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Leadership Event: DARE TO...

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Leadership Event: DARE TO DREAM Build Your Emotional Intelligence: Improve Your Motivation, Time Management & Organizational Skills In This 1-Day Event With Leadership Expert, Dr. Karyn 95% Of Our Students Rate Dare To Dream As Excellent – Find Out Why!

Leadership Event:

DARE TO DREAMBuild Your Emotional Intelligence:

Improve Your Motivation, Time Management & Organizational Skills In This 1-Day Event

With Leadership Expert, Dr. Karyn

95% Of Our Students Rate

Dare To Dream As Excellent – Find Out Why!

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www.dkleadership.org | [email protected]

Dare To Dream | 2

TESTIMONIALS: From Pre-Teens (Grades 5-8)

Attending With 1 Parent / Guardian

Be Sure To Watch Our Video Testimonials FromPrevious Students & Parents On Our Website!

“ It was great! We did lots of fun things to help with not so fun subjects. I learned I need to work on time management because that is really important.”


“ Really inspirational! It was actually way more fun than what I thought it would be. I actually learned quite a bit – thank you! A 5/5!”


“ It was fun and informative. I learned I can be more confident. I learned time management was most helpful!

FEMALE, Age 10

“ Fun. I learned a lot! Spending 5 hours (with my mom and dad) was fun because I got to spend time with my family.”


“ Positive, introspective & productive. It was a great experience to share with my daughter. I enjoyed being able to take time to discuss these modules as a family.”


“ Fun, focused & practical! Spending 5 hours as a family going through the session was amazing! I learned I’ve let priorities fall to the bottom and I’m reacting instead of leading and being proactive.”


“ Great class on getting organized. Loved seeing my daughter so enthusiastic. I learned I need to change my routine better, manage my time and focus more on family time.”


“ Loved it. Very practical! Dr. Karyn made the process very simple but inspiring.”


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www.dkleadership.org | [email protected]

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(Grades 9-12)

Be Sure To Watch Our Video Testimonials FromPrevious Students On Our Website!

“ This really inspired me! I learned things I never knew about that could help me in my future...making routines was the most helpful. Bedroom organizing was the most fun.”


“ It was a great event to help me organize my life and go about my dreams and goals… I learned that I am very capable but I need to become more organized.”


“ It was very inspirational and it has really motivated me to go for my dreams.”


“ It was an enlightening experience that allowed me to see my goals and how they can be achieved.”


“ I learned that I thought I was organized but in reality I’m not at all. But I found it most helpful how to follow through with my goals and how to organize my day.”


“ My son attended your conference a few weeks ago and he came out feeling positive and inspired! I noticed an immediate change in his motivation…”


“ After hearing you speak about doing work on a schedule and having free time later, (my daughter) decided to complete an assignment very early. She noticed how relaxing her weekend was since her work was completed three days ahead of time… Your advice echoed what we have been suggesting, and so it validated our parenting. Thank you for your terrific work!!”


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www.dkleadership.org | [email protected]

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WHO Is This Event Ideal For?The Dare To Dream 1-day event is ideal for:

9 Students Grades 5-8 (Attending With 1 Parent / Guardian) who want to clarify their dreams and goals, learn simple steps to maximize their time & organization, plus have an amazing all-day meaningful 1:1 bonding experience with each other!

9 Students Grades 9-12 who want to learn effective strategies for motivation, time-management & organization, which will improve their confidence and performance while decreasing their anxiety and stress! These are essential skills to prepare them for college & university!

ENROLL IN OUR NEXT EVENT!Small, 20-Person Class Sizes

Don’t Miss Out!

WHY Do Students (And Their Parents) Love This Event?

Did you know that …

9 23% Of People are engaged and motivated with their life (Source: Globe & Mail)

9 4% Of People take the time to write down their goals (Source: Forbes)

9 90% Of Successful / high performing people have high Emotional Intelligence (Source: Forbes)

Emotional Intelligence includes many learnable skills such as motivation, taking initiative, goal-setting, time-management, organization, communication, confidence, decision-making, self-discipline, passion and overall emotion-management. All parents want their kids / teens to become successful and the leadership skills learned in Dare To Dream will benefit them not only for today, but for their entire lifetime!

At any age, learning the “Success Skills” of Emotional Intelligence has the power to improve confidence, decrease stress and anxiety, and equip us to achieve our dreams & goals!

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www.dkleadership.org | [email protected]

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WHAT Is Dare To Dream?

When: Check out Our DK Leadership Calendar For Upcoming Event Dates

Generally, we host these events in February, April, September & November

Where: Toronto Office

Time: 1-Day (Start / End Times Vary)

Facilitator: Dr. Karyn Gordon

For: Students Grades 5-8 (Attend With 1 Parent / Guardian)

OR Grades 9-12

Investment: Check The Registration Page On Our Website For Current Pricing & To Take Advantage Of Early-Bird And Other Special Savings!

In this event, you’ll dive deep into our 2 Step Process. Here is how it works:

9 STEP #1 – MORNING: Create The 3-Year Vision

In the morning, your kids / teens will articulate their dreams in 6 different areas of their life by creating a vision-board (a right-brain exercise). Parents attending with pre-teens (Grades 5-8) will be encouraged to complete all the activities throughout the day, so you can learn about yourself as you support your young dreamer!

9 STEP #2 –AFTERNOON: Create The Strategy Plan To Support The Vision

In the afternoon, all participants will create the plan to make their dreams a reality (a left-brain exercise). Dr. Karyn will walk everyone through the process of taking their “3-Year Vision” and breaking it down into achievable “mini-dreams” that are already within reach. Your kids / teens will learn how organizational skills greatly impact a person’s mood and motivation – along with habits to make organization easier! They will also learn why time management is essential to achieving dreams, and learn “success secrets” that will help them to maximize their time! All participants will leave the day with their own personal vision board and an energizing “Strategic Life Plan” that will become their personal road map to achieving success with their goals.

Dare To Dream Course At A Glance:

1-Day Event 1x 15 Page Workbook Vision-Boards Lunch

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www.dkleadership.org | [email protected]

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FAQ: More Questions?

Q: Can you explain the 2 different age-groups?

A: Yes! We host Dare To Dream in 2 ways:

Î Class for pre-teens (Grades 5-8), who attend with 1 parent / guardian Î Class for teens (Grades 9-12)

Q: Why do you only provide the option for parents of the pre-teen (Grades 5-8) age-group?

A: We find that the pre-teen age-group is more willing to learn along with their parents. This option ensures that if they need some extra help with the content, their parents are there with them! The teen class is for students only (sorry parents!) because we have learned this age-group prefers to learn independently and alongside their peers. However, we encourage the teen class to share what they’ve learned with their parents after the event and we even provide parents with a “What To Expect” tip sheet to facilitate meaningful follow-up conversations.

Q: I’m the parent of a pre-teen. Will I be doing all the exercises as well or just watching them?

A: Yes! Parents – get ready to craft your own Strategic Life Plan! You will be completing all the exercises for yourself, alongside your pre-teen, providing an amazing opportunity for you to not only clarify your own goals but learn more about your pre-teen and the dreams they have!

Q: How many people are in a class?

A: Classes are capped at 20 people in order to keep the mood intimate, and to maximize learning and discussion.

Q: What is the teaching style of the event? My child is a hands-on learner.

A: All events are highly creative, interactive, fun and experiential! We use a variety of teaching methods including inspirational videos, short teaching modules, games, hands-on activities and group discussion. We teach the various “tools” and then provide the structure for participants to apply these tools in their own life. The mood is casual and relaxed, and the environment is highly upbeat in our ‘New York loft-inspired’ office.

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www.dkleadership.org | [email protected]

Q: Who should come to this event?

A: Anyone who wants to learn how to fulfill their dreams in all areas of their life! Whether a participant is in grade 8 trying to learn how to be more motivated, or in grade 12 trying to improve their time management – this event will provide inspirational guidance and practical tools.

Q: I’d love to participate in the Dare To Dream event but I have some financial obstacles (i.e. I’ve lost my job, etc). Do you have any scholarship programs?

A: Yes. Email us and explain your obstacles in detail. We have a limited number of scholarship spaces available.

Q: What is your cancellation policy?

A: Please note that all tickets are non-refundable. If you are unable to attend, you may give your ticket to a friend – but we do require that you inform us of any changes.

Q: Who should NOT come to this event?

A: We’ve learned that participants need to be emotionally ready for this type of program. Our events have the opportunity to be transformational (watch the video testimonials) however, participants need to want to learn. Also, if a teen is in a crisis situation – we strongly recommend they contact our office for individual coaching, and delay their participation in this event. Our classroom events are designed to be leadership training, not substitutes for counseling.

Q: Can I purchase my tickets at the door?

A: No – all registration must be done in advance.

Q: Should my teen do the event alone or with a friend?

A: It depends. While some teens like to bring a friend to make the learning more fun and to ensure accountability, others find it harder to concentrate on the material if they have a friend present. The key is to talk with them and discuss together what you think is the best fit. Over 80% of participants come solo – so if your teen is coming alone, they will not feel left out.

Q: I think my teen would enjoy this but they are reluctant. Any suggestions to help get them onboard?

A: Yes! Here are a few tips: have them read about the event, watch the video testimonials, read Dr. Karyn’s biography, and invite a friend (see question above)! Emphasize that this is a highly creative leadership event where they will learn tools to help them achieve their goals and dreams for their entire lifetime!

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www.dkleadership.org | [email protected]

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ABOUT Dr. KarynCreator & Facilitator Of The Dare To Dream Event

Dr. Karyn is the Founder and CEO of DK Leadership, a leadership & relationship expert, a dynamic motivational speaker, a best-selling author, a TV personality for Good Morning America (USA’s #1 Morning Show), and Cityline (Canada’s #1 Daytime Show) as well as a TV producer for SUCCESS Stories (Rogers).


DK Leadership specializes in coaching Emotional Intelligence skills for organizations and families. After receiving many requests from clients, DK Leadership in 2017 launched “Success Intelligence: An Emotional Intelligence Training Program” – a program designed specifically for top HR professionals and organizations. This inspiring and customizable online program has the capability to measurably transform all levels of leadership within a company – by fueling organizational engagement, increasing employee retention and developing an energized workplace culture. This program highlights Dr. Karyn’s unique ability, which is communicating complex research in a simple and passionate way to diverse audiences (from students to Fortune 500 CEO’s). Dr. Karyn’s specialty is inspiring leaders at all levels to take action – maximizing their performance and success!


A passionate motivational speaker and powerfully effective coach, Dr. Karyn has delivered over 1000 keynotes to more than ½ million people from 15 countries. Her clients include Fortune 500 companies, family businesses, government agencies, entrepreneurs, educational schoolboards and professional organizations (representing doctors, surgeons, dentists, lawyers, judges, accountants, engineers and many more occupational groups).


Many years ago after speaking at a conference, a parent said to Dr. Karyn, “I wish my teen could spend a whole day with you learning your leadership skills.” This suggestion got her thinking, and she decided that it would be a great idea to create a 1-day, inspirational and practical event to awaken the dreams of young people – so she created Dare To Dream! A specialist in working with teens, she knew it would have to be highly interactive, creative, and fun-filled with a variety of teaching methods (videos, discussion, games and food) to engage them for a full day. And clearly it is working: Dr. Karyn has often witnessed teens who were reluctant to enter her leadership classroom in the morning, but by the end of the day they are energized, excited about the dreams they have identified for their life, and feeling empowered by the new skills they have learned that will help them reach these dreams!

For Dr. Karyn, the best part of this event is hearing about how these organizational skills have truly impacted and changed her students’ lives. This past year a former Dare To Dream student, who had attended 4 years ago as a high school student, emailed Dr. Karyn and thanked her for the skills he learned in Dare To Dream. He shared about how he uses these skills everyday now at university, and how they have significantly increased his confidence and performance, while helping to manage his stress and anxiety. Dr. Karyn’s purpose is to help people reach their full potential, and it is truly a joy for her to inspire and equip young people to reach their dreams!

Join Us For The Next Dare To Dream Event - Register Today!
