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LEARNIN HE UNIFORM UNDER DISTRIBUTION – Toward DNF – Ryan ODonnell Microsoft Research January,...

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Page 1: LEARNIN HE UNIFORM UNDER DISTRIBUTION – Toward DNF – Ryan ODonnell Microsoft Research January, 2006.


– – Toward DNFToward DNF – –

Ryan O’Donnell

Microsoft Research

January, 2006

Page 2: LEARNIN HE UNIFORM UNDER DISTRIBUTION – Toward DNF – Ryan ODonnell Microsoft Research January, 2006.

Re: How to make $1000!

A Grand of George W.’s:

A Hundred Hamiltons:

A Cool Cleveland:

Page 3: LEARNIN HE UNIFORM UNDER DISTRIBUTION – Toward DNF – Ryan ODonnell Microsoft Research January, 2006.

The “junta” learning problem

f : {−1,+1}n ! {−1,+1} is an unknown Boolean function.

f depends on only k ¿ n bits.

May generate “examples”, h x, f(x) i,

where x is generated uniformly at random.

Task: Identify the k relevant variables.

, Identify f exactly.

, Identify one relevant variable.


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Run time efficiency

Information theoretically:


Naive algorithm: Time nk.

Best known algorithm: Time = n .704 k

[Mossel-O-Servedio ’04]

Need only ¼ 2k log n examples.

Seem to need n(k) time steps.

Page 5: LEARNIN HE UNIFORM UNDER DISTRIBUTION – Toward DNF – Ryan ODonnell Microsoft Research January, 2006.

How to get the money

Learning log n-juntas in poly(n) time gets you $1000.

Learning log log n-juntas in poly(n) time gets you $1000.

Learning n(1)-juntas in poly(n) time gets you $200.

The case k = log n is a subproblem of the problem of

“Learning polynomial-size DNF under the uniform distribution.”


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Time: n

Algorithmic attempts

• For each xi, measure empirical ‘correlation’ with f(x): E[ f(x) xi ].

Different from 0 ) xi must be relevant.

Converse false: xi can be influential but uncorrelated.

(e.g., k = 4, f = “exactly 2 out of 4 bits are +1”)

• Try measuring f ’s correlation with pairs of variables: E[ f(x) xi xj ].

Different from 0 ) both xi and xj must be relevant.

Still might not work. (e.g., k ¸ 3, f = “parity on k bits”)

• So try measuring correlation with all triples of variables…Time: n2Time: n3

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A result

In time nd, you can check correlation with all d-bit functions.

What kind of Boolean functions on k bits could be uncorrelated with all

functions on d or fewer bits??

[Mossel-O-Servedio ’04]:

• Proves structure theorem about such functions.

(They must be expressible as parities of ANDs of small size.)

• Can apply a parity-learning algorithm in that case.

• End result: An algorithm running in time

(Well, parities on > d bits, e.g.…)

Uniform-distribution learning results often

implied by structural results about Boolean functions.


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PAC Learning

PAC Learning:

There is an unknown f : {−1,+1}n ! {−1,+1}.

Algorithm gets i.i.d. “examples”,

h x, f(x) i

Task: “Learn.” Given , find a “hypothesis”

function h which is (w.h.p.) -close to f.

Goal: Running-time efficiency.

CIRCUITS OF THE MINDunknown dist. Uniform Distribution

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Running-time efficiency

The more “complex” f is, the more time it’s fair to allow.

Fix some measure of “complexity” or “size”, s = s( f ).

Goal: run in time poly(n, 1/, s).

Often focus on fixing s = poly(n), learning in poly(n) time.

e.g., size of smallest DNF


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The “junta” problem

Fits into the formulation (slightly strangely):

• is fixed to 0. (Equivalently, 2−k.)

• Measure of “size” is 2(# of relevant variables). s = 2k.

[Mossel-O-Servedio ’04] had running time essentially

Even under this extremely conservative notion of “size”, we don’t

know how to learn in poly(n) time for s = poly(n).

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complexity measure s fastest known algorithm

DNF size nO(log s) [V ’90]

2(# of relevant variables) n.704 log2s [MOS ’04]

depth d circuit size nO(logd-1 s) [LMN ’93, H ’02]

Assuming factoring is hard, nlog(d) s time is necessary.

Even with “queries”.

[K ’93]

Decision Tree size nO(log s) [EH ’89]

Any algorithm that works in the “Statistical Query” model requires time nk.

[BF ’02]

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What to do?

1. Give Learner extra help:

• “Queries”: Learner can ask for f(x) for any x.

) Can learn DNF in time poly(n, s). [Jackson ’94]

• “More structured data”:

• Examples are not i.i.d., are generated by a standard random walk.

• Examples come in pairs, hx, f(x)i, hx', f(x')i, where x, x' share a > ½ fraction of coordinates.

) Can learn DNF in time poly(n, s). [Bshouty-Mossel-O-Servedio ’05]

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What to do? (rest of the talk)

2. Give up on trying to learn all functions.

• Rest of the talk: Focus on just learn monotone functions.

• f is monotone , changing a −1 to a +1 in the input can only make f go from −1 to +1, not the reverse

• Long history in PAC learning [HM’91, KLV’94, KMP ’94, B’95, BT’96, BCL’98, V’98, SM’00, S’04, JS’05...]

• f has DNF size s and is monotone ) f has a size s monotone DNF:

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Why does monotonicity help?

1. More structured.

2. You can identify relevant variables.

Fact: If f is monotone, then f depends on xi

iff it has correlation with xi; i.e., E[ f(x) xi] 0.

Proof: If f is monotone, its variables have only nonnegative


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complexity measure s fastest known algorithm

DNF size poly(n, slog s) [Servedio ’04]

2(# of relevant variables) poly(n, 2k) = poly(n, s)

depth d circuit size

Decision Tree size poly(n, s) [O-Servedio ’06]

Monotone case

any function

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Learning Decision Trees

Non-monotone (general) case:

Structural result:

Every size s decision tree (# of leaves = s)

is -close to a decision tree with depth

d := log2(s/).

Proof: Truncate to depth d.

Probability any input would use a longer path is · 2−d = /s.

There are at most s such paths.

Use the union bound.


x5 x1

x1 x5 x4

−1 +1 1 +1 −1



+1 −1

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Learning Decision Trees

Structural result:

Any depth d decision tree can be expressed as a degree d

(multilinear) polynomial over R.

Proof: Given a path in the tree, e.g.,

“x1 = +1, x3 = −1, x6 = +1, output +1”,

there is a degree d expression in the variables which is:

0 if the path is not followed, path-output if the path is followed.

Now just add these.

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Learning Decision Trees

Cor: Every size s decision tree is -close to a degree log(s/)

multilinear polynomial.

Least-squares polynomial regression (“Low Degree Algorithm”)

• Draw a bunch of data.

• Try to fit it to degree d multilinear polynomial over R.

• Minimizing L2 error is a linear least-squares problem over nd many

variables (the unknown coefficients).

) learn size s DTs in time poly(nd) = poly(nlog s).

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Learning monotone Decision Trees

[O-Servedio ’0?]:

1. Structural theorem on DTs: For any size s decision tree (not nec.

monotone), the sum of the n degree 1 correlations is at most

2. Easy fact we’ve seen: For monotone functions,

variable correlations = variable “influence”.

3. Theorem of [Friedgut ’96]: If the “total influence” of f is at most t,

then f essentially has at most 2O(t) relevant variables.

4. Folklore “Fourier analysis” fact: If the total influence of f is at most

t, then f is close to a degree-O(t) polynomial.

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Learning monotone Decision Trees

Conclusion: If f is monotone and has a size s decision tree, then it has

essentially only relevant variable and essentially only



• Identify the essentially relevant variables (by correlation


• Run the Polynomial Regression algorithm up to degree ,

but only using those relevant variables.

Total time:

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Open problem

Learn monotone DNF under uniform in polynomial time!

A source of help: There is a poly-time algorithm for learning almost all

randomly chosen monotone DNF of size up to n3.

[Servedio-Jackson ’05]

Structured monotone DNF – monotone DTs – are efficiently learnable.

“Typical-looking” monotone DNF are efficiently learnable (at least

up to size n3). So… all monotone DTs are efficiently learnable?

I think this problem is great because it is:

a) Possibly tractable. b) Possibly true.

c) Interesting to complexity theory people.

d) Would close the book on learning monotone fcns under uniform!
