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Lcf rothschild-slides-em-inglês

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LCF Crypto Currency Presentation

LCF Crypto Currency Presentation

Monetary System vs Crypto Currency

The Global Economy is getting worse! The US

Dollar and other Global currencies are heading

for a collapse!

What will replace it?

- Printing more money?

- Buying Gold, Silver?

- Increasing National debt?

- Loans?

- Or, an alternative monetary system?

Whoever controls the money…controls the


Heard of the Rothschild

Family Empire?

Who is the Rothschild Family?

- One of THE largest and most influential family banking

businesses in the world since the late 1700’s.

- Their Empire owns 40% of the Worlds global currency.

- And close to 80% of the worlds wealth.

- They practically OWN the US Federal Reserve bank

and Central banks.

- It is said their total Empire Net worth is 5 Quadrillion

but on paper 500 Trillion.

- Their interest income alone from issuing National

Bonds and Currencies is said to be in the Billions!

So where to from here?

- Chairman David Mayer de Rothschild, a 6th generation

Rothschild, anticipates in the not too distant future, a

completely cashless society. 3 years to be precise!

- They expect the cell phone banking era to become the

future of Global currency exchange

- In preparation for this age of the Crypto Currency they

decided to join forces with China to build a Mega

infrastructure incorporating a 170,000m2 office,

production of a Crypto Currency known as the LCF coin

and a sustainable Affiliate program for it’s members and


Why Crypto currency?

The Rothschild group know that the dollar is heading in one

direction, and that’s not upward.

So, they buy up Gold, Silver and invest where this digital

age is heading…towards Digital Currency.

They know USA is not the place to launch this Digital

Currency so they have established a Crypto Currency

company (LCF) with a top businessman in China.

In a very short space of time, there are now 300 top

leaders in China poised ready to EXPLODE LCF onto

the marketplace.

LCF coin

These 300 top leaders and many other businessmen,

Nation leaders, and ex Presidents will meet in China Nov

19th to discuss LCF and it’s future.

At this meeting, there will be huge media coverage and

recording of this historic event

The primary intention will be to unify the key coins, Bitcoin,

Etherium etc, establish an MLM component and an

integrated global currency system that will be recognised

in every country and be used in ATM’s, shopping malls,

eftpos, Gold, Insurance, banking and investment.

Huge Media coverage at LCF event

Many top global leaders to attend,

George Bush, Tony Blair, Kevin

Rudd, etc…


Between now and mid December, LCF are launching a pre-

launch promotion as follows:

- Register FREE and receive 1000 LCF coins (value 0.50c/coin)

- Build a team of 20 direct referrals with 200 below them,

receive 20,000 LCF coins (Team Leader) – worth $10,000

- Have 5x Team leaders under you, receive 100,000 coins (City

leader) – worth $50,000

- Have 5x City leaders under you, receive 500,000 coins

(Provincial leader) – worth $250,000

- Have 5x Provincial leaders below you, receive 1.250,000

coins – (State leader) – worth $625,000

Team LCF coin @ 50c @ 3.00 @ 7.00

FREE 1000 $500 $3000 $7000

20/200 20,000 $10,000 $60,000 $140,000

5x Team


100,000 $50,000 $300,000 $700,000

5x City


250,000 $125,000 $750,000 $1,750,000

5x Prov


1,250,000 $625,000 $3,750,000 $8,750,000

Value: today early Mar early May
