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Lec 3 Scintillators

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  • 7/28/2019 Lec 3 Scintillators


    Pakistan Institute of Engineering & Applied Sciences (PIEAS)

    Course: Radiation Interaction & Detection

    Dr. Nasir M Mirza

    Deputy Chief Scientist,

    Room # A114,

    Department of Physics & Applied mathematics,

    PIEAS, P.O. Nilore, 45650, Islamabad.

    Email: [email protected]

    Ph: 092 51 9290273 (ext: 3059)

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/28/2019 Lec 3 Scintillators


    Scintillation Detector

    Lecture One:

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    Text Books for the Course:

    1. Glenn F Knoll s Radiation Detection & Measurement (recentedition) (this shall be the main text for the course).

    2. W.J. Prices Nuclear Radiation detection, McGraw Hill BookCompany.

    By: Dr. Nasir M Mirza

    Office: Block A (Room Number, A -144)

    Office Phone: extension, 3059Email: [email protected]

    Scintillation Detector

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/28/2019 Lec 3 Scintillators




    Flash of light (Visible)

    From radiation detection point of view---flash of light

    produced from excited atoms as a result of radiationinteraction


    Usually occurs at low temperatures and is thus a form

    of cold body radiation.

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    Detection of ionization radiation by scintillation light

    produced in a material is one of the oldest technique

    on record (for example ZnS screens were used

    initially as detectors);

    Common scintillation materials include NaI(Tl),

    CsI(Tl), CsI(Na), Li(Eu), ZnS, Ca2F, BaF2, glass-

    Scintillators, and plastic Scintillators;

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    Scintillation (Contd.)

    One of the earliest means of measuring radiation

    Rutherford experiments (alpha particle scattering)

    used zinc sulphide crystals as the primary detector of


    Used his eye to see the flickers when alpha struck

    zinc sulphide

    Now-a-days Photo-Multiplier-Tube (PMT) is used;

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    Photo-Emissive Processes

    Fluorescence: A luminescence that is mostly foundas an optical phenomenon in cold bodies, in whichthe molecular absorption of a photon triggers theemission of another photon with a longer wavelength.

    Phosphorescence: A delayed luminescence, that is, aluminescence that persists after removal of theexciting source. It is sometimes called afterglow.Corresponds to light of longer wavelength than

    fluorescence Delayed Florescence: Delayed emission than

    fluorescence & Light of equal wavelength tofluorescence

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    Properties of Good Scintillator

    It should convert the Kinetic Energy (K.E.) ofcharged particles into detectable light with a high

    scintillation efficiency;

    This conversion should be linear the light yieldshould be proportional to deposited energy over as

    wide range as possible;

    The medium should be transparent to the wavelength

    of its own emission for good light collection;

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    Properties of Good Scintillator (Contd.)

    The decay time of the induced luminescence shouldbe short so that fast signal pulses can be generated;

    The material should be of good optical quality and

    subject to manufacture in sizes large enough to be ofinterest as a practical detector;

    Its index of refraction should be near that of glass (n

    ~ 1.5) to permit efficient coupling of the scintillation

    light to a PMT or other light sensor

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    Properties of Good Scintillator (Contd.)

    No material simultaneously meets all these criteria----the choice is a compromise

    Most widely applied scintillator are

    Inorganic Alkali Halides

    Organic based Liquids

    and Plastics

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    Properties of Good Scintillator (Contd.)

    Property InorganicScintillator

    Organic Scintillator

    Light Output yield more Less

    Light emission


    Slow fast

    ZNumber high Low

    Radiation spectroscopy Gamma rays Beta and neutrons

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    Mode of Operation of Scintillator Detectors

    Mostly used in pulse mode

    Advantages of using in pulse mode are:

    Setting small time constant can eliminate the

    unwanted phosphorescence and delayed


    Current mode scintillator detectors used where

    radiation intensity changes rapidly and will sufferfrom after glow effects if long lived decay

    components are significant

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    Organic Scintillators

    Fluorescence in organics is due to transitions in the energy

    levels of a single molecule

    And it is independent of physical state of the organic

    scintillation material

    Example is Anthracene where solid or vapor will do the


    However, inorganic Scintillators (such as NaI(Tl) do need a

    regular crystal structure as a basis to emit scintillations.

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    Organic Scintillators

    Large category of organic

    Scintillators are based on organicmolecules with some symmetryproperties

    and this gives rise to -electronstructure of organic molecules;

    Singlet states (spin 0): S0, S1, S2, ...

    Triplet states (Spin 1): T1, T2, T3, ...

    Energy spacing is generally of theorder of

    S1 - S0 ~ 3 - 4 eV

    S3 - S2< S2 - S1< S1 - S0

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    Organic Scintillators (Contd.)

    Vibrational states of molecules

    S00, S01, S02 ,

    S10, S11, S12

    First subscript is for main energy

    state and second is for vibrational


    S01 - S00 ~ 0.15 eV

    However, the thermal energy is

    0.025 eV which is much smaller

    than 0.15eV so all molecules at

    room temperature are at S00 ground


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    Types of Organic Scintillators

    Pure Organic Crystals

    Liquid Organic Solution

    Plastic Scintillator

    Thin Film Scintillator

    Loaded Organic Scintillator

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    Types of Organic Scintillators (Contd.)

    Pure Organic Crystals


    One of the oldest organic material having highest scintillationefficiency

    Sti lbene

    It has lower scintillation efficiency

    Used for pulse shape discrimination

    Both Materials are fragile and difficult to obtain in larger sizes

    Scintillation efficiency is dependent on orientation of ionizingparticles with respect to crystal axis (20-30% directionalvariation) which spoil energy resolution

    They get damaged by exposure to radiation

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    Types of Organic Scintillators (Contd.)

    Liquid Organic Scintillators Binary (Solvent + Scintillator)

    Tertiary (Solvent + Scintillator + Wave-Shifter)

    Commercially available in sealed glass containers

    Detectors of any size, shape and cost can be made

    Sometimes radioactive material is dissolved in L.S.

    and counted with 100% efficiency (C14, H3 etc.)

    Problems with L.S.-------if there is dissolved O2 then

    there is quenching problem (so containers in which

    L.S. is to be kept should be purged from O2)

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    Types of Organic Scintillators (Contd.)

    Plastic Scintillators Organic scintillator dissolved in solvent is


    Large volume solid Scintillators of low cost can be

    made, but large size may cause some problem ofattenuation of light

    Available as rods, sheets, cylinders etc.

    Small size solid Scintillators---available as single

    fiber, group of fibers----as bundles, ribbons etc.

    Radiation damage may cause decrease in lightoutput or decrease in the light transmission

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    Types of Organic Scintillators (Contd.)

    Thin Film Scintillator Films ~ 20 g/cm2 or 10 m can be prepared

    Can be used for particles of lowest range (heavy ions)

    They act as transmission detectors

    Applied in fast timing measurements

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    Types of Organic Scintillators (Contd.)

    Loaded Organic Scintillators Organic Scintillators are generally used for the

    detection of alpha, beta and fast neutrons

    For gamma rays detections, high Z materials areadded

    By adding high Z material, photo peak efficiency canbe made relatively high, fast response can beattained and also they are of low cost as compared toconventional gamma ray scitillators

    But, light output is reduced and resolution is degraded

    For detection of neutrons, high neutron cross sectionmaterials (Boron, Lithium, Gadolinium) are added

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    NaI(Tl) Scintillator

    Pure Crystal NaI

    Interaction of radiation results in

    UV photons

    It can operate at liquid nitrogen


    Activated Crystal NaI(Tl)

    Small amount (~ 10-3 mole

    fraction) of Thallium is added as

    an activator in high purity NaI;

    Interaction of radiation------visible photons are emitted;

    Operate at room temperature;

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    NaI(Tl) Scintillator (Contd.)


    Large ingots can be grown from high purity sodium iodide

    Can be machined into different shapes and sizes

    Scintillators of usual size or shape can also be fabricated bypressing small crystallites together

    Excellent light yield

    Small non-proportionality of scintillation response with depositedelectron energy. The departure from proportionality is mostpronounced at low energies

    Crystal is fragile----can easily be damaged by mechanical orthermal shocks

    Hygroscopic---deteriorate due to water absorption (thereforecanned in air tight containers for normal use);

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    NaI(Tl) Scintillator (Contd.)

    Decay time of scintillation pulse is 230 ns which is long for

    fast timing or high counting rate applications

    Phosphorescence with 0.15 s decay time which contribute9% of overall light yield

    High Temperature Operation

    Scintillation yield is dropped with increasing temperature,results in poor energy resolution

    Decay time decreases with increase in temperature, givefaster response at higher temperatures

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    NaI(Tl) Scintillator (Contd.)

    Radiation Damage Effects

    Reduction of transparency: caused by the creation ofcolor centers that absorb scintillation light

    Interference with processes that give rise to the

    emission of the scintillation light itself Radiation exposures can also induce long-lived light

    emission in the form of phosphorescence that can betroublesome in some measurements

    Radiation damage are often observed to be ratedependent and vary greatly with type of radiationinvolved

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    Introduction of PMT

    This device is used to convert

    weak light signal from scintillator

    (few hundred photons) to a

    corresponding electrical signal

    without adding a large amount of


    Simplified structure of a typical


    Outer envelope is made of

    glass; It sustain vacuumconditions inside the tube

    and serves as pressure


    CrystalPMT Base

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    Introduction of PMT (Contd.)


    Convert light photon to lowenergy electrons calledphotoelectrons

    A few hundred in number

    Charge too small to serveas electrical signal

    Electron Multiplier Section (Dynode)

    Provide an efficient geometryfor photoelectrons

    Serve as an amplifier

    Multiply the electrons 1071010

    electrons per photon Output Stage Anode

    Collect electrons

    Give output voltage pulse

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    Introduction of PMT (Contd.)

    Linear Behavior

    Output pulse remains

    proportional to number of

    original photoelectrons

    Timing Information

    Most of the information of

    original light pulse is retained

    Electrons are produced within

    20 50 ns after light photon

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    The conversion of incident light

    photon into electrons is called


    3 stages of photo-emission process

    1.Absorption of incident photon

    and transfer of energy to an

    electron within the photo

    emissive material

    2.Migration of the electron tosurface of photocathode

    3.Escape of the electron from

    the surface of the cathode

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    Photocathode (Contd.)

    Energy requirements:

    Step 1

    The energy of a scintillationphoton (~ 3 eV) is absorbed

    Step 2

    Some of energy is lost in e ecollisions in migration process.

    Step 3

    The remaining should be greaterthan work function (~ 1.5 2 eV)of the material;

    Min. energy of photon must begreater than the potential barrier

    Surface barrier must be low tomaximize escape electrons;

    Rate of energy loss of migratingelectron must be small tomaximize escape depth;

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    Electron Multiplication (Contd.)

    Multiplication factor

    The overall multiplication factor of asingle dynode is defined as (typical value is 5):





    Then the Overall gain of a PM tube having N stages is

    Where, is fraction of all photoelectrons collected by the multiplier structure

    (typical value is 1) and N is number of stages.

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    Various Configurations

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    Scintillation Detector & PMT
