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Leadership Question Answer

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  • 8/10/2019 Leadership Question Answer


    1. a)Explain the follwing leadership styles: Transformational, CharismaticTranscendental, and Androgynous leadership. b)i!e your opinion, which of theseleadership approaches might suites the Tur"ish business leaders most# $hy#.


    Transactional leaders are the leaders who are focused on completing tas"s, achie!ing resultsthrough organi%ational processes and li"e applying policies, procedures and rewards. Thesetype of leaders clarifies their subordinates& tas"s and roles. They promote positi!e or negati!erewards instead of intrinsic rewards to the contributors. 'n the other hand, transformationalleaders ha!e !ision and charisma. They ha!e special ability to bring about inno!ation andchange. Transformational leaders creates pathways in an organi%ation while transactional onesuses the existing structures. The transformational leaders moti!ate people to wor" for a new

    and greater good to create change. (n other words, transformational leadership is andexpansion to the transactional leadership.CHARISMATIC LEADERSHIP

    Charismatic leaders set high expectations while moti!ating followers by boosting their selfconfidence. *owe!er, they may cause to groupthin" syndrome. E!en thought it hassimilarities with transformational leadership, it also has significant differences.Transformational leadership is much comprehensi!e than charismatic leadership.TRANSCENDENTAL LEADERSHIP

    (n this type of leadership, collaborators are moti!ated by transcending their selfinterestsbesides extrinsic and intrinsic rewards. The difference between transcendental leader andtransformational leaders is that transformational leaders try to de!elop only intrinsicmoti!ation of their de!eloper not the transcendental moti!ation.ANDROGYNOUS LEADERSHIP

    Androgynous leadership seems the most suitable leadership style to the Tur"ish leaders. (t isbelie!ed to be the most suitable for relationsoriented issues. *owe!er, in the past bothmasculine and feminine leaders of this style were unable to achie!e organi%ational goals.

    +. *ofstede explain why a certain leaders and management practice might be successfulin one nation but fail in another a)$hy# *e also found that national culture is soinfluencial it tends to o!erwhelm e!en a strong corporate culture $ithin this context,

    b)Explain the fi!e dimensions of national cuture.

    a. -ecause the differences among these dimensions of national culture from country tocountry.

    b. 1. ower /istance: (t&s about which society accepts an une0ual distribution of power inorgani%ation. *igh power distance means that people accept ine0uality. ow power distancemeans that people accept e0uality.+. 2ncertainty A!oidance: is the extent to which a socirty feels uncertainty a!oidance means

    that members at a society feel unconfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity and lowuncertainty a!oidance means that people ha!e high tolerance for the unstructed.

  • 8/10/2019 Leadership Question Answer


    3. (ndi!idualismcollecti!ism is the extent to which a society !alues indi!idual freedom andindependence of action compared with a tight social frame wor" and loyalty to the group.(ndi!idualism reflects a !alue for a loosely "nit social framewor" in which indi!idual areexpected to ta"e care of themsel!es. Collecti!ism means a preference for a tightly "nit socialframewor" in which indi!iduals loo" after one another and organi%ations protect theirmanagers& interest..4. 5aculinity6eminity is the extent to which society is oriented towrad money and thingson toward people. 5asculinity stands for preference for achie!ement, heroism, asserti!eness,wor" centrality and material succes. 6eminity reflects the !alue of relationships, cooperation,group decision ma"ing a 0uality of life..7. ong Term 'rientation is the extent to which society is oriented towrad the long !ersus theshortterm. The long term orientation includes a greater concern for the future and highly!alues thrift and preser!erance. A shortterm orientation is more concerned with the post and

    present and places a high !alue on tradition and meeting social obligations.

    3. a)(temi%e the 8 dimensions of 0uality 9no explanation) and itemi%e the 0uality costsand gi!e one example for each item with only one sentence, b)/raw a chart andexplain the;trategic

  • 8/10/2019 Leadership Question Answer


    4. a)The strategic outcome of earning 9experience) cur!e happened to be one of themost important tools to reduce the operation costs in the business world. -rieflyexplain it, b)(s there any alternati!e ways to ac0uire the learning, besides application,in order to get the same result#

    a )earning cur!e shows the rate of impro!ement in performing a tas" as a function of time, or the rate ofchange in a!erage cost 9in hours or dollars) as a function of cumulati!e output. 2sed in resourcere0uirements planning, learning cur!es are also employed in setting incenti!e rate schemes based onthe statistical findings that as the cumulati!e output is doubled, the a!erage unit cost declines by a

    constant percentage. 6or example, an 8? percent learning cur!e means the per unit a!erage cumulati!ecost 9in hours or dollars) falls to 8? percent of the pre!ious per unit a!erage cumulati!e cost as thecumulati!e output doubles9-oeing formula). earning cur!es are, howe!er, not uni!ersally applicable

    but show most promise in situations where nonmechani%ed, repetiti!e assembly operationspredominate and which largely use direct labor.

    b )

    earning can be ac0uired by some other methods besides application. Copying the indusrtyleading organi%ation or products will help learning besides technical impro!ements andinno!ation. Also a strong competition can yield faster learning in organi%ations.

  • 8/10/2019 Leadership Question Answer


    7. a)/raw charts and explain what the 5atrix ;tructure and the @etwor" ;tructure isand, under what conditions thay could be beneficial to a company# Explain theirad!antages and disad!antages...

    Ma"i+ S"u#u"e%

    (n 5atrix structures, functional and product forms are combined simultaneously at thesame le!el of the organi%ation.

    /ual Authority ;tructure in a 5atrix 'rgani%ation


    1.5ore efficient use of resources than single hierarchy.+.6lexibility, adaptability to changing en!ironment.3.(nterdisciplinary cooperation, expertise a!ailable to all di!isions.


    1. 6rustration and confusion from dual chain of command.+.*igh conflict between two sides of the matrix.3.5any meetings, more discussion than action. 9Too much tal"ing, little results.)

  • 8/10/2019 Leadership Question Answer


    Ne,o"- S"u#u"e%

    The networ" structure becomes most useful when the en!ironment of a firm isunstable and expected to remain so. 2nder such conditions there is usually a strongneed for inno!ation and 0uic" response. (nstead of ha!ing salaried employees, thecompany may contract with people for a specific proect or length of time.

    @etwor" Approach to /epartmentali%ation


    1.Can draw on expertise worldwide.+.*ighly flexible and responsi!e.3.Beduced o!erhead costs.


    1. ac" of control wea" boundaries.+.reater demands on managers.3.Employee loyalty wea"ened

    . $hat is ;ix ;igma and ean ;ix ;igma# i!e some examples for the applications of;ix ;igma and ean ;ix ;igma application in Derox Co.

  • 8/10/2019 Leadership Question Answer


    ;ix ;igma is an analytical method for achie!ing nearperfect results on a productionline. Altough the emphasis is on reducting procuct !ariance in order to boost 0ualityand efficiency, it is increasingly being applied to accounts recei!able sales and B/.(n statistic the ree" letter sigma denotes !ariations in the standart bell shaped cur!e.'ne sigma e0uals F???? defects per 1 million. 5ost companies are able to achie!eonly three sigma or ??? errors per million. ;ig ;igma reduces the defects to only 3.4

    per million thus sa!ing money by pre!enting waste.The process of ;ix ;igma encompasses fi! e steps:1. /efine a process where results are poorer than a!arage+. 5easuere the process to determine exact current performance3. Analy%e the information pinpoint where things are going wrong4. (mpro!e the process and eliminate the error7. Establish controls to pre!ent future defect from occuring

    ;a!ings atributed to ;ix ;igma programs ha!e ranged from 1,+G to 4,7G of annualre!enue for a number of 6ortune 7?? firms.A new program called ean ;ix ;igma is becoming increasingly popular incompanies. This program incorporates the statistical approach of ;ix ;igma with thelean manufacturing program originally de!eloped by Toyota. i"e reengineering, itincludes the remo!al of unnecessary steps in any process and fixing those that remain.This is the lean addition ;ix ;igma.Derox used lean ;ix ;igma to resol!e a problemwith a H 7????? printing press it had ust introduced. Teams from supply,manufacturing and B/ used ean ;ix ;igma to find the cause of the problem and toresol!e it by wor"ing with a supplier to change the chemistry of the oil on a roller.

    I. At corporatele!el strategy, explain the basic differences among lobal ;trategy,5ulty/omestic ;trategy and Transnational strategy.

    5ultidomestic ;trategcy

  • 8/10/2019 Leadership Question Answer


    S"ae.! an( o*e"ain. (e#isions a"e (e#en"ali/e( o s"ae.i# $usiness unis

    0S1U) in ea#' #oun"!

    P"o(u#s an( se"&i#es a"e ailo"e( o lo#al ma"-es

    1usiness unis in ea#' #oun"! a"e in(e*en(en

    Assumes ma"-es (iffe" $! #oun"! o" "e.ions

    Fo#us on #om*eiion in ea#' ma"-e

    P"ominen s"ae.! amon. Eu"o*ean fi"ms (ue o $"oa( &a"ie! of #ulu"es an(


    S"ae.! "esuls in less -no,le(.e s'a"in. fo" 'e #o"*o"aion as a ,'ole

    S"ae.! isolaes 'e fi"m f"om .lo$al #om*eii&e fo"#es

    Esa$lis' *"oe#e( ma"-e *osiions

    Com*ee in in(us"! se.mens mos affe#e( $! (iffe"en#es amon. lo#al


    Deals ,i' un#e"ain! f"om (iffe"en#es a#"oss

    lobal ;trategcy 6irm offers standardi%ed products across country mar"ets, with the competiti!e

    strategy being dictated by the home office

    ;trategic and operating decisions are #en"ali/e(at the home office

    (n!ol!es interdependent ;-2s operating in each country

    *ome office attempts to achie!e integration across ;-2s, adding managementcomplexity

    roduces lower ris"

    6acilitated by impro!ed global reporting standards 9i.e., accounting and financial)

    Emphasi%es economies of scale

    ess responsi!e to local mar"et opportunities

    Be0uires resource sharing and coordination across borders 9hard to manage)

  • 8/10/2019 Leadership Question Answer


    'ffers less effecti!e learning processes 9pressure to conform and standardi%e)

    ;trategy more effecti!e in areas where regional integration is occurring

    Transnational ;trategy ;ee"s to achie!e both global efficiency and local responsi!enessJcompeting goals

    Be0uires both:

    Centrali%ation global coordination and control

    /ecentrali%ation local flexibility

    lobal competiti!e landscape fosters intense competition, thus pressures to reduce

    costs, while at the same time information sharing has intensified the desire forspeciali%ed, customi%ed, differentiated products

    6irm must pursue organi%ational learning to achie!e competiti!e ad!antage

    Challenging, but becoming increasingly necessary to compete in international mar"ets

    (ncreasingly popular as a strategy

  • 8/10/2019 Leadership Question Answer


    8. /ownsi%ing a)if not handle with care, how may it turn out to be a detrimental mo!e#b)E!aluate four of the guidelines, being proposed for successful downsi%ing.

    /ownsi%ing refers to be planned elimination of positions or obs. (f downsi%ing is not doneproperly, it may result in less, rather than more, producti!ity. 'ne study found that a 1?Greduction in people resulted in only a 1.7G reduction in costs, profits increased in only halfthe firms downsi%ing and the stoc" prices of downsi%ed firms increased o!er three years, butnot as much as did those of firms that did not downsi%e.

    Soru 4 tane yeterli diyor, ancak herkes aynsn yazmasn diye ben 6sn da yazyorum:

    6or successful downsi%ing the following guidelines ha!e been proposed:

    1. Eliminate unnecessary work instead of making across-the-board cuts:;pend thetime to research where money is going and eliminate the tas", not the wor"ers, if itdoes not add !alue to what the firm is producing. Beduce the number of administrati!ele!els rather than the number of indi!idual positions. oo" for interdependentrelationships before eliminating acti!ities. (dentify and protect core competencies.

    +. Contract out work that others can do cheaper: 6or example, -an"er Trust of @ewKor" contracted out its mailroom and printing ser!ices and some of its payroll andaccounts payable acti!ities to a di!ision of Derox. 'utsourcing may be cheaper than!ertical integration.

    3. Plan for long-run efficiencies: /on&t simply eliminate all postponable expenses, suchas maintenance, B/ and ad!ertising, in the unustifiable hope that the en!ironment

    will become more supporti!e. Continue to hire, grow and de!elop particularly incritical areas.

    4. Communicate the reasons for action:Tell employees not only why the company isdownsi%ing but also what the company is trying to achie!e. romote educational

    programs.7. Invest in the remaining employees:-ecause most sur!i!ors= in a corporate

    downsi%ing will probably be doing different tas"s from what they were doing beforethe change, firms need to draft new ob specifications, performance standards,appraisal techni0ues and compensation pac"ages. Additional training is needed toensure that e!eryone has the proper s"ills to deal with expanded obs andresponsibilities. Empower "ey indi!iduals>groups and emphasi%e team building.

    (dentify, protect and mentor people who ha!e leadership talent.Develop value-added jobs to balance out job elimination:$hen no other obs arecurrently a!ailable within the organi%ation to transfer employees to, management mustconsider other staffing alternati!es. 6or example, *arley/a!idson wor"ed with thecompany&s unions to find other wor" for surplus employees by mo!ing into *arley

    plants wor" that had pre!iously been done by suppliers

    F. /. 5cLeeby and M.ei% of rice of $aterhouse and Coopers both claimed thatcorruption economy is Tur"ey&s number one threat, and also poses a serious future ris"to society and constitutional regime. 2nder the circumstance, how could you protectyour company from a probable ri"s of the future#. i!e your interpretatiNn.

    1?. At businessle!el strategy, explain only the differentiation strategy in a company#.

  • 8/10/2019 Leadership Question Answer


    An organization's core competencies should be focused on satisfying customer needs or

    preferences in order to achieve above average returns. This is done through Business-

    level strategies. Business level strategies detail actions taken to provide value tocustomers and gain a competitive advantage by exploiting core competencies in specificindividual product or service markets. Business-level strategy is concerned !ith a firm'sposition in an industry relative to competitors and to the five forces of competition.

    Business-Level Strategies

    There are four generic strategies that are used to help organizations establish acompetitive advantage over industry rivals. "irms may also choose to compete across a

    broad market or a focused market. #e also briefly discuss a fifth business level strategycalled an integrated strategy.

    1. Cost Leadership$ %rganizations compete for a !ide customer based on price. &riceis based on internal efficiency in order to have a margin that !ill sustain above averagereturns and cost to the customer so that customers !ill purchase your productservice.#orks !ell !hen productservice is standardized can have generic goods that areacceptable to many customers and can offer the lo!est price. (ontinuous efforts to

    lo!er costs relative to competitors is necessary in order to successfully be a cost leader.This can include

    Building state of art efficient facilities *may make it costly for competition to


    +aintain tight control over production and overhead costs

    +inimize cost of sales , and service.

    Porter's 5 Forces Model

    A cost leadership strategy may help to remain profitable even !ith rivalry ne! entrants

    suppliers' po!er substitute products and buyers' po!er.

    ,ivalry $ (ompetitors are likely to avoid a price !ar since the lo! cost firm !ill

    continue to earn profits after competitors compete a!ay their profits *Airlines).

    (ustomers $ &o!erful customers that force firms to produce goodsservice at

    lo!er profits may exit the market rather than earn belo! average profits leavingthe lo! cost organization in a monopoly positions. Buyers then loose much of their

    buying po!er.

    /uppliers $ (ost leaders are able to absorb greater price increases before it must

    raise price to customers.

    0ntrants $ 1o! cost leaders create barriers to market entry through its continuous

    focus on efficiency and reducing costs.

    /ubstitutes $ 1o! cost leaders are more likely to lo!er costs to entice customersto stay !ith their product invest to develop substitutes purchase patents.

  • 8/10/2019 Leadership Question Answer


    How to !tain a Cost "dvantage#

    etermine and (ontrol (ost

    ,econfigure the 2alue (hain as 3eeded




    Tunnel 2ision

    &. i((erentiation- 2alue is provided to customers through uni5ue features andcharacteristics of an organization's products rather than by the lo!est price. This is donethrough high 5uality features high customer service rapid product innovation advancedtechnological features image management etc. */ome companies that follo! thisstrategy ,olex 4ntel ,alph 1auren)

    (reate 2alue by

    1o!ering Buyers' (osts $ 6igher 5uality means less breakdo!ns 5uicker response

    to problems.

    ,aising Buyers' &erformance $ Buyer may improve performance have higher level

    of en7oyment.

    /ustainability $ (reating barriers by perceptions of uni5ueness and reputation

    creating high s!itching costs through differentiation and uni5ueness.


    a) iff.on product $ Apple $ iphone exampleb) iff on personel $ #elcomers 8 /te!ardess of /ingapore Airlines examplec) iff.on service $ (aterpillar back-up service example

    d) iff on image $ +c onald9s :olden Arch example

    $is%s o( )sing a i((erentiation Strateg*



    1oss of 2alue

    +. Focused Low Cost- %rganizations not only compete on price but also select a smallsegment of the market to provide goods and services to. "or example a company thatsells only to the ;./. government.

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    ,. Focused i((erentiation- %rganizations not only compete based on differientationbut also select a small segment of the market to provide goods and services.

    "ocused /trategies - /trategies that seek to serve the needs of a particular customer

    segment *e.g. federal gov't).

    (ompanies that use focused strategies may be able serve the smaller segment *e.g.business travelers) better than competitors !ho have a !ider base of customers. This isespecially true !hen special needs make it difficult for industry-!ide competitors to servethe needs of this group of customers. By serving a segment that !as previously poorlysegmented an organization has uni5ue capability to serve niche.

    $is%s o( )sing Focused Strategies

    +aybe out focused by competitors *even smaller segment)

    /egment may become of interest to broad market firm*s)

    5. )sing an ntegrated Low-Cost/i((erentiation Strateg*

    This ne! strategy may become more popular as global competition increases. "irms thatuse this strategy may see improvement in their ability to

    Adaptability to environmental changes.

    1earn ne! skills and technologies

    +ore effectively leverage core competencies across business units and products

    lines !hich should enable the firm to produce produces !ith differentiatedfeatures at lo!er costs.

    Thus the customer realizes value based both on product features and a lo! price.

    /outh!est airlines is one example of a company that does uses this strategy.

    6o!ever organizations that choose this strategy must be careful not to becoming stuckin the middle i.e. not being able to manage successfully the five competitive forces and

    not achieve strategic competitiveness. +ust be capable of consistently reducing costs!hile adding differentiated features.

    11. (t is stated that without an effecti!e communication, e!en the most brillant strategiesmay not be successful. Explain a)@on!erbal communication b)6ormacommunication, and c)(nformal communication systems.

    Verbal & Non-Verbal CommunicationCommunication can be divided between verbal and non-verbal communication. Verbal communication

    is communication using speech In other words, it's talking. ritten communication !alls under its owncategor".

  • 8/10/2019 Leadership Question Answer


    Non-verbal communication is a bit more complicated. It is sending a message without using words toconve" meaning. Non-verbal communication can include man" di!!erent elements.Vocal cues, re!erred to as paralinguistics, is a !orm o! non-verbal communication that includes such

    things as pitch, in!lection, tone, volume, speed o! the speech, #ualit", pronunciation and evensilence.$od" movement and gestures are also part o! non-verbal communication. %acial epressionsare a common !orm o! non-verbal communication such as smiling, cr"ing.ouch is o!ten considered aspositive and rein!orcing, such as patting someone on the back !or a (ob well done.Clothing andarti!acts can also send a message, including status, con!ormit" or rebellion.%ormal & In!ormal Communication%ormal communication involves utili)ing the !ormal communication channels o! an organi)ation.%ormal communication can move verticall" in an organi)ation. In!ormation is collected and !lows up tothe top levels o! management !or review and decision making, while orders !low down !rom the top tothe place where it will be implemented.%ormal communication can also !low hori)ontall" across the organi)ation. *nlike verticalcommunication that involves communication between a higher and lower level o! an organi)ationalhierarch", hori)ontal communication occurs between two parts o! the organi)ation at the same level.

    In!ormal communication is communication between emplo"ees outside the !ormal communicationstructure o! the compan". hile the sub(ect o! in!ormal communication can be business-related, itneed not be.In!ormal communication does not !low lines o! authorit".It arises due to the personalneeds o! the members o! n organi)ation.+t times, in in!ormal communication, it is di!!icult to !iresponsibilit" about accurac" o! in!ormation

    1+. rofit proections through brea"e!en analysis.

    2'a is 1"ea-e&en Poin3

    A companyOsbrea"e!en pointis the point at which its sales exactly co!er its expenses. The

    company sells enough units of its product to co!er its expenses without ma"ing a profit or

    ta"ing a loss. (f it sells more, then it ma"es a profit. 'n the other hand, if it sells less, it ta"es a


    Prne":5ars tan company sels a single product :

    ;ales 9+.??? units) :1+?.??? usd

    Total !ariable cost:8?.??? usdTotal fixed cost: +?.??? usd

    a) /raw a brea"e!en graph

    b) (f you protected to double the current profit ,how many unit ha!e to be sold#

    Answer A: 1+?.??? usd >+??? units Q? usd price unitTotal !ariable cost :8?.??? usd >+??? unitsQ4? usd? usd4? usd Q+? usd contribution margin 9C5)

    ;ales Be!enue 9+??? units) :1+?.??? usdTotal !ariable cost: 8?.??? usd

  • 8/10/2019 Leadership Question Answer



    Total fixed cost: 9+?.??? usd)QRRRRRRRRRRRRR

    rofit : +?.???? usd

    -ep units : Total fixed cost Q +?.??? >+?Q1.??? unit -E C5

    1??? unit S? usd Q?.??? usd total cost

    Answer - : /ouble current profit: +?.??? usd profit S+Q4?.??? usdTotal 6ix Cost Besumed profit Q +?.??? usd 4?.??? usd Q3.??? unit C5>2nit +?

    13. Cash forecasts.

  • 8/10/2019 Leadership Question Answer


    14. Constructing a areto /iagram.

    A areto chart, named after Uilfredo areto, is a type of chart that contains bothbarsand aline graph, where indi!idual !alues are represented in descending order by bars, and thecumulati!e total is represented by the line.

    The left !ertical axis is the fre0uency of occurrence, but it can alternati!ely represent cost oranother important unit of measure. The right !ertical axis is the cumulati!e percentage of thetotal number of occurrences, total cost, or total of the particular unit of measure. -ecause thereasons are in decreasing order, the cumulati!e function is a conca!e function. To a-e 'ee+am*le a$o&e4 in o"(e" o lo,e" 'e amoun of lae a""i&als $! 5674 i is suffi#ien o

    sol&e 'e fi"s '"ee issues8

    The purpose of the areto chart is to highlight the most important among a 9typically large)set of factors. (n 0uality control, it often represents the most common sources of defects, thehighest occurring type of defect, or the most fre0uent reasons for customer complaints, and so

    on. $il"inson 9+??) de!ised an algorithm for producing statistically based acceptance limits9similar to confidence inter!als) for each bar in the areto chart.

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  • 8/10/2019 Leadership Question Answer


  • 8/10/2019 Leadership Question Answer


    17. Explain $hat the Abilene radox and igmalion Effect means. i!e some example.

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    The Abiline radox occurs when someone suggest that the group engage in aparticular acti!ity or course of action and no one in the group really wants to do theacti!ity. *owe!er because of the falls belief tahat e!eryone else in the group wants todo acti!ity, no one beha!es asserti!ely and !oices an honest opinion about it. 'nlyafter the acti!ity is o!er does anyone !oice an opinion. 6or Example, someone in yourgroup of friends may suggest that the group go to a paticular mo!ie on a 6riday night.

    @o one in the group really wants to go, yet because of the false belief e!eryone else isinterested, no one points out the mo!ie is not supposed to be !ery good and the groupshould do something else instead. (f group members true opinions surface only afterthe mo!ie then the group has fallen !ictim to the Abiline paradox. eaders can a!oidthe Abiline paradox by being asserti!e when suggestion about group decision andacti!ities are first made.There are se!eral things e!eryone can do to help themsel!es beha!e more asserti!ely.

    This things includea. 2sing ( statementsb. ;pea"ing up for what you needc. earning to say nod. 5onitoring your inner dialo0ue, ande. -eing persistent.The following is a more detailed discussion of these asserti!ness tips.

    Examples of good and bad ( statements-ad: ;ome people may not li"e ha!ing to maintain those new formsood: ( dont thin" these new formsa are any good. ( dont thin" they& re worth the

    effort-ad: 5ay be that candidate doesn&t ha!e all the 0uallifications we&re loo"ing for.ood: ( thin" this academic record loo"s fine but we agreed only to considercanditates with a least fi!e years experience. ( thin" we should "eep loo"ing.

    Tips for ;pea"ing 2p for $hat Kou @eed/o not apoligi%e too much or ustify yourself for needing help or assistanceAt the same time gi!ing a brief reason for your re0uest often helps-e direct /o not beat around the bush hinting at what you need and hoping others getthe message/o not play on someones friendship

    /o not ta"e a refusal personally

    Tips for ;aying @oLeep your reply short and polite. A!oid a long rambling ustification/o not in!ent excuses/o not go o!erboard in apologi%ing because you cannot do it.-e up front about your limitations and about options you could support.As" for time to consider it if you need to.

    1. 5ini Case interpretation: ;ociety of E0uals, ;tarbuc"s Coffee and ;outhwest Airlines.

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