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Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1

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  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    UncertaintyLecture 1 Tom Holden

    Intermediate Microeconomics Semester 2


    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    Introduction to Semester 2

    In the second half of the module we relax some of the assumptionsof the perfectly competitive model.

    This leads us to consider the role of government intervention.

    And consider some interesting ways that individuals and firmsrespond to uncertainty and imperfect information.

    As last semester, you will need to be able to solve problems but I alsoexpect you to be able to discuss the implications of the theory for

    real life behaviour and policy.

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics 2

  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    Key info (1/4): Contact details

    Course website: http://micro2.tholden.org/

    Email Me: [email protected]

    Your class tutor, Tina Tse: [email protected]

    Office hours: Thursday, 2 4.

    E-mailing in advance is always helpful.

    Other times may be possible by (e-mail) arrangement.

    Classes: Thursdays (10-11 and 11-12)

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics 3

    http://micro2.tholden.org/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://micro2.tholden.org/
  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    Key info (2/4): Readings

    Main text:

    V = Varian, H. (2006) Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach,Seventh edition, Norton.

    Other editions fine, just use the contents to find the right chapter.


    MKR = Morgan, Katz and Rosen Microeconomics (2nd European edition)McGraw-Hill, 2009.

    Additional exercises:

    Bergstrom and Varian, Workouts in Intermediate Economics

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics 4

  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    Key info (3/4): Draft timetable

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics 5

    Week Date w/c Topic Basic Readings Problem set

    1 4/2 Uncertainty 1 V 12, MKR 6

    2 11/2 Uncertainty 2 + Welfare 1

    3 18/2 Welfare 2 V 33 MKR 12 (esp.

    p.446 onwards)

    1. Uncertainty

    4 25/2 Externalities V 34, MKR 18

    5 4/3 Public goods V 36 MKR 18 2. Welfare and


    6 11/3 Inter-temporal choice V 10, MKR 5 (from


    7 18/3 Multiple Choice Test (10%)

    Asymmetric Information

    V 37 MKR 17 3. Public goods and

    inter-temporal choice

    8 22/4 Asymmetric Information 2

    9 29/4 Auctions V 17 MKR 17 4. Asymmetric


    10 6/5 Short answer test (20%)

    11 13/5 Revision and feedback on test 5. Auctions and


  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    Key info (4/4): Draft assessment plan

    Test 1: 20 question multiple choice.

    60 minutes.

    Worth 10%.

    On material from weeks 1-6.

    Sample test given in week 6.

    Actual test in week 7.

    Test 2: Answer 3 short-answer questions from 6.

    Up to 2 hours. (Should only take around 1.)

    Worth 20%.

    On material from all weeks, but with a focus on the second half of the course.

    Sample test given in week 9.

    Actual test in week 10.

    Exam: 3 sections, equal weights. Section A is multiple choice. (Similar style questions to test 1.)

    Section B is compulsory short answer questions. (Similar style questions to test 2.)

    Section C asks you to answer 1 longer question from 3.

    2 hours.

    Worth 70%.

    On material from all weeks.

    Mock exam given out in week 11.

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics 6

  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1



    As well as mastering the concepts discussed in the lectures, you needto practice the techniques we cover.

    I will cover one or two problems in each lecture as an introduction,but you will need to work on the problem sets before the class.

    Bergstrom and Varians Workouts provide many additional exercises.

    Please let me know if there are any problems, or if anything can bedone to improve the running of the course. Do come to me in thefirst instance.

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics 7

  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1



    Uncertainty is pervasive.

    Many of the choices we make include a element of risk.

    Economic theory can help us to understand the choices made insituations where there is risk.


    Career choices

    Insurance markets



    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    Topic objectives

    To learn the language of expected utility theory.

    To understand risk aversion and risk-seeking.

    To consider examples where EUT provides insights



    To consider the Ellsberg, Allais and St. Petersburg paradoxes.

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1



    Varian, Chapter 12

    Morgan, Katz and Rosen, Chapter 6

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    The St. Petersburg Paradox (1/3)

    How much would you pay to play the following lottery?

    I will repeatedly toss a coin.

    If the first toss comes up tails, you win 2, and the game ends. If the first toss, is heads, we toss again.

    If the second toss is tails you win 4 and the game ends. Otherwise we toss again.

    If the third toss is tails you win 8. And so on (16, 32, 64)

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    The St. Petersburg Paradox (2/3)

    You have a probability of of getting 2.

    You have a probability of


    of getting 4.

    You have a probability of


    of getting



    So your expected return in pounds is

    2 +

    4 +

    8 + = 1 + 1 + 1 + =

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    The St. Petersburg Paradox (3/3)

    So, lets play this game for real.

    One slight modification:

    The most I will pay out is twice the amount you pay me for the right to play.

    So, if you pay me 10 for the right to play, the most I will pay out is 20 (soyou double your money).

    If I make a profit, the money will be donated to the Surrey EconomicSociety.

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    The foundations of expected utility theory

    The basis for EUT is the assumption that individuals are just ascapable of making choices between uncertain consumption bundlesas they are between certain bundles of goods.

    This means that we can apply the tools of straight-forward consumertheory (budget constraints and indifference curves) to situations thatinvolve uncertainty.

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    The language of uncertainty

    Generally uncertainty is discussed in terms of money as proxy for compositeconsumption.

    The consumption received depends on the outcome of a random eventthis is referred to as the STATE OF NATURE. We attach some probably to this.

    The CONTINGENT CONSUMPTION PLAN is a statement of the consumptionthat occurs in each state of nature.

    For example: The choice over whether or not to buy a lottery ticket.

    If I do not buy a lottery ticket my wealth will remain the same.

    If I buy a lottery ticket then I will lose 1 if none of my numbers come up and gain1000000 if it is the winning ticket.

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    Drawing the budget constraint

    In straightforward consumer theory the budget constraint shows howmuch of good 1 you can trade for good 2.

    In EUT the budget constraint shows how much consumption in stateof the world 1 you can trade for consumption in state of the world 2.

    A 1 bet on the turn of a card gives 40 if its not a heart. You keep the 1 if you win and lose it if you lose.

    Need to decide how much to bet.

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    The budget constraint for a gamble

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

    Consumption if heart




    0.4 Endowment

    Budget constraint could be extended if the

    individual could offer the same bet to others

    Slope is 0.4 which is the cost of gaining 1 whena heart does appear in terms of loss when a heart

    does not appear.

  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    But so we far we havent mentioned


    We know that the chance of an individual winning the bet is 3 in 4.

    In which case we can work out the expected net value of the gamble:

    0.4 0.75 + 1 0.25 = 0.30 0.25 = 0.05 The expected net value of this gamble is positive.

    Would need to lower the prize slightly to generate a fair gamble.

    If the prize was 33 the expected value would be: 0.33 0.75 + 1 0.25 = 0.25 0.25 = 0 The budget constraint for a fair gamble gives the fair-odds line. Draws a line

    between all the possible expected values.

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

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    The fair-odds line

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

    Consumption if heart


    0.33 Endowment

    We showed that the expected value of the gamble is

    zero when the payoff to not heart is 0.33.



  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    Another example

    In this case were gambling on the throw of a dice.

    If its a six receive 4 times the stake (and keep the stake). Otherwise the stake is lost.

    What would the budget constraint look like?

    Whats the expected value of the gamble?

    How would we need to change the game to make the gambleactuarially fair?

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

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    The fair-odds line for the die game

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

    Consumption if not six





    = 561 = 1

    6Slope= 5

  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    In the general case

    The fair odds line gives the slope of the budget constraint when theexpected value is zero.

    The odds of an outcome occurring is the probability it occurs divided by theprobability it does not occur.



    is the probability of the event occurring.

    The odds of heart is =


    The odds of not six is = 5.

    The fair odds line has slope given by minus the odds of the outcome on thehorizontal axis.


    We generally put the worse outcome on the horizontal axis, but we neednot.

    Notice that the actual budget constraint for the gamble and the fair-oddsline need not be the same.

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

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    Next: preferences

    Choices are made over contingent commodities bundles of goods asrepresented by points on the budget line.

    The individual is not making a choice about the state of the world, ofcourse they would prefer to win the gamble, but that choice isnttheirs to make.

    In the examples we have been considering the choice is over howmuch to gamble.

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    The expected utility function

    The utility function for consumption in states of the world 1 and 2 is , ,

    where is consumption in state 1, is consumption in state 2, is theprobability of state 1, 1 is the probability of state 2.

    The utility of a contingent consumption plan depends on consumption in thetwo states of the world and the probability of each state of the worldoccurring.

    The expected utility form is:

    , , = + 1 Expected utility is a weighted average of the utility of the two possible

    consumptions with the weighting dependent on the probabilities.

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

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    More on expected utility

    The expected utility function is unique up to an affinetransformation which means you can add a constant and multiply bya positive number and the preferences which result wont change.

    Contrast with normal utility functions.

    An expected utility function is also known as von-Neumann-Morgenstern (vNM) utility function.

    Cobb-Douglas utility CD , , =

    is a vNM utilityfunction, despite appearances, since: logCD , , = log + 1 log

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

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    Why does it make sense?

    The additive nature of the expected utility function means that theutility derived from the consumption in each state of the world isindependent of consumption in the other state of the world.

    Once the state of the world is known you will only care aboutconsumption in the SoW that prevails, the other will be irrelevant.

    This is known as the independence axiom.

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

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    Illustration of independence

    Suppose utility is given by:

    , , = + + where + + = 1.

    Consider the MRS between consumption in state 1 and state 2: MRS =


    The MRS for consumption in SoW 1 and consumption in SoW 2 doesnot depend on what consumption is in SoW 3.

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    Do you have vNM preferences?The Allais Paradox

    Experiment 1 Experiment 2

    Gamble 1A Gamble 1B Gamble 2A Gamble 2B

    Winnings Chance Winnings Chance Winnings Chance Winnings Chance

    1 100% 1 89% 0 89% 0 90%

    0 1% 1 11%5 10% 5 10%

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

    Evidence for Prospect Theory???

    Derived from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allais_paradox

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    Formal definition of the independence


    Suppose you prefer taking part in one gamble, A (e.g. the heartsone) to taking part in another, B (e.g. the dice one).

    And suppose C is a third gamble.

    Then if I offer you a choice between the following two new gambles:

    Gamble D: With probability , I run gamble A, and with probability 1 Irun gamble C.

    Gamble E: With probability , I run gamble B, and with probability 1 Irun gamble C.

    Which do you prefer?

    The independence axiom is the assumption that you will always prefer Dhere.

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    Do you have vNM preferences?The Ellsberg Paradox

    Suppose there is an urn containing:

    33 red balls 66 balls that are a mix of black and yellow.

    You do not know how many are black or how many are yellow.

    Consider the following four gambles:

    Gamble 1A: You receive 1 if you draw a red ball. Gamble 1B: You receive 1 if you draw a black ball. Gamble 2A: You receive 1 if you draw a red or a yellow ball.

    Gamble 2B: You receive 1 if you draw a black or a yellow ball.

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

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    More on vMN preferences:An important distinction

    Back to first example. Assume 10 bet. 0.75 chance of having 14, 0.25 chance of having 0. Therefore the expected value of the gamble is 10.50.

    The expected utility from the gamble is: 0.75 14 + 0.25 0

    E.g. if = , this is 0.75 14 + 0.25 0 2.81

    The utility from the expected value of a gamble is

    10.5 E,g, if = , this is 10.5 3.24 Risk averse agents prefer to get the expected value of a gamble with


    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

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    Risk aversion

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics






    0.75 14 +0.25 0

    10.5Notice that the expected utility of

    the gamble is lower than the

    utility of the expected value.

    I.e. + > + This is the definition of risk



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    Risk loving

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics






    0.75 14 +0.25 0


    It is also possible to be risk

    loving, the opposite of risk


    This is preferring gambles over

    getting their expected value for


    I.e. + < + What would risk neutral utility

    look like?


  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    Risk aversion and marginal utility

    Notice that a risk averse utility function is concave.

    There is a declining marginal utility of income.

    Each extra 1 is worth less the richer you become.

    As a consequence income lost has more impact than income gained.

    This is why a risk averse person would not want to take an actuarially fairgamble.

    Empirical work suggests

    = log is a reasonable approximation

    to most peoples utility.

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

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    Indifference curves with risk aversion

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics


    Certainty line

    Fair odds line (slope= )

    We would expect ICs to be convex: prefer a mix of consumption in both periods.

    This captures risk aversion.

    Consumption if heart appears


  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    Indifference curves with risk aversion

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics


    Certainty line

    Fair odds line (slope= )

    Risk aversion rules out indifference curves like the following one. Why?



    Consumption if heart appears

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    Indifference curves with risk aversion

    Point A and point B have the same expected return.

    But point A is a certainty.

    Therefore by the definition of risk aversion, A must be preferred.

    Indifference curves must be tangential to the fair odds line.

    A risk averse person always chooses equal consumption in bothstates of the world if offered fair odds.

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

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    In equilibrium

    Equilibrium follows exactly as it would in all other situations.

    The individual chooses the contingent consumption bundle whichmaximises his utility given the budget constraint he faces.

    So a risk averse consumer will not accept an actuarially fair gamble.

    What will happen in the case of a risk lover?

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

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    Risk premia






    0.75 14 +0.25 0



    Risk premium

    Risk premium is what youd need to bepaid to be compensated for taking the


    Its calculated as the difference

    between what youd be willing to pay

    for the gamble and its expected value.

    0.75 14 +0.25 0

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    Or with indifference curves

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics


    Certainty line

    Fair odds line

    Fair odds line shows expected values.

    Would need to be compensated by the length of AB for being at A rather than Beven though expected value is the same.



    Risk premiumA

  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    Example of optimisation(For next week perhaps)

    Odds on Arsenal winning the premier league 10 to 1. You think theirprobability is .

    You have 1000 to spend on consumption if you dont bet. Your von-Neumann-Morgenstern utility function is

    +1 How much should you bet?

    Suppose you bet . Consumption if Arsenal win: = 1000 + 10. Consumption if Arsenal lose:

    = 1000 .

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    Theoretical optimisation example(Certainly for next week)

    Suppose that there are two possible future states of nature, 1 and 2,with probabilities and 1 respectively.

    And suppose that there are two risky assets you can purchase.

    Asset 1 pays out 1 in state 1 and 0 in state 2 and costs . Asset 2 pays out 1 in state 2 and 0 in state 1 and costs .

    Expected (vNM) utility is + 1 You have a wealth of to spend on and together.

    ECO2051 Intermediate Microeconomics

  • 7/29/2019 Lecture 1 Uncertainty 1


    Coming up next time

    More concrete applications of expected utility theory


    Diversification in investment

    Decisions over criminal actions

    Application of expected utility theory to moral philosophy!
