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Lawyers the I - Milken Institute€¦ · ages in medical malpractice cases. All told, the nation is...

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38 The Milken Institute Review I cathy gendron (all) Is it time to discard the requirement that a lawyer obtain a license to practice the profession? A dumb question, you say? Read on, preferably with an open mind. The widely accepted justification for licensing lawyers is that consumers don’t have the knowledge to distinguish the competent from the incompetent until it is too late. But it has not always been thus. In the 19th century, the standards for admission to the bar in the United States were minimal – the norm was an oral exam, administered under the juris- diction of a local court without any guidelines. Though he never went to law school, Abe Lincoln served as a bar exam- iner – and, you may remember, went on to dazzle in the courtroom. Lawyers by clifford winston Kill the
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Is it time to discard the requirement that a lawyer obtain a

license to practice the profession? A dumb question, you

say? Read on, preferably with an open mind.

The widely accepted justification for licensing lawyers is

that consumers don’t have the knowledge to distinguish the

competent from the incompetent until it is too late. But it

has not always been thus. In the 19th century, the standards

for admission to the bar in the United States were minimal

– the norm was an oral exam, administered under the juris-

diction of a local court without any guidelines. Though he

never went to law school, Abe Lincoln served as a bar exam-

iner – and, you may remember, went on to dazzle in the


Lawyers by cli fford wi nston


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Cli ff Wi nston is a senior fellow at the Brookings institution.

The licensing of lawyers became more re-strictive only when the American Bar Associ-ation, which was formed in 1878, began to participate in the process. The ABA’s first in-road was its initiative to accredit law schools. In 1921, it adopted a statement of minimum standards of legal education and began pub-lishing a list of schools that complied with those standards. The organization met con-siderable resistance from state legislators, though. As late as the mid-1950s, only about half of the states had enacted education re-quirements based on ABA standards.

In his signature tome, Capitalism and Free-dom, Milton Friedman suggested that the other states had not gone along because many legislators were graduates of unaccredited law schools. Friedman predicted that as more were trained at accredited schools, the ABA standards would be more broadly accepted. His forecast has proved correct: today, all but a handful of states – the notable exception being California – require bar applicants to be graduates of ABA-accredited law schools. And every state except Wisconsin (which grants free passes to graduates of the state’s two major law schools) then requires them to pass a bar exam.

State governments (and state appellate courts) have also gone along with the ABA’s wish to prohibit businesses from selling legal services unless they are owned and managed by lawyers. And not surprisingly, the group’s definition of the practice of law is expansive, including nearly every conceivable legal ser-vice, including the sale of simple standard-form wills.

All this deserves a fresh look. In what fol-lows, I draw on my 2011 book with Robert W.

Crandall and Vikram Maheshri, First Thing We Do, Let’s Deregulate All the Lawyers, which argues that licensing restrictions for the legal profession cannot be justified on cost-benefit grounds. We would be better off deregulating entry into the legal profession, thereby forc-ing lawyers to compete more intensely both with other lawyers and other providers of legal services.

In the marketplace we envision, lawyers would still be welcome to attend traditional three-year law schools and to acquire other credentials that signal their competence and quality. At the same time, though, individuals ought to be able to learn what they need to practice law from less expensive and less time-consuming sources. Allowing the law-yers’ trade association to enjoy a monopoly on law school accreditation and forcing law-yers to pass licensing exams generates huge costs, direct and indirect, yet adds little pro-tection against unscrupulous and incompe-tent providers of legal services.

the market for lawyersApproximately one million lawyers are cur-rently working in U.S. law firms, government offices and the legal departments of private corporations. This figure may confirm the conventional view that the nation has too many lawyers. But licensing requirements have, in fact, constrained the supply.

As noted, a would-be lawyer must run the gantlet of completing a degree at an accred-ited law school and passing a state bar exami-nation. (The ABA has yet to consider online law schools and foreign law schools for ac-creditation.) Since law school applicants are generally required to take the Law School Ad-missions Test, the numbers who take the test represent a lower bound on the number of people in the United States interested in en-tering the legal profession.

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According to data from the Law School Admission Council (the nonprofit group that administers the LSAT), roughly half of the 800,000 applicants to law school during 1997-2004 were not admitted anywhere. And since 95 percent of people who enroll in an ABA-accredited law school do eventually pass a state bar examination, the primary factor that limits the supply of lawyers in the United States is plainly the number of available spaces in these law schools. Note here, too, the supply distortion created by the reality that some of the most worthy applicants never attend because they are unwilling or unable to spend three years and as much as $150,000 on tuition and fees.

Yet, even as the supply of lawyers has been artificially constrained, the demand for legal services has experienced continual growth – thanks largely to government policies that compel businesses to retain legal counsel or that encourage them to engage in litigation.

Part of that growth in demand is linked to the promulgation and enforcement of gov-ernment regulations encouraged by legal lob-bies. For instance, attorneys from some 20 law firms met with commissioners from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to shape the new financial regulations in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Con-sumer Protection Act. And the CFTC is just one of many agencies involved in fleshing out the rules for Dodd-Frank.

Legal lobbies, moreover, are ever vigilant in the pursuit of new regulatory territories to conquer: they managed to block measures in the health care reform law that would limit

attorneys’ fees or would impose caps on dam-ages in medical malpractice cases. All told, the nation is spending some $200 billion an-nually on lawyers – a significant share of which reflects windfall profits or sheer waste.

desperately seeking surplusIn our book, we offer estimates of the “earn-ings premiums” for lawyers – the portion of their income exceeding the opportunity cost of their services. The figures fluctuated a bit from year to year for the sample period (1975-2004). But the premium has clearly increased with time; it hovered around 25 percent dur-ing the latter part of the 1970s but has risen to about 50 percent in more recent years.

In 2004, the total premium amounted to $64 billion – or an eye-popping $71,000 per practicing lawyer. We found lawyers at all in-come levels – not just the highest earners and not just those at the largest firms – were re-ceiving substantial and growing premiums.

Now, this is an unusual market. On the one hand, increasing the supply of legal ser-vice providers ought to create competition that eliminates some of the surplus. On the other, adding lawyers to the rolls gives them more collective clout to influence public pol-icy in ways that increase premiums. Indeed, our analysis suggests that, for the moment, the marginal lawyer has a positive effect on these earnings premiums.

The impact of licensing on lawyers’ earn-ings is magnified by government policies that generate ever-growing demand for legal ser-vices by private firms and government agen-cies even as the supply of lawyers remains

All told, the nation is spending some $200 billion

annually on lawyers — a significant share of which

reflects windfall profits or sheer waste.

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constrained. We found that (a) economic and social regulations, as measured by federal non-defense government agency employ-ment, (b) the real costs of the tort system, and (c) the number of patent awards were all as-sociated with increased lawyers’ earnings pre-miums. In fact, all told, those factors ac-counted for most of the increase.

Of course, greater demand for lawyers, and higher expenditures on them, could be justi-fied if regulatory, intellectual property and li-ability policies were actually raising social welfare. But the available evidence indicates that those policies do not have that effect.

let them be freeThe straightforward way to reduce the cost of restrictions on the market for legal services would be to deregulate entry, removing barri-ers that prevent individuals and/or firms from providing legal services without satisfy-ing occupational licensing or other ABA reg-ulatory requirements. State bar associations would still be free to certify that lawyers had passed competency exams, and the ABA (or any other association) would still be able to award seals of approval to law schools, leav-ing it to the free market to determine the value of such certification.

Along with driving down the price of legal services toward the cost of providing them, deregulation could be expected to accelerate the adoption of cost-cutting technologies as well as the introduction of new services. The potential benefits of new technologies can al-ready be seen as clients have started to per-

form many tasks offered by lawyers. For ex-ample, large businesses now use sophisticated Web search technology as a substitute for manual document search and selection for-merly performed by entry-level lawyers and paralegals in large law firms. Note, too, that new software is enabling many consumers to manage legal tasks with little or no input from legal professionals – and no harm to themselves or others.

Deregulation that reduced the range of tasks requiring the imprimatur of a certified professional would presumably stimulate the introduction of information technology that substituted for legal services altogether. For example, corporations could use IT to ensure that they complied with regulations and to help manage litigation decisions.

It is difficult to predict the change in struc-ture induced by deregulation in any particu-lar industry. But the historical record offers insights: new entrants challenge incumbent firms with both innovative ideas and efficient operating strategies, forcing the incumbents to adapt or perish.

In the case of the legal industry, solo practi-tioners and traditional law firms could expect new forms of competition from nonlawyers and untraditional service providers along the lines of LegalZoom, which sells do-it-yourself wills, leases and other standard documents online. And different corporate models could emerge to exploit economies of scale and scope – say, large “legal retail” suppliers, Wal-Marts for legal services. Moving up-market, more streamlined low-cost law firms, like

Greater demand for lawyers could be justified if regula-

tory, intellectual property and liability policies were

actually raising social welfare. But the available evidence

indicates that those policies do not have that effect.

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Axiom, would compete for corporate clients. Such firms employ lawyers, but charge lower fees (especially for the services of novices) and operate with very low overhead.

Finally, new businesses could compete with incumbents by investing in lawyer- saving technology and by packaging legal ser-vices with other business services. The poten-tial for such competition is suggested by in-novative firms like Novus Law and Clear spire, and by big companies that are increasingly supporting their in-house lawyers’ use of so-phisticated information technology.

The abundance of legal service suppliers would also generate demand for information about service quality. Because of resistance from lawyers themselves, strong competition has not yet developed in the market for this information. But that would certainly change in a deregulated market. In addition, legal clinics would help clients find legal practitio-ners who provide useful, low-cost services.

We estimate that the annual gain in “eco-nomic welfare,” the difference between con-sumers’ benefits and lawyers’ losses from eliminating inflated prices for legal services, would be at least $10 billion. This would also help to address the “justice gap” – the reality that some litigants cannot afford lawyers, yet do not qualify for legal aid or don’t have law-yers assigned to them because of dwindling public budgets. Free entry would enhance the proposal by Stephen Schulhofer of NYU and David Friedman of Santa Clara University for a free market in criminal defense services,

which would enable indigent defendants to choose their own legal representation. Surely, many of the currently unrepresented litigants would be better off even if they gained access only to uncredentialed legal advocates.

Deregulation would also spur innovations that reduced costs and resulted in new prod-ucts. Because the pace and nature of innova-tion are unpredictable, it is difficult to quan-tify their prospective benefits. But I believe they could easily amount to billions of dollars.

Consider, too, another source of ineffi-ciency in the regulated system that could be pared by deregulation. There is little doubt

that some people who become attorneys would have chosen to work in other occupa-tions – and possibly made greater contribu-tions to society – if they were not attracted to law by the prospect of inflated salaries.

In all likelihood, lawyers’ earnings premi-ums are shared with law school administra-tors and faculty members because the premi-ums enable law schools to raise tuition. Entry deregulation would be likely to reduce law school tuition at some institutions because the demand for traditional three-year law schools would fall as some students shifted to untraditional training.

The arrival of new forms of legal educa-tion would also be a constructive response to recent concerns that law schools are not ade-quately preparing students for actual practice, and would encourage traditional law schools to be more responsive to the interests of pro-spective students and employers. One would expect legal education to be streamlined, with

Different corporate models could emerge to exploit

economies of scale and scope — say, large “legal retail”

suppliers, Wal-Marts for legal services.

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some colleges offering undergraduate law de-grees and some law schools offering one- or two-year courses for students seeking careers in less demanding specialties. At the other end of the spectrum, elite law schools would probably continue three-year programs that produced the highly trained lawyers required for complex litigation in areas ranging from corporate finance to intellectual property protection.

après deregulation, a déluge of regret?Most potential objections to deregulation are based on what economists somewhat euphe-mistically call “distributional” grounds – who wins and who loses. And even those objec-tions probably overstate the downside be-cause they overlook the reality that de-regulation would create opportunities for profit as well as cutting salary premiums. Some lawyers could be more productive and innovative if they worked more closely with nonlawyers and corporations, and some law firms could be more profitable if they were man-aged by nonlawyers and were allowed to raise out-side capital.

Recent law school grad-uates and current law stu-dents would presumably object that deregulation would allow new legal ser-vice providers to enter the profession at a time that many newly credentialed law-yers are unemployed. Surely, though, legal regulation can’t be justified as a make-work pro-gram. As Roger Noll of Stanford quipped in a Washington Post arti-

cle, the government might just as well outlaw tractors to create more jobs for people work-ing in the fields.

In any case, deregulation would cause de-mand for legal practitioners to increase and lead to more jobs because the price of legal services would fall. In the short run, estab-lished law schools would still try to fill their seats. So the shift in demand for alternative sources of legal training would lower tuition at traditional law schools, and the number of students attending those schools and gaining employment would remain relatively con-stant. In the long run, established law schools would contract or possibly develop strategies to expand into new programs that made their graduates more employable.

But there are other efficiency- oriented issues here. One reasonable

fear is that, without the licensing of lawyers, incidents of incompetence

and/or dishonesty would rise. That fear is based on the

assumption that current regula-tions raise the quality of practi-tioners. But the American Bar Association’s own Survey on

Lawyer Discipline Systems report- ed that, in 2009, some 125,000

complaints were logged by state disciplinary agen-

cies – one complaint for every eight lawyers practicing in the United

States. Note that this fig-ure is a lower bound on cli-

ent dissatisfaction because it includes only those indi-

viduals who took the time to file a complaint.

Although many of those complaints were dismissed, their

volume suggests that clients are far

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from satisfied with the quality of service they are now receiving from the legal profession. Indeed, Deborah Rhode, director of the Stan-ford Center on the Legal Profession, con-cluded in her book, Access to Justice, that, on balance, the ABA and state bar associations have done little to discipline lawyers’ conduct or improve the quality of legal service.

Client dissatisfaction may increase or de-crease in a deregulated environment; there’s no way to know with certainty. But it is worth re-membering that deregulation would increase access to information about lawyers’ quality. Today, lawyers are judged by reputation and li-censing requirements – customers do not enjoy the benefits of warranties, industry-sponsored voluntary disclosure, third-party disclosure or even government-mandated disclosure. The American Bar Association has vigorously op-posed third-party ratings of law schools, law-yers and law firms. In addition, several states have resisted the initiatives of a leading legal-information provider, Avvo, threatening law-suits and not cooperating with Avvo’s requests for information about attorneys’ licensing and disciplinary records.

With deregulation, occupational licensing would no longer create a false sense of secu-rity about a lawyer’s quality, and buyers of legal services would be much more inclined to shop around. Legal service providers, espe-cially non-lawyers and firms that employ them, would respond to customers’ wishes by providing extensive and credible information about their capabilities and performance – and perhaps by offering warranties. Third-party evaluations of legal practitioners by pri-vate firms like Avvo and by law clinics would also drive information disclosure. Finally, all legal practitioners would be subject to gen-eral business laws against dishonest practices.

Doubts about whether markets are up to

the challenge have been raised in previous de-bates about regulatory reform. Critics of pro-posals to deregulate the airline and trucking industries argued that carriers would skimp on maintenance to increase profits, thereby compromising safety. In fact, safety has im-proved in both industries since deregulation, in part because carriers are no longer pro-tected from competition and can ill afford to have their reputations damaged by accidents.

from here to there The reality that deregulation of the market for legal services is socially desirable does not, of course, make it more palatable to the potential losers. And any fundamental change in regu-latory policy would have to go through state legislatures or courts, whose sentiments are likely to be aligned with incumbents. But the deregulation of other industries suggests that experimentation offers a possible end run around the opposition.

Airline deregulation was spurred by its success in California and Texas – two states large enough to support regional carriers and intrastate routes. One state – perhaps Arizona, whose legislature has declined to re-enact its unauthorized practice statute, or California, whose bar indicated it would not initiate ac-tions under its statute – may realize benefits that build support elsewhere. And perhaps England’s and Australia’s recent efforts to lib-eralize regulation of their legal services will attract attention here.

No matter how much it is justified, dereg-ulating legal services in a nation whose poli-tics and policy are largely dominated by law-yers seems unlikely on its face. But there were similar grounds for pessimism before the economic regulation of airlines, trucking, railroads and natural gas eroded and finally crumbled in the 1970s and 1980s. It really could happen here, too. m

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