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Learn SEM Terms

Date post: 29-Nov-2014
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Marketing Marketing Terms You Terms You Need to Need to Know Know
Page 1: Learn SEM Terms

Marketing Marketing Terms You Terms You

Need to Need to Know Know

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There are many terms specific to online marketing that will help you to better understand exactly what you need to look for in selecting an online marketing partner. We provide these to you because The Marketology Group is dedicated to developing and working with educated consumers.

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We passionately believe that education is a critical element in designing a superior marketing campaign that will not only meet but exceed your expectations and business goals.

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We passionately believe that education is a critical element in designing a superior marketing campaign that will not only meet but exceed your expectations and business goals.

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Click through

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When we talk about click through rates we are referring to the process of clicking through an online ad to the advertiser's destination or landing page. Click-through is often the

most direct response to an advertisement but it is not the only response to an ad. 

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If an ad includes the company’s name or website URL online visitors may choose to type the URL directly into the browser bar, or type the company's name into a search engine box. 

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Click through rates

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Accurate counting of click-through involves excluding "robot clicks" and duplicate clicks. This takes on added importance when click-through are used as the measurement on which payment is based.

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The average number of click-through per hundred ad impressions that is expressed as a percentage in online marketing.

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Conversion Rates

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The number of visitors who purchase or complete a transaction.

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CPA (Cost per action)

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A payment method used in online marketing. Payments are based solely on specific qualified actions such as sales or registrations.

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CPC (Cost per click)

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The cost or price paid by the advertiser for each click-through.

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The advertiser’s cost per thousand impressions.

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Customer Acquisition Cost

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The overall cost to the advertiser to acquire a new customer.

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A request for a file from a web server.

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An impression represents one unique instance of an ad being displayed online.

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PPC (pay per click)

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An online ad payment method where payment is based on qualified click-through only.

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PPL (pay per lead)

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An online ad payment method where payment is based on qualified leads only.

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PPS (pay per sale)

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An online ad payment method where payment is based only on qualified sales.

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Hybrid Model

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A combination of two or more online marketing payment methods used simultaneously (ie PPC & PPL).

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Site stickiness

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The amount of time spent at a site over a specific time period (30 days)

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Unique visitors

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Individuals who have visited a Web site (or network) at least once in a fixed time frame, normally every 30 days.

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Website traffic (traffic)

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The number of visitors and/or visits a Web site receives.

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