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  • 8/12/2019 Lecture notes chapter 3-3.pdf


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    3.3 MEMORY

    1. Every computer needs memory.1.1Memory is used for storing both instructions and data.1.2Lets examine the basic components of a memory system starting at the gate level.

    3.3.1 Latches

    2. To have a 1-bit memory, we need a circuit that remembers previous input values.2.1You can use NOR gates as in Fig 3-21 (a).

    2.1.1 You can make the same kind of circuit using NAND gates (conceptuallythe same).

















    A B NOR0 0 10 1 01 0 01 1 0




    (a) (b) (c)

    Figure 3-21. (a) NOR latch in state 0. (b) NOR latch in state 1. (c) Truth table for NOR

    2.1.2 The circuit of Fig 3-21 (a) is called an SR latch. circuit has two inputs: S for Setting the latch and R for

    Resetting (clearing) it. has two outputs of Q and Not Q which are complementary. the combinational circuit, the outputs of the latch are not

    uniquely determined by the current inputs. see how this happens, assume S and R are 0 (they are 0 most of

    the time). Q = 0 then that 0 is fed back into the upper NOR gate and thus

    both its inputs are will generate a 1 for the Not Q that, in turn, is fed to the

    bottom NOR gate and its inputs would be 1 and 0 thus generating a0 for the Qs output. state is shown in Fig 3-21 (a).2.1.3 Now if the Q was not 0 but a 1 with both R and S still 0, the upper gate

    would have 0 and 1 as input and would generate an output of 0 for Not Q.

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    Page 2 of 2 0 is fed into the lower gate and the inputs would be 0 and 0thus generating an output of 1 for Q. is in Fig 3-21 (b). Note: have Q and Not Q both be 0 or 1would not last because the NOR gates would force a stable state if

    Fig 3-21 (a) and Fig 3-21 (b).

    2.1.4 Lets try the S or R inputs. S = 1 while Q = 0, the inputs of the upper gate are then 1 and 0

    forcing the Not Q to that 0 goes down to the lower gate with both inputs being 0

    and forcing Q to be you set R to 1, nothing happens since Q is already set to if Q = 1 and R is set to 1, then the lower gate would have an

    output Q of 0 and would set the Not Q to 1. the latch remembers when S or R had been on.2.2

    It is often convenient to change memory only at certain times.2.2.1 So we modify the circuit to include a clock and AND gates for S and R to

    get what is called a clocked SR latch.






    Figure 3-22. Clocked SR latch

    2.2.2 In Fig 3-22, the clock is normally 0 that causes the output of both ANDgates to be 0, no matter what S and R is. the clock becomes 1 then the AND gates are activated and S andR values can go through. the name, the clock signal does not need to be driven by aclock. of enableand strobeare used widely to mean the clock is 1to make the circuit is sensitive to state of S and R.

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    2.2.3 There is a problem with both S and R being 1 at the same time: the circuitbecomes nondeterministic (i.e. flops around) until S and R become 0. both S and R become 0 at the same time (likely), then the latchjumps to one of its stable states at random. prevent SR latchs ambiguity (because of S = R = 1) is to allowonly one input of D as in Fig 3-23. If D = 1 and the clock is 1 thelatch is driven into state Q = 1. D = 0 and clock is 1 the latch Q state become other words when the clock becomes 1, the latch becomes

    whatever D is. circuit is called clocked D latchand is a true 1-bit memory. circuit requires 11 transistors but less obvious designs can be

    used with as few as six transistors.



    Figure 3-23. Clocked D latch


    3.3.2 Flip-Flops

    2.3Sometimes its necessary to sample the value on a line at a particular instance intime and store it.2.3.1 This variation is called a flip-flopand the state transition does not occur

    when the clock is 1 but during the clock transition from 0 to 1 (risingedge) or from 1 to 0 (falling edge).

    2.3.2 The length of the clock is unimportant as long as the transitions are fast.2.3.3 Thus a flip-flop is edge triggered and can be edge triggeredand the latch

    is level triggered(unfortunately the term of flip-flop and latch can beconfused by many authors).

    2.3.4 There are many ways to design a flip-flop.

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    Page 4 of 4 instance, if there was a way to generate a very short pulse onthe rising edge of the clock signal, that signal could be fed into a Dlatch like in Fig 3-24 (a):

    a b





    b AND c







    Figure 3-24. (a) Pulse generator. (b) Timing at four points in the circuit might appear that the output of the AND gate would always bezero since AND with an invert would be 0., the inverter (NOT gate) has a small but detectablepropagation delay which makes the circuit work. we measure the voltage of a, b, c, and d as shown in Fig 3-25(b): the input signal of a is a long clock pulse (bottom), the input

    signal of b is shown above a and it is inverted and slightly delayedby a few nanoseconds. at c is delayed also but only at the speed of light along thedistance (for example, 20 microns which would be 0.0001 nsec

    negligible compared to the inverter so a and c are essentially thesame). the b AND c is done the signals are combined into oneshort pulse (called !and is about 5 nsec or less) and d is set a short

    time later (5 nsec or less also) which is caused by the propagationdelay of the AND gate. 3-25 shows the implementation of the D flip-flop:

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    Figure 3-25. D flip-flop in real circuits more sophisticated flip-flops are used.2.3.5 Standard symbols for latches and flip-flops are shown in Fig 3-26. 3-26 (a) is a latch whose state is loaded when the clock, CK, is1, Fig 3-26 (b) is where the latch is set when the clock, CK, is 0,

    and Fig 3-26 (c) and (d) are flip-flops indicated by > on theclock, CK. 3-26 (c) changes states on the rising edge of the clock pulse. 3-26 (d) changes states on the falling edge of the clock pulse., but not all, latches and flip-flops also have the NOT Q as

    output and some have Set or Preset (set Q = 1) and Reset or Clear

    (set Q = 0).

    D Q


    D Q


    D Q

    > CK

    D Q

    > CK

    Figure 3-26. D latches and flip-flops

    (a) (b) (c) (d)

    3.3.3 Registers

    3 Flip-flops have a variety of configurations.3.1Flips-flops can be combined in groups to create registers that have data types with

    more then 1-bit3.1.1 Register in Fig 3-27 has 8 flip-flops ganged together to form an 8-bit

    storage register3.1.2 Can take an 8 bit input value (I0to I7) when the clock CK transitions

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    3.1.3 To implement the register, the clock lines are connected to the same inputsignal, CK, to allow accepting the 8-bit at the same time

    3.1.4 The flip-flops themselves are of type Fig 3-26 (d) the inversion bubbles on the flip-flops are canceled by the

    inverter tied to the clock signal CK flip-flops are loaded on the

    rising transition of the clock3.1.4.2All eight clear signals are also ganged so that when the clear goesto 0, all flips are forced to their 0 state

    3.2By the way, why have an inverter at the CK and also at each gate?3.2.1 The input signals may not have enough current to drive all eight flip-flops3.2.2 The inverters actually are used as amplifiers

    Q D


    Q D


    Q D


    Q D


    Q D


    Q D


    Q D

    CLR> CK

    Q D

    CLR> CK

    Figure 3-27. An 8-bit register constructed from single-bit flip-flops

    O0 I0 O1 I1 O2 I2 O3 I3 CK


    4 I4 5 I5 6 I6 7 I7

    3.3.4 Memory Organization

    4 We went from a 1-bit memory in Fig 3-23 to the 8-bit memory of Fig 3-27.4.1Now we need larger memories but the organization must be different to be able to

    address individual words.4.1.1 Fig 3-28 has a widely-used memory organization that does this. It has a

    memory with four 3-bit words.4.1.2 Each operation reads or writes a 3-bit word.4.1.3 While the total memory is 12 bits and hardly larger than the octal flip-

    flops it has fewer pins and the design extends to larger memories.

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    4.2Fig 3-28 is not as complicated as it looks.4.2.1 It has eight input lines and three output lines.4.2.2 Three inputs are data: I0, I1, and I2. Two inputs are for the address: A0and


    4.2.3 Finally, three inputs are for control: CS for Chip Select, RD fordistinguishing between read and write, and OE for Output Enable.4.2.4 The three outputs are for data: O0, O1, and O2. In principle this could bepackaged with 14 pins verses the 20 pins for the octal flip-flops.

    4.2.5 Set the CS high and the RD high (logical 1) for read and low (logical 0)for write.

    4.2.6 The two address lines must be set to select which of the four 3-bit wordsto read or write.

    4.2.7 For the read, the data input lines are not used but the data is placed on thedata output lines.

    4.2.8 For the written, the data input lines are loaded into the selected memoryword and the data output lines are not used.

    4.3With Fig 3-28 has four word-select AND gates at the left of the memory that forma decoder.4.3.1 The input inverters are placed so that each gate is enabled (output high) by

    a different address.4.3.2 Each gate signals a word select line from top to bottom for words 0, 1, 2,

    and When chip has been selected for a write, the vertical line for CS * Not RD

    is high thus enabling one of the four write gates depending on which wordselect line is high.

    4.3.4 The output of the write gate drives all the CK signals for the selected wordthus doing a write to the selected flip-flops (only is CS is high and RD is

    low and the word is selected via A0and A1).

    4.4Read is like the write: the address decoding is exactly the same but the CS * NotRD is low so all the write gates are disabled and none of the flip-flops aremodified.

    4.4.1 The word select line is selected that enables the AND gates tied to the Qbits of the selected word and that word outputs its data into the four-input

    OR gates at the bottom of the figure while the three other words output 0s.

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    D Q


    D Q


    D Q


    D Q


    D Q


    D Q


    D Q


    D Q


    D Q


    D Q


    D Q


    D Q





    Figure 3-28. Logic diagram for a 4 X 3 memory. Each row is one of four 3-bit words.A read or write operation always reads and writes a complete word.

    Output enable = CS * RD * OE

    __CS * RD

    Word 0

    Word 1

    Word 2

    Word 3

    Word 0selectline

    Word 1selectline

    Word 2selectline





    Data inI2



    4.4.2 We could have problems with the output lines if we used only OR gatessince the values could be outputted while a write is being done or interfere

    in another way. need a switch to disconnect the OR gates on writes. switches exist and are shown in Fig 3-29.

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    4.4.3 The noninverting bufferis in Fig 3-29 (a) and shows that is has a datainput and a control. the control is high, the buffer is like a wire as shown in Fig3-29 (b). if the control is low, the buffer acts like an open circuit in Fig3-29 (c) like someone took a wirecutter to the circuit. If thecontrol sign is high again, in just a few nanoseconds the connectionis restored. 3-29 (d) shows an inverting bufferthat acts like a normalinverter when the control is high else will disconnect if the control

    is low. kinds of buffers are tri-state devices: 0, 1, or none (open


    4.4.4 So the three noninverting buffers on Fig 3-28 are for outputting data whenCS, RD, and OE are all true and off when not.

    (a) (b) (c) (d)

    Data in

    Data out


    Figure 3-29. (a) Noninverting buffer. (b) Effect of (a) when control is high.(c) Effect of (a) when control is low. (d) Inverting buffer.

    3.3.5 Memory Chips

    The memory of Fig 3-29 nicely extends to larger sizes. It was a 4 X 3 memory fourwords of 3 bits each. To extend to 4 X 8 we need only five more columns of four flip-

    flops and five more input lines and five more output lines. Or we could do 8 X 3 wherewe add four more rows of three flip-flops each as well as another address line of A2.

    Number of words for memory should be a multiple of 2 for efficiency but the number ofbits per word can be any size.

    The number of bits per chip increases according to Moores law. However, that does not

    necessarily mean the older chips are no longer used because of trade-offs of price,capacity, power, and interfacing convenience. Typically, the largest chips are the most

    expensive than the older smaller chips. There are various ways of organizing memory.Fig 3-31 has two possible ways to organize 4 Mbit: 512K X 8 and 4096K X 1 (note:

    memory chips are quoted in bits). Fig 3-31 (a) has 19 address lines to address one of 219

    bytes and eight data lines for loading or storing the byte selected.

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    Some pins the high voltage causes an action to happen and on others it is low voltage. Toavoid confusion, well say a signal is asserted, rather than goes high or low, to cause an

    action. Pins that are asserted when the voltage is low will have a bar over it. Thus:


    CS is for high voltage for assert and CS is for low voltage for assert (or not CS).

    The opposite of asserted is negated when nothing is happening, the pins are negated.

    Since a computer has many memory chips, you need to be able to select a particular chip.The Not CS signal is used to select a chip. It also needs a way to know whether to read or

    write to the chip. The Not WE (Write Enable) signal being asserted will tell the chip thedata is being written and not read. The Not OE (Output Enable) signal is asserted to drivethe output signals. When not assert, the chip output is disconnected from the circuit.

    Fig 3-31 (b) uses a different addressing scheme. This chip is organized internally as 2048

    X 2048 matrix of 1-bit cells for 4 Mbits. To address the chip, first a row is selected byputting its 11-bit number on address pins. The Not RAS (Row Address Strobe) is

    asserted. Then a column number is put on the address pins and Not CAS (ColumnAddress Strobe) is asserted. Then the chip can accept or output one data bit.

    Larger memories frequently use n x n matrices that are addressed by row and column.

    This reduces the number of pins required but also makes addressing the chip slower sinceyou need two addressing cycles one for row and one for column. To get the speed back,

    at least partly, some memory chips can be given a row address followed by a sequence ofcolumn addresses to get consecutive bits in a row.

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    Large memory chips were often organized like Fig 3-31 (b). But as memory words went

    from 8 bits to 32 bit and beyond, 1-bit wide chips began to be inconvenient. For a 32-bitword from 4096 X 1 chips needed 32 chips in parallel. With 512K chips needs only four

    chips in parallel and allows memories as small as 2 MB. So most manufacturers now

    have 4-, 8-, and 16-bit widths.

    Two examples of modern 512-Mbit chips are shown in Fig 3-32. Design of Fig 3-32 (a)

    is a 32M X 16 design with 13 lines for Not RAS signal, 10 lines for the Not CAS signal,and 2 lines for the bank select. That makes 25 signals to allow each of the 225internal 16-

    bit cells to be addressed. However, Fig 3-32 (b) is a 128M X 4 design with 13 lines forNot RAS signal, 12 lines for Not CAS signal,, and 2 lines for bank select. 27 signals

    allow selecting any of the 227internal 4-bit cells to be addressed. How many rows andcolumns would be an engineering reason and the matrix need not be square.

    3.3.6 RAMs and ROMs

    Memories we looked at thus far can be read and written and are called RAMs(Random

    Access Memories) a bit of a misnomer since all memory chips are randomly accessed.RAMs are either static or dynamic. Static RAMs(SRAMs) are constructed internally

    using circuits like the basic D flip-flop. Their memories are retrained as long as the poweris kept on (seconds, minutes, hours, days, etc). Static RAMs are very fast and the

    typical access time is a few nsec. They are popular as level 2 cache memory.

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    Dynamic RAMs(DRAMs) do not use flip-flops. They use an array of cells with each

    cell with one transistor and a tiny capacitor. Capacitors are charged or discharged to holda 0 or a 1. But electric charge tends to leak out so each bit in a dynamic RAM must be

    refreshed (reloaded) every few milliseconds to keep the data. Dynamic RAMs need more

    complex interfacing that static ones but this disadvantage is compensated for their largercapacities. That is because dynamic RAMs need only one transistor and one capacitorverses six transistors per bit for the best static RAM. Main memories are nearly always

    built out of dynamic RAMs but they are slow (tens of nanoseconds). Having bothdynamic RAMs (main memory chips) and static RAMs (cache) help to combine the good

    properties of both.

    There are several type of dynamic RAM. Oldest type is FPM(Fast Page Mode) DRAM.It is a matrix of bits and works by having the hardware present a row address and then

    step through the column addresses using the Not RAS and Not CAS like in Fig 3-31.Explicit signals tell the memory when it is time to respond so the memory would run

    asynchronously to the main system clock. FPM DRAM was replaced with EDO(Extended Data Output) DRAM that allowed a second memory reference to begin

    before the previous memory reference was done. That did not make a single memoryreference go faster but did improve memory bandwidth more words per second.

    When cycle times of 12 nsec and slower were common, FPM and EDO worked well. But

    when processors got so fast that faster memories were needed, FPM and EDO werereplaced by SDRAM(Synchronous DRAM) which is a hybrid of static and dynamic

    RAM and is driven by the main system clock. Big advantage of SDRAM is that the clockeliminates the need for control signals to tell the memory chip when to respond. Instead

    the CPU tells the memory how many cycles it should run then starts it. This increases thedata rate between CPU and memory.

    Next improvement over SDRAM was DDR(Double Data Rate) SDRAM. This kind of

    memory produces output on both the rising edge of the clock and the falling edge thusdoubling the data rate. An 8-bit wide DDR chip running at 200 MHz outputs two 8-bit

    values 200 million times a second (burst only) thus giving a theoretical burst rate of 3.2Gbps.

    RAMs are not the only kind of memory chips. Many times, like in toys, appliances, and

    cars, the program and some data must remain stored even with the power off. And thatprogram and data are not ever changed. We need ROMs(Read-Only Memories) that

    cannot be changed or erased. Data in ROM are inserted during its manufacture byexposing a photosensitive material through a mask containing the desired bit pattern then

    etching away the exposed or unexposed surface. Can only change the program in ROMby replacing the entire chip.

    ROMs are much cheaper than RAMs when ordered in large enough volumes. But they

    are inflexible because they cannot be changed after manufacture and it can take weeksfrom the order to getting the ROMs. So to make it easier for companies to develop new

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    ROM-based products, PROM(Programmable ROM) was invented. In the field, thePROM can be programmed once and eliminate the turnaround time. PROMs have an

    array of tiny fuses inside. A specific fuse can be blown out by selecting its row andcolumn and applying a high voltage to a certain pin on the chip. The next development

    would be an EPROM(Erasable PROM) that is field-programmed but also field-erased. It

    has a quartz window on the chip that when strong ultraviolet light is shown on it for 15minutes then all the bits are set to 1. If many changes are done, EPROMs are quiteeconomical because they can be reused. EPROMs have the same organization as static

    RAMs. Even better than the EPROM is the EEPROMthat can be erased by applyingpulses to it instead of using ultraviolet light. The EEPROM can be programmed in place

    (better than placing the EPROM in a special EPROM programming device). ButEEPROMs are only 1/64 as large as common EPROMS and only half as fast. EEPROMs

    cannot compete with DRAMs or SRAMs because they are 10 times slower, 100 timessmaller in capacity, and much more expensive. They are used only in situations where

    nonvolatility is needed.

    Most recent kind of EEPROM is flash memory. Flash memory is block erasable andrewritable. Like EEPROM, flash memory an be erased without removing it from the

    circuit. Many manufacturers produce small printed circuit cards up to 1 GB of flashmemory on them for film for storing pictures in digital cameras and other purposes.

    Flash memories may replace disk drives and thus improve storage access since they havea 50-nsec access time. The problem with flash memory is that they wear out after about

    100,000 erasures whereas disks last for years no matter how often they are rewritten. Asummary of various kinds of memories are in Fig 3-33.

    Type Category Erasure


    alterable Volatile Typical use

    SRAM Read/write Electrical Yes Yes Level 2 cacheDRAM Read/write Electrical Yes Yes Main memory (old)

    SDRAM Read/write Electrical Yes Yes Main memory (new)

    ROM Read-only Not possible No No Large volume appliances

    PROM Read-only Not possible No No Small volume equipment

    EPROM Read-mostly UV light No No Device prototyping

    EEPROM Read-mostly Electrical Yes No Device prototyping

    Flash Read/write Electrical No No Film for digital camera

    Figure 3-33. Comparison of various memory types
