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Law on Traffic Ppt

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RELATED LAWS:RA 4136 –“Land Transportation and Trafc Code” – It shall

control the registration and operation o otor !ehiclesand the licensing o o"ners# dealers# cond$ctors# dri!ers#

and siilar atters%RA 8750 & 'Seat (elts )se Act o *+++%' – ,or the

andator- copliance .- otorists o pri!ate and p$.lic!ehicles to $se seat .elt de!ices# and re/$iring !ehiclean$act$rers to install seat .elt de!ices in all their

an$act$red !ehicles%RA 10054 & '0otorc-cle 1elet Act o 233+' & An act

andating all otorc-cle riders to "ear standardprotecti!e otorc-cle helets "hile dri!ing and pro!idingpenalties thereor%

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RA *3456A7TI& DR)78 A7D DR)99ED DRII79 ACT ;,


SEC% 4% Punishable Act. – It shall .e $nla"$l oran- person to dri!e a otor !ehicle "hile $nderthe in>$ence o alcohol# dangero$s dr$gsand?or other siilar s$.stances%

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SEC% 6% Conduct of Field Sobriety, Chemical and

Conrmatory Tests. – A la" enorceent ofcer

"ho has pro.a.le ca$se to .elie!e that a person

is dri!ing $nder the in>$ence o alcohol#dangero$s dr$gs and?or other siilar s$.stances.- apparent indications and aniestations#

incl$ding o!erspeeding# "ea!ing# lane straddling#

s$dden stops# s"er!ing# poor coordination or thee!ident sell o alcohol in a person@s .reath orsigns o $se o dangero$s dr$gs and other siilar

s$.stances# shall cond$ct eld so.riet- tests%

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I the dri!er ails in the so.riet- tests# it shall.e the d$t- o the la" enorceent ofcer toipleent the andator- deterination othe dri!er@s .lood alcohol concentration le!elthro$gh the $se o a .reath anal-Ber or siilareas$ring instr$ent%

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SEC% *2% Penalties. – A dri!er o$nd to ha!e.een dri!ing a otor !ehicle "hile $nder thein>$ence o alcohol# dangero$s dr$gs and?orother siilar s$.stances# as pro!ided or$nder Section 4 o this Act# shall .e penaliBedas ollo"s:

a I the !iolation o Section 4 did not res$ltin ph-sical in$ries or hoicide# the penalt- othree < onths iprisonent# and a neranging ro T"ent- tho$sand pesosFhp23#333%33 to Eight- tho$sand pesosFhp53#333%33 shall .e iposedG

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. I the !iolation o Section 4 res$lted inph-sical in$ries# the penalt- pro!ided inArticle 26< o the Re!ised Fenal Code or thepenalt- pro!ided in the neHt precedings$.paragraph# "hiche!er is higher# and a neranging ro ;ne h$ndred tho$sand pesosFhp*33#333%33 to T"o h$ndred tho$sandpesos Fhp233#333%33 shall .e iposedG

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c I the !iolation o Section 4 res$lted inhoicide# the penalt- pro!ided in Article 2+o the Re!ised Fenal Code and a ne rangingro Three h$ndred tho$sand pesosFhp<33#333%33 to ,i!e h$ndred tho$sandpesos Fhp433#333%33 shall .e iposedG and

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d The nonproessional dri!er@s license o an-person o$nd to ha!e !iolated Section 4 o this Actshall also .e conscated and s$spended or a period

o t"el!e *2 onths or the rst con!iction andperpet$all- re!oJed or the second con!iction% Theproessional dri!er@s license o an- person o$nd toha!e !iolated Section 4 o this Act shall also .econscated and perpet$all- re!oJed or the rstcon!iction% The perpet$al re!ocation o a dri!er@slicense shall dis/$ali- the person ro .einggranted an- Jind o dri!er@s license thereater%

L T t t T

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Lan Transportat on an Tra cCod

RA 4136

1! R"#ISTRATION OF $OTOR %"&ICL"S'Artic( 1) C*aptr +,

SECTI;7 4% Cop$lsor- Registration o 0otorehicles% – a All otor !ehicles and trailero an- t-pe $sed or operated on or $pon an-high"a- o the Fhilippines $st .eregistered "ith the ($rea$ o Land

 Transportation or the c$rrent -ear inaccordance "ith the pro!isions o this Act%

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Classication and

Registration:C(assi-cation o. /otor *ic(s to r2istrd 'Sc 7, :

a Fri!ate% – 0otor !ehicles registered $nder this classicationshall not .e $sed or hire $nder an- circ$stance%

. ,or 1ire% – 0otor !ehicles registered $nder this classicationare those co!ered .- certicates o p$.lic con!enience# orspecial perits iss$ed .- the (oard o Transportation# and shall.e s$.ect to the pro!isions o the F$.lic Ser!ice Act and ther$les and reg$lations iss$ed%

c 9o!ernent% – 0otor !ehicles o"ned .- the go!ernent o

the Fhilippines or an- o its political s$.di!isions%d Diploatic & 0otor !ehicles o"ned .- oreign go!ernents

or .- their d$l- accredited diploatic ofcers in the Fhilippinesand $sed in the discharged o their ofcial d$ties%

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)se and A$thorit- o Certicate o

Registration% Sec*4 The certicate shall .e preser!ed and carried

in the car .- the o"ner as e!idence o theregistration o the otor !ehicle

shall .e presented "ith s$.se/$entapplications or re&registration# transer oo"nership# or recording o enc$.rances

;r a photostat o the said certicate The said certicate $st .e !alid and not

s$spended or re!oJed

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CERTI,ICATE Sec *6 The Coissioner a- re$se to register the said otor !ehicle# or i

alread- registered# a- re/$ire the n$.er plates thereo to .es$rrendered to hi is $pon inspection the otor !ehicle is o$nd to .e:



Iproperl- arJedG

E/$ipped# or other"ise $nt to .e operated#

;r capa.le o ca$sing eHcessi!e daage to the high"a-s

;r is not conoring to ini$ standards and specications%

pon 7+ *ors notic the coissioner shall s$spend s$ch

registration $ntil the deects o the !ehicle are corrected and?or the

ini$ standards and specications $ll- coplied "ith%

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)SE ;, 7)0(ER FLATES Sec *5

At all ties .e displa-ed in conspic$o$splaces% ;ne in ront and one in the rear othe otor !ehicle%

0$st .e Jept clean and cared or# and shall.e rl- afHed to the otor !ehicle ins$ch a anner as "ill aJe it entirel-

!isi.le and al"a-s legi.le%

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' Artic( 1) C*aptr 3,

it shall .e $nla"$l or an- person to operate

an- otor !ehicle "itho$t ha!ing in hispossession a !alid license to dri!e a otor!ehicle%

 The license shall .e carried .- the dri!er at allties "hen operating a otor !ehicle# andshall .e sho"n and?or s$rrendered or ca$seand $pon deand to an- person "ith


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EKA0I7ATI;7% Sec 22

Applicant@s health# sight and hearing $st .eso$nd and noral# and is ph-sicall- andentall- t to operate otor !ehicles%

0$st not .e s$ering ro contagio$sdiseases# s$ch as t$.erc$losis# seH$all-

transitted diseases and epileps- or "ho isan alcohol or dr$g addict or dependent%

 Theoretical and practical eHaination

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LICE7SE Sec 22*% ,or a proessional dri!er@s license# the applicant $st .e:

at least eighteen -ears o ageG

possesses a !alid st$dent&dri!er@s peritG and

has $ndergone instr$ction in the operation o otor!ehicles or at least !e onths $nder a /$aliedinstr$ctor%

2% ,or a non&proessional dri!er@s license# the applicant $st.e:

at least se!enteen -ears o ageG

possesses a !alid st$dent&dri!er@s peritG and

has $ndergone instr$ction in the operation o otor!ehicles or at least a onth%

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IDE7TI,ICATI;7 CARD% Sec 2 The license $st .e displa-ed in plain sight in the

!ehicle .eing operated

E!er- license shall entitle the holder to operate a

otor !ehicleIt shall .e $nla"$l or an- d$l- licensed dri!er to

transer# lend or other"ise allo" an- person to $se his

license or the p$rpose o ena.ling s$ch person tooperate a otor !ehicle%

7o o"ner o a otor !ehicle shall engage# eplo-# orhire an- person to operate s$ch otor !ehicle# $nlessthe person so$ght to .e eplo-ed is a d$l- licensed

proessional dri!er%

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$OTOR %"&ICL"S 'Artic( 4,'a, Tirs o. $otor %*ic(s% – 7o otor !ehicle "ith

etallic tires shall .e operated $pon an- p$.lichigh"a-# and solid tires "hene!er $sed shall .e o

s$fcient thicJness to pre!ent the etal ris thereoro coing in direct contact "ith the road%

', ra9s! – E!er- otor !ehicle "ith o$r or ore"heels shall .e pro!ided "ith d$al h-dra$lic .raJes-ste so that in case o h-dra$lic line ail$reaecting the .raJing efcienc- o an- o the o$r"heels at least either the ront or rear "heels shallretain noral .raJing capa.ilities

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'1, &orns! – E!er- otor !ehicle shall .epro!ided "ith a horn or signalling de!ise in

good "orJing order

'c, &ad(i2*ts! – E!er- otor !ehicle oore than one eter o proected "idth# "hile

in $se on an- p$.lic high"a- shall .ear t"oheadlights# one on each side# "ith "hite or-ello"ish light !isi.le ro the ront# "hich#not later than one&hal ho$r ater s$nset and

$ntil at least one&hal o$r .eore s$nrise and"hene!er "eather conditions so re/$ire# shall.oth .e lighted%

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'd, Tai((i2*ts! – E!er- otor !ehicle and trailer shall# d$ringthe a.o!e&entioned ho$rs# also .ear on each side in therear a lap sho"ing a red light !isi.le at least one h$ndred

eters ro the rear o the !ehicle and a lap thro"ing a"hite light $pon the n$.er plate iss$ed or s$ch !ehicle%

', Stop (i2*ts! – E!er- otor !ehicle shall .e e/$ipped atthe rear "ith at least one lap "hich shall thro" a s$stained.right red light !isi.le $nder all conditions# e!en $nder .right

s$nlight# "hen the .raJes are applied% Each .$s# tr$cJ# traileror siilar !ehicle shall .e e/$ipped# as its stop light at ornear its rear center# "ith a lap at least t"el!e centietersin diaeter "ith the "ord “stop” inscri.ed in the center%

'., $otorc:c( and ot*r *ic( (i2*ts! & E!er- otor!ehicle o less than one eter o proected "idth shall .es$.ect to the preceding pro!isions o this section# eHceptthat one headlight and one taillight shall .e re/$ired% 7osignal light shall .e necessar-%

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'2, Li2*ts ;*n par9d or disa(d% – AppropriateparJing lights or >ares !isi.le one h$ndred eters a"a-shall .e displa-ed at a corner o the !ehicle "hene!er s$ch

!ehicle is parJed on high"a-s or in places that are not "ell&lighted or is placed in s$ch anner as to endanger passingtrafc%

'*, Winds*i(d ;ipr! – E!er- otor !ehicle shall .ee/$ipped "ith a echanicall- or electricall- operated

de!ice or "iping o raindrops or other oist$re ro itsront "indshield%

'i, s o. rd <a2% – Whene!er the load o an- !ehicleeHtends ore than one eter .e-ond the .ed or .od-thereo# there shall .e displa-ed at e!er- proecting end o

s$ch load a red >ag not less than thirt- centieters .oth inlength and "idth# eHcept that d$ring the ho$rs Hed $nders$.section c# there shall .e displa-ed# in lie$ o there/$ired red >ags# red lights !isi.le at least t- etersa"a-%

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'=, $>rs! – E!er- otor !ehicle propelled.- an internal co.$stion engine shall .e

e/$ipped "ith a $Ner# and "hene!er saidotor !ehicle passes thro$gh a street o an-cit-# $nicipalit-# or thicJl- pop$lated districtor .arrio# the $Ner shall not .e c$t o$t or

disconnected% 7o otor !ehicle shall .eoperated in s$ch a anner as to ca$se it toeit or aJe an- $nnecessar- ordisagreea.le odor# soJe or noise%

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S""? LI$IT AN? @""IN# TO

T&" RI#&T0AKI0)0 ALL;WA(LE SFEEDSFassengers Cars 0otor tr$cJs and 0otorc-cle and .$ses


;n open co$ntr- roads# "ith no “.linds corners” not closel-.ordered .- ha.itations%

53 J% 43 J%


;n “thro$gh streets” or .o$le!ards# clear o trafc# "ith no ”.lind corners#” "hen so designated%

3 J% <3 J%

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7;T AFFLO T; T1E ,;LL;WI79:* A ph-sician or his dri!er "hen the orerresponds to eergenc- callsG

2 The dri!er o a hospital a.$lance on the "a- toand ro the place o accident or other eergenc-G

< An- dri!er .ringing a "o$nded or sicJ person oreergenc- treatent to a hospital# clinic# or an-

other siilar placeG The dri!er o a otor !ehicle .elonging to theAred ,orces "hile in $se or ofcial p$rposes inties o riot# ins$rrection or in!asionG

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4 The dri!er o a !ehicle# "hen he or hispassengers are in p$rs$it o a criinalG

6 A la"&enorceent ofcer "ho is tr-ing too!ertaJe a !iolator o trafc la"sG and

P The dri!er ofciall- operating a otor!ehicle o an- re departent# pro!ided that

eHeption shall not .e constr$ed to allo"$nless or $nnecessar- ast dri!ing o dri!ersaore&entioned%


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DRII79 ;7 RI91T SIDE ;,

1I91WAO Sec <Pe!er- person operating a otor !ehicle or an

anial&dra"n !ehicle on a high"a- shall passto the right  "hen eeting persons or !ehicles

coing to"ard hi# and to the left whenovertaing persons or vehicles going the saedirection# and "hen t$rning to the let in goingro one high"a- to another# e!er- !ehicle

shall .e cond$cted to the right o the center othe intersection o the high"a-%

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TRNIN# AT INT"RS"CTIONS The dri!er o an- otor !ehicle o!ertaJing another

!ehicle proceeding in the sae direction shall passat a sae distance to the let thereo# and shall not

again dri!e to the right side o the high"a- $ntilsael- clear o s$ch o!ertaJen !ehicle eHcept that ona high"a-# "ithin a .$siness or residential district#ha!ing t"o or ore lanes or the o!eent o trafcin one direction# the dri!er o a !ehicle a- o!ertaJe

and pass another !ehicle on the right% 7othing inthis section shall .e constr$ed to prohi.it a dri!ero!ertaJing and passing# $pon the right# another!ehicle "hich is aJing or a.o$t to aJe a let t$rn%

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;ERTA8I79 E1ICLE% Sec 3 The dri!er o a !ehicle a.o$t to .e o!ertaJen

and passed .- another !ehicle approachingro the rear shall gi!e "a- to the o!ertaJing

!ehicle on s$ita.le and a$di.le signal .einggi!en .- the dri!er o the o!ertaJing !ehicle#and shall not increase the speed o his !ehicle$ntil copletel- passed .- the o!ertaJing


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FASSI79% Sec *a The dri!er o a !ehicle shall not dri!e to the let side o the

center line o a high"a- in o!ertaJing or passing another!ehicle proceeding in the sae direction# $nless s$ch let side isclearl- !isi.le# and is ree o oncoing trafc or a s$fcient

distance ahead to perit s$ch o!ertaJing or passing to .eade in saet-%

. The dri!er o a !ehicle shall not o!ertaJe or pass another!ehicle proceeding in the sae direction# "hen approaching the

crest o a grade# not $pon a c$r!e in the high"a-# "here thedri!er@s !ie" along the high"a- is o.str$cted "ithin a distanceo !e h$ndred eet ahead# eHcept on a high"a- ha!ing t"o orore lanes or o!eent o trafc in one direction "here thedri!er o a !ehicle a- o!ertaJe or pass another !ehicle

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c The dri!er o a !ehicle shall not o!ertaJeor pass an- other !ehicle proceeding in thesae direction# at an- rail"a- grade crossing#nor at an- intersection o high"a-s $nlesss$ch intersection or crossing is controlled .-trafc signal# or $nless peritted to do so .- a"atchan or a peace ofcer# eHcept on ahigh"a- ha!ing t"o or ore lanes oro!eent o trafc in one direction "here thedri!er o a !ehicle a- o!ertaJe or passanother !ehicle on the right%

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d The dri!er o a !ehicle shall not o!ertaJeor pass# or attept to pass# an- other !ehicle#

proceeding in the sae direction# .et"eenan- points indicated .- the placing o ofcialteporar- "arning or ca$tion signs indicatingthat en are "orJing on the high"a-%

e The dri!er o a !ehicle shall not o!ertaJe

or pass# or attept to o!ertaJe or pass# an-other !ehicle proceeding in the sae directionin an- “no&passing or o!ertaJing Bone%”

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RI91T ;, WAO SEC 2%a When t"o !ehicles approach or enter an

intersection at approHiatel- the sae tie#the dri!er o the !ehicle on the let shall -ieldthe right o "a- to the !ehicle on the right#eHcept as other"ise hereinater pro!ided%

. The dri!er o a !ehicle approaching .$tnot ha!ing entered an intersection# shall -ieldthe right o "a- to a !ehicle "ithin s$chintersection or t$rning therein to the letacross the line o tra!el o s$ch rst&entioned !ehicle

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c The dri!er o an- !ehicle $pon a high"a-"ithin a .$siness or residential district shall

-ield the right o "a- to a pedestrian crossings$ch high"a- "ithin a cross"alJ# eHcept atintersections "here the o!eent o trafc is.eing reg$lated .- a peace ofcer or .- trafc


d The dri!er o a !ehicle $pon a high"a-shall .ring to a $ll stop s$ch !ehicle .eoretra!ersing an- “thro$gh high"a-” or railroadcrossing

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R)LE%a The dri!er o a !ehicle entering a high"a- ro a

pri!ate road or dri!e shall -ield the right o "a- to all!ehicles approaching on s$ch high"a-%

. The dri!er o a !ehicle $pon a high"a- shall -ieldthe right o "a- to police or re departent !ehiclesand a.$lances "hen s$ch !ehicles are operated onofcial .$siness and the dri!ers thereo so$nd a$di.le

signal o their approach%

c The dri!er o a !ehicle entering a “thro$ghhigh"a-” or a “stop intersection” shall -ield the righto "a- to all !ehicles approaching in either directionon s$ch “thro$gh high"a-”

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Sat (ts s Act o. 1!B

RA 8750 The dri!er and ront seat passengers o a

p$.lic or pri!ate otor !ehicle are re/$ired to"ear or $se their seat .elt de!ices "hile

inside a !ehicle o r$nning engine on an- roador thoro$ghare%

,ront and .acJ seat passengers are liJe"isere/$ired to $se their seat .elt de!ices at allties or pri!ate !ehicles# eHcept or eeps#

 eepne-s# !ans# .$ses and s$ch other pri!ate!ehicles as a- .e deterined in theIpleenting R$les and Reg$lations IRR%

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'0otorc-cle 1elet Act o 233+' 

RA 10054 All otorc-cle riders# incl$ding dri!ers and .acJ riders# shall at

all ties "ear standard protecti!e otorc-cle helets "hiledri!ing# "hether long or short dri!es# in an- t-pe o road andhigh"a-%

Standard protecti!e otorc-cle helets are appropriate t-pes ohelets or otorc-cle riders that copl- "ith the specicationsiss$ed .- the Departent o Trade and Ind$str- DTI%

EKE0FTI;7% Sec ! Dri!ers o tric-cles shall .e eHepted ro copl-ing "ith the

andator- "earing o otorc-cle helets as pro!ided in thisAct%

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ndr R!A! 874 Sat (t La; ,ail$re to "ear the prescri.ed seat .elt de!ices?and?or

ail$re to re/$ire passengers to "ear the prescri.edseat .elt de!ice% Sec% *2Q* Qa .- the DRIER

 * st iolation & 0ini$ ne o F*33 ($t not to

eHceed F*# 333%

2 nd iolation & 0ini$ ne o F233 .$t not toeHceed F2333

< rd iolation & 0ini$ ne o F433 .$t not toeHceed F4#333 and s$spension o dri!er@s license or

a period o one * "eeJ

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 F$.lic $tilit- !ehicle re/$iring ro seatpassengers to "ear seat .elts "hen inside the!ehicle% Sec% *2 Q. .- the Dri!er ;perator

0ini$ o F<33 .$t not to eHceed F<#333 ore!er- !iolation –


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;n an- an$act$rer# asse.ler# iporter# and distri.$tor ore!er- $nit o$nd "itho$t seat .elt de!ices installed prior to itsdistri.$tion% Sec% *2 Q2 .- the 0an$act$rer# Asse.ler#Iporter# Distri.$tor

 * st iolation & 0ini$ ne o F4#333 .$t not to eHceed

F*3#333 and s$spension o the license to an$act$re#asse.le# iport# distri.$te or a period o one * -ear%

2 nd iolation & 0ini$ ne o F*3#333 .$t not to eHceed

F23#333 and s$spension o license to an$act$re# asse.le#iport# and distri.$te or t"o 2 -ears%

< rd iolation & 0ini$ ne o F23#333 .$t not to eHceedF43#333 and s$spension o license to an$act$re# asse.le#distri.$te or !e 4 -ears%

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ndr RA 1005) $otorc:c(

&(/t Act o. +00 An- person ca$ght not "earing the standard

protecti!e otorc-cle helet in !iolation othis Act shall .e p$nished "ith a ne o:

,irst ;ense: ;ne tho$sand !e h$ndredpesos Fhp*#433%33

Second ;ense: Three tho$sand pesosFhp<#333%33G

 Third ;ense: ,i!e tho$sand pesosFhp4#333%33 and

,o$rth ;ense: Ten tho$sand pesos

Fhp*3#333%33 pl$s conscation o the

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.% An- seller and?or dealer "ho !iolates theFro!ision on 0otorc-cle 1elets shall .ep$nished "ith a ne o not less than Ten

tho$sand pesos Fhp*3#333%33 .$t not orethan T"ent- tho$sand pesos Fhp23#333%33%

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c% An- person "ho $ses# sells and distri.$tes s$.standardotorc-cle helets or those "hich do not .ear the FS arJ orthe ICC certicate shall .e p$nished

,irst ;ense: A ne o not less than Three tho$sand pesos

Fhp<#333%33G andSecond ;ense: ,i!e tho$sand pesos Fhp4#333%33# "itho$t

pre$dice to other penalties iposed in Rep$.lic Act 7o% P<+or the 'Cons$er Act o the Fhilippines'%

d% Tapering# alteration# orger- and iitation o the FS arJ

and the ICC certicates in the helets shall .e p$nished "ith ane o not less than Ten tho$sand pesos Fhp*3#333%33 .$tnot ore than T"ent- tho$sand pesos Fhp23#333%33# "itho$tpre$dice to other penalties iposed in Rep$.lic Act 7o% P<+or the 'Cons$er Act o the Fhilippines'%

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ndr RA 4136) Land

Transportation and Trafc Coda ,or registering later than se!en da-s ater

ac/$iring title to an $nregistered otor!ehicle or ater con!ersion o a registered

otor !ehicle re/$iring larger registration eethan or "hich it "as originall- registered# oror a rene"al o a delin/$ent registration# t*pna(t: s*a(( a -n o. -.t: pr cnt o.

t* r2istration .s corrspondin2 tot* portion o. t* :ar .or ;*ic* t**ic( is r2istrd .or s!

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 . ,or ail$re to sign dri!er@s license or to carr- sae"hile dri!ing) on *ndrd psos -n!

c Dri!ing a !ehicle "ith a delin/$ent or in!alid

dri!er@s license# t;o *ndrd psos -n ori/prison/nt not cdin2 tn da:s) at t*discrtion o. t* cort!

d Dri!ing a otor !ehicle "ith delin/$ent#s$spended or in!alid registration# or "itho$t

registration or "itho$t the proper license plate or thec$rrent -ear# t*r *ndrd psos -n ori/prison/nt not cdin2 -.tn da:s) at t*discrtion o. t* cort!
