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Lecture 9 on Principalship

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Introduction Principal main functions is to organize so that there is

optimum learning for students, by deploying people, time and space to best advantage.

A principal need to be ambitious and always looking for new ideas to enhance and improve teaching and learning process.

Principal responsibilities covers three dimensions, which are teachers & supporting staff, students, and society.


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School Principal is..Principal is the head administrator of a school who has been appointed to his position by the ministry of education. The principal have the legitimate power and makes the executive decisions that govern the school, as well as having the authority over the teachers/staff. The principal is usually also the chief displinarian of the students.


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“ The principalship is a moving, dynamic occupation in almost a literal sense: the rhythm of the job, from arrival at the parking lot to the close of business day is typified by pace and movement, by frequent and abrupt shift from one concern to another, and by the excitement pervading any institution dealings with young people…., the principal’s job is different from other managerial positions because it is essentially an oral occupation, a job of talking. The principal governs the school mostly by talking with other people, usually one at a time, throughout the day.” (Van Cleve Morris (1984)


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In larger schools the principal is assisted by one or more vice, assistant or deputy principals. They are second in position behind the principal in running the school.

Assistant principals typically handle specific responsibilities, such as student discipline or curriculum, whereas the principal has overall responsibility for school functions.


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i. Definitions of the principal’s roles and responsibilities have changed over time.

ii. Traditional definitions :

a. Focused on the administrative processes & functions

b. Effective principals are responsible for : PLOC POSDCoRB


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iii. Gradually, lists of tasks & roles have given way to list of competencies & proficiencies as the favored way to map out the territory of educational administration.

iv. The categories of principals competencies & proficiencies ;

1. Leadership behavior2. Communication skills3. Group processes4. Curriculum & instruction


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5.To enlist the expertise of staff for improving instruction

6. Assessment7. Organizational management8. Fiscal management9. Political management


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Tasks and Roles

1. Leadership Behavior

• Inspire all concern to join in accomplishing the school’s mission..• Apply effective human relations skills …• Encourage the leadership of others…..


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2. Communication Skills

• Persuasively articulate their beliefs and effective defend their decisions..

• Write clearly and concisely so that the message is understood by the intended audience• Apply facts and data to determine priorities…


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3. Group Processes• Involve others in setting short- and long- term goals…• Apply validated principles of group dynamics and

facilitation skills…• Understand how to resolve difficult situations by use

of conflict-resolution methods…


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4. Curriculum

• Understand the community’s values and goals and what it wants the curriculum to achieve…

• Set forth, as a continuum, the skills and concepts the curriculum is designed to provide…

• Monitor the curriculum to ensure that the appropriate content and sequence are followed…


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5. Instruction

• Understand and apply the principles of growth and development…

• Regularly assess the teaching methods and strategies being used at the school to ensure that they are appropriate and varied…

• Understand and apply validated principles of teaching and learning…


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6. Performance

• Set high expectations for students, staff, parents and self…

• Appropriately match particular learning styles with particular teaching styles…

• Understand and apply validated principles of teaching and learning…


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7. Evaluation

Set a variety of techniques and strategies to assess Assess progress toward achieving goals established

for students, teachers, the principalship, and the involvement of parents and the community at large..

Seek and encourage input from variety of sources to improve the school’s program…


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8. Organization

• Comprehend and employ validated principles of effective time management …

• Capitalize on the findings of research and making program decisions…

• Develop and implement equitable and effective schedules …


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9. Fiscal

• Understand the school district budget and its specific implications for the school …

• Plan, prepare, justify, and defend school budget…

• Manage the school within the allocated resources…


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10. Political

• Understand the dynamics of local, state, and national politics…

• Develop plans and strategies for helping to achieve appropriate financial support of education…

• Involve the community’s movers and shakers in development and support of the school’s program….


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Functions of School Principal

The functions of a school principal can be divided into three categories: The Principal as a Manager The Principal as a Leader, and The Principal as a Motivator.


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The Principal as a Manager Instructional managers

To do budgeting and financial The principal uses his judgment to

determine which parts of the budget need more funding and which could be cut back.

The principal also elicits the help of the community and businesses to raise funds for the school and activities.


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The principal needs to make sure each step of the education system is communicating. The principal functions as an intermediary between the community, the district school board, and state administrators.

All of these groups influence the principal and he or she needs to make sure their concerns and goals are being dealt with and they all have a voice in the school and educational matters.


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The Principal as a Leader Principals are required to lead by example

and show their followers an effective way of doing things.

Leading is not dictating. Although the principal is required to lead, he or she is not supposed to be the sole decision maker.


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Including the parents and teachers in decision making is one of the best ways to ensure their support on a certain change or policy.

Acknowledging the different needs of people allows for more persons to benefit from a new idea or way of doing a certain task


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The Principal as a Motivator


Listening to everyone will ensure a higher overall morale and better relationships between the faculty and administrators

Giving praise is a great way to motivate students and staff.Keeping the staff and students happy will improve performance and classroom relationships

Spending time.Spending one-on-one time with a teacher or having lunch with a group of students are ways a principal can show he or she understands each person has individual needs.

The principal must learn to sustain a high moral standard with his or her faculty.


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The 15 behaviors of principals Rutherford et al. (1983)

1. They have a clear vision of long-range goals for the school.

2. They work intensely with brute persistence, to attain their vision.

3. Achievement and happiness of students is their first priority.

4. They have high expectations for students, teachers and themselves.


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5. They are actively involved in decision-making relative to instructional and administrative affairs.

6. They attend to instructional objectives as well as instructional strategies and planning.

7. They collect information that keeps them well informed about the performance of their teachers.

8. They will involve teachers in decision-making but within the framework of established goals and expectations.


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9. Directly or indirectly they provide for development of teachers’ knowledge and skills.

10.They protect the school and faculty from unnecessary instructions.

11.They will seek policy changes at the district level for benefit of the school.

12.They give enthusiastic support for change .


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13.They provide for the personal welfare of teachers.

14.They model the norms they want teachers to support.

15.They aggressively seek support for resources within and outside the school to foster goals of the school.


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Daniel D. Trotter would suggest to any principal who cares to be respected and admired by both students and teachers;1.Always be completely open to teachers.2.It is important that you always speak pleasantly to your teachers and never put them down in the presence of others. 3.Be generous with praise and cautious with criticism. Be quick to give credit to others when it is due to them.

Characters of Principal


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4. Always tell the truth – even when it hurts. 5. Be easily approachable. 6. Be seen! A principal should be in the school

halls when students are in the halls. 7. Make discipline your number one concern.


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8. Never accept an accusation against a teacher until you first speak with that teacher.

9. Be open to teachers’ suggestions and, if you disagree, be pleasant in your discussion.

10.When you deal with teachers, remember two things: Tell the truth and treat others like you would want to be treated.


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Prerequisites to Good School Management

• Trust• Rapport• Common vision


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Know what is going on at your school

• Probe; don’t cross examine• Probe; don’t coach• Inquire; don’t challenge• Uncover; don’t trap• Draw out; don’t pump• Guide; don’t dominate

But rememberAsk Questions


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Get out of your office and see what is going on

• Walk the halls• Get into classrooms• Talk to teachers and other school

employees in a tactful, nonthreatening manner


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Create a Positive Atmosphere

• Don’t let the desk be a barricade• Begin conversations in a friendly and informal

manner• Be goal oriented and accomplish identified tasks,

but remembering people are people first!


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Practice active listening

1. Paraphrase feelings accurately2. Paraphrase content accurately—repeat the content of

what is heard in own words3. Use door openers —”Tell me more…”; “Sounds

interesting”4. Use acknowledgment responses —”Mm-mm”; “Yes”;

“Right”; “Certainly”5. Use non-verbal — Look at the person; nod head; lean


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Teacher begins crying

• Let the teacher cry; then try to reassure• Offer a tissue; remain silent for a while; use a soothing

tone of voice• In extreme cases, stop the conversation and reschedule

for another time• Try to change the subject; find something in common or

something positive to discuss


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Teacher is angry• Smile and give positive responses• Ask, “Is there anything you would like to discuss before with me

before we……..• State, “Remember, we are here to work together”• Be confident; maintain good eye contact• Put some distance between you and the teacher• DON’T Argue• DON’T allow the teacher to be abusive• Ignore offensive language• Remain CALM


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Teacher shows confusion

• Ask --“Would you like for me to clarify something?”

• Rephrase the statement• Ask --“What is the nature of your confusion?”• State --“I’ll help if I can, or if I don’t know, I’ll

find the answer”


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Teacher is frustrated• Try to minimize stress by talking informally for a brief

time• Take a short break, if possible• Explain that perfection is not expected• Emphasize strengths• Try to identify the cause of frustration• Be supportive• Try to make a positive statement


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Teacher receives suggestions, but becomes defensive

• Use another term for “need,” such as “area to strength,” “area for refinement,” or “area” for improvement”

• Prepare the teacher during orientation to expect suggestions• Emphasize that everyone can improve• State-- “This is one area I noticed that you might want to work

on”• Ask-- “Could you add something to this suggestion?”• Encourage the teacher to express his feelings


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Be an Empathetic Listener• Demonstrate an open, accepting attitude through body

language and furniture placement• Give the staff member complete attention and

concentrate on the their words and body language• Limit remarks—let the staff member do most of the

talking• Listen and look for feelings• Help the them stay on the subject


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• Don’t think ahead planning an answer— think about what the person is saying

• Don’t attempt to analyze the person• Don’t judge or categorize the person or form a biased

opinion• Don’t tell a someone “not to feel that way”— that is

beside the point—the fact is the they do feel that way• Don’t complete sentences for them


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Responsibilities of School Principal

The principal are responsible to lead through:

professional knowledge organizational and administrative

competence ability to work out a good school policy and

put it into effect


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skill in the delegation of authority ability to understand the professional

problems of teachers, especially young and inexperienced teachers, and to give professional guidance; and

ability to establish good working relationships with staff and parents.


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Characteristics of Successful Principals

1. Intended to teach than encourage to become principals.

2. Expressed a sincere faith in children.3. Ability to work effectively with people and

to secure their cooperation.4. Aggressive in securing recognition of the

needs of their school.


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5. Enthusiastic as principals and accepted their responsibilities as a mission rather than as a job.

6. Committed to education and could distinguish between long-term & short-term educational goals.

7. They were adaptable.8. They were able strategists.


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To design task that focus on content, functions, and work relations in achieving school purpose and job satisfaction among teachers

Job rotation by either transfering teachers to other schools or allocating different task in order to avoid annoyance, bored, or hatred towards duties.

Job enrichment by providing various tasks and giving complete authority and responsibility to the teachers until the task finished. Only minimum supervision and guidance are required.

Overall, the school principal functions and resposibilities Overall, the school principal functions and resposibilities that are desired by the teachers are:that are desired by the teachers are:


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More responsibilities being put on the teachers with less control. Gives only minimum supervision and monitoring in order to enhance the creativity of teachers.

Decision making is not solely be made by the principal. Job performance must be clearly informed to the

teachers whether it is good or bad. Teachers can improve their performance in the future if the appraisal is fair and transparent.

