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Lawrenceburg, Manchester and Sparta Townships …

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Lawrenceburg, Manchester and Sparta Townships Conservancy District 1406 Sunnyside Avenue Aurora, Indiana 47001 (812) 926-2850 • Fax (812) 926-4850 Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission National City Center 101 W. Washington Street Suite 1500 E. Indianapolis, IN 46204 Re: Increase of Tap Fee Increase of Reconnection Fee Increase of NSF Check Charge Increase of Delinquent Charges January 23,2012 The Lawrenceburg, Manchester, and Sparta Townships Conservancy District (organized and existing under the Conservancy District Act of the State ofIndiana) owns and operates a not for profit water utility serving 2,200 customers with a popUlation of about 5,200. L.M.S. Conservancy District is located in Southeastern Indiana in central Dearborn County. The Board of Directors of the L.M.S. requests a 30 day filing procedure in seeking a new schedule of increased tap fee, reconnection fee, non sufficient fund check charge, and delinquent charges. The current rates and charges for metered water will remain unchanged. Before any new services can be connected to the L.M.S. Water System, there is a tap fee charged to cover the cost of excavating and tapping the main, furnishing and installation of pipe from main to the property easement, and furnishing and installing meter vault, yoke, and meter. The current charge for a 5/8" residential meter service is $1,275.00. Due to increased cost of material and labor, the Board of Directors proposes to increase the water tap fee to $1,650.00. As of May 22, 2007, the Board noted and presented a resolution to start a program in install automatic radio meter reading equipment, which is included in the proposed new tap fee. This installation is still ongoing. The Board of L.M.S. wishes to increase the charge for reconnection of service from $50.00 to $80.00, again to cover cost of increasing labor. (See attachment) Received by IURC 1/25/2012-BD 30-day Filing ID # 2947

Lawrenceburg, Manchester and Sparta Townships Conservancy District 1406 Sunnyside Avenue Aurora, Indiana 47001

(812) 926-2850 • Fax (812) 926-4850

Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission National City Center 101 W. Washington Street Suite 1500 E. Indianapolis, IN 46204

Re: Increase of Tap Fee Increase of Reconnection Fee Increase of NSF Check Charge Increase of Delinquent Charges

January 23,2012

The Lawrenceburg, Manchester, and Sparta Townships Conservancy District (organized and existing under the Conservancy District Act of the State ofIndiana) owns and operates a not for profit water utility serving 2,200 customers with a popUlation of about 5,200.

L.M.S. Conservancy District is located in Southeastern Indiana in central Dearborn County.

The Board of Directors of the L.M.S. requests a 30 day filing procedure in seeking a new schedule of increased tap fee, reconnection fee, non sufficient fund check charge, and delinquent charges.

The current rates and charges for metered water will remain unchanged.

Before any new services can be connected to the L.M.S. Water System, there is a tap fee charged to cover the cost of excavating and tapping the main, furnishing and installation of pipe from main to the property easement, and furnishing and installing meter vault, yoke, and meter.

The current charge for a 5/8" residential meter service is $1,275.00. Due to increased cost of material and labor, the Board of Directors proposes to increase the water tap fee to $1,650.00.

As of May 22, 2007, the Board noted and presented a resolution to start a program in install automatic radio meter reading equipment, which is included in the proposed new tap fee. This installation is still ongoing.

The Board of L.M.S. wishes to increase the charge for reconnection of service from $50.00 to $80.00, again to cover cost of increasing labor. (See attachment)

Received by IURC 1/25/2012-BD 30-day Filing ID # 2947

Lawrenceburg, Manchester and Sparta Townships Conservancy District 1406 Sunnyside Avenue Aurora, Indiana 47001

(812) 926-2850 • Fax (812) 926-4850

The Board ofL.M.S. wishes to increase the non-sufficient check fee charge for a returned check from $25.00 to $45.00, also because of the increased cost of office labor and supplies. (See attachment)

The Board ofL.M.S. wishes to increase the delinquent fees froln 10% oft..he first $3.00 and 3% of the balance to 10% of the first $5.00 and 5% of the balance, because of increased cost of office labor and supplies.

Lawrenceburg, Manchester, and Sparta Townships Conservancy District

Wayne Montgomery, President

David Hizer, Treasurer

CC: Office of Utility Consumer Counselor Board of Directors File

Attachments: Schedule of current rates and charges Detail letter with attachments of water tap calculations Detail letter with attachments of reconnection calculations Detail letter with attachments of NSF check charge calculations Detail letter with attachments for delinquent charges Copy of Board Minutes approving proposed increases Copy of Engineering Minutes

Received by IURC 1/25/2012-BD 30-day Filing ID # 2947

y nWT'pnrphTl,rv. Mnnrf!f'~tp!" Inul Snnrin TO¥..!f'.snins Canservt1!!C" District !.r..!,y, ""'0'"'-'_ ..... _ b> .-"'-~.~~.-~ ..... ~ • ......- ...... 1'..-. ~ .... r • .,..-..... J

1406 Sunnyside Avenue AUrora, llidiaiia 47001

(ilL~) 926~2850 • -F&'( ({HZ) 9264850




There shaH be a.~d there are herehy ,est..ab!iBhtd fur the use ~f and the ser'"ice re-nd~ by "(.he wati:;r,.vo~ 'sYstem' ofU;;,-rencebUt~~ t.aanchest~ ann S~ T6~,r~ COnservwcy 'fates :md charges bued OD the use of wmet stippiied by said waterworks system:

1. Consnmption§·I!;\j[.Mmrth

First 3,000 GllllQn3 r-Jext 12·l}OO C~1ofis Over 15,000 Gallons

Bate !}g: 1.gj)O QNJQJl!I

$4.20 $3.17 $2.16

ll. Minimnm ChaNe per Month

Each user sbrul pay a. rrJ:cim:um cU&""ge in ~vl'&ance with the following applicable size of meter installed, for which the user will be entitled to the quantity of water set out in full above schOOule of rares.

S/8 inch meter 3/4 incll meter 1 mel1 meter 1 ~ inch meter 2 inch meter

Minlmmn G~IlG!l!l.A..nGr-'ed

3,000 4,000 6,000

14.000 36,000

Millimnm Ch:uge per M@nth

$I2.6U $15.77 $22.1 1 $47.47 $96.00

Each user, at the time he is connected with the waterworks system, shall pay a flat charge t() cover the co5ts of excawting and tapping !he main" furnisrung !!",qQ

laying service pipe, furnishing ffild WAiling yot.e, meter, corporation st.op and meter box or crook.

Size of Meter

5/8 inch meter 3/4, 1, I %, or 2 iw...h meters

$!275,(lO Me~f"ia1s pl~ 1ahnr7 but not less than $1275.00

Received by IURC 1/25/2012-BD 30-day Filing ID # 2947

LawrefU1?burg, lytarlCfiester and Sparta TOWTlShips Cor,servancy Disi,;ct 1406 Sunnyside Avenue





foJI bills for WwJ"' I services nm paid ar-ter g€;T"ert~ii chrjS Lom the billing ~~~, es w.ated on such hills, shall be subject to the collection Of deferred payment charge of 10% on the first $3.00 and 3% on the excess over $3.00.

V. Reennn~oil Chyg!;

A ciu!.rge of fifty dolia.-s ($50.00) will. be clmrged for e£ch meter reconnected after the me+.er hils lle..-n tunted. off for nilllj)aymomt ofbWs.

VI. Hydrant Rentlil

Annual fee per hydrant $92.00

Charge $25.00

Received by IURC 1/25/2012-BD 30-day Filing ID # 2947

Lawrenceburg, Manchester and Sparta Townships Conservancy District 1406 Sunnyside Avenue Aurora, Indiana 47001

(812) 926-2850 • Fax (812) 926-4850

Engineering Minutes

The Utility Board of Directors of the L.M.S. Conservancy District proposes a change of tap fee from $1,275.00 to $1,650.00, an increase of reconnect ion fees from $50.00 to $80.00, an increase fee for NSF bad check charge from $25.00 to $45.00, and delinquent fee from 3% of the fIrst $3.00 and 3% of the balance to 10% ofthe fIrst $5.00 and 5% of the balance.

The Board cites the increase in the cost of labor, automated meter reading equipment, and increased cost of other materials as the reason for the change.

Cost support for the change has been provided and attached.

The tariff sheet affected by the filing is attached.

Received by IURC 1/25/2012-BD 30-day Filing ID # 2947

Lawrenceburg, Manchester and Sparta Townships Conservancy District 1406 Sunnyside Avenue Aurora, Indiana 47001

(812) 926-2850 • Fax (812) 926-4850

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Received by IURC 1/25/2012-BD 30-day Filing ID # 2947

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Lawrenceburg, Manchester and Sparta Townships Conservancy District

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1406 Sunnyside Avenue Aurora, Indiana 47001

(812) 926-2850 • Fax (812) 926-4850



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Received by IURC 1/25/2012-BD 30-day Filing ID # 2947

Lawrenceburg, Manchester and Sparta Townships Conservancy District 1406 Sunnyside Avenue Aurora, Indiana 47001

(812) 926-2850 • Fax (812) 926-4850

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Received by IURC 1/25/2012-BD 30-day Filing ID # 2947

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Lawrenceburg, Manchester and Sparta Townships Conservancy District 1406 Sunnyside Avenue

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Aurora, Indiana 47001 (812) 926-2850 • Fax (812) 926-4850

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Received by IURC 1/25/2012-BD 30-day Filing ID # 2947

Lawrenceburg, Manchester and Sparta Townships Conservancy Distri6'l;" .' .. '!) . !,\ECEI VI"iD

1406 Sunnyslde Avenue .~

Aurora, Indiana 47001 '.'_ (812) 926·2850 • Fax (812) 926-4850 2;)

Detailed Letter Our proposed increase in tap fee is largely due to increased cost of material and

labor since our last rate approval in July 1999 and the additional cost of changing over to ARM equipment. Cost of tapping all sizes of mains has been figured and averaged and the same done for labor of line side settings and a road bore. The last year was an even split of9line side and 9 road bores. Using the attached cost brea.l(do\V1\ we propose this increase fee average of material to be $557.65. The average labor is $1,036.06, for a total of$1,593.71. Using the attached cost breal(down sheet we proposed this new tap fee to be increased from $1,275.00 to $1,650.00. We ask for the additional $56.29 to cover proposed cost ofliving raises to employees at the December 2011 meeting for the 2012 wages.

Average Material Average Labor Total

$ 557.65 $1,040.30 $1,597.95

RecOlmection work orders are usually worked in with other duties, but occasionally due to time conflicts, a special trip must be made. Using the attached cost sheets we propose to increase the reconnection fee from $50.00 to $80.00.

Labor 1 Hour & Service Truck Superintendent Y. hour Office y, Hour Total

$53.10 $11.16 $14.13 $78.39

We are encountering an increasing number of non sufficient fund checks being returned from the bank. The bank charges our account a $15.00 fee, and usually two phone calls and a visit is necessary. Using the attached cost sheets, we propose to increase our NSF fee from $25.00 to $45.00.

Bank fee charge 1 Hour Office help Total

$15.00 $27.59 $42.59

Weare encountering an increasing number of accounts going delinquent 2 to 3 months. We are proposing an increase of the delinquent fee from 10% of the first $3.00 and 3% of the balance, to 10% of the first $5.00 and 5% of the balance.

$45.00 Bill 10% of$5.00

See Attached Cost Computations.

5% of Balance of$40.00 Total

$0.50 $2.00 $2.50 Penalty

Received by IURC 1/25/2012-BD 30-day Filing ID # 2947

L.M.S. Conservancy District Board Meeting

Jan. 10, 2012

Board members present: Wayne Montgomery, Jerome Gilb, Dave Hizer, Kathy Dils and Michael Worthington

Also present: Melvin Craig and Hershell Gossett and John Stroup, LMS Attorney,

Minutes from the Dec. 13th" 2011 meeting were approved, Motion by Dave Hizer, 2nd : Kathy Dils

Bank Balance approved at $82,731.27 as of 1-10-2012

WE, the Board of Directors, have agreed to proceed with a 30 day filing process to increase tap fees, reconnect fees, delinquent fees and NSF Bad check fees.

Due to increased cost of materials and labor a motion was made by Dave Hizer and 2nd

by Jerorne Gilb to propose an increase of the Tap Fee from $1,275.00 to $1,650.00 motion carried.

Due to increased cost of materials and labor a motion was made by Kathy Dils and 2nd

by Dave Hizer to propose an increase of the Re-Connect Fee frorn $50.00 to $80.00 rnotion carried.

Due to increased cost of materials and labor a motion was made by Michael Worthington and 2nd by Jerome Gilb to propose an increase of the Delinquent Fee from10% of the first $3.00 and 3% of balance to 10% of first $5.00 and 5% of balance motion carried.

Due to increased cost of materials and labor a motion was made by Michael Worthington and 2nd by Kathy Dils to propose an increase of the NSF/Bad Check Fee from $25.00 to $45.00 motion carried.

Melvin Craig checked into the mileage deduction and it is supposed to be $.44 per mile.

Dearborn County has sent another request to go paperless with their bill payments, however the wording is still such that would allow thern to withdrawal over payments frorn our account, after discussion, no action was taken.

'Motion made to adjourn by Jerome Gilb and 2nd: Kathy Dils

pr#:li~/'~ I


Received by IURC 1/25/2012-BD 30-day Filing ID # 2947


Notice: Many new homes too close to property. No trespassing, hunting, vehi­cles on the Brunner prop­erty located between Weisburg Road, Hill Road and the railroad property in Weisburg, Indiana. Thank You. Donald & Eileen Brunner, Weisburg, IN 1-12 No trespassing tor any reason, Not responsible for accidents or injuries. Marshall Alford 15778 W. County Line Rd. Moores Hili, IN 10-12 No trespassIng tor any reason. Not responsible for injuries or accidents, Violators will be prose· cuted at their own expense on the properties of: Wm. G. Rudicll, Barber Rd., Gobbler's Knob Rd., W. Harrison, IN 10-12 No Trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or fa­talities to persons or prop­erty. The Kremer Family 28483 Barber Rd. West Harrison, IN 47060 9~12

No trespassing of any kmd and for any reason. Not re­sponsible for accidents or injuries of any kind, on the I~{gg:~ie~ !,~~o~~~~n~o~ Skidmore, Mulberry and 5th SIs., Rising Sun 1-12 No trespassing ot any kind for any reason on the properties of the Tn-Town­ship Water Corporation. VIolators will be prose, cuted at their own ex' pense. Also not responsi­ble for any a=idents, inju­ries, or fatalities. Tri~Town Water Corporation No trespassing of any kind, not responsible for any accidents on injuries of any kind, Trespassers wlll be prosecuted at their own expense on the prop­erty of: Kenneth and Kathleen Scherzinger, 21251 North Hogan Rd., Manchester Township 3-11 No trespassing of any kind. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries. Violators will be prose·

~~~~ ~~~!~)~IF,rWh,7i:vi'~~ ter Point Subdivision, Section a & 9, Logan Twp., at end of Chappe­low Ridge Rd. No trespassIng or hunting of any kind for any reason, not responsible for injures or accidents on the prop­erty of: ,John Bonomini, 22463 ,Jackson Ridge Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 470251-12 No trespassing! Absolutely no hunting, trapping, trash dumping, woodcutting, dis­charging firearms or fire­works or explosives of any kind, riding motorized vehi­cles or animals. Not re· sponsible for property damage, accidents, inJu­ries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the fullest extent of the law on the property of: David L. Shuter & Deborah L. Shuter, Church Rd., Law­renceburg, IN 47025 11-12

"No trespassing, hunting, will include the folk.w,r]ng ~cti ... itie$: water transmis-fishing, wood cutting or sion main [~ne ,enlacement. The total amount of DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE motorized vehicles on r- 100 N rth S tAR B proPerty belonging to Den- COSG funcis to be requested is $600,000. The 0 ena e venue, oom 105 N nis E. and Linda L. amount of CDSG funds proposed to be used for ae- Indianapolis, Indiana 46204·2256 Pulskamp, 6043 Yorl( Notice is hereby given the fiscal officers and taJ dR,,'adngae.R700"2d2', GvU"o','afOto',ds' w'n",', tivities that wm benefit !OW~ and moderate-income payers of all taxing units located in Dearbor

persons is $356,940. The Applicant also proposes be prosecuted to the full- to expend an. estimated $123~420 in nonwCDBG County, Indiana, that prior to the review of til ~~\ ~~~~r;;tn~Il;j~f~r P~J~:s funds on the project. These nonwCDBG funds will be budgets, tax rates and levies for the year 2011 pa) or expenses sustained as derived from the following sources: Town of Dillsw able 2012, the Department of Local Government F :C~~i~i~~."oL1~nauthorized barD Riverboat Fund. nance, by its representatives, will conduct a pubii

The Town of Dillsboro will hold a public hearing on hearing on said matter, to be held in the County Ac No trespassing, hunting, ministration Building, Lawrenceburg, IN, Indiana 0 fishing, woodcutting, snow- January 26, 2012, at 6;00 pm, at the Dillsboro Town the date and time as follows: mobiling, motorbike riding, Hall, 13030 Executive Drive, Dillsboro, IN 47018 to and not responsible for ac- provide interested parties an opportunity to express January 17, 2012 at 1 ;30 PM Ji&~r~~ 0~e~t~f,nw.e9~ ~fFi their views on the proposed federa.lly funded CDBG DEARBORN COUNTY UNIT 48, Lawrenceburg, IN project. Persons with disabilities or nonwEnglish CAESAR CREEK TOWNSHIP 47025 1-12 speaking persons who wish to attend the public CENTER TOWNSHIP No trespassing, hunting, hearing and need assista.nce should contact Char~ CLAY TOWNSHIP fishing or swimming on HARRISON TOWNSHIP any properties owned by les Halcomb of the Southeastern Indiana Regional Yelton's Lawrenceburg Planning Commissionw405 W. US 50 (P.O. Box 765) HOGAN TOWNSHIP and Greendale. Violators Versailles, IN (812) 689w5505 not later than January JACKSON TOWNSHIP will be prosecuted. WiI- KELSO TOWNSHIP liam Yelton, Greendale, 24,2012. Every effort will be made to make reason~ IN 1~12 able accommodations for these persons. LAWRENCEBURG TOWNSHIP , ,-,'., No trespassing, hunting, Information related to this project will be available LOGAN TOWNSHIP >;-"~< fishing, trapping or wood~ for review prior to the public hearing as of January MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP cutting, and not responsi- MILLER TOWNSHIP ble for a=idents or injuries 13, 2012 at the office of the Town of Dillsboro 10' SPARTA TOWNSHIP Rto~~/tro~~~~~~~ed,J~~~ cated at 13030 Executive Drive, Dillsboro, iN 47018 WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP 15159 st Rd 148 between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, Mon· Aurora, IN 1:'12 ' day~Friday. Interested citizens are invited to provide YORK TOWNSHIP No trespassing, hunting, comments regarding these issues either at the pubw LAWRENCEBURG CIVIL CITY fishing, wood cutting, four lic hearing or by prior written statement. Written AURORA CIVil CiTY wheeling or tree cutting, comments should be submitted to Charles Hal, DILLSBORO CIVIL TOWN Not responsible for accl- GREENDALE CIVil TOWN ~fe~~y, pinJu,~o'en'; 0°,' pla.t,as'o"n,ea" comb, P.O. Box 765, Versailles. IN 47042 no later REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS

than January 24, 2012 in order to ensure placement property. Violators will be MOORES HILL CIVil TOWN prosecuted at their own of such comments in the official record of the pub~ ST. LEON CIVIL TOWN expense, Cindy & Mi- lie hearing proceedings. A pla.n to minimize dis, chael McAndrew, 19446 placement and provide assistance to those dis, WEST HARRISON CIVIL TOWN !~~:~~~;, IN ~~025.Law. placed has been prepared by the Town of Dillsboro SUNMAN-DEARBORN COMMUNITY SCHOOL COR

PORATION No trespassing, hunting, and is also available to the public. This project will SOUTH DEARBORN COMMUNITY SCHOOL COR hiking, tree cutting or rec- result in no displacement of any persons or busi-reatlonaJ vehicle riding of F dd'j' I ' I " . th PORATION any l<lnd on this property. nesses. or a IlOna In orma Ion concernmg e LAWRENCEBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL CORPO Not responsible for acci proposed project, please contact Charles Halcomb dents, injuries or death~ at P.O. Box 765, Versailles, IN 47042, (812) 689w5505, RATION Violators will be prose· LAWRENCEBURG PUBLIC LIBRARY cuted. 1398 Oberting Rd., 8;00 am~5:00 pm MondaywFriday. AURORA PUBLIC LIBRARY Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. Cw1w12wRw1t Gregory Fields, 1398 Ob- LAWRENCEBURG CONSERVANCY DISTRICT ertlng Rd., Lawrence, DEARBORN COUNTY SOLID WASTE DISTRICT burg, IN 5-12 LEGAL NOTICE Assessed values will be available for review in tht g;~t~~rzs~da~~g~'le~~~~nogd In compliance with EPCRA, Local Emergency Plan- County Auditor's Office at least seven (7) days prio cutting, trapping, fishing, ning Committees are required to publish an annual to the date of the Department budget hearing. Tax Not responsible for any ac- notice regarding location of Emergency Response payers shall have the right to be heard andlor te g~~~~t~i~~ ~n(u~ike ,&n-irr:; Plans, Inventory Reports, MSDS Sheets, Toxic present written testimony on the budgets, tax rat~ Brooks (formerly prop- Chemical Release Reports and follow~up notices. and tax levies as adopted by the above named tax erty of ,Joseph C. Th', f'l t th EMAILEPC Oil' I ing units. ~~~~~:.) c~~~:r ~,R C~~~ cat~~e ~t ~~; :.~eH~;h k~r:et, ~awrenceburg, I~~e, 0- The following only apply if the County Board of TaJ Lane and SR 50.10"12 Cw1w10wJpwH Adjustment or County Auditor modifies the budg, No trespassing, w12-Rw1t ets, tax rates, or tax levies of a political subdivision: trapping, animal Ten (10) or more taxpayers or one (1) taxpayer the' fishing, swimming. charging firearms or owns properly that represents at least ten percen' d~~~i'n~Oo~d;~~~~~Prigtr~~~ .:J.,t 0%) of the taxable assessed valuation in the poliU torized vehicles, Violators A subdivision may initiate an appeal from thE will be prosecuted. Not re- • D' t· t of a political subdivision'S budget, tID sponsible for accidents, in- gIVen IS riC un

w levy by filing a statement of their ob)'""

juries or fatalities on the to the Public Service Commission ~~:ge~e~~ell as amended has filed with the Indiana Utility the County Auditor. The statement musi 8597 Star Lane Regulatory Commission (IURC) for an increase in later than ten (10) days after the pubii' Aurora, IN 47001 10w11 the schedule of nonwrecurring charges by its water I.tat"m"ntthe notice required by Ie 6 w1.1w17w12. ThE:

'I' Th· ~' must specifically identify the. provisions No trespassing, hunting, Uti Ity. IS increase Is based solely upon the wood cuning, digging, four change in cost of purchased material and wage inw tax rate, or tax levy to which the tax-

'{;:~~~i~ng~ ~:a~~eedUc~~~~~: creases since the last filing and shall apply followw The~fhu~~ ~:~;r ~~~!~ f~~~~,t~~ riding of animals. Not re- ing final approval by the IURC accordance with IC 6-1.1.17-13. sponsible for a=idents, in- ICwBwlw2w42. juries or fatalities to any, subdivision may appeal to the Depart· person or personal prop- The Tap Fee will increase from $1275.00 to an increase In Its tax rate or tax levy as erty, or expenses sus' $1650.00, the Reconnect Fee from $50.00 to $80.00. ~~~W~eds :c~fv1t~~s~f Z::fb~~: NSF Bad Check Fee from $25.00 to $45.00 and by the county board of tax adjustment 01 tors will be prosecuted at Delinquent Fee from 10"/", from the first $3.00 county auditor. To initiate the appeal, the politi· their own expenses to the 3% of the balance to 10% of the first $5.00 and subdivision shall file a statement with the De· fullest of the law_ At 3446 balance. not later than ten (10) days after publica·

Not responsible for acci- ~~~~~bo~~ge, ROI~~I;~~~, con be mode to the lURe at notice required by IC 6-1.1 w17w12. The dents. No hunting, fishing, ,.. _ woodcutting, swimming, 47025. Total of 80 acres. or Brenda Howe, Secretary of the body of the political subdivision mus1 recreational 4x4 riding, or No trespassing for any lURe N t· I C' C W the filing of the statement by adopting a trespassing on the prop- reason and not responsi- ' a lona Ity enter, 101 . resolution. The resolution must be attached to the erty of: Hassel W. and ble for accidents on all . Suite 1500E, Indianapolis, IN 482042 Pamela M. Brashears properties of: Elvin and 1w888w441-2494 or notify L.M.S. Conser. statement of objections, and the statement must be Possum Ridge Road M th M'" ' 0 Signed by: Aurora, IN 10-12 ar a I er, In ear· at 812w926~2850, 1406 Sunnyside =~==-",-,=-___ --,b~o~'~n~C~0=u~nty",-~2~-~12,"--__ IN 47001, (1) In the case of counties, by the board of county

NOTICE C~lw12-Rw1t commissioners and by the president of the county Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Dearborn council.

County, Indiana, that the County Council of Dearw t"'l'.! 1<:<1:: Nn 1"~n1_i 111-1=II_nR~ E)_I~ .t~e c~se of a~~ othe_~_politica! ~U~~ivision_s~_ by

Received by IURC 1/25/2012-BD 30-day Filing ID # 2947

"""'_ by State lloan! of A_

LN1 S C'4Yl"', :Dlstrld-


(G(lIIemmental urnt)

Dearborn County. Indio.na

To 0_ Goun!y RegiSter

p.o. Box 41.28. Lawrenceburg.!N 47025

Fed. I.D. tI35·18E.1lS20 Ace!. 1115001.


Display Masler (Must!1<>! exceed two _ ""S, neither of which shaH total more Ih"" '<lllr solid HIleS m !he if> ",h<cll !h& !m>:ly of tIw, advertisement is set) ~ number of eQ"..ffi ~m lines

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Pursuant fa the provisions 9:00 pt!nsltiee err C 5-11 .. 11)-'1, ! hereby certiijlllmt the foregoing !IC(;OIIntis

$ .~ . .!J.:.?e .....

just anti correct, !ha! tile amoun! claimed is lega! due, after aHowing all just erroRs. anc! !hal no part m the same has been paid.

I also certify !hat the prin!ed mlli!er a!lacl! hereto is !lINe copy, af"lhe same coiurnn wlt:llh arn:ll\lpa sim. wto;ch was duIH",b1ished in said ::>8!»t , ......... : ... : ....... limeS' Thedale$ ohiUbhca1ion beID~ "" foil"",.:

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,. ,.. Nev.-spaper does !lot h.'we. a \Neb slle . . -r c. llf""'''pal'erhas-a-11ifeb -sile elid'lhis-p' fienollw waS"~ted mi lIlesam~ ~y aiJil'm.S' j:lU!i~ilj­

the newE.paper. ,.. ,.. Newspaper has Ii Web site, bul due 10 ennice! problem or error, public notice was pOsled on ............... . ...... Newspaper has a Web site bul refuses n ;lOS! !hE Ilubllc notice.

---~ / ~ TOm BrooKsr

Received by IURC 1/25/2012-BD 30-day Filing ID # 2947
