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Law of Attraction Advanced Certification Course Book 2 Steve G. Jones Dr. Joe Vitale www.MyGlobalSciencesFoundation.org www.LOATraining.com [email protected] 718-833-5299

Law of Attraction Advanced Certification Course

Book 2

Steve G. Jones

Dr. Joe Vitale



[email protected]



Table of Contents

Manifesting a Stress-Free Life .....................................................................3

Getting the Kind of Success & Career That You Want ............................9

Allowing the Law of Attraction to Work in Your Life ............................19


Stress is one of the biggest hidden killers in the world; in the long term, excessive stress

can cause heart disease, adult-onset diabetes and a host of other health problems. The

more a person wallows in stress every day, the higher his risk of developing degenerative

conditions later in life. Excessive stress also has a negative impact on a person’s way of

thinking, his actions, his behavioral responses to specific stimuli and even his physical


Physical symptoms of excessive stress include headaches, difficulty sleeping and even

tremors. Believe us when we say that you do not need these things in your life. You now

have the choice to live a stress-free life. You can manifest a stress-free life using the law

of attraction. You no longer have to resort to emotional eating, getting angry all the time,

drinking, smoking, etc. to cope with stress at home or at work.

You can scrub negativity, anxiety and stress from your life starting today. Stress is

essentially tension on the body and mind. It is a physiological response to situations that

threatens a person in any way. If we were in a more natural setting, away from the rigors

of modern living, stress has an important role.


The “fight or flight” response (which is a classic response to stressful situations) has its

uses. Unfortunately, in modern times, people are exposed to stressful situations every day

which means the “fight or flight” response of the body is always switched on.

This prolonged state of stress is detrimental to people’s health, which is why stress has to

be managed now if you want to enjoy better health later in life. How can you start

attracting a stress-free life? With the law of attraction, this is easy. Once there is

determined action, the Universe will ensure that you will start attraction positive, stress-

free situations instead of negative, stressful ones. Here are some steps:

1. Deal with the small things in life that cause short-term stress. For example, if you

are always stressed because you feel that you do not get enough sleep every night,

try re-evaluating your activities one hour after you have arrived from work. What

activities can you modify so you can get more sleep?

What activities can you opt not to do anymore so you have more time for rest?

List down these things and try to slowly modify your nighttime activities so you

can add one or two hours of sleep every night.


This might sound a bit radical, but trust us; it will work because you are actively

receiving more restful sleep every night by making the changes. You are

attracting better rest with your actions and that is what you are going to get in the


2. Are you having trouble with debt? One of the best ways to deal with debt is to

simply increase your current income. Draft a sound plan that would regularly

increase your income and stick to this plan and the payment system that you have

designed to deal with your existing debt. Reducing your purchases every month

can also help pay off debt. If you spend $1,000 a month on various

‘entertainment’ expenses like eating out, start working on a plan to reduce these

extra expenses. Search for viable alternatives. For example, if you spend a lot of

money when you watch a movie, try renting DVDs instead and cook some great

grub at home.

If you can save $300 every month by opting for alternatives, that is already a good

achievement. Congratulate yourself and keep doing what you are doing now. Set

things into motion, actively receive the additional income and let go of the stress

because the problem has already been remedied. Avoid stressing yourself out

simply because a problem exists in your life. Search for solutions and relieve the



3. One of the most common causes of stress is the feeling that there isn’t enough

time in the entire day to complete all of your tasks. Whether you are a career

person or a homemaker we are sure that you have already experienced this. The

problem with most people is that they are unable to connect time management

with time needed for specific tasks.

If you think 24 hours is not enough for all of your duties at work, then you

probably need to manage your time more efficiently. If you have a lot of routines

right now, it is time to evaluate these routines once again because you are still

having trouble managing your time.

Sometimes, breaking down routines is all you need to establish a firm foothold on

your duties and responsibilities once again. You feel stressed out all the time

because you feel that you are losing immediate control of your tasks. You need to

establish control again so the stress response will dissipate on its own. Forget

about taking pharmaceuticals to relieve the stress – address the causes of the

stress and get long-term stress relief.

4. Do you feel that stress from your work is toxic to your health? A staggering

percentage of individuals in the US believe so – and this sad situation has to be

remedied soon. How can you relieve stress at work? One of the most effective

ways of directly addressing stressful areas of you work is through reorganization.


Reorganization also involves a close re-evaluation of tasks. The key here is to

look at your tasks with a new perspective while weeding out routines that are

detrimental to your available time and performance.

Here’s a good example – if you are leading a team of other employees and you are

having a tough time at work because of your time, a re-organization is in order.

Here are some questions to kick-start positive changes if you are working with a


- Which members of the team are struggling with ‘instant responsibilities’ and

changes? Why are they struggling and what can you do to help them?

- What is the state of communication among team members? Are people

communicating regularly or is communication the last on their list of


- Are people accountable for their tasks and actions?

- Do all of the members of the team know why they are in the team? Do they

know the team’s goals and responsibilities?


- What are the team’s true priorities?

- If tasks are not being completed on time, what is the root cause of the delay?

5. Create a list of “Life Priorities”. A Life Priorities list is a table with three columns

(Action, Purpose and Duration). The point of this list is to set aside adequate time

for each important action or task so you will never feel that you lack time ever

again. Life Priorities lists should not be terribly long because that would defeat

the purpose of having such a list.

Put an action or task in the list only if the said task/action is absolutely essential.

Work is an essential part of your life; but so is rest and relaxation. You can set

aside an accumulated number of hours per week or a set number of hours per day.

By prioritizing your actions throughout the day, you will no longer feel

disorganized and the stress would naturally ebb away as you settle into a

refreshing new system.


Success is another source of happiness to people that is often elusive – people usually

spend their whole life trying to be successful, with little or no success. The problem is not

the ‘world’ itself but how you are approaching your goal in the first place. Below are

some guidelines that would help you attract success in your life through the law of


1. To some, success equates to having a lot of money. If this is your version of

success, we recommend that you review the law of attraction guidelines we have

set forth in an earlier volume (Book 1) on abundance and wealth.

2. Happiness is one of your most effective magnets for success. According to recent

research, happy, optimistic people tend to attract more successes than non-

optimistic individuals.

Depression, stress and excessive anxiety can ruin your chances of actively

receiving success and with these negative states in tow, you will only be attracting

negativity into your life. The more negative you become toward your goals, the

more negativity you attract which pulls you back progressively as time passes.


3. Do you want to attract fame or acclaim for what you do best in life? The first step

is to visualize the kind of success that you want – let the Universe know that you

want to be famous.

Visualize the scope and degree of your success and open your mind and heart to

the possibilities that come with this type of success. Immerse yourself in the

positive emotions and new ideas that come with this openness to the idea of


As you visualize your success, don’t forget to act upon your ideas so that the

Universe can find a way to ‘send’ you your idea of success. If you’ve been raring

to write that novel, start writing it today. If you want to start your own company,

start drafting business plans today and brainstorm with potential partners. Set the

wheels of success into motion so you will get there faster.

4. We are all proud of our children – but the common mistake is that parents tend to

‘ride’ on their children’s personal successes in life. While some parents can do

this without putting too much pressure on their children, it would still be best if

you felt successful just because your children have all the abilities that would help

them later in life.


Failures and successes are your children’s and you don’t have to ride the

rollercoaster of emotions associated with these victories and losses anymore –

because the ‘rollercoaster’ is theirs to experience. If you can perform this shift,

you will no longer be stressed if they don’t meet your exact expectations of them.

Your success lies in your ability to be supportive of them – this is already an

achievement in itself.

5. Is success eluding you or are you secretly afraid of success? Many people would

scoff at our question but the truth of the matter is that many people don’t find

success because deep down, they are afraid of it. This applies to all forms of

success (i.e. financial success, academic notoriety, etc.).

When a person is secretly afraid to be extremely successful, he is really afraid of

things that he has no familiarity and control over. This is called the “fear of the

unknown” and it is actually quite common. Here’s the thing about success: just

like everything else in the world, it has its “pros” (advantages) and “cons”


Let’s look at financial success. If a business owner is secretly afraid of expanding

his business and earning more money, he might be afraid of the fact that he would

have to work more than 12 hours a day managing all his new business.


He might also be afraid that his old formula might not work anymore because of

the constantly changing market landscape – and so he stands his ground and he

choose not to pursue his new business ideas because he is afraid that things might

go out of control later on.

An easy way to defeat this kind of thinking is through love and gratitude.

Negativity can envelope your thoughts and emotions, so what you have to do is to

let success in. You have to embrace it completely and show some love for it.

After loving it, ask for it and visualize that you have already received it. Be

grateful for what the Universe is trying to manifest in your life so that you will

attract more success. We’re going to remind you once again – like attracts like.

Success will attract more success in the short term and the long term.


With the law of attraction, you can attract not only abundance, wealth, success but also

the best career of your life. Once you end the negative cycle concerning your work and

career, you will be able to attract the career that would make you happy and satisfied

(financially, creatively, etc.) The more you dwell on a career that does not make you

happy, the more you will feel that you have no chance at all in finding a career path that

would make you happy.

Before anything else, we have to establish a baseline for your current career path. Are

you happy with your career now? If you are not happy, what kind of change do you want

to happen in order to be happy? Now, some of you may consider a complete career

change a little extreme, so let us ask you a third question: if you generally like what you

are doing (i.e. being in the media, accounting, etc.) what is it about your current job that

really makes you happy?

List down the things about your career that really make you happy so you will have some

coordinates. If you want a complete career change, this will list will be your roadmap to

your new career.

If you are keeping your career this list will also help you navigate to your new job as the

law of attraction works had to create the circumstances that will allow you to receive the

new career. There has to be affirmation within yourself that you truly want to shift your


career to a new level. This takes determination and conviction, but believes us; it is all

worth the effort.

If you really feel that your current career brings you happiness and satisfaction, consider

yourself very luck indeed. Continue doing what you are doing because only a select

group of people are able to find complete satisfaction in their careers.

Some people shift careers so often that in the end, they no longer know what they truly

want in life. The law of attraction can continue to help you reach higher goals in life – so

keep aiming for the upper rungs of your career ladder so the future will bring brighter and

better things.

Now, if you don’t like everything about your current career path but you cannot leave it

because of the financial gain that it provides you, don’t worry! Your situation is not a

negative one (well, at least not in all respects) and you simply have to attract better

conditions at work. The problem in this kind of situation is the way you choose to

experience the various aspects of your work.

To avoid wallowing in the negative, you have to identify the positive aspects of your

work and enjoy those aspects. As for the parts of your work that you don’t like so much,

there has to be acceptance and of course, gratitude should never be forgotten. Expect


better things to happen so that those things will manifest in your work. Keep your goals

in sight and never let go of the positive.

A quick way to quell any negative thoughts and emotions you may have in your job is

through the use of creative visualization. You have to re-program your mind so that you

will no longer dwell on the negative.

First identify aspects of your job that you find very difficult to handle. Just hold on to

these thoughts and images and visualize that you are conquering them all, one by one.

Feel the positive change as it happens in your mind – because right now you are creating

positive modifications in your work and these changes will stay with you from now on.

Perform this visualization exercise until you are no longer bothered or troubled by the

tasks that you find difficult.

To create a more positive outlook in your line of work, you also need to create long term

goals for yourself. These goals will guide future career decisions. Once you have set a

long-term goal, consider the outcome as yours because from this point going forward,

you will be working with inspired action and all your efforts will lead to your desired

outcomes. Inspired action always attracts desired outcomes.


If you sincerely believe that you do not want to stay in your current career path, it’s time

for a complete career change. If you feel dissatisfied with the pay and everything that you

are doing for a living right now, you need to get out – fast. The law of attraction can help

set things right for you. Don’t spend another day dwelling in the misery of your current

job – start creating with the law of attraction. Generally, people want to either:

- Find a better-suited job

- Start their own business to be their own boss

It is perfectly fine to work for someone but you should also consider the possibility of

working for yourself by starting your own business. The entrepreneurial spirit can catch

people pretty quickly and it is not true that entrepreneurship is only for people with

millions in their bank account.

The best entrepreneurs in the world usually started out with a very small capital (like a

few hundred dollars). The difference between dedicated entrepreneurs and non-

entrepreneurs is they have a natural love for what they do and they run their businesses so

closely that they are able to refine and improve operations day by day.


Entrepreneurial individuals also have lots of ideas and plans that they really like setting

into motion. If something fails that is simply a sign that something in the plan was not

refined enough to bring in success – and so they modify these ideas and start anew.

Even if you have $1,000,000 – you won’t get anywhere if you don’t like what you’re

doing. You will stand to lose all your capital/seed funds if you really don’t like the idea

of running a business. There has to be genuine desire and passion involved when you are

making a Big Change in your career. If these two components are not present, your desire

will not manifest because you are attracting failure, not success.

At this point in time, we have to tell you that you should ignore all forms of negativity

when you want to make a career change, even if it is coming from your own family. If

you want to create something positive and good, it is up to you if you want to accept

negativity in your life.

Negativity has a large impact on people and if you continue to listen to people who have

nothing to say but negative things about what you plan to do/what you are already doing.

There is no need to break bonds with these people, but we emphasize that you have to

protect yourself from their negativity so you will manifest that dream job or dream

business more quickly.


If you let these people drag you down into the mire, you will be dragged down to the

mire. If you listen to their anxieties about failure, you will attract failure because that is

what you are actively attracting – failure, not success.

Visualization is also a helpful tool here. Visualize what kind of job you want to find.

Visualize the working conditions, location, pay rate, etc. If you are the entrepreneurial

type, what kind of business do you want to establish?

How many employees do you want to manage in your business? How much money do

you want to earn in one year? This is one step that you should never ignore because as

you create conditions in your mind, you are actually creating these conditions in real life.

Visualization is not just goal-setting; it is a form of molding reality so that it will conform

to your desires.


It is fairly easy to ask the Universe for something – but the real issue here is: are you

really ready to receive all of the things that you are asking the Universe? Sometimes we

haphazardly send signals to the Universe that we want certain things but we are not

physically, mentally and emotionally prepared to actively receive what we asked for.

Asking for something is one thing, receiving it from the Universe is a completely

different thing. To receive something, there has to be determination (inspired action) and

conviction that you really want to receive something. For example, if you are asking the

Universe for a lot of money, the money won’t fall unto your lap.

To receive the money, you have to exert effort and work to receive the money because

that is simply how things work. The law of attraction never fails us – it gives us exactly

what we want deep in our hearts.

So if you want something, you really have to break down your emotional and mental

defenses to allow your desires to manifest in physical reality. You have to let the

Universe work to make your desire materialize. If you hold back, even mentally,

whatever you asked for will not materialize because you are telling the Universe that

you’re not ready to receive it yet.


Many people, deep inside, feel that they do not deserve the best that the bounty of the

Universe has to offer. This mental and emotional stumbling block can prevent you from

manifesting anything positive in your life. The more you believe that you don’t deserve

something bigger and better, the longer it will take for your dreams to come true. So from

now on, you have to believe that:

- You deserve the best career that life has to offer.

- You deserve all the wealth that you need to lead a comfortable and productive


- You deserve health that will help you become productive even in your golden


- You deserve whatever material possessions that you will feel will enhance your

quality of life.

- You deserve genuine relationships that will nurture you your whole life.

- You deserve to be free from all kinds of negativity.


- You deserve colleagues or employees that will actively work with you so you can

reach your goals in life.

- You deserve the good life.

At this point in time, let us remind you that even before you ask for something from the

Universe, you need to liberate yourself from negativity. This is such an important step

that we devoted a good amount of text in the basic certification course to this step.

If negativity is ingrained in you, you will only send out negative frequencies to the

Universe. Even in your sleep, you are anticipating and expecting negativity to manifest

the next day. That’s why there are people who say that their lives are made up of chain of

misfortunes. These people suffer from misfortunes because they are actively attracting

negativity and misfortunes in their lives.

Fear of actual success is another stumbling block that you should conquer. We have

touched upon this topic earlier in this volume, but we are going to bring it back here

because fear of failure can permeate people’s thinking so deeply that they are no longer

aware that they are actually afraid of success. To conquer fear of failure, you have to

prepare yourself emotionally and mentally for the materialization of your desires.


If you were asking the Universe for a new partner, you have to prepare to accept that

person when he/she finally comes along. If you don’t actively prepare for the coming of

your new partner, negative experiences in your past may interfere with the way you

interact and care for your new partner.

If you don’t let go of all these negative baggage from your past as you let someone in,

you will probably start destroying the relationship early on because of your fear that

things won’t go as planned. This kind of thinking can create a destructive cycle that may

spread to other facets of your life – so from this moment on, be aware that this cycle

exists and quell it before it prevents you from actively receiving something good in your

