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LD - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940... ·...

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LD be guests for the cheon and the pr()'o- d. Francis Flood e Nebraska Farm- and show pictures iea. Mr. Flood was and spoke on Af· Grier, jr" son of James B. Grier of iss Thelma S, Mc- r of Mr.. nntl Mrs, ary of Winside, ednesday, Dccem- at the St. Paul h in Wayne. about ves being pre5ent ny which WaH . W. C, Heidenreich, Immediately afier or Sioux City and re they vif;iled when they returned orne on one of Mr. farms northwest e' r's Building Shows , ayne" Faith In -Future Progress New nnd+\ MILLIONS- READY , , welvemont , TO EMPLOY IDLE W,jh t e e;';;- f the year, IN PUBLIC WORK a r view of I s activities A REPORT f Whit and the progress w Ich has states that marked W yne as af r ard-look- ernment plans building mg town n a year w en pros- bons costing $724,000,000 dur- perlty has not smile n condl- mg the next twelve months tions.! Al g Main stteet this For immediate use congress has year ihave appeared he new appropriated $116,000,000. This of Hra aIt's store does not include $45,000,000 for front( J, T.'Bressler's r .:1'dellng of drouth relief. For road the occ by struction the federal govern· y to have music, ing i roving of he Irear part state expenditures, Chief sta- " emphaSize$ Prof. of Ur!e Fir t National Bapk bulld- tlstician for the F, W. Dodge with his 35 piece ing, the in r.. rfldn's store, corporation estimates that in and the nw Wayne addition' construction work in a:ee fl d near it t e miniature the country will total a cost of AG, Norfolk, be- golf Fours, over $4,700,000,000, Speeding of 3, and $ in thc City b1ll 1 ding for he 'iYear haR up improvement..s wUl absorb program a induded t e new pu P ltouse at the unemployed and at the plan- the north nd of Mai and same time effect IrnportaI!t advantage the (!ombl t , tool house and economy In the work :done, It repertoire, of recent 1 f th b d have depresllion and then when times e madf'!. impr his ycar, and revived, needs were urgent, ev- ,Yare all inter- <tde lO t e la:1t few eryhody was at work and cost it' k lO lude the "hop space of everything was high, make r sf', added to Ichel's plant, haste to undertake them, offer- sm. Thursday's the work. oom hlllit y tll:ie Baker ing extravagant wages and which gives full gamge, Fl her Rnd right's new mUltiplying the outlay far be- ty of these young office r?fl 3, Theo aid's, remod- yond real values. The sensible it will play. Hl nterner ui\rling, the CaRt and furnishes work for an &::fore. Baker the ew launc!ri(':,>, army of idle people. Stimulated played over this Wayne creamery, c ffee shop in employment will increase con· other occasioflfl, the Boyd l1otel, Dr. Walter sumplion of farm products as in tile past year. thack's hOHpital an other public well as strengthen demand for ence in mind, the have m de their ap- manufactured commodities. Im- or have been able pcarance in the ci ty this year. proved markets would consist- rogram suitahle to Minor ithprovcmc tl'l ha'Ve beE'n ently follow, year'R greeting- (If aR numer01-ls as iote esting events ... _ dio audience. seaCions. ........ ppear on the pro- 8Ujhl N('w OID(,.S. ,LOll DaviH, The buH'ling of h mes, always a S, Bennie Kay pleasing ,-1 gn of H Idity in any Special effect" town, has ,'made It.<1 mark in the 'd in the ensemble,'J, hi.'ltory ofl Wilyne during 1930. Among hdmes whi h have been coroplE'ted ,this last twelvemonth are the cabin" OURe occupied R I h T 22 kill d 3 d d lOt rest ran high by nd M:s. 1 eto :':: ghout the day With :n, L e IC Gerald who was drtvmg the Ford : majority a.'!'o the proJect. l. . rs.". n are lVmg, sedan In WhICh they and three and granting of a f anchise by the yOling artlstFl, the John Harnngt n andl Albert t b d h t it a for ity 0 complete the n he looks upon Johnson n' 0 her oys were rlvtng, was ur counc ty for \fayne Mr and 0 and senously when the machine left toY give sprv ce In Mr Ilnd fa OflCa. Lledt e have the road. overturnmg Ifig of the a.. gt ". kmg good moved mto theIr harrru new tlmf't; Illl.O a ditch til O11te3" titte ar;rl.val !f1 0\1 liW'J>aj.tt.,..s>-,_ ... people l!-Ie IS houses ul5lt recen T e Mrs south of BloomfIeld The boys are fd gas in he ns as SOC/a year'R riesuJts JOhanna] an y Will m A sons of Mr and Mrs George TIm· ereafter a POSSI 1.,. oung people, and Meyer ho ses are Iso ami;>ng the son of Bloomfield, residents of I I' advance he!': the newest he Don arson house IS Wayne some 14 years ago, and f La a mUSIcal tuture lIew thlFl ye. ar, and Carl Wright is rlelatlves of the A E Davisons orme )1cr ity. building aflOther nw house. here" fC t Ti I Of Wa " On farms near ayne several Hal Timson, a son a ur m-! fine home$ have b en e;efted to son, also riding in the car, was 'I _ enhance the value f land !already unhurt, as wer.e t?e other ,two valuable 'because f its extreme boys. Gerald IS sbU in a. senous ., . ¢ condition, and Ralph died in the ferllhty crop ontour. Bloomfieid hospital to which he at taken after the J' L A Kipli ger 0 McCook, Neb,. of 'own: Timson were lawy r in died out"" mling ',tructurC". , held in Bloomfield Sunday. when pDd8.Y, Dec mber 8, his borne, a IQng the fIDe Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Davison and I ged 45 y s. Hi and one homes of, Wayne ounty are the Frank Ruth went to be with the. n survive. " August Daogbug' and bereaved family. Four brothers, Mr, Kipli ge:r c D;1e With hlS Vahlkamp: homes, both, 0 WhICh and, sister, and the parents, to a?,ne abou:t 20 yean arc of good size nd SIg tly ap- Mr, and Mrs, George Timson, sur- go, soon tar he . haa fl$hed peal·ance., On t Ada Saul a.w school i lb. 1:rter prac- farms hoUses wer remod led, as icing alone tqr a time, Mr, Kip· also was !the hOll e belon 'ng to ,-- --:-. ,n er bec e lasso lated with the Wm. F'eQts, Mrs Frank' Peter- ped WIth elevator and concrete, t g A R a\rtB e i\6rved one gon of A]tona ha her house re- run",:,a?" ,, t I at rna}'. modeled the dd1tion iof two Wilham Sydow, hVlng on a farm! The senio \Ir. Kit4-tnger died rooms, atd man other south of Wayne" has a double I'n Wa e L A. Kip'U:h.ger and were rna c to i rove tIe com- corncrib, new thiS yea.r. and Geo. yn. j I fort and ppeara ce of h mes in Peters, sr., had bullt this year a his mother ropv frqfl' here and arou d Way , :;;ingle of the latest ap- It':; In Wayne neluded proved type. Ih p , - d work on I the f Howing house$: Add to Equipment. Iwas active Elks; lodge an Mrs, A, Howar Jamas, John Frahm, built on the in democrat c 'CU'C es. I Walter TR. Elv :Brock- farm OC?upied by Alonzo Soden, , ' way Mrs' Christ Thomp, n and an additIOn to a hog house, com- S 11 ' ' e T e Englisp Luth- pletely modern In every rna O,Y ". i 8 ,. eran churFh had emodeling work ami of about 20 by 20 dimenSIon. Int Ba be I Wu·e done, A new chicken house, thiSI I' ,J' _ . Improvr,ents, id 'nol e d, this year, also, Is of, good size and RusseU edun ; sltin s'on of ycar, wit r jobs, Special modern constructlO,u. Mr. and ,M '(b're Bedkman was paving w rk was 40ne fa two or Pet: Jorgensen 3 new cattle] cut severel bou the1jean and three blo, s at e ceme ery and shed is 32 by 46, and is of sturdy: h lid do 't. , t t W E L' d has 'face Tues y IW n Q wn gutters a d stre s were hanged s rue ure. .. In say 8[1 a hill on h s and came and repaired at e colle e. shed of 16 by 32 di-:! tangled wi SO,? ba bed wire Ij\t the liege. George Reuter has a newil at the foot 0 th lUetIn. He ':'RS At WIl.!fne Sta e Teach ra Col- h' k h h' f reported a c mf rtab e fo;Uowmg le?e, the· co.mple of ,he ne,:" medical tr en . WIng onfelhar ! hall, the addl- _ Uon cost: about 1$50,00q above ed a 40 by ,42 cattle ' the .., al cost 0. f $l1q,ooo on The thiS cattl.e shed 1 B F the build ng, A nbw garage has which IS a mllkmg house, IS e ti been buin' on th €ampus\ and old 10 by 14. and several ad,dition, Page T So' a1. iLocal. Kingsbur haH i being fl' recked. been in the Page ,'orh ee f:" A mls ellany f impr vements which the bmldmgs house, 11 Page Fo r Ed tori, ' over the Inc udes wo k at the Build Small Additions. Ii Page Fi eJNo t;hw WayPe, Wa.yne G!rcenhou e; an a dition on Adolph Claussen a new South esIt W eft 1d, Sholes. the Mitcljlell bu' dtng, double chine shed, 12 by 3,0 m Page Six "fin ide. Northwest garage f'Or Guy 1;., Williams, a Paul Aevermh.nn s farm eqUlPjj Wake lill '1_ .' <'C' new gar ge for ment includes new this year Page Bev n+ 'Ads. a 16 hy 30 fall, n with chicken 20, by 30 and p8..g e Ei $' ak.efiEtld. 'WiI- loft for 'red K rqp, anr ;Dany 18 by. 36 hog house. bur. 1 na·. ! other n'1 bulldi ,gp Tcmodel- Rollle! Ley has had bUi.It on th , tio· TW!O. , ing activ ties.' farm occupied by LudWIg Gram: pa..2-e n N braskA. Helps prove 'n! Fa . ' berg.a cattle shed, and Mi1to :tJnemp 0 ed. be Mike wer's efl ?OU corn- GriffIth has a new !log house 1 ¥rs.. iiA. M,alil. ' !,' in crib, wi its co wete e uipment, by 36,. . ai,; , : i'i one the fi RdntiOnS to Hugo Sphttgerber built th Tw La Is. ,L" ter rr.OID" farm pI nts in c unty the year on the farm occu1?ied. by Ge 'Ij>r. H US*. ,'. II':, " past yea. Jacobs built on Steele a cob house which IS f, Page Th eer-H me-,'; R\?.ci- his far a 20 40 chicken 16 by 20 in sIze, , ,I ipes. e eJsol;lth": I house, a; I mode ,I and Herman Jens Thompson 5 new cattl I las LundbelT had b lilt on JS farm shed IS 18 by 30, and Georg , Dais!n 1 of the Me- of W >1-e a.no her new Harder has had constructe " anid WIlliam Beck- cattle sli[ed. season a cattle shed as e: 'I 18, group a 2 by 12 the equipment of his farm r sInging Christ- chicken ouse c n tructe on hIs Tbe year closes with a f t the ri:lsidence farm I t spring d Ge rge Ka- look to progress, expressed in t!h aynr,.. They went to bisch h s snoth rtOf e fine effort of the people of the count "l-1WhitIJlan home corncrib 10 'the c nty. Mr. to buHd for a sohd future Qf pro l:tr akfast. I, bisch's lib a 0 hIe 0 t111mty.1 . , . 't ,J ,ii' 1;'- II _ --, I" I " -' ., : - I WAYNE,NE 'I',' ',' ':11 1 I Om,aha Speu W j AND ftji 'CRISES r. 1 n City Han Mon ay has made; health I owth dur- f 'I <tng the nast ye r:1 spite lesR , ,Be ore vo, I, I. faY ., in many " par. of y, Wh1\e Q In a. -l so e opp¢.lsed ad Is ton of Ill' ' any S uco gas, Imarty ot is accepted, ' -- 1 sa VoIce, OP1r-i 0$ n Topic of Great I lote estl' Th ugh differences'l may exist To Voting ,I ov r policie!3j. all agree on the Uall ty 'tr Pre-election activlities ed' a me t and as a safe- onl climax Monday evening wh n I a gu rd decl People: to rna discussed the ga ,pr posal me ling new F. C. Reed, from this point of View. r. Lewis W yne is in t at Municipal disclaimed it t1;1e, It S not 1110'1, in'b shing aside, iYear's 'Metropolitan Utilities di tri¢t, ml or differences nd putting .. stat! a':l it had no nctd ae:egifes ,t;-een the. ve tie th I r Ii ves. (bnes t t are alert", I Mr.! Lewis, who wae i tro an construdive wi 1 go aheaa: ned. to sho by T. S,' Hook, who acte as hai - the person man for the gathering aU ck d me al and ability t meet emer- proposal on the g thtt ge des 'without di h.ishing it",s .. t;en mo entum or inte rupting ul1a.l .gas for a definite erl d tf ested in .m an be of greater serVice to, (,\': rl T d t" I ste dily widening, area, ',; program is with hiqh e _ , play to the '- +.-+- ..11 s>jpported this premise f"aBl, oft 'musicians, n"!-tural gaR, although 0 I no -good C unty f cers folk at thle B ty ItO:h:VEi tIt' the Hupply will HO n.e 0 egll"1 U sta:Uon on SilO In tllCj meltler \\hIC pI and fuser!:l th dl, two of them WOI d pf'nallzp he heavy 11 er 0 ayne rom ,e as le.fi .- --. With this' Hilt! rat IH I (kfCl tll hIm - t W uld no HUp ly Th 1 se Elected i T IS Fall band and [ W R t ey were on a mam. I t. r ( l\HlI II IllI l'XplalflCd lim n ayn ounty epor 8 I. ': ake Places ,an ary 0 range tl1l'Iratl V.hl(h has bcen In dfec re Recorded DISCIL-.ses Aspect.. F d convey the \\1'1 1 ,tdllpttd 1Il With th For P st Year. I.Mr, L,eWls, in the cour'e (f or the group t}-jl] of 11\1 s In (ffil t JTl the ma _ stated that I v: fl hi, !! Ii Yo of lltlls 'lnd (lVCI th I I - ImpresslOn that coal had bee ca.I,- f N .. JI,llilected ltsteners ""\ t'/y dnd that tht lugh" com Bi th IlLd 0 th led <jheaper, safec and oc. d.- e"JI IJ ,Four so ""il<ll r.ltt' Wllh (lrrpspondlOgl r S I w ea Spendable than gas as a fuel, anti I gram: ) ..... r r!qmrstlc I ate 1:-'> one of th I I __ that this statement d Icome County Board Hold, iArinual Meet- Gretchen Int' lll(]". u'wd In mn ern operatIOn Sul.stal)tlall Sum Is Oollected lin from a bureau of the Um ed After Ins to Gene ayor Orr an( the COLInCl JUdR't"R Office government. He also Let ContrRcts. WIll be featu pre l"ed howcver to dlSCUSR an the Year. tb.e arg(.lment that to use ga as weU, C') lder the matt r III fiuch I -'- _ would m,lean that,many county named Practices Vdlll( tha.t aglceme t tn busmes Wayne Clun tiY shows 70 lose jO):lS haulmg co lCtt Ilt the election, wUl pal ar 111t'., Ilnl1,1pstlc users, and the. goo weddings f 'r an Increase of Wlould afgravate t : take. up their duties frr the new at t , of ,11£' plant hE' re}ChCd' I 11 over the year and. a ment sitlJation an the pro - term on Janus. y 8 the first Reed IS pro sin of the matte,!" followed Wit d case 0 2 over 1928 The ress of thl',: mec mcal! ge, M, ThUy",day after t el first Tuesday ance and s Hp lkc[',;; frrlm the council an f i e eriod Lewis tl'):at had. hard that in t e year. Four' of the eleven evinced ,by fn the roup makin ar' 1926 7. 927 58. 72' the laYJ.Q.g of gas mam, tore are newly electl an4 tlley are Thursdays co ment.s, and bri ihg figures t 19;9, 66; 'a d 930,' 70,' "s,treets, the ,g s Ii', ,. Klopping, ,I;l. as an ,op be, ,r on .t!w sHuaL! m, ',Divorces' n t e cOUhty the past D .. A;ddison and J G. ':"." : - ----. --- four years ha e been M follows: cheap Hot £uel. He d eiled 10h county 9t f, theIr political the taste )(·al YnUl g Man 1926, 1; 921, 9; 1928, 2; and the interrppUo of setv. part es and offlOe;:'l as foll t OWS 1 pleased WI , _ 1929 8 " . ., Mis>! Pearl E Sewe 11 non-poh Ica , I I N ' h 't ice, msisbng that It wa hIS lro- !r t d nt FrankJ among hIS , et n, Births ri cor ed In Wayne for pressIOn that gas caul not be supe III en e , feels that III . ·1- ,1930 total 1;7 The males total 49 carned consistently and 'afEilly for best promIse ]" \Ill'itin Spahr I I\lu and the 48 One paIr of any distance even if peo Ie wanted 1 t In the carom I' Udell 'I<:.' \"IU\BI:r('1l '(If tWill:.; dRlhter H born III Decem- to use It, which he dee ed I mcon _ clerlt-, Frank 0r ff , democra, __ i .\nalilosa, Iowa. ber to Mr I and MrR W F Sten- celvable clerlt- of dlstnct J J Steele, :! ton arf' t e only ones on record The ::;peaker dlscotl the dE-mouat, A W Ste· Wed W 1:';:-; He]pn E Van Buren, daug this year 0 iOlons of experts m t es¢ mat- democrat "heriff, H D In Deaths ecm;ded m Wayne for tePro for he said dl"agree Addlson, attorney At L' Mr. and Mrs. G. J. V 1930 <-9 th re b g 24 <>, '!l RObfrt IiI Jones, b th parties, sur- B rf'll Anamnsa.l Iowa, R.f1d r. num er ol)., e em and becc.usel of thiS dIS b J'-':' A 11stin Spanr, f'\on of Mr. a 'd males and Hi- females theIr argumeuts are WIthout vey r, J G Be as Mj fW Co t {j)a8e Record. value He added that he ar u- sess r, Frank r leuen, republl- pk. Thl'Y wlm at home aft r of whieh goes Into the county 't tK, . h th The term of J Idge M. Cherry Mr. Ja g enNal f,j d, This Wa:;I delived 0 no mg, as ere expire +hfs )i,e,ar an, d he Mr. and .1 m h on Mr SkH.hr.s fathe 'H '{ were mqre pracbcal fe tures to r f I rh nnrftWPkt of Wayn( by Juugej' ,M. Cherry from the 'b consik!erJd, Hc did not state inues to .Inl capac- 'Wayne, a Mrs Sp 11 1'i fl radllalc of e following ouvces: Fines, :hlCh were m re racti- Ity, R.e s term as Clary, da \ ,Iym' fit ke Te bcn; Colle e Costs pai by defendants, $807.23: cal than the one which with co, miSliIlOne,r 1 Second dls- Albert R. Hle has Iwqta tc,l( tng at Hapk net proce s ir,om cars $1,- the nu ben of heat un ts btain- trITC also t d clerk met w b ere2:nartrl I 243.57; r to parties de- I ' e coun y er 'J-, a tw n , low,l 1-10(1 \\11 camp ete e, 9' d t d _ able per purchased Ullit of fuel. Tue day this for routine Lutheran c tIl m then' 6, an sta e am l'\{any Questi bu('l ness, The hpua meeting at 20 near r ISpahr is T'he fi' for 1929 amounted to At th close of the ewis ad- which contract let for the for the cer .. "ther s,'", ce com. p l,c1,tlll g hiS sch 1- $3,530.76 in county court. dreS$" t e mee, li,n?, was opened to year. will b,e h l.·l aft.er the new Iformed by ___ _ 1__._ _ I paid by tlefenrants was $991,7$, questIOn apd n. Most- talte th i IThe couplo "ffOlce!VhlumJ cJupi;·· V f" . ,shown, ya reading of the ballot I d d Ito make t , " '01' and ex lanaUons by ,ayor Orr -,ast nes ay IGrler's fa llompa es WII '>----_. and cou cilmen to be 0, a, advis- - lof Wayne. \J III Mrs. H. ii. Best, Mrs. R. W. Cas- ory nalure. Accordin tto the Mis+ Luellhl hI Becomes Miss M _., p('r, and Charles sta.tute IproV!iding for e ecHon.s of Bride or Larson wetldtng a , $ -- . Take Part. this sort, is also of .r.;nr r8 jIO' bridesmaid . hows Jncrease i In which th,Rt :any 'ty;1 JiSS hI, daughter Carstens BUSiness A Wayne I A pro am i of music and rei- an electIOn WhlCh tests mind f d M Ttl S d hi Durant of . f, fIt· , I a Mr. an rs. mas un a ' In S 'L· I tngs wa pre ented to Klwania s 0 the peop e on a que a 1'0 . I I i d r to M ithe brideg' i' Monday llo 'ng noonday lun empowers its to and iman. M g Frar k Larson· 9 T uraton, ,Wed- a. s r a Iy Again," n ltish dialect selecuen, the protection Of the i of 2t Farm J ", - ,and two wedish stories, Mrs.jR: the city. y !" G o",t, $avings ,and1 Money Or ers w, Cas r, accompanied at the This stat€:!ment cleare a"iVay the La I, ·1 I I u I SHow Largt\StlG1Lin8 for piano b Esther Mae JIg· misapprehension that t e possible ;onLIS a ,ayl Ole. f th ' I:, " tho Period. ham, sa "In the Garden of 0- favorable vdte of the p ople would r. ars?n he j'! morrow,' Deppen, and "Out of mean the \fnqualified, tloption of c ofayears, Men Pia ! Volume of busine\ss for the 5t the Dus , by .Lee. Miss m the pubhs ed. Bolh Larson is, of the grar ear at Wayne ;post office ,an !played Carmval pranks, by the gas company ,and town Wayne State s College, , L bdut the same as in 1929, ac (rd- :Schuma, ,and people be SRtlsfie ; Wlth any cefr' ing her e n 1928. She The ,I ng' tp, Postmaster (J;rant S, M 'rs, .playe? a Serenata, by Bta a, made, and If, conces- hR..8 been il>f the Center pia I€hristmas also 'an OffICe appoin ed slQns are fpund to be nt1cessary, hig sehool two years othe bout, the same as la ag I fpr the ew yea,r WIll be Installed they WIll be ma,de, It as stated rand M'r i, ,I t.,arson spent the , at the qfficelin W ne lat next ondaY5 program S I{. Ch isb'nas lwi/th the brIde's 12 I materIally In I some e w I The election, as ,sev ral PRfnts and ttte !went to SiOUX Farm artttlents, posta.l Orne rs Elected 109 townsmen stat it, constt- CI and Omajl!t. idr a week be- day at or , IJ S .... d S h' tutes a contributio of support to for locatmg merson gram a T number of ards sent nd I Un ay C Ov the counclll In 1m their deci- _ who IS r. ecei ed showed a ecid d iner -- sions concerrtin the shes of the p' b t " 'PI er will r The nu tb The ollOwl°S officer. re, people whe\b tbe pro.0sal sboul fes y e,ll «s an of'South ps was f wer A Rrd elected y the Sunday se 001 be accepted or reject d. Terms, 0 Hav 'dnference here 1M envelope may e sen or board ot the MetJ1.odist chu ch it was wo d have to . rd in' an u. env pe venm g ., 'December 29; be workedj, out by'ciou eil and at- f'peclal conf1 nd.eiS of Presbyter w an4 a i a sled G neral , q. torney with gas mpany. tq ia s ate being Id lover the state given nex for: 2e, i t supe the best hlterests ot tIL th s th L stewardship I holiday hli : juniot Opinions I of varidus townsmen meting to be the Wayne,J" 1 I than lever :tt t e 1VV . H. Br,i ell; were heard, Wi interest. co greg-ation ,and one to 4aro 81' . Ali: parcels a d ,Ie and, Most strik ng Ith se Iof C. R. bel held in M Jan. 7. Rev. deuverr,d after. . aCh. ra. C. H. I HendnCk oni' Chinn Of." ayne i , Sta l',:! Teachers L. Morn of Philadelphia,' II mate '8.1 m iledlat Jb superintendent! Mr lli·, College" f. Chino,., lio tas done di ector of s hip for the a6 sen out 0 tbej ·aecreiarYlI Rt ,a gr.eat Mal"o+ en ent re- c reh, is ,to harge of the its arrive,!. T en Fanske; SSlstant secretary•.J l!-Il", search Qn!1 tpe ;of natllralg therlngs, It: all P en announced.. tbodlst C ated O,rk,.ln, .p., n. ,W"l .. lit.r••asurer, J,' J,' 111 g\Can- be confer planned wlII enbauer I' , I, , orsauis ICharlene ,Brown: vlsl iJ1 Lincoln d al ¥th C oil educatiOD lnl evt tritc' h ,,;be t,., 1,' r,ed ant :o:rg nist.! Marg!fLret J C staur- t various of vocationall e \Va ' , d,' .! W,m.' oit. ligation idance, i a Ion of church 11;,,'" b' \director, ,t 11. erature I a aigns tor Rev. of .. _-1- on our.), Cl ana mOir reo I afterward , I 1'1 ii, I I I I I I' f I I[ i , r! II
Page 1: LD - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940... · LD be guests for the ... Four brothers, Mr, Kipli ge:r c D;1e With hlS Vahlkamp:


be guests for thecheon and the pr()'o­

d. Francis Floode Nebraska Farm­and show pictures

iea. Mr. Flood wasand spoke on Af·

Grier, jr" son ofJames B. Grier ofiss Thelma S, Mc­r of Mr.. nntl Mrs,ary of Winside,ednesday, Dccem­at the St. Paul

h in Wayne. aboutves being pre5entny which WaH per~

. W. C, Heidenreich,Immediately afier

or Sioux City andre they vif;iled

when they returnedorne on one of Mr.

farms northwest

e' r's Building Shows, ayne" Faith In -Future Progress

New ~.;,".:'tr~P:~ '~1IC~7 nnd+\ MILLIONS- READY ,, welvemont , TO EMPLOY IDLE

W,jh t e e;';;- f the year, IN PUBLIC WORKcome~ a r view of I s activities A REPORT f Whitand the progress w Ich has states that rt~r;: fed:alnio~~marked W yne as a f r ard-look- ernment plans building opera~

mg town n a year w en pros- bons costing $724,000,000 dur­perlty has not smile n condl- mg the next twelve monthstions.! Al g Main stteet this For immediate use congress hasyear ihave appeared he new im~ appropriated $116,000,000. Thisprov~ments of Hra aIt's store does not include $45,000,000 forfront( J, T.'Bressler's r .:1'dellng of drouth relief. For road con~the Slore~jJding occ f~hd by ~he struction the federal govern·

y to have music, :e~i:~c~o;~~~f ;~d fha~ ;e:~t(~el~ ~~~;o~astoma:: a;:':i:~:~~ ~~~i~f~r~:~rI~o ~~: ing ~nd i roving of he Irear part state expenditures, Chief sta­

" emphaSize$ Prof. of Ur!e Fir t National Bapk bulld- tlstician for the F, W. Dodgewith his 35 piece ing, the c~a~ge!-i in r.. rfldn's store, corporation estimates that in

and the n w Wayne up~r-servjce addition' construction work ina:ee ~;~~r~~ ~::;: staJti~n, fl d near it t e miniature the country will total a cost ofAG, Norfolk, be- golf Fours, over $4,700,000,000, Speedingof 3, and $ in thc City b1ll1ding for he 'iYear haR up improvement..s wUl absorbprogram i~ a induded t e new pu P ltouse at the unemployed and at theespeciall~ plan- the north nd of Mai ~tteet. and same time effect IrnportaI!tbe~t advantage the (!ombl

t,tio~ tool house and economy In the work :done, It

repertoire, of :~~~M~n~ IC~t~~ e~hu~ ~~:~. recent ~;~~e:e~~~th~~~~gtop~~~~sl~f1 f th b d several~W"ine~s uu~es have depresllion and then when times

~ e ~nuw~ a8a~h~ madf'!. impr vcme~l:1 his ycar, and revived, needs were urgent, ev­, Yare all inter- H.ddlllOn~ <tde lO t e la:1t few eryhody was at work and cost

it' k mOflth~ lO lude the "hop space of everything was high, maker sf', ~~~ ;~s~~ added to homp~IO,n- Ichel's plant, haste to undertake them, offer­

sm. Thursday's the work. oom hlllit y tll:ie Baker ing extravagant wages andwhich gives full gamge, Fl her Rnd right's new mUltiplying the outlay far be-ty of these young office r?fl 3, Theo aid's, remod- yond real values. The sensible

:;'~~~ng~rt~~ ~~~: ~~~n~~f'~i~ i~~ae:;atl ~ ,~~e wnuet~ ~~;~~~;E~L,f~:~:dre~~~~~~:it will play. ~~~ Hl nterner ui\rling, the CaRt and furnishes work for an

&::fore. Baker gar~ge, the ew launc!ri(':,>, army of idle people. Stimulatedplayed over this Wayne creamery, c ffee shop in employment will increase con·other occasioflfl, the Boyd l1otel, Dr. Walter Ben~ sumplion of farm products as

in tile past year. thack's hOHpital an other public well as strengthen demand forence in mind, the enterpriRe~' have m de their ap- manufactured commodities. Im-

or have been able pcarance in the ci ty this year. proved markets would consist-rogram suitahle to Minor ithprovcmc tl'l ha'Ve beE'n ently follow,

year'R greeting- (If aR numer01-ls as iote esting events ...~~ _

:~\h:o:~des;~~~~ ~n ;::i~~at~ ~~ ~~ a~r~o t:in~a~~dio audience. seaCions. ........ppear on the pro- 8Ujhl N('w OID(,.S.

,LOll DaviH, The buH'ling of h mes, always aS, Bennie Kay pleasing ,-1 gn of H Idity in any

Special effect" town, has ,'made It.<1 mark in the'd in the ensemble,'J, hi.'ltory ofl Wilyne during 1930.

Among hdmes whi h have beencoroplE'ted ,this last twelvemonth

are the "I~ cabin" OURe occupied R I h T 22 kill d 3 d d lOt rest ran highby P~~f. nd M:s. h'~' ~osteri~ Chn~[masI~~~n'and ~~: br~th~~ 1 eto:':: t~ro ghout the day With:n, L e ou~e 1~ IC ~: ~n Gerald who was drtvmg the Ford : majority a.'!'o the proJect.

l. . rs.". a~les n are lVmg, sedan In WhICh they and three and granting of a f anchise by theyOling artlstFl, the John Harnngt n andl Albert t b d h t it a for ity 0 complete the

n he looks upon Johnson n'use~ 0 her oys were rlvtng, was ur councty for \fayne Mr and Mr~ 0 con~r and senously when the machine left ~ovement, a~~ toY;:p~ct~~~give sprv ce In Mr Ilnd fa OflCa. Lledt e have the road. overturnmg se~~ral Ifig of the a.. gt • ".

kmg good ~uslci moved mto theIr harrru new tlmf't; Illl.O a ditch til ~(; O11te3" titte ar;rl.val !f1 0\1 ~ble. liW'J>aj.tt.,..s>-,_ ~~ ...people l!-Ie IS houses ul5lt recen T e Mrs south of BloomfIeld The boys are fd gas in he ns as SOC/ayear'R riesuJts JOhanna] ~utt an y Will m A sons of Mr and Mrs George TIm· ereafter a POSSI 1.,.

oung people, and Meyer ho ses are Iso ami;>ng the son of Bloomfield, residents of II' advance he!': the newest he Don arson house IS Wayne some 14 years ago, and f La

a mUSIcal tuture lIew thlFl ye.ar, and Carl Wright is rlelatlves of the A E Davisons orme )1crity. building aflOther n w house. here" f C t Ti I Of Wa "

On farms near ayne several Hal Timson, a son a ur m-!fine home$ have b en e;efted to son, also riding in the car, was 'I _

enhance the value f land !already unhurt, as wer.e t?e other ,twovaluable 'because f its extreme boys. Gerald IS sbU in a. senous

. , . ¢ condition, and Ralph died in theferllhty a~d f~ne crop ~ontour. Bloomfieid hospital to which he ~

~~~~gpt~t~~ear:eat ~ ~~~~m ~fol~~: wa~d taken imm~diatelY after the J' L A Kipli ger 0 McCook, Neb,.

~iOuth of 'own: aC~ler~~~e~c~~;r~~lPhTimson were ,or~er' lawy r in wli~.e. diedout"" mling ',tructurC". , held in Bloomfield Sunday. when pDd8.Y, Dec mber 8, ~t his borne,

Olltstan~mg a IQng the fIDe Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Davison and I ged 45 y s. Hi ~El and onehomes of, Wayne ounty are the Frank Ruth went to be with the. n survive. "August Daogbug' and ier~an bereaved family. Four brothers, Mr, Kipli ge:r c D;1e With hlSVahlkamp: homes, both, 0 WhICh and, on~, sister, and the parents, ~arent8 to a?,ne abou:t 20 yeanarc of good size nd SIg tly ap- Mr, and Mrs, George Timson, sur- go, soon tar he . haa fl$hedpeal·ance., On t Ada Saul a.w school i ~Ilin lb. 1:rter prac-farms hoUses wer remod led, as vlv.~. icing alone tqr a time, Mr, Kip·also was !the hOll e belon 'ng to ,-- --:-. , n er bec e lasso lated with theWm. F'eQts, Mrs Frank' Peter- ped WIth elevator and concrete, tg A R a\rtB e i\6rved onegon of A]tona ha her house re- run",:,a?" , , ~:r~ a~ c~ t I at rna}'.modeled ~y the dd1tion iof two Wilham Sydow, hVlng on a farm! The senio \Ir. Kit4-tnger diedrooms, atd man other ~hanges south of Wayne" has a double I'n Wa e L A. Kip'U:h.ger andwere rna c to i rove tIe com- corncrib, new thiS yea.r. and Geo. yn. j Ifort and ppeara ce of h mes in Peters, sr., had bullt this year a his mother ropv frqfl' here t~

and arou d Way , :;;ingle cor~crib of the latest ap- i~~co~:ct~~It':; ~~t ~:~:.a~eRemode~ing In Wayne neluded proved type. Ih p , - d

work on I the f Howing house$: Add to Equipment. Iwas active n>,f~e Elks; lodge anMrs, A, ~,Welch Howar Jamas, John Frahm, h~s built on the in democrat c 'CU'C es. I

Walter B~e8sler. TR. Elv :Brock- farm OC?upied by Alonzo Soden, , ' _~'way Mrs' Christ Thomp, n and an additIOn to a hog house, com- S 11 ' l· 'eman~ oth~rs. T e Englisp Luth- pletely modern In every resp~ct, rna O,Y ". i 8 ,.eran churFh had emodeling work ami of about 20 by 20 dimenSIon. Int Ba be I Wu·edone, also~ ~ A new chicken house, b~tlt thiSI I' ,J' _ .

Improvr,ents, id 'nol e d, this year, also, Is of, good size and RusseU edun ; sltin s'on ofycar, wit ~mali r jobs, Special modern constructlO,u. Mr. and ,M '(b're Bedkman waspaving w rk was 40ne fa two or Pet: Jorgensen 3 new cattle] cut severel bou the1jean andthree blo, s at e ceme ery and shed is 32 by 46, and is of sturdy: h 'b~ lid do't. , t t W E L' d has 'face Tues y IW n Q wngutters a d stre s were hanged s rue ure. .. In say 8[1 a hill on h s ~led' and ~6. came en~

and repaired at e colle e. :~Si~~~tlC shed of 16 by 32 di-:! tangled wi SO,? ba bed wire

Ij\t the liege. George Reuter has a newil at the foot 0 th lUetIn. He ':'RSAt WIl.!fne Sta e Teach ra Col- h' k h h' f ~ reported a c mf rtab e fo;Uowmg

le?e, the· co.mple i~m of ,he ne,:" ~:~r;nC1a~~::no~as ~~d ~~~'tr:~t medical tr en .WIng onfelhar ! hall, the addl- ~~'_Uon cost: about 1$50,00q above ed recen~ly a 40 by ,42 cattle shed~, '

the Orig~.., al cost 0.f $l1q,ooo on The a~dltion. t~ thiS cattl.e shed1 B F .~x.the build ng, A nbw garage has which IS a mllkmg house, IS ~bou! e ti 'On~.been buin' on th €ampus\ and old 10 by 14. and several ad,dition, Page T So' a1. iLocal.Kingsbur haH i being fl'recked. ha~e been m~d~ in the equlpmen~ Page ,'orh ee f:"

A mls ellany f impr vements which the bmldmgs house, 11 Page Fo r Ed tori, 'over the ~ity Inc udes wo k at the Build Small Additions. Ii Page Fi eJNo t;hw ~t WayPe,Wa.yne G!rcenhou e; an a dition on Adolph Claussen h~S a new ,?a~ South esIt W eft 1d, Sholes.the Mitcljlell bu' dtng, ~ double chine shed, 12 by 3,0 m dlmensl':'~ Page Six "fin ide. Northwestgarage f'Or Guy 1;., Williams, a Paul Aevermh.nn s farm eqUlPjj Wake lill '1_ .' <'C'

new gar ge for •~eq We~ternous, ment includes new this year ~ Page Bev n+ rtoll.~ ~ant 'Ads.

a 16 hy 30 fall,n lajtio~ b~rn with chicken ~ouse 20, by 30 and p8..g e Ei $' ak.efiEtld. 'WiI-loft for 'red K rqp, anr ;Dany 18 by.36 hog house. bur. 1 na·. !other n'1 bulldi ,gp a~dTcmodel- Rollle! Ley has had bUi.It on th , tio· TW!O. ,ing activ ties.' farm occupied by LudWIg Gram: pa..2-e n N braskA. Helps

prove 'n! Fa . ' berg.a cattle shed, and Mi1to :tJnemp 0 ed. .PJ~¥fI ~ridge.be Mike wer's efl ?OU ~e corn- GriffIth has a new !log house 1 ¥rs.. iiA. M,alil.' !,' ~es in

crib, wi its co wete e uipment, by 36,. . ~hang ai,; ~ , :i'i one ~ the fi e~t RdntiOnS to Hugo Sphttgerber built th Pa~e Tw La Is. ,L"~~.ter rr.OID"farm pI nts in ~e c unty the year on the farm occu1?ied. by Ge 'Ij>r. H US*. ,'. II':, "past yea. ~os Jacobs built on Steele a cob house which IS abo~ f, Page Th eer-H me-,'; ~ed. R\?.ci-his far a 20 b~ 40 chicken 16 by 20 in sIze, , ,I ipes. e ~~W, eJsol;lth": I

house, a; I mode ,I and Herman Jens Thompson 5 new cattl I las ~eVie:w:

LundbelT had b lilt on JS farm shed IS 18 by 30, and Georg , Dais!n 1

*~ople of the Me- southwe,~t of W >1-e a.no her new Harder has had constructe " ~

anid WIlliam Beck- cattle sli[ed. season a cattle shed as e:'I 18, group Chnst~ Levi~lese ~ a 2 by 12 the equipment of his farm

r sInging Christ- chicken ouse c n tructe on hIs Tbe year closes with a ft the ri:lsidence farm I t spring d Ge rge Ka- look to progress, expressed in t!h

aynr,.. They went to bisch h s snoth rtOf e fine effort of the people of the count"l-1WhitIJlan home corncrib 10 'the c nty. Mr. K:a~ to buHd for a sohd future Qf prol:tr akfast. I, bisch's lib i~ a 0 hIe 0 e/~Ui""" t111mty.1 . , .

't ,J ,ii' 1;'- II _ --, • I"

I "- ' . , : - I ~






Om,aha Speu ~r W i~~~A~At ~~


~I~.t.~ ~ r.1

n ~ :!;i~tb~ffg,tb£~'J~5~City Han Mon ay has made; health I owth dur-

f 'I <tng the nast ye r:1 ~,'spite lesR, ,Be ore vo,~e. I, I. faY rable·!condltiQl~~ ., in many


par. of ~he co~t y, Wh1\e

P~'II~M Q In a.-l so e opp¢.lsed ad Is ton of nat~Ill' ' any u{',.~tI" S uco gas, Imarty ot is accepted,

' -- 1 ~ ~t s a S~:d:~~wa: ::l~~~~i::'TOWll~people VoIce, OP1r-i0$ n

Topic of Great I lote estl' Th ugh differences'l may existTo Voting Grou~. ,I ov r pUb~ic policie!3j. all agree

on the e~senUall ty 'tr improve~

Pre-election activlities eac~'ed' a me t and progres~~,as a safe- ~'The onlclimax Monday evening wh n I a gu rd ag~inst decl ~. People: ~nd to rna

~::;~n~a%a~~i~l~~~~~e ~i~ ha~~ ~~ :gi:~t~i;~B~:er :~~e:~d~~ ~~~~giSp:~discussed the natUI1a~ ga ,pr posal me ling new r~qUirements:, F. C. Reed,from this point of View. r. Lewis W yne is ric,~ in t at respec~, Municipaldisclaimed connecl\:.~on it t1;1e, It S not 1110'1, in'b shing aside, iYear's da~'Metropolitan Utilities di tri¢t, ml or differences nd putting .. ~adlo stat!

Oma~a, a':l it had b~ett no nctd ~~~,un~~~~~~ae:egifest~farr~~;, ,t;-een the.

~~.,...~t~eri~~st~~r~~;.ted ve tie th Ir Iives. (bnes t t are alert", I :l::;~~~n~;Mr.! Lewis, who wae i tro UC~d an construdive wi 1 go aheaa: ned. to sho

by T. S,' Hook, who acte as hai - ~~~~ tioa~ll~~e ~~a::r~~; ~~: the personman for the gathering aU ck d me al and ability t meet emer- th~h~any~U

th~ proposal on the g thtt ge des 'without di h.ishing it",s..~';~~Chlt;oS~::dnot t;en ~~r mo entum or inte rupting i~, ~~i~hS:ha:Oul1a.l .gas for a definite erl d tf i~ f:~~s'ah~:dh~itvec~nf~~::~:~ ested in .m

~~~;~~n~.,~\n;es:;~~~ci~~e~ri ~le~~ an be of greater serVice to, (,\': :~~;tte:~trl T d t" I ste dily widening, "ad,~ area, ',; program iss~~~elear~~~~nt with hiqh e _ ..--;..--..-_~ , play to the

'- +.-+- ..11 s>jpported this premise f"aBl, th~t; oft 'musicians,

n"!-tural gaR, although 0 I no -good Cunty f cers folk at thle

~h~:Y.~~~in~~~~~~7~~'·~~1~:~a.~ B ~.I..!D ty ItO:h:VEitIt' the Hupply will HO n . e d~- 0 egll"1 U sta:Uon on

SilO In tllCj meltler \\hIC pI t~, and fuser!:l ~~ th dl, t~~~~ two of themWOI d pf'nallzp he heavy 11 er 0 ayne rom ,e as le.fi . ---. With this'Hilt! rat IH I (kfCl tll hIm ~ ~- - tW uld hav~ no sU1~able HUp ly ~f Th

1se Elected i T IS Fall band and

[ W R t ey were on a mam. I ~'8 t. r( l\HlI II IllI ~tl)Jf'r:-; l'XplalflCd lim n ayn ounty epor 8 I. ': ake Places ,an ary 0 range

tl1l'Iratl V.hl(h has bcen In dfec sevent~1 re Recorded DISCIL-.ses Aspect.. ~ F '~N d convey the\\1'1

1,tdllpttd 1Il fU~l)ld With th For P st Year. I.Mr, L,eWls, in the cour'e (f th~t or _~-1-_lero. the group

t}-jl] of 11\1 s In (ffil t JTl the ma _ ~t'gument, stated that I v: fl hi, !! Ii t~eyJllt~ Yo of lltlls 'lnd t()v.n~ (lVCI th I I - ImpresslOn that coal had bee ca.I,- f ~. N..JI,llilected ltsteners""\ t'/y dnd that tht lugh" com Bi th IlLd 0 th led <jheaper, safec and oc. d.- o~r e"JI IJ ,Four so""il<ll r.ltt' Wllh (lrrpspondlOgl r S I w ea Spendable than gas as a fuel, anti _~"_~ I gram:

)..... r r!qmrstlc Iate 1:-'> one of th I I __ that this statement ~ d Icome County Board Hold, iArinual Meet- GretchenInt' lll(]". u'wd In mn ern operatIOn Sul.stal)tlall Sum Is Oollected lin from a bureau of the Um ed ~tate~ iil~g After Ins Ua~on to a~d Gene

ayor Orr an( the COLInCl Co-4'llt~ JUdR't"R Office government. He also ad~ance Let ContrRcts. WIll be featupre l"ed howcver to dlSCUSR an J!~br the Year. tb.e arg(.lment that to use ga _~_. as weU,C') lder the matt r III fiuch I -'- _ would m,lean that,many enlWo~ld W~yne county offic~rs, named PracticesVdlll( tha.t aglceme t tn busmes Wayne Clun tiY rec~rd shows 70 lose jO):lS haulmg co lCtt Ilt the Novemb~r election, wUl pal ~nd ar111t'., Ilnl1,1pstlc users, and the. goo weddings f 'r ]~30, an Increase of Wlould afgravate t : ne~~~ take. up their duties frr the new ,cve~~,~g at t

, of ,11£' plant hE' re}ChCd' DiSC~lS I 11 over the pr~vious year and. a ment sitlJation an ~elp, the pro - term on Janus. y 8 the first Reed IS prosin of the matte,!" followed Wit d case 0 2 over 1928 The ress of thl',: mec mcal! ge, M, ThUy",day after t el first Tuesday ance and sHp lkc[',;; frrlm the council an n~~~ers f ie five~year· eriod Lewis s~~d tl'):at had. hard that in t e year. Four' of the eleven evinced ,byfn the vi~iting roup makin ar' 1926 7. 927 58. 19~ 72' the laYJ.Q.g of gas mam, tore ~u~ are newly electl an4 tlley are Thursdaysco ment.s, and bri ihg figures t 19;9, 66; 'a d 930,' 70,' "s,treets, fl~d th~t the ,g s carn~ Ii', ,. Klopping, ~a;n:k Korf~, ,I;l. as an ,op

be, ,r on .t!w sHuaL! m, ',Divorces' n t e cOUhty the past ~a;h~f~~m~~,~te;st=~; !~el1~l~:1 D .. A;ddison and J G. B~1"gl:.· ':"." r~:n~a~:~: - ----. --- four years ha e been M follows: cheap Hot £uel. He d eiled 10h T~e county 9t f, theIr political the taste

l~ )(·al YnUl g Man 1926, 1; 921, 9; 1928, 2; and the p~int ~f' interrppUo of setv. part es and offlOe;:'l t~re as folltOWS

1pleased WI

, _ 1929 8 " . ., Mis>! Pearl E Sewe 11 non-poh Ica ,

I I N ' h 't ice, msisbng that It wa hIS lro- !r t d nt FrankJ K1~ptng among hIS, et n, ~)Venl e· Births ricor ed In Wayne for pressIOn that gas caul not be supe III en e , feels that III

~': . ·1- ,1930 total 1;7 The males total 49 carned consistently and 'afEilly for ~i~~c~~~'thasta~~rre~pr~:~~~~~~:~"best promIse

]" \Ill'itin Spahr I M'lITil~s I\lu ~ and the fe,nal~f'l 48 One paIr of any distance even if peo Ie wanted 1 t In the carom• I' Udell 'I<:.' \"IU\BI:r('1l '(If tWill:.; dRlhterH born III Decem- to use It, which he dee ed Imcon _ clerlt-, Frank 0r

ff, democra, __i .\nalilosa, Iowa. ber to Mr I and MrR W F Sten- celvable clerlt- of dlstnct o~rt, J J Steele,

:! ton arf' t e only ones on record The ::;peaker dlscotl te~i the dE-mouat, treasure~ A W Ste· Wed W1:';:-; He]pn E Van Buren, daug • this year 0 iOlons of experts m t es¢ mat- phe~s, democrat "heriff, H D

In Deaths ecm;ded m Wayne for tePro for he said e~ert dl"agree Addlson, repUb~lin, attorney At L'Mr. and Mrs. G. J. V 1930 <-9 th re b g 24 <>, ,~t' '!l RObfrt IiI Jones, b th parties, sur-

B rf'll Anamnsa.l Iowa, R.f1d r. num er ol)., e em and becc.usel of thiS dIS gr~ement ~ bJ'-':' A 11stin Spanr, f'\on of Mr. a 'd males and Hi- females theIr argumeuts are WIthout vey r, J G Be '~I_mocrat, asMj ~ f W Co t {j)a8e Record. value He added that he ar u- sess r, Frank r leuen, republl-

;)~i~~:t::~:;~;;,~;;[~~~~e~ ~:~8:~r~e'I!~~~:~rn~e:~~tlel:~~:;l~e~~% ~~r:r£',~ ~~:~ ;~~:~:~ :~~,~~~~~~r~~;'~:i~~!;ea~,e~~~-\~ pk. Thl'Y wlm ))(~ at home aft r of whieh goes Into the county 't tK, . h th The term of J Idge ~. M. Cherry Mr. Ja

genNal f,j d, This Wa:;I delived 0 no mg, tna~muc as ere dl~not expire +hfs )i,e,ar an,d he Mr. and.1 m h on Mr SkH.hr.s fathe 'H '{ were mqre pracbcal fe tures to rf I rh nnrftWPkt of Wayn( by Juugej' ,M. Cherry from the 'b consik!erJd, Hc did not state ~on inues to se~v~ .Inl ~hiS capac- 'Wayne, a

Mrs Sp 11 1'i fl radllalc of e following ouvces: Fines, $2,0~9; :hlCh ~atures were m re racti- Ity, ~e:nry R.e hWIS~h s term as Clary, da\ ,Iym' fit ke Te bcn; Colle e Costs pai by defendants, $807.23: cal than the one which eat~ with co, miSliIlOne,r 1 ~he: Second dls- Albert R.

Hle has Iwqta tc,l( tng at Hapk ~ net proce s ir,om cars so~d, $1,- the nu ben of heat un ts btain- trITC also htOldbe~?1dera'td clerk met wb

ere2:nartrlI 243.57; r stitt~tlOn to parties de- I ' e coun y ",~, er 'J-, atwn , low,l 1-10(1 \\11 camp ete e, 9' d t d _ able per purchased Ullit of fuel. Tue day this e~k for routine Lutheran c

tIl m then' ~~:ud~~01448' 6, an sta e am A~k l'\{any Questi ns~ bu('l ness, The hpua meeting at 20 near r,~Mr ISpahr ha~ b~('n a~~;\stlng is T'he fi' e.~ for 1929 amounted to At th close of the ewis ad- which contract ~rE! let for the for the cer

~~.. "ther s,'",ce com.p


hiS sch 1- $3,530.76 in county court. Co~ts dreS$" t e mee,li,n?, was opened to year. will b,e h l.·l aft.er the new Iformed by~,g. __ _ _ 1__._ _ I paid by tlefenrants was $991,7$, questIOn apd dISCU~si, n. Most- offi~ers talte th i ),'ll~ces. IThe couplo

"ffOlce!VhlumJ Vari~d-p~~g;~~ ;~:i~:~I~f:~~~:~~~:~t'hl~F~~~ cJupi;·· ~;i;d~l~~t;i~~V ~ f" K· . ,shown, y a reading of the ballot I d d Ito make t

, ~' " '01' lWanla~S and ex lanaUons by ,ayor Orr -,ast nes ay IGrler's fallompa esWII '>----_. and cou cilmen to be 0, a, advis- - lof Wayne.\J III Mrs. H. ii. Best, Mrs. R. W. Cas- ory nalure. Accordin tto the Mis+ Luellhl hI Becomes Miss M_., p('r, ~i~s ~sther and Charles sta.tute IproV!iding for e ecHon.s of Bride or Larson wetldtng a

, $ ~ -- . I!~harp Take Part. this sort, th~re is also p~ovlsion of .r.;nrr8jIO' bridesmaidota~ . hows Jncrease i In ~',... --~. which s~ates th,Rt :any 'ty;1 tak~ng JiSS Lucile~hI, daughter Carstens

BUSiness A Wayne I A pro am i of music and rei- an electIOn WhlCh tests tli~ mind f d M Ttl S d hi Durant of. f, fIt· , I a Mr. an rs. mas un a 'In S 'L· I tngs wa pre ented to Klwania s 0 the peop e on a que I~n, a 1'0 . I I i d r to M ithe brideg'o~~.tlDfS. i' Monday llo 'ng noonday lun h~ empowers its g~v:rnin b~dy to ~er~r~:r:'o:as$J'~~ ~~. and Mr~: iman.

~d' A· M ~f)e~t:eal~;;:' t~:~n~f ~~~n~i g ~sa~~t~~~:y ~~~~\~~~Sn eSe~b~rya~~ Frark Larson· 9 T uraton, ,Wed-a. s r a Iy Again," n ltish dialect selecuen, the protection Of the i te~ests of n~s~aYdDe~e~~e, 2t ~ l~o~~ek Farm

J", ~-- ~ - ,and two wedish stories, Mrs.jR: the city. ,,~tIl ~~veeraty ~~ ~so~ ~~;re ~;. !" Go",t, $avings ,and1 Money Or ers w, Cas r, accompanied at the This stat€:!ment cleare a"iVay the La I, ·1 I I u

ISHow Largt\StlG1Lin8 for piano b ~iss Esther Mae JIg· misapprehension that t e possible ;onLIS a ra.l~ ,ayl e~p Ole. f th '

I:, " tho Period. ham, sa "In the Garden of 0- favorable vdte of the p ople would r. ars?n I~ ~~ ~ he sOJive~:Klwanlansj'! ,~_~j_ morrow,' ,~y Deppen, and "Out of mean the \fnqualified, tloption of ;:tt~\~~q~l:hac ~~be~ ofayears, Men Pia! Volume of busine\ss for the 5t the Dus , by .Lee. Miss I~~b m the franchf~e a~ pubhs ed. Bolh Mr~. Larson is, gjr~duate of the grarear at t~e Wayne ;post office ,an !played Carmval pranks, by the gas company ,and ,th~ town Wayne State 'T'~ ch~ s College, re~ ,

Lbdut the same as in 1929, ac (rd- :Schuma, ,and Cha~~es Ing~m people mus~ be SRtlsfie ; Wlth any cefr'ing her d~gP e n 1928. She The,I ng' tp, Postmaster (J;rant S, M 'rs, .playe? a Serenata, by Bta a, a~reement made, and If, conces- hR..8 been prinCI{~al,' il>f the Center pia

I~h$ I€hristmas bU~.ines~. also 'an OffICe e~eeted ~nd appoin ed slQns are fpund to be nt1cessary, hig sehool th~ as~ two years othebout, the same as la ye~r ag I fpr the ew yea,r WIll be Installed they WIll be ma,de, It as stated rand M'r i, ,I t.,arson spent the

, R~ceipts at the qfficelin W ne lat next ondaY5 program TO~sl1len S I{. Ch isb'nas he;~ lwi/th the brIde's 12 Icr~ased materIally In Isome ew I The election, as ,sev ral speak~ PRfnts and ttte !went to SiOUX Farm

artttlents, espeCla~y posta.l v~ Orne rs Elected 109 townsmen stat it, constt- CI and Omajl!t. idr a week be- day atmone~ or ers.~ , IJ S ....d Sh' ~I tutes a contributio of support to for locatmg 1~ merson gram a

T number of ards sent nd I Un ay C Ov the counclll In 1m in~ their deci- _ who ISr.ecei ed showed a ecid d iner ~se -- sions concerrtin the shes of the p' b t " 'PI er will

r The nu be~sent tb The ollOwl°S officer. re, people whe\b tbe pro.0sal sboul fes y e,ll «s an of'Southps was f wer A Rrd elected y the Sunday se 001 be accepted or reject d. Terms, 0 Hav 'dnference here 1Menvelope may e sen or board ot the MetJ1.odist chu ch it was reitera~ed, wo d have to .

rd in' an u.n~eale env pe ¥~nday venmg., 'December 29; be workedj, out by'ciou eil and at- f'peclal conf1 nd.eiS of Presbyterw nC~orean4 a ca~d i a sled G neral , pro~. q. torney with th~ gas mpany. tq ia s ate being Id lover the state given nexfor: 2e, i t supe tn~ the best hlterests ot tIL th s s~ason, th L~ stewardship I --4I-~I----~

holiday mai~ w~ hli : juniot su~ Opinions I of varidus townsmen meting to be lield~'n the Wayne,J" 1 Ithan lever :tt t e 1VV • . H. Br,i ell; were aJSO~1heard, Wi interest. co greg-ation '~. ,and one to 4aro 81'

. Ali: parcels a d ,Ie and, pri~al'y s~~e ~- Most strik ng ·we~e Ith se Iof C. R. bel held in M ¢l~sob Jan. 7. Rev.deuverr,d after. . aCh. ra. C. H. I HendnCk oni' Chinn Of." ayne i, Sta l',:! Teachers G~y L. Morn ~ of Philadelphia,'II mate '8.1 m iledlat Jb ~ superintendent! Mr lli·, College" f. Chino,., lio tas done di ector of s ~m hip for thea6 sen out 0 tbej fir~t ~ti. ·aecreiarYlI Rt ~r~ ,a gr.eat Mal"o+ ,i~Qe en ent re- c reh, is ,to 'a.v~ harge of the T~irtyits arrive,!. T ,~ee~tfa en Fanske; SSlstant secretary•.J l!-Il", search Qn!1 tpe sJjb)~O ;of natllralg therlngs, It: all Pen announced.. tbodlst C

ated P~Otl1.~t O,rk,.ln, .p., 'Of~, n.~ ,W"l.. lit.r••asurer, J,' J,' 111 terl~l g\Can- be confer )e~S'h planned wlII enbauerI' , I, , orsauis ICharlene ,Brown: vlsl iJ1 Lincoln d al ¥th C oil ~ educatiOD lnl

evt tritc' h ,,;be t,., 1,' r,ed ant :o:rg nist.! Marg!fLret J C ~ staur- t various ~ ~ of vocationalle \Va ' , d,' .!W,m.' Bec~ePl18:t,Ie oit. v~ ligation idance, dis~ i a Ion of church

11;,,'" b' \director, :I'H;epxY;r~ lW~~~~ ,t o~fices 11. erature ~an~ I a aigns tor so~1 th~ Rev.of .. _-1- on ~a our.), Cl ana mOir reo I afterward

, I 1'1 ii,I I I I I






Page 2: LD - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940... · LD be guests for the ... Four brothers, Mr, Kipli ge:r c D;1e With hlS Vahlkamp:



7:00 and 9:00

, "'l r ~~~"1 I'

AN AR~ 1', 931

ele H.~' Rehde_~ I ho M's. and .IM~s. Rlilnh and' 1'8'. Ge rge H.o uewood and I .1I1!1.II.illllilJiI1l!l•••~.II.IlI• ••••• .l.DIIas mlls',and:1 ~ w er ere' 8~nda'y1 g~e~ts 'daug t~r, Mr ari Mr ,"HArry Kay "

~o~r.:ari 1 r~;. 'Jo r~:::,~:;:ir BU'hl 'il'a'rid :~~~s~ :'~:! e~r"~"ut~::~' A~;on of'L re, :Ad l.aide vis~ d at: the Ponca; Mr. pd Mrs. Alex Jeffrey

'11,' the '·Hi, ~ hoMe. Geo. r. nd Mr~, te~~elberg and TI,. Ro ert, an Mrs. Hattieather '111 ne wIth them and -d 0 Sunda. ,I: Stalls, ith.'~n go h s h me in...Sio1ix City hn chtenk. p retllrned Mr. and'M s. Fred Westerhause~nday. ' ! to er ho e in' Arling~ wtIl tertai at Ne Year's din·Mr. a rs. !Richard Meln !2f, visi in,g wiL ,riends and n~r)l" . antI 1'9. Lo lie Thies, Mr,nsas y,: Kah., have been oere hlere Slllce at nlay. aq.(d rs, Cn 1 Thi.es neI, sons, Ed·

iiSiUng e' attlr,s father, ,Fred I M s. Spe ce .Jones of '~I\d nd bert, r. and Mrs,oeber, d bro hers and 'sisters, d Mr. a~d M R. Darwin Emil hies nd s'on, Earl, all of~ey 'pI . ~ r main until next of ~alida, Cia., spent Winsi' e, Mr and r 1'8. Rudolphaturda '. r I in I'e F. SI P ylt· home, sJran n an fumil of Concord,

openmg'l 'Mrs. I , A dison and son re· M s, Jack, D nbeck and and 1'9. H nry We'terhouse.• I tro p Ipre. ented a prog~'am ilI-nch City froTh Saturday linUI Monday i rned ,rl ay ,'from Newcastle ent sundar} Norfolk GIl' n R of maha, visited

s Jan-I wa llo ed byl a few ~aiIl1es~ Re~ Bernice Roe spent the week·end here e h d visited since De beck's a nt, ~rs. from i ricla 'I;lntil Sunday herce1' t fre h ent were served I III the Elmer Phillips home at Car· Christm i th John Addison and cousin, ,r, Enck· with is mo, her, Jy1r : George Roe,

nex _+- _ loll home. I 01n ,lAddison brought ; I, Both I ere unda,y dinner guests

ISCOX~ Li ht IBrlgalte furt;y.' Mr. anjd Mrs. Ern 8t Biehel will ~hem h, j I; M ~, A. W. olph and in th~ W, . RoE'i h me. MI's. N.meets h Light Brigade I Imer6)Jers spend New Year's ve In Sioux I Miss c~ e Ptitchard of Laurel: rud Sonn~r ere Wed- P. Ch'isten_ n an~ on. Nolan, ofHage~ we e entertame~ at thel ChUrfh oft City." I f:urra~ p, 80n( of· Tekamah, and 1ppe guest~ a the John Carroll, spe -t t11;e afternoDn at

So. Ulday afternoon by tpe St, pa~ Mr. anl!l Mrs. IGra t Mears re· 1'5. A! ll.! nd~rson and Marion on ome, sonhl of Wake~ Roe's.~ Will Nelson nnd Miss Lot·o~~gtrl t hllran. _\¥i~"SS,iO,_~~;Y ... , sO~let .. 'tur~ed v.fi.EeQneSdhY f m, a visit in nd R~. pf Wirlside, visited Wed· 't~' tia B sh w re Sat rday evening

~at ffEt Ga Q~S fOlIow-e.dJ'1!"te bU~iness! 'sesi Omaha. esday" :ilt edt in the C. A, An ey ~ewell 0 ,', all€'y City, guest' ther . . ,J!b ' slo ,'and·t-he w~me,n se·~v:e~ 1iln;ch,~ Mr n~p 'Mt,s.:R. "Jeffrey and (:lerson m. me ~aturda t visit for Mr. and rs. E , Jotz]<e and

_ tl f ~'.';.·.'bs ;,ext.eo f?r the_yo~ng folk..~.,';\ Mi38 'Ja~e Jeffrey .~ent Monday: ,Fred h p a:n.d three children ght in the H, :A, Sewell famll of arroll nd Mr and\l.;et>k to tHe mee ~_o ;1 on- _,~__,~ in Sioux City p~ ,Bay , eb. f spent the week· d'"With the.,.F.


S, naVi;;I,Mrs, aul ng,a.~( ,Jllne.Of·Blen.d l.y (fhTb Yo ng Pool_te'l'li ('1~ss, My a~d Mr!jl H 'nry Fte1l.e.rt end her th Mr Tharp's Dleee, '".' coe, I: wa, wre Su uay guesb inWHarmony J club J r;e h ~;"xt he Young People'S 'B~ble $t~ldy spent Su~day in the walt Walker Mrs W Hl Ottfford. and family y guests a 11'5. S. x, toe rber r 'Brugg I' home. Mr.

ednesday. anua JI' ...<Lts, cIa s met Frl~ay evenlng 11 wlt'b home at Pilger The Th rps used to live here and ere 'Mr, ana M fl. Ingram Lang L nd dolph J tzke went toEm I Fox win MI. S Charlrtte IZiegler for ~ leg· Mr add Mrs. Joh Heeren and .eft To: do. Stockham, I M s, L. V. Blenc' e th t after 'oon Dnd will

:L\-Ir~ C W Sro Iente in:'l t~e so 1Il the thjrteenth,"chapt~r K-lf MISS Ina Heeren we e here from MrSj.}~ r,eld ~wanson and Ch1l~ 'f :raig. !\~t$., ~dna Clark returthe~e for Ne Year's. Mrs,Mmerva Cltb at tlle regu mee - Jo n PaJI James who attentIs Carroll Tuesday dren re un~ d Sunday from Oak· Mlldred' clar r of Page. Lang nd ught!Lr :"tayed withIrn~ Janua ~ 5)~ t bib 1school in 6~ha, gave; talk Miss Ardath Con left Fnday land wh e they had spent Christ· Gertrude stnner and Mrs. rugg r.

fhC' Oak tr:p o~: g'i s~ou ~ of :fe personalj w01k he is olng for New York to sp nd the hoh N mas an t e week~end with rela- who have Ibe n visiting Mr, and irs. I-I rbert Rai and~VIll meet Fr\ y, anu , a Th ~c1ass cont ntles sttldy I the days WIth frIends hves, wansan ",as there for orne of her 31st I', Mrs. A. claugh er a Penele spent Christ·h~J~tv"~~:i~~ed MLn ertains sa chapter off John thIS friday Sherman Whelpto of Omaha, Chnstm ay h (JUt'ing, th~ h( Iidays left rna,s ay .v; th Mr.~l.nd Mr,S' Clar,,'

th t di t H n1' lltJ e home o~ MISS Zh~gle~ spent the week·end n the t.l J Rev tI rg P A DaVIes and for her hon~e I Seotts N cnee onge.SO~\('~ve ~:ntl:ry so,, Ie slOnary 1 - Felber home here e:-Ughte ,I ean, and son, James, bluff cbraska', ;' MI',. W. E. Von Seggern and

Prof anNd MryS G IW ,tbe",'dsan En 1\~~nl;~l1~~II~a~~~~t~~hauet en- 1\'I,MranadndM:rSJ,HK C~~~~e dr~~~ be:~',;~ Ii is:y~~: :rnc~:~~'w~~~ en.Mter nd Mr.<t. W. . Ioguewood Ic}llldt'fn w re in ."oux CIty Fri-cntt'rtnln ew ear seve r ge tid t t J.I.'< ned Chnstm!; day, Mr. day. I1 f f ~ d er ne wen y young omen to SIOUX C1ty und y Chnsttn inner guests in the F ~-11~====+=t=====,=±==±==:::±;--

o~;e ~~~%~dO of rae~e:leS f three sa~rdaY aftern~on MIS!? arga- Mr and Mrs E Ellis and E Gam I om~ nut: m::u:nntm_ tnt um:mt :nmm:nmnm':'

1h 1 b t' wil Ib h Id get FJhitman MISS Jane Van Seg- Mr and Mrs Atbert Johnson spent Mr Bi Mrs~ W E Beaman IILOllntty c u par IE1S e eMF B k h d L:IT 8 t H t 11 St ge , lSS a~e ec en auer an Monday III SlOUX CI Y drove t maha Fnday on busi ••'I~)l~~~~e ot Honoo: )holJs ~nregu_ MI s Evelyn H+Il<es are those \",ho Mr a~d Mrs~, S "Auker left ness s A <t; Adams and son,I

If'll meeting Januarr 8 d there ar home fOl the holldays, \\-b-o Tuesday for Lopg Bach, Cahf, to Robert, e t flis far as Fremont 42 Vol. 4\',111 be ~nstaliatlOn of a ~cers we ~ present Bqdge was diver· spend tne rest of t e wmter. with tlhe nd epent the day With) MI<; GarfIeld Sw nson nd Mrs SIO~ and pnze~ were recelv~d by Mr and Mrs A P Jorgensen Mrs ~ English i r

~ake Johnson entl-tain the St MI Margart Fanske amI I MISS, of Omaha, SP~,t hnstmas here MIS18 Grove retumed Sun· -I L ,wc're LolLi iTom. "\-Vho : \vas a

Paul Lutheran Ald Janu 8 at Le a Porterfjield The hpstess III the 4 L J cob n home day from I chatd where she spent r haL you make 1t that peach I sa"" !ihe chjurth sel'l ed Ice cre$.m and cake, Mrs 0 R B wen was taken to last wee iUI her parents, Mr must gl\O '

1Y0 u \\; 1 t h IIla5t

I 'Ir" H J L'ld~S I Ilostess I ~" a local hospit Sa urdaL., being and Mrs hilo Grove, The last v.ell as take it mght? ' t famo lH fahlc is ~"' ,0 F~:M II t ,Y ¢ d h h - I JellY 'She w sot omg he rounds

l'riext Thursday, J nua~" S, to 0 I' arC'f" a un emt:"r. ~, qUite ill with ihfee ed tonsils. 'two nan f liC ompame cr erc are glvlhg CX

fa peach ~hc w s a 19ht no It reads

of the Ev ngelif I Luth~ rs, E., J. Hl. ntemer ent~tame~l Mr. and Mrs:-Th o. Gildersleeve and spe ~ he l:Iay. ,if JOnal value II IgIclpef1ult I Ike t111~ "T;:Lm go- iAi~1 society .. ~' " j tw

1ve gIrls Monday even.1 g for elf Hart.ins-ton, sp t Sunday in John' 'lff 0f Manville, N. D., H S::tha).B fHln~LC ITom How sing to b gin now to I':

R. b~t J h M. c.ena HlInt~mer who 1, here th A. ".'. G'ld 'I h. m sent his . ther. a large turl~ey forI at $850 I that? : ave up money forar~' l~'With~,~ s~, E~e ~ H~ls~~ ~roi : Sinsl?awa, Wis.,. fot' .u~e hal· ~IjS~ :;;~ro~h;IS a:~on

0:i'sited Christm~. Ainother gift Mr~, : Jerry. "I f1qu~ezed I ext

l! eh'istmas."

I:M Dc S w· tt' d M Ida $. Bndge, was dweI'slOn and M' Fl ~ Ch' U near Wis· Korff I' e vedi was a 12-pollnd ter love hath nb Illel' and she hi~ me , ::F:~~ W, NYbe;: an Irs. pril,es were ~E!ceived by! Helen neI1~sfro~ '~~Cl~rsda~ I~ntil Sunday. fish fro er dllughter, Mrs, How- than this thaJt! III Lhe eye." ~ I ·JIY. no begin now: Alpha Woma~'s Giub members Sv.:~nson and JSarah Jane Ahern. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. FIe,etwood ard Bow 1", of! Portland. Ore. • I get up at nig* ' - I ,~ave up money IInnel tlHlir husband hav ,I! an eve~ The, guests w~re m~mbers 'of the and .Junior visi.ted rom Deeembe Mr. a ? MrS. Peter ,Henltel had i ~~~e~n;la~~~~ i ~r: ~i~~ ~~·s h ~e~~: ! or a ho. e'?nino" art at the . C. ahlbeck s7o~lt troop tQgetheI,. Marion Ro- 24 to, 26 in ,SiOUX ity with rela as dinn t'. : gl1e.~ts Chnstmas day 'L sleep. '. i ! ThaL's Hot . ump 'I A ~llCC s5ful husi·ho~eP.ia:uarv /13. i 'I bII~son of FreJ/D~nt, Wa\al~Opres- tives, Mr. and ~rs. ,!R0bert Henkel and : _, ~ I Coal. \\'hat re nes~ is uilt on the

I'. F.. 0, ~h~ptdr m ets next en~" ~rs, Hunrtemer,ser :e~,lunch- Mj~s Rhea Sc'miedeskampo baby, M, and;Mrs, W. P. Thomas for,m of a "v~.•'l • ~,wuuld you .r·anl flrliJ. frnnd~tion ofa itTllC,",'daY, January. 6, :'th Miss ear' [rom sma.,l1 tables,. USIlJ.g ros· Walthill, came Su day to spend and chB :rJn , ¥r, and Mrs, walte r

j- ng party", s, Lha.n that? host of 'atlsfied cus- 1

Mnry Mason. Prof. O. " Bowen es, .~ut cups a~d favors In, pmk and few days with M ss Mary Jan Hen~el ~U~ MfS. Clara Henkel. t ocrurs wb n : -'-- I tamers.. 1 'b wlpte ' MISS I a Fi\-1hrman of Norfolk go out to mc,t IThese are thet'day::;, --

'will sp$,k to pi.e group: ' . : Morgart i, ! " . .' t of people v... 0 w hen Chri t,mas Many n alley catIT D. iclub wrmen will: e enter· J..: ,: Mr. and Mrs. ot () Heithold an c~me M n a.y ~o y,lSlt unlil Fnday - you money. i, neckties begi to cah 100 at an er· H

taineLl by try ir husba'ds New ~r,Montana ~Gues~., l:iI d family of Pender, spent Frida Wlth he nC~t~nd aunt, Mr, and. __ i ~ :a:ppear find 'jwe'l'e mine c at and ~ay,Y~nI 's evening c,l M. Caven, H. " ,58, Mary, Vlrglma 'j u "son o~ hero with Mr. an l' J. H Mrs., Hf y :' evert, and, ~Lher Y'l'C motori;,>j.:i~g i. cuunting the tnum~ '''I,'here goes papa." Is' n: 1 d H J I F lb d C Rl!Jb rts, MonL, whu c.arne here Cl . relat1ve~ 'J' Sh1 1spent the first of f II' t 1: f d n s we :<" mg an, . " e ,an 'fr~n St Clord Minn to' spend auss¢n, _HL the wee'! at 'the Ed Frevert ",tar,mt'I~1 "be ~~ e '1.:cO,"" 0 re 0, 1930 '" 'II probably IH. F'i~~het:' comprise

1the' c mmittee. k,'.' ":" Mr. I,and s. ,~r aUe o.n . ..,,~ .,

The Presbyteri n A meets th ohdays I, the D, H~ c\mn~ng- Carl Bar of W lfefield, visite home. ,: , . ,i! e b~fore they! i -: -- go do In historyl1e"t \Vedaesrlay, Janu y 7, at h home, has be~n e~te;rlalUed Thursday A'Vening rl the C. A. A Raymo ,d Rf~I~S' who 15. at- t a mad1i, e : Right here we, want as one of the out·the' '('hurch pl.rioTs wit. Mrs. R. at s vera! homes t~is. \-'I,~-e.. elt. She, d'erson,ho "le. tending :t~e C.11.hcothe B~slUes,s - ich'll teach ab~]f:t(J Join w1lh tHe rest standin hard-times

I t~e mn nghhm family and Mrs C II 'f Ch II th M1ssoun drink out n!f II a ,I of your friendp V(ith yean;. ut let us re-A. Me, E.,~aCh'en,,' Mrs W. Coryell, ,l 1. ~ ".', The K L. Gris old family 0 0 elf~'l I lC~ e" .., cket. 'fl good, If;artY, membe that when -, J••======~=:J~I::f:=======5.~).1r~'. R. L. Ul.rson a.nd Irs. C. H. C ar ~Ills \'{ere MOn.day dmner Omaha came Sat rday and spen spent, ~~hr stm S WIth hl~ pare~ts, __ I "Happy· New ear~" it i:-; as bad as it canFi,-<llcr as hostess~. g, e. ts m the; C. H. Fisher ho~e. Sunda; here in: teE. A, MeGa· Mr. aq ,I 'rs·i ~har1es L. ,RObinS, esidcnt. ."CBi,lIia And we mean' every get, it is going to I

Thp iBaplist Unihn an Mission· She .an~I the iJ · J. Ahern :amlly h home and otb 14 rel4tllves and fnends at, h~I'.':~' meeb g word of it., get be tel'. We be- G I,r \~r 'dmner guests at Fisher's raug. Sholes. ,I ! ' ; ne.t Thursda .. I Heve 1 31 will show

, '7~;;1I;:;~Il;'~,y ~~e~~:,x~ he~r~:~~ T Ie 'day ev~njng, Miss :Huds,on M~i::;r;~~~~a ~;r st~~n~~~ ~~:: ~ c. W.; I .' rO~9 and Gerald Dennis ret~rv.: "y~,! Furnace '-t-roll~le is an improvement ii. aynle!{. Mrs. A, D: Le" assists. s a I,unc.heon guest. 9£ M~ss Ch;;s~m;s d'ay () Mr. and Mr, l~ft SUr:!d4y fdr Kearney to attend Dir~ectors 1n y, ! usually ,a mauter ,of that III ~e~llit in U

W, E, Braisted Ie 3 theles· F, y Bnttan1 Tuesday n01n, MISS B t· B('. . a meetlln8" of, Golden Rule .store dil'eclon.; ·.'."rd i.coai. lIot JLum p j'.bettcr conultlOusfor i• '" d th "'-"'I'h h ax. et >. q ~ S II f U sner k-holderO!?" j I Coal is so ete. n and all,

on America, nIl son ~n, e. "'l~ ers .ave Mrs. J. H. Brtl g r of Winsid, managers, ,~ar a 0,: .. I' , - it' I free from Ginders _!{oval Neighbors and i Woodmen N)e Year s dinner In the 5~mnlllg- left Saturday for C~iCagO to vis t and Ed iMar~1 of Mad~son, ac- 1ittl~ h{) e ~ und ash that .It nev· ,we're, ighty proud ---!---i'-+---1--11

11101<1 'joint installation~ 'f officers h~ home. ,A turkey, :wl1lch Mr. Mrs Arthur Moo e She will r . compan~~a WI' They ,returned ling a little l 00 i . rOf till business of I WesternsIEl ctrr'c'Tu('sday, January 6. (,he Royal and Mrs, Clau~e Hu~son sent tur~ next ,SatuT y'. Monday.:i, y for that gro ,-' lours nd the many 3 Days:Nt>igllburs have charge',bf the so· fIto ,Roberts. wlll be.~erved, The Miss NEllda a tl Mtss Verd 1 Mr. a~d 1f s. 1?wIght Bum.ey family? Mh bel C h tt I loyal ustomerswho Sound, y ternlcial time to be h11d in I~onnection qu .1D~harn~ and Ml~S ,Hudson Lage:':lChulte of ,Randolph, spe t and faml~Y ofl¥artlngton, and MiSS ther roo'rP or ~vo , aT a: '1 ~Jave e~pe,d to malte -----

I'With i'nstaHation. ,'! er1~" dmner;fguests of :Mr~. , .Tohn Tuesday afternoo here in t e Greta ~rne~ lof. Ber.esford, S, D., O\:~~~ ~~IP s~;"I.p1\j~~"Lumber:ICo. 'It wh t I~S. MdT d J 4 5 6', Fort.nightly c!ur'. me' bers and a rmgt-on ednesda.y.~. M~ss Hud· Hal'ry Beckner orne, spent~"$'~nday here.1D the Q. ~,' ±1 il Sunday on ay- ueS a ::>Inuao:y - -1 S, d B ~ D ht B rney I ith how little c Rt I Nk Once again - "A - .. .: ,


thCir husb"ands ha e a ew ~ear's s nJ eaves ~~ i Mr, ,and Mrs. J, HJ Claussen d a u;~oe£ ~to:n~ Mi:lgGretallBu'rne; ca.n be :act, ·1 wayne'lJ.b• i Very Happy: New I "~~~eP~rh ~r~h ~dn ~,:~~n~r o~ W. G. E('.htenkam~). Mr, and Mrs. Jo n €laussen, tea niec: ~f Q.,: A. Burney. lished" I Phone 1: 7 "' Year."M. St,rahan and' 1I~s. . 'M. H~W~ ,ifty friends anel relatives gath· latte: two ofd ~~ citt'J:~:~th~u e~ Hel, i iKi1l~on of Wi~n:r, cam,e ''EvERl'j-' INO TO BUILD ANY

kins as the com¢;ttee' e ell at. th~ W,; .G, Ech~enkamp da~I;~ :~~ ~r~,P esU: aenshoof f Christ, 1~S.ni~ht and V1slted unttll ;~~m~uu~:=~~~I~n$~;=~~=~;;;'~~"~~~~~;;;;~~~~III

Mrs. V. A. s~nter s hostess °ie Fnday, ev:n.mg to honor Mr, Verdi' re came atull'day and s- Saturq ~ lU I the De~n HanS?nr.ext Thursday to me ers of the c tenkamP. s blrth.~ay., car.dS ited .~nti1 Wed e'sd!ay with t e home.; !'the fA-;bert Killi.on f~m1,IY'McLhodist, Foreig Mi iouary so~ n bunco i were diVerSIOn ang, D B had b ~h Cl!mstmas eve dmner~icty,' Mrs, E. E, Kea s is leader rites were received b~ Elmer and former's mother, Mrs, ota e ~ guests it th~ Hanson ~9me. Budof devotionals. M s. '. Becken~ v lyn Harder, LuMheon was shoaf. lidS t- Knh'on~~~aYedluntilChrIS~masday.

, er ed at the close of the, evening Mrs, Lome Hu s ey Qff ve M1' nd M1s Merle MIlton andhal~er 1,.1RS charg, of t l e mystery ~'h se presep. t wer,e AlVin." Atath~ urday fr,:om Ed.n~urg.h' TIl., to dau.gh 11' Of." Long 'Pin.e, spentbox. ,I, R d 1 h R b' . W 11' spend a few day III the home of 'm b l'th Mrb Milton's8t Pa,,1 Luth ran ~MisSl0Iiary n u 0 p oe er, , lam d M' H J Chns. 8 ere W p.

, . , ",' II d h'Id 'I' d her parents, Mr. an rs, .. 1 M • d M M J J hsociety: meets ext ednesday, l' man aiD ,C I ren, .-lV r·la.n Miner paten-, r. IIln rs, r".. u.-Janua:ry 7, 'With Mrs.' ,W. C. Hei- r. Herma:r- Echtenkamp, Jr., ' . dl, famB of lin, a sister, Mrs. Ranry McMII·('enreich Mr:;;; Harr! McMillan ~r and Mrs, Hel'm~n Ec' ten· C. H. Gettma an y, Ian., ey v.rent to Tekflmah Sat·~a' the 'CI'ti'ilJfu'~ page Mrs Hei- a p, Mr. fLnd Mrs, E:dward Ech~ NorfoII<, w~U sp nd ,New ;;ea s urday to see a sister of Mr. Mil-de~reiCh the de Uon 's and Mrs en amp a~d family., ¥r. and Mrs, day here wtth r .. O~ttmQn s s B- ton I~ I

'.' . ' . to HinneI1,ichs and daughter Mr tel', Mrs. J. E. ntUun, and hl s- Om C guests Sunday m theW~~~Ile~~~:r~e ~i~: meet Fri- ~ 'Mrs. G¢orge Harder 'and 'fam~ ban~, Mrs rJ1la Tlbbles llome hereda ,lanuar 2, with, Mrs. F L Iy Mr and Mrs William Harder MIss Dorothy Dalhoff 9£ lte ~ Were e fO~O\V1ng M

1and Mrs,

Bl:ir. Miss ~ab I Da on is leader an famtly, Mr aDd Mrs J M sen, Io,;a, and Joe Dalhoff of WaIte ILa.g of Carrol, Mr and-, , Be mett and son Mr and Mrs SlOUX CIty, spe t SJIlnday h re Mrs JJ Hale and daughter,~~IO~hi ~~~o~i; I~~V: ~er~s e'-;:~~ La rence Bennett, Mr and Mrs WIth their 51st 1', Mrs Ha ry Ethel I,r' a d Mrs C Hale and:R gYts will be 'venl by M~S R Ed Brockman and son and Mr Perdue famll I and Mr and :JV!:rs Harry

epor: ,. an Mrs Julius Hlllnerlchs and MISS Ruth RI lahd who is h re Beck H. I I. .pasp~r, Mrs. A, DaVIS, Mrs fa 1ly from !Denver, C 10 ~ WIll rem In Mr ,I Flank Davey of Sioux CIty,

E. £1. Galley and Mrs. H Hahn until 'he end of the w-eek viSIt ng Miss :M!adeltbe :Qavey of Omaha,Fo 1\<1a.rjorie Morgan. ber parflnts, M . and Mrs, H. S. and 'ri anq Mrs. J. P. Davey of

'ss rdet on r~. :F'. S~, Morgan- e.ntertained Rin~lE!-nd. " ' Kans ~ ICit~, Visited from Friday. "23 little gir~s Monday' afternoon ,M~sg Thelma urgess of Bmin s, until $~tutdayl in, the "to S. Berry

~~~~dL.a~SI:~en r~~fi: 'f Eve~:~:' fa her'daU~hter, Ma~jorie" whose Mont., student at ,.Mornings de, home ~lere. the first nE+med is theled ,~h;e 1eS"son 'st dy , bi~thday w!as' TuesdaY:.,..... J:M:rs. Mar· leav¢.•..,at the en ~f thIS. week af er mott:l rlOf ~iss Da:vey,I'Mr. Davey

! ' _. , ' g~r, Miss Mary Jane:rv1lorgan and spe~pmg the ho ldays III the 0.1'1 and '1':5. B¢rry,Tro(J : TW~ Meet. ! Miss ,Rhea, SchmiedeskamI!' direct· Wng~t home. \' Mr and !Mrs. C. A, AndersonBP~ Be uts 0 Tr.' P Two .met ~ ga,mes and t-old stories for the MTI. and, Ms. J. M. Benn tt, visitej ;a sb!ut-in friencl at Wisner

NeJ.. Year ~ eve t th Iii h school. g up. Luncheon was se:ved and Lawrence Benn tt and Mr. od Chris! rras "afternoon, Mr. andC Jdl~:Fe'ce a -ene ; tfi; meeting tll! ,colors of red and W.hlt~ were MfS.;. La;-vrence, enne:t werE,'! , at- Mrs~l eorgk Yaryan' 9jnd Mr. and

ad "k t f' d cried out in table I decorations urdat dmner ests Jll the T, A. Mrs! ayrt~ IEvane and Doris ofan I \\01' on es s 0, owe. a d the menu. Whitei:ic~ cream Stre;l~ht born~., Cart , spen,t the evening hereIn Reg SeS80Jl.: wth red. bells, cakeSi'Oflt1!Je~e col· M-rl nnd Mrs.; Fred Hager nd Wit~' 1'5, aude Smith and Mr.

Rebekahs met Frt ven'n at Q bearmg little ~ap es lind son, if Sioux C ty, ~nd Mr. e.g. and, ,:.5, A deraon. !

Rebekahs and dd Fellows_ hold ~ e scheme. Nut cU" sl "'I'ere also Ite~i, ISund~y h: re ~th the ev. in ~H' J.I Miner h~me at din·joint installatio of fficers Jan- ~ the colors. The ,igl}e~ts were P. 4-. DaVies fa i.iY. .', i ner, kw Year's day: Mrs. Lorneuar 9 ' n Ahem, Jean 1.iDeS, Betty Mr. and 09'1 tnd. Ellis of Hu Y Of~Edinburgh' TIl., Mr.

y . wkins, I Catherme avana~gh, Wayne, an M 8fnd 11"5' C. J. and' 'rs. W E. Beaman and son,arion Va-th, d Elva Elli~ of ndol h, '\"llll pend ew GeD! !,I, r. ,a d Mrs. C. A. McMas·ae JoneS, Leah, a.thetIne Yea:.rr's d at nOI~\.V.It . Rev. and ter; rd son,' wa,yne, Dr, and Mrs.ung, B~ttY and Strahan, M3' .M uckner, A. IAda s aild fatnily~yce Mil er, Lar hitmpre, r, and Mrs Jthn ilson and j P. S Hciuston, Mrs. A. J.

l velyn N ak.e,s, M. .,.Brugger, ,.Mr., ~nd Mrs. . ,A:, J bnson of sm~. ! and l r. and Mr~. Leonard~ ne Lan e-. Ruth ,'Bat~ara ,Om~ha, and red, BIson and Be;: i~bn a~~' son, Bobby, of Gem. I,~ ~n Stt.aban, Ma er, :$ar~ fat"IY. were C ris.~tn~s guests in Ka'. 1 Ileft I uesday 8.,fte.r visl,·ting j

: ta FelBer, BerYl s n, Mar~ the. W. C. Cor eul hom. in ~ A. Lutg~n home here: ret Lar:,bon and B I\l e Roe. 1'8. Georg Kihi ger s' ent sin r:day. The first two:! ~:-'-- ,SU~4ay here .t'J, :he~ 'daug tef, na a.r~ ~isters ofi Dr. Lutgen

Mr. "d Mrs" !r:. ',JJ Johnso.n Mrs.~ W. H. Gi ford.: he we ~ to an ,rB. narrison is, a niece. , i

W'. efield. W,mr¢ ,t~rtairi. at C.St.$.ll ~onda to.,. vl,S.'.. 'be.for re- f.and!Mrs. Franlk E. Nangle IINeW Year',g'd fo Mrl and tu ipg to her bdme t rnm n. an 0 ~ughters d~ Paw Paw, , T. I • Straig i 'n fahrtly,' ~,and Mrs Her~e:r Batk and Ill.,! rive~ Friday evening t~ ,I ,

, [ra. T.ill .. s.•,n Y.• dun,gllr. sndMrs..1

fsrjl.iiy, . Of..MSltirl".'b.Jr.

g,s.nd..Mr. V.. IS"i lIn.'til.1 this we~eSdSY WI.:th, d Y ,Mr. am~,'Mrs. He man ' anke and Mr an~e,s sisters Mrs. T. T.

I rSi,'Jl W. . Y were din'ner uests' Sat- .10' !'and, Mrs. Eph eceknhauer.r J aqd in thi;! • a;. *~~ ards me. Be i s e Frank angles, ,Mr.

f',1 Wa Rehde OflC~i hMn, pent an 1'3., ill NangI~of NorfOlk. I~-;:~r:tF~7~;rr~i~~~trO~1'0mm2~~~ll~~~IT0~~mffi~~~~~~~~~~~1'nSQ~~I?1CFd~~ij:;~~,rr:.l?e: ~I~=' ~:?tl'~;l~r~~';;;:'';;':I! Ir~1~ltm;~ritl:~::~,~~~·I;llj;!II:!,I~i:8i;:;:i:'.: :miAllii;;::~ ;!;[;i..M,i;;::'~l::t:llr(k~L:(:n~:I~{ ~~~,'~:,\f~~~";,~' '~;':~', ;:!i'~":" n':' '<:""~; I~;S} ~,' 1":" " :0 "'. " ,0 ';:',:' "'I':,;: "


Page 3: LD - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940... · LD be guests for the ... Four brothers, Mr, Kipli ge:r c D;1e With hlS Vahlkamp:

r.'...•.........ma.a:: ::;= ::::~~:;~11ft. ••• • ••••~.u.~

"BIIM•••Iiir:t5S'1lliiltUMml!;{t1•• lULlahi!!1I1il1'J:!(••P.:111alll!rJr.J. r.Ut IIII..l1al!r.••lift{,••• a1••atl.•••D•••••••nI••• 111•• lItli.wmllIIIl!1lll"III1I11M~.Il!B •••11111BIlI.1iI••••••••••••====c.....::e;:Ill ......AIIDI/.....11m:1I11t111.MII •••II~••••••a •••1111••••••••.... ,

5Eie: ['.......alili •••••••1111••1111 ...••1111....••••••••1:811: ••• IlIS•••••••••••m••••••••••••II•••a •••a•••....••••:::: [ilIa•• ,II.... :....:m IIJI .....'1'1....••••..... '

:::: !:•••• "i••••••••••IiI.••••....a••lIIla••••••••••••••aK•••••




I . II !

,II.....................J!I~.. . .....................•.....••.m······.a···········a..••. · .••..••••.•••••....•.,.••••••••.•••••...... . f.. ·ma•••••••a ••••••••••••••••••••..•.•.. I.............. aa a ~•••••••••••••••••

: 1 i ' I

i, i, AGE TliJREJ!


~iS is ftitten at 9 'c~tc TktSday:mor ng---r ectiowda ­1I1he citizens of Way e g in ~~ow a Ihig : rder f intellig ~Iceo

h.:.. ' heaVY.I.' majo.rity. o.f. W. y e c~tlzens sllJ? t: Yvo ing this f nchise that they~re abl~ to dlscnm nat et\f~en Cd)nstr 1 hve nd progr sive policy andohe of ~eaction ~nd sta~ ness. I; k\. city ca 1 ot sta d stilH It ~ust go forwardor bacWward. WaY1J.el ill n~t· go for 'lard wit other n IJtheast Nebraskatowns 1N»ile witho t ~ t ,rall'gfs it ~ou\ :~certai ly goba Ik.1fhe advent of natu al a$ p*omises Ne I raska he greate t and most con­structive S,tep forwa d 'n its ~i~t.ory. IT! 1'.Stude aker int tests, controllingt~e gas!, the pipe lin. d th¢ 4l1stri?u:ti ,;n!Iwithi the cl!ie is definitely a~dpermatleritly comm He t<D at[l tndustnal~ e~pans on for N braska. The In­ttfrests of the compari anp the Istate are ~nil irely' utual. he Gas company~ledgeF it$elf ar:d its' estmen~ to a fair '111 honprabl~ ass .~iation ar:d busi­I)ess relation WIt a i ne and asks for tih~ same! consIder tlon from It. Thenice nlajority given th I fra.nch~se inJ.licafe~ that "o/e will, ge: it, but aside fromthat we bflieve in t e airlle~s ~nd iptel~ig,~n~e qf the cHi I nship of W.a~ne.There: WIre those h oppb~ed the fta :chlse Ifrom an onest convlchon,~ased ,on epo;ts, ru . rs, an~ ~tate111lentsnat you will ev I ntually find to be

!\ ~.'bO:SUfQ.:, b .t let s for et 11 tha~ now a~d W.' .Ir.k toge.ther for t e common good.'1\\ 1Ne seek pleasant p b, ic rel~tifrs. W ~ .' ill do lour best 0 merit them. ., . , . , ·1 I~ \, ; 11 ,! I ' I I I! III I

Tl' f\ fl'41 c1.li.ISI.'~ n.. I.,'.l

lllStY..' e

l,! he palS"I.>d. hy tI.I.: eOI.'men., h.,11t Witl.I'1 fil.' •.1 and "tOI1,••.,e hUildinb•


• I.t win lw one that .wayne ma hesl,ch a rl,>mand oln the part of the pullic: it "JllOUl<J l~{j com- "prl ~ul of. We may have 10' huild one.pete ant op:rathe W thout mat.erial 10~f o! timr.1 We will AIS I!. rcprcs1ntathe of ~he a" e~IlII~~ny and on hchalf 01 thes nil 0I!1. e.ngmer.rs tolmap. the cIty, 0 )t!a~l right of ~vay.,across cOll~panyI. \~. ant to thank 'et.'tam cItIzens of Wayne wholgavet : COli I ty, am1ldo ~he preliminary \ 'or so.that p~pelmayh~1 ,a g'e~t dCfll :of time and th ~Ight to the eampaign to carr; theI ld as ~oon a" ~rarl.lr.'eathel'comes. I. WIll take opprox~- I~Je hon to 9rant the franc I"e. .II 'ately' ~ l11onth~ to In~~ld the system'n ayne, aqd \\ill give Wa lie owesithem,much f~, 'an unselfi"h :~nd vigorous i i~ht

(>, plo~l~wnt:o ~hOllt IS? men,. an o! wh m wIll, ~re ocal i.f for what th~y helteved to, ,e for the l,w"t mlerests of th I cItytt~y atl~ avatla~le.I~ ,nIl turn a 111 ~c ,y n~n 11110 he city as whole.! They had no. nOl'e to gam than any other tax-

e',eh w.,e~'k' will.',1 lll"il)~ /lew m.en t.o If wn ~hO. will .re r.esell.t pJ. ,er and citizen amt rep'escntatives of the gas COllI anyd ffereh~ malHl~actl1lr(>r;.; of gas appl an' sand toe who . wh, ,handle~ the matter f I' the gas company have not· eenwin ha~+ husinh" ,~i~b the gas ('om an. 1931 \' i I he ~ aPf:"roached, hy a single ill proper proposal.hi om y<tal' fOl' Way,~(l"and all north ast Nehrask. IIt will Til. ~ gas cOIhpany appl'eci tes the hard, unpleasant and ~ome-I can ~'J.el.. 'y co 1.,1".'I.'dcrahle amoUl~t.of no ey. pa,id to larld ow n· tin les thankless work of t ese puhlic spirited men and


e s for! light of I way' Ylel after the gas lin is undelll a f~rm it eu, The splendid majorit given the franchise indicate' that\ in n~tlhe (lan1.'agedl in the leai'it. W ~ w I have to!'have an of· 'eit~zen" of Wayne also ap, redate their \\ork. _


, " •4~rSFORD. II epresenting

.....81 'id~~es Ii !Natui aIG",


I" I',i'l

Page 4: LD - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940... · LD be guests for the ... Four brothers, Mr, Kipli ge:r c D;1e With hlS Vahlkamp:

I--.------ -- -- -,

PC' piC *"'111 syro )<lthbi'c 'ith

N'Ol'tj nal~ntll- .in t1 (' losS' of itsatate C'Ipilll1. All of its re( )rds

;:~'~ ill~yl1:h~n:~):~~~l::I;~ail~H '~l~~nal·S l.wkmall, the~llincllldPd 'omeof ttl ,-\'ildcst snr~ ,of pm ciallegislatIOn. ' I

ER~ecinllY -Ne~lt·PI{H Pl~bl" h(~r."wbo '~nO\f the fm~,[ (,O'l~lI'l 'tive\..tork~ of T J Plcj,tU (J~ !ILI coinfurm r pllhlJslwf bt the ahnoWa1-lp WJll congrqttllall~ II tJn

hl~ elghlleth hlrt~dllY wh c ""asduly telChralCd nb the 110 n of ason" 1 C~ll'n( II Bhpfb Mr dwll13 an ~ld-tlm('r III the slale (1 heIS hel Hi hq~he.::.t c ,term,. -~"""---"-~

f'u})llf:aLll n of th¢ H(,la~J daycarlH'r Lhan IlS11HJ tl1i" we~k is thetougl~c:;;t tac;k of tJw ye 1. Asrotl"il (llljrien\ will ljlc off li I jobon N w 'Year's day,1 it is n:c ssaryto is lie early in t rtlpr to reachrora!, f;ll1J~cribers,{t time, , n ad­dItion qlC \Isually dull per )(1 be~

t't\'cen ('hll tmas ard 1\)"c\\" cat'sgives ru!w"paper b~lildmg in ex-

Page 5: LD - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940... · LD be guests for the ... Four brothers, Mr, Kipli ge:r c D;1e With hlS Vahlkamp:



And al ng i h all of this---Jan~ ryPrices on .a c m lete new stock of s' aplemuslins, heet ng ~nd beddings, and I ewcotton dr ss m' te ials, such as percales, pintsand wash goo s 0 all kinds. This is th! op­portunity, for ho e who plan to start .heirspring seWing ,ea ly, to buy new materi ils inthe new t931 p tterns at lower prices hanthose at I hi hey have been sold or along time.

t rdaY,'J,. End~ Sit rday, Jan. 2

Ai' Sale oJ 'h Old anI I

We oper 1 31 with a bang!

Three ~Tee I s of value giving s I ch~s we havf ftc er known. I

Three wee s of intensified efforl toclear out '-tinte merchandise-the broke I lots- the odqs an ends - the left-over~s 0 thepast season.. II I

is arts-"fi

"J'our hensth wall and

gmien,""We I. there'sin hat. It's

hens io scratch.if yf1qr garden had(1\"('\' ~ t h~ !w,all and

~Y heins, .you'dsumqthing to talk

arp c)pectin$- a car ofBriqupt le I in about

n dLtys, 1'hi;J is a productfrom ;high grade Okla­seIl1i-anthradt~, using

coal of ] !., to [) in-in size, which'is crushedIl1nulded into briquettes

sIze. Thej' arein m.any ways ,than oil

They are particular­fol' 1.JSG in fur­

Helitr9.1a~, Areolascooking stoVes. Theylong-lasting ,and unus-,

dea"n, sIl1ok.:eles5, saot­and dusUe.s:;,

ht of auto aqidents hap­when the. iflrivcrs are

the cur~es. I

If,VE'n Jnnah W11'Uldn't havefl.LII '.'0 n1l.Ich tn uble if the'llflll' had kept' his mouth

"iI11,1t. ,

I, you are tlhinking ofor repairing in theno~v is t~'le time to

looking ei er a fewand to war out somedetails. Cbme in; wehe glad to, ~clp you inway possi~le.

"How '(ltd y,ou ~etmark on the Fheek, Hel-

( '?" "i. j'Hf'lcn: "T\lC',bd~s h~d his

I rJn br'hind his ea.r. when he:",iil 'Good Mornitltg' to roe!"

II[ you w~mt bght '1?oodHI fot' the raogle. Pinnadeut. is t.he st.uff. ~t gives younice clean fire ~nd doesn't

)Pg t.he raloge ~p whtch is

't>1tomary WitJ!' lots ofcaper~IS, ' I

l~~~.)~~~~t:e:s r~: ::~hUgiaSmI~ )~t~f ~~\:~\:r5~;;~~~ t~~~are',p.rmful to the PFopte.

I ,'It Is cold ~a ts, bitt re­I ~emb,er that i c al is stiil

aoh, I

1!111' 'Ill: I''I j" II

, '~+"H!-""-T-:-r'T'"7"~+--7!'tTI'*""-i--r~11:'"-it""'1!'r-'"Tt--+----t""'-+"""t't-'rlffo-;IM+--t~;':';=:'~Ff9r~'~'T;.;t1::.Ur.:.:ltt·:;;D,:,:A::'YJ.,,::J;::A;:;N~U~r-Y~1J.'~~9:::3~1+-:- -:-~__..jL_~-:-.,.-_--.....--..............-'--...;._+- -t-+-~'~'~,fu:.' .::±:~ ..' N ••••••• .~............................ •••••••• ••• .~~••~~

I' ",' la.:l .....··r ""·.. ·,..·····..·..···....·..·i~~rr·· ..·.. r qWill 'r~':':"fw I ARYl"':1" , j 11<55

. . :' 151••

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Page 6: LD - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940... · LD be guests for the ... Four brothers, Mr, Kipli ge:r c D;1e With hlS Vahlkamp:

11 calledrOd Mrs.

~$on hadI he J E


mev:e· :~O~gllli~~jit l~~pl~o I II~o~~~I ';Friday. a> t'r The Missef; Bitt he, M tie andBess Leary we~~ I in Si: IX City

s(~\:r\~~~ible andI famil'! spent

IISun4.ay c\'(lning :i1 tIle c' ! 'is Han-Sell home. . I '~

Mi'.s. O. M. On enport 'nel son,Lany, \\'Cl'E' in ~i IX Cit : uesday

Ja~t~~~ Mrs.~, Gran ~ist were

I:dinner g,uests Su day o~ 1r,1M, rs. E.G ran:qllist. I

Mr. and Mrs. ~. L. ~ i~ were

I,Frida.Y evening ¢ : leI'S 1 the Ge').Moore home:

I I Sl:~~;n~v~:~gT~l i:~.C. E, Nelson.

'Mr. and Mrs. P i;r'in Norfolk Saturd' y.

Ardath Francis's Ull ucare of a trained u st:!.

Mr. ,and Mrs. G ll'DeyI~ere in Norfolk ri ny.

Mrs. Mary Reed ·h, b~ebel' home the past ee}c

Dr. Rnd lI-lrs. . E. 'I

were in Norfolk $u day.Mr. ond Mrs. I eland

were in Wayne s~ rda~' .~ Mrs. ~ G. Nee~y nd M

Neely ~pent sat~ud y inI ~embers of ~h Flee jmlIY

~~. ered for q~u on I s mas jo





Page 7: LD - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940... · LD be guests for the ... Four brothers, Mr, Kipli ge:r c D;1e With hlS Vahlkamp:


Page 8: LD - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940... · LD be guests for the ... Four brothers, Mr, Kipli ge:r c D;1e With hlS Vahlkamp:

• Jl~ARY 1, !1931 i

the celleg.e, r'et\irned the 'f~rBt

Page 9: LD - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940... · LD be guests for the ... Four brothers, Mr, Kipli ge:r c D;1e With hlS Vahlkamp:

I, I

Page 10: LD - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940... · LD be guests for the ... Four brothers, Mr, Kipli ge:r c D;1e With hlS Vahlkamp:

Rotlte ,p~~AD ;>1~'WI. !;, s 3OA:'i:..j 2u sW.j:~~;,5 7l-101jl~W 711;).'1 ~IOS I; ~ 50

. 2:1£0 1):2:;2120 1 1.l:0S

3 13J :..i0:~. J(}

Ar.' : 00

~·pi(rira~s t··rin~~i Bus SChedulel!EfI"eqti e J AU~ 1, 1931

5 NOl'fol.;:-Sio l~r Cit-I rkliS HWimrnilrl~ Pool Sit-P. .. I .'lair, eb.-- After considerable:

ar umen and di~cussion the CIty •.C(, meil as ~elccted a 81 tc - for :Blr It s n w S\\ Irn1Jnmg 'Pool, bonds tIfoJ \\ hie I were ~olec1 early last :

~~ ~V_~O_~~~~I!

I . ;

I 15, II

I : Ndp.FOLK-SIOUX qITY CONN, eTIO,'S At"h'c at ;~orfoJk: at 5;00 l1'clo~l{, making connee 10n~ ,,,,' Cl4tnd 13latLd ::.nd11 O'Neill Axr:ve :~t s~b~x ~ty I<ll,ao p. 't! ' majlung dirr11t:t cou­Il'l nectifJ:1~ for Sioux ialJR, Spence, ,!,Ifin .d.!l~'(J:H', St. P..-ntl end: Omat~a, and aF Chic4go trains. I'~~nIIlBn~II.~",••••I~~I:!.r:~BlIlIilIi E.DeI afl~t!l~~mJlII.


rN~;·Y~;rL~~l~~ ·;;;;~~i(~:·: rDOlls Over lighty-jive Yea~sO'd~~~ I 'II . ,

I~ JillS



"IIIS..IS,."..•! Telephone 327,,~,.. '!,lIl1Ke!.III11•• II,,~II."'ZI~lImC!'f1lI 1111_ ~!nftlJIF....~....~~~~IliilI~~~ Zl=lii.lil.I.1.1illal!l!lr::l!l=lIlalnll~.t:!S!lJll:!i.l'1 D .DI!lU'J'lIl

Page 11: LD - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940... · LD be guests for the ... Four brothers, Mr, Kipli ge:r c D;1e With hlS Vahlkamp:


Page 12: LD - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940... · LD be guests for the ... Four brothers, Mr, Kipli ge:r c D;1e With hlS Vahlkamp:



Page 13: LD - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940... · LD be guests for the ... Four brothers, Mr, Kipli ge:r c D;1e With hlS Vahlkamp:
Page 14: LD - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1931-1940... · LD be guests for the ... Four brothers, Mr, Kipli ge:r c D;1e With hlS Vahlkamp:


,I '.\\"c congratulate \VaYl~e Fircm~ n !II thl'.ir·.I.SllC­Cl'SS the past year as ~h "Fire-Fi ~h 1

1r Unif' of

ahility, and who :-:tand ready at a 1 timos tocombat blaze. ' , ! .

fill' Your C~r with~~XGas and q.iill in a ~~

SouthJ~.ain s. ! I

Gurn~y' G~~!i~~" ~nlion

Greetings of the NTo the Wayne Fir

O. S. RpBE"Plumbing and Heating-We d n t ing else;

that'~ why we know 0 ." II .

112 Main St. ·J·nc, Neb.!. I

Now that the annual fe,livitJic, f h hulidayseason arc over, let u:-\ rcs()lvc tl) st· 1't the liJewYcar \...·ith· the vigor it:-; youtb d mils.

For Plumbing Fixtures and He ti ~ g PlantsFor the New Home, e


Res. hone 2-J

~Taync, N e'Ur~l'ka

Ole Phone 533

:! ugler Elec rice .'II Delco-Light ,od CtsII Frigidaire ! Ra ios, Wiring and upp ies

K those lights aglow with a star' '0 hatt ryyOI kno,w. Delco-Li&,ht Iron, lad, th Grea e~tSt" ge Battery of all times The yonela isno just another battery. here i. no ot erb~ 'lly, similar in c'onstructio .

We Service W ha We ell

I, e Wayne ~ospi alI Congratulates tH~ W yne

Firemen on efficie~'t WOl k of, the~past year and also hat

of other years.

ay 1931 bring pros Ilerity to 'esi­d nts of the Wayne c~mmu ityandt e richness of true cnlnten me t.vi....... I I

--I ILisle Clay lon, R. !'i., Sl'1'erint<:' dent

i Wa ne,

May 1931 bring a all a I'

friends the u~ ost nprosperity, hen, th

happine~ .I

I ):l():l( i. I

•W. M: tt,! h;ne~8ARD1

ood Luck ito the Wayne firem nil:. Beginni~g th January 1, 1931, we ~~ol.·~

to servel.ou atrons in Wayne and lcml >fleven be ter' an we have in the past.

e are headqu~~ter :. or the best of hard and SIPft c'I . ,[ A, KINDS OF FEEDS

:1. Free Dlive I ! C~urteops, Prompt

, The Wa ne! rain and Co~1I I


.;Phone 60· , i .ad A. W. Madse~, Owner!; "

I i


• ur Good Wil 'a dII GralitJde .

'I'I '

,e arc sincerely gra eful or y~ur

.: -operation during t the ye l' [ of'30 and take this 0' port n' y"toish you joy in the nE! ye' r nd to

~li ank you for your p ,tron ge

's in the past we ha'{'e en e vOl'edIt: keep our stock fille~ to s it every


",.ped of farmer and Ci.:~y fr en s, V1Je; all serve you to thie be t f our4 ility in the future. I .

! ):l():l( .I

'I'SSIl' n.,IUClllU'S

ayn flr~ ~n'I



H. H.·.Ja(~fJue




11111 "u,,[~!, '~~"~~I~~'~~~~!! 11,:l",0 .w'e h'"V',', "'.",0, 'Y, nll,',lS,'" l,'U,hCl,ieve tha _,~l~ricUl~~~',e:'i";,L;\I",n


.,,!,ir:lg' bncl{ tl"1 normal nd that btttcr tl~r~';; arC' In stOll for:

~~~m~~~'ec/~ln~~~lt~ "I~l~~~' ~~;"l~CCS ~~~Il~:~:~lc~~.'c~_~~ .l,f:~l;!patronage! I In 'wliJl nt lllcreasflt1 p o:operily to 111 (\t ring:

'.I the comin~ yecfr. , pledge ot)rsel cs to lenl1 c 'cry pos-i r sible ,n:.;:-;isUwcc t<J f rhlet'i"l In l~leil' Iwork. -- in :-;oj ing heirl

llifft'llcnt ~'oblem::; nU specdi~g tiel!' I'l'O(\llI::tH ll. iktten~lOn to t e lines we (;ur y will be aI prop "~tcl

n~ this ti~iC; I

!B~lter . arm IjPleme lSI IBri~lg Great It Profit~ fr n1 Less ACreilg~

John Dee ~ General l Pu POSie Tractr I :

-The tw.. a·pla tract«r of " ','IIlC.h.rdde,. gn j.ha~plants and. cul·i 'ate::; thrqe rind at a ti c. Ii' IThe corn grO\' (r: \vlth hlt' ,T lhl1 Deere ;ell~rall

l'urPfse Trae! , floes tl'c \I ork of lWOlio fouri

~~:.' /:!al; docs! ~ih~ \lark Iof 12 or :, \\il~ hn~seJ111 pl~mtmg. I I

Ono tocl~l does J1l WOll{ l)f 1men \\ lth 11 :-;lllgIC-lro.\'o,~ J-~dtIYator~ ~~rl 8 ho 0::;c'1.

Ont' jlm<111 caI1tb\\ 2;) till :p ~lJCl"e.:-; per ddY IIIha} -~!me. I I I

Onp [mall (dl P ~w an aql C jill 110m' ami hdr'vcst30 t<]) 45 <lCl' ~ !llday. I

I -~ I

John Deer ~del S, Sinfe_ACtion, lls-FdolTtl ctor Di~c arrow

Extra strong IlJ)g capllel - I'enctrlltbll fullWIdth simple III lIng featurE!.

LetZ$A rl1ica'S ~ea ing Fe~d Mill ~1\0. 110. !'in.' 0, No. '22 I Shut], AlillSmall t;rdll, Ear C01'l1] *('01'11 \llth s

~~J~'rJ:Clils:;~ ~"~.,jO'.': 0,"Harlin Ie 'I WAr E : : ole illge

I I,
