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Law of Attraction 2016

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    Copyright @2015, Law of Attraction Lessons

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    Law of Attraction LessonsP.O. Box 721521Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73171

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    A Brief Introduction

    Hello, my name is Mike.

    Just a few short years ago, my life was a disaster.

    I used to joke that I didnt need to worry about money, because I had none. However,this was closer to the truth than Id like to admit.

    At this point in my life, I had been evicted (for nonpayment of rent) from an apartmentand two homes I rented. I had lost two vehicles to repossession. I had previously declaredbankruptcy. I was divorced, remarried, and quickly heading to divorce number two. Ifaced legal issues for nonpayment of child support and the inability to pay for trafficviolations.

    Every time there was a knock at my door, I froze in terror. Was I being served papers forsomething? Worse, was it the police here to arrest me for nonpayment of a fine?

    This stress led my family and me to very tense moments. It ended with the wife takingour child to stay with her family. As for me, I moved into a weekly-rate motel. Over thenext six months, my life was a living hell. I lost my job, I had bank accounts frozen, Ididnt always have the money to pay the hotel, I spent weeks at a time in my car, andeating became something of a treat, reserved for every other day.

    This was officially rock-bottom. To give you an idea of the magnitude of the fall, priorto this, I was making over $100,000 annually. I had actually thought of myself assomewhat of a success in my industry. Now, I couldnt even afford a value meal at alocal fast food restaurant.

    If this is where the story ended, you probably wouldnt be reading this. Instead, it was awakeup call for change. Not just a change in actions, but a complete change the way Iviewed the world. As part of this process, I discovered a change that dramaticallychanged my life. As part of this book, Im going to show you exactly what I discoveredthat changed my life forever.

    Happy Manifesting,

    ~ Mike

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    forward towards your dreams and aspirations.Ascending is possible when you have made positivechanges in your life.


    This is where everything is going wrong. Things areconsistently getting worse, and there seems to be nohope on anything getting better.

    This happens when you have made many negativedecisions in your life. Ultimately, you find yourselfunable to unlock any new opportunity and find youroptions so limited that you are unable to escape.

    The Rut

    The rut is the avenue where somethings go right, and

    somethings go wrong. Your life is the average of thegood things that happen and the negative things thathappen.

    When you live in the rut, you feel as though there isno correlation between your actions and youroutcome. Like dieting, it is easy for us to make gooddecisions for a limited amount of time, butultimately, we revert back to the lifestyle thatcaused our weight-gain. In the end, any weight lost isultimately regained and you feel as though your

    efforts provided little to no result.

    Learning to see the Law of Attraction through a newperspective is key to achieving the results you truly desire.Instead of waiting for the results we desire, we must create the

    environment conducive to receiving the results we desire.

    While my life was in shambles, I spent a lot of timelooking at the decisions I had made in my life. Likeeveryone, I had many decisions I felt could have beenmade better. However, I was at a complete loss as to

    why my life just didnt seem to work. There was noone point, habit, or decision that I could pinpoint as tothe cause of my troubles.

    My life had the pattern of a roller coaster. Thingswould go great, then they would go terribly wrong.Every success would eventually be met by an equallynegative turn of events. If there was any consistency inmy life, it was this pattern.

    Amazingly, it was the discovery of this pattern thatultimately led to the success I now enjoy. Theidentification of this pattern led me, through enormoustrial and error, to learn what causes this pattern, andmore interestingly, two other patterns.

    Identifying Your Current PathThere are three paths that can generally describe apersons life:


    This is where life is in a gradual, but constant, state ofimprovement. Obviously, there is where we all want tobe. This is where opportunity after opportunity presentthemselves and you are able to constantly move

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    The science behind the Law of Attraction

    t is important, as we begin our life-changing journeywith the Law of Attraction that we take a little timeto understand the fundamentals of how it works.However, before we get into the details, it ismportant that we set some ground rules movingforward.

    Explanations, or the understanding of how, can

    either enable or disable us. It is not only important tounderstand what we do know, but also to appreciateall that we do not know. It is a human trait to limitourselves and our potential based on the consensus ofthose around us. To see extraordinary results requiresone to think beyond the collective opinion.Otherwise, the results would simply be ordinary.

    The understanding of how things work is not requiredto put LOA to work for you. But for some, the basicunderstandings, as we understand today fromscience, can help a doubting mind visualize andexplore possibilities that a previously closed mind

    could not. For this reason, we will be exploring thescientific explanation behind the observable effectsof the Law of Attraction.

    This exploration of the science is not meant, in anyway, to affect your spiritual connection with your lifeand your ability to manifest abundance. In fact, asyou will learn later in this program, your faith insomething greater than your selfis required tomake everything work. Contrary to many beliefs,science and faith do not have to be adversarial. Infact, most disagreements come from closed-mindedopinions instead of open minded awareness.

    Organized religion, throughout history, has been usedfor both good and evil (positive and negative). Mostreligions, in general, have taught love, peace,kindness, mindfulness, enlightenment, andresponsibility. Yet, they have also been used toustify wars, oppression, the manipulation of political

    power, and greed.

    As we point a finger at religion we must also beaware: all these things can also be said aboutscience. Throughout history, science has been used asa tool to undermine power and confidence in agreater existence. The principles of current scientific

    understanding are just as limiting to the humanpotential as misguided faith.

    The reverse is also true. History is full of people,Copernicus and Galileo for example, who werepersecuted by the church because they believed theirscientific discoveries were heretical.

    True understanding of our potential is deemed fromthe positives generated from both perspectives.magine an existence where science is proving faith,

    and faith is encouraging scientific exploration.

    While this may sound far-fetched, believe it or not, it isalready happening. Scientific discovery over the pastseveral decades has brought light to a world of evidencethat there is an undeniable connection between our

    conscious thoughts and the reality around us.

    Quantum Theory and the Law of Attraction

    In 1997, Roger D. Nelson, then the Coordinator ofResearch at the Princeton Engineering AnomaliesResearch (PEAR) laboratory at Princeton University,started a little project geared at testing the a theory.

    This experiment, called the Global ConsciousnessProject (GCP), set out to determine: Is there a GlobalConsciousness? In other words, do our thoughtscollectively have some impact on the world around us?

    Over the next several years, Nelson setup machines allover the world that each produce random numbers atpreset intervals. As you would assume, there would bean expectation that two or more machines wouldproduce the same number over a period of time.However, this event would be a measurable andanticipated event as long as it fell within standardprobability. We can call this the baseline. However, ifthis event happens more frequently than anticipatedand/or includes a larger number of machines, it is adeviation from the baseline. We can call this ananomaly.

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    The larger an anomaly, the more statisticallyunlikely it is. The longer the anomaly lasts, theamount of machines involved, and thefrequency of synchronized numbers are allscrutinized.

    The results were nothing short of incredible.

    Major world events, such as the attacks of 9/11,the Tsunami of 2004, the election of Obama in

    2008, International Peace Day, and even thevisit of the Pope to New York in 2015, allproduced significant deviations, or anomalies,that are unexplained by science. During thepeak hours of these events, these experimentsshow us that random actually becomes lessrandom.

    These results were not just blips, they weresustained anomalies that lasted hours, aligningwith the times in which people, world-wide,would have been intently focused on the event.

    The results pointed to something amazing. Theyindicate that enough human minds focused onone event has a measurable impact on the worldaround us.

    But the discoveries do not stop there. In fact,the area of science called Quantum Physicshas been making frequent and amazingdiscoveries over the past decade that have beenreinforcing this idea.

    To understand this, we have to take a step backand review the famous theory of relativity byAlbert Einstein.


    In this equation, E stands for energy. M equalsMass and C equals the speed of light (which issquared). Without going geek here, theimportant observation is the E. Energy equalseverything, literally, in existence.

    Understanding this, we can state that everythingis made of energy. All mass exists because wehave energy.

    Lets theoretically imagine the smallest form ofenergy. Science calls this a Quantum WaveFunction, or QWF (pronounced Qwiff) for short.It might be easier to think of this as a ripple ofenergy. When two ripples of energy, that arealike, interact with each other, somethingexists. For sake of understanding, lets call thatsomething: matter. So, the opposite of thiswould be that something does not exist. Thishappens when two opposing waves of energy(think positive and negative) interact. The resultis matter ceasing to exist.

    The origins of our words and phrases make you wonderhow long weve intuitively understood these concepts,even though science has just begun to prove thesetheories. For example, when we anticipate or worryabout something, we say it matters. So, the act ofworrying or anticipating is making it exist.

    However, if we dont anticipate or worry, we say itdoesnt matter. This means our thoughts contribute toit failing to exist.

    It doesnt take much to understand that our thoughts,quite literally, are the reason we produce positive ornegative results in our lives. If we believe somethingmatters, we are actively making it real. If we believesomething does not matter, we are actively preventingit from happening.

    As we stated before, the science is beginning to proveresults that have been taught for thousands of years aspart of various faiths and religions. Likewise, it is likelywe never would have made these discoveries if not forthe belief (faith) that a theory was true. We should look

    at both faith and science as tools in our tool-belt thatenable us to move beyond conventional thinking and

    into a world where anything is, quite literally, possible.

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    Law of Attraction - That which we think about

    the most will be attracted into our lives.

    If you are familiar with the core principles of the Law of Attraction, youve probablyheard of a process that follows this logic:

    Define it Ask for it Believe It Get it.

    At the most basic level, this is called manifesting. And while the above is a high-levelexplanation, it lacks the detail required to achieve success in this method. There arethree critical areas that must be nurtured in order for it to work.

    Create Positive Potential | Enable Opportunity | Allows Results.

    If youve been working hard manifesting and have failed to see the results youanticipated, these three areas are why. In order to manifest anything in our life, we haveto fuel that desire with positive potential. When we build enough positive potential, weenable the opportunity for that desire to enter our lives. The final step is allowing it tohappen.

    Lets take a closer look at each of these areas.

    Potential: The currency of the Law of Attraction

    Every interaction we have with other people, whether direct or indirect, has an output.To keep things simple, lets assume this output is can be quantified in one of three ways:Positive, Negative, and Neutral.

    For example, when checking out at the grocery store, you are having an interaction withthe cashier who is ringing up your purchases. If you have a pleasant, upliftingconversation during this interaction, the output is positive. If you are upset, complain, ordisplay rude mannerisms, the output of this situation is negative. If you choose to saynothing and go about your business, the end result is neutral.

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    Understanding this, lets now imagine that you carrywith you an invisible wallet. Each time you have aninteraction with (or influence) another person, theoutcome is a credit or a debit of the currency you carryin that wallet.

    In our example with the cashier, if the result waspositive, you get to add currency to your wallet. If itwas negative, you have to remove currency from yourwallet. If it was neutral, you do nothing.

    This potential that we have saved (or created a debt) isthe reserve that we use to enable (purchase)opportunity.

    Opportunity: The doorway to results

    So, if we understand the role of potential, what are webuying with it? The answer is that we are enablingopportunity. Or, put differently, we are providing a wayfor the universe to deliver that which we desire.

    Imagine you are sitting, in a chair, at the center of a

    round room. Surrounding you are 50 doors that are allclosed. Behind each door are all the things you couldever want. In order for your requested desire to make itto you, the door it is behind must be opened.

    Heres the catch: We do not know which desires arebehind each door. Because we have to match ourrequest with the correct door, it makes sense that weneed to spend our time opening as many doors aspossible.

    If you can get all 50 doors open, simultaneously, youwill achieve a level of mastery with the Law ofAttraction never seen before. This is where anything

    and everything you manifest will arrive in your life inthe least amount of time as possible.

    Allowing Results: Keeping the door open.

    So, this sounds simple enough. If you spend timeopening doors, you will get the results you desire. Right?As you might expect, it isnt exactly this simple.Assuming I have opened the right door that matches myrequested manifestation, that doesnt mean it isdelivered immediately. In fact, manifestation is on theuniverses schedule, not ours. While it could beinstantaneous, it is most likely going to take time for

    our desired results to appear.

    This leads us to the realization: We must not only opena door, we must somehow learn to keep it open.Unfortunately, unless we intentionally focus onbehaviors that keep these doors open, their naturaltendency is to begin closing soon after theyve beenopened. So by the time youve moved on to opening thenext door, the door you just opened is beginning toclose.

    This explains why people can put an enormous amount

    of effort in the Law of Attraction, and fail to achievethe results they wanted.

    Successful people vs. people down on their luck

    Putting to use the lessons we just learned aboutpotential, opportunity, and results, we need to nowtake a look at the impact this has on everyones lives.

    People who are successful, even those who do not knowor understand the principle described here, have insome way figured out a pattern of behavior that createsan abundance of potential, which leads to an increase in

    opportunities they have available to them.

    People down on their luck suffer from what we callPoverty of Potential. They are not presented with anyopportunities because their pattern of behavior resultsin the inability to store enough potential. The cause ofthis is only limited by ones imagination, but it can besummarized into two areas: Creating an environmentwith little to no interaction with others or behaviors andactions that produce negative results when havinginteractions with others.

    The final observation that needs to be noted here arethe people who are neither successful, nor down ontheir luck. They are the ones who are in-between. Thisis caused by a routine that fails to care about theintentional creation of potential. What you end up withis the average of random outcomes: some good, somebad. Most people fall into this category. The symptom isa feeling like they arent living life. Instead that life iscontrolling them. Often we feel slaves to a routine, day-to-day interactions are unfocused, and outcomes areunpredictable.

    If you can open all 50doors, simultaneously,

    you will achieve a levelof mastery with the Lawof Attraction never seen


    ~ LOABootCamp.com

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    Life in the Television (TV) Set

    While possible to have moments of clarity, our naturaltendency is to fall back into our day-to-day routine.Unfortunately, many who learn about LOA, even thosewho put an enormous amount of effort in the creationof potential, will often quickly erase their savings ofpotential through their unfocused daily habits androutines.

    We call this living in the TV set. Your life becomes nodifferent than watching a show on television. You putlittle to no effort into creating outcomes. Instead, youjust let things happen. It is as though you are living alife that was scripted by someone else.

    This is how many of us can go years, or even decades,with little or no advancement towards our dreams anddesires. In fact, this is the number one reason mostpeople abandon their quest for their dream life.

    The Television Set syndrome is a factor present in allhuman lives. In fact, it exists because of the miracle wecall: the human brain. While it will always be presentthis does not mean it has to be a threat. In fact, quitethe opposite is true. We are able to use this sameconcept to make the creation of potential virtuallyeffortless.

    Efficiency of the Human Brain

    The brain is the most miraculous biological creation inthe universe. A computer that is capable of life-support,virtually unlimited storage capacity, incredibly complexlogical structures, ability to decode input from allsenses, and constantly striving to create efficiencies inevery aspect of our lives.

    The last part keeps us from going insane. The reasoncomputers have not found a way to surpass the humanbrain boils down to our ability to quickly identify

    patterns and present only the data to our consciousthought as possible. For example, when you look at theroom you are sitting in, you arent just seeing one thingyou are seeing every single thing in that room. Howeveyou are only thinking about the thing or things that youbrain has decided to provide focus on.

    All of the information in that room is actually processedby your brain. However, it puts that in the backgroundservices area of your brain (known as your

    subconscious). Imagine the struggle you wouldencounter if you consciously tried to process just fiveseconds of visual feed. Every single thing, every textureevery positioning, all related memories, everything thayou identify, recognize, every story, every event, andall history of each thing would literally drive you mad.

    So, our brain has created a filter, of sorts, for ourconscious mind. It is constantly analyzing our dailyroutines and behaviors in search of repeatable patternsthat it can make more efficient. In other words, do atask enough times and your brain will create an auto -pilot program for that task.

    Heres the problem: While you may have read manybooks and processed lots of programs on the Law ofAttraction and have, in many ways, become a master othe concept, the vast majority of the autopilotprogramming in your brain was made long before youlearned these principles.

    That means, whenever you zone out, your autopilotbehaviors are unfocused when encountering the eventsthat produce potential.

    Reprogramming our Life

    As we stated a moment ago, this concept isnt a badthing. Instead, it is a hint as to how we can createunlimited potential in our lives. Because our brain isconstantly on the look out to create new efficiencies inour lives, we have a continuously evolving machine. Oldhabits can be replaced with new habits. Except, thistime, these habits can be intentionally designed tocreate and sustain positive potential.

    Looking back at our analogy of a room with 50 doors,you can begin to see the advantage of subconsciouslyopening doors while simultaneously performing actions,through habit and routine that ultimately keeps them



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    We are starting to put the pieces together. We needpotential to enable opportunity so that we can allowresults. As we mentioned previously, the creation ofpotential requires interaction and influence withpeople.

    To help make this clear, lets look at it from a different

    perspective. Lets say you live a secluded life in themountains. Living by yourself, you have absolutely nointeraction or influence with others, you have severelylimited your ability to create potential. On the otherhand, if you are a celebrity with world-wide influence,it is easy to create potential. However, the reverse isalso true. With world-wide influence, you have theability to generate enormous amounts of negativepotential as well. Easy come, easy go.

    You will often hear us refer to potential as the fuel ofthe Law of Attraction. This analogy is true in a lot ofways. If you are storing a large amount of fuel, you cango as far as you desire, or you can catch fire and burnquickly. It is important that we treat the creation ofpotential with a focus on positivity.

    Like most people, you have likely defined your circle ofinteraction. This might be a large group of people, or itmight just be close family and friends. As part of thisprogram, you are going to get an opportunity to expandthat circle of interaction to the other students of thisprogram.

    It is vital you appreciate the gift, and the dangers, thatthis brings. If all interactions between you and otherstudents is nothing but uplifting and positive, you will

    find yourself able to unlock unlimited opportunity evenbefore you finish this program. However, a lack ofrespect, rude behavior, or negativity will not only rob

    you of the benefit of all the hard work, it is likely going

    to get you removed from the program. It is not only ourdesire, but our obligation, to ensure the maximum levelof inspiration for all students of this program.

    Participation: Taking an active role in life

    While we are not able to knock on your door each dayand physically encourage you to participate in thelessons you learn here, we are going to do our best to

    facilitate your involvement. This course was notdesigned to be a learn and move on program. It wasdesigned to provide you step-by-step instructionsleading to deliberate epiphanies.

    In other words, we have designed a roadmap where youmust make your own personal discoveries. As eachperson has their own unique qualities, the only way wecan ensure everyone gets to the same place is to focuson the journey, not the destination.

    This provides two distinct advantages to otherprograms:


    The lessons learned will be applicable to yourlife, not the life of the people who wrote theprogram.


    No matter where you get in life, you will be ableto revisit this material and learn new, equallyvaluable, lessons applicable to your newsituation.

    In order for this to work as designed, you will need toparticipate, complete each lesson, and yes do thehomework. Each lesson is designed to build upon thelast. If you choose to skip a lesson, or fail to complete

    the work, you may find yourself lost as you moveforward. In some situations, it may even be impossibleto move forward because we will be asking you toexpand on work done in previous lessons.

    At the end of this course, you will have produced a LifeTransformation Action Plan, or LTAP. We urge you totreat this plan as a highly valuable asset.

    Not only would we charge tens of thousands of dollars topersonally help a single individual create their version ofthis, there is also value in executing it. Like our ownstory, many have used this very plan to go off and

    create mega wealthy and enriched lives.

    In many ways, this plan is priceless to you. However, itonly happens if you participate and diligently do thework. Cheating this part doesnt hurt anyone but youand your dreams.

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    The Law of Attraction LessonsPO Box 72152, Oklahoma City, OK 73172http://www.lawofattractionlessons.com


