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League of Legends Essay

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Adam Dean League of Legends Essay Fargnoli English 101 The Journey of Jax, Grandmaster at Arms. The world, of Runeterra is burning. Cities and tribes across the continent of Valoran are at war. The Rune Wars, as they are now known, not only changed the people who fought in the wars, but also destroyed parts the continent that millions called home. To solve the growing physical and political instability, the best wizards of Valoran came together and created the League Of Legends, a battlefield where cities put forth their champions, to resolve their differences in a controlled environment. Jax was a strange champion with friends in every city he visited. A mighty warrior, his past is unknown to most. In his fallen fathers purple robes, wielding a scimitar he has slain all that have faced him. Jax has just arrived in Freljord, and is currently walking to a nearby pub. “Gragas! How’s it going buddy!” Jax said as he enters the pub.
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Adam Dean

League of Legends Essay


English 101

The Journey of Jax, Grandmaster at Arms.

The world, of Runeterra is burning. Cities and tribes across the continent of Valoran are

at war. The Rune Wars, as they are now known, not only changed the people who fought in the

wars, but also destroyed parts the continent that millions called home. To solve the growing

physical and political instability, the best wizards of Valoran came together and created the

League Of Legends, a battlefield where cities put forth their champions, to resolve their

differences in a controlled environment.

Jax was a strange champion with friends in every city he visited. A mighty warrior, his

past is unknown to most. In his fallen fathers purple robes, wielding a scimitar he has slain all

that have faced him.

Jax has just arrived in Freljord, and is currently walking to a nearby pub. “Gragas! How’s

it going buddy!” Jax said as he enters the pub.

Gragas grins, “Jax old buddy! It’s going great as long as the tap doesn’t go dry!” The

two catch up for a while, talking about their lives since the last time they met. “So what’ve you

been up to Jax?”

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Jax pats his scimitar, “Just trying to stay alive. I heard there’s a hit on my head for

something back in Noxus. I can’t get into detail if you catch my drift.” Gragas guffaws, and

pounds another pint. A ear shattering crack throws them from their chairs. They run toward the


Another ear shattering crack rang out as the step outside. In front of them stands a large

monster. Jax grabs his scimitar as Gragas runs back inside. As Jax approaches the monster, he

hears from a crowd behind him, “It’s Cho’gath, theTerror of the Void!”

Jax begins to size up his opponent. At three stories tall, Cho’gath was the ugliest thing

Jax had ever seen. Cho’gath stomps the ground with such force that giant spikes fly out of the

ground below Jax’s feet. Jax flies backward landing on his side. He springs to his feet and

dashes toward Cho’gath. He slashes his sword and Cho’Gath is onto one knee. The beast

screams in agony The sound is deafening and disorientating. Cho’gath takes this time to whip

Jax with his tail.

Jax looked over his shoulder to see Gragas, grinning, another cask at his feet. Jax steps

forward and with a single blow cleaves the beasts head off. Jax looks at Gragas, and the two nod

in agreement that the fight is indeed over.

All fall silent, but then the town erupts in a cheer. Townspeople mobbed him, but all Jax

could make out was Gragas screaming for another pint.

King Tryndamere shouts over the crowd, “Jax approach me!” Jax moves through the

crowd and steps up to the town central platform. With Queen Ashe at his side, Tryndamere asks

Jax to kneel before him. He takes out his massive sword and places it upon Jax’s shoulder. “I

hereby knight thee, Jax the wanderer!”Jax stands and the whole crowd cheers for him.

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Jax meets up with Gragas later that night. “Well that was exciting, but I can’t handle

being popular.” says Jax as he gathers his things. “Eye it’s that time again.” Gragas says with a

sigh. The two nod and Jax walks out the door.

As Jax leaves the city, a shadowy figure approaches from the tree line. To his disbelief, a

beautiful woman, dressed as a pirate, approaches him.

“$40,000 for your head.” she says. Jax is unable to speak. Again she says, “$40,000 for

your head, whichis going to be mine.” She draws her pistol and starts to aim for Jax. He jumps

and barely dodges the bullet.

Jax scrambles to his feet and flees to the woods a head. His chaser follows him closely

making sure not to lose sight of Jax. The two run for what seems like an eternity, Jax finally

leaps into a nearby tree. Jumping from branch to branch confuses his pursuer, who Jax is slowly

losing behind him.

The tired and lost Jax finally loses his pursuer. As he stumbles through the dense forest,

Jax finds a strange-looking mushroom. It had a green top with purple polka dots. Jax reaches

out and grabs the mushroom, as he does the mushroom explodes in a cloud of purple smoke. Jax

began to cough and the light starts to become dark. As he falls to the ground, he hears a quite

laugh from the distance.

Slowly the light returns to Jax’s eyes. Little does he know, the owner of the quiet laugh

has brought him to a small town further into the forest. As he awakens, Jax sees a small figure

sitting in the corner. The figure looks like a small Boy Scout cadet with a blowgun and a pair of

bright red goggles. As Jax starts to stand, he feels the tug of rope on his wrists.

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“That’s not going to work,” says the small voice, “not until you tell me what you were

doing in my forest.” Jax looks around, still trying to figure out what’s going on. He looks at his

left arm, then at his right. Jax pulls with all his might, but the ropes will not break. “Good luck

with that, that’s the strongest clove hitch this side of the Sablestone Mountains.” “Why did you

bring me here, who are you?” said the confused Jax. The small voice began to walk around the

room, as if thinking about his answer. “You were trespassing in my forest and as for me…” he

took a short pause, “I am Teemo, the swift scout.”Jax still trying to figure out what’s happening,

“I was running from a bounty hunter, I didn’t mean to invade.”

Teemo looks at the large purple intruder, at first he is hesitant but after a moment his

childish instincts kick in. “Well in that case, Okie dokie!” Teemo walks up and unties Jax, and

hands him his scimitar. “Thanks for understanding,” says Jax. “Let me show you around.”

Teemo grabs Jax by the hand and proceeds to escort him outside.

As the two walk around town they see many other little creatures. “What exactly are you,

and where am I?” asked Jax. “Well…” Teemo starts, “we are yordles, and this is Bandle City.”

As they continue to walk around town, Teemo introduces Jax to his many friends.

“This is Tristana, Kennen, and Rumble.” “Nice to meet you all,” says Jax , “Who is that

over there?” Jax points towards a lone yordle attacking a training dummy with a massive

hammer. “Oh that? That’s Poppy,” says Teemo, “she isn’t much of one for talking.”

The two say goodbye to everyone and head back to Teemo’s home. “Well it’s been fun,

exploring your town,” Jax begins, “but I really should get going. I don’t want to endanger your

town with the price on my head.” Teemo gives him a sad look, “Alrighty, if you feel that way. I

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would suggest going to Demacia, it’s a pretty safe place.” Jax gives him a nod, grabs his stuff,

and heads out the door. Jax waves everyone a goodbye as he starts his new journey.

After a while of walking, Jax looks behind him to see the glow of Bandle City in the

distance, but not only this he sees a shadow following him. As Jax prepares himself for a fight,

the shadow reveals itself.

“Can I go with you?” says the voice. “Reveal yourself and I’ll consider it” says the

cautious Jax. The shadow turns on a lamp, “It’s me Poppy, I heard you were going to Demacia

and I needed a companion for the long journey.”Jax gives Poppy a kind hearted smile, “Of

course you can come along, but it won’t be an easy hike.” Poppy gives him a smirk and the two

continue away from the city.

As Jax and Poppy approach the top of the hill, they see a sign saying “Demacia 5 miles”

And in the distance the two see the grand city of Demacia. Jax looks at Poppy, who has that

smirk on her face again. “We finally made it,” says Poppy. “Yes, yes we have, but it will have

to wait until tomorrow, it’s getting late” says Jax. They set up camp for the night, and the two go

to sleep, both anxious for morning.

After they clean up their camp, Jax and Poppy start the final leg of their journey. Then

after what seemed like an eternity, they reach the gates of Demacia. As they approach the large

golden gates, they are stopped by a man with long black hair, a razor sharp spear, and shiny gold


“Who goes there!” says the man. Jax approaches the man, “Uh… we are Jax, the

wanderer, and Poppy of Bandle City.” “I am Xin Zhao, the Seneschal of Demacia, I stand guard

of this mighty city. Wait… did you say you are Jax the wanderer?” says Xin in excitement. “I

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did” says Jax with a confused tone. “Well you can come right on in, and you too Poppy,”says

Xin as he opens the gates to the city.

They walk inside the city walls, which reveal numerous amounts of people, white and

gold buildings, and the smell of adventure. Xin takes them to the city palace.

“Here you will find Demacian royalty, they will be most pleased to find you have come

to their city,” says Xin. Both Jax and Poppy nod and start up the long white staircase.

Once they reach the top, they are greeted by a brown haired warrior in giant white and

blue armor. “I am Garen, the Might of Demacia, and who might you be?” The two introduce

themselves once again. “Ah you are Jax the wanderer! I heard all about you slaying the void

monster in Freljord. That was absolutely amazing!” exclaims Garen. “You heard about that?”

says the surprised Jax. “Of course, we are in close relation the King Tyrndamere. But quick I

must introduce you to the prince.” says Garen, as he shows the two to the royal chambers.

As they walk towards the room, they see many expensive looking paintings, and artifacts.

Jax and Poppy walk into the room where the prince sits, with his spear in hand.

“Greetings all” says the prince, “I am Jarvan IV, the Exemplar of Demacia.” “Hello, we

are Jax the wanderer and Poppy of Bandle City.” announces Jax. “Ah you are the one who beat

Cho’gath, I see…” says Jarvan with a twinkle in his eye, “then you won’t mind helping us with

our next attack on Noxian forces.”

Jax ponders the thought for a moment, but before he can speak Poppy bursts into the

conversation, “An attack on Noxus! I can’t believe it! Can I help? It’s always been my dream to

fight in the Demacian Army!” Jarvan gives a kind hearted laugh towards the small warrior, “I’m

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unsure that a person of your stature can fight with Demacian might, but as for spirit you certainly

have it. Of course you can come along, you may even learn a thing or two.” Poppy jumps up

with glee, she turns to Jax

“Can we go? Please Jax, please!” Jax nods and the two leave the room. Just as they

reach the bottom of the stairs, Jarvan yells out “Tonight, an hour after sunset, meet at the gates! I

shall inform you there!” The two waves up to Jarvan, then continue to explore the city.

Percisely an hour after sunset Jax and Poppy are waiting at golden gates of Demacia, Jax

with his scimitar, and Poppy with her hammer.

Just then Xin pops out of the bushes, “Right this way.” as he motions towards the forest.

As the two walk through the forest more and more soldiers join them. Eventually an entire army

is following them. Poppy looks behind them and squeals with glee. Jax pulls his hood just

slightly over his eyes and continues to march forward.

“Here we are.” announces Xin, as Garen and Jarvan move to the front of the group,

which has stopped infront of a field scared with the heat of previous battles.

Off in the distance, Jax can see the Noxian forces forming. “Here we stand brothers!”

shouts Jarvan. The army readies their weapons and prepares for battle.

Xin is the first to charge. “Be a man!” he screams as he charges the enemy forces. Garen

is right behind him, spinning his blade in a circle, creating a whirlwind of steel and death. As the

rest of the troops begin to fight, Jarvan leaps across the battle field screaming “Demacia!!!”

striking the ground with such force that the ground crushes downward as if making a dirt arena.

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Jax and Poppy begin to fight, but almost immediately after they join a large green

monster wielding a giant axe walks up the battle field uttering nothing but, “Sion kill”.

“Looks tough,” says Poppy, “He’s nothing we can’t handle.” says Jax. They both ready

their weapons and prepare for a fight. Sion starts the fight by empowering his axe with the souls

of the warriors he’s slain. The axe gains an orange glow, and Sion screams in the faces of Jax

and Poppy.

Poppy is the first to strike. She takes her hammer and charges into the gut of Sion,

knocking him back several feet. Sion doesn’t even flinch.

“Wow that was my strongest punch,” says Poppy in amazement. Jax is up next, he leaps

onto Sion, giving him a strong smack to the chin. Again Sion doesn’t even bat an eyelash.

“It’s like he doesn’t even feel pain!” says Jax. Sion screams upwards, creating a sort of

shield around him which glows red with anger. After a short time, the shield explodes in every

direction, knocking back both Jax and Poppy. As they regain their footing, Sion begins to walk

towards them. Poppy swings her hammer and hits Sion square in the jaw. He takes his axe and

hits Poppy with such force it knocks her unconscious.

“Oh now you’ve done it!” screams Jax as he rushes Sion. As he does Sion gives him a

petrifying gaze, so terrifying that Jax freezes in his tracks, frozen by fear. Sion simply walks up,

throws Jax up over his shoulder, and walks back to the Noxian forces.

They take Jax back to Noxus, where they throw him in the highest security prison. The

stun from the gaze finally wares off, and Jax is able to move again. He is in a tiny cell with a

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bed, and a small window with iron bars. Jax begins to search around for his scimitar, but it can’t

be found anywhere.

“Looking for this?” A woman begins to swing Jax’s scimitar around, just outside his

cell. “Actually, yes I am,” announces Jax “Could I have it back?” The woman laughs, “Of

course not what kind of prison would this be if you had a weapon.” Jax looks at the woman,

“Who are you? You look familiar.” She sheaths the scimitar, “Not many live to see my face

more than once. I am Katarina, the sinister blade.” “Well,” Jax begins, “why have I been

imprisoned?” Katarina’s voice changes, “You have committed crimes against my people and

those who commit crimes must pay for their crimes.” With that, Katarina walks out of the room,

leaving Jax to rot in his cell.

Jax begins pondering about how he is going to escape. He notices a small crack above

the window. He jumps on top of the bed to get a better look. Light can be seen through the

crack. Jax looks around for something he can use to break through. The only thing in the room

is he and the bed. Jax grabs the leg of the bed and tries his hardest to snap it off, but it’s no use.

Instead he puts the bed on its side and kicks the leg off.

“This should work.” Jax thinks to himself. He smashes the pole against the crack, and

slowly the hole widens. Bit by bit, piece by piece Jax breaks away at the wall. Finally, Jax is

able to squeeze through, and escape to the streets outside.

As Jax runs down the street, he hears a siren screaming from the prison. “There he is get

him!” Jax hears behind him. Jax sprints down the street and cuts a corner. After running down

an alley, Jax hops a fence, and hides behind a dumpster, but it’s no use a group of guards find

him in the alley.

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As the group draws their swords, Jax looks around for a weapon. The first guard charges

him, Jax reaches for anything in reach. His hands contact a cold brass pole. Jax looks up and

swings, contacting the guard right in the head. The guard falls to the ground, as Jax looks at

whats in his hands, it’s a solid brass pole with a street lamp on top. Amazed that this simple

lamp worked as a weapon, Jax readies himself for the next attack.

One by one, the guards fall to Jax and his lamp weapon. Jax scampers off with lamp post,

thinking to himself “This lamp post is just like me, unique, strong, and an outcast.”

After a few more close encounters, Jax finally makes it out of the city. In order to cover

his trail, Jax heads deep into the woods. He finds a small clearing, and sets up camp for the

night. “Time to put this night behind me,” says Jax as he sets up a makeshift bed.

The next morning Jax, packs up his things and continues through the woods. He finds an

old man sitting on a stump. The man has a long white beard, light blue robes, and a hood

covering his face.

As Jax walks by the old man speaks out, “Why hello there. I don’t see many people in

this neck of the woods.” Jax gives him a smirk, “Yeah, I’ve been just trying to avoid

somethings.” The man gestures Jax over to sit next to him.

“Im Reginald Ashram, who might you be?” asks the man. “I am Jax the wanderer.” says

Jax with pride. Reginald points at Jax’s lamp post, “What’s this you have here?” “Oh this” Jax

starts, “this is my weapon.” A shocked look arises on Reginald’s face, “You fight with a lamp

post? Not only are you a wanderer, you are a grandmaster at arms!” Jax gives a slight smile

“Grandmaster at arms, I could get used to that”

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“So what troubles you Jax” asks Reginald. Jax sighs and explains his adventures of the

past couple days. “I see, caught up in the politics of the war. I may have a solution for you.”

Jax raises his brow, “What might that be?”

Reginald gains a grin, “The League of Legends, a battle field where all are exempt from

persecution of politics, and solve their differences with force rather than words.” “Where is this

place, it sounds just like what I need.” says Jax. “You’re in luck, I’m the leader of the league.

What I say goes. I can get you in like that.” says Reginald with a smug look.

The two talked for hours about Jax joining the league. Eventually they leave the woods

and head towards league arena. With a little persuasion, Reginald gets Jax into the league. Jax

with lamp post in hand quickly makes a name for himself in the league. This name is Jax,

Grandmaster at Arms.

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-Miss Fortune (Bounty Hunter)

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-Xin Zhao

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