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Learning as a creative professional

Date post: 01-Nov-2014
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Boutique product development company It is amazing what you can accomplish when you have a client-centric team to deliver outstanding products.
Page 1: Learning as a creative professional

Boutique product development company It is amazing what you can accomplish when you have a client-centric team to deliver outstanding products.

Page 2: Learning as a creative professional

Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

The blogs, the teachers, the mentors, the seminars aren’t the answer.

They’re not there to tell you exactly what you need to know. If they’re good,

then they are there to give you some ideas, some guidelines, or some rules

to learn and subsequently break. This isn’t about the expert, it’s about you.

In creative pursuits especially…what’s going on inside you is where the

answers can be found. Hear what experts say, but don’t always listen to


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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Clients cannot tell you what they need

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

Clients hire you because they have a problem. They need a great visual

representation of something, a solution. They think they know the best way

to photograph something, but they don’t really. That’s why they hire you.

Take their suggestions to heart, because they definitely know their brand,

product, their vision–perhaps even shoot a few versions of the images they

THINK they want to see first–but then go nuts with own vision. Add value.

Show them something they didn’t expect. Don’t be a monkey with a finger.

Remember why you got hired…that YOU are the badass image maker. If

you are good enough to get selected for the job, you should be good

enough to drive the photographic vision.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Don’t Aim For ‘Better’, Aim For ‘Different’

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

It’s funny how related “better” and “different” are. If you aim for ‘better’

that usually means you’re walking in the footsteps of someone else.

There will often be someone better than you, someone making those

footsteps you’re following… But if you target being different–thinking in

new ways, creating new things–then you are blazing your own trail. And

in blazing your own trail, making your own footprints, you are far more

likely to find yourself being ‘better’ without even trying. Better becomes

easy because it’s really just different. You can’t stand out from the

crowd by just being better. You have to be different.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Big challenges create the best work

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

If you get assignments that are pushing your vision, your skills, then

awesome. Kudos to you, keep getting those assignments. If you’re not

getting those assignments, then you need to be self-assigning that

challenging work. Give yourself tough deadlines and tougher creative

challenges. You do your best work where there is a challenge that is clearly

present and 10 feet taller than you think you can handle.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Aesthetic sensibilities actually matter

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

Go figure on this one… I’m constantly surprised as how much this is

overlooked. Read this and believe it: You must develop a keen

understanding of design, color, light, and composition. To just say “I know a

picture when I like it” isn’t going to get you anywhere. You need to know –

for your own sake as well as the sake of your clients who will ask you–

WHY a photo is a great photo. WHY is this one better than that one. If you

don’t have any visual vocabulary, opinion, or aesthetic sensibility you won’t

be able to explain these things. You won’t get the job. Or if you do get the

job, you won’t be able to explain why your designs are worth getting hired

again by the same client for the next campaign, story, or video. Trust me on

this. Develop a sense of visual taste.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Simple is good

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

Almost every photo that is bad has too much information. Outside of

technical basics, the number one reason that most photos fail is

because there is no clear subject. Often this is the case with design,

film, fashion, you name it. Remove clutter, remove distraction. Tell one

story, and tell it well.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Make mistakes, learn quickly

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

Simply put, you need to be able to learn from your mistakes. Avoiding

failure is not the goal. The goal is recovering from mistakes quickly. That

goes for ever element of your photography–creative, business, vision…you

name it. If you’re not willing to make mistakes, you’ll be paralyzed with

inaction. That is the devil. Get out there and do stuff. If it works, do more of

it. If it doesn’t work, change it. Quickly.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

“Value” is Different From “Price.”

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

Don’t compete on price alone. That is certain death in any

creative field. Focus on delivering value and price yourself

accordingly. If you deliver great value with your designs —

better than expected, and better than your competition– and

you can illustrate that through any means, then you should be

more expensive. And remember that value comes in many


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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Real artists create

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

Do you just sit around and think of stuff you could create, photograph,

build, ship, or design, but never output anything? Then you’re a

poser. Take a new approach and make stuff. Maybe what comes out

of your studio isn’t perfect, but there should always stuff leaving the

door and hitting the web, the page, the billboard, the gallery, or the

street. If you are for real, you’ll be pumping out work on the regular.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

You Are Not the First

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

There are very few ‘firsts’ these days. Countless others have started


Doing jobs, freelanced and requested internships. It can be done.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

There is always someone better

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

Regardless of how good you are, there will always be someone better.

It’s surprisingly easy to waste time worrying about this.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

You cannot score without a goal

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

If you don’t know what you want, then how can you pursue it?

Having a goal defines an end point, and subsequently, a place to start.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

The path to work is easier than you think

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist


To get into the industry you need just three things: great work,

energy and a nice personality. Many forget the last attribute.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Starting Anything Requires Energy

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

It takes more energy to start than it does to stop.

This is true for physics, your career, and that idea you need to work on.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Time is Precious, Get to the Point

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

Avoid plentiful humour or gimmicks when contacting studios for work,

they’ve seen it all before. Get to the point, they’ll be thankful.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Have a Positive Self-Image

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

Your self-perception is your most important asset.

See yourself as the person you want to be and others will see this too.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Create a Clean and Simple Website

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

An online portfolio is the alpha and omega of your career.

With a wealth of web services, there’s no excuse for not having a website.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Accurate your work

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

Never stop editing your portfolio. Three strong pieces are better

than ten weak ones – nobody looks for quantity, just quality.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Ask Questions

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

Assume nothing. Ask questions, even if you think you know the


You’ll be surprised at how little you know.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Listen to your instincts

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

If your work doesn’t excite you, then it won’t excite anyone else.

It’s hard to fake passion for mediocre work – scrap it.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Ask for opportunities

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

It will feel cheeky, but ask for things. Ask to be included in exhibitions,

magazines, pitches – if you don’t ask, you can’t get.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Seek Criticism, Not Praise

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

You learn nothing by being told how great you are.

Even if you think your work’s perfect – seek criticism, you can always

ignore it.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Make Friends, Not Enemies

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

The creative industry is a small world: it’s a network where everyone knows

everyone else. Remember this before pissing someone off.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Dress Smart, Look Business Like

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

Take your work seriously? Then take your appearance seriously.

Clients are more likely to deal with people who look like they care

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Never Work For Free

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

Working for free not only devalues the profession,

but it makes you look weak. Even a ‘nice’ client will take advantage of this.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

There’s No Such Thing as a Bad Job

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

Always push yourself to do your best. Logically,

there’s no way you can be dissatisfied with ‘having done your best’

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

The environment is not a limitation

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

The environmental impact of your work isn’t a fashionable consideration

— as a creative, it’s your most important consideration.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Boring problems lead to boring solutions

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

Always interrogate your brief: re-define the question.

No two briefs should be the same; a unique problem leads to a unique


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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

New Ideas Are Always ‘Stupid’

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

New ideas are conceived with no context and no measures of success –

this falsely makes them feel silly, awkward or even impossible.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Show Sketches, Not Polished Ideas

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

Clients often mistake ‘rough’ digital work for the final design.

Show sketches for as long as you can, it makes them feel involved.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Work With Clients, Not Against Them

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

You may think you’re right, but look at the client’s solution

along with yours. Occasionally you’ll be surprised.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Don’t Always Take No For an Answer

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

Fight for superior solutions. Demonstrate your thinking to your client,

take them through it – it’s hard to argue with logic.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Pick Your Battles

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

The creative industry is often irritating, but not every argument

is an argument that needs to be had. This takes time to learn.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Take Responsibility For Failure

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

If a job’s going wrong take responsibility. It feels counter-intuitive,

but responsibility means you can do something about it.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Share Your Ideas

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

You’ve nothing to gain from holding on to your ideas; they may feel

precious, but the more you share, the more new ideas you’ll have.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Get out of the studio

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

Good design is crafted from understanding the relationships between


These connections can’t be found when locked in a studio.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Awards Are Nice, But Not Vital

Tanveer Alam | UX Specialist

Awards look good on the shelf, but clients seldom pick up

the phone because of them. Solid work encourages that.

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Things Every Creative Person Should Know

Don’t take yourself too seriously

Tanveer Alam | Senior web designer

Take your work seriously, take the business of your craft seriously,

but don’t take yourself seriously. People who do are laughed at.
