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Lecture 2 28 Short

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  • 7/31/2019 Lecture 2 28 Short


    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

    The one dimensional heat equation:Neumann and Robin boundary conditions

    Ryan C. Daileda

    Trinity University

    Partial Differential EquationsFebruary 28, 2012

    Daileda The heat equation

  • 7/31/2019 Lecture 2 28 Short


    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

    The heat equation with Neumann boundary conditions

    Our goal is to solve:


    c2uxx, 0 0.

    Daileda The heat equation

    N B d C di i R bi B d C di i

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    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

    Case 2: k = 0

    The ODE (4) is simply X = 0 so that

    X = Ax + B.

    The boundary conditions (6) yield

    0 = X(0) = X(L) = A.

    Taking B = 1 we get the solution

    X0 = 1.

    The corresponding equation (5) for T is T = 0, which yields

    T = C. We setT0 = 1.

    These give the zeroth normal mode:

    u0(x, t) = X0(x)T0(t) = 1.

    Daileda The heat equation

    N B d C diti R bi B d C diti

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    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

    Case 3: k = 2 < 0

    The ODE (4) is now X + 2X = 0 with solutions

    X = c1 cos x + c2 sin x.

    The boundary conditions (6) yield

    0 = X(0) = c1 sin 0 + c2 cos 0 = c2,

    0 = X(L) = c1 sin L + c2 cos L.

    The first of these gives c2 = 0. In order for X to be nontrivial, the

    second shows that we also need

    sin L = 0.

    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

    Case 3: k = 2 < 0

    This can occur if and only if L = n, that is

    = n =n

    L, n = 1, 2, 3, . . .

    Choosing c1 = 1 yields the solutions

    Xn = cos nx, n = 1, 2, 3, . . .

    For each n the corresponding equation (5) for T becomes


    = 2nT, with n = cn. Up to a constant multiple, the

    solution isTn = e


    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

    Normal modes and superposition

    Multiplying these together gives the nth normal mode

    un(x, t) = Xn(x)Tn(t) = e2nt cos nx, n = 1, 2, 3, . . .

    where n



    and n



    .The principle of superposition now guarantees that for any choiceof constants a0, a1, a2, . . .

    u(x, t) = a0u0 +


    anun = a0 +


    ane2nt cos nx (7)

    is a solution of the heat equation (1) with the Neumann boundaryconditions (2).

    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

    Initial conditions

    If we now require that the solution (7) satisfy the initial condition(3) we find that we need

    f(x) = u(x, 0) = a0 +


    an cosnx

    L, 0 < x < L.

    This is simply the cosine series expansion of f (x). Using ourprevious results, we finally find that if f(x) is piecewise smooththen

    a0 =1




    f(x) dx, an =2





    Ldx, n 1.

    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions



    If f(x) is piecewise smooth, the solution to the heat equation (1)with Neumann boundary conditions (2) and initial conditions (3) isgiven by

    u(x, t) = a0 +


    ane2nt cos nx,


    n =n

    L, n = cn,

    and the coefficients a0, a1, a2, . . . are those occurring in the cosineseries expansion of f (x). They are given explicitly by

    a0 =1




    f(x) dx, an =2





    Ldx, n 1.

    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

  • 7/31/2019 Lecture 2 28 Short


    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

    Example 1


    Solve the following heat conduction problem:

    ut =1

    4uxx, 0 < x < 1 , 0 < t,


    t) =


    t) = 0, 0 0. This states that the bar radiates heat toits surroundings at a rate proportional to its currenttemperature.

    Recall that conditions such as (9) are called Robinconditions.

    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    Separation of variables

    As before, the assumption that u(x, t) = X(x)T(t) leads to theODEs

    X kX = 0,



    kT = 0,

    and the boundary conditions (8) and (9) imply

    X(0) = 0,


    (L) = X(L).

    Also as before, the possibilities for X depend on the sign of theseparation constant k.

    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    Case 1: k = 0

    We have X = 0 and so X = Ax + B with

    0 = X(0) = B,

    A = X

    (L) = X(L) = (AL + B).

    Together these give A(1 + L) = 0. Since , L > 0, we have A = 0and hence X = 0. Thus,

    there are only trivial solutions in this case.

    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    Case 2: k = 2 > 0

    Once again we have X 2X = 0 and

    X = c1ex + c2e


    The boundary conditions become

    0 = c1 + c2,

    (c1eL c2e

    L) = (c1eL + c2e


    The first gives c2 = c1, which when substituted in the secondyields2c1 cosh L = 2c1 sinh L.

    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    Case 2: k = 2 > 0

    We may rewrite this as

    c1 ( cosh L + sinh L) = 0.

    The quantity in parentheses is positive (since , and L are), sothis means we must have c1 = c2 = 0. Hence X = 0 and

    there are only trivial solutions in this case.

    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    Case 3: k = 2 < 0

    From X + 2X = 0 we find

    X = c1 cos x + c2 sin x

    and from the boundary conditions we have

    0 = c1,

    (c1 sin L + c2 cos L) = (c1 cos L + c2 sin L).

    Together these imply that

    c2 ( cos L + sin L) = 0.

    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    Case 3: k = 2 < 0

    Since we want nontrivial solutions (i.e. c2 = 0), we must have

    cos L + sin L = 0

    which can be rewritten as

    tan L =


    This equation has an infinite sequence of positive solutions

    0 < 1 < 2 < 3 <

    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    Case 3: k = 2 < 0

    The figure below shows the curves y = tan L (in red) andy = / (in blue).

    The -coordinates of their intersections (in pink) are the values 1,2, 3, . . .

    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    From the diagram we see that:

    For each n(2n 1)/2L < n < n/L.

    As n n (2n 1)/2L.

    Smaller values of and L tend to accelerate this convergence.

    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    Normal modes

    As in the earlier situations, for each n 1 we have the solution

    Xn = sin nx

    and the corresponding

    Tn = e2nt, n = cn

    which give the normal modes of the heat equation with boundaryconditions (8) and (9)

    un(x, t) = Xn(x)Tn(t) = e2nt sin nx.

    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    Superposition of normal modes gives thegeneral solution

    u(x, t) =n=1

    cnun(x, t) =n=1

    cne2nt sin nx.

    Imposing the initial condition u(x, 0) = f(x) gives us

    f(x) =n=1

    cn sin nx.

    This is a generalized Fourier series for f(x). It is different fromthe ordinary sine series for f(x) since

    n is not a multiple of a common value.

    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    Generalized Fourier coefficients

    To compute the generalized Fourier coefficients cn we will use

    the following fact.


    The functions

    X1(x) = sin 1x, X2(x) = sin 2x, X3(x) = sin 3x, . . .

    form a complete orthogonal set on [0, L].

    Complete means that all sufficiently nice functions can be

    represented via generalized Fourier series. This is aconsequence of Sturm-Liouville theory, which we will studylater.

    We can verify orthogonality directly, and will use this toexpress the coefficients cn as ratios of inner products.

    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    Generalized Fourier coefficients

    Assuming orthogonality for the moment, for any n 1 we have thefamiliar computation

    f, Xn =


    cm sin mx, sin nx=


    cmsin mx, sin nx

    = cnsin nx, sin nx

    = cnXn, Xn

    since the inner products with m = n all equal zero.

    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    Generalized Fourier coefficients

    It follows immediately that the generalized Fourier coefficients aregiven by

    cn =f, Xn

    Xn, Xn




    f(x)sin nx dx


    sin2 nx dx


    For any given f(x) these integrals can typically be computedexplicitly in terms of n.

    The values of n, however, must typically be found vianumerical methods.

    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    The solution to the heat equation (1) with Robin boundaryconditions (8) and (9) and initial condition (3) is given by

    u(x, t) =


    cne2nt sin nx,

    where n is the nth positive solution to

    tan L =


    n = cn, and the coefficients cn are given by

    cn =


    0f(x)sin nx dx

    L0 sin2 nx dx .Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    Example 2


    Solve the following heat conduction problem:

    ut =1

    25uxx, 0 < x < 3 , 0 < t,

    u(0, t) = 0, 0 < t,

    ux(3, t) = 1

    2u(3, t), 0 < t,

    u(x, 0) = 1001 x3 , 0 < x < 3.

    We have c = 1/5, L = 3, = 1/2 and f(x) = 100(1 x/3).

    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    Example 2

    The integrals defining the Fourier coefficients are



    1 x

    3sin nx dx =

    100(3n sin3n)


    and 30

    sin2 nx dx =3

    2+ cos2 3n.


    cn = 200(3n sin3n)32n (3 + 2 cos

    2 3n).

    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    Example 2

    We can therefore write out the full solution as

    u(x, t) =n=1

    200(3n sin3n)32n (3 + 2 cos

    2 3n)e

    2nt/25 sin nx,

    where n is the nth positive solution to tan 3 = 2.

    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    Example 2


    In order to use this solution for numerical approximation orvisualization, we must compute the values n.

    This can be done numerically in Maple, using the fsolve

    command. Specifically, n can be computed via the commandfsolve(tan(mL)=-m/k,m=(2n-1)Pi/(2L)..nPi/L);

    where L and k have been assigned the values of L and ,respectively.

    These values can be computed and stored in an Arraystructure, or one can define n as a function using the ->operator.

    Daileda The heat equation

    Neumann Boundary Conditions Robin Boundary Conditions

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    Example 2

    Here are approximate values for the first 5 values of n and cn.

    n n cn1 0.7249 47.04492 1.6679 45.14133 2.6795 21.3586

    4 3.7098 19.34035 4.7474 12.9674


    u(x, t) = 47.0449e0.0210t sin(0.7249x) + 45.1413e0.1113t sin(1.6679x)

    + 21.3586e0.2872t sin(2.6795x) + 19.3403e0.5505t sin(3.7098x)

    + 12.9674e0.9015t sin(4.7474x) +

    Daileda The heat equation
