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LAY-OUT kids ENG - Angels' · PDF fileRenny Njarakulam Tintu Sony Suja Siju Martin Jose Rose...

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Page 1: LAY-OUT kids ENG - Angels' · PDF fileRenny Njarakulam Tintu Sony Suja Siju Martin Jose Rose Mini Wilson Justin Bishop Mar Raphel Thattil (Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC) Rt.


Page 2: LAY-OUT kids ENG - Angels' · PDF fileRenny Njarakulam Tintu Sony Suja Siju Martin Jose Rose Mini Wilson Justin Bishop Mar Raphel Thattil (Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC) Rt.


Jesus Youth, Emmaus, H.M.T. Colony P.O, Kalamassery-683503, Kochi, KeralaPh: 0484 644 4702, [email protected] www.angelsarmy.in

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

Prayer to St. Michael, The Arch AngelSt. Michael the Arch Angel, be our guide and our guard during the time of our spiritual warfare. Protect us from the evil designs of Satan, our enemy. We humbly pray that God rebuke him. Oh chief of the heavenly army, expel all the wicked spiritual forces that roam the earth with the intention of destroying souls. Drive them to the fires of hell by the power of God.

Oh, my dear Guardian Angel,

protect me from all dangers.

Help me, so that I may remain a

beloved child of my Jesus.

Safeguard me from all dangers

and bad dreams tonight.


Executive Editor

Executive Manager

Editorial Board


Spiritual Advisor

Advisory Board


Printer & Publisher



Sunil Elias

Preetha Joseph

Sinjo P.K

Fr. Cherian NereveettilRenny NjarakulamTintu SonySuja Siju Martin Jose Rose Mini Wilson Justin

Bishop Mar Raphel Thattil (Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC)

Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Karikkassery (Vice Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC)

Bishop Samuel Mar Irenios(Vice Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC)

Rev. Fr. Varghese Manavalan

Rev. Fr. Justin Kaiparambadan, Sr. Sergius, Dr. Edward Edezhath, Baby Chacko, Boney Chellanam

Rev. Fr. Abraham Pallivathukal S.J.

Jose Dominic



To pray meansto think lovingly aboutJesus. Prayer is thesoul's attention that isconcentrated on Jesus.The more you love Jesus,the better you pray.BL. CHARLES De FOUCAULD

Page 3: LAY-OUT kids ENG - Angels' · PDF fileRenny Njarakulam Tintu Sony Suja Siju Martin Jose Rose Mini Wilson Justin Bishop Mar Raphel Thattil (Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC) Rt.


Jesus Youth, Emmaus, H.M.T. Colony P.O, Kalamassery-683503, Kochi, KeralaPh: 0484 644 4702, [email protected] www.angelsarmy.in

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

Prayer to St. Michael, The Arch AngelSt. Michael the Arch Angel, be our guide and our guard during the time of our spiritual warfare. Protect us from the evil designs of Satan, our enemy. We humbly pray that God rebuke him. Oh chief of the heavenly army, expel all the wicked spiritual forces that roam the earth with the intention of destroying souls. Drive them to the fires of hell by the power of God.

Oh, my dear Guardian Angel,

protect me from all dangers.

Help me, so that I may remain a

beloved child of my Jesus.

Safeguard me from all dangers

and bad dreams tonight.


Executive Editor

Executive Manager

Editorial Board


Spiritual Advisor

Advisory Board


Printer & Publisher



Sunil Elias

Preetha Joseph

Sinjo P.K

Fr. Cherian NereveettilRenny NjarakulamTintu SonySuja Siju Martin Jose Rose Mini Wilson Justin

Bishop Mar Raphel Thattil (Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC)

Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Karikkassery (Vice Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC)

Bishop Samuel Mar Irenios(Vice Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC)

Rev. Fr. Varghese Manavalan

Rev. Fr. Justin Kaiparambadan, Sr. Sergius, Dr. Edward Edezhath, Baby Chacko, Boney Chellanam

Rev. Fr. Abraham Pallivathukal S.J.

Jose Dominic



To pray meansto think lovingly aboutJesus. Prayer is thesoul's attention that isconcentrated on Jesus.The more you love Jesus,the better you pray.BL. CHARLES De FOUCAULD

Page 4: LAY-OUT kids ENG - Angels' · PDF fileRenny Njarakulam Tintu Sony Suja Siju Martin Jose Rose Mini Wilson Justin Bishop Mar Raphel Thattil (Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC) Rt.

Christina was a saint who led many women and young girls to the Catholic faith. She was born in Tuscany around the 3rd century to wealthy parents of a noble family. Her father, Urbanus, was the governor of Tuscany and he hated Christians. Being extremely beautiful, Christina started t o r e c e i v e m a r r i a g e proposals f rom many wealthy families. She lived in a palace that her father had built for her and was waited upon by 12 servants.

Once she was visited by an angel from the Lord who addressed her as “The Bride of Christ.” He instructed her in the true faith and told her about all the sufferings she will have to endure in the fu tu re . One day she

requested her father to take her to the place where they w e r e p e r s e c u t i n g Christians. She was amazed at the joy, peace, love and courage that the Christians showed in the midst of great suffering and thus bearing witness to Christ through their lives. There, she learned her first lessons of Christianity.

Later, she secret ly received Baptism. She destroyed all the golden idols built by her father and distributed the gold pieces among the poor. This greatly angered her father. When he questioned her, she proclaimed her faith in Christ with courage.

Infuriated by her act, her father ordered her body to be torn up by iron hooks. Though pieces of flesh were torn off from her body, she did not deny her faith in C h r i s t . I n s t e a d , s h e continued to praise God, t h a n k i n g H i m f o r considering her worthy to

St. Christina


Page 5: LAY-OUT kids ENG - Angels' · PDF fileRenny Njarakulam Tintu Sony Suja Siju Martin Jose Rose Mini Wilson Justin Bishop Mar Raphel Thattil (Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC) Rt.

Christina was a saint who led many women and young girls to the Catholic faith. She was born in Tuscany around the 3rd century to wealthy parents of a noble family. Her father, Urbanus, was the governor of Tuscany and he hated Christians. Being extremely beautiful, Christina started t o r e c e i v e m a r r i a g e proposals f rom many wealthy families. She lived in a palace that her father had built for her and was waited upon by 12 servants.

Once she was visited by an angel from the Lord who addressed her as “The Bride of Christ.” He instructed her in the true faith and told her about all the sufferings she will have to endure in the fu tu re . One day she

requested her father to take her to the place where they w e r e p e r s e c u t i n g Christians. She was amazed at the joy, peace, love and courage that the Christians showed in the midst of great suffering and thus bearing witness to Christ through their lives. There, she learned her first lessons of Christianity.

Later, she secret ly received Baptism. She destroyed all the golden idols built by her father and distributed the gold pieces among the poor. This greatly angered her father. When he questioned her, she proclaimed her faith in Christ with courage.

Infuriated by her act, her father ordered her body to be torn up by iron hooks. Though pieces of flesh were torn off from her body, she did not deny her faith in C h r i s t . I n s t e a d , s h e continued to praise God, t h a n k i n g H i m f o r considering her worthy to

St. Christina


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suffer for Christ.Her father sent many of

her relatives to prison to try to persuade her, but she remained unshaken. This further angered her father. He ordered an iron wheel to be brought. Oil was poured on it and she was bound to t he whee l . F i r e was prepared under it to roast her alive, but the flames did not touch her.

Dio, who was Urbanus' successor, ordered an iron cradle to be constructed. It was to be filled with boiling oil and tar so that Christina could be cast into it. Christina made the Sign of the Cross, walked into it, and emerged unharmed. Later, she was bound in chains and taken to the temple of Apollo, and c o m m a n d e d t o o f f e r sacrifice to him. But the moment she set foot in the temple, the idol fell to the ground and shattered into p i ece s . A t t he s ame moment, the governor fell down dead. At least 3000 people, who witnessed this, accepted the Christian faith

that day, including the soldiers. Thus Christina was released from bondage. She sold all her possessions and gave them to the poor. Many believed in Christ because of her. Julian, the governor who succeeded Dio, ordered her to be thrown into a furnace. She had to suffer many torments after that. She was thrown into a prison filled with serpents and wild beasts, but she remained unharmed. They tore out her tongue to stop her praising God. She desired to be one with the Lord and receive the crown of martyrdom. The Lord heard her prayer. Arrows pierced her heart and she died a martyred in 234 AD. The Church celebrates her feast on 24th of July.

Dear friends, Like this saint who praised God by singing psalms even in the midst of her sufferings, let us thank God when we go through small pains and troubles in our life. We are thus able to please Jesus more by our thanksgiving.

Peter Faber and Francis Xavier got a new roommate; a new student, Ignatius Loyola who was older than them.

I think the one with Peter is a monk.

Peter entered the room with Ignatius

He is Ignatius, a new student in our college. We should help him with his studies.

St. Francis Xavier -3(Second apostle of Christ in India)

Dear Friends, are you busy with your exams? Our Francis Xavier wished to receive honour and glory by his education. But God's plan about him was different. Let us continue…..

Sure, no problem.


Page 7: LAY-OUT kids ENG - Angels' · PDF fileRenny Njarakulam Tintu Sony Suja Siju Martin Jose Rose Mini Wilson Justin Bishop Mar Raphel Thattil (Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC) Rt.

suffer for Christ.Her father sent many of

her relatives to prison to try to persuade her, but she remained unshaken. This further angered her father. He ordered an iron wheel to be brought. Oil was poured on it and she was bound to t he whee l . F i r e was prepared under it to roast her alive, but the flames did not touch her.

Dio, who was Urbanus' successor, ordered an iron cradle to be constructed. It was to be filled with boiling oil and tar so that Christina could be cast into it. Christina made the Sign of the Cross, walked into it, and emerged unharmed. Later, she was bound in chains and taken to the temple of Apollo, and c o m m a n d e d t o o f f e r sacrifice to him. But the moment she set foot in the temple, the idol fell to the ground and shattered into p i ece s . A t t he s ame moment, the governor fell down dead. At least 3000 people, who witnessed this, accepted the Christian faith

that day, including the soldiers. Thus Christina was released from bondage. She sold all her possessions and gave them to the poor. Many believed in Christ because of her. Julian, the governor who succeeded Dio, ordered her to be thrown into a furnace. She had to suffer many torments after that. She was thrown into a prison filled with serpents and wild beasts, but she remained unharmed. They tore out her tongue to stop her praising God. She desired to be one with the Lord and receive the crown of martyrdom. The Lord heard her prayer. Arrows pierced her heart and she died a martyred in 234 AD. The Church celebrates her feast on 24th of July.

Dear friends, Like this saint who praised God by singing psalms even in the midst of her sufferings, let us thank God when we go through small pains and troubles in our life. We are thus able to please Jesus more by our thanksgiving.

Peter Faber and Francis Xavier got a new roommate; a new student, Ignatius Loyola who was older than them.

I think the one with Peter is a monk.

Peter entered the room with Ignatius

He is Ignatius, a new student in our college. We should help him with his studies.

St. Francis Xavier -3(Second apostle of Christ in India)

Dear Friends, are you busy with your exams? Our Francis Xavier wished to receive honour and glory by his education. But God's plan about him was different. Let us continue…..

Sure, no problem.


Page 8: LAY-OUT kids ENG - Angels' · PDF fileRenny Njarakulam Tintu Sony Suja Siju Martin Jose Rose Mini Wilson Justin Bishop Mar Raphel Thattil (Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC) Rt.

Soon Ignatius became famous in the college and youth began to gather around him during breaks.

What made you decide to live for C h r i s t , l e a v i n g behind your position as a Spanish Knight?

What should I do to be a saint?

Surrender your life to Jesus. Abandon your plans and follow the will of Christ.

His words are powerful and touching. But I need to follow my dreams, and my path is different.

Ignatius, I am ready to abandon everything to be a Catholic priest.

I also desire to be a priest; not to serve but to gain authority and honour.

After his studies were done, Francis joined a Seminary and s t a r t ed work ing in Pa r i s University. Within no time, he became a famous public speaker.

Lord, all my dreams are fulfilled. I have power, authority and social approval, yet I am not satisfied. What good is it to me to have all the worldly possessions, but to lose my own soul?

With the guidance of Ignatius, Francis was able to say yes, to the will of God. Let us try not to avoid the good words of our friends.

Francis decides to meet with Ignatius.

When I was adm-itted in a hospital, after I got injured in a w a r, I r e a d many books on the l ives of saint. It inspired me to think that i f a l l t h e s e people cou-ld become saints why couldn’t I? This lead me to live for Christ.


to be continued

And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?

After few days

Page 9: LAY-OUT kids ENG - Angels' · PDF fileRenny Njarakulam Tintu Sony Suja Siju Martin Jose Rose Mini Wilson Justin Bishop Mar Raphel Thattil (Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC) Rt.

Soon Ignatius became famous in the college and youth began to gather around him during breaks.

What made you decide to live for C h r i s t , l e a v i n g behind your position as a Spanish Knight?

What should I do to be a saint?

Surrender your life to Jesus. Abandon your plans and follow the will of Christ.

His words are powerful and touching. But I need to follow my dreams, and my path is different.

Ignatius, I am ready to abandon everything to be a Catholic priest.

I also desire to be a priest; not to serve but to gain authority and honour.

After his studies were done, Francis joined a Seminary and s t a r t ed work ing in Pa r i s University. Within no time, he became a famous public speaker.

Lord, all my dreams are fulfilled. I have power, authority and social approval, yet I am not satisfied. What good is it to me to have all the worldly possessions, but to lose my own soul?

With the guidance of Ignatius, Francis was able to say yes, to the will of God. Let us try not to avoid the good words of our friends.

Francis decides to meet with Ignatius.

When I was adm-itted in a hospital, after I got injured in a w a r, I r e a d many books on the l ives of saint. It inspired me to think that i f a l l t h e s e people cou-ld become saints why couldn’t I? This lead me to live for Christ.


to be continued

And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?

After few days

Page 10: LAY-OUT kids ENG - Angels' · PDF fileRenny Njarakulam Tintu Sony Suja Siju Martin Jose Rose Mini Wilson Justin Bishop Mar Raphel Thattil (Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC) Rt.

the next town, bought all the parts for the engine and came back to repair the engine. When he was done fixing the car it was late, and he requested the young man to spend the night at his home and continue his journey the next day. The businessman's family welcomed the young man; gave him dinner and invited him for their family prayer. They gave him a place to sleep and then went to bed. The next morning they found him missing. They searched everywhere and came to know that he had left. The businessman was hurt as the young man had left without thanking him or saying goodbye. Time went by and he forgot about the incident. Months later he received a letter, and it read as follows: “You must have forgotten me. A few months back you helped me when my car broke down. You took me home, fed me and gave me a place to sleep. But the next day I left w i t h o u t e v e n s a y i n g

goodbye. Here is the reason why I left without saying a word. I was ashamed of myself. I had stolen a large amount of money from the firm that I was working for. I was running away with that money, and then my car broke down. But your family prayer touched my heart and changed my life. It led me to repentance. I woke up early the next day; came to my firm, returned the money to the company and repented a n d r e q u e s t e d f o r forgiveness. The company owner accepted my apology and took me back. Now I am the general manager of that company".

Dear friends, this incident teaches us a lesson. A family prayer led to a Person's repentance. Let us not disregard our daily family prayer which strengthens us and helps us to lead a life of purity, love and unity.

Suja Siju

Vaduthala, Cochin.

One fine day, as a prominent businessman was returning home from his farm, he noticed a young man along the roadside. He was standing beside his car and looked very worried. The businessman stopped his car and asked him what happened. The young man said that his car engine had failed and he was unable to continue his journey. The kind businessman took him to

A family prayerthat moved his heart….


Page 11: LAY-OUT kids ENG - Angels' · PDF fileRenny Njarakulam Tintu Sony Suja Siju Martin Jose Rose Mini Wilson Justin Bishop Mar Raphel Thattil (Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC) Rt.

the next town, bought all the parts for the engine and came back to repair the engine. When he was done fixing the car it was late, and he requested the young man to spend the night at his home and continue his journey the next day. The businessman's family welcomed the young man; gave him dinner and invited him for their family prayer. They gave him a place to sleep and then went to bed. The next morning they found him missing. They searched everywhere and came to know that he had left. The businessman was hurt as the young man had left without thanking him or saying goodbye. Time went by and he forgot about the incident. Months later he received a letter, and it read as follows: “You must have forgotten me. A few months back you helped me when my car broke down. You took me home, fed me and gave me a place to sleep. But the next day I left w i t h o u t e v e n s a y i n g

goodbye. Here is the reason why I left without saying a word. I was ashamed of myself. I had stolen a large amount of money from the firm that I was working for. I was running away with that money, and then my car broke down. But your family prayer touched my heart and changed my life. It led me to repentance. I woke up early the next day; came to my firm, returned the money to the company and repented a n d r e q u e s t e d f o r forgiveness. The company owner accepted my apology and took me back. Now I am the general manager of that company".

Dear friends, this incident teaches us a lesson. A family prayer led to a Person's repentance. Let us not disregard our daily family prayer which strengthens us and helps us to lead a life of purity, love and unity.

Suja Siju

Vaduthala, Cochin.

One fine day, as a prominent businessman was returning home from his farm, he noticed a young man along the roadside. He was standing beside his car and looked very worried. The businessman stopped his car and asked him what happened. The young man said that his car engine had failed and he was unable to continue his journey. The kind businessman took him to

A family prayerthat moved his heart….


Page 12: LAY-OUT kids ENG - Angels' · PDF fileRenny Njarakulam Tintu Sony Suja Siju Martin Jose Rose Mini Wilson Justin Bishop Mar Raphel Thattil (Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC) Rt.

Who are these people, that are following Jesus?

They are John and Andrew. They are trying to get near Jesus. Let us find out.

Jesus walks beside the river Jordan. John and Andrew are right behind him.

Oh! Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

What do you seek here?

We seek you, Master.

Who are you?

He is Andrew. I am John, son of Zebede. We are disciples of John the Baptist, and are fishermen.

Where is John the Baptist?

King Herod has j a i l e d h i m . Master, shall we come with you?

John the Baptist has told us that you have the words for eternal life and you are the Lamb of God.


Page 13: LAY-OUT kids ENG - Angels' · PDF fileRenny Njarakulam Tintu Sony Suja Siju Martin Jose Rose Mini Wilson Justin Bishop Mar Raphel Thattil (Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC) Rt.

Who are these people, that are following Jesus?

They are John and Andrew. They are trying to get near Jesus. Let us find out.

Jesus walks beside the river Jordan. John and Andrew are right behind him.

Oh! Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

What do you seek here?

We seek you, Master.

Who are you?

He is Andrew. I am John, son of Zebede. We are disciples of John the Baptist, and are fishermen.

Where is John the Baptist?

King Herod has j a i l e d h i m . Master, shall we come with you?

John the Baptist has told us that you have the words for eternal life and you are the Lamb of God.


Page 14: LAY-OUT kids ENG - Angels' · PDF fileRenny Njarakulam Tintu Sony Suja Siju Martin Jose Rose Mini Wilson Justin Bishop Mar Raphel Thattil (Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC) Rt.




How should a family live its faith together?

A Christian family should be a miniature church. All Christian family members are invited to strengthen one another in faith and to outdo one another in their zeal for God. They should pray for and with each other and collaborate in works of charity.

Youcat 373, CCC 2226-2227Do you truly understand

what you are asking for? One who follows me, has to abandon everything – his home, and relatives.....I don’t have any riches to offer; you may not even have a place to rest your head. It is a narrow gate and a constricted road that leads to life. Are you ready for it?

Yes Master. Your words enlighten us.

Come and stay with me.

John is the first one, who showed courage to follow Jesus.

The Bible says “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” It is the innocence in him that has helped John to find Jesus.

Child: Grandma, please excuse me from today’s family prayer. I want to watch the football game. I promise, I will pray the Rosary after the game.

Grandma : Son, there is no substitute for family prayer. You cannot replace it with Rosary or any other forms of personal prayer.

Child : What is so special about family prayer?

Grandma : Prayer is truly powerful. But when we pray together as a family, that power increases tremendously and sanctifies our family. Heaven rejoices to see a family come together in prayer. One of God’s highest priorities is preserving family relationships. Family prayer encourages us to become more sensitive to one another’s feelings and builds faith and love within the family. It’s hard to hold on to grudges when we’re together before the Lord.

Child : That is true! Ma scolded me yesterday when I refused to do my homework. I was mad at her. But after our family prayer, I felt different. I knew I was wrong, and I apologized to her. I hugged her and I was really happy.

Grandma : Our Heavenly Father loves to talk with us and cares deeply about our problems. Knowing that He protects and rescues us from our fears provides invaluable peace and unity to a family. Together we can present all our needs to Him and thank Him for all the blessings.

Child : That is wonderful! I will not miss our family prayer. I now recall mother Teresa’s words “The family that prays together stays together”. Thank you grandma, for inspiring me.


to be continued

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How should a family live its faith together?

A Christian family should be a miniature church. All Christian family members are invited to strengthen one another in faith and to outdo one another in their zeal for God. They should pray for and with each other and collaborate in works of charity.

Youcat 373, CCC 2226-2227Do you truly understand

what you are asking for? One who follows me, has to abandon everything – his home, and relatives.....I don’t have any riches to offer; you may not even have a place to rest your head. It is a narrow gate and a constricted road that leads to life. Are you ready for it?

Yes Master. Your words enlighten us.

Come and stay with me.

John is the first one, who showed courage to follow Jesus.

The Bible says “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” It is the innocence in him that has helped John to find Jesus.

Child: Grandma, please excuse me from today’s family prayer. I want to watch the football game. I promise, I will pray the Rosary after the game.

Grandma : Son, there is no substitute for family prayer. You cannot replace it with Rosary or any other forms of personal prayer.

Child : What is so special about family prayer?

Grandma : Prayer is truly powerful. But when we pray together as a family, that power increases tremendously and sanctifies our family. Heaven rejoices to see a family come together in prayer. One of God’s highest priorities is preserving family relationships. Family prayer encourages us to become more sensitive to one another’s feelings and builds faith and love within the family. It’s hard to hold on to grudges when we’re together before the Lord.

Child : That is true! Ma scolded me yesterday when I refused to do my homework. I was mad at her. But after our family prayer, I felt different. I knew I was wrong, and I apologized to her. I hugged her and I was really happy.

Grandma : Our Heavenly Father loves to talk with us and cares deeply about our problems. Knowing that He protects and rescues us from our fears provides invaluable peace and unity to a family. Together we can present all our needs to Him and thank Him for all the blessings.

Child : That is wonderful! I will not miss our family prayer. I now recall mother Teresa’s words “The family that prays together stays together”. Thank you grandma, for inspiring me.


to be continued

Page 16: LAY-OUT kids ENG - Angels' · PDF fileRenny Njarakulam Tintu Sony Suja Siju Martin Jose Rose Mini Wilson Justin Bishop Mar Raphel Thattil (Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC) Rt.

Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light.” When he had finished speaking, Jesus left and hid himself from them. (John 12:36)

Ejaculatory Prayer: Jesus, enlighten me with the Holy Spirit.


Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. (John 14:21)

Ejaculatory Prayer: May the love of Jesus dwell in me.


Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. (John 14:23)

Ejaculatory Prayer: Jesus, please teach me to love my friends sincerely.


In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)

Ejaculatory Prayer: Jesus, I love you in all my sufferings.


Ann, read the passage from the Gospel of St. John.

Saint John, chapter 14, verse 21 onwards; “Whoever holds to my commandments and keeps them is the one who loves me”………

Yes, dear. Those who love God, would obey his commandments For instance, when you love me, don’t you listen to me and do as I say?

To love God, do we have to follow his commandments?

Kids, hurry up. It’s time for our Bible study.

Yes, dad. I love you and I like to obey you.

Word of God and ejaculation prayer

Bible Study


Page 17: LAY-OUT kids ENG - Angels' · PDF fileRenny Njarakulam Tintu Sony Suja Siju Martin Jose Rose Mini Wilson Justin Bishop Mar Raphel Thattil (Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC) Rt.

Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light.” When he had finished speaking, Jesus left and hid himself from them. (John 12:36)

Ejaculatory Prayer: Jesus, enlighten me with the Holy Spirit.


Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. (John 14:21)

Ejaculatory Prayer: May the love of Jesus dwell in me.


Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. (John 14:23)

Ejaculatory Prayer: Jesus, please teach me to love my friends sincerely.


In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)

Ejaculatory Prayer: Jesus, I love you in all my sufferings.


Ann, read the passage from the Gospel of St. John.

Saint John, chapter 14, verse 21 onwards; “Whoever holds to my commandments and keeps them is the one who loves me”………

Yes, dear. Those who love God, would obey his commandments For instance, when you love me, don’t you listen to me and do as I say?

To love God, do we have to follow his commandments?

Kids, hurry up. It’s time for our Bible study.

Yes, dad. I love you and I like to obey you.

Word of God and ejaculation prayer

Bible Study


Page 18: LAY-OUT kids ENG - Angels' · PDF fileRenny Njarakulam Tintu Sony Suja Siju Martin Jose Rose Mini Wilson Justin Bishop Mar Raphel Thattil (Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC) Rt.

When we do not listen to our God, it makes Him sad, doesn’t it?

Yes dear. When we don’t pay attention to His words, we are the ones to suffer loss. Ann, could you just read that Word once more?

“Whoever holds to my commandments and keeps them is the one who loves me”.

Kids, God the Father grieves, when we ignore His commandments and follow the world. It breaks His heart to watch us falling into the traps of Satan.

So, If you really love God, you will follow his commandments. It will never be a burden for you.

Don’t worry, dad. We will obey His commandments. We want to love our heavenly Father and make Him happy.

Kids, did you all learn the Bible verses in our January edition? Hope you were able to implement most of it in your daily life! Now this month, let us read, meditate upon and put into practice a fresh set of Bible verses. Thus we can become the very own loving children of Jesus.

Bible Reading

February 01, 02John 12:32-36February 03, 04: John 12:44-50February 05, 06: John 13:31-35February 07, 08: John 14:01-07February 09, 10: John 14:08-14February 11, 12: John 14:15-17February 13, 14: John 14:22-24February 15, 16: John 14:25-31February 17, 18: John 15:06-08February 19, 20: John 15:09-11February 21, 22: John 15:12-17

February 23, 24: John 16:21-24February 25, 26: John 16:25-28February 27, 28:John 17:01-05


Page 19: LAY-OUT kids ENG - Angels' · PDF fileRenny Njarakulam Tintu Sony Suja Siju Martin Jose Rose Mini Wilson Justin Bishop Mar Raphel Thattil (Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC) Rt.

When we do not listen to our God, it makes Him sad, doesn’t it?

Yes dear. When we don’t pay attention to His words, we are the ones to suffer loss. Ann, could you just read that Word once more?

“Whoever holds to my commandments and keeps them is the one who loves me”.

Kids, God the Father grieves, when we ignore His commandments and follow the world. It breaks His heart to watch us falling into the traps of Satan.

So, If you really love God, you will follow his commandments. It will never be a burden for you.

Don’t worry, dad. We will obey His commandments. We want to love our heavenly Father and make Him happy.

Kids, did you all learn the Bible verses in our January edition? Hope you were able to implement most of it in your daily life! Now this month, let us read, meditate upon and put into practice a fresh set of Bible verses. Thus we can become the very own loving children of Jesus.

Bible Reading

February 01, 02John 12:32-36February 03, 04: John 12:44-50February 05, 06: John 13:31-35February 07, 08: John 14:01-07February 09, 10: John 14:08-14February 11, 12: John 14:15-17February 13, 14: John 14:22-24February 15, 16: John 14:25-31February 17, 18: John 15:06-08February 19, 20: John 15:09-11February 21, 22: John 15:12-17

February 23, 24: John 16:21-24February 25, 26: John 16:25-28February 27, 28:John 17:01-05


Page 20: LAY-OUT kids ENG - Angels' · PDF fileRenny Njarakulam Tintu Sony Suja Siju Martin Jose Rose Mini Wilson Justin Bishop Mar Raphel Thattil (Chairman, Charismatic Commission KCBC) Rt.

Every Tuesday 5.30pmRepeats on Friday 9:30 a.m and Sunday 8 a.m.

All those who are interested, please reserve in advance.For further details please contact at 0484-644702 or 8281469989

Family retreat by Angels' Army Team(For children upto the age of 12 years and for their parents, including parents-to-be)

A Program Organized by Angels Army on Shalom Television.......

Venue: Yaeshu bhavan, Kanichukulangara junction, Chertala, Aleppy, Kerala.Date: February 15, 5:00 p.m. to February 17, 4:00p.m.

Angels Army, Jesus Youth, Emmaus, H.M.T. Colony P.O, Kalamassery-683503, Kochi, Kerala0484 644 4702 [email protected] www.angelsarmy.in
