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Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite...

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Lecture 2: GPS Pseudorange GEOS 655 Tectonic Geodesy Jeff Freymueller
Page 1: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock



Page 2: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock

GPSDesignTimeline•  NAVSTAR=NAVigaEonSystem

withTimingandRanging•  Always-on,instantglobal

posiEoning•  Developmentbeganin1973•  Firstsatelliteslaunched1978•  Userequiptests1980•  1983:KoreanAir007shotdownby

SovietUnion–  Planehadstrayedaconsiderable

distanceintoSovietairspace–  LedUSPres.Reagantomandate


Page 3: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


Page 4: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


Page 5: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


Naviga&on•  Instantaneous•  SinglestaEon•  Originalintendeduse•  Accuracy

–  Fewmeters–  Sub-meterw/differenEalcorrecEons

Surveying•  Usuallypost-process•  UsuallymulE-staEon•  Scienceorsurvey•  Accuracy

–  1-2cmatworst–  1-2mmatbest

•  Also“seismology”

Page 6: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock

BasicPrinciples:Surveying•  Requiresdatafromn≥4satellites,m≥2receivers

–  PointposiEoningapproachesworkwith1receiver•  RequiresconEnuoustrackingoverEme•  Post-processedbutreal-Emebeingdeveloped•  Usepseudorangeandcarrierphasemeasurementsfromeachsatellitetoreceiver

•  OrbitsofsatellitesfixedoresEmated•  ClockerroronsatellitesesEmatedordifferencedout•  EsEmatereceiverposiEon(X,Y,Z)andclockerror•  Modelawidevarietyofpathdelaysandothereffects

Page 7: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


A 2D example: If you know you are a certain distance from Boise, your position could be anywhere on the circle.

Page 8: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


With two distances, you know you are at one of two points.

Page 9: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


With three distances, you know you are in Denver. In 3D the circles become spheres, and with three distances you still

have two possible locations – one on the surface and one out in space.

Page 10: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock

GPSPosiEoning•  MeasureposiEonbymeasuringrangestosatellites– Afewsatellitescanserveanunlimitednumberofusersontheground,anywhereintheworld

•  Howdoweknowwheresatellitesare?– TheybroadcasttheirposiEons(orbits)inanaviga&onmessage

–  (or)someonegivesuspreciseorbits

•  Measuredrangesarecalledpseudoranges•  High-precisionGPSusesthephaseoftheGPScarriersignaltomeasurechangesinrange

Page 11: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


•  Rangeisthedistancefromsatellitetoreceiver,pluspathdelays.

•  Pseudorangeisdistancepluseffectsofclockerrors

•  TheterminologyhasoldrootsinnavigaEon.– VLBIandGPSarepseudoranging;SLRisranging

•  Geometricrangeρistruedistance.•  P=ρ+c*(clockerrors)+c*(pathdelays)

Page 12: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


1970s-1980s: smaller, relatively simple 2000s: big, more complex

Page 13: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


Page 14: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock

SatelliteConstellaEonFacts•  Nominally4satellites(SVs)ineachof6equallyspacedorbitalplanes(now5ineachplane).

•  Orbitalplanesinclined55°fromequator.•  NearlycircularorbitsR=26,600km~4RE•  Orbitalperiodis11h58m,twoorbitspersiderealday

•  Siderealdayislengthofdaydefinedbywhenstarsappearinsameplaceinsky– DiffersfromrotaEonaldaybecauseofmoEonofeartharoundthesun.

Page 15: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


•  CanesEmateorbitsorfixorbitstopre-determinedvalues•  RepresentaEonoforbit

–  Broadcast:Keplerianelements+Eme-dependentcorrecEons–  TabularfileofXYZsatelliteposiEons–  Trajectory:iniEalcondiEons+integrateequaEonsofmoEon


•  InpracEce,highlypreciseorbitsareavailablefromtheIGS–  Ultra-Rapid:includespredict-aheadforrealEmeuse–  Rapid:Availablenextday–  Final:Availablein<2weeks

Page 16: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock

KeplerianElements•  AnellipEcalorbitandtheposiEonofabodycanbedescribedby6parameters(Keplerianelements)–  Semi-majoraxis–  Eccentricity–  Fouranglesshownatles

•  Earthisnotapointmass,sosatelliteorbitsarenotexactlyellipEcal.–  Otherforcesalsoperturborbit

Page 17: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


Page 18: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


Southern California Fairbanks

These are the paths you would see in the sky if you could see the satellites

Page 19: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock

GPSSignalStructure•  ThreefrequenciesatL-band,L1,L2,andL5

–  L1at154*10.23MHz(~19cm)–  L2at120*10.23MHz(~24cm)–  L5at115*10.23MHz(~25cm)

•  CodesModulated(phasemodulaEon)ontoeachcarrier–  P-codeat10.23MHzonL1+L2–  C/A(CoarseAcquisiEon)codeat1.023MHzonL1+L2(newL2C)

–  NavigaEonmessageat50bitspersecond

•  PandC/Acodesaretypesofpseudo-randomnoise(PRN)codes

Page 20: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


Amplitude Modulation (AM)

Frequency Modulation (FM)

Phase Modulation (PM)

Page 21: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


Page 22: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


•  Code“chiplength”isthedistanceassociatedwitheachbitofthecode.–  C/A:293m

•  Repeatsevery~300km

–  P:29.3m

•  Carrierwavelengthisanalogoustochiplength==2-3ordersofmagnitudemoreprecise

“chip length”

Page 23: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock

DenialofAccuracy•  USDoDcanreduceaccuracyforreal-Emecivilianusers•  (S/A)SelecEveAvailability–onfrom1990stolate1990s–  Epsilon(introduceerrorsinnavigaEonmessage)–  Dither(introducerapidvariaEoninSVclocks)– Militaryreceivershavespecialchipstoundothis

•  (A/S)AnE-Spoofing–onsince1994–  EncrypEonofP-code–  Prevents“theenemy”fromimitaEng(spoofing)GPSsignal– ModernreceiversgetaroundthisencrypEoninvariousways(includinganear-reverse-engineeringinonecase).

Page 24: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock

Pseudo-RandomNoise•  Computerscannotgeneratetruerandomnumbers,butcangenerateasequenceofnumberswithrandomstaEsEcalproperEes.– Butthesequencecanberepeatedexactly– BeginwithsomestarEngvalue,thenperformaseriesofoperaEons

•  C/Acodehas1023bits,repeats1000Emespersecond

•  Pcodehasalotofbits,repeatsevery266.4days;eachSVgetsa7-daypieceofcode

Page 25: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


Receiver generates a copy of the (known) code and correlates with the received code

Page 26: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock

PseudorangeObservaEonModel•  ThecorrelaEonEmeshisgivesanesEmateofthetravelEme,whichisthefundamentalpseudorangemeasurement.– TravelEme=(EmeofrecepEon)–(Emeoftransmission)

•  PS=(T–TS)c– T=receiverclockreadingatrecepEon– TS=satelliteclockreadingattransmission– c=speedoflight=299792458m/s

Page 27: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock

AccounEngforClockBiases•  Clockbiasorclockerror?

– Error==mistake– Error==bias,measurementerror– Error==esEmateofuncertaintyintheabove

•  VLBI“removed”clockerrorsbyusingultra-stablehydrogenmaserclocks– VLBIactuallymodelsclockbiasesasquadraEc

•  GPSmustesEmatereceiverclockbias(andsatelliteclockbiasforhighprecisionwork)

Page 28: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock

ObservaEonModelwithClocks•  PS=(T–TS)c

–  T=t+τ–  TS=tS+τS–  t,tSaretruereceive,transmitEmes,τareclockerrors

•  SubsEtuEng–  PS=[(t+τ)–(tS+τS)]c–  PS=(t-tS)c+(τ–τS)c–  PS=ρS(t,tS)+(τ–τS)c

•  ρS(t,tS)israngefromreceiveratreceiveEmetosatelliteattransmitEme:

ρS (t, t S ) = xS (t S ) − x(t)( )2

+ yS (t S ) − y(t)( )2

+ zS (t S ) − z(t)( )2



Page 29: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock

LightTimeEquaEon•  ThetransmissionEmeis~0.07sec.ToevaluatethegeometricrangeweneedtomapthesatelliteposiEonbacktothetransmissionEme.ButwestartoutknowingonlythereceiveEme.WecansolvethisproblemiteraEvely:

t(0)S = t = (T − τ)

t(1)S = t −

ρS (t,t(0)S )


t(2)S = t −

ρS (t,t(1)S )


First guess: Transmit time = receive time

Next iteration: Correct for satellite position based on the transmit time estimated from the previous iteration.

Page 30: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


•  Now,generalizetomulEplesatellites.WeuseasuperscripttoidenEfyeachsatellite(don’tconfusewithanexponent).LaterwewillhavetouseasubscripttokeeptrackofmulEplereceivers:– P(1)=[(x(1)–x)2+(y(1)–y)2+(z(1)–z)2]1/2+cτ–cτ(1)– P(2)=[(x(2)–x)2+(y(2)–y)2+(z(2)–z)2]1/2+cτ–cτ(2)– P(3)=[(x(3)–x)2+(y(3)–y)2+(z(3)–z)2]1/2+cτ–cτ(3)– P(4)=[(x(4)–x)2+(y(3)–y)2+(z(3)–z)2]1/2+cτ–cτ(4)

x, y, z, τ: receiver position and clock error

Page 31: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock

LinearizingNonlinearEquaEons•  Therearesimplewaysto



Page 32: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


•  WeapproximatebytakingjustthelineartermsoftheTaylorSeries.

•  Welinearizeaboutapproximatevalues(a,b)

•  ParEalderivaEvesarecomputedat(a,b)

Page 33: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


•  WelinearizeourequaEonsaboutapproximatevalues(x0,y0,z0,τ0)

P(x,y,z,τ ) = P(x0,y0,z0,τ 0) +∂P∂x

x − x0( ) +∂P∂y

y − y0( ) +∂P∂z

z − z0( ) +∂P∂τ

τ − τ 0( )

P(x,y,z,τ ) = P(x0,y0,z0,τ 0) +∂P∂x

Δx +∂P∂y

Δy +∂P∂zΔz +



P(x,y,z,τ ) − P(x0,y0,z0,τ 0) =∂P∂x

Δx +∂P∂y

Δy +∂P∂zΔz +



Pobserved − Pcomputed =∂P∂x

Δx +∂P∂y

Δy +∂P∂zΔz +



Page 34: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock

ObservaEonModel•  TosolvetheseequaEons,weneedtowritethemintheformofanobservaEonmodel.– ObservaEons=Model+measurementnoise

•  Pobserved=P(x,y,z,τ)+v

Pobserved = Pcomputed +∂P∂x

Δx +∂P∂y

Δy +∂P∂zΔz +


Δτ + v

Pobserved − Pcomputed =∂P∂x

Δx +∂P∂y

Δy +∂P∂zΔz +


Δτ + v

ΔP =∂P∂x




⎝ ⎜

⎠ ⎟


⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜

⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟

+ v

Page 35: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


•  ItiseasiertodealwiththisequaEonifwewriteitasamatrixequaEon:

ΔP (1)

ΔP (2)

ΔP (3)

ΔP (4 )

⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜

⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟














∂τ∂P(4 )

∂x∂P(4 )

∂y∂P(4 )

∂z∂P(4 )


⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜

⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟


⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜

⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟





v(4 )

⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜

⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟

Page 36: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


•  Thisisosenwriyeninmatrixformlike– b=Ax+v Aiscalledthe“Designmatrix”–  Ifρ(i)=[(x0–x(i))2+(y0–y(i))2+(z0–z(i))2]1/2

A =

x0 − x(1)

ρ(1)y0 − y


ρ(1)z0 − z



x0 − x(2)

ρ(2)y0 − y


ρ(2)z0 − z



x0 − x(3)

ρ(3)y0 − y


ρ(3)z0 − z



x0 − x(4 )

ρ(4 )y0 − y

(4 )

ρ(4 )z0 − z

(4 )

ρ(4 )c

⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜

⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟

These have the form of trig functions, and can also be written in terms of the azimuth to the satellite and

the inclination of the satellite above the


Page 37: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


•  Ifthereare4observaEonsexactly,thenthesystemofequaEonscanbesolvedexactly:– b=Ax+v èx=A-1b(noisev=0isassumed)

•  Ingeneral,wewillhavemorethan4satellitesobservedataEme.Sohowdowefindthe“best”soluEon.Leastsquares!– LeastsquaressoluEonminimizesthesumofsquaresofresiduals,thatis

– FindthexthatgivestheminimumvTv.

Page 38: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


•  TheleastsquaressoluEon,forequallyweighteddata,is– x’=(ATA)-1ATb

•  Thisassumesthat(ATA)-1exists.Itwillexistaslongasthereare4ormoresatelliteslocatedindisEnctdirecEonsinthesky.Twosatelliteslocatedinexactlythesameplacewouldcountasone.

Page 39: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock

BiasesandErrors•  Supposeweknowwhatthe


–  vx=(ATA)-1ATv–  Youmightusethistodetermine


•  Inreality,youdon’tknowthemeasurementerrors,butyoumayknowtheirstaEsEcalproperEes.Forexample,youmayknowthatthemeanmeasurementerroris0,withuncertaintyσ,andthatthemeasurementerrorsfollowaGaussianornormaldistribu&on.

In this case: Expectation: E(v) = 0 Covariance: C = E(vvT) = σ2I

Page 40: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock

CovarianceMatrix•  Thecovarianceisgivenasa(symmetric)matrix.Fortheproblemwehavejustsolved,– Cx=σ2(ATA)-1

– σ2isthedatanoise.(ATA)-1relatesonlytothegeometry.

•  Orintermsofthecomponents:

Cx =σ 2

σ x2 σ xy σ xz σ xτ

σ yx σ y2 σ yz σ yτ

σ zx σ zy σ z2 σ zτ

στx στy στz στ2

⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜

⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟

Page 41: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock


•  YoucanalsotransformtheXYZcoordinatestolocalcoordinates(east,north,height).We’llleavetheequaEonsforthatforlater.Butifyoutakejustthecoordinatespartofthecovariance,youget:

CL =σ 2

σ e2 σ en σ eh

σ ne σ n2 σ nh

σ he σ hn σ h2

⎜ ⎜ ⎜

⎟ ⎟ ⎟

Page 42: Lecture 2: GPS PseudorangeWhy call it a “pseudorange”? • Range is the distance from satellite to receiver, plus path delays. • Pseudorange is distance plus effects of clock

DOPs–DiluEonofPrecision•  YourhandheldGPSprobablyreportsanumbercalled“PDOP”,whichstandsfor“PosiEonDiluEonofPrecision”.TheseareotherDOPsaswell,whichallgivemeasuresofhowthesatellitegeometrymapsintoposiEonorEmeprecision.–  VDOP=σh

–  HDOP=(σe2 + σn

2)1/2 –  PDOP=(σe

2 + σn2 + σh

2)1/2 –  GDOP=(σe

2 + σn2 + σh

2 + c2στ2)1/2

–  TDOP=στ•  MulEplyPDOPbymeasurementprecisiontogetuncertaintyin3DposiEon.

PDOP > 5 considered poor
