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Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages

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  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    Introduction to HRM andGaining Competitive


    1By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar04/14/12

  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    After this Lecture what

    we will learn

    04/14/12 By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar 2

    Introduction What is HRM

    Why it is Resource HRM Concept Challenges of HRM Function and role of HR

  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    IntroductionoThe role of Human Resource

    Management is to ensure that acompanys human resources provide acompetitive advantage

    o Human Resource managers should be

    integrally involved in a companysstrategic management process, theyshould:o have input in strategic plan

    o have specific knowledge of strategicgoalso know the employee skills, behaviours

    and attitudes needed to supportstrategic plan

    o develop programs to ensure employees 3By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar04/14/12

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    o HR as Business Partners

    o Organizational Structure in Linewith Business Goals

    o Right Man for the Right Job

    o Specialized Roles

    o Content Workforce

    4By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar04/14/12

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    o Competitiono Global Change

    o Expectations of Stakeholders

    o Access to Technology andInformation

    o Resistance to Change

    o I Can do it all

    5By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar04/14/12

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    o Part of Admin Setup or MereChange of Name

    o Vertical Orgonogram

    o Personnel, ACRo Colonial Policies & Procedures

    o Lack of Organizational


    6By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar04/14/12

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    o Organizational Development

    o Performance Management

    o Career Planning

    o Compensation

    oTraining & Development


    Employee Relationso E- Recruitment

    7By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar04/14/12

  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    Gaining CompetitiveAdvantage

    o Competitiveness refers to acompanys ability to maintain andgain market share in its industry

    o It is related to companyeffectiveness

    o Human Resource Managementrefers to the policies, practices, andsystems that influence employeesbehavior, attitudes, andperformance



  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    What Roles DoHR Departments Perform?



    Change Agent

    Strategic Partner




    9By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar04/14/12

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    How is the HRM FunctionChanging?

    oThe amount of time that the HRMfunction devotes to administrativetasks is decreasing and its roles as astrategic business partner, changeagent, and employee advocate areincreasing

    o In shifting the focus from current

    operations to strategies for thefutureand preparing non-HRmanagers to develop and implementHR practices, HR managers face twoimportant challenges:oSelf-service refers to giving

    10By Muhammad AfaqMazhar


  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    The HRM Profession

    o HR salaries vary depending oneducation and experience as well asthe type of industryoHR specialistsoHR generalistsoCollege degrees are held by the vast

    majority of HRM professionalso

    Professional certification is lesscommon than membership inprofessional associations

    oThe primary professional

    organization for HRM is the Society 11By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar04/14/12

  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    Competitive ChallengesInfluencing HRM


    thatcompaniesnow face willincrease theimportanceof HRMpractices:

    The Global


    The Challenge ofSustainability

    The Technology

    Challenge 12By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar04/14/12

    T S t t

  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    T e Susta na tyChallenge

    o Sustainabilityrefers to the ability of a

    company to survive and succeed in adynamic competitive environmento Stakeholders refers to shareholders, the

    community, customers, and all other

    parties that have an interest in seeingthat the company succeedso Sustainability includes the ability to:

    o deal with economic and social changes,

    o engage in responsible and ethical businesspractices,

    o provide high quality products and services, ando put in place methods to determine if the

    company is meeting stakeholders needs 13By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar04/14/12

    h i bili

  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    The SustainabilityChallenge

    oThe changing structure of the economyo Impact of September 11, 2001oThe competition for labor

    o Skill demands for jobs are changingo

    Knowledge is becoming more valuableo Intellectual capital refers to the creativity,productivity, and service provided byemployees

    o Knowledge workers are employees who

    contribute to the company not through manuallabor but through a specialized body ofknowledge

    o Empowerment means giving employees

    responsibility and authority to make decisionsre ardin all as ects of roduct develo ment14By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar04/14/12

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    The SustainabilityChallenge


    A learning organization embracesa culture of lifelong learning,enabling all employees to continuallyacquire and share knowledge

    oThe psychological contractdescribes what an employee expectsto contribute and what the company

    will provide to the employee forthese contributions

    o Alternative work arrangements

    include independent contractors, on-call workers tem orar workers and15By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar04/14/12

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    The Global Challengeo

    Companies are finding that to survivethey must compete in internationalmarkets

    o Every business must be prepared to

    deal with the global economy. This ismade easier by technology.

    o Offshoringrefers to the exporting ofjobs from developed countries to lessdeveloped countries.

    o Many companies are enteringinternational markets by exporting

    their products overseas, building 16By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar04/14/12

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    The TechnologyChallengeoTechnology has reshaped

    the way we play, plan ourlives, and where we workoThe overall impact of the


    oThe Internet has created a

    new business model e-commerce in whichbusiness transactions andrelationships can be

    conducted electronically

    Th T h l

  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    The TechnologyChallenge

    o Advances in technology have:o changed how and where we work,o resulted in high-performance models of work

    systems,o increased the use of teams to improve customer

    service and product quality,o changed skill requirements,o increased working partnerships,o led to changes in company structure and reporting

    relationships,o increased the availability ofHuman Resource

    Information Systems (HRIS), which are used toacquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, anddistribute HR information,

    o increased the availability ofe-HRM, which is the

    processing and transmission of digitalized 18By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar04/14/12

    M ti C titi

  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    Meeting CompetitiveChallenges Through HRM

    Practiceso HRM practices that helpcompanies deal with thefour competitive

    challenges can begrouped into fourdimensionsoThe human resource

    environmentoAcquiring and preparing

    human resourceso

    Assessment anddevelo ment of human

    M ti C titi

  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    Meeting CompetitiveChallenges Through HRM

    Practiceso Managing internal and external environmentalfactors allows employees to make the greatestpossible contribution to company productivityand competitiveness

    o Customer needs for new products or servicesinfluence the number and type of employeesbusinesses need to be successful

    o Besides interesting work, pay and benefits are

    the most important incentives that companiescan offer employees in exchange forcontributing to productivity, quality, andcustomer service

    o Human resource management practices of

    both managers and the human resource 20By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar04/14/12

  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    Customer Service andQuality Emphasis

    o Total Quality Management (TQM) is acompany-wide effort to continuouslyimprove the ways peoples, machines, andsystems accomplish work

    o Core values of TQM include:o designing methods and processes to

    meet the needs of internal and external

    customerso all employees receive training in qualityo promotion of cooperation with vendors,

    suppliers, and customers

    omanagement gives feedback on 21By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar04/14/12

  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    Changing DemographicsDiversity of the Workforceo Internal labor force is the labor

    force of current employees.o External labor market includes

    persons actively seekingemployment.

    oThe workforce is becoming

    increasingly diverse.oWomenoMinoritiesoDisabled workerso Immigrants form different cities 22By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar04/14/12

    anag ng a verse

  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    anag ng a verseWorkforce

    oTo successfully manage a diverse

    workforce, managers must develop anew set of skills, including:oCommunicating effectively with

    employees from a wide variety of culturalbackgrounds.

    oCoaching and developing employees ofdifferent ages, educational backgrounds,

    ethnicity, physical ability, and race.o Providing performance feedback that is

    based on objective outcomes.

    oCreating a work environment that makes23By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar04/14/12

  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    Legal and Ethical Issues


    Five main areas of the legalenvironment have influenced HRMover the past 25 yearso Equal employment opportunityo Employee safety and healtho Employee pay and benefitso Employee privacy

    oJob securityo Women and minorities still face the

    glass ceiling

    24By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar04/14/12

  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    Legal and Ethical Issues

    o Human resourcemanagers must satisfythree basic standards fortheir practices to beconsidered ethical:o HRM practices must result

    in the greatest good for

    the largest number ofpeople

    o Employment practicesmust respect basic human

    rights of privacy, due

  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    With the continuing trend of BrainDrain in Pakistan, what do you expect

    in the next 15 years? Pros? Cons?

    04/14/12 26By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar

  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    Brain Drain in Pakistan

    With the continuous trend of braindrain in Pakistan, we can expect ashort-term loss to the economy of

    Pakistan and this short-term loss willpersist in the next 15 years if theeconomy of Pakistan does not

    improve but if the economy ofPakistan improves, we can expectthe same people coming back to

    Pakistan with more knowledge and04/14/12 27By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar

  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    How can human resourcemanagers help employees deal

    with work/life issues?

    04/14/12 28By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar

  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    HRM dealing withwork/life issues

    HRM managers have implementedprograms such as flex-time andtelecommuting that allow

    employees to balance both a careerand a family. Benefit packageshave been altered to reflect the

    needs of dual career couples

    04/14/12 29By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar

  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    Labor Supply

    Do We Have a Shortage of SkilledLabor?

    The combination of the small

    population, the already highparticipation rate of women in theworkforce, and early retirements willlead to a significantly smaller futurelabor pool from which employers canhire.

    04/14/12 30By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar

  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    Labor Supply

    Why Do Organizations Lay OffDuring Shortages?

    Downsizing is part of a larger goal

    of balancing staff to meet changingneeds.

    Organizations want more flexibility

    to better respond to change.This is often referred to as

    rightsizing, linking employee needsto organizational strategy.

    04/14/12 31By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar

  • 8/4/2019 Lec One-Introduction to HRM and Gaining Competitive Advantages


    Labor Supply

    How Do Organizations BalanceLabor Supply?

    Organizations are increasingly using

    contingent workers to respond tofluctuating needs for employees.

    Contingent workers include

    Part-time workersTemporary workers

    Contract workers

    04/14/12 32By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar

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    Labor Supply

    Issues Contingent Workers Createfor HRM How to attract quality temporaries

    How to motivate employees who arereceiving less pay and benefits

    How to have them available whenneeded

    How to quickly adapt them to theorganization

    How to deal with potential conflictsbetween core and contingent workers

    04/14/12 33By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar

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    34By Muhammad Afaq Mazhar04/14/12
