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Leadership Phillip Rosebrook, Jr, CR Business Mentors ELC Training.

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Leadership Phillip Rosebrook, Jr, CR Business Mentors ELC Training


Phillip Rosebrook, Jr, CRBusiness MentorsELC Training


A Tale of Two Companies It was the best of times – it was the worst of

times…A few examples

"America is too great for small dreams." -- Ronald Reagan


"Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing."- Albert Schweitzer

We compete against our own potential every day. - Lee Colan

You are your company Be positive and proactive Proactive management – plan and respond –

not respond for lack of a plan Read and expand your knowledge

Just Rewards

"People of character do the right thing, not because they think it will change the world but because they refuse to be changed by the world."

Michael Josephson radio Commentator

Virtues and Values Risk and responsibilities

Understanding Virtue - moral excellence

Values - relative worth, utility, or importance

Money is a tool not an end – what will you do with your success?

Do you work to live or live to work?

Definitions American Heritage Dictionary

Vision – unusual foresight Visionary – Not practical at the moment – existing

only in the imagination Goal – a desired result or purpose toward which

one is working; an objective. Goal keeper – A player assigned to protect one’s

goal. Mission – A strong inclination to a particular task or

duty Missionary – a zealous advocate of a belief or



Become a visionary leader, goalkeeper and missionary for your cause

Advantages of a compelling purpose, direction and destination Motivate employees Entice new prospects Propel average employees to exceptional

performance Get out of the way


What defines exceptional leadership How is it manifest?

Components of Leadership

"So much of what we call management consists in making it difficult for people to work."    - Peter Drucker

Plan Vision Communication Proactive Management Execution Positive Attitude


High standards and Excellence Navigation and destination Clear concise goals Update your staff Allocate resources Update frequently Set up short term victories


Time and resources Baseline numbers Benchmarking Timely Synergistically working towards goals Post prominently


People are attracted to a company with direction

Clearly communicated Meaningful May not have a defined timeline More subjective than goals Passion


“I am my message” - Gandhi

“Who you are speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you are saying”

– Dennis Waitley

Measure what matters Provide expectations and progress Create a team atmosphere Be honest Have routine meetings

“Value is determined deep inside operations

by how well people at the front lines do their jobs. A company that creates value

in the boiler room, counts it in the Penthouse…

The very notion that a company could be full of people who don’t understand how they

contribute to value creation is unacceptable to any business.”

- John Donovan, Richard Tulley and Brent Wortman, The Value Enterprise

Outward Leadership

You can observe a lot just by watching.”Yogi Bera

Be visible Meet with key clients no less than twice per year Visit job sites every week Community involvement Lead company meetings Annual planning sessions Be present and involved

Proactive Management

Strong plan Stop going through the motions and

majoring in minor issues Starts at the top Roles, responsibilities, systems

expectations Do you have a job or a business

Leadership Action

“90% of Leadership success comes in the follow-through, in the implementation and execution of the knowledge they have gathered… Power and competitive Advantage come only when sound information is decisively acted upon.” Leadership Lessons form the Monk Who Sold his Ferrari.

Execution – company culture Passion Lead don’t manage

Liberate rather than stifle talents of staff Manifest the potential of people

Continuous Improvement

"However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results."  

Winston Churchill

Take time Learn from others Attend national meetings Debrief Understand your industry

Meet the industry ahead of the curve Failure from success and success from failure Other industries

Positive attitude

Character is created in adversity You are the rock Look for good Be a realist People are looking for leadership Focus on vision and goals

Set up short term challenges

Separating the Good From Great

A lack of complacency and a desire to be the best.

A company culture that accepts nothing less than excellence.

A compelling vision to be the best. Desire and Passion!

Defining Moments

"Character cannot be developed in peace and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision be cleared, ambition insured and success achieved." Helen Keller

"There is a basic law that like attracts like. Negative thinking definitely attracts negative results. Conversely, if a person habitually thinks optimistically and hopefully his positive thinking sets in motion creative forces - and success instead of eluding him flows toward him.“ Norman Vincent Peale

Every moment of every day, you succeed at creating the reality in which you live. Choose now to use that power in a positive, meaningful, fulfilling way.

Ralph Marston

Role of the Leader

Get out of the trenchesPlan and lead

Company cheerleader Grow leaders


Be true to yur vision High expectations and standards of

performance Have consequences and rewards Consistency

The Management Trap and Unintended Consequences

What are you left with and where is your effort?


Opportunity Responsibility Accountability What is your legacy?So this week count your blessings instead of your

possessions. Spend more time with those you love, instead of spending more money on things you lack. -- Denis Waitley

"You've got to be before you can do and do before you can have."--Zig Ziglar

Action Plan

Create a strategic plan – get help if needed Get out of the trenches Be a person and company of virtue Hire the best and have accountability Be a student of leadership Stand out in front of your company Develop leaders Pursue Excellence

Closing thoughts

"Every decision you make - every decision - is not a decision about what to do. It's a decision about Who You Are. When you see this, when you understand it, everything changes. You begin to see life in a new way. All events, occurrences, and situations turn into opportunities to do what you came here to do.“- Neale Donald Walsch
