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Lecture on VBT and MO

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A brief description of valance bond theory and molecular orbital.
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9/1/2014 1 A recapitulation of orbital overlap and VBT followed by MOT Theories of Chemical Bonding Theories of bonding: explanations for chemical bond, Lewis dot structures and the following. Valance-bond (VB) theory Hybridization of atomic orbitals Multiple covalent bonds Molecular orbital (MO) theory Delocalized electrons Bonding in metals
  • 9/1/2014


    A recapitulation of orbital overlapand VBT

    followed by MOT

    Theories of Chemical BondingTheories of bonding: explanations for chemical bond, Lewis dot structures and the following.

    Valance-bond (VB) theory

    Hybridization of atomic orbitals

    Multiple covalent bonds

    Molecular orbital (MO) theory

    Delocalized electrons

    Bonding in metals

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    Theories of chemical bonding 3

    Energy of Interaction Between Two H Atoms



    346 kJ mol 1

    H H bond

    +346 kJ mol 1


    Energies of attraction and repulsionas functions of distance between twoH atoms are shown here.

    The minimum of the attraction forceoccur atHH bond length of 74 pm, at which,the antibonding orbital is +346 kJmole1 above 0, energy when Hatoms are far apart.

    How does energy affect the two-atom system?

    Theories of chemical bonding 4

    The Valence-bond Method

    Valence bond method considers the covalent bond as a result of overlap of atomic orbitals.Electrons stay in regions between the two atoms. Some bond examples

    s-s s-p s-d p-p p-d d-dH-H H-C H-Pd C-C Se-F Fe-Fe (?)Li-H H-N in Pd P-P

    H-F hydride

    But overlapping of simple atomic orbitals does not explain all the features. Thus, we have totake another look, or do something about atomic orbitals hybridization.

    How does valence-bond approach explain the formation ofchemical bonds?

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    Theories of chemical bonding 5

    Hybridization of Atomic OrbitalsThe solutions of Schrodinger equation led to these atomic orbitals.

    1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 3d, 4s, 4p, 4d, 4f, etc.

    However, overlap of these orbitals does not give a satisfactory explanation. In order to explainbonding, these orbitals are combined to form new set of orbitals this method is calledhybridization.

    During the lecture, these hybridized orbitals will be explained:sp 2 sp hybrid orbitals from mixing of a s and a p orbital

    sp 2 3 sp2 hybrid orbitals from mixing of a s and 2 p orbitalsp3 fill in you explanation please

    sp3d 5 sp3d hybrid orbitals from mixing of a s and 3 p and a d orbitalsp3d 2 ____________

    Provide a description for hybrid orbitals sp, sp2, sp3, sp3d, and sp3d2

    Theories of chemical bonding 6

    The sp Hybrid Orbitals

    The sp hybrid orbitals: formation oftwo sp hybrid orbitals

    + + + - = + -

    + + - = - +

    hybridization of s and p orbitals = 2 sp hybrid orbitals

    _ _ __ __

    __ __ __ Two sp hybrid orbitlas =>

    Two states of Be

  • 9/1/2014


    Theories of chemical bonding 7

    Bonds with sp Hybrid Orbitals

    Formations of bonds in these molecules are discussed during the lecture. Be prepared to do thesame by yourself.

    ClBeCl HCCH HCN : O=C=O

    Double and triple bonds involve pi p bonding, and the the application of valence bondmethod to p bonds will be discussed.

    You are expected to be able to draw pictures to show the p bonding.

    Theories of chemical bonding 8

    A p Bond

    Overlap of 2 2p orbitals for theformation of p bond

    Sigma (s) bond is symmetric about axis.

    Pi (p) electron distribution above and below axis witha nodal plane, on which probability of finding electronis zero; p bond is not as strong as sigma - lessoverlap.

    Nodal plane

    Bonding of C2H4

    C2s 2p 2p 2p

    sp2 sp2 sp2 2p

    How are pi bonds formed?

  • 9/1/2014


    Theories of chemical bonding 9

    Triple Bonds in H-CC-HH-C-C-H: three s bonds due to overlapping of 1sH spC; spC spC; and spC 1sH.

    Two p bonds in HCCH and HCN triple bonds are due to overlapping of p orbitals results.

    Draw and describe how atomic orbitals overlap to form allbonds in acetylene, HCCH

    py over lap

    px over lapH H

    sp hybrid orbitals

    Two nodal planes of p bonds areperpendicular to each other.in p bond

    in p bond

    C2s 2p 2p 2psp sp 2p 2p

    Theories of chemical bonding 10

    Two p Bonds in HCCH

    A triple bond consists of a sigma and two pi bonds. Overlaps of two sets of porbitals form of two p bonds.

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    Theories of chemical bonding 11

    Bonding of CO2For CO2, the C atom forms a s bond and a p bond with each of two O atoms. The two nodalplanes of the two p bonds are also perpendicular.

    During the lecture, I draw diagrams and explain the two s two p bonds in CO2. You areexpected to be able to do the same, in a test.

    py over lap in p bond

    Overlap pp in s bonds

    px over lap in p bond

    O=C=O or H2C=C=CH2Discuss the bonding of allene H2C=C=CH2

    See extra problems B17 in the handout

    Resonance structures

    : O C O :

    : O C O :

    . .

    Theories of chemical bonding 12


    O C O

    sigma bond(1 pair of electrons) pi bond

    (1 pair ofelectrons)

    pi bond(1 pair ofelectrons)


    O C O

    Bonding in CO2 another view

    Compare with H2C=C=CH2

  • 9/1/2014


    Theories of chemical bonding 13

    The sp2 Hybrid Orbitals

    Ground state and excited state electronicconfiguration of B

    _ _ _ __

    _ __ __

    The hybridization of a s and two p orbitalsled to 3 sp2 hybrid orbitals for bonding.

    Compounds involving sp2 hybrid orbitals:BF3, CO3

    2, H2CO, H2C=CH2, NO3, etc

    Nov. 25

    Theories of chemical bonding 14

    An example of using sp2 hybrid orbitals

    __ orbitals for bonding?

    Dipole moment = ____?

  • 9/1/2014


    Theories of chemical bonding 15

    Bonding of H2C=CH2 molecules

    Utilizing the sp2 hybrid orbitals, each C atom form two HC s bondsfor a total of 4 s HC bonds. The CC s bond is common to both Catoms.

    A CC p bond is formed due to overlap of p orbitals from each ofthe C atoms.

    Hybrid orbitals (sp2) for HCand CC s bond

    Overlap of p orbital for CC p bond

    C2s 2p 2p 2p

    sp2 sp2 sp2 2p

    Theories of chemical bonding 16

    The sp3 Hybridized OrbitalsGround state and excited state electronicconfiguration of C

    _ _ _ _

    _ _ __

    The hybridization of a s and three p orbitalsled to 4 sp3 hybrid orbitals for bonding.

    Compounds involving sp3 hybrid orbitals:CF4, CH4, : NH3, H2O::, SiO4

    4, SO42, ClO4


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    Failures of Valence Bond Theory

    (1) Assumed the electrons were localized; did notaccount for resonance.

    (2) Assumed radicals do not exist; all electronswere paired.

    (3) Gave no information on bond energies; did notexplain the following general trends:

    (i) An increase in bond energy correspondedto an increase in bond order

    (ii) A decrease in bond length correspondsto an increase in bond order.

    The Delocalized Approach to Bonding: Molecular Orbital Theory

    The localized models for bonding we have examined (Lewis and VBT) assume thatall electrons are restricted to specific bonds between atoms or in lone pairs. Incontrast, the delocalized approach to bonding places the electrons in MolecularOrbitals (MOs) - orbitals that encompass the entire molecule and are not associatedwith any particular bond between two atoms. In most cases, MO theory provides uswith a more accurate picture of the electronic structure of molecules and it gives usmore information about their chemistry (reactivity).

    Two (sp-1s) Be-H bonds.

    Be HH

    sp 1s

    Localized Bonding



    Delocalized Bonding

    MO diagram for BeH2

    The two bondingMOs in BeH2

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    Molecular Orbital Theory

    Molecular orbitals are constructed from the available atomic orbitals in a molecule. This isdone in a manner similar to the way we made hybrid orbitals from atomic orbitals in VBT.That is, we will make the MOs for a molecule from Linear Combinations of Atomic Orbitals(LCAO). In contrast to VBT, in MO theory the atomic orbitals will come from several or allof the atoms in the molecule. Once we have constructed the MOs, we can build an MOdiagram (an energy level diagram) for the molecule and fill the MOs with electrons using theAufbau principle.

    Some basic rules for making MOs using the LCAO method:

    1) n atomic orbitals must produce n molecular orbitals (e.g. 8 AOs must produce 8MOs).

    2) To combine, the atomic orbitals must be of the appropriate symmetry.

    3) To combine, the atomic orbitals must be of similar energy.

    4) Each MO must be normal and must be orthogonal to every other MO.

    + +

    1H 1s Be 2s H 1s

    This produces an MO over themolecule with a node between theatoms (it is also symmetrical aboutthe H-H axis). This is known as anantibonding MO and is given thelabel * because of its symmetry.The star indicates antibonding.

    Molecular Orbital Theory

    Diatomic molecules: The bonding in H2HA HB

    Each H atom has only a 1s orbital, so to obtain MOs for the H2 molecule, we mustmake linear combinations of these two 1s orbitals.

    Consider the addition of the two 1s functions (with the same phase):

    1sA 1sB


    This produces an MO around both Hatoms and has the same phaseeverywhere and is symmetricalabout the H-H axis. This is knownas a bonding MO and is given thelabel because of its symmetry.

    Consider the subtraction of the two 1s functions (with the same phase):

    1sA 1sB


    Remember that: - +is equivalent to:

    = 0.5 (1sA + 1sB)

    * = 0.5 (1sA - 1sB)

  • 9/1/2014


    Molecular Orbital TheoryDiatomic molecules: The bonding in H2

    HA HBYou may ask Why is called bonding and * antibonding? What does this mean?How do you know the relative energy ordering of these MOs?Remember that each 1s orbital is an atomic wavefunction (1s) and each MO is also a wave

    function, , so we can also write LCAOs like this:

    Remember that the square of a wavefunction gives us a probability density function, so thedensity functions for each MO are:

    = 1 = 0.5 (1sA + 1sB) * = 2 = 0.5 (1sA - 1sB)

    (1)2 = 0.5 [(1sA1sA) + 2(1sA1sB) +(1sB 1sB)]

    (2)2 = 0.5 [(1sA1sA) - 2(1sA1sB) +(1sB 1sB)]and

    The only difference between the two probablility functions is in the cross term (in bold), whichis attributable to the kind and amount of overlap between the two 1s atomic wavefunctions (theintegral (1sA 1sB) is known as the overlap integral, S). In-phase overlap makes bondingorbitals and out-of-phase overlap makes antibonding orbitalswhy?

    (1)2 = 0.5 [(1sA1sA) + 2(1sA1sB) +(1sB 1sB)]

    (2)2 = 0.5 [(1sA1sA) - 2(1sA 1sB) +(1sB 1sB)]

    Let us discuss the answer to the last questions

    Diatomic molecules: The bonding in H2HA HB

    Consider the electron density between the two nuclei: the red curve is the probability densityfor HA by itself, the blue curve is for HB by itself and the brown curve is the density youwould get for 1sA + 1sB without any overlap: it is just (1sA)

    2 + (1sB)2 {the factor of is to

    put it on the same scale as the normalized functions}.

    The increase of electron density between the nuclei from the in-phase overlap reduces theamount of repulsion between the positive charges. This means that a bonding MO will belower in energy (more stable) than the corresponding antibonding MO or two non-bonded Hatoms.

    The function (1)2 is shown in green

    and has an extra + 2 (1sA 1sB) ofelectron density than the situation whereoverlap is neglected.

    The function (1)2 is shown in pink and

    has less electron density between thenuclei {- 2(1sA1sB)} than the situationwhere overlap is neglected.

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    Molecular Orbital TheoryDiatomic molecules: The bonding in H2

    HA HBSo now that we know that the bonding MO is more stable than the atoms by themselvesand the * antibonding MO, we can construct the MO diagram.





    1s 1s



    To clearly identify the symmetry of thedifferent MOs, we add the appropriatesubscripts g (symmetric with respect to theinversion center) and u (anti-symmetric withrespect to the inversion center) to the labelsof each MO.

    The electrons are then added to the MOdiagram using the Aufbau principle.

    Note:The amount of stabilization of the MO (indicated by the red arrow) is slightly less than theamount of destabilization of the * MO (indicated by the blue arrow) because of the pairing ofthe electrons. For H2, the stabilization energy is 432 kJ/mol and the bond order is 1.

    Bond Order =(# of e 's in bonding MO's) - (# of e 's in antibonding MO's)


    - -

    Molecular Orbital TheoryDiatomic molecules: The bonding in He2

    He also has only 1s AO, so the MO diagram for the molecule He2 can be formed in anidentical way, except that there are two electrons in the 1s AO on He.





    1s 1s



    Molecular Orbital theory is powerful because it allows us to predict whethermolecules should exist or not and it gives us a clear picture of the of the electronicstructure of any hypothetical molecule that we can imagine.

    The bond order in He2 is (2-2)/2 = 0, so themolecule will not exist.

    However the cation [He2]+, in which one of

    the electrons in the * MO is removed,would have a bond order of (2-1)/2 = , sosuch a cation might be predicted to exist.The electron configuration for this cationcan be written in the same way as we writethose for atoms except with the MO labelsreplacing the AO labels:

    [He2]+ = 2*1

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    This produces an MO over themolecule with a node between the Fatoms. This is thus an antibondingMO of *u symmetry.

    Molecular Orbital TheoryDiatomic molecules: The bonding in F2

    Each F atom has 2s and 2p valence orbitals, so to obtain MOs for the F2 molecule, we mustmake linear combinations of each appropriate set of orbitals. In addition to the combinationsof ns AOs that weve already seen, there are now combinations of np AOs that must be

    considered. The allowed combinations can result in the formation of either or typebonds.



    This produces an MO around both Fatoms and has the same phaseeverywhere and is symmetricalabout the F-F axis. This is thus abonding MO of g symmetry.

    * = 0.5 (2pzA + 2pzB)2pzB



    = 0.5 (2pzA - 2pzB)2pzB

    The combinations of symmetry:

    This produces an MO over themolecule with a node on the bondbetween the F atoms. This is thus abonding MO of u symmetry.

    Molecular Orbital Theory

    Diatomic molecules: The bonding in F2



    This produces an MO around both Fatoms that has two nodes: one on thebond axis and one perpendicular tothe bond. This is thus anantibonding MO of *g symmetry.

    = 0.5 (2pyA + 2pyB)2pyB


    * = 0.5 (2pyA - 2pyB)

    The first set of combinations of symmetry:

    2pyA 2pyB

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    The second set of combinations with symmetry (orthogonal to the first set):

    This produces an MO over themolecule with a node on the bondbetween the F atoms. This is thus abonding MO of u symmetry.

    Molecular Orbital Theory

    Diatomic molecules: The bonding in F2



    This produces an MO around both Fatoms that has two nodes: one on thebond axis and one perpendicular tothe bond. This is thus anantibonding MO of *g symmetry.

    = 0.5 (2pxA + 2pxB)



    * = 0.5 (2pxA - 2pxB)

    2pxA 2pxB





    2s 2s









    Molecular Orbital TheoryMO diagram for F2


    Atypical diagram:

    Only shows the MOs derived fromthe valence electrons because thepair of MOs from the 1s orbitalsare much lower in energy and canbe ignored.

    the atomic 2p orbitals are actuallyall the same energy for two non-interacting F atoms.

    Notice that there is no mixing ofAOs of the same symmetry from asingle F atom because there is asufficient difference in energybetween the 2s and 2p orbitals in F.

    Also notice that more the nodesin an orbital of a given symmetry,the higher the energy.

    Note: for the sake of simplicity,electrons are not shown in theatomic orbitals.

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    2s 2s









    Molecular Orbital TheoryMO diagram for F2


    Another key feature of suchdiagrams is that the -type MOsformed by the combinations of thepx and py orbitals make degeneratesets (i.e. they are identical inenergy).

    The highest occupied molecularorbitals (HOMOs) are the 1*g pair- these correspond to some of thelone pair orbitals in the moleculeand this is where F2 will react as anelectron donor.

    The lowest unoccupied molecularorbital (LUMO) is the 3*u orbital -this is where F2 will react as anelectron acceptor.



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