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Lec 13 a Graphology

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  • 8/18/2019 Lec 13 a Graphology



    “Hand Writing Analysis”

    Presented By:

    Umbreen Gul Abro


  • 8/18/2019 Lec 13 a Graphology


    What is Graphology?• Graphology is the study of Handritings to identify the

    !hara!teristi!s and the moti"e of the people and it is used insupport of re!ruitment and sele!tion

    #Gareth $obert%

    • Graphology& or Handriting analysis& is the s!ien!e thatin"ol"es e'amination of !hara!teristi!s& beha"ior and stro(eof an indi"idual)s handriting to produ!e a personalityprofile of the riter*

    +ariam ,ebster -i!tionary 

    • .he study of handriting& esp* as a !lue to !hara!ter&aptitudes&

    # Ameri!an Heritage -i!tionary 4%

  • 8/18/2019 Lec 13 a Graphology


    Brief History

    • 100-1000AD

    • /hinese 0mperors and /ourts used graphology to

    !hose their Priests Politi!ians and ambassador

    • 1600

    • Graphology dates ba!( to the early 1233)s Professor

    of Philosophy and +edi!ine Bologna Uni"ersity taly 

    • .oday is highly useful in $e!ruitment and 6ele!tiona!ti"ities

  • 8/18/2019 Lec 13 a Graphology


    Uses of Graphology• It can help in

    • 0mployee sele!tion and promotion

    • /areer guidan!e

    • +arriage !ompatibility 

    • hidden talents and un(non ea(nesses

    • 7raud in"estigation

    • -o!ument forgery !ases

    • 6ui!ide notes et!

  • 8/18/2019 Lec 13 a Graphology


    What Graphology can Identify?

    •  Among many !hara!teristi!s identify throughhandriting analysis some are:

    •  Ability to or( ith others• /larity of thin(ing

    • -edu!ti"e thin(ing

    • eadership ability 

    •  9ersatility of ideas• +ental ability and !reati"e riting

    • /reati"ity 

    • -ishonesty and hypo!risy 

    • $eliability 

    • 6tubbornness

  • 8/18/2019 Lec 13 a Graphology


    How it works?

    • ur brain guides ourhand and e"erything puton paper is a result of ato;ay !ir!uit beteenour brain and the ner"e*

    • ets see ho it !an beobser"ed

  • 8/18/2019 Lec 13 a Graphology


    Pressure he Writer Uses

    • 6tudy tells& that the pressure ofhandriting indi!ates a riter

  • 8/18/2019 Lec 13 a Graphology


    The Slant

    • Ho one intera!ts ith other peoplein daily life

    • $ight slant

    • ittle more e'tro"ert nature•  ,riter lo"es intera!ting ith other

    • 7riendly and outgoing*

    • ittle to no slant >"erti!al?

    • .hat person is more pra!ti!al in hisapproa!h

    •  Applies logi! to ma(e de!isions*0motions are not playing asignifi!ant role in life*

  • 8/18/2019 Lec 13 a Graphology


    !ont"• eft slant

    • Prefer to sit ba!(

    •  ,at!h life as it unfolds around them*• $eser"ed*

    • Une'pe!ted !hanges in their beha"ior*

    •  $arely e'presses his feelings

    • -ifferent 6lants in one riting

    • f the handriting slants in alldifferent dire!tions@** the riter

    may be really stressed*

  • 8/18/2019 Lec 13 a Graphology


    Size of Letters.he sie of the riting& highlights

    indi"idual)s ability to !on!entrate*

    •  arge riting

    •   s an indi!ator of easily distra!tible


    • 6mall ritings

    • +eans he=she is li(ely "ery detailoriented*

    •   .hey fa!e no problems hile!on!entrating on a tas(*

    • ormal sie

    •   ndi!ates an a"erage ability to


  • 8/18/2019 Lec 13 a Graphology


    General Shape of Letters

    • /ir!ular handriting

    •  ndi!ates a highly emotional nature*

    •  Angular handriting•   ,ith sharp points indi!ates aggressi"eness& dire!tness& and

    high energy&

    • 6Cuare handriting

    •  ndi!ates a real orld& pra!ti!al based approa!h*

    • ntuiti"eness !an be seen in handriting by the brea(s gi"en beteen letters*

  • 8/18/2019 Lec 13 a Graphology


    •  Advantages

    • $eliable

    • .ime 6a"ing

    • /ost 0ffi!ient

    •  9ersatile


    •  ,hy effe!ts

    • /ausality information >gender&

    religion& ra!e& !olor& !reed& age&


    • /ontrolled itting

    • Physi!al appearan!e

  • 8/18/2019 Lec 13 a Graphology


    Thank you for you Patience
