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Learn English Word Roots

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Learn English Word Roots - Part 1 www.teacherjoe.us The English language has developed over two thousand years and has words from many other countries. The ancient Romans were so important that many English words are based on their language, Latin. If you want to learn English well, you should learn the basic Latin roots below. Then, when you see new words while reading, you will be able to guess their meaning and understand how to use those words. 1. "aud" means "hear". So, "audience" is a group of people who listen to music or listen to a person talk. "Audible" is an adjective that describes anything that can be heard, even if it is a very soft sound. "Audition" is when a movie director listens to many actors, to try to decide who is the best one. 2. "dict" means "speak". A "dictionary" will tell you the meaning of a word. A "dictation" is when a teacher speaks and the students write. "Predict" means to say what will happen (actually, to guess!) before it happens. 3. "duct" means "lead". To "conduct" also means to lead, as when a "conductor" leads an orchestra. An "aquaduct" is used to lead water to a farm so food can be grown. The word "educate" means to lead someone to learning. 4. "man" means "hand". For example, "manufacture" means to make things. Today those things may be made by machine, but at first they were probably made by people using their hands. "Manipulate" means to try to change things, and we can imagine someone using their hands, though in many situations the hands are not really used. A "manual" is a book we can hold in our hands which tells us how to use or repair a machine. 5. "migr" means "move". The word "immigrate" means to move into another country to live. "Migration" describes the movement of a whole group of people to a new land, or the movement of a large group of animals or birds from one place to another.
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Learn English Word Roots - Part 1


The English language has developed over two thousand years and has words from many other countries. The ancient Romans were so important that many English words are based on their language, Latin. If you want to learn English well, you should learn the basic Latin roots below. Then, when you see new words while reading, you will be able to guess their meaning and understand how to use those words.

1. "aud" means "hear". So, "audience" is a group of people who listen to music or listen to a person talk. "Audible" is an adjective that describes anything that can be heard, even if it is a very soft sound. "Audition" is when a movie director listens to many actors, to try to decide who is the best one.

2. "dict" means "speak". A "dictionary" will tell you the meaning of a word. A "dictation" is when a teacher speaks and the students write. "Predict" means to say what will happen (actually, to guess!) before it happens.

3. "duct" means "lead". To "conduct" also means to lead, as when a "conductor" leads an orchestra. An "aquaduct" is used to lead water to a farm so food can be grown. The word "educate" means to lead someone to learning.

4. "man" means "hand". For example, "manufacture" means to make things. Today those things may be made by machine, but at first they were probably made by people using their hands. "Manipulate" means to try to change things, and we can imagine someone using their hands, though in many situations the hands are not really used. A "manual" is a book we can hold in our hands which tells us how to use or repair a machine.

5. "migr" means "move". The word "immigrate" means to move into another country to live. "Migration" describes the movement of a whole group of people to a new land, or the movement of a large group of animals or birds from one place to another.

6. "mot" also means "move". Of course, a "motor" is something that makes something else move, right? And to "motivate" someone means to encourage them to do something or encourage them to move.

7. "rupt" means "break". A volcano will "erupt" when the top of the mountain breaks open and hot lava pours out. "Interrupt" means to break into a conversation. We say a company is "bankrupt" when the "bank is broken" which means they have no more money.

8. "sign" means "mark". A "signature" is what you write when you sign your name, for example, at the end of a contract. A traffic "signal" is a kind of mark, with the red mark meaning "stop" and the green mark meaning "go". "Significant" means that something is very important, and usually there is some sign to show that this thing is important.

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9. "spec" means "see". "Inspect" means to look at something carefully to be sure it is okay. "Respect" is to look at someone and believe they are good. A "spectator" is someone who is watching something, for example, someone who is watching a sports event is a spectator.

10. "tract" means "pull". A "tractor" is a machine that pulls a plow on a farm. To "subtract" one number from another number is like pulling that number down. The word "attract" means to pull someone towards you. If you are "attractive" it means you are good-looking and so pull many people towards you!

I couldn't help it !!!

Daryl I am upset. Somebody told my boss I have a part-time job.

Smith And he doesn't like that ?

Daryl No, he doesn't. He thinks that I am too tired to work.

Smith I am sorry. I have to admit I told him.

Daryl You told him ? Why ?

Smith I couldn't help it. He asked me point-blank.

Explanation :

If you can't help the way you feel or behave, you cannot control it or stop it from happening. You can also say that you can't help yourself.

If you say something point-blank, you say it very directly or rudely, without explaining or apologizing.

How to offer/refuse How to ask/argue GeneralWould you like a Coke? - Yes, I'd love to.

Are you saying that ...? Besides ...

Yes, please. Can you explain that? It doesn't matter.No, thank you. Sorry to interrupt you, ... Don't mention it.Understanding I actually wanted to say that ... I must apologize for being

so late.I didn't quite get that. Well, ...Can you repeat that, please? I don't think so.I didn't understand you. I'm sure that ...

There's nothing more to say.Obviously I don't need to say that ...

It is often not easy to find the correct name for ...

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Grammar termsWhere to find onenglisch-hilfen.de


Adjectives Adjectives Mandy is a careful girl.Adverbs Adverbs Mandy drives carefully.a/antheArticles

ArticlesThis is a book.Look at the board.

Auxiliaries Modal Auxiliaries I am playing football.Conditional Perfect ProgressiveConditional II Continuous

Conditional Perfect Progressive

I would have been working.

Conditional PerfectConditional II Simple

Conditional Perfect I would have worked.

Conditional ProgressiveConditional Continuous

Conditional Progressive I would be working.

ConditionalConditional IConditional Simple

Conditional Simple I would work.

Conjunctions Conjunctions I like tea and coffee.Future PerfectFutur IIFuture Perfect Simple

Future PerfectI will have played football by tomorrow.

Future Perfect ProgressiveFuture Perfect Continuous

Future Perfect ProgressiveI will have been playing football for an hour by 10.30.

Future ProgressiveFuture Continuous

Future ProgressiveI will be playing football next Sunday.

Genitive sApostrophe sPossessive s

Genitive s Ronny's brother

GerundGerundium-ing form

Gerund I enjoy playing football.

going to-future going to-futureI'm going to play football this afternoon.

if-clausesConditional sentencesConditional clauses

Conditional sentences - if

If I study, I will pass the test.If I studied, I would pass the test.If I had studied, I would have passed the test.

Imperative Imperative Go home!

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Indirect speechReported speech

Reported Speech

Susan says that she works in an office.Susan said that she worked in an office.

Infinitive InfinitiveGagarin was the first to fly in a spaceship.

Long forms, short (contracted) forms

Langformen, Kurzformen We aren't from London.

ModalsModal auxiliaries

Modals You mustn't do that.

Nouns Nouns Your hair looks lovely.Passive voice Passive voice Cameras are built in Japan.Past Perfect ProgressivePast Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect ProgressiveI had been playing football when Susan came.

Past PerfectPast Perfect SimpleSimple Past Perfect

Past PerfectI had played football when Susan came.

Past ProgressivePast Continuous

Past ProgressiveI was playing football the whole evening.

Personal pronouns Personal pronouns We read a book.Plural Plural Here are five books.Possessive determinersPossessive pronouns

Possessive pronouns This is my book.

Prepositions Prepositions The books are on the desk.Present Perfect ProgressivePresent Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect ProgressiveI have been playing football for 2 hours.

Present PerfectSimple Present Perfect

Present Perfect (simple form)

Present Perfect I have just played football.

Present ProgressivePresent Continuous

Present Progressive I'm playing football now.

Questions with question words

Questions with question wordsWhere are the girls?When do you watch TV?

Question tags Question tags You are John, aren't you?Reflexive pronounsself, each other

Reflexive pronouns They help each other.

Relative pronounswho, which, whose,

Relative pronouns My house, which has a blue door, needs painting.

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thatRelative clauses without relative pronoubsContact clauses

Contact clausesThis is the boy I met at the party yesterday.

Short answers Short answers Are you English? - Yes, I am.Simple PastPast Simple

Simple Past I played football yesterday.

Simple PresentPresent Simple

Simple Present I play football every week.

Singular Singular/Plural Here is one book.some, any, much, manyQuantifiers

Quantifiers There are some apples left.

Tenses Tenses

I play football.I am playing football.I played football.I have played football.I will play football....

this, that - these, thoseDemonstrative pronouns

this, that - these, those This is Pat and that is John.

Verbs Verbs We sing a song.will-futureFutur IFuture Simple

will-future I will play football next week.

Word order Word orderThey play handball in the gym every Monday.

Yes/No questionsQuestions without question words

Yes/No questionsAre you from England?Do you speak French?

What are some of the daily activities that you do at home?

(Apa kegiatan sehari-hari yang sering anda lakukan di rumah?)


I wake up at 7am every morning.  I press the snooze button five times every morning before I turn off the alarm and get up. I have a cup of coffee and make breakfast. I usually read the newspaper while I have breakfast. My children like to have a shower after they have breakfast but I like to have a shower before I get dressed.  My wife brushes her long hair, and I have short hair so I comb my hair.

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It is important to brush your teeth, and some women like to put make-up on.   After I have finished work, I go home to cook dinner. In my house I usually make dinner. The family eat dinner together at 7:30pm.

After dinner I make sure that my children do their homework, and then I watch television.  On television I usually watch the News. My wife usually comes to tell me to take the rubbish out, or wash the dishes.  Our children feed the dog and the cat before they go to bed and I tell them to go to the bathroom too. If I am sick I have to take my medication, but then I get into my pyjamas and set the alarm so I wake up in the morning. The last things I do is lock the door, turn off the lights, and go to bed.

Vocabulary :

Wake up : bangun tidur

Press the snooze botton: tekan tombol snooze (tidur sebentar)

Turn off the alarm : mematikan alarm

Get up : bangun (dari tempat tidur)

Have a cup of coffee : menikmati kopi

Make breakfast : membuat sarapan pagi

Read the newspaper : membaca koran

Have breakfast : sarapan pagi

Have a shower : mandi

Get dressed : berpakaian

Brush one's hair : keramas

Comb one's hair : menyisir rambut

Brush one's teeth : menggosok gigi

Put make-up on : berias, dandan

Go home : pulang

Cook dinner : memasak makan malam

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Make dinner : makan malam

Do one's homework : mengerjakan PR

Watch Television : menonton TV

Watch the News : nonton berita

Take the rubbish out : membuang sampah

Wash the dishes : mencuci piring (kotor)

Feed the dog and cat : memberi makan anjing dan kucing

Go to bed : (Siap-siap) tidur

Go to the bathroom : Pergi ke kamar mandi

Take one's medication : Minum obat

Get into one's pyjamas : memakai baju tidur

Set the alarm : mengatur waktu alarm

Lock the door : mengunci pintu

Turn off the lights : mematikan lampu


Contoh Teks Daily Activities (Kegiatan Sehari-hari di Tempat Kerja)What are some daily activities that you do at work?

I go to work at 8.45am every morning. I usually drive to work. I always check my emails when I get to work, but I don't always reply to them immediately.  I take a taxi or a train if I have a lunch meeting. I never take the bus because it is too slow. When I am at my desk I usually work on the computer, even during morning tea. At 1pm most days I have lunch. At 3pm we have afternoon tea, and that is when we usually talk and eat cake.

When you are in the office you probably have a lot of papers. It is important for you to file your papers, and so that you can find them again you need to organise your files. When I work I have to make telephone calls. If an important issue happens I ask my secretary to organise a meeting. Once a month I report to my boss, but maybe you have to report to your boss more often. I usually write a document that my boss can read.

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go to work : pergi bekerja

drive to work : mengendarai (mobil) ke tempat kerja

check one's email : memeriksa email (surat elektronik)

reply : menjawab

take a taxi : naik taksi

take a train : naik kereta api

lunch meeting : pertemuan di siang hari

take the bus : naik bis

work on the computer : "komputeran"

morning tea : waktu istirahat pagi (untuk sekedar minum kopi.)

have lunch : makan siang

afternoon tea : waktu istirahat sore

file one's paper : menyimpan arsip

organize one's files : menata arsip-arsip

make telephone calls : menelepon

organize a meeting : mengatur pertemuan

report to one's boss : melaporkan pada pimpinan

write a document : menulis dokumen

Contoh Teks Daily Activities (Kegiatan Sehari-hari Lainnya)What are some other daily activities that you do?

I exercise at least three times a week. I usually go to the gym before work, but sometimes I go after work.

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I meditate every morning so that I feel less stressed during the day.


Exercise : berolah raga

Meditate : meditasi

Contoh Teks Weekly Activities (Aktifitas / Kegiatan Mingguan)What are some weekly activities that you do?

I go grocery shopping once a week at the local supermarket.  My family does the housework together every Saturday morning. I usually do the washing on Sunday morning and when the machine is finished I hang the clothes out to dry.

On Sunday morning we go to church, and if there is lots of noise coming from next door, sometimes we fight with the neighbour.

On Saturday night my parents stay at home and I go out with friends.

Even my friends that live at home call their parents each week.

Every evening, I water the garden.

I usually pay someone to wash the car, but my partner says I should do it, so sometimes I argue with my partner about that.

If we are angry at the neighbour, we seek vengeance by annoying his dogs. 

I work in an important office, so I have to shine my shoes each day.

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Sometimes we hire a movie, because we don't like to illegally download music and films. I make sure that I synchronise my iPod so I always have new music on it.

To get our shopping, we go to the mall in the car.

Last week I forgot to recharge my travel card, and I had to argue with a bus driver. I couldn't call the office because I forgot to recharge my cellphone!


Go grocery shopping : pergi belanja (di toko grosir)

Do the housework : melakukan aktifitas rumah

Do the washing :mencuci pakaian

Hang the clothes out : menjemur pakaian

Go to church : pergi ke gereja

Fight with the neighbor : bertengkar dengan tetangga

Stay at home : tetap di rumah

Go out with friends :pergi bersama teman-teman

Call one's parents :menelepon orangtua

Water the garden : menyiram kebun

Wash the car :mencuci mobil

Argue with one's partner :berdebat dengan rekan kerja

Seek vengeance :balas dendam

Shine one's shoes : menyemir sepatu

Hire a movie :menyewa film

Illegally download music and films : mengunduh musik dan film secara ilegal

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Synchronize one's iPod :Mensikronisasikan iPod

Go to the mall : pergi ke Mall

Recharge one's travel card : mengisi tiket perjalanan

Argue with a bus driver :berurusan dengan supir bis

Recharge one's cell phone : mengisi pulsa

A. STRING ALAT MUSIK BERSENAR1. Violin Biola2. Viola Biola alto3. Cello Cello4. Bass Bas5. (acoustic) guitar Gitar Akustik6. Ukulele Ukelele7. Electric guitar Gitar Listrik8. Banjo Banjo9. Mandolin Mandolin10. Harp KecapiB. WOODWINDS ALAT MUSIK TIUP KAYU1. Piccolo Picolo2. Flute Seruling

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3. Clarinet Klarinet4. Oboe Suling Obo5. Recorder Suling Rekorder6. Saxophone Saxofon7. Bassoon SerunaiC. BRASS ALAT MUSIK TIUP1. Trumpet Trompet2. Trombone Trombon3. French horn Trompet Prancis4. Tuba Trompet TubaD. PERCUSSION PERKUSI1. Drum Drum2. Kettle drum Gendang Belanga3. Bongos Bongo4. Conga (drum) Konga5. Cymbals Simbal6. Xylophone SilofonE. KEYBOARD INSTRUMENT ALAT MUSIK KEYBOARD1. Piano Piano2. Organ Organ3. Electric piano Piano Listrik4. Synthesizer SintesizerF. OTHER INSTRUMENT ALAT MUSIK LAINNYA1. Accordion Akordion2. Harmonica Harmonica

Langsung saja, ini dia daftar beberapa phrasal verb, idiom, atau other expressions yang menggunakan kata "come"...

Come across = bertemu secara kebetulan Come along with = mengembangkan Come from = berasal Come in for = menerima Come between = menjadi perdebatan Come together = menuai hasil Come around = terjadi secara berkala Come into = menerima Come up with = memikirkan Come up against = menghadapi Come forward = menawarkan (bantuan / informasi) Come out with = mengatakan (secara tiba-tiba) Come apart = rusak / pecah Come through = masih hidup (setelah ada pengalaman buruk)

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Come down with = tidak enak badan. 

Untuk melengkapi daftar ungkapan di atas, mari kita lihat contoh di bawah ini..

1. Have you ever come across such a horrible person in all your life? (to meet someone or find something by chance)

2. How is Sarah coming along with her photography course? (to make progress or get better in quality, skill or health)

3. I'm British, but my parents come from India. (to have your home in a particular place)

4. Fast food has come in for more criticism from the press. (to receive something such as criticism)

5. I don't want the problem of money coming between us. (to cause an argument or disagreement between two people)

6. I've been writing this book for six months, and it's finally coming together. (to finally start to work successfully)

7. As I get older, I find that my birthdays seem to come around more frequently. (to happen regularly)

8. She came into a lot of money when her grandfather died. (to receive something – usually money – when someone dies)

9. We need to come up with a plan that will make us a lot of money. (to think of something such as an idea or plan)

10. In the first week of my new job, I came up against several problems that had been left by the person who had my job previously. (to have to deal with something difficult or unpleasant)

11. The National Blood Service is asking for more people to come forward and donate blood. (to offer help or information)

12. You never know what children are going to come out with. (to say something suddenly, usually something that surprises or shocks people)

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13. The first time I tried using my new camera, it came apart in my hands. (to separate into pieces, sometimes because the object – in this case a camera – has been badly made)

14. We've had a difficult few weeks, but I'm glad to see we've managed to come through together. (to be still alive, working or making progress after a difficult or dangerous experience)

15. I don't feel very good. I think I'm coming down with something. (to become ill with a particular disease, but not usually one that is serious)

Keterangan : Kata bercetak tebal adalah "ungkapan" menggunakan kata come; kata-kata bergaris miring adalah keterangan maknanya. Beberapa makna kata "come" di atas bisa berubah; oleh karena itu lihat kamus untuk mengetahui konteks kalimat. Sesuaikan saja makna "come" sesuai konteks.

Oke, langsung saja kita lihat bahasa Inggris dari bumbu masakan ini :

Adas Adas Manis Asam JawaAcarBangkuangBawang Bombay Bawang Daun Bawang Daun Bawang Daun Bawang Merah Bawang Putih Beras Ketan Bihun Buah Lawang (Pekak) Buah Pala Bunga Pala Cabe Cabe Rawit Cengkeh Cuka Daun Pandan Ebi Garam Gula Merah/Jawa Jahe Jeruk Nipis/Limau

: Fennel: Aniseed: Tamarind: Pickle: Jicamah: Onion: Green Onion: Scallion: Spring Onion: Shallot: Garlic: Glutinuous Rice: Rice Vermicelli: Star Anise: Nutmeg: Mace: Chilli Pepper: Cayenne: Clove: Vinegar: Screwpine Leaf: Dried Prawn (Shrimp): Salt: Palm Sugar: Ginger: Lime

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Jintan Kacang Ijo Kacang Mete Kacang Panjang Kacang Tanah Kapulaga Kapur Sirih Kayumanis Kecap Asin Kecap Ikan Kecap Manis Kedele Kelapa Kemangi Kemiri Ketumbar Kucai Kunyit Lengkuas Merica Minyak Wijen Paria Petis Ragi Rebung Santan Saus Tir Am Sedap MalamSeledri Serai SounTahuTempeTaucoTaugeTelur PuyuhTepung BerasTepung HunkweeTepung JagungTepung KanjiTepung KetanTepung MaizenaTepung TeriguTerasiTerong Hijau Ubi Jalar/Rambat

: Cummin: Mung Bean: Cashew: Long Bean: Peanut: Cardamom: Lime Paste: Cinnamon: Soya Sauce: Fish Sauce: Sweet Soya Sauce: Soya Bean: Coconut: Basil: Candle Nut: Coriander: Chive: Turmeric: Galangal: Pepper: Sesame Oil: Bitter Melon: Black Shrimp Paste: Yeast: Bamboo Sprout: Coconut Milk: Oyster Sauce: Dried Lily Flower: Celery: Lemon Grass: Mung Bean Thread: Tofu: Tempeh: Preserved Soy Beans: Bean Sprout: Quail’s Egg: Rice Flour: Mung Bean Flour: Cornmeal: Tapioca: Sweet Rice Flour: Cornstarch: Wheat Flour, Bread Flour: Shrimp Paste: Thai Eggplant: Sweet Potato

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WijenPutih TelurKuning TelurPare

: Sesame Seed: Egg White: Egg Yolk: Bitter Gourd

A - Comparison with -er/-est

clean - cleaner - (the) cleanest

We use -er/-est with the following adjectives:

1) adjectives with one syllableclean cleaner cleanestnew newer newestcheap cheaper cheapest

clean cleaner cleanest

new newer newest

cheap cheaper cheapest

2) adjectives with two syllables and the following endings:

2 - 1) adjectives with two syllables, ending in -ydirty dirtier dirtiesteasy easier easiesthappy happier happiestpretty prettier prettiest

arge larger largest leave out the silent -ebig bigger biggest Double the consonant

after short vowelsad sadder saddestdirty dirtier dirtiest Change -y to -i

(consonant before -y)shy shyer shyest Here -y is not changed

to -i.

C - Irregular adjectives

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good better bestbad worse worstmuch more most uncountable nounsmany more most countable nounslittle less leastlittle smaller smallest

D - Special adjectives

common commoner / more common commonest / most commonlikely likelier / more likely likeliest / most likelypleasant pleasanter / more pleasant pleasantest / most pleasantpolite politer / more polite politest / most politesimple simpler / more simple simplest / most simplestupid stupider / more stupid stupidest / most stupidsubtle subtler / more subtle subtlestsure surer / more sure surest / most sure

far farther farthest distancefurther furthest distance or time

late later latestlatter xx last

old older oldest people and thingselder eldest people (family)

near nearer nearest distancex next order

Write a story based on this line : "By evening, she was running a high fever ... "


Far up in the mountains of Canada, there is an old abandoned log cabin. Once it was occupied by a young couple who wanted to distance themselves from the chaos of this modern world. Here they were miles away from the nearest town. Bob, the husband, made the occasional trip into town to buy supplies whereas Jan, his wife, spent her free time by the fire, sewing. Their life was simply idyllic.

Then, one midwinter's day, Jan woke up from bed with a strange ache in her bones. Putting it down to overwork, Bob shooed her to bed and made sure she rested. Though Jan was impatient to get to her chores, Bob soothed her, "Relax, Sugar. You're overdoing things. All these chores will be here when you recover."

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However, Jan seemed to be getting worse instead of recovering. By evening, she was running a high fever and in greater pain. In spite of his best efforts, Bob could not manage to ease her suffering. And then suddenly, she started to lapse into unconsciousness.

It was then obvious that she was seriously ill. What could Bob do? He had no experience in treating the sick and Jan was getting worse by the minute. He knew that there was an old doctor in town but he lived three miles away, downhill. Pot-bellied and obese, there was no way the doctor could make it up to their cabin.

Something had to be done quickly! Bob racked his brains but to no avail. The only thing left to do was to go to the doctor. In Jan's condition, she could never walk that far in the waist-deep snow. Bob would have to carry her!

Bob searched his mind for a way to move poor, sick Jan. Then, he remembered. He had once made a sledge so that they could ride together over the mountain. They never got around to using it though, because the whole mountain was thickly covered with rocks and trees. He had never found a safe way down, not even once.

"Well," he thought, "looks like I'm going to have to try it anyhow," as he dug out the sledge from the storeroom. "Jan may die unless I get her to the doctor, and life means nothing to me without her." With this thought in mind, Bob gently tucked Jan into the sledge, got in the front, and with a short prayer for safety, pushed off.

How they got through that ride alive, Bob has never figured out. As trees loomed up in front of him and just as quickly whizzed by his side, close enough to touch, he felt relieved that Jan was not awake to experience the ride. It was all he could do not to scream as collision seemed imminent, time and again, with only inches to spare.

At last, bursting from the mountainside, the town came into view. Barely slowing down, they sped through the icy streets, only losing speed as they neared the doctor's house. The sledge, battered through the journey, collapsed in the left ski as it came to a halt, spilling out its occupants. Bob picked up his Jan and made his way into the doctor's house.

After what seemed to be a long winter, Jan recovered fully from her illness but Bob never recovered from his fright. They moved into the little town so as to be near help in times of crisis, and have lived there ever since.

idyllic simple and carefree

rack one's brains strain to find a solution

batter to damage as by heavy wear

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The Frog in the Well

There was a frog that lived in a shallow well.

" Look how well off I am here ! " he told a big turtle from the Eastern Ocean. " I can hop along the coping of the well when I go out, and rest by a crevice in the bricks on my return. I can wallow to my heart's content with only my head above water, or stroll ankle deep through soft mud. No crabs or tadpoles can compare with me. I am master of the water and lord of this shallow well, What more can  a fellow ask ? Why don't you come here more often to have a good time ? "

Before the turtle from the Eastern Ocean could get his left foot into the well, however, he caught his right calw on something. So he halted and stepped back then began to describe the ocean to the frog.

" It's more than a thousand miles across and more than ten thousand feet deep. In ancient times there were floods nine years out of ten yet the water in the ocean never increased.

And later there were droughts seven years out of eight yet the water in the ocean never grew less. It has remained quite constant throughtout the ages. That is why I like to live in the Eastern Ocean. " 

Then the frog in the shallow well was silent and felt a little abashed.  

abashed If you are abashed, you feel embarrassed and ashamed.
