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Learner: Components of Effective Teaching

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Republic of the Philippines MINDANAO STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF EDUCATION General Santos city MODULE 2 COMPONENTS OF EFFECTIVE TEACHING Lesson 2: The Learner Ed107 – MTh 9:00-10:30 Principles & Methods of Teaching Presented to: Ava Clare Marie O. Robles, Ph.D. KIMPEE I. BLAHING BSEd Biology – 3 rd Yr. 1 st Semester 2013

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Republic of the PhilippinesMINDANAO STATE UNIVERSITYCOLLEGE OF EDUCATIONGeneral Santos cityMODULE 2COMPONENTS OF EFFECTIVE TEACHINGLesson 2: The LearnerEd107 MTh 9:00-10:30Principles & Methods of Teaching

Presented to:Ava Clare Marie O. Robles, Ph.D.

KIMPEE I. BLAHINGBSEd Biology 3rd Yr.1st Semester 2013



Lesson 2:The LearnerDefinition and theories of learningStudents Learning StyleTheory of Multiple Intelligences

is a subject of the schooling process. Without him, the educational system will not exist. The learner is a person who is receiving instruction or lessons from a particular teacher.The Learner To make Teaching effective and learning productive, the teacher must now the nature of the childAcero, Victoria, et.al. (2000). Principles and Strategies of Teaching. Rex Bookstore Publishing. Manila, Philippines

To understand the child teacher must know:

The child is a biological organism with needs, abilities, and goals;The social and psychological environment; andThe cultural forces of which he is part.Acero, Victoria, et.al. (2000). Principles and Strategies of Teaching. Rex Bookstore Publishing. Manila, Philippines

Learning TheoriesHelps explain how people learn, and therefore serves as a guide for classroom teachersDefinition and theories of learningAcero, Victorina, et.al. (2004). Human Growth, Development, and Learning..Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines.

Definition and theories of learningBehaviorism

Behaviorism also is called traditional learning theory.Holds that learning is what changes behaviour and thus causes development.Behaviourists believed that human beings of all ages learn about the world in the same way that other animals do. By reacting to the features of their environments that they find pleasing, painful and threatening

Acero, Victorina, et.al. (2004). Human Growth, Development, and Learning..Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines.

Definition and theories of learningBehavioristsIvan Pavlov Classical Conditioninga kind of learning to which a person or animal learns a response to a stimulus that did not originally elicit that response; after the stimulus is repeatedly associated with another stimulus that does ordinarily evoke the response

Acero, Victorina, et.al. (2004). Human Growth, Development, and Learning..Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines.


Definition and theories of learningBehaviorism

B.F. Skinner Operant Conditioningis a kind of learning in which a person or animal continues to make a response because the response has been reinforced (strengthened) or stops making the response because it has been punishedAcero, Victorina, et.al. (2004). Human Growth, Development, and Learning..Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines.

Definition and theories of learningBehaviorism

John B. Watsonwas the first behaviorist to apply stimulus-response theories to the study of child development.Acero, Victorina, et.al. (2004). Human Growth, Development, and Learning..Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines.

Edward Thorndike ConnectionismLearning is explained by bond of connections that are formed between the stimulus and response or s-r bond.All mental processes consist of the acquisition of connections between stimuli and response.Definition and theories of learningBehaviorism

Acero, Victorina, et.al. (2004). Human Growth, Development, and Learning..Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines.

HumanismHumanistic perspective views people as able to take charge of their lives and foster their own development.Definition and theories of learning

Acero, Victorina, et.al. (2004). Human Growth, Development, and Learning..Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines.

Emphasizes peoples potential for positive, healthy development through exercise of the distinctively human capacities for choice, creativity and self-realization.HumanismDefinition and theories of learning

Acero, Victorina, et.al. (2004). Human Growth, Development, and Learning..Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines.

Proponent of Humanism:Carl Rogersaccording to him, all humans are born with drive to achieve their full capacity and to behave in ways that are consistent with their true selves Definition and theories of learning

HumanismAcero, Victorina, et.al. (2004). Human Growth, Development, and Learning..Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines.

HumanismDefinition and theories of learning

Proponent of Humanism:Abraham Maslowbelieved that people strive for self actualization, the ultimate state of personal fulfilment.Definition and theories of learning

Acero, Victorina, et.al. (2004). Human Growth, Development, and Learning..Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines.

Definition and theories of learningMaslow theorized that all people are motivated to fulfil the hierarchy of needsAcero, Victorina, et.al. (2004). Human Growth, Development, and Learning..Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines.

Definition and theories of learningCognitive ApproachCognitive Learning Theories include:

1. Gestalt Psychology Insight TheoryAdvocated the learning by insight.In problem solving and learning situations, a sudden solution is characterized by high understanding, good retention and high transferAcero, Victorina, et.al. (2004). Human Growth, Development, and Learning..Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines.

Definition and theories of learningCognitive ApproachCognitive Learning Theories include:

1. Gestalt Psychology Insight TheoryIn psychotherapy, insightful learning is the illumination or bringing to awareness of motives, relationships, feelings, impulses, etc. Which previously had been poorly understood or of which the subject was totally unaware.Acero, Victorina, et.al. (2004). Human Growth, Development, and Learning..Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines.

Definition and theories of learningCognitive ApproachCognitive Learning Theories include:

1. Gestalt Psychology Insight TheoryIn normal individual, insightful learning means the self-understanding and awareness of ones major motivations, desires and feelings.Acero, Victorina, et.al. (2004). Human Growth, Development, and Learning..Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines.

Definition and theories of learningCognitive ApproachCognitive Learning Theories include:

2. Edward Chase Tolman - Purposive BehaviorismBlending of Gestalt and behaviorismThe chief characteristic of molar behavior (large, intact, meaningful behavior patterns is that it is purposive, it is always directed toward the some goal.Acero, Victorina, et.al. (2004). Human Growth, Development, and Learning..Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines.

2. Albert Bandura Observational LearningDefinition and theories of learningCognitive ApproachCognitive Learning Theories include:

Also called social learning theory, occurs when an observers behavior changes after viewing the behavior of a model.Holds that learner in particular, learn by observing and imitating models (like their parents, teachers, and other influential personsAcero, Victorina, et.al. (2004). Human Growth, Development, and Learning..Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines.

4. Jean Piaget Theory of Cognitive DevelopmentDefinition and theories of learningCognitive ApproachCognitive Learning Theories include:

Stages of development - sensory motor, pre-operational, concrete operational and formal operational Assimilation and accommodationChildren must do to learnConflict must occur for learning to occurAcero, Victorina, et.al. (2004). Human Growth, Development, and Learning..Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines.

Students Learning StyleWhat is a learning style?The way that he or she concentrates on, processes, internalizes, and remembers new and difficult information or skills.Dr. Rita Dunn, St. Johns University Source:http://www.slideshare.net/childrensministry/learning-styles?from_search=1

Characteristic cognitive, affective, and physiological behaviors that serve as relatively stable indicators of how learners perceive, interact with, and respond to the learning environment.James W. Keefe Students Learning StyleWhat is a learning style?Source:http://www.slideshare.net/childrensministry/learning-styles?from_search=1

Students Learning StyleLearning Style - In Simple Terms

Physiological Elements

Cognitive ElementsAffective ElementsConceptualUnderstandingChildren learn through a combination of these elements: PhysiologicalCognitiveAffective


Physiological Elements

Physiological elements are primarily biologically-based and vary depending on the learners reaction to the physical environment. Environmental ElementsEmotional ElementsSociological ElementsPhysical Elements.

Physiological Elements

Cognitive ElementsAffective ElementsConceptualUnderstandingSource:http://www.slideshare.net/childrensministry/learning-styles?from_search=1

Cognitive ElementsBrain DominanceConceptual TempoMind stylesPsychological DifferentiationModalityMultiple Intelligences

Physiological Elements

Cognitive ElementsAffective ElementsConceptualUnderstanding


Brain DominanceWhat is the way in which the brain analyzes information?AnalyticalGlobal IntegratedConceptual TempoImpulsiveReflexive

MindstylesConcrete SequentialAbstrate Random


Psychological DifferentiationModalityMultiple IntelligencesVisualAuditoryTactileKinestheticField DependenceField IndependenceSource:http://www.slideshare.net/childrensministry/learning-styles?from_search=1


Affective ElementsAffective elements are the motivational forces within a learner typically viewed as stimulating and guiding behavior.Conceptual LevelPsychological Types

Physiological Elements

Cognitive ElementsAffective ElementsConceptualUnderstandingSource:http://www.slideshare.net/childrensministry/learning-styles?from_search=1

Conceptual LevelHighThese students are more independent. They enjoy individual projects, problem solving, and a choice of assignments.LowThese see environment as fixed and rigid. They are not able to look at alternative solutions to problems.


Psychological TypesThinkerThese learners are more objective and reason logically their decisions.SensorThese learners relate best to the real world and concrete experiences.FeelerThese learners make decisions based more on their emotions and insight than reason.IntuitorThese learners relate to the world through intuition. They are more global and more apt to dislike detailed work.


The Theory ofMultiple Intelligencesthe ability to create an effective product or offer a service that is valued in a culture;

a set of skills that make it possible for a person to solve problems in life;

the potential for finding or creating solutions for problems, which involves gathering new knowledgeFor Gardner, intelligence is:Source:http://www.pbs.org/wnet/gperf/education/ed_mi_overview.html







Multiple Intelligences












Acero, Victoria, et.al. (2000). Principles and Strategies of Teaching. Rex Bookstore Publishing. Manila, Philippines

Acero, Victorina, et.al. (2004). Human Growth, Development, and Learning..Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila, Philippines.childrensministry. Learning Styles. Retrieved on Saturday 21June 2013 at http://www.slideshare.net/childrensministry/learning-styles?from_search=1

Howard Gardnerss Multipple Intelligence. Retrieved last June 30, 2013 Sunday fromhttp://www.pbs.org/wnet/gperf/education/ed_mi_overview.html

Keesee, Gayla. Learning Theories & the Net Generation. Retrieved on Sat 22 June 2013 athttp://www.slideshare.net/gskeesee/learning-theories-341414?from_search=1

Salandanan, Gloria G.(2009). Methods of Teaching. Lorimar Publishing,Inc., Metro Manila, Philippines

Vera, Veronica. Multiple intelligences. Retrieved last Saturday June 22, 2013 athttp://www.slideshare.net/verovera78/multiple-intelligneces-final?from_search=7
