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Lazar_0.doc - StealthSkater · Web viewLazar said that his own clearance was 28 levels above the...

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archived as http://www.stealthskater.com/Documents/Lazar_0.doc (also …Lazar_0.pdf) => doc pdf URL -doc URL - pdf more of Bob Lazar is on the /Lazar.htm page at doc pdf URL Who is Bob Lazar ? (last updated 08/13/2001 The Bob Lazar story starts off simply enough. Yet it mushrooms into a Pandora’s Box of tangents from investigations done into Lazar’s background. Was he a scientist who can’t remember all the details? Is he a con artist trying to cash-in on UFO believers? Is he a CIA employee engaged in a clever disinformation scheme by making it look like he’s being victimized? Nobody knows at this point. The jury is still out on Mr. Lazar’s claims and motives. I tend to give what he purports (regardless of whether he personally worked on it or not) the benefit-of-the-doubt because I’ve seen this stuff elsewhere. There are many web references to Robert (Bob) Lazar and some give reports of private investigations. He tells his own story at http://www.boblazar.com . Bob Lazar was working for a contacting firm at Los Alamos National Labs at the meson particle physics facility. Colleagues report he was more of a senior lab physics technician rather than the theoretical physicist he presented himself in later days. Even his detractors grudgingly admit he is a very smart guy. (But one detractor said ‘you can be smart and still be a sociopath!’) While at Los Alamos, he built a jet engine onto a Honda car. The local newspaper did an article on this feat and it went over the national press wires. He apparently was spending too much time on-the-job working on personal projects like this including using the laboratory’s tools and its materials. It seems he eventually got “fired” for that reason. At some point in time, he delivered a public lecture on the details of jet car. Also lecturing at the same auditorium that night was Dr. Edward Teller (the “father of the hydrogen bomb”). Lazar said he met Dr. Teller and was answering his questions about Lazar’s design. According to Lazar, Teller seemed impressed with Lazar’s unorthodox methods of conquering difficult engineering challenges. Lazar and his wife opened up a small photo-finishing shop. They took out loans to secure the film-processing equipment. The story 1
Page 1: Lazar_0.doc - StealthSkater · Web viewLazar said that his own clearance was 28 levels above the basic 'Q'. His paychecks were written by the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence. Although

archived as http://www.stealthskater.com/Documents/Lazar_0.doc (also …Lazar_0.pdf) => doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf

more of Bob Lazar is on the /Lazar.htm page at doc pdf URL

Who is Bob Lazar ? (last updated 08/13/2001

The Bob Lazar story starts off simply enough. Yet it mushrooms into a Pandora’s Box of tangents from investigations done into Lazar’s background. Was he a scientist who can’t remember all the details? Is he a con artist trying to cash-in on UFO believers? Is he a CIA employee engaged in a clever disinformation scheme by making it look like he’s being victimized? Nobody knows at this point. The jury is still out on Mr. Lazar’s claims and motives. I tend to give what he purports (regardless of whether he personally worked on it or not) the benefit-of-the-doubt because I’ve seen this stuff elsewhere. There are many web references to Robert (Bob) Lazar and some give reports of private investigations. He tells his own story at http://www.boblazar.com .

Bob Lazar was working for a contacting firm at Los Alamos National Labs at the meson particle physics facility. Colleagues report he was more of a senior lab physics technician rather than the theoretical physicist he presented himself in later days. Even his detractors grudgingly admit he is a very smart guy. (But one detractor said ‘you can be smart and still be a sociopath!’) While at Los Alamos, he built a jet engine onto a Honda car. The local newspaper did an article on this feat and it went over the national press wires. He apparently was spending too much time on-the-job working on personal projects like this including using the laboratory’s tools and its materials. It seems he eventually got “fired” for that reason.

At some point in time, he delivered a public lecture on the details of jet car. Also lecturing at the same auditorium that night was Dr. Edward Teller (the “father of the hydrogen bomb”). Lazar said he met Dr. Teller and was answering his questions about Lazar’s design. According to Lazar, Teller seemed impressed with Lazar’s unorthodox methods of conquering difficult engineering challenges.

Lazar and his wife opened up a small photo-finishing shop. They took out loans to secure the film-processing equipment. The story gets a little fuzzy here, but they seemed to have run into financial difficulties and had to declare bankruptcy. Lazar said he remembered Teller from that lecture and contacted him regarding his desire to re-enter the scientific community. Teller informed Lazar that he only served as a consultant nowadays but would forward his resume. Bob said that shortly thereafter he was contacted by an individual who ended up proposing that Lazar work on a project at the Area 51 complex near Las Vegas. Bob and his wife moved to Las Vegas leaving behind many outstanding debts.

To summarize a long story, Lazar eventually he learned this project involved back-engineering a crashed UFO (which he claims he never believed-in prior to this) using only Earth materials. 3 scientists had confiscated a nuclear reactor from an alien ship. When they tried to cut it open in an underground blast shelter, it blew-up and killed them. Lazar said he was told point-blank that his job was to take the place of one of these men.

Lazar said he was employed by EG&G, a well-known Department-of-Energy contractor whose employees all had “Q” clearances. Lazar said that his own clearance was 28 levels above the basic 'Q'. His paychecks were written by the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence.


Page 2: Lazar_0.doc - StealthSkater · Web viewLazar said that his own clearance was 28 levels above the basic 'Q'. His paychecks were written by the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence. Although

Although most of EG&G’s contractors worked at the greater Area 51 complex, Bob said the super-secret research involving alien-based technology was being done at a “suburb” of '51' called Area S4 which was isolated from '51' by the Papoose Mountains. Lazar said he only spent a combined total of 5-7 days at S4 during the ~6 months he was on the project. He would fly in from offices in Las Vegas to Area 51. Then be driven in a bus with blacked-out windows to (what he was told was) S4. There he saw 9 hangers camouflaged and built into the hillsides. Inside these hangers were different alien craft. He nicknamed the one he personally worked-on the “Sport Model”.

He worked on “Project Galileo”, trying to construct a working UFO using materials readily available on Earth as some of the alloys found on the alien craft were unknown. Lazar said there were at least 2 other projects on-going at S-4 that involved alien-derived technology. “Project Sidekick” involved using a “gravity lens” to propagate a particle beam (for weapons use), and “Project Looking Glass” involved “the physics of looking back in time”. [Whether this is related to the Montauk Project is unknown.] Lazar said he personally witnessed a demonstration of an alien craft hovering silently above the desert floor before landing. He said that as time went on, his suspicions of these being advanced “man-made” vessels were dismissed and he was convinced beyond-a-doubt that he was working on something originating from another world. He said that was initially a very disturbing awareness.

He said although the scientists had been able to glean “pieces” of technology here-and-there, for the most part these alien craft used a “new physics” that appeared to be 200-300 years beyond present-day Earth science. That included much of the materials used in constructing the ship as well. Lazar said he and other scientists were allowed to read individual briefings (always only one at-at-a-time alone in a locked room, never with a group) on the source of these craft. Lazar coined these “the Government Bible”, perhaps taking cue from what has long been rumored to exist in a CIA facility in Langley, Virginia. In his documentary video (produced by Tri-Dot), Lazar is quick to add that while informative and interesting these briefings were just “words on paper”. He had no way of confirming if any of it was true. Unlike his hands-on experience with the alien craft, he says.

Lazar said he was told (and evidently accepted it) that the key to the propulsion of the craft was an element that didn’t appear on Earth’s Periodic Table. Element-115 was unique in 2 ways. Under


Page 3: Lazar_0.doc - StealthSkater · Web viewLazar said that his own clearance was 28 levels above the basic 'Q'. His paychecks were written by the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence. Although

bombardment with a proton, it would transmute to Element-116 which would almost spontaneously decay into by-products, releasing an anti-proton during the process. These anti-matter particles would react with a target gas in the reactor, and the energy released in the annihilation reaction was converted into electricity in a nearly 100% alien thermionic generator. This small, lightweight reactor provided the power for all the systems on-board the craft.

Of the 4 forces known in the Universe, one is the so-called “strong nuclear force”. An atom’s nucleus is made of positively-charged protons and electrically-neutral neutrons. There is a tremendously powerful force within the nucleus that keeps it from flying apart due to the repulsive nature of like charges. Lazar said he was told that a unique of property of 115 was that its “strong nuclear force” extended past the perimeter of the nucleus. It manifested itself as a “wave” and could be “tapped into” and harnessed with the right equipment. Lazar said he was told this “wave” was accessed with a waveguide and amplified and then ”directed” in different configurations that permitted local-travel as well as interstellar. In his briefings, this “force” was renamed the “Gravity A” wave. [Later physicists’ reviews scoff at such a notion and use these assertions to dismiss all of Lazar’s story. I counter he may be reporting just what-he-was-told and had no way to verify it at the time. Perhaps he was being intentionally given disinformation as a “safeguard” against the type of whistle-blowing he ended up doing.]

Bob said his primary contribution to the project was identifying this strange element (not naturally found on Earth) as 115. It should be noted that elements such as these have long been postulated by physicists. And recent public reports have confirmed creation of Element-118 in particle accelerators. Lazar violated provisions of his secrecy oaths when he took others to view test flights of the alien craft from a remote vantage point. Although he was not “fired” at that point, he said he quit voluntarily rather than to go back to that isolated desert laboratory where he had no legal rights. I’m not sure why he decided to become a “whistle-blower”. But he put Rachel, Nevada on the map in 1989 and the public became aware for the first time of Area 51!

Bob’s wife had died after their move to Las Vegas. That’s another story in itself. Bob was helping a local owner of a bordello “computerize” her records. Prostitution is legal in Nevada except in Las Vegas. The Government was eager to eager to prosecute Lazar for violating national security and seemed to want to use anything they could to discredit him and cast doubt on what he was reporting. The bordello affair played right into their hands. Lazar was prosecuted more heartily than the madam who owned the business. Lazar was only helping her install a computer to keep track of her clients and the girls they had relations with.

Again the story becomes fuzzy. Widowed and all-alone in Las Vegas, Lazar is somehow introduced to real estate tycoon Gene Huff who takes Lazar “under his wings”. Huff apparently had the financial resources and political connections to get Bob off with only a light probation sentence. Huff owns Tri-Dot Productions which made a video documentary on the government back-engineering effort starring Bob Lazar. Soon Lazar was achieving national fame. Testors model company designer John Andrews interviewed Lazar and – convinced of the major parts of his story after some independent research on-his-own – constructed a model of what Lazar said he worked on which was sold in stores across-the-country. With a few exceptions, all questions and interviews with Lazar had to be approved by Gene Huff who was profanely “combative” with those whom he felt would give Bob a hard time. Lazar’s association with the shady Huff only added more fuel to theories that Bob was a “con artist” after all trying to cash-in on the UFO “religion”.

But if that were true, explain why Mr. Lazar’s current public stance (according to an email I got from a small company he owns that produces Geiger counters etc.) is that he “hates any topic that has to do with Black Budget-type projects”. And why he is now working on a government-sponsored project to convert an


Page 4: Lazar_0.doc - StealthSkater · Web viewLazar said that his own clearance was 28 levels above the basic 'Q'. His paychecks were written by the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence. Although

old ICBM silo into a Mars habitation prototype. Is this part of a “deal” to keep him silenced in the future? Or was he part of a MJ-12/”Aviary” disinformation campaign all along? There are many theories and all of them seem to lead to “dead ends”.

My own opinion is that I believe that a back-engineering effort did take place at the site that Lazar alleged. (Although the hangers remain, I doubt any work is being done there now.) But whether he actually worked there or is just reporting rumors is beside-the-point, IMHO. I have corroborated much of his story with other independent sources. Because I feel that our scientists have been so frustrated in trying to comprehend this new alien technology (apparently based in post-quantum metaphysics), I feel Dr. Teller was grasping at anything he could find to achieve a breakthrough and “beat the Russians and Chinese”. He had accidentally come across this nuclear technician that had some past secrecy clearances and was refreshingly unconventional in his engineering successes. It is most interesting that -- on-camera at least -- Dr. Teller refuses to respond (even with just a “no comment”) to ANY question regarding Bob Lazar. That says something right there!

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