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LEARN TO USE WORDS SMARTLY 練英練英單單! · 4聲光 94 4運輸與交通 (1) 96...

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練英 練英單! 讐伴 7000 稻需稻慴瀞 編著 Judy Majewski/葉立萱 審校 吳詩綺 MP3 LEARN TO USE WORDS SMARTLY
Page 1: LEARN TO USE WORDS SMARTLY 練英練英單單! · 4聲光 94 4運輸與交通 (1) 96 4運輸與交通 (2) 98 5媒體與溝通 100 5醫學與疾病 (1) 102 5醫學與疾病 (2) 104


編著 Judy Majewski/葉立萱

審校 吳詩綺 MP3


Page 2: LEARN TO USE WORDS SMARTLY 練英練英單單! · 4聲光 94 4運輸與交通 (1) 96 4運輸與交通 (2) 98 5媒體與溝通 100 5醫學與疾病 (1) 102 5醫學與疾病 (2) 104

❶ 職業與人物 (1) 2

❷ 職業與人物 (2) 4

❸ 職業與人物 (3) 6

❹ 職業與人物 (4) 8

❺ 人體 (1) 10

❻ 人體 (2) 12

❼ 活動 (1) 14

❽ 活動 (2) 16

❾ 活動 (3) 18

10 活動 (4) 20

11 活動 (5) 22

12 活動 (6) 24

13 動作 (1) 26

14 動作 (2) 28

15 動作 (3) 30

16 休閒與運動 (1) 32

17 休閒與運動 (2) 34

18 飲食 (1) 36

19 飲食 (2) 38

20 飲食 (3) 40

21 衣服與配件 (1) 42

22 衣服與配件 (2) 44

23 材料與物品 (1) 46

24 材料與物品 (2) 48

25 材料與物品 (3) 50

26 材料與物品 (4) 52

27 家具與設備 (1) 54

28 家具與設備 (2) 56

29 家具與設備 (3) 58

30 家具與設備 (4) 60

31 地方與建築 62

32 社會關係與組織 (1) 64

33 社會關係與組織 (2) 66

34 社會關係與組織 (3) 68

35 社會關係與組織 (4) 70

36 金錢與商業 (1) 72

37 金錢與商業 (2) 74

38 金錢與商業 (3) 76

39 政治與政府 78

40 法律與犯罪 80

41 教育與學習 (1) 82

42 教育與學習 (2) 84

43 教育與學習 (3) 86

44 軍事與戰爭 88

45 科技 (1) 90

46 科技 (2) 92


Page 3: LEARN TO USE WORDS SMARTLY 練英練英單單! · 4聲光 94 4運輸與交通 (1) 96 4運輸與交通 (2) 98 5媒體與溝通 100 5醫學與疾病 (1) 102 5醫學與疾病 (2) 104

47 聲光 94

48 運輸與交通 (1) 96

49 運輸與交通 (2) 98

50 媒體與溝通 100

51 醫學與疾病 (1) 102

52 醫學與疾病 (2) 104

53 動物與植物 (1) 106

54 動物與植物 (2) 108

55 宗教與超自然 110

56 水與天氣 (1) 112

57 水與天氣 (2) 114

58 想法與意見 (1) 116

59 想法與意見 (2) 118

60 表達 (1) 120

61 表達 (2) 122

62 表達 (3) 124

63 表達 (4) 126

64 能力與個性 (1) 128

65 能力與個性 (2) 130

66 能力與個性 (3) 132

67 感受與情緒 (1) 134

68 感受與情緒 (2) 136

69 感受與情緒 (3) 138

70 感受與情緒 (4) 140

71 感受與情緒 (5) 142

72 感受與情緒 (6) 144

73 測量與數字 (1) 146

74 測量與數字 (2) 148

75 狀態與情況 (1) 150

76 狀態與情況 (2) 152

77 狀態與情況 (3) 154

78 時間與空間 (1) 156

79 時間與空間 (2) 158

80 時間與空間 (3) 160

81 程度與頻率 162

82 好與壞 (1) 164

83 好與壞 (2) 166

84 性質 (1) 168

85 性質 (2) 170

86 性質 (3) 172

87 其他 174

Index 176

Answer Key 185

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14 capitalist ['k$p3t90st]

形 ❶ 資本主義的 名 ❷ C資本家

15 carpenter ['kArp3ntQ] 名 C木匠

16 civilian [s0'v0lj3n] 形 ❶ 平民的,庶民的  名 ❷ C平民 ,庶民

17 client ['kla03nt] 名 C ❶ 委託人;❷ 客戶

18 companion [k3m'p$nj3n]名 C同伴,伴侶

19 composer [k3m'pozQ]名 C作曲家

20 consultant [k3n'sKlt3nt]名 C顧問 名 consultation 諮詢

21 consumer [k3n'sjumQ]名 C消費者 名 consumption 消費

22 coward ['ka7Qd]名 C懦夫,膽怯者 反義 名 brave 勇者

23 creator [kr0'etQ]名 C創造者,創作者

24 crew [kru]集合名詞 ❶ 全體機員;❷ 一組工作人員同義 staff 全體人員

25 critic ['kr0t0k] 名 C批評家,評論家 同義 reviewer 評論家

26 darling ['dArl0H] 名 ❶ C親愛的(人) 形 ❷ 心愛的,寵愛的;

❸ 漂亮的,迷人的

capital 資本-ist 名 表「⋯⋯主義者」

com- 在一起pose 假裝,冒充-er 名 表「人」

consult 商議-ant 名 表「人」

consume 消耗,花費-er 名 表「人」

create 創造-or 名 表「人」

dear 親愛的-ling 名 表「與⋯⋯有關者」

01 Jobs and People職業與人物 (1)

01 accountant [3'ka7nt3nt]名 C 會計師名 account 帳目

02 acquaintance [3'kwent3ns]

名 ❶ C 不是很熟的人; ❷ U 了解

03 adviser [3d'va0zQ]名 C 勸告者,顧問 同義 advisor

04 amateur ['$m3`tN7r]形 ❶ 業餘的  名 ❷ C 業餘從事者

05 ancestor ['$nsGstQ] 名 C 祖先,祖宗同義 forebear, forefather祖先

06 applicant ['$pl3k3nt]名 C 申請人  動 apply 申請

07 audience ['Cd03ns]名 C 聽眾,觀眾,讀者群

08 author ['CLQ] 名 C 作者,作家

09 beggar ['bGEQ] 名 C 乞丐  動 beg 乞討

10 being ['bi0H]名 C 人,生物

11 bride [bra0d]名 C 新娘  延伸名詞 bridesmaid女儐相

12 bridegroom ['bra0d`Er7m] 名 C 新郎 延伸名詞 bridesman男儐相

13 candidate ['k$nd3det]名 C❶ 候選人;❷ 應徵者

1 account 報帳-ant 名 表「人」

acquaint 使認識-ance 名 表「狀況」

advise 建議-er 名 表「人」

be- 表「便」-ing 名 表「形成」

bride 新娘 + groom 新郎



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Exercise 1

❶ Vocabulary: Fill in the blanks using the given words given. Make changes to the words as needed.

1. After five years in the military, Tammy was happy to return to          life and her sales job.

2. More than 20         were interviewed for the teaching jobs, but none of them were hired.

3. The nervous          smiled at the         , who was walking down the aisle in her flowing white gown.

4. The lawyer advised his          to answer all the judge's questions truthfully.

5. Scientists were surprised to learn that the virus can be passed from chickens to human          .

❷ Matching: Match the words with their definitions.

   1. candidate a. someone who builds things out of wood and other materials   2. adviser b. someone who gives information and helps clients make

decisions   3. carpenter c. someone who buys food, appliances, and other goods for

personal use   4. author d. someone who runs for political office   5. consumer e. someone who writes articles, books, or reports

❸ True or False.

T F 1. A beggar gives food and money to people who pass by on the street.T F 2. The owner of a shoe factory who sells his goods for profit is a capitalist. T F 3. A coward is unlikely to try skydiving or other extreme sports.T F 4. An accountant must be good at math in order to handle a company's finances.T F 5. Our children and grandchildren are our ancestors.

❹ Cloze: Complete the passage using the given words. Make changes to the words as needed.

Sarah, a music 1         for a large newspaper, was asked to attend a holiday concert and write a review for the Sunday edition. Her boyfriend agreed to go along as her 2        . The concert hall was full, although Sarah was delighted to see Mary, a business 3         who occasionally stopped by the newspaper office. During the performance, the orchestra played music written by French and Italian 4        . This delighted the 5        , which clapped enthusiastically after the final piece. In her article, Sarah gave the concert rave reviews.




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14 hairdresser ['hGr`drGsQ]名 C 髮型師,美髮師

15 historian [h0s'tor03n]名 C 歷史學家

16 host [host] 名 ❶ C 主人;❷ C (廣播、電視的)節目主持人  動 ❸ 主辦;❹ 主持

17 hostess ['host0s]名 C❶ 女主人; ❷ 空中小姐

18 housekeeper ['ha7s`kipQ]

名 C 女管家,勤務工女領班

19 housewife ['ha7s`wa0f]名 C 家庭主婦

20 humanity [hju'm$n3t0]名 ❶ U 人性,人道; ❷ (總稱)人,人類 

21 humankind ['hjum3n`ka0nd]

集合名詞 人類 同義 mankind 人

22 identification [a0`dGnt3f3'keN3n]

名 ❶ U身分證明; ❷ UC 認出,識別

23 identity [a0'dGnt3t0] 名 ❶ UC 身分;❷ UC 特性

24 idol ['a0d9] 名 C 偶像25 immigrant ['0m3Er3nt]

名 C (外來的)移民, 僑民

26 individual [`0nd3'v0dI7l]形 ❶ 個人的;❷ 個別的  名 ❸ C 個人

hair 髮dress 梳理-er 名 表「人」

history 歷史-an 名 表「精通⋯⋯的人」

host 名 主人-ess 名 表「女性」

house 房子 keep 整理-er 名 表「人」

house 房子 wife 妻子

human 人-ity 名 表「性質,狀態」

human 人kind 種類

identity 名 身分-fy 動 表「⋯⋯化」-tion 名 表「結果」

im- 表「向⋯⋯內」migrate 移居-ant 名 表「人」

in- 不divide 分開-al 形 表「關於⋯⋯的」

02 Jobs and People職業與人物 (2)

01 dealer ['dilQ]名 ❶ C 業者,商人; ❷ C 發牌者,莊家

02 designer [d0'za0nQ]名 C 設計者,構思者, 設計師

03 detective [d0'tGkt0v]名 C 偵探

04 editor ['Gd0tQ]名 ❶ C 主編;❷ C 編輯;

❸ C (影片等的)剪接師

05 elderly ['GldQl0]形 年長的,上了年紀的 同義 形 old老的

06 engineer [`GndI3'n0r]名 C 工程師,技師

07 exception [0k'sGpN3n]名 ❶ C 例外(的人或

事物); ❷ U 除去,除外

08 fanatic [f3'n$t0k] 名 C 狂熱者,盲信者 同義 enthusiast 熱衷者

09 folk [fok] 名 ❶ 複 人,人們 ;❷ 複 雙親,親屬  形 ❸ 民間的,通俗的

10 follower ['fAl3wQ]名 C 追隨者,信徒,擁護者

11 founder ['fa7ndQ]名 C 創立者,締造者

12 genius ['dIinj3s] 名 C天才,英才

13 guardian ['EArd03n]名 ❶ C 保護者,守護者, 管理員;

❷ C 監護人

3 deal 動 交易-er 名 表「人」

de- 表「完全」sign 符號-er 名 表「人」

detect 動 察覺-ive 名 表「有⋯⋯特性的」

edit 編輯-or 名 表「人」

elder 較年長的-ly 形 表「⋯⋯性質的」

engine 引擎-eer 名 表「⋯⋯人」

except把⋯⋯除外-ion 名 表「行為或狀態」

follow 動 跟隨-er 名 表「人」

found 建立-er 名 表「人」

4 guard 守衛-ian 名 表「⋯⋯的人」


❷❷❷❷❷❷❷❷❷❷❷❷❷❷❷❷❷❷❷❷❷❷❷❷❷❷❷❷CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC監護監護監護監護監監護監護監護監監監護監監監護監護監護監監監監監監監監監 人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人

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❶ Correct the sentences: Replace the underlined words with the proper forms.

1. The edit spent all day fixing the author's grammar and punctuation. 2. Joey tried to follower the leader, but he kept getting lost. 3. Ed was disappointed that red onions, a common folks medicine for

baldness in the nineteenth century, did not work for him. 4. Cathy kept her true identify secret; the government never knew she

was a spy. 5. Alex is an except to the rule: he learned to walk before he learned to


❷ Analogies: Determine the relationship between the first pair of words and use it to complete the second analogy with words from the unit.

1. new : old = young :

2. U.S. : United States = ID :

3. goal : goalkeeper = house :

4. leave : enter = emigrate :

5. many : numerous = one :

❸ Matching: Match the words with their definitions.

1. hostess a. someone who solves crimes 2. hairdresser b. someone who works in a beauty salon 3. engineer c. someone who greets and takes care of guests 4. idol d. someone who designs bridges and buildings 5. detective e. someone who is adored by movie or rock fans

❹Multiple Choice: Choose the correct word from the parentheses.

1. Albert Einstein was a ( genius guardian) with extraordinary intelligence and abilities.

2. The police arrested the drug ( individual dealer) who was selling cocaine on the street corner.

3. Sylvia is a successful fashion ( designer detective) whose evening gowns are worn by celebrities around the world.

4. Aaron has agreed to ( host hostess) the party at his house, although he will not serve alcohol.

5. The college is named after its ( founder foundation), a teacher who also served as the school's first president.

Exercise 2


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14 mankind [m$n'ka0nd]名 U 人類

15 merchant ['m"tN3nt] 名 C 商人

16 millionaire [`m0lj3n'Gr]名 C 百萬富翁 (=millionary)

17 miner ['ma0nQ] 名 C 礦工

18 minority [ma0'nCr3t0]名 ❶ 單 少數;

❷ C 少數派, 少數群

19 mob [mAb] 名 ❶ C 烏合之眾,暴民  動 ❷ 成群圍住,蜂擁進入

20 nanny ['n$n0] 名 C 保母

21 native ['net0v] 名 ❶ C 本地人,本國人 形 ❷ 天生的,祖國的;❸ 本土的,土生的

22 nickname ['n0k`nem]名 ❶ C 綽號  動 ❷ 給⋯⋯取綽號

23 novelist ['nAv90st]名 C 小說家

24 operator ['Ap3`retQ]名 ❶ C 操作者,技工;

❷ C 接線生

25 orphan ['Crf3n] 名 C 孤兒  名 orphanage孤兒院

26 pal [p$l] 名 C 伙伴,好友

27 pianist [p0'$n0st]名 C 鋼琴家,鋼琴演奏者  名 piano鋼琴


man 人 kind 類


mine 名 礦-er 名 表「人」

minor 較少的-ity 名 表「性質,狀態」

novel 名 小說-ist 名 表「做⋯⋯的人」

operate 操作-or 名 表「人」

piano 鋼琴-ist 名 表「人」

03 Jobs and People職業與人物 (3)

01 infant ['0nf3nt] 名 C 嬰兒

02 inspector [0n'spGktQ]名 C 檢查員,視察員, 督察員

03 inventor [0n'vGntQ]名 C 發明家,發明者, 創作者

04 junior ['dIunjQ] 形 ❶ 年紀較輕的  名 ❷ C (中學或大學的)三年級生

05 knight [na0t] 名 C 騎士

06 labor ['lebQ] 名 U ❶ 勞工,勞方;❷ 勞動

07 liar ['la0Q] 名 C 說謊的人  動 lie 說謊

08 librarian [la0'brGr03n]名 C 圖書館館長, 圖書館員

09 lifeguard ['la0f`EArd]名 C (游泳池等的)救生員

10 madam ['m$d3m] 名 夫人,太太 (=ma'am)

11 maid [med] 名 C 女僕

12 majority [m3'dICr3t0]名 單 多數,過半數,大多數

13 manager ['m$n0dIQ]名 C 主任,經理


inspect 檢查-or 名 表「人」

invent 發明-or 名 表「人」

library 名 圖書館-ian 名 表「具⋯⋯特質的人」

life 生命 guard 守衛

major 主要的-ity 名 表「性質,狀態」

manage 管理-er 名 表「人」


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❶ Derivatives: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words given.1. Dave (nickname) his daughter Twinkle Toes because she loved

to dance. 2. The home (inspect) checked out the plumbing, electrical, and

heating systems in the house before it was sold.3. Tom has been (labor) in the fields since dawn; he must be

very tired! 4. After their parents died, the Wilson twins lived in an (orphan).

Eventually, they were adopted by the Smiths. 5. During the bypass (operate), surgeons increased blood flow to

the patient's heart.

❷ Analogies: Determine the relationship between the first pair of words and use it to complete the second analogy with words from the unit.

1. here : hear = night :

2. hole : whole = made :

3. enemy : foe = friend :

4. most : least = majority :

5. teenager : adolescent = baby :

❸ Vocabulary: Complete the sentences with words learned in the unit.1. Susan works as a , taking care of three young children for a

family in the city.2. Knapweed is not to this area. The plant was brought here with

alfalfa seed from Europe.3. After spending an hour looking for a book on hot dogs, Harvey asked the

for help.4. The of the students drive to class; however, a few students take

the bus or walk to school.5. The ordered the swimmers out of the water after a shark was

seen in the area.

❹ -ar, -er, or -or? Complete the words using the correct suffix.1. Jesse's father was a coal min who enjoyed working underground.2. Few people can name the invent of bubble gum, but many people have

enjoyed his creation.3. As a high school juni , Ben must start thinking about where he will go to

college.4. After Ross denied eating her candy bar, Jill pointed at the wrapper in his lap and

called him a li .5. Rose asked to speak with the manag after the cashier refused to refund her


Exercise 3


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14 stepfather ['stGp`fAMQ]名 C 繼父

15 stepmother [stGp`mKMQ]名 C 繼母

16 survivor [sQ'va0vQ]名 C 倖存者,殘存物

17 tutor ['tjutQ] 名 C 家庭教師

18 twin [tw0n] 名 ❶ C 雙胞胎(之一)  形 ❷ 孿生的

19 victim ['v0kt0m] 名 C ❶ 受害者,受災者; ❷ 遇難者,犧牲者

20 youngster ['jKHstQ]名 C 年輕人

21 settler ['sGtlQ]名 C 移居者,殖民者, 開拓者

22 translator [tr$ns'letQ]名 C 譯者,翻譯家

23 typist ['ta0p0st]名 C 打字員,打字者

24 vegetarian [`vGdI3'tGr03n]

名 C 素食者

25 virgin ['v"dI0n] 名 ❶ C 處女  形 ❷ 未開發的,未經利用的

26 volunteer [`vAl3n't0r]名 C 自願參加者, 志願者,志工

27 witness ['w0tn0s]名 ❶ C 目擊者;❷ C 證人 動 ❸ 目擊

8 step-表「繼」father 父親

step-表「繼」mother 母親

sur- 超過;之上viv表「活著」-or 名 表「人」

young 形 年輕的-ster 名 表「⋯⋯者」

settle 安頓-er 名 表「人」

translate 動 翻譯-or 名 表「人」

type 打字-ist 名 表「做⋯⋯的人」

vegetable 蔬菜-arian 名 表「某類型的人」

voluntary自願的-eer 名 表「與⋯⋯有關的人」

wit 知道-ness 名 表「性質或狀態」

04 Jobs and People職業與人物 (4)

01 pilot ['pa0l3t] 名 ❶ C 飛行員,駕駛員; ❷ C 舵手,領航員  動 ❸ 給(船等)領航

02 pioneer [`pa03'n0r] 名 ❶ C 拓荒者; ❷ C 先驅者,開拓者  動 ❸ 開創,當先驅

03 plumber ['plKmQ]名 C 水管工

04 publisher ['pKbl0NQ]名 C 出版者,出版商

05 refugee [`rGfj7'dIi]名 C 難民,流亡者

06 representative [`rGpr0'zGnt3t0v]

名 ❶ C 代表  形 ❷ 代表性的,典型的

07 researcher [ri's"tNQ]名 C 研究員,調查者

08 scout [ska7t] 名 ❶ C 斥侯  動 ❷ 偵察,搜索

09 shepherd ['NGpQd]名 C 牧羊人

10 slave [slev] 名 ❶ C 奴隸;

❷ C 擺脫不了某種習慣或影響的人

11 spy [spa0] 名 ❶ C 間諜,密探  動 ❷ 暗中監視,刺探

12 staff [st$f] 集合名詞 ❶ (全體)職員,(全體)工作人員;❷ C 幕僚,參謀人員

13 stepchild ['stGp`tNa0ld]名 C 繼子,繼女


peon 勞工,散工-eer 名 表「與⋯⋯有關的人」

plumb 鉛錘-er 名 表「人」

publish 發行-er 名 表「人」

refuge 避難,庇護-ee 名 表「與⋯⋯有關的人」

re- 再present 呈現-ative 形 表「與⋯⋯相關的」

re- 表「再⋯⋯」search 尋找-er 名 表「人」

sheep 羊 herd 放牧人

step- 表「繼」child 小孩


名 C繼子,繼女

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❶ Matching: Match the words with their definitions.

1. tutor a. someone who is still alive after an event 2. researcher b. someone who helps with homework or studying 3. plumber c. someone who repairs or installs water pipes 4. survivor d. someone who flees an area of political unrest or violence and

seeks shelter elsewhere 5. refugee e. someone who gathers information on a specific topic for

later use

❷ True or False.

T F 1. The woman who gave birth to Chelsea is her stepmother.T F 2. Shepherds usually work in big cities.T F 3. A translator can help an English speaker and a Spanish speaker communicate.T F 4. Historically, slaves were not paid for their work.T F 5. John is a pioneer in the interior decorating field because he copies

techniques and styles already used by other decorators.

❸ Vocabulary: Fill in the blanks using the words given.1. The police asked Sally many questions because she was the only

to a recent murder. 2. This town was built in 1830 by who

arrived in covered wagons.3. Igor is a who works in the Russian

government and sends top-secret information to the Central Intelligence Agency.

4. If you want more information on the product, you should talk to the company's , who is at the convention to speak with customers.

5. The soup kitchen is run by several who work many hours each day without pay.

❹ Cloze: Complete the passage using the words given. Make changes to the words as needed.

It was suppertime, but Bonnie had little desire to eat with her 1 , Dave, whom her mother had married last year. Even though Bonnie kept reminding Dave that she was a 2 , he had still prepared steak. As Bonnie picked at the salad, her mother grumbled about her job as a 3 . She complained that her back hurt from hunching over the keyboard all day and that her boss did not allow the 4 to take breaks. Dave's job as a 5 took him away from home frequently. Maybe that explains why he had never learned Bonnie's eating habits.



Exercise 4


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13 conscious ['kAnN3s] 形 ❶ 有知覺的;❷ 意識到的;

❸ 刻意的,故意的

14 digest [da0'dIGst] 動 ❶ 消化(食物); ❷ 消化  名 digestion消化

15 digestion [d3'dIGstN3n]名 U 消化,消化作用

16 drowsy ['dra7z0]形 ❶ 昏昏欲睡的,困倦的;

❷ 懶散的,無活力的

17 drunk [drKHk] 形 ❶ 喝醉酒的; ❷ 為(擁有權勢等而)飄飄然

18 elbow ['Glbo7] 名 ❶ C 肘  動 ❷ 用手肘推擠著前進

19 energetic [`GnQ'dIGt0k]形 ❶ 精力旺盛的,

精神飽滿的; ❷ 有力的,積極的

20 facial ['feN3l] 形 臉的,面部的

21 feature ['fitNQ]名 ❶ C 面貌,相貌;

❷ C 特徵,特色; ❸ C (報紙等的)特別報導

22 fist [f0st] 名 C 拳頭

23 flesh [flGN] 名 U 肉,肌肉

24 forehead ['fCr`hGd]名 C 額頭

25 gene [dIin] 名 C 基因

26 heel [hil] 名 C ❶ (鞋等的)後跟; ❷ 腳後跟


digest 動 消化-ion 名 表「行為或狀態」

drowse 打瞌睡-y 形 表「性質,狀態」

energy 活力-(t)ic 形 表「具有⋯⋯特性的」

face 臉-al 形 表「關於⋯⋯的」

feat 功績-ure 名 表「動作,過程」

fore- 表「前部」head 頭

05 The Human Body人體 (1)

01 abdomen ['$bd3m3n] 名 C 腹部  同義 belly腹部

02 ache [ek] 動 ❶ (持續性的)疼痛; ❷ 極為想念,渴望  名 ❸ C 疼痛

03 bare [bGr] 形 ❶ 裸的,光禿禿的  動 ❷ 使赤裸,露出

04 belly ['bGl0] 名 C 腹部,肚子

05 breast [brGst] 名 C 乳房,胸部

06 breath [brGL] 名 ❶ U 呼吸,氣息;

❷ C (呼吸的)一次,一口氣

07 breathe [briM] 動 ❶ 呼吸,呼氣,吸氣; ❷ 呼吸,吸入 名 breath 呼吸

08 brow [bra7] 名 C 眉毛  同義 eyebrow眉,眉毛

09 cheek [tNik] 名 C 臉頰

10 chest [tNGst] 名 C 胸,胸膛

11 circulate ['s"kj3`let]動 ❶ 使傳播,使流傳; ❷ 使循環 ; ❸ 傳播,流傳; ❹ 循環

12 circulation [`s"kj3'leN3n]名 U ❶ 循環;❷ (貨幣、 消息等的)流通,傳播


circle 圓;循環-ate 動 表「使成為」

circulate 動 循環-ion 名 表「行為」


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❶ Correct the sentences: Replace the underlined words with the proper forms.

1. The bride was so beautiful that she took the bridegroom's breathe away. 2. Madison wanted to digesting her lunch before she played soccer. 3. My feet are ache after that long hike! 4. The football player lost conscious after his head slammed into the ground. 5. Cindy elbow her way through the dancers to get closer to the stage.

❷ Vocabulary: Fill in the blanks using the words given. Make changes to the words as needed.

1. Jackson's swelled after his wisdom tooth was removed.

2. Marcia groomed her before applying eye shadow.3. Seconds after breaking the window with his , Sean

realized that his hand was bleeding.4. The mother hugged her child to her after he was

brought home by the police.5. Bill had spent so much time eating in front of the TV that his

now hung over his belt.6. Susie's was sore for weeks after she stepped on the nail.

❸Matching: Match the words with their definitions.

1. drowsy a. muscle, fat, and other soft tissues of the body 2. flesh b. affected physically and mentally by too much alcohol 3. forehead c. section of the face between the eyes and the hairline 4. drunk d. move from place to place, often in a circle 5. circulate e. sleepy

❹ Derivatives: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word given.1. When the patient stopped (breathe), the emergency room

doctor worked quickly to revive him.2. Keenan told a story about a rattlesnake that (bare) its

fangs even after its head was cut off.3. Eric felt very (energy) after a good night's sleep and a

high-protein breakfast.4. The government will be (circulate) a new dollar coin this



Exercise 5


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12 sex [sGks] 名 ❶ U 性別;❷ C 男性,女性

13 sexual ['sGkN73l]形 ❶ 性的; ❷ 兩性的

14 stomach ['stKm3k] 名 C 胃

15 strength [strGHkL]名 ❶ U 力量,力氣;

❷ C 長處,好處

16 sweat [swGt] 名 ❶ U 汗,汗水  動 ❷ 出汗

17 temperature ['tGmpr3tNQ]

名 ❶ 單 體溫; ❷ U C 溫度,氣溫

18 thirst [L"st] 名 ❶ U 單 渴;❷ 單 渴望  形 thirsty口渴的

19 tissue ['t0N7] 名 ❶ C U (動植物的)組織;

❷ C 紙巾,衛生紙

20 tummy ['tKm0] 名 C 【兒語】肚子,胃

21 visible ['v0z3b9]形 可看見的

22 vision ['v0I3n]名 ❶ U 視力,視覺;❷ C 夢想,遠景;

❸ U 洞察力,眼光

23 wrist [r0st] 名 C 手腕

24 wrinkle ['r0Hk9] 名 ❶ C 皺紋;❷ C (衣物等的)皺摺 動 ❸ 起皺紋,皺起來

1 2

sex 名 性別-al 形 表「關於⋯⋯的」

strong 強壯的-th 名 表「性質,狀態」

temper 脾氣-ate 形 表「有⋯⋯性質或狀態的」-ure 名 表「動作」

vision 視力,視覺-ible 形 表「能⋯⋯的」

06 The Human Body人體 (2)

01 jaw [dIC] 名 C 下顎,下巴

02 kidney ['k0dn0] 名 C 腎臟

03 knuckle ['nKk9] 名 C 指關節

04 limb [l0m] 名 C (四)肢

05 liver ['l0vQ] 名 C 肝臟

06 lung [lKH] 名 C 肺臟

07 muscle ['mKs9] 名 ❶ U C 肌肉;❷ U 體力  形 muscular肌肉的

08 mustache ['mKst$N]名 C 髭,鬍髭,小鬍子

09 physical ['f0z0k9]形 ❶ 身體的,肉體的;

❷ 物質的

10 pregnancy ['prGEn3ns0]

名 U C 懷孕

11 pregnant ['prGEn3nt] 形 懷孕的,懷胎的

1 1

physic 醫學-al 形 表「關於⋯⋯的」

pregnant 形 懷孕的-cy 名 表「狀態」


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❶ Synonyms: Fill in each blank with a word from the unit that has the same meaning as the word shown.

1. craving =

2. gender =

3. crease =

4. foresight =

❷ True or False.

T F 1. Unlike a handkerchief, a tissue is thrown away after it is used.T F 2. Cigarette smoking has been linked to lung cancer.T F 3. Global warming refers to a rise in the surface temperature of Earth.T F 4. In humans, muscles are found only in the upper arms and thighs.T F 5. Many girls wear rings on their wrists.

❸Multiple Choice: Choose the correct word from the parentheses.

1. Although it annoys his friends, Elwood likes to crack his ( knuckles kidneys) by bending and stretching his fingers.

2. After chewing gum for an hour, Alicia's ( jaw lung) was a little sore. 3. Physics is one of the ( sexual physical), or natural, sciences. 4. When a starfish loses an arm, a new ( limb lung) grows to replace it. 5. As Maribel walked into the job interview, she was so nervous that she began to

( sweat strength).

❹ Cloze: Complete the passage using the words given.As soon as George and Penny were married, people started asking when they were going to start their family. The couple did want children, so they were pleased when they learned that Penny was 1 . At first, they decided to keep the 2 a secret. However, it soon became 3 to everyone with the changes in Penny's 4 appearance. George was hoping for a girl, but Penny didn't care about the 5 of the child. She just hoped the baby would be healthy. She knew that 6 disease ran in George's family, and she worried that the baby might be born with the disorder.


Exercise 6

