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LBNL High Energy Physics: Plans and Views

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LBNL High Energy Physics: Plans and Views Jim Siegrist 21 February 2008

LBNL High Energy Physics: Plans and Views

Jim Siegrist21 February 2008

Building Strong National and International Collaborations

• Every LBNL physics program is built on collaboration with university groups and other national labs.

• In ATLAS, SNAP, Daya Bay, and DUSEL*, LBNL has provided major leadership from the outset.

• In each, we plan to continue playing a central role throughout the program.

* Nuclear Science Division

LBNL/UCB Resources Enable Collaborations

IC Design/Electronics

MicroSystems Lab




ATWR:IceCube/ KamLAND/ Daya Bay


Pixel module: ATLAS

SVT:BaBar Pixel detector: ATLAS

LBNL Innovations Open New Possibilities


B Factory BaBar SVT BaBar trigger ATLAS Si strips

ATLAS Pixels


Supernovae -

Accelerating Universe

LBNL high quantum efficiency CCD

LBNL Physics Division Priorities

Physics at the Energy Frontier

Dark Energy and Cosmic Structure

Neutrino Masses and Mixing

LBNL Physics Division Priorities



DOE-HEP Mission Statement

“The mission of the High Energy Physics (HEP) program is to understand how our universe works at its most fundamental level. We do this by discovering the most elementary constituents of matter and energy, exploring the basic nature of space and time itself, and probing the interactions between them.”

Cosmology is a central part of HEP.

Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology:a Grassroots Movement

• Numerous efforts initiated by university and lab groups:— SCP, GLAST, SDSS, SDSSII— DES, BOSS, SNAP, LSST

• DOE-supported discovery of dark energy is among the major achievements of our field.

• Dark energy is the biggest challenge in fundamental physics.





UGPS 2007 Report: Astro/Cosmology will be second biggest portion of program.





heavy flavors




0 200 400 600


Research effort:



University groups only.

LBNL Cosmology Program

BOSS: next step in BOSS: next step in BAO after SDSSII. BAO after SDSSII.

Planck: next step in Planck: next step in CMB after WMAPCMB after WMAP

SNAP Nearby Supernova Factory

Dark Energy Survey


SNAP: measure expansion history and growth of large-scale structure.

• Must measure both to distinguish dark energy from failure of General Relativity.

• Space mission required to reduce systematics.

• SNAP builds on our pioneering program on supernova (SNe Ia) cosmology.

• A weak-lensing survey complements the SNeIa to optimize program as shown by DETF.

• Anticipated DOE share of JDEM is $400M.

Univ. of BC/Victoria



Indiana U.


LAM (France)


Yale U.


Univ. of Stockholm

Univ. of Pennsylvania

Univ. of Michigan

Sonoma State


Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

CaltechUC Berkeley


In discussion:Univ. of Maryland Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy

SNAP CollaborationSome Leadership Roles

Spokesperson,PI: Saul Perlmutter (LBNL)

Project Director,PI: Michael Levi (LBNL)

Project Manager: Henry Heetderks (UC-SSL)

Telescope Scientist: Mike Lampton (UC-SSL)

Science Requirements: Gary Bernstein (Penn)

Electrical Systems: Gunter Haller (SLAC)

Instrumentation Manager: Chris Bebek (LBNL)

CCD Manager: Natalie Roe (LBNL)

NIR Manager: Greg Tarle (Michigan)

Weak Lensing Coordinator: Richard Ellis (Caltech)

SNAP R&D Achievements


12M-pixel LBNL CCD with high QE out to 1.0 µ and low diffusion is radiation resistant. Same technology is baseline for LSST detectors.

Powerful collaboration of universities and labs with industry resulted in high QE out to 1.7 µ in 4M pixel format. Now detector of choice for other JDEM proposals.

LBNL HEP IC group developed readout of high channel-count cryogenic pixel plane.

New compact telescope optics concept proved exceptional performance in a rocket-borne experiment (key to JDEM). Founded on LBNL and UCB strong optics heritage from Keck.

Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) and DES

Replace red CCDs on SDSS camera with w/red-sensitive LBNL/SNAP CCDs,making it possible to go to higher-z

LBNL Leadership roles in BOSS:

PI: David Schlegel

Instrument Scientist: Natalie Roe

Survey Scientist: Martin White

Part of SDSS-III, BOSS uses redshifts of 1.6M galaxies (z~0.5)and Lyman-α forest of 0.16 M quasars (z~2.5) to determine cosmological parameters.

SDSS telescope at Apache Point

DES: LBNL furnishes CCDs to upgrade the camera at CTIO for DES. LBNL science role: SNeand WL. Detectors for DES now in production at LBNL Microsystems Lab.

Sloan Foundation agreed to support SDSS-III. Proposals pending at DOE and NSF. MOUs signed or in negotiations with many institutions:

ArizonaBrazilian groupUC IrvineUCSCCambridgeCase WesternFNALFloridaFrench groupHeidelbergJapanese groupJohns HopkinsKorean Inst. Adv. Study

LBNLLANLMPA GarschingMSUNew Mexico StateNYUOSUPenn StatePortsmouthAstrn. Inst. PrincetonPrincetonVirginiaWasington

Cosmology Views

• We can’t be satisfied with understanding 5% of the Universe: both dark energy and dark matter are fundamental experimental issues for the field.

• US has led the exploration of dark energy and has several important “Stage III”experiments, including DES and BOSS.

• The US is currently the world leader in dark energy research. SNAP will ensure that US retains this leadership position.


• Our highest-priority accelerator-based program.• LBNL a leader in ATLAS since 1994.• LHC physics:

— I. Hinchliffe, recent ATLAS physics coordinator• Silicon tracking detectors:

— K. Einsweiler, Pixel Project Leader• Software and computing:

— D. Quarrie, co-leader of ATLAS software• Strong partnership with university groups

Pioneered the development and implementation of silicon pixel detector for ATLAS

LBNL Contributions to the LHC

8 Cryogenic and Power Distribution Boxes

4 TANand

4 TASAbsorbers

Instrumented for Bunch-by-

Bunch Luminosity


ATLAS Outlook

• Complete installation in next few months.

• Pixel detector on critical path, major LBNL responsibility.

• Strong and continued support needed to complete commissioning of detector and software.

• Ready for early LHC physics this year.

ATLAS Detector Upgrades

• Aim to increase luminosity by factor of 10.• Principal upgrade – replace all of tracking.• Difficult technical challenge.• LBNL already active in upgrade R&D.

— New pixel readout integrated circuit.— New materials for pixel mechanics/cooling.— Highly integrated structures for large-area


LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP)

• Key contributions to LARP magnet program

• Accelerator science— Luminosity

measurement— Collective effects

• Electron cloud• Beam-Beam


Superconducting Quadrupole

Superconducting Magnet Program

• 15 T; 36 mm bore; field quality; simple winding; low inductance • Extendable to larger aperture; suitable for testing cable & inserts

• Long term technology development towards 20 T dipoles• Addressing fundamental design and material issues

• capability to accurately predict and control the 3D pre-load • Surpassed LARP target gradient >200T/m

• successful demonstration of shell-based structure scale-up• demonstrates LBNL capabilities for long magnet development





R&D program directly applicable to LHC Upgrades & Muon Collider.Strong partnerships with HEP laboratories, universities and industry

Current projects provide critical contributions to HEP:

Kapton or vacuum


Ti StainlessKey


Cable x 2

Kapton or vacuum


Ti StainlessKey


Cable x 2

LHC Views

• Our view – maintenance/operations and software/computing support too low for US scientists to fully exploit investment in ATLAS.

• Modest increase (~15%) needed.• Very strong support of detector upgrades

essential to maintain US leadership at energy frontier at CERN.

• Support advanced technology contributions to LHC machine upgrades.

The BELLA Project


• Diagnostics

• Staged Accelerators

• 10 GeV

• Simulations

BELLA Laser:

• 1 PW, 1 Hz laser system and facility to

house it in

BELLA = BErkeley Lab Laser Accelerator

Have already achieved 100 Gvolts/meter

Awaiting CD-0

Daya Bay Reactor Experiment to Measure the Mixing Angle ϑ13

Kam-Biu Luk, UCB and LBNL, is co-spokesman of the experiment.

Bill Edwards, LBNL Engineering, is Project Manager. sin2 2θ13

Anti-neutrino disappearance: Similar to KamLAND, but precision measurement with shorter base-line. CD2/3A completed Jan. 08.


Nankai UniversityNational Chiao-Tung UniversityNanjing UniversityNational Taiwan University, National United UniversityPrinceton UniversityRensselaer Polytechnic InstituteShandong UniversityShenzhen UniversityTsinghua UniversityUniversity of California at Los AngelesUniversity of HoustonUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUniversity of Science and Technology of ChinaVirginia Polytechnic Institute University of WisconsinSun Yat-Sen (Zhongshan) University

Brookhaven National LaboratoryBeijing Normal UniversityCalifornia Institute of TechnologyChengdu University of TechnologyChina Guangdong Nuclear Power GroupCharles Unviersity, PragueChina Institute of Atomic EnergyChinese University of Hong KongDongguan Institute of TechnologyJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, DubnaGeorge Mason UniversityUniversity of Hong Kong, Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing Illinois Institute of Technology, Iowa State UniversityKurchatov InstituteLBNL/UCB

Daya Bay Collaboration

DUSEL Opportunities

• Provides ultimate neutrino oscillation program.

• Site for direct detection of dark matter (Sadoulet et al.).

• Site for future neutrinoless double beta decay (LBNL double beta decay efforts: in CUORE and independent initiative by Nygren).

• Natural connection with Kevin Lesko in Nuclear Science Division.

Program Summary

• SNAP anchors our cosmology program and is the crucial next step in the exploration of dark energy.

• ATLAS and LARP remain the primary foci of our accelerator-based program.

• The Daya Bay measurement will help define the future of neutrino physics.

Views Summary

• Strong support of the U.S. LHC program, including machine and detector upgrades, is essential if the U.S. is to retain its role at the energy frontier.

• Dark energy is the biggest challenge in physical science! SNAP will provide the most important step forward.

• Neutrinos: least understood part of the Standard Model. Daya Bay may provide next big clue.

• Long-term R&D needed.— Detector R&D.— High-field magnet development.— Accelerator R&D.
