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  • 8/10/2019 LeadershipGame.pdf


    PairCoaching.net Leadership

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    Audience: This workshop is flife. Even those who are notleadership. It can be useful


    What do you at expect fro

    That he goes away?

    That she takes you strongly

    That he enforces the team s

    In this three-hour game, together westyles and approachesinour playgrou

    The different results that ca

    Your own and others' person

    Group dynamic effects

    We will give special attention to the lthe game, we will explain the threemore.

    Expected benefits of part

    This session lets you see what influenstyle you wish to use or/and want to

    What did the session crea

    When we created this session, we hop

    worlds we both live in. We selected tsituational leader would use the 3 leadifferences and uses of each style bec


    This game was invented in 2004. It haThis game was well received and we halso the other players learned a lot abparticipants also told us they learned

    Thanks to:

    All the players, and the different orgaXPDay.Fr that have invited us 3 years

    Yves Hanoulle & Ignace Hanoullwww.Paircoaching.net+32 476 43 38 32

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    ng Leadership game Version

    or everybody who wants to learn how leadership can inflleaders in the game will learn how they can feel abouto users, project managers, developers, testers: anyone

    a leader?

    nd firmly by the hand?


    will try to find an answer to these questions. By practicid, you will gaininsights about:

    n be achieved by different approaches.

    al preferences for a leader's styles

    ink between these three themes and the daily practice oodels and give you references to further reading for tho


    e the leadershipstyles haveon your team. It lets you refevelop.

    ors hope to learn?

    ed this would bring us one session closer in the integrati

    ese 3 kinds of leadership because these are the most exdership styles in different situations. By exaggerating thome much clearer for the participants.

    s been played at several XP events.ave received a lot of positive feedback. Not only the "leout "their preferred way of being led" and how they looa lot from being an observer.

    nizations that have let us play this at their event,especiin a row to play this.




    uence his projects orifferent kinds of

    on a project.

    ng different leadership

    f project teams. Afterse who want to learn

    lect on the leadership

    on between the two

    treme cases. A realthree styles the

    aders" learned a lot butat a leader. Many

    ally the people from

  • 8/10/2019 LeadershipGame.pdf


  • 8/10/2019 LeadershipGame.pdf


    PairCoaching.net Leadership

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    a. Introduction froWho are we, what connwith the group/XP.

    Yves Hanoulle:Agile project coach. CerPairCoaching.net, inven


    Els Ryssen:Partner Yves. As Yves wwe talk about this regul


    2 Short round tablWho are you??What is important we knWhat makes you differe

    3 Introduction ofsimilar but that are onas a game, if you takeyou to be very alert osituations you preferredand about leadership indo. You dont have to b


    a. 1stesession: stroIn this session we let alist on page 5 to know tExamples of buildings:Caf, small shop, bakerfirestation, gas station,session. These leaders wThe leaders get some tiThe intend of this sessio

    The leaders get 5 to 10Then they meet with th

    b.FeedbackThe participants writeminutes.After that we make grotheir experiences. Till1

    c. 2desession: with

    New observers. In thisleaders. The trainers mmeet and then 15 minut

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    Yves and Els:ction do we have with the subject, what conne

    tified Core Instructor of McCarthy BootCamps.or of several game. Father of 3 kids.m/in/yvesHanoulle

    nts to use all the things he learns about leadersrly.

    e:Say in one sentence:

    ow about you?t from the rest of the group?

    he Game:Today we are going to do three aome essentials parts very different. You can shis game serious, you will have lots of fun an

    f what you feel. At the end we will ask youand why. It is our intend that you learn somegeneral; We want to invite you to play as serilieve in the sea to get wet, you just have to ge

    ng directive leadershiproup build a village, with minimum 5 buildings.e number of observators)

    , municipality house, garage, farm, policestatioflat. For this building session we need two volunill build their vision of the whole concept.s from the session organizers. They can look a

    n is that the group builds the leaders project.

    minutes to think and to talk with the trainersteam for 10, the team builds for 15 minutes.

    heir experience (based on the feedback ques

    ps of 2 players + 1 observer. They tell the grou:30.

    out leader

    session we let the group build a church. Thake sure no leadership is taken. The team getesto build.Till14:55.



    ction do we have

    SM, Founder of

    hip also at home,

    signments, that look

    e these assignmentslearn a lot. We askwhich of the threething about yourselfous as a child wouldin.

    (See the observators

    n, restaurant,teers to lead the

    the building blocks.

    , about the subject.ill14:20.

    ions they get) for 3

    p for 7 minutesabout

    is time we have noagain 10 minutesto

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    PairCoaching.net Leadership

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    d. Break (till15 u1

    e.FeedbackThe participants write tAfter that we make grabout their experiences.

    f. 3desession: procAgain new observers. Inmonuments. This timeThe leaders will get tipsThey start of by leadinbuild.The leaders havemonument and with whAfter that they make suof time get help, ask re

    dont fix problems thetrainers help them if the

    g. General FeedbaFirst everyone writes shThen we ask the four leAfter that we ask the otTill 16:45.

    4 Theory: till17:This is optional as the p

    ame Version 3.0 ObjectSoft bvba



    eir experience for 3 minutes.ups of 2 players + 1 observer. They tell theTill 15:25.

    ess leaderthis session we let the group build monuments:e ask the leaders to guide the process.from the trainers what to watch out for;10 min

    a 10 minute meeting, where the group decideo make sure that during the meeting it is decit blocks the monument will be build.e that someone watches the time, take care thularly to people if they know what they will d

    mselves, they make sure the groups fixes ally start to lead the content. Building 15 minutes

    k roundrt their experience from the last game. (3 min

    ders to share their experiences.er participants to share theirs.

    0.rticipants have received the text.



    group for 7 minutes

    five famous world

    utes.s what they want toded who builds what

    at the people in lacketc Although they

    the problems. The. Till 16:00.


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    Participants Leaders

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    Observers Players

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    1. Observation

    Observing is for most people soSometimes we reacted withoutwe do the opposite. The easy this that you have to do it a lot.

    Exercise for at homeYou can practice by watching pisurrounding. The persons, the inwatching this picture?

    When you observe, try keeping t

    interpret, what you feel, In othI see/ I hear . Or I interpret..

    Wrong: it is night. Better: I seWrong: Person X is mad. Bettmad.Extra: I feel my stomach hurts

    This last part of the observationyourself, and to understand whyDont ignore your feelings whenfrom where this is coming. Som

    Example: There is a section in tsexual intercourse. When he listat a moment this typically doessubconscious had already notice

    As an exercise it is very interestexamples:

    only listen: Observe a c

    only watch: observe the

    Observe only the (possibthe leader

    Only check if the body l Are they toughing eacho

    What is the distance bet

    Are they watching each

    Do they laugh a lot?

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    Observation and feedback

    ething unnatural. We are used to participate ahinking. Sometimes we speak without listening.ing about observing is you can only learn it by d

    tures. Take any picture out of the newspaper.teraction between the persons.What feeling do

    he follow things seperate: what you effectively

    r words try starting your sentences with:. Or I feel....

    e a dark environment. I interpret this as being n r: I see that person Xhas a vertrokken face. I in

    hen I look at him.

    is an internal observation, manly important to lyou react to something.you are observing. Write down what you feel antimes your subconscious tells you something yo

    he movie Disclosure, where Tom Sander( Michaens to a recording from it, he realises that his pnot happen. That made him realize she playedd it, he just could not see it clear.

    ing to limit your observations.

    nversation blindfolded..

    body language..

    le) interactionbetween people, for example try

    nguage is congruant with what the persons saysther?

    ween the people?

    ther right in the eye?



    a conversation.When we observe,

    oing. The hard part

    Describe theyou get when

    observe, what you

    ight.terpret that he is

    earn more about

    d try to understanddont know yet.

    l Douglas) stops aartner was coughingnd planned it all.His

    to see who ignores


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    Feedback on the first level is gi

    is giving back what the behaviorExample:I saw that your eyes loearlier)and your mouth was trelevel). In these two levels no eThe effect of the feedback, evea corect way. His existence is acThe second level of feedback isbehavior does to me, he undersrelation. Even if I say really conlot of situations people avoid thiwe are afraid to go into an authWe are showing our self vulneraReal relations arent smooth.

    Feedback can be given both kan

    Feedback can be given on conte

    Example: Benworks very preciseJan gives feedback: I notice tha

    feedback) Your work is finishedmainly relationalfeedback.) I ework is great without I have to chim feels)

    Feedbackrule : I see, I hear, ... (facts)

    I interpret, think, feel... (inte I feel myself (feeling), I experi I wish, ik hope, I want

    Example You said that the file

    Remark: if you would say heremore a reproach: a reproach isthere is a present undertone tevaluation). Saying you are aperson.


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    ing backwhat you see, hear and feel. On the se

    of the other does to you.k angry (notice that this is already an interpretbling (this is the first level). This anger madealuation occurs!on the first level, is surprisingly strong. The o

    knowledged much more then usually.very relation improving: when I give back to theands what happens, and we are on our way forronting things to the other, this usually enhancs, because we want to save the other person.ntic way in a relation.le and the reaction of the other can be heavy.

    verbal as non-verbal. Can be positive and nega

    nt or relational aspects of a communication.

    and cleans up everything.you also watched on this and that, and that yo

    on every detail. (This is already more giving valperience this as very pleasant, because I can feontrol it. (Relational feedbackon the second le


    as ok, and that is not, this and that is missing

    you are a liar, that is that by our definitionpartly feedback (you did this so and so), andat the persons should have done it differentl

    liar is even more, it is an insult, a disapprov




    ond level feedback

    ation, seee frightend (second

    her feels seen in

    other what hisa real authentics the relation. In aThe real reason is


    u clean up (contente then content andel safe that yourel: Jan that makes

    not feedback. It ison the other side

    (a negativel of the whole

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    After the first Game1. How did you feel du

    2. Is this way of worki

    3. How was the collab

    4. How were the leadedecide who should dimprove collaborati

    5. Did you recognize tway? What is the sa

    After the second game6. How did you feel du

    7. Is this way of worki

    8. How was the collab

    9. What difference whfor collaboration, di

    10.Did you recognize tway? What is the sa

    After the third game11.How did you feel du

    12.Is this way of worki

    13.How was the collab

    14.How were the leadedecided who shouldimprove collaborati

    15.What difference whfor collaboration, di

    16.Did you recognize tway? What is the sa

    17.Evaluate yourself afWhat kind of leaderkind of person do yovery smart of less inpersonality

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    Feedback Question

    ring this part?

    g (with this kind of leadership) somethi

    ration in the group?

    rs?Did they fix all the problems themselo what, or did they let the group decidn? Did they irritate you?

    is situation from your real life? Do you re, what is different?

    ring this part?

    g (without a leader) something that yo

    ration in the group?

    re there comparing with previous sessifferences for result? What about energy

    is situation from your real life? Do you re, what is different?

    ring this part?

    g (with this kind of leadership) somethi

    ration in the group?

    rs? Did they fix all the problems themsedo what, of did they let the group decin? Did they irritate you?re there comparing with previous sessi

    fferences for result? What about energy is situation from your real life? Do you r

    e, what is different?er these three games: how do you dealhip do you prefer? Or do you prefer nou have prefer as leader: male or femaletelligent, a warm personality or a cool



    g that you like?

    es, did they? How did they

    eact in the same


    n? Differences?

    eact in the same

    g that you like?

    f, did theye? How did they

    n? Differences?eact in the same

    with leaders?eader ? What, old or young,fficient business

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    Contemplations on le

    Some projects are guided, other

    a difference in leadership. We cspeaking of different styles of lethe approach of fulfilling a task,we ask here some questions, an

    1. Why do people want a lTo realize a project wit

    1. The leader can make sueverybody at all times hfor the tasks that needappropriate to his possi

    2. The leader can make su

    members do not have toothers, to see if they ke

    3. The leader can stimulatpeople listen to each ot

    4. In general, the leader csure that these are takesolving problems, makinthe environment, makin

    There is altogether another asppsychological aspect. Where petake on a lot of responsibilities.

    surprising way. Milgram noticed,deadly electrical shocks to peopresponsibility! This experimentThe research showed as well thof responsibility. On the interneof this experiment. Subordinatemother, and do not feel safe wistrengthened by the seeking of snotice how these psychological- make people look for simplistiqualities, just to not have to bebeing attacked, just to be ableThe illusion that big strong dadd

    Looking for protection is one strothers. There are other powers ipeople preferring to work indep

    More about that in a next item.

    For the moment we notice herebesides the practical benefits oflooking for a sense of safety, thstrong for some. Frightening or

    1. Why do people refuse

    It is an ideal that rises up againfreedom, responsibility, friendsThe team that guides itself. Thedestroying passion for power.

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    s are not. When there is a leader we may notic

    an even say there is a lot of difference betweenadership is putting it mildly, not only do we notbut also that different leaders take on differentry to formulate some answers.

    eader?a leader, has of course a lot of practical benef

    e that no important task will be overlooked, anas a task. He can make sure that most of the reost time. He can make sure that everybody go

    ilities. In short, he can take care of the coordin

    e that the whole team goes in one direction, so

    worry about a direction, and do not have to keep more or less to the same direction.

    the dialogue between the team-members. Heer, even if they wouldnt do that easily otherw

    n take care of all the tasks that come under mn care of: planning, distribution of responsibilitig sure that people work together, taking care og sure that contractual commitments are taken

    ct that influences the choice to work under leaple love to have a lot of power, there are a lotThe well-known Milgram experiment proved thi

    to his surprise, that almost everybody was willile, when there was a leader saying: go on, Ill tas repeated hundreds of time, with every time

    t it was no sadism on the part of these people,t-encyclopedia Wikipedia one can find a reason

    expect from their leader hat he acts as a goodhout a leader. This looking for security from a security in a group, the wish to be included. Iendencies - for instance in the USA where 9/11ready answers from their leaders, sacrifice ear responsibility, and make them accept that ero stay in the illusion that nothing like this willy will protect them from all evil.

    ong tendency we all carry in us, in some peoplen us as well, there wouldnt be any leaders othndently or self-employed.

    already the benefits of the directive or even aucoordination and management, he is giving secneed thereof springing from childhood and thinsure situations will make the success of the di


    and again: the team wherein creativity, respectip, are values that are held high, and where noteam wherein only a healthy competition lives



    that there is quite

    leaders. Evenice a difference int tasks. That is why


    d can take care thatources are put ina task that is most


    that individual

    p an eye on the

    an make sure thatise.

    nagement, or makees, controlling anda good bond with

    care of, etc.

    dership: theless people eager tos in a rather

    ng to administrateke thethe same results.but only the refusalble good descriptionprotecting father ortrong leader is evenextreme cases we

    created such a fearerly all their criticalatz enemies arever happen again.

    more than inrwise, and no

    thoritarian leader:urity to these

    need can be veryrective leaders.

    , self-realization,leader is needed.and no relation-

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    2.1 What are the factual benefibenefits of a team without a leashowed the advantages of workisafety, direction, and taking carteam, nobody has to worry too

    another, or about the rightnessall that. One can be working peeverything works. In a group withas to count on everybody. Hummeetings are only necessary to sneeded, since reality proves thadecision-making. But even if soparticipate. Without a leader detake a long time, especially wheone finds rarely in guided teamsalso each others feelings. Otheris very strongly strengthened. Tsure that everyone is strongly cocannot take this leaves the teaothers, get a lot of pressure frothemselves, also suffer. In teamfunction independently, there aadjustment is needed, the task ifor everybody, to compare withof the team are motivating each

    2.2 Teams wherein the memberoften able to realize very complrealized by one person. The congroup without a leader. Our legithe ethical laws and principles t

    simplistic and didnt take in accsure that a legislation - althougincluded. That this constructionleadership, but due to the factyet, especially when seen on aIn nature there is an endless serwhich organize themselves. Somquality of nature) is the most imIt is very tempting to think that

    1. How can the benefits oleadership?

    Both preceding chapters showed

    leader.The question can arise in how faof a team without a leader can

    A team with a leader who worksthe greatest part. What does ittakes care of the communicatioconditions for working are optismoothly. Solving problems is n

    Let us look at how the advantaggroup with such a leader.

    1. Concerning the practical

    (The leader stimulatesthe process-coach. The l

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    s of a team like that? It is a paradox that manyder are by-products of its disadvantages. The png with a leader: taking care of the coordinatioe of a great deal of the responsibility. In a direcuch about the work of another team-member,

    f ones own work: the management and the strfectly egoistical and irresponsible, and still, inhout a leader this is impossible. Or nothing getsan relationships are far more important. If therhow the directives. Sometimes real consultativt people participate more actively when they pe people are against the decisions, they can beliberation is needed until everybody agrees to pn the group is relatively new. But thereafter th. During the work itself, the partners have to co

    ise everything will go constantly wrong. The ce forces of the group-dynamics working in a tenfronted with his own being, his own responsibi, or evolves, or breaks down. People, who do nthe team to change that attitude. People, wh

    s where the tasks can be done independently,re no significant problems. In teams where a lots not so simple. When it works, it proves an enran interesting partner-relationship. And what isother, so that everybody gives the best of hims

    s change frequently, and stay on building on onex structures, structures that would have been istruction of our culture is such a complex structslation is another example. This last one is a vehat were presented by philosophers in the cours

    ount the day to day realities. Only the democracomplex was made wherein as much as possi

    is not completed is not due to the lack of leadehat many parties still have no say, that we havorld-scale.

    ies of examples of structures, made out of mane (f.i. Kaufmann, 1995) think that this (i.e. theportant force of evolution, rather than the surthis also gives the best results in groups.

    working without a leader be kept by a certai

    the advantages and disadvantages of working

    r a team-leader can guide his team in such a we kept. Or maybe even strengthened?

    only to further the process (and is not directiveean, stimulating the process? It means that thin the group, makes sure that everyone is moti

    al, and that the contacts with the outside worlt his main task, he tries to make sure that this i

    es and disadvantages of the two preceding item

    benefits cited in chapter 1, these are, with th

    the dialogue between the team-members) a loeader who just stimulates the process can pay



    of the fundamentaleceding chapter, taking care oftive, well-guidedabout the feelings of

    ucture take care ofhe whole,ever done, or oneis a leader, somemeetings arerticipate in theforced toarticipate. This canre exists a dynamicnsider each other,hesion of the teamm like this makelities. Whoeverot consider theo dont take care ofhere peopleof consultation andiching experiencemore, the memberself with pleasure.

    whole, are quitempossible to beure, realized by ary good example: alle of history were

    ic power-play madele everybody isrship, or to badno real democracy

    different elements,self-organizingvival of the fittest.

    n way of

    ith or without a

    y that the benefits

    ) answers this forleader especially

    vated, that theare going

    s done by the team.

    s are working in a

    exception of item 3

    t less present withttention to the

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    tasks of management, btasks are done. The advway, and he has to keeppower, otherwise a pseustructure.

    2. Giving security to peoplstrong feeling that the lbeings. On the other sidrather avoid making choleader, who does not powith his attitude. Also, ileader will nut cut the kand demand that they lof the same phenomenaleader can act as modermembers will not choossafety than for a realisti

    3. Realizing very complex,possible in teams with athe direction nor the solmembers, as in a grouppoint out to his team-mless time will be lost inas is the case in groups

    Process-stimulating leadership iexample of the importance of stOlympic Champion, without a dthe team. And this again is an aand plan the game to the very l

    taken, that plays rather defensilike Brazil, asks for a very goodfootball-player (and trainer) Joh

    4. Concluding considerations a

    All this shows a lot of possibiliti

    Everybodys own personal historcertain way of leadership. It is abeing led very difficultly, also hand have trouble to work indepbest in the environment that ththey are angry with the leader,This last consideration proves soconsidering this complexity it ispreceding pages:

    1. Different situations demand dleadership. See f.i. P. Hersey (2

    2. Even if it is not always knownalone is not enough.Management puts the accent oncontrolling and solving problemscommitments, keeping the powenvironment creatively. But learenovation, motivation and inspiothers and intuition thereof of tcreating possibilities and conditidifferences.

    ame Version 3.0 ObjectSoft bvba


    ut it is not his priority. As process-coach he willntage of the leader keeping an eye on these taan eye on the one doing the management, so hdo-manager would rise up, concerning himself

    is on the one hand very explicit, the team-meader cares about them and sees them and valu

    e, team-members who want to avoid their ownices are quite often heavily disappointed. The p

    int at the direction himself, confronts very stron conflicts between the team-members, the pr

    not himself, but will demand a dialogue betweearn to get on with each other by themselves.as seen in a group without a leader. But here tator in the talk between the parties. In frighten

    for such a leader. Actually, they will choose rac fear.

    creative structures as made in groups without aprocess-stimulating structure. After all, the leaution. These are provided through consultation

    ithout a leader. But since now there is a leadembers when they are working too much in diffeeedless work. It is also less likely that the goalithout a leader.

    very much like coaching. The training of a spo imulating the process. A football-team from Gr

    ubt less due to the present individual talent thhievement of the trainer. A trainer can be veryst detail. But then you get a team from which

    e and stereotypical. Coaching a team with a lorocess-coach. See f.i. P. Winsemius (2005) abo

    ann Cruyff and leadership.

    d other themes concerning leadership.

    s to work with the given of leadership.

    y determinates for a part, and in what manner,pity that it is also a psychological given that peve problems with taking up responsibilities (evndently or take up leadership themselves. Thesy protest again the hardest: under an authorita

    but less frightened.mething of the complexity of the problem of lepossible to point out some general rules, as was

    ifferent styles of leadership. Often one speaks01)

    , management is not the same as leadership, an

    planning, on creating stability and routine, allo, taking care of compliancy, emphasizing the cor, distance and rationality of the manager, appership emphasize more vision and mission, creration, creating involvement, stimulating extrahe leader, empowerment of the others, a pro-aons. See f.i. Muijen (2003) for a rather thoroug



    take care that thesesks is kept in everye doesnt get all thenly with the

    bers can get as them as human

    responsibilities androcess-coachinggly his co-workerscess-coachingn his co-workers,e notice here somee process-coachinging situations group-

    ther for pseudo-

    leader, is alsoder provides neitherby the group-

    r present, he canrent directions. Sowill be overlooked

    ts-team is a niceece becomes thenn to the cohesion ofdirective as well,ll creativity is

    of ball-conjurers,ut the famous

    how they prefer aople, who taken for themselves)

    e people function atrian leader. Then

    dership. Evenshowed in the

    bout situational

    d management

    ating responsibility,ntractualroaching theting change andeffort, interest intive attitude andexpos of these

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    The strange thing is that no-onetrainer, while big companies doparenthood is an important case

    3. To give leading on a top-scale

    manager scale, and still differenstyle of leadership will be mostl

    Actually, as yet nothing is said a

    What is actually essential to lewhen as a subordinate?Or more concrete: How can yoRelated questions are:Do you need power to act fromWhat is power actually, and whDoes one need something like

    The text The rose of Axes, appl


    Ignace Hanoulle & Yves Hanoull


    Hanoulle, Ignace (2004)

    Hersey, Paul (2001). Sit

    Kauffman, Stuart (1995)

    Milgram: http://en.wiki

    Muijen, Prof. Jaap J. va

    uitgegeven door de univhttp://www.nyenrode.n

    Winsemius, P. (2004). JBalans.


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    would consider only managing a football-team,live in the illusion that they only need managerof leadership: would it feel good if your parent

    (general manager f.i.) is totally different than

    t from leading a project. On these three scalesdifferent.

    bout the most essential question:

    dership, when is someone adopting the attitud

    notice if someone is acting as a leader?

    the position as a leader?t kinds of power are there? and:inner strength to be a leader, and why does on

    ied to leadership gives, based on a model, ans

    De rose of axes, apllied on leadership, (next Pa

    uational leadership.Contact Amsterdam.

    . At home in the Universe Oxford University Pre


    (2003). Leidersschapsontwikkeling: het hanter

    ersiteit Nyenrode:l/download/lectures/jvmuijen.pdf

    gaat het pas zien als je het doorhebt over Cr




    or playing without a. Of course, alsos only managed you?

    leading on a middle-

    the most adequate

    of a leader, and

    e need it?

    wers to these



    en van paradoxen,

    ijff en leiderschap.


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    The Rose of Axes, ap

    There are different ways to stanor the rose of axes (F. Cuvelier).behavior in a relation to someon

    certain time. One distinguishes

    In each of these kinds of behavifrom the same category or fromare complementary and easy tothings that can be given: producetc.Receiving is totally different frohis act of giving.To keep is the withholding of thi

    giving could be expected. It is tbeg for help, and who shields hicontact.Confronting can mean: punishmResistance is different and is cohelp, shielding oneself, not obseExplicitly protest against directias resistance. (Although not allphone-calls are answered by cerabsent they dont. When he dehere. This is the way of resistais in the position of confronting.To undergo: to let it be, to lose

    still continuing to do nothing, bnot participating, etc. Here the

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    lied on leadership

    d in relation to others. One way of looking at itThis relation-rose tries to be the expression of

    e else, of a kind of an average behavior in a rel

    ix possible ways of behavior.

    or the other partner in the relationship may reaone of the five other axes. The positions to givunderstand. One should take notice that therets, care, elements of leading (for instance instr

    m taking: with receiving there is an active acce

    ngs that could be given, explicitly withholding i

    e position of the arrogant employer who makesself very much. It is a very safe position, but t

    nt, wage cut, getting angry, giving criticism, e nected with the position of the subordinate. It

    rving directions, etc.ons given by the boss is rather to be interpreteduthors would agree). An example: the employetain employees. When he is present the employands an explanation, the employees answer: Pce. If someone would answer: This is not our j

    control over the situation, feeling guilty for not

    ing unable tot say yes or no to an offer, and thresistance is not against the outside world, but



    is the relation-rosea snapshot ofation during a

    ct with behaviore and to receivere many differentctions), closeness,

    ting of the giver in

    n a situation where

    his subordinateshe subordinates miss

    c.concerns refusing all

    as confronting thanr demands that allees do it. When he isrobably nobody wasb, than he himself

    doing anything and

    n feeling sorry forhappens inside the

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    person, as an ongoing internal cWe can see three zones in interis cooperation.In the zone of confronting and rAnd in the zone of keeping and

    without any contact. The axes gleader moves. Facing it are threof the subordinates.Seen from this model, leadershiconfronting. This looks simple,One needs two very important e

    1. POWER: if the one seeking leTo speak with the terms of theabove the power-line (the line bone side and receiving, undergoipower through which one is acc

    - formal power: the power given

    subordinates are placed. It is thcontext.

    - sanction-power: this is the po(positive or negative).

    - competence-power: is the pogroup of people which has to re

    - information-power: is the powgroup has to realize.

    - referential-power: a boss has thim, want to be like him, wantcharisma.

    Such power one has only in a cefor nursing tasks, and none for pauthority from his superiors on cAlso the employer has only sancwork. And the same applies for ilevel.Concerning referential-power, iA boss who gives leading for a tattack. Yet no leader is free frois needed to be a leader.

    2. INNER STRENGTH: Even if thenecessary), he often gets opposi

    not get opposition, he is in a vestrength to be able to stay a leaprotest against a boss, that hemay seem unlikely, but there issubordinates are permitted to semployer, but in this position thtask is realized. The employer denough inner strength, and he csubordinates cannot be permittattacking. It is indeed a culturalother words, someone who attahim. The underlying reason is ththe position of the leader is und


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    nflict that leads to depression.ction in the relation-rose: in the zone of giving

    sistance there is conflict.ndergoing the relation-partners live beside eac

    iving, keeping and confronting are positions whe positions (receiving, undergoing, resisting), th

    is thus the movement in the positions giving,ut it is not so simple for a leader to always staylements: power and inner strength.

    dership has no power the subordinates will notxes-rose: they will not accept that someone atetween the three positions giving, keeping andng and resisting on the other side). There are dpted as a leader.

    by the system, by the organisation wherein the

    power the boss gets from his superiors and fro

    er someone has through the possibility to sanct

    er someone has when he is seen as competentlize this task.

    r of the one who has a lot of information relev

    his kind of power when other people want to tao be with him, etc. One says sometimes that so

    rtain area: thus an employer can have a lot of c sycho-social support-tasks. In the same way a b

    ertain levels and his formal power on other levion-power in a certain area and in connectionnformation-power: everyone has only informati

    is less clear to prove that it applies only on a csk which is in the area where he has a lot of po

    counter-reactions. Hence the second element

    boss has enough power (a minimum of power istion. In such a time he is very lonely. Even in ti

    y lonely, giving position. Hence the employer nder. One could ask oneself: Is it possible, wheins at the end? It is rather an unfair fight: onean important given in our culture that helps theand freely in the position resist, and this is vee employer still can make sure, although it is voes feel he is completely disapproved of and rejn charge his batteries in time elsewhere, he cad to go above the authority-line themselves, fogiven that subordinates would not take this froks the leader takes a strong risk that everybodat many people have a great need of a leader aer attack.




    and receiving there

    h other, almost

    rein mostly theese are the positions

    eeping andin these positions.

    accept him as boss.all times standsonfronting on the

    ifferent kinds of

    boss and the

    m the social

    ion someone

    for the task by the

    nt to the task the

    ke example frommeone like this has

    mpetence-poweross gets onlyls is non-existent.ith a certain kind of

    on on a certain

    ertain area.er is seldom under

    , the inner strength,

    certainlyes when he does

    eds a lot of innermany subordinates

    gainst many! Itboss: the

    ry annoying for thery difficult, that theected, but if he hasn survive. But ther instance by

    each other. Inwill turn againstd feel unsafe when


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    At h



















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    Leadership Booklisttional leader

    ey, Paul

    : 0446513423

    s: 143

    isher: Warner Books

    ome in the universe

    mann, Stuart

    : 0195111303

    s: 336

    isher: Oxford

    ersity Press

    7 habits of Highlytive people.

    y Stephan

    : 902540314X of



    isher: Contact

    One Minute manager

    chard Kennth

    : 9025402836 of107927

    s: 112

    isher: Contact



    Good To Great

    Collins Jim


    ISBN: 0066620996

    Pages: 320

    Publisher: HarperCollins

    Leading Change

    Kotter John


    ISBN: 0875847471

    Pages: 219

    Publisher: Academic


    The 8the Habit (Boek +DVD)

    Covey Stephan

    2004ISBN: 0684846659

    Pages: 432

    Publisher: Free press

    Software for your head

    Mc Carthy


    ISBN: 0201604566

    Pages: 320

    Publisher: Addison-Wesley

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    PairCoaching.net [a di

    Permission to copy, useprovided this copyright

    Version 3.0 June 2008See http://www.paircomaterial.

    About the authorsYves Hanoulle started wHe started as softwarprogramming.After a few years workigroups. IT is more thanenough.

    That is also the reasonwith IT, but with personYves worked 5 years asYves is a Certified CoreYves spends 20% of his roptimize his coaching skstarted PairCoaching.neno matter how good thenever met each other.

    Ignace Hanoulle startedstrong interest in systeas counselare of experie

    Contact Data:

    PairCoaching.nethttp://www.paircoachiYves Hanoulle+32 476 43 38 32Skype: YvesHanoulleEmail: Yves@PairCoachiBlog: http://paircoachiLinkedin: http://www.li

    Books: http://www.librSlides: http://www.slidPictures from Leadershihttp://www.flickr.com/If you have any remarksfor improvement, questiHave fun!

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    ching.net/docs/LeadershipGame.pdffor updat

    orking in IT in 1994.e support which he sees as the best way

    g as a programmer, he started to follow a 1 ynything else working with people. A skills that

    why one of two books Yves reads every montal skills.icrosoft Certified trainer.

    Coachby McCarthy Technologies.venu on training and books. He started a 4 yea

    ills. Yves works as an agile project coach optimibecause he believes that 2 trainers always outare. This Leadership game show this also work

    as Civil engineer in IT in 1976. Now working asthinking. Advanced training in leading groups.

    nced based groups.






    about the game, feedback after playing, tipsons or bugs, contact the authors.



    s and further

    to customer driven

    ar course on leadingan never be learned

    h, has nothing to do

    r gestalt training tozing teams. Yvesperform 1 trainer,s with people that

    sychologist with20 years experience