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Leadership & motivation presentatiion

Date post: 11-May-2015
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LEADERSHIP: . Mubshair Durrani Irfan khan Ali Raza Nasir Faiq khan
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Mubshair DurraniIrfan khan

Ali Raza NasirFaiq khan

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Leadership Behavior and Motivation Focus of this Presentation is: importance

of leadership and motivation Our definition of leadership stressed the

importance of influencing others to achieve the organizational objectives through change.

High Performance occur when leader create motivational environment that inspire followers to achieve firm’s goals.

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Leadership Behavior and Motivation Motivational skills are critical to leadership

success. How leader’s motivate their workers? Why people leave their jobs? Research shows employees stay if they

are satisfied with their jobs and committed to their organizations and leave if they are not satisfied.

Poor leaders drive employees to quit.

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Leadership Behavior and Style

Research on leadership had shifted from the trait theory paradigm to the behavioral theory paradigm.

Now the focus on what the leader says and does.

No leadership behavior were found to be consistently associated with leadership effectiveness.

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Leadership Behavior and Style

Leaders’ behavior is based on their traits and skills.

Different studies shows employees retention is based on relationship between manager and employee.

Relationship is based on the manager’s leadership personality traits and attitudes.

Traits and attitudes directly affect leaders behavior with the employees.

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Leadership Behavior and Style

Pygmalion effect is based on traits, attitude expectation, and the leader’s treatment (behavior) of employees which determine the followers’ behavior and performance.

Different studies confirmed leader’s behavior has causal effect on employee performance.

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3 Level Leadership Model



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Stages of Leadership Model

First two levels, public and private leadership A shared, motivating group purpose and vision Action, progress and results Collective unity and team spirit Individual selection and motivation

Personal leadership Developing one’s technical knowhow and skills Cultivating the right attitude towards other

people Working on psychological self-mastery



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What is leadership style?

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Leadership Styles



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Blanchard and Hersey 4 part Model Directing

When a employee is new to a task or job Coaching

The stage in which the employee is doing the task but tentatively

Supporting Employee know the task but lacks some

confidence Delegating

Employee is up to speed and can handle the job



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Leadership QualitiesLeadership Qualities

Charismatic Innovative Command and Control Pace Setter (sets high standards for

him and team) Servant (puts services to others before

self interest) Situational (act according to situation) Transformational (transform situation

and teams thinking)

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What is the best leadership style?

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What is the best leadership What is the best leadership style?style?

The one which works for the individual leader in a specific

time and in a specific environment

People change. Friends become enemies. Things go

wrong, but life goes on.

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Which leadership style do workers think is best?

To lead people walk behind them - Lao Tzu

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Be a Shameless Idealist*

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Be Kind for No Reason

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Get Good Education and Move to a Bad Neighborhood*

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Build Institutes

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5. Fema Kuntum?

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Pay the Zakat for Success

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7. Know your Price

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8. Be a Giving Person*

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Start Reading

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Teach Followership

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Teach Listening Skills

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Everything is Possible in Pakistan, If You Don’t Have to Worry About

Who Will Take the Credit?

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““Although there is no one best Although there is no one best leadership style leadership style

in all situations, employees are in all situations, employees are more satisfied more satisfied

with a leader who is high in with a leader who is high in consideration.”consideration.”

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Anything that affects behavior in pursuit of a certain outcome.

E.g( Facebook)

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Motivation ProcessMotivation Process

“People go from need to motive to behavior to consequence to satisfaction or dissatisfaction”

E.g., we are thirsty (need) and have a drive (motive) to get drink. We get a drink (behavior) that quenches (consequence and satisfaction) our thirst.

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Major Motivation TheoriesMajor Motivation TheoriesClassification of Motivation


1.1.Content motivation Content motivation theories (need theories (need motivation)motivation)

2.2.Process motivation Process motivation theories (choose theories (choose behavior to fulfill their behavior to fulfill their needs)needs)

3.3.Reinforcement theory Reinforcement theory (behavior can be (behavior can be explained, predicted, explained, predicted, and controlled through and controlled through the consequences for the consequences for behavior)behavior)

Specific Motivation Theory

a.Hierarchy of needs theory

b.ERG theoryc.Two-factor theoryd.Acquired need theory

a. Equity theory b. Expectancy theory c. Goal-setting theory

Type of Reinforcement a. Positiveb. Avoidancec. Extinctiond. Punishment

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Content Motivation Content Motivation TheoriesTheories

Focus on explaining and predicting behavior based on people’s needs.


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Hierarchy of Needs TheoryHierarchy of Needs Theory

Proposes that people are motivated through levels of needs which begin a

basic life sustaining needs and progress to life and work satisfaction needs


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Maslow’s Hierarchy of NeedsMaslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Maslow’s Hierarchy of NeedsNeedsHow Firm meet these How Firm meet these needs?needs? Self-Actualization Needs: Organization meet

these needs by the development of employees’ skills, the chance to be creative, achievement and promotions, and the ability to have complete control over their jobs.

Esteem Needs: Organization meet these needs through titles, satisfaction of completing the jobs itself, merit pay raises, recognition, challenging task, participation in decision making and change for advancement.


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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Maslow’s Hierarchy of NeedsNeeds Social Needs: Organization meet these needs

through the opportunity to interact with others, to be accepted, to have friends. Activities include parties, picnics, trips, and sport terms.

Safety Needs: meet these needs through safe working conditions, salary increases to meet inflation, job security, and fringe benefits (medical insurance/sick pay etc).

Physiological Needs: meet these needs adequate needs salary, breaks and working conditions.


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A theory of human motivation that focuses on three groups of needs that form a hierarchy:

existence needs relatedness needs growth needs The theory suggests that these needs

change their position in the hierarchy as circumstances change.



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Existence Needs

This group of needs is concerned with providing the basic requirements for material existence, such as physiological and safety needs.

In a work context this need is satisfied by money earned in a job for the purchase of food, shelter, clothing, etc.

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Relatedness Needs

This group of needs focuses on the desire to establish and maintain interpersonal relationships with family, friends, co-workers and employers.

Interact with other people, receive public recognition, and feel secure around people.

The amount of time most people spend at work this need is normally satisfied to some extent by their relationships with colleagues and managers.

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Growth Needs

These needs are about the fulfilment of desires to be creative, productive and to complete meaningful tasks.

These needs are all about by personal development. In a work context a person's job, career, or profession can provide a significant satisfaction of growth needs.

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Clayton Alderfer extended and simplified Maslow’s hierarchy into a shorter set of three needs: Existence, Relatedness and Growth (hence 'ERG'). Unlike Maslow, he did not see these as being a hierarchy, but being more of a continuum.  

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Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation In 1960 Herzberg published two factor

theory (maintenance and motivators of needs).

This theory proposes that “people are motivated by motivator rather than maintenance factors”.

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors.


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Herzberg’s Two-Factor Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of MotivationTheory of Motivation Motivator Factors (believes motivation come

from within the person through the work itself) Maintenance (Hygiene) Factors (believes

motivation from outside the person and the job itself)


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Achievement Recognition Work Itself Responsibility Promotion Growth


Pay and Benefits Company Policy and

Administration Relationships with co-

workers Physical Environment Supervision Status , Salary Job Security

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Acquired Needs TheoryAcquired Needs Theory(employees are motivated by their need for:)



PowerPower AchievemeAchievementnt

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Acquired Needs TheoryAcquired Needs Theory

Motivating with high Ach: through non-routine work, challenging task with clear attainable objectives. Fast feedback and keep out of their jobs.

Motivating with high power: Let employees plan and control their jobs as much as possible.

Motivating with high Aff: Give them lot of praise and recognition. Make great buddies and mentors.


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Criticism of the Content Theories Despite their wide use and impact on the

workplace, major criticisms exist of these theories.

Universality - the theories pertain to be universal theories and apply to everyone. They take no account of gender, age, culture, religious or other factor differences.



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Individual differences and stability over time - not only do the theories ignore the significance of individual differences but they largely fail to recognize that individual needs are constantly changing, and consequently what may be a motivator one day may not the next. Their static nature doesn't relate to the real world.



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Process simplicity - The theories assume that the connection between needs and behavior is non-problematic. They ignore the processes that must be evaluated and implemented to achieve the desired end result.



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What is the Equity Theory of Motivation?

John Stacey Adams, a workplace and behavioral psychologist, put forward his Equity Theory on job motivation in 1963.

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Equity TheoryEquity Theory

=Others’ input (contributions)

Others’ outcomes (rewards)

Our inputs (contributions)

=Our outcomes (rewards)

(proposed that employees are motivated (proposed that employees are motivated when their perceived inputs equal outputs.)when their perceived inputs equal outputs.)

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What is the ExpectancyTheory of Motivation?

In 1964, Vroom developed the Expectancy theory through his study of the motivations behind decision making.

The Expectancy Theory of Motivation explains the behavioral process of why individuals choose one behavioral option over another.

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Expectancy Expectancy TheoryTheory

Proposes that employees are motivated when they believe they can accomplish the task and the rewards for doing so are worth the effort.

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Expectancy Theory-That which you focus on expands.  If you focus on how bad the weather is…the weather becomes worse in your world. If you focus on how good your opponent is…your opponent becomes better in your world. If you focus on your strength…you become stronger in your world

Choose your focus wisely !!!

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What is the Goal-setting Theory of Motivation?The first empirical studies were performed by Cecil Alec Mace in 1935.

Goal setting theory was developed and refined by Edwin A. Locke in the 1960s.

Goals that are deemed difficult to achieve and specific tend to increase performance more than goals that are not.

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Goal-setting TheoryGoal-setting Theory

Proposes that specific, difficult goals motivate people

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How Does a Leader Set Meaningful Goals & Objectives to Motivate Subordinates?

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Criteria for ObjectivesCriteria for Objectives Singular result

One end result Specific

Exact performance expected Measurable

Observe and measure progress Target date

Specific completion date

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Other Criteria for Other Criteria for ObjectivesObjectives Difficult but achievable Participatively setCommitment of employees

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“proposes that through the consequences for behavior, people will be motivated to behave in predetermined ways”

What is Reinforcement Theory

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Reinforcement TheoryReinforcement Theory

Also known as behavior modification Based on studies of B.F. Skinner

Major topic of study in Psychology Depends on reinforcement

Positive (attractive rewards) Avoidance (avoid negative results) Extinction (reduce undesirable behavior) Punishment

Reinforcement can be Continuous Intermittent (the reward is given based on

the passage of time or output. E.g., tea break, salary, praise after the achievement)

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You get You get what youwhat youreinforce, reinforce, not alwaysnot alwayswhat youwhat youreward!reward!

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How Can a Leader Motivate Using Reinforcement?

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Motivating with ReinforcementMotivating with Reinforcement

Set clear objectives Employees must understand what is

expected Use appropriate rewards

Must be seen as rewards Use the appropriate reinforcement

schedule Do not reward unworthy performance Look for the positive Give sincere praise Do things for your employees

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Give Sincere PraiseGive Sincere Praise

People will know if you mean it Praise Model (Person to Person)

Tell what was done well Tell why it is important Take a moment of silence Encourage continued good work

Learn to give praise easily It is an effective and inexpensive

motivational tool

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Which Motivation Theory is the “Correct” Model?

All of them None of them None works in all environments, in all

situations, or for all people Leader must be flexible

Knowledge of all theories will help in determining the correct way to motivate in a given situation

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Which Motivation Theory is the “Correct” Model?

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