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Learning Communities in Smart Cities

Date post: 12-Jul-2015
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Learning Communi-es in Smart Ci-es Case Studies Dr. Diana Andone Carmen Holotescu Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania Dr. Gabriela Grosseck West University Timisoara ICWOAL, Dubai 2014
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Learning  Communi-es  in  Smart  Ci-es  -­‐  Case  Studies  

Dr. Diana Andone Carmen Holotescu

Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania

Dr. Gabriela Grosseck West University Timisoara


ICWOAL,  Dubai  2014  

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Urban  Popula9on  Urban  popula9on  by  2030:  5  billions  


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Source:  hDp://awsassets.panda.org/downloads/1_lpr_2012_online_full_size_single_pages_final_120516.pdf  

In  Europe  alone  80%  of  the  popula9on  lives  in  ci9es  and  urbaniza9on  is  accelera9ng    

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“the  city  is  a  core  paradigm  for  the  mankind,  where  trade,  technology,  art  and  culture  converge  in  designing  and  building  the  

solu9ons  to  the  civiliza9on  risks”  TopeDa  

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 Smart  Ci9es  are  “complex  ecosystems  supported  by  technological  infrastructures  transforming  ci9zen  

engagement,  learning  and  par9cipa9on”  (United  Na9ons,  Department  of  Economic  and  Social  Affairs.  Popula9on  Division,  2012.  World  

Urbaniza9on  Prospects,  the  2011  Revision,  New  York)    

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Learning  Communi-es  in  Smart  Ci-es  framework  


The  Smart  Ci9es  Wheel  developed  by  Cohen    

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Learning  Communi-es  in  Smart  Ci-es  framework  

competencies  to  be  developed/improved    

type  of  learning  ac1vi1es:  formal  or  informal,  individual  or  collabora9ve  

learners:  individuals,  groups,  diversity  in  age,  gender,  background  

technologies:  mobile,  integrated/distributed  learning  environments,  Social  Media,    Augmented  Reality,  OERs,  MOOCs  

enablers  /  community  moderators:  municipality,  universi9es,  ins9tu9ons,  companies,    NGOs  

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Teachers' Aids on Creating Content for Learning Environments 517726-­‐LLP-­‐1-­‐2011-­‐1-­‐BE-­‐COMENIUS-­‐CMP  (2011-­‐2014)  

TACCLE2 - platform for Civic Attitude


promotes  engaging  ac9vi9es,  methods  and  strategies  of  

 Urban  Pedagogy

link  students  and  staff  in  debate  about  what  schools  and  pupils/

teachers  can  do  to  help  transform  

their  own  city  into  a  Learning  City  

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TACCLE2 offers in 5 curricular areas (primary, STEM, humanities, core skillsand performing arts)  

• Teachers:  a  box  of  web  2.0  /  ICT  tools  to  help  community  grow,  to  mo9vate  students  to  par9cipate  in  local  ac9vi9es  

• Youngsters:  to  involved  as  ac9ve  ci9zens  of  the  city,  to  par9cipate  at  urban  development  

• Schools:    to  open  up  the  minds  and  understanding  of  what  a  healthy  city  means,  in  order  to  improve  quality  of  their  lives  

• Educa-onal  Stakeholders  such  as  universi9es  to  learn  pedagogy  students  how  to  use  such  ac9vi9es  in  the  classrooms,  adult  educa9on  ins9tu9ons  to  train  informally  other  persons  interested  in  raising  learning  ci9es    

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Ac-ve  Theater  –  The  Na-onal  Theatre  „Mihai  Eminescu”  Timisoara  

A  shocking  show  about  differences,  acceptance  and  love!  The  Roosevelt  Square  Premiere,  on  Sunday,  at  7pm.  We  are  wai9ng  for  you.    

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 A  mobile  group  on  a  microblogging  plaJorm  -­‐                cirip.ro/pro/teatrutm  

Informa(on:  • newsleNer  TNTimisoara.com  • Realitatea  TV  Timisoara  debates  • publicity  in  presa,        on  micro/blogs  /  networks  • outdoor  publicity   Join:  • online  • SMS  • contacts  impor-ng  


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interac-ons:  online,  SMS,  mobile  –  news,  feedback,  ideas  

messages:  text,  images,  audio,  (live)  video,  presenta-ons,  files  

livestreaming  for  plaJorm  members,  schools,  student  theatre  companies  

 widget,  export  notes  on  blog,  wall  display  

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 Live  wall  display  

 Event  in  December:    AYer  20  years  

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The Use of eLearning for an Age Friendly City (TAFCITY)

•  7 partner countries: Spain, the United Kingdom, Hungary, Portugal, Slovenia, Belgium and Romania

•  “ The Age Friendly City” in partner cities and municipalities

•  http://tafcity.eu/

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Age people and the use of Technology


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Digital students & Technology

PewInternet Research, 2012

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65+ generation •  Adequate access to online information is

becoming a basic prerequisite •  governmental authorities hold information and

communicate mainly using Internet

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65+ generation important barriers to older people adopting digital technologies (Active Ageing, 2010): • Lack of home access to the internet: • Low awareness of what technology can offer: • Inappropriate design:

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Tafcity  course  on  ViCaDiS  Outdoor  spaces  and  buildings,  transporta9on  and  housing  Respect,  social  inclusion  and  par9cipa9on  Community  and  health  services,  employment,  communica9on  and  informa9on    6  course  online  in  6  different  languages,  254  par9cipants  from  community  sector,  46  course  materials  units,  21  videos,  6  forums,  12  blogs,  9  ques9onnaires      

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Tafcity  course  on  ViCaDiS  Face-­‐to-­‐Face  course  on  using  technology  and  Internet  for  65+  ci9zens  Intergenera9onal  ac9vi9es      Impact  –  assessment  ajer  1  year  –  all  par9cipants  are  ac9vely  online    

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EU  acts  for  the  “Smart  Ci-es  and  Communi-es  Ini-a-ve”  under  the  umbrella  of  the  Horizon  2020  programme  (H2020-­‐SCC-­‐2014/2015)  

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Augmented  Reality  Mobile  app  –  Timisoara  Mobile  (Vert,  Vasiu  2014)  

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Open  Government  partnership  •  first  city  in  Romania  –  and,  un9l  now,  the  only  one  –  to  publish  an  open  government  dataset  on  the  na9onal  OD  portal  in  2014    

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Timisoara:  Open  Data  Landscape    

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Timisoara  street  names  –  open  data  app  

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HACKTM  2014  the  largest  hackathon  in  Central  and  East  Europe  17-­‐19  October  2014,  more  then  450  persons,  StartUpHub    

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HACKTM  2014  Smart  City  Sec9on    development  of  11  applica9ons  as:  My  market,  City  Alerts,  City  POI,  City  Events,  Where’s  the  party,  Home  File,  EduQuiz,  EduSMART,  Cash  a  cab,  City  Solu9ons  

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NETTIES  2015  (13th  Interna-onal  Conference  on  

Networking  En--es)  5  –  8  March  2015  Tenerife,  SPAIN  

Digital  Society  and  Smart  Ci-es  The  impact  of  Open  Data  and  Big  Data  

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Dr.eng.  Diana  Andone  Director  e-­‐Learning  Center  Email:  [email protected]  Web:      Elearning.upt.ro    


UPT  –  CeL    Campus  Virtual        www.cv.upt.ro  

@diando70 @cami13 @ggrosseck

