corporation, after actuarial stu!ies, reco##en! their

    inclusion sub3ect to the appro$al of the ?oar!+

    a non-prescription !ru"s an! !e$ices.

    b out-patient ps&chotherap& an! counselin" for #ental!isor!ers.

    c !ru" an! alcohol abuse or !epen!enc& treat#ent.

    ! cos#etic sur"er&.

    e ho#e an! rehabilitation ser$ices.

    f opto#etric ser$ices.

    " nor#al obstetrical !eli$er&. an!

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  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    ! to for#ulate an! i#ple#ent "ui!elines on contributions an!

    benefits. portabilit& of benefits, cost contain#ent an! ualit&

    assurance. an! health care pro$i!er arran"e#ents, paent

    #etho!s, an! referral s&ste#s.

    e to establish branch offices as #an!ate! in Article of this

    Act.f to recei$e an! #ana"e "rants, !onations, an! other for#s of 


    " to sue an! be sue! in court.

    h to acuire propert&, real an! personal, which #a& be

    necessar& or e4pe!ient for the attain#ent of the purposes of this


    i to collect, !eposit, in$est, a!#inister, an! !isburse the

    )ational *ealth Insurance 5un! in accor!ance with the pro$isions

    of this Act.

     3 to ne"otiate an! enter into contracts with health careinstitutions, professionals, an! other persons, 3uri!ical or

    natural, re"ar!in" pricin", paent #echanis#s, !esi"n an!

    i#ple#entation of a!#inistrati$e an! operatin" s&ste#s an!

    proce!ures, financin", an! !eli$er& of health ser$ices.

    k to authori'e (ocal *ealth Insurance ;ffices to ne"otiate an!

    enter into contracts in the na#e an! on behalf of the Corporation

    with an& accre!ite! "o$ern#ent or pri$ate sector health

    #aintenance or"ani'ations, cooperati$es an! #e!ical

    foun!ations, for the pro$ision of at least the #ini#u# packa"e

    of personal health ser$ices prescribe! b& the Corporation.l to !eter#ine reuire#ents an! issue "ui!elines for the

    accre!itation of health care pro$i!ers for the ro"ra# in

    accor!ance with this Act%.

    # to super$ise the pro$ision of health benefits with the power

    to inspect #e!ical an! financial recor!s of health care pro$i!ers

    an! patients who are participants in or #e#bers of the ro"ra#,

    the power to enter an! inspect accre!ite! health care

    institutions, sub3ect to the rules an! re"ulations to be

    pro#ul"ate! b& the Corporation.

    n to or"ani'e its office, fi4 the co#pensation of an! appointpersonnel as #a& be !ee#e! necessar& an! upon the

    reco##en!ation of the presi!ent of the Corporation.

    o to sub#it to the resi!ent of the hilippines an! to both

    *ouses of Con"ress its Annual Report which shall contain the

    status of the )ational *ealth Insurance 5un!, its total

    !isburse#ents, reser$es, a$era"e costin"s to beneficiaries, an&

    reuest for a!!itional appropriation, an! other !ata pertinent to

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    the i#ple#entation of the ro"ra# an! publish a s&nopsis of 

    such report in two 06 newspapers of "eneral circulation.

    p to keep recor!s of the operation of the Corporation an!

    in$est#ents of the )ational *ealth Insurance 5un!. an!

    to perfor# such other acts as it #a& !ee# appropriate for the

    attain#ent of the ob3ecti$es of the Corporation an! for theproper enforce#ent of the pro$isions of this Act%

    SEC. 17. ,uasi-8udicial Poers.- The Corporation, to carr& out its tasks

    #ore effecti$el&, shall be $este! with the followin" powers+

    a to con!uct in$esti"ations for the !eter#ination of a uestion, contro$ers&,

    co#plaint, or unresol$e! "rie$ance brou"ht to its attention, an! ren!er

    !ecisions, or!ers, or resolutions thereon% It shall procee! to hear an!

    !eter#ine the case e$en in the absence of an& part& who has been properl&

    ser$e! with notice to appear% It shall con!uct its procee!in"s or an& part

    thereof in public or in e4ecuti$e session. a!3ourn its hearin"s to an& ti#e

    an! place. refer technical #atters or accounts to an e4pert an! to accept hisreports as e$i!ence. !irect parties to be 3oine! in or e4clu!e! fro# the

    procee!in"s. an! "i$e all such !irections as it #a& !ee# necessar& or

    e4pe!ient in the !eter#ination of the !ispute before it.

    b to su##on the parties to a contro$ers&, issue subpoenas reuirin" the

    atten!ance an! testi#on& of witnesses or the pro!uction of !ocu#ents an!

    other #aterials necessar& to a 3ust !eter#ination of the case un!er


    c to suspen! te#poraril&, re$oke per#anentl&, or restore the accre!itation

    of a health care pro$i!er or the ri"ht to benefits of a #e#ber an!irectors hereinafter referre! to as the ?oar!,co#pose! of ele$en #e#bers as follows+

    The Secretar& of *ealth.

    The Secretar& of (abor an! B#ploent or his representati$e.

    The Secretar& of Interior an! (ocal o$ern#ent or his representati$e.

    The Secretar& of Social Delfare an! >e$elop#ent or his representati$e.

    The resi!ent of the Corporation.

    A representati$e of the labor sector.

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    A representati$e of e#plo&ers.

    The SSS A!#inistrator or his representati$e.

    The SIS eneral =ana"er or his representati$e.

    A representati$e of the self-e#plo&e! sector. an!

    A representati$e of health care pro$i!ers% cralaw

    The Secretar& of *ealth shall be the e*-officio Chairperson while theresi!ent of the Corporation shall be the ice-Chairperson of the ?oar!% cralaw

    0b Appoint'ent and Tenure - The resi!ent of the hilippines shall appoint

    the =e#bers of the ?oar! upon the reco##en!ation of the Chair#an of the

    ?oar! an! in consultation with the sectors concerne!% =e#bers of the ?oar!

    shall ha$e a ter# of four 0 &ears each, renewable for a #a4i#u# of two

    06 &ears, e4cept for #e#bers whose ter#s shall be co-ter#inous with their

    respecti$e positions in "o$ern#ent% An& $acanc& in the ?oar! shall be fille!

    in the #anner in which the ori"inal appoint#ent was #a!e an! the

    appointee shall ser$e onl& the une4pire! ter# of his pre!ecessor%cralaw

    0c )eetin+s and ,uoru' - The ?oar! shall hol! re"ular #eetin"s at leastonce a #onth% Special #eetin"s #a& be con$ene! at the call of the

    Chairperson or b& a #a3orit& of the #e#bers of the ?oar!% The presence of 

    si4 0 $otin" #e#bers shall constitute a uoru#% In the absence of the

    Chairperson an! ice-Chairperson, a te#porar& presi!in" officer shall be

    !esi"nate! b& the #a3orit& of the uoru#% cralaw

    0! Alloance and Per Die's - The #e#bers of the ?oar! shall recei$e a per 

    die' for e$er& #eetin" actuall& atten!e! sub3ect to the pertinent bu!"etar&

    laws, rules an! re"ulations on co#pensation, honoraria an! allowances% cralaw

    SEC. 19. The President of the (orporation. - 0a Appoint'ent and Tenure -

    The resi!ent of the hilippines shall appoint for non-renewable ter# of si40 &ears, the resi!ent of the Corporation, hereinafter referre! to as the

    resi!ent, upon the reco##en!ation of the ?oar!% The resi!ent shall not

    be re#o$e! fro# office e4cept in accor!ance with e4istin" laws% cralaw

    0b Duties and %unctions - The resi!ent shall ha$e the !ut& of a!$isin" the

    ?oar! an! carr&in" into effect its policies an! !ecisions% *is functions are as


    1 to act as the chief e4ecuti$e officer of the Corporation. an!

    6 to be responsible for the "eneral con!uct of the operations

    an! #ana"e#ent functions of the Corporation an! for other

    !uties assi"ne! to hi# b& the ?oar!%0c ,ualifications - The resi!ent #ust be a 5ilipino citi'en an! #ust possess

    a!euate an! appropriate trainin" an! at least fi$e 0 &ears e4perience in

    the fiel! of health care financin" an! corporate #ana"e#ent%

    0! Salar  - The resi!ent shall recei$e a salar& to be fi4e! b& the ?oar!,

    with the appro$al of the resi!ent of the hilippines, pa&able fro# the fun!s

    of the Corporation% cralaw

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    0e Prohi&ition - To a$oi! conflict of interest, the resi!ent #ust not be

    in$ol$e! in an& health care institution as owner or #e#ber of its boar!% cralaw

    SEC. 20. Health %inance Polic Research. - A#on" the staff !epart#ents

    that will be establishe! b& the Corporation shall be the *ealth 5inance olic&

    Research >epart#ent, which shall ha$e the followin" !uties an! functions+

    a !e$elop#ent of broa! conceptual fra#ework for i#ple#entation of thero"ra# throu"h a national health finance #aster plan to ensure sustaine!

    in$est#ents in health care, an! to pro$i!e "ui!ance for a!!itional

    appropriations fro# the )ational o$ern#ent.

    b con!uct of researches an! stu!ies towar! the !e$elop#ent of 

    policies necessar& to ensure the $iabilit&, a!euac& an!

    responsi$eness of the ro"ra#.

    c re$iew, e$aluation, an! assess#ent of the ro"ra#/s i#pact

    on the access to, as well as the ualit& an! cost of, health care in

    the countr&.

    ! perio!ic re$iew of fees, char"es, co#pensation rates,capitation rates, #e!ical stan!ar!s, health outco#es an!

    satisfaction of #e#bers, benefits, an! other #atters pertinent to

    the operations of the ro"ra#.

    e co#parison in the !eli$er&, ualit&, use, an! cost of health

    care ser$ices of the !ifferent ;ffices.

    f sub#ission for consi!eration of pro"ra# of ualit& assurance,

    utili'ation re$iew, an! technolo"& assess#ent. an!

    " sub#ission of reco##en!ations on polic& an! operational

    issues that will help the Corporation #eet the ob3ecti$es of this

    Act%SEC. 21. Actuar of the (orporation. - An ;ffice of Actuar& shall be create!

    within the Corporation to con!uct the necessar& actuarial stu!ies an!

    present reco##en!ations on insurance pre#iu#, in$est#ents an! other

    relate! #atters%



    SEC. 22. #sta&lish'ent. - The Corporation shall establish a (ocal *ealth

    Insurance ;ffice, hereinafter referre! to as the ;ffice, in e$er& pro$ince or

    chartere! cit&, or where$er it is !ee#e! practicable, to brin" its ser$ices

    closer to #e#bers of the ro"ra#% *owe$er, one office #a& ser$e the nee!s

    of #ore than one pro$ince or cit& when the #er"e! operations will result in

    lower a!#inistrati$e cost an! "reater cross-subsi!& between rich an! poor


    ro$inces an! cities where prospecti$e #e#bers are or"ani'e! shall recei$e

    priorit& in the establish#ent of local health insurance offices% cralaw

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    SEC. 2-. %unctions. - Bach ;ffice shall ha$e the followin" powers an!


    a to consult an! coor!inate, as nee!e!, with the local

    "o$ern#ent units within its 3uris!iction in the i#ple#entation of 

    the ro"ra#.

    b to recruit an! re"ister #e#bers of the ro"ra# fro# all areaswithin its 3uris!iction.

    c to collect an! recei$e pre#iu#s an! other paent

    contributions to the ro"ra#.

    ! to #aintain an! up!ate the #e#bership eli"ibilit& list at

    co##unit& le$els.

    e to super$ise the con!uct of #eans testin" which shall be

    base! on the criteria set b& the Corporation an! un!ertaken b&

    the ?aran"a& Captain in coor!ination with the social welfare

    officer an! co##unit&-base! health care or"ani'ations to

    !eter#ine the econo#ic status of all househol!s an! in!i$i!uals,inclu!in" those who are in!i"ent.

    f to issue health insurance I> car!s to persons whose pre#iu#s

    ha$e been pai! accor!in" to the reuire#ents of the ;ffice an!

    the "ui!elines issue! b& the ?oar!.

    " to reco##en! to the ?oar! pre#iu# sche!ules that pro$i!e

    for lower rates to be pai! b& the #e#bers whose !epen!ents

    inclu!e those with re!uce! probabilit& of utili'ation, as in full&

    i##uni'e! chil!ren.

    h to reco##en! to the ?oar! a contribution sche!ule which

    specifies contribution le$els b& the in!i$i!uals an! househol!s,an! a correspon!in" unifor# packa"e of personal health ser$ice

    benefits which is at least eual to the #ini#u# packa"e of such

    benefits prescribe! b& the ?oar! as appl&in" to the nation.

    i to "rant an! !en& accre!itation to health care pro$i!ers in

    their area of 3uris!iction, sub3ect to the rules an! re"ulations to

    be issue! b& the ?oar!.

     3 to process, re$iew an! pa& the clai#s of pro$i!ers, within a

    perio! not e4cee!in" si4t& 0: !a&s, whene$er applicable in

    accor!ance with the rules an! "ui!elines of the Corporation.

    k to pa& fees, as necessar&, for clai#s re$iew an! processin"when such are con!ucte! b& the central office of the Corporation

    or b& an& of its contractors.

    l to establish referral s&ste#s an! network arran"e#ents with

    other ;ffices, as #a& be necessar&, an! followin" the "ui!elines

    set b& the Corporation.

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    # to establish #echanis#s b& which pri$ate an! public sector

    health facilities an! hu#an resources #a& be share! in the

    interest of opti#i'in" the use of health resources.

    n to support the #ana"e#ent infor#ation s&ste# reuire#ents

    of the Corporation.

    o to ser$e as the first le$el for appeals an! "rie$ance cases.p to tap co##unit&-base! $olunteer health workers an!

    baran"a& officials, if necessar&, for #e#ber recruit#ent,

    pre#iu# collection an! si#ilar acti$ities, an! to "rant such

    workers incenti$es accor!in" to the "ui!elines set b& the

    Corporation an! in accor!ance with the applicable laws%

    *owe$er, the incenti$es for the baran"a& officials shall accrue to

    the baran"a& an! not to the sai! officials.

    to participate in infor#ation an! e!ucation acti$ities that are

    consistent with the "o$ern#ent/s priorit& pro"ra#s on !isease

    pre$ention an! health pro#otion. an!r to prepare an annual report accor!in" to the "ui!elines set b&

    the ?oar! an! to sub#it the sa#e to the central office of the




    SEC. 2. (reation of the National Health Insurance %und. - There is hereb&

    create! a )ational *ealth Insurance 5un!, hereinafter referre! to as the

    5un!, that shall consist of+

    a contributions fro# ro"ra# #e#bers.b current balances of the *ealth Insurance 5un! of the SSS an!

    SIS collecte! un!er the hilippine =e!ical Care Act of 199, as

    a#en!e!, inclu!in" arreara"es of the o$ern#ent of the

    hilippines with the SIS for the sai! 5un!.

    c other appropriations ear#arke! b& the national an! local

    "o$ern#ents purposel& for the i#ple#entation of the ro"ra#.

    ! subseuent appropriations pro$i!e! for un!er Sections an!

    7 of this Act.

    e !onations an! "rants-in-ai!. an!

    f all accruals thereof%SEC. 25. (o'ponents of the National Health Insurance %und. - The )ational

    *ealth Insurance 5un! shall ha$e the followin" co#ponents+

    a The 0asic 0enefit %und. - This 5un! shall finance the a$ail#ent of the

    basic #ini#u# benefit packa"e b& eli"ible beneficiaries% All liabilities

    associate! with the e4tension of entitle#ent to the basic #ini#u# benefit

    packa"e to the enrolle! population shall be borne b& the basic benefit fun!%

    It shall be constitute! an! #aintaine! throu"h the followin" process+

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    1 upon the !eter#ination of the a#ount of "o$ern#ent

    subsi!ies an! !onations a$ailable for pa&in" full& or partiall& the

    pre#iu# of in!i"ent beneficiaries, a basic #ini#u# packa"e

    affor!able for enrollin" as #an& of the in!i"ent beneficiaries as

    possible shall be !efine!% The "o$ern#ent subsi!ies will then be

    constitute! as pre#iu# paents for enrolle! in!i"ents an!contribute! into the basic benefit fun!%

    6 for e4ten!in" co$era"e of this sa#e #ini#u# benefit packa"e

    to non-in!i"ents who are not #e#bers of =e!icare, pre#iu#

    prices for specific population shall be actuariall& !eter#ine!

    base! on $ariations in risk, capacit& to pa&, an! pro3ecte! costs

    of ser$ices utili'e!% The a#ounts correspon!in" to the pre#iu#

    reuire!, inclu!in" costs of !irect benefit paents, all costs of 

    a!#inistration, an! pro$ision of a!euate reser$es, for

    e4ten!in" the co$era"e of the basic #ini#u# benefit packa"e

    for such population "roups shall be contribute! into the basicbenefit fun!%

    for the population enrolle! throu"h =e!icare ro"ra# I un!er

    SSS, the correspon!in" pre#iu# for the basic #ini#u# benefit

    packa"e, inclu!in" costs of !irect benefit paents, all costs of 

    a!#inistration, an! pro$ision of a!euate reser$es, shall be

    char"e! to the health insurance fun! of the SSS an! pai! into

    the basic benefit fun!%

    for the population enrolle! throu"h =e!icare ro"ra# I un!er

    SIS, the correspon!in" pre#iu# for the basic #ini#u# benefit

    packa"e, inclu!in" costs of !irect benefit paents, all costs of a!#inistration, an! pro$ision of a!euate reser$es, shall be

    char"e! to the health insurance fun! of the SIS an! pai! into

    the basic benefit fun!%

    for "roups enrolle! throu"h an& of the e4istin" or future

    health insurance sche#es an! plans, inclu!in" those create!

    un!er =e!icare ro"ra# II an! those or"ani'e! b& local

    "o$ern#ent units, national a"encies, cooperati$es, an! other

    si#ilar or"ani'ations, the correspon!in" pre#iu#, inclu!in"

    costs of !irect benefit paents, all costs of a!#inistration, an!

    pro$ision of a!euate reser$es, for e4ten!in" the basic #ini#u#benefit packa"e to their respecti$e enrollees will be char"e! to

    their respecti$e fun!s an! pai! into the basic benefit fun!%

    b Supple'entar 0enefit %unds. These are separate an! !istinct

    supple#entar& benefit fun!s create! b& the Corporation as eli"ible for use to

    pro$i!e supple#entar& co$era"e to $arious "roups of the population

    en3o&in" the basic benefit co$era"e as are affor!able b& their respecti$e

    fun!in" sources% Bach supple#entar& benefit fun! shall finance the

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    e4tension an! a$ail#ent of a!!itional benefits not inclu!e! in the basic

    #ini#u# benefit packa"e but appro$e! b& the ?oar!% Such supple#entar&

    benefits shall be finance! b& whate$er a#ounts are a$ailable after !e!uctin"

    the costs of pro$i!in" the basic #ini#u# benefit packa"e, inclu!in" costs of 

    !irect benefit paents, all costs of a!#inistration, an! pro$ision of 

    a!euate reser$es% All liabilities associate! with the e4tension of supple#entar& benefits to the !efine! "roup of enrollees shall be borne

    e4clusi$el& b& the respecti$e supple#entar& benefit fun!s% 2pon the

    i#ple#entation of this Act, the followin" supple#entar& benefit fun!s shall

    be establishe!+

    1 supple#entar& benefit fun! for SSS-=e!icare #e#bers an!

    beneficiaries% After !e!uctin" the a#ount correspon!in" to the

    pre#iu# of the basic #ini#u# benefit packa"e, the balance of 

    the SSS-*ealth Insurance 5un! 0*I5 shall be constitute! into a

    supple#entar& benefit fun! to finance the e4tension of benefits

    in a!!ition to the #ini#u# basic packa"e to SSS #e#bers an!beneficiaries. an!

    6 supple#entar& benefit fun! for SIS-=e!icare #e#bers an!

    beneficiaries% After !e!uctin" the a#ount correspon!in" to the

    pre#iu# for the basic #ini#u# benefit packa"e, the balance of 

    the SIS-*I5 plus the arreara"es of the o$ern#ent of the

    hilippines with the SIS for the sai! *I5 shall be constitute!

    into a supple#entar& benefit fun! to finance the e4tension of 

    benefits in a!!ition to the #ini#u# basic packa"e to SIS

    #e#bers an! beneficiaries%

    In accor!ance with the principles of euit& an! social soli!arit&, asenunciate! in Section 6 of this Act, the abo$e supple#entar& benefit fun!s

    shall be #aintaine! for not #ore than fi$e 0 &ears, after which, such fun!s

    shall be #er"e! into the basic benefit fun!%

    SEC. 2/. %inancial )ana+e'ent. - The use, !isposition, in$est#ent,

    !isburse#ent, a!#inistration an! #ana"e#ent of the )ational *ealth

    Insurance 5un!, inclu!in" an& subsi!&, "rant or !onation recei$e! for

    pro"ra# operations shall be "o$erne! b& resolution of the ?oar! of >irectors

    of the Corporation, sub3ect to the followin" li#itations+

    a All fun!s un!er the #ana"e#ent an! control of the Corporation shall be

    sub3ect to all rules an! re"ulations applicable to public fun!s%cralaw

    b The Corporation is authori'e! to char"e the $arious fun!s un!er its

    control for the costs of a!#inisterin" the ro"ra#% Such costs #a& inclu!e

    a!#inistration, #onitorin", #arketin" an! pro#otion, research an!

    !e$elop#ent, au!it an! e$aluation, infor#ation ser$ices, an! other

    necessar& acti$ities for the effecti$e #ana"e#ent of the ro"ra#% The total

    annual costs for these shall not e4cee! twel$e percent 016E of the total

    contributions, inclu!in" "o$ern#ent contributions to the ro"ra# an! not

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    #ore than three percent 0E of the in$est#ent earnin"s collecte! !urin"

    the i##e!iatel& prece!in" &ear%cralaw

    SEC. 27.cha!"#$%& '(!)*a$ $a+ $(#!a!,Reser!e %unds. - The Corporation shall set asi!e a portion of its

    accu#ulate! re$enues not nee!e! to #eet the cost of the current &ear/s

    e4pen!itures as reser$e fun!s+ Pro!ided6 That the total a#ount of reser$es

    shall not e4cee! a ceilin" eui$alent to the a#ount actuariall& esti#ate! fortwo &ears/ pro3ecte! ro"ra# e4pen!itures+ Pro!ided6 further6 That

    whene$er actual reser$es e4cee! the reuire! ceilin" at the en! of the

    Corporation/s fiscal &ear, the ro"ra#/s benefits shall be increase! or

    #e#ber-contributions !ecrease! prospecti$el& in or!er to a!3ust

    e4pen!itures or re$enues to #eet the reuire! ceilin" for reser$e fun!s%

    Such portions of the reser$e fun! as are not nee!e! to #eet the current

    e4pen!iture obli"ations shall be in$este! in short-ter# in$est#ents to earn

    an a$era"e annual inco#e at pre$ailin" rates of interest an! shall be known

    as the "In!est'ent Reser!e %und" which shall be in$este! in an& or all of the

    followin"+a In interest-bearin" bon!s, securities or other e$i!ences of 

    in!ebte!ness of the o$ern#ent of the hilippines, or in bon!s,

    securities, pro#issor& notes an! other e$i!ences of in!ebte!ness

    to which full faith an! cre!it an! uncon!itional "uarantee of the

    Republic of the hilippines is ple!"e!.

    b In interest-bearin" !eposits an! loans to or securities in an&

    !o#estic bank !oin" business in the hilippines+ Pro!ided6 That

    in the case of such !eposits, this shall not e4cee! at an& ti#e

    the uni#paire! capital an! surplus or total pri$ate !eposits of 

    the !epositor& bank, whiche$er is s#aller+ Pro!ided6further6 That sai! bank shall first ha$e been !esi"nate! as a

    !epositor& for this purpose b& the =onetar& ?oar! of the ?an"ko

    Sentral n" ilipinas. an!

    c In preferre! stocks of an& sol$ent corporation or institution

    create! or e4istin" un!er the laws of the

    hilippines+ Pro!ided6 That the issuin", assu#in", or

    "uaranteein" entit& or its pre!ecessor has pai! re"ular !i$i!en!s

    upon its preferre! or "uarantee! stocks for a perio! of at least

    three 0 &ears i##e!iatel& prece!in" the !ate of in$est#ent in

    such preferre! "uarantee! stocks+ Pro!ided6 further6That if thecorporation or institution has not pai! !i$i!en!s upon its

    preferre! stocks, the corporation or institution has sufficient

    retaine! earnin"s to !eclare !i$i!en!s for at least two 06 &ears

    on such preferre! stocks an! in co##on stocks option or

    warrants to co##on stocks of an& sol$ent corporation or

    institution create! or e4istin" un!er the laws of the hilippines in

    the stock e4chan"e with pro$en track recor! of profitabilit& an!

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    paent of !i$i!en!s o$er the last three 0 &ears or in co##on

    stocks of a newl& or"ani'e! corporation about to be liste! in the

    stock e4chan"e+ Pro!ided6 finall6 That such !ul& or"ani'e!

    corporations shall ha$e been rate! "A" , !ouble "As" or

    triple "As"  b& authori'e! accre!ite! !o#estic ratin" a"encies or

    b& the Corporation or in #utual fun!s inclu!in" allie!in$est#ents%



    SEC. 28. (ontri&utions. - All #e#bers of the ro"ra# shall contribute to the

    5un!, in accor!ance with a reasonable, euitable an! pro"ressi$e

    contribution sche!ule to be !eter#ine! b& the Corporation on the basis of 

    applicable actuarial stu!ies an! in accor!ance with the followin" "ui!elines+

    a 5or#al sector e#plo&ees an! current =e!icare #e#bers an!

    their e#plo&ers shall continue pa&in" the sa#e #onthl&contributions as pro$i!e! for b& law until such ti#e that the

    Corporation shall ha$e !eter#ine! the contribution sche!ule

    #entione! herein+ Pro!ided6That their #onthl& contribution shall

    not e4cee! three percent of their respecti$e #onthl& salaries%

    b Contributions fro# self-e#plo&e! #e#bers shall be base!

    pri#aril& on househol! earnin"s an! assets. their total

    contributions for one &ear shall not, howe$er, e4cee! three

    percent 0E of their esti#ate! actual net inco#e for the

    prece!in" &ear%

    c Contributions #a!e in behalf of in!i"ent #e#bers shall note4cee! the #ini#u# contributions set for e#plo&e! #e#bers%

    SEC. 29. Pa'ent for Indi+ent (ontri&utions. - Contributions for in!i"ent

    #e#bers shall be subsi!i'e! partiall& b& the local "o$ern#ent unit where

    the #e#ber resi!es% The Corporation shall pro$i!e counterpart financin"

    eual to the (2/s subsi!& for in!i"ents+ Pro!ided6 That in the case of 

    fourth, fifth an! si4th class (2/s, the )ational o$ern#ent shall pro$i!e up

    to ninet& percent 09:E of the subsi!& for in!i"ents for a perio! not

    e4cee!in" fi$e 0 &ears% The share of the (2/s shall be pro"ressi$el&

    increase! until such ti#e that its share beco#es eual to that of the )ational




    SEC. -0. %ree (hoice of Health %acilit6 )edical or Dental Practitioner.

    -?eneficiaries reuirin" treat#ent or confine#ent shall be free to choose

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    fro# accre!ite! health care pro$i!ers% Such choice shall, howe$er, be sub3ect

    to li#itations base! on the area of 3uris!iction of the concerne! ;ffice an!

    on the appropriateness of treat#ent in the facilit& chosen or b& the !esire!


    SEC. -1.  Authorit to rant Accreditation. - The Corporation shall ha$e the

    authorit& to "rant to health care pro$i!ers accre!itation which confers thepri$ile"e of participatin" in the ro"ra#% cralaw

    SEC. -2.  Accreditation #li+i&ilit. - All health care pro$i!ers, as enu#erate!

    in Sec% 0o hereof an! operatin" for at least three 0 &ears, #a& appl& for


    SEC. --. )ini'u' Re$uire'ents for Accreditation. - The #ini#u#

    accre!itation reuire#ents for health care pro$i!ers are as follows+

    a hu#an resource, euip#ent an! ph&sical structure in

    confor#it& with the stan!ar!s of the rele$ant facilit&, as

    !eter#ine! b& the >epart#ent of *ealth.

    b acceptance of for#al pro"ra# of ualit& assurance an!utili'ation re$iew.

    c acceptance of the paent #echanis#s specifie! in the

    followin" section.

    ! a!option of referral protocols an! health resources sharin"


    e reco"nition of the ri"hts of the patients. an!

    f acceptance of infor#ation s&ste# reuire#ents an! re"ular

    transfer of infor#ation%

    SEC. -. Pro!ider Pa'ent )echanis's. - The followin" #echanis#s for

    public an! pri$ate pro$i!ers shall be allowe! in the ro"ra#+a 5ee-for-ser$ice base! on #echanis#s establishe! b& the


    b Capitation of health care professionals an! facilities, or

    network of the sa#e, inclu!in" *=;s, #e!ical cooperati$es, an!

    other le"all& for#e! health ser$ice "roups.

    c A co#bination of both. an!

    ! An& or all of the abo$e, sub3ect to "lobal bu!"et%

    Bach ;ffice shall reco##en! the appropriate paent #echanis# within its

     3uris!iction for appro$al b& the Corporation% Special consi!eration shall be

    "i$en to paent for ser$ices ren!ere! b& public an! pri$ate health carepro$i!ers ser$in" re#ote or #e!icall& un!erser$e! areas%

    SEC. -5. %ee-for-ser!ice Pa'ents and Pa'ents in eneral. - 5ee-for-

    ser$ice paents #a& be #a!e separatel& for professional fees an! hospital

    char"es, or both, base! on arran"e#ents with health care pro$i!ers% This

    fee shall be base! on a sche!ule to be establishe! b& the ?oar! which shall

    be re$iewe! e$er& three 0 &ears% 5ees pai! for professional ser$ices

    ren!ere! b& salarie! public pro$i!ers shall be allowe! an! be poole! an!

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    !istribute! a#on" health personnel% Char"es pai! to public facilities shall be

    allowe! to be retaine! b& the in!i$i!ual facilit& in which ser$ices were

    ren!ere! an! for which paent was #a!e% Such re$enues shall be use! to

    !efra& operatin" costs other than salaries, to #aintain or up"ra!e

    euip#ent, plant or facilit&, an! to #aintain or i#pro$e the ualit& of ser$ice

    in the public sector%cralaw

    SEC. -/. (apitation Pa'ents. - Capitation paents #a& be pai! to public

    or pri$ate pro$i!ers accor!in" to rates of capitation paents base! on

    annual capitation rate "ui!elines to be issue! b& the Corporation% cralaw

    SEC. -7. ,ualit Assurance. - 2n!er the "ui!elines pro$i!e! b& the

    Corporation an! in collaboration with their respecti$e ;ffices, health care

    pro$i!ers shall take part in pro"ra#s of ualit& assurance, utili'ation re$iew,

    an! technolo"& assess#ent that ha$e the followin" ob3ecti$es+

    a to ensure that the ualit& of personal health ser$ices

    !eli$ere!, #easure! in ter#s of inputs, process, an! outco#es,

    are of reasonable ualit& in the conte4t of the hilippines o$erti#e.

    b to ensure that the health care stan!ar!s are unifor# within

    the ;ffice/s 3uris!iction an! e$entuall& throu"hout the nation.


    c to see to it that the acuisition an! use of scarce an!

    e4pensi$e #e!ical technolo"ies an! euip#ent are consistent

    with actual nee!s an! stan!ar!s of #e!ical practice, an! that+

    1 the perfor#ance of #e!ical proce!ures an! the a!#inistration

    of !ru"s are appropriate, necessar& an! unuestionabl&

    consistent with accepte! stan!ar!s of #e!ical practice an!ethics% >ru"s for which paents will be #a!e shall be those

    inclu!e! in the hilippine )ational >ru" 5or#ular&, unless e4plicit

    e4ception is "rante! b& the Corporation%

    6 the perfor#ance of #e!ical proce!ures an! the a!#inistration

    of !ru"s are appropriate, consistent with accepte! stan!ar!s of 

    #e!ical practice an! ethics, an! respectful of the local culture%

    SEC. -8. Safe+uards A+ainst !er and nder tili4ation. - It is incu#bent

    upon the Corporation to set up a #onitorin" #echanis# to be

    operationali'e! throu"h a contract with health care pro$i!ers to ensure that

    there are safe"uar!s a"ainst+a o$er-utili'ation of ser$ices.

    b unnecessar& !ia"nostic an! therapeutic proce!ures an!


    c irrational #e!ication an! prescriptions.

    ! un!er-utili'ation of ser$ices. an!

    e inappropriate referral practices%

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    The Corporation #a& !en& or re!uce the paent for clai#s when such

    clai#s are atten!e! b& false or incorrect infor#ation an! when the clai#ant

    fails, without 3ustifiable cause, to co#pl& with the rules an! re"ulations of 

    this Act%



    SEC. -9. rie!ance Sste'. - A s&ste# of "rie$ance is hereb& establishe!,

    wherein #e#bers, !epen!ents, or health care pro$i!ers of the ro"ra# who

    belie$e the& ha$e been a""rie$e! b& an& !ecision of the i#ple#entors of the

    ro"ra#, #a& seek re!ress of the "rie$ance in accor!ance with the

    pro$isions of this Article% cralaw

    SEC. 0.cha !"#$% & '(!)*a $ $a + $ (#!a !,rounds for rie!ances. - The followin" acts shall constitute

    $ali! "roun!s for "rie$ance action+a an& $iolation of the ri"hts of the patients.

    b a willful ne"lect of !uties of ro"ra# i#ple#entors that

    results in the loss or non-en3oent of benefits of #e#bers or

    their !epen!ents.

    c un3ustifiable !ela& in actions on clai#s.

    ! !ela& in processin" of clai#s that e4ten!s be&on! the perio!

    a"ree! upon. an!

    e an& other act or ne"lect that ten!s to un!er#ine or !efeat the

    purposes of this Act%

    SEC. 1. rie!ance and Appeal Procedures. - A #e#ber, his !epen!ent, or ahealth care pro$i!er, #a& file a co#plaint for "rie$ance base! on an& of the

    abo$e "roun!s, in accor!ance with the followin" proce!ures+

    a A co#plaint for "rie$ance #ust be file! with the ;ffice which

    shall rule on the co#plaint within ninet& 09: calen!ar !a&s fro#

    receipt thereof%

    b Appeals fro# ;ffice !ecisions #ust be file! with the ?oar!

    within thirt& 0: !a&s fro# receipt of notice of !is#issal or

    !isallowance b& the ;ffice%

    c The ;ffices shall ha$e no 3uris!iction o$er an& issue in$ol$in"

    the suspension or re$ocation of accre!itation, the i#position of 

    fines, or the i#position of char"es on #e#bers or their

    !epen!ents in case of re$ocation of their entitle#ent%

    ! All !ecisions b& the ?oar! as to entitle#ent to benefits of 

    #e#bers or to paents of health care pro$i!ers shall be

    consi!ere! final an! e4ecutor&%

    SEC. 2. rie!ance and Appeal Re!ie (o''ittee. - The ?oar! shall create

    a rie$ance Appeal Re$iew Co##ittee, co#pose! of three 0 to fi$e 0

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    #e#bers, hereinafter referre! to as the Co##ittee, which, sub3ect to the

    proce!ures enu#erate! abo$e, shall recei$e an! reco##en! appropriate

    action on co#plaints fro# #e#bers an! health care pro$i!ers relati$e to this

    Act an! its i#ple#entin" rules an! re"ulations%

    SEC. -. Hearin+ Procedures of the (o''ittee. - 2pon the filin" of the

    co#plaint, the rie$ance an! Appeal Re$iew Co##ittee, fro# aconsi!eration of the alle"ations thereof, #a& !is#iss the case outri"ht !ue to

    lack of $erification, failure to state the cause of action, or an& $ali! "roun!

    for the !is#issal of the co#plaint after consultation with the ?oar!. or

    reuire the respon!ent to file a $erifie! answer within fi$e 0 !a&s fro#

    ser$ice of su##ons% cralaw

    Shoul! the !efen!ant fail to answer the co#plaint within the re"le#entar&

    -!a& perio! herein pro$i!e!, the Co##ittee, 'otu proprio or upon #otion

    of the co#plainant, shall ren!er 3u!"#ent as #a& be warrante! b& the facts

    alle"e! in the co#plaint an! li#ite! to what is pra&e! for therein%cralaw

    After an answer is file! an! the issues are 3oine!, the Co##ittee shallreuire the parties to sub#it, within ten 01: !a&s fro# receipt of the or!er,

    the affi!a$its of witnesses an! other e$i!ence on the factual issues !efine!

    therein, to"ether with a brief state#ent of their positions settin" forth the

    law an! the facts relie! upon b& the#% In the e$ent the Co##ittee fin!s,

    upon consi!eration of the plea!in"s, the affi!a$its an! other e$i!ence, an!

    position state#ents sub#itte! b& the parties, that a 3u!"#ent #a& be

    ren!ere! thereon without nee! of for#al hearin", it #a& procee! to ren!er

     3u!"#ent not later than ten 01: !a&s fro# the sub#ission of the position

    state#ents of the parties% cralaw

    In cases where the Co##ittee !ee#s it necessar& to hol! a hearin" toclarif& specific factual #atters before ren!erin" 3u!"#ent, it shall set the

    case for hearin" for the purpose% At such hearin", witnesses whose affi!a$its

    were pre$iousl& sub#itte! #a& be aske! clarificator& uestions b& the

    proponent an! b& the Co##ittee an! #a& be cross-e4a#ine! b& the

    a!$erse part&% The or!er settin" the case for hearin" shall specif& the

    witnesses who will be calle! to testif&, an! the #atters on which their

    e4a#ination will !eal% The hearin" shall be ter#inate! within fifteen 01

    !a&s, an! the case !eci!e! b& the Co##ittee within fifteen 01 !a&s fro#

    such ter#ination%cralaw

    The !ecision of the Co##ittee shall beco#e final an! e4ecutor& fifteen 01!a&s after notice thereof+ Pro!ided6 hoe!er6 That it is appealable to the

    ?oar! b& filin" the appellant/s #e#oran!u# of appeal within fifteen 01

    !a&s fro# receipt of the cop& of the 3u!"#ent appeale! fro#% The appellee

    shall be "i$en fifteen 01 !a&s fro# notice to file the appellee/s

    #e#oran!u# after which the ?oar! shall !eci!e the appeal within thirt&

    0: !a&s fro# the sub#ittal of the sai! plea!in"s% cralaw

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    The !ecision of the ?oar! shall also beco#e final an! e4ecutor& fifteen 01

    !a&s after notice thereof+ Pro!ided6 hoe!er , That it is re$iewable b& the

    Supre#e Court on purel& uestions of law in accor!ance with the Rules of 


    The Co##ittee an! the ?oar!, in the e4ercise of their uasi-3u!icial function,

    as specifie! in Section 17 hereof, can a!#inister oaths, certif& to official actsan! issue su&poena to co#pel the atten!ance an! testi#on& of the

    witnesses, an!su&poena duces tecu' ad testificandu' to en3oin the

    pro!uction of books, papers an! other recor!s an! to testif& therein on an&

    uestion arisin" out of this Act% An& case of contu#ac& shall be !ealt with in

    accor!ance with the pro$isions of the Re$ise! A!#inistrati$e Co!e an! the

    Rules of Court% The ?oar! or the Co##ittee, as the case #a& be, shall

    prescribe the necessar& a!#inistrati$e sanctions such as fines, warnin"s,

    suspension or re$ocation of the ri"ht to participate in the ro"ra#% cralaw

    In all its procee!in"s, the Co##ittee an! the ?oar! shall not be boun! b&

    the technical rules of e$i!ence+ Pro!ided6 hoe!er , That the Rules of Courtshall appl& with suppletor& effect%



    SEC. . Penal Pro!isions. - An& $iolation of the pro$isions of this Act, after

    !ue notice an! hearin", shall suffer the followin" penalties+

    A fine of not less than Ten thousan! pesos 01:,::: nor #ore than 5ift&

    thousan! pesos 0:,::: in case the $iolation is co##itte! b& the hospital#ana"e#ent or pro$i!er% In a!!ition, its accre!itation shall be suspen!e! or

    re$oke! fro# three #onths to the whole ter# of the accre!itation+ Pro!ided6

    hoe!er , That reci!i$ists #a& not anore be accre!ite! as a participant of 

    the ro"ra#.

    A fine of not less than 5i$e hun!re! pesos 0:: nor #ore than 5i$e

    thousan! pesos 0,::: an! i#prison#ent of not less than si4 0 #onths

    nor #ore than one 01 &ear in case the $iolation is co##itte! b& the


    Dhere the $iolations consist of failure or refusal to !e!uct contributions fro#

    the e#plo&ee/s co#pensation or to re#it the sa#e to the Corporation, the

    penalt& shall be a fine of not less than 5i$e hun!re! pesos 0:: but not

    #ore than ;ne thousan! pesos 01,::: #ultiplie! b& the total nu#ber of 

    e#plo&ees e#plo&e! b& the fir# an! i#prison#ent of not less than si4 0

    #onths but not #ore than one 01 &ear+ Pro!ided6 further6 That in the case

    of self-e#plo&e! #e#bers, failure to re#it one/s own contribution shall be

    penali'e! with a fine of not less than 5i$e hun!re! pesos 0:: but not

    #ore than ;ne thousan! pesos 01,:::% cralaw

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    An& e#plo&er or an& officer authori'e! to collect contributions un!er this Act

    who, after collectin" or !e!uctin" the #onthl& contributions fro# his

    e#plo&ee/s co#pensation, fails to re#it the sai! contributions to the

    Corporation within thirt& 0: !a&s fro# the !ate the& beco#e !ue shall be

    presu#e! to ha$e #isappropriate! such contributions an! shall suffer the

    penalties pro$i!e! for in Article 1 of the Re$ise! enal Co!e% cralaw

    An& e#plo&er who shall !e!uct !irectl& or in!irectl& fro# the co#pensation

    of the co$ere! e#plo&ees or otherwise reco$er fro# the# his own

    contribution on behalf of such e#plo&ees shall be punishe! b& a fine not

    e4cee!in" ;ne thousan! pesos 01,::: #ultiplie! b& the total nu#ber of 

    e#plo&ees e#plo&e! b& the fir#, or i#prison#ent not e4cee!in" one 01

    &ear, or both fine an! i#prison#ent, at the !iscretion of the Court% cralaw

    If the act or o#ission penali'e! b& this Act be co##itte! b& an association,

    partnership, corporation or an& other institution, its #ana"in" !irectors or

    partners or presi!ent or "eneral #ana"er, or other persons responsible for

    the co##ission of the sai! act shall be liable for the penalties pro$i!e! for inthis Act an! other laws for the offense% cralaw

    An& e#plo&ee of the Corporation who recei$es or keeps fun!s or propert&

    belon"in", pa&able or !eli$erable to the Corporation, an! who shall

    appropriate the sa#e, or shall take or #isappropriate or shall consent, or

    throu"h aban!on#ent or ne"li"ence, shall per#it an& other person to take

    such propert& or fun!s wholl& or partiall&, shall likewise be liable for

    #isappropriation of fun!s or propert& an! shall suffer i#prison#ent of not

    less than si4 0 &ears an! not #ore than twel$e 016 &ears an! a fine of not

    less than Ten thousan! pesos 01:,::: nor #ore than Twent& thousan!

    pesos 06:,:::% An& shorta"e of the fun!s or loss of the propert& uponau!it shall be !ee#e! pri'a facie e$i!ence of the offense% cralaw

    All other $iolations in$ol$in" fun!s of the Corporation shall be "o$erne! b&

    the applicable pro$isions of the Re$ise! enal Co!e or other laws, takin" into

    consi!eration the rules on collection, re#ittances, an! in$est#ent of fun!s

    as #a& be pro#ul"ate! b& the Corporation%



    SEC. 5. Initial Appropriation. - The une4pen!e! portion of the bu!"et of 

    the hilippine =e!ical Care Co##ission 0=CC for the &ear !urin" which

    this Act was appro$e! shall be utili'e! for establishin" the Corporation an!

    initiatin" its operations, inclu!in" the for#ulation of the rules an! re"ulation

    necessar& for the i#ple#entation of this Act% In a!!ition, initial fun!in" shall

    co#e fro# an& unappropriate! but a$ailable fun! of the o$ern#ent%cralaw

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    SEC. /. Su&se$uent Appropriations. - Startin" 199 an! thereafter, twent&-

    fi$e percent 06E of the incre#ent in total re$enue collecte! un!er

    Republic Act )o% 7 shall be appropriate! in the eneral Appropriations

    Act solel& for the )ational *ealth Insurance 5un!% cralaw

    In a!!ition, startin" 199 an! thereafter, twent&-fi$e percent 06E of the

    incre#ental re$enue fro# the increase in the !ocu#entar& sta#p ta4esun!er Republic Act )o% 7: shall likewise be appropriate! solel& for the sai!


    SEC. 7.  Additional Appropriations. - The Corporation #a& reuest Con"ress

    to appropriate supple#ental fun!in" to #eet tar"ette! #ilestones of the

    ro"ra# in accor!ance with Section 1:0! of this Act%


    TRANSITOR3 PROISIONSSEC. 8.  Appoint'ent of 0oard )e'&ers.- Dithin thirt& 0: !a&s fro# the

    !ate of effecti$it& of this Act, the resi!ent of the hilippines shall appoint

    the #e#bers of the ?oar! an! the resi!ent of the Corporation% cralaw

    SEC. 9. I'ple'entin+ Rules and Re+ulations. - Dithin thirt& 0: !a&s

    fro# the co#pletion of such appoint#ents, the ?oar! shall con$ene to

    for#ulate the rules an! re"ulations necessar& for the i#ple#entation of this


    SEC. 50. Pro'ul+ation. - Dithin one &ear fro# its initial #eetin", the ?oar!

    shall pro#ul"ate the afore#entione! rules an! re"ulations in at least two 06

    national newspapers of "eneral circulation% ?ut until such ti#e that theCorporation shall ha$e pro#ul"ate! sai! rules an! re"ulations, the e4istin"

    rules an! re"ulations of the =CC shall be followe!% The present =e!icare

    ro"ra# shall continue to be so a!#inistere!, until the Corporation/s ?oar!

    !ee#s the new s&ste# as rea!& for i#ple#entation in accor!ance with the

    pro$isions of this Act% cralaw

    SEC. 51. )er+er. - Dithin si4t& 0: !a&s fro# the pro#ul"ation of the

    i#ple#entin" rules an! re"ulations, all functions an! assets of the hilippine

    =e!ical Care Co##ission shall be #er"e! with those of the Corporation

    without nee! of con$e&ance, transfer or assi"n#ent% The =CC shall

    thereafter cease to e4ist%cralaw

    The liabilities of the =CC shall be treate! in accor!ance with the e4istin"

    laws an! pertinent rules an! re"ulations% cralaw

    To the "reatest e4tent possible an! in accor!ance with e4istin" laws, all

    e#plo&ees of the =CC shall be absorbe! b& the Corporation% cralaw

    SEC. 52. Transfer of the Health Insurance %unds of the SSS and SIS. -  The

    *ealth Insurance 5un!s bein" a!#inistere! b& the SSS an! SIS shall be

    transferre! to the Corporation within si4t& 0: !a&s fro# the pro#ul"ation

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    of the i#ple#entin" rules an! re"ulations% The SSS an! SIS shall, howe$er,

    continue to perfor# =e!icare functions un!er contract with the Corporation

    until such ti#e that such functions are assu#e! b& the Corporation, in

    accor!ance with the followin" Section% cralaw

    SEC. 5-. Transfer of the )edicare %unctions of the SSS and SIS. -  Dithin

    fi$e 0 &ears fro# the pro#ul"ation of the i#ple#entin" rules an!re"ulations, the functions, assets, euip#ent, recor!s, operatin" s&ste#,

    an! liabilities, if an&, of the =e!icare operations of the SSS an! SIS shall

    be transferre! to the Corporation+ Pro!ided6 hoe!er6 That the SSS an!

    SIS shall continue perfor#in" its =e!icare functions be&on! the stipulate!

    fi$e-&ear perio! if such e4tension will benefit ro"ra# #e#bers, as

    !eter#ine! b& the Corporation% cralaw

    ersonnel of the =e!icare !epart#ents of the SSS an! SIS shall be "i$en

    priorit& in the hirin" of the Corporation/s e#plo&ees%



    SEC. 5. !ersi+ht Pro!ision. - Con"ress shall con!uct a re"ular re$iew of 

    the )ational *ealth Insurance ro"ra# which shall entail a s&ste#atic

    e$aluation of the ro"ra#/s perfor#ance, i#pact or acco#plish#ents with

    respect to its ob3ecti$es or "oals% Such re$iew shall be un!ertaken b& the

    Co##ittee of the Senate an! the *ouse of Representati$es which ha$e

    le"islati$e 3uris!iction o$er the ro"ra#% cralaw

    SEC. 55. Infor'ation (a'pai+n. - There shall be pro$i!e! a substantial

    perio! of ti#e to un!ertake an intensi$e public infor#ation ca#pai"n prior tothe i#ple#entation of the rules an! re"ulations of this Act% cralaw

    SEC. 5/. Separa&ilit (lause. - In the e$ent an& pro$ision of this Act or the

    application of such pro$ision to an& person or circu#stances is !eclare!

    in$ali!, the re#ain!er of this Act or the application of sai! pro$isions to

    other persons or circu#stances shall not be affecte! b& such !eclaration% cralaw

    SEC. 57. Repealin+ (lause. - B4ecuti$e ;r!er 119, resi!ential >ecree 119

    an! other laws currentl& appl&in" to the a!#inistration of =e!icare are

    hereb& repeale!% All other laws, e4ecuti$e or!ers, a!#inistrati$e rules an!

    re"ulations or parts thereof which are inconsistent with the pro$isions of this

    Act are also hereb& a#en!e!, #o!ifie!, or repeale! accor!in"l&%cralaw

    SEC. 58. o!ern'ent uarantee. - The o$ern#ent of the hilippines

    "uarantees the financial $iabilit& of the ro"ra#%

    SEC. 59. #ffecti!it. - This Act shall take effect fifteen 01 !a&s after its

    publication in at least three 0 national newspaper of "eneral circulation%

    Appro$e! + February 14, 1995 

  • 8/16/2019 Law 3 Republic Act No. 7875 National Health Insurance Act of 1995


    2S+d.3 5I>B( % RA=;S

    President of the Philippines
