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Lecture International Marketing

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International Marketing

Global Firmq

A firm that, by operating in more than one country, gains R&D, production, marketing, and financial advantages in its costs and reputation that are not available to purely domestic competitors.

Importance of global marketingl Economies of scale l Lower marketing costs l Power and scope l Consistency in brand image Uniformity of marketing practices

Global Marketing in the 21st CenturyInternational Marketing Decisions2. Looking at the global environment 3. Deciding whether to go international 4. Deciding which markets to enter5. Deciding how to enter the markets 6. Deciding on the global marketing problem 7. Deciding on the global marketing organization

Global Marketing Environmentl The International Trade Systemq

q q

Tariffs, quotas, embargos, exchange controls, nontariff trade barriers World Trade Organization Regional free trade zones European Union North American Free Trade Agreement Other free trade areas

l Economic Environmentq

Industrial structure Raw material exporting economies Industrializing economies Industrial economies


Income distribution

l Political-Legal Environmentq q q q

Attitudes toward international buying Government bureaucracy Political stability Monetary regulationsbarter, compensation,

l Cultural Environmentq

Impact of Culture on Marketing Strategy Cultural traditions, preferences, behavior


Impact of Marketing Strategy on Cultures Globalization vs. Americanization

Looking at the Global Marketing Environment Deciding Whether to Go International Deciding Which Markets to Enter Deciding How to Enter the Market Deciding on the Global Marketing Program Deciding on the Global Marketing Organization

Deciding Whether to Go internationall Not all companies need to go internationalq q

Local businesses Domestic can be easier and safer

l May be drawn international by global competitors attack l If domestic market growth low, global may bring higher sales l The company needs to evaluate its abilities and the consumer and business environments in other countries.

l Factors drawing companies into the international arena:q





Global firms offering better products or lower prices can attack the companys domestic market. The company discovers that some foreign markets present higher profit opportunities than the domestic market. The company needs a larger customer base to achieve economies of scale. The company wants to reduce its dependence on any one market. The companys customers are going abroad and need servicing.

l Before going abroad, the company must weigh several risk:q




The company might not understand foreign customer preferences and fail to offer a competitively attractive product. The company might not understand the foreign countrys business culture or know how to deal effectively with foreign nationals. The company might realize that it lacks managers with international experience. The foreign country might change its commercial laws, devalue its currency, or undergo a political revolution and expropriate property.

Table 13.1: Blunders in International MarketingHallmark cards failed when they were introduced in France. The French dislike syrupy sentiment and prefer writing their own cards. Philips began to earn a profit in Japan only after it had reduced the size of its coffeemakers to fit into smaller Japanese kitchens and its shavers to fit smaller Japanese hands. Coca-Cola had to withdraw its two-liter bottle in Spain after discovering that few Spaniards owned refrigerators with large enough compartments to accommodate it. General Foods Tang initially failed in France because it was positioned as a substitute for orange juice at breakfast. The French drink little orange juice and almost none at breakfast. Kelloggs Pop-Tarts failed in Britain because the percentage of British homes with toasters was significantly lower than in the United States and the product was too sweet for British tastes.

Deciding Which Markets to Enterl Define international marketing polices and objectives, and sales volume goals l Decide how many countries to target l Decide on the types of countries to enter l Screen and rank each of the possible international markets using several criteria q Market size, market growth, cost of doing business, competitive advantage, risk level l Companies prefer to sell neighboring countries because they understand these countries better and control cost better.

Deciding How to Enter the MarketGreaterAmount of Commitment, Risk, Control, and Profit Potential

Direct Investment

Joint Venturing



l Indirect export:l The work through independent intermediaries to export their products q Occasional exporting: passive level of involvement in which the company export from times to times. q Active exporting:when company committed to expand its export to particular market.


Direct export:Companies decide to handle their own export.the investment and risk are some greater but potential return.

l Licensingl License a foreign company to use trademark, manufacturing process, trade secret, or other item for a fee or royalty l Joint ventures: Join with local investors l Direct investment: -Ultimate form is directownership of foreign-based assembly or manufacturing facilities. l Can buy part or full interest in a local company.

Deciding on the Global Marketing Programl Standardized Marketing Mixq

Same basic product, advertising, distribution, and other elements of the marketing mix are used in all international markets. The marketing mix elements are adjusted for each international target market.

l Adapted Marketing Mixq

Deciding on the Global Marketing ProgramFive International Product and Promotion StrategiesProductDont Change Product Adapt Product


Dont Change Promotion

Straight Extension Communication Adaptation

Product Adaptation Dual Adaptation

Adapt Promotion


lProductl Product Strategies for the Global Marketq

Straight product expansion Marketing the product with no changes


Product adaptation Altering the product to meet local conditions or the wants of the foreign market


Product invention Creating new products or services for foreign markets

lPromotionq q

Communication adaptation Dual adaptation Standardized global communication Advertising themes are standardized from country to country with slight modifications

l Global Promotion Strategiesq


Communication adaptation Advertising messages are fully adapted to local markets


Dual adaptation: company adopt both the product and communication.

lPrice Companies have three choices

Set a uniform price everywhere: same price all over the world Set a market-based price in each country : what country can afford, Set a cost-based price in each country: standard markup on cost.

Whole-Channel Concept for Distribution


Sellers Headquarters Channels Between Nations Channels Within Nations Final User or BuyerCOMPANY SPECIFIC INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS RESEACH & DEVELOPEMENT

l Place (distribution channels)q q q

Sellers international marketing headquarters Channels between nations Channels within foreign nations Whole-channel view Sellers headquarters organization Channels between nations Channels within nations Numbers and types of intermediaries Size and character of retail units abroad

l Global Distribution Channelsq
