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Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform Maxim Raginsky BME 171: Signals and Systems Duke University November 5, 2008 Maxim Raginsky Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform
Page 1: Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform - Maxim Raginskymaxim.ece.illinois.edu/teaching/fall08/lec14.pdfThe Laplace transform This leads us to the definition of the Laplace transform.

Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform

Maxim Raginsky

BME 171: Signals and Systems

Duke University

November 5, 2008

Maxim Raginsky Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform

Page 2: Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform - Maxim Raginskymaxim.ece.illinois.edu/teaching/fall08/lec14.pdfThe Laplace transform This leads us to the definition of the Laplace transform.

This lecture

Plan for the lecture:

1 Recap: the Fourier transform

2 Motivation for the Laplace transform: exponential decaying factors

3 The Laplace transform: definition

4 Properties of the Laplace transform

Maxim Raginsky Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform

Page 3: Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform - Maxim Raginskymaxim.ece.illinois.edu/teaching/fall08/lec14.pdfThe Laplace transform This leads us to the definition of the Laplace transform.

Recap: The Fourier transform

We have seen earlier that we can represent sufficiently regular(e.g., absolutely integrable) signals via their Fourier transform:

x(t) ↔ X(ω)

X(ω) =



However, many important types of signals do not have a Fouriertransform in the ordinary sense, i.e., the integral that defines X(ω)diverges.

Ex.: x(t) = u(t)


x(t)e−jωtdt =


e−jωtdt = limT→∞







and this limit does not exist because of the oscillatory behavior of e−jωt.

Maxim Raginsky Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform

Page 4: Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform - Maxim Raginskymaxim.ece.illinois.edu/teaching/fall08/lec14.pdfThe Laplace transform This leads us to the definition of the Laplace transform.

A possible way out

We can remedy this situation by introducing an exponentially decayingterm e−σt, where σ is a real constant.

Again, consider x(t) = u(t).


u(t)e−σte−jωtdt =



= limT→∞



σ + jωe−(σ+jω)t




σ + jω−


σ + jωlim



e−σT e−jωT]


If σ > 0, then the above limit is equal to 0; if σ ≤ 0, the limit does notexist. Thus, if σ > 0, we have


u(t)e−(σ+jω)tdt =1

σ + jω.

Maxim Raginsky Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform

Page 5: Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform - Maxim Raginskymaxim.ece.illinois.edu/teaching/fall08/lec14.pdfThe Laplace transform This leads us to the definition of the Laplace transform.

The Laplace transform

This leads us to the definition of the Laplace transform. Given a signalx(t) and a complex number s = σ + jω, we define




x(t)e−stdt =



The above integral may diverge for some values of s. The set of allcomplex numbers s for which the above integral converges is called theregion of convergence (ROC) of the Laplace transform of x(t).

This is called the bilateral (or two-sided) Laplace transform. We canalso define the unilateral (or one-sided) Laplace transform:

X(s) =



We will deal with the one-sided Laplace transform, because that will allow

us to deal conveniently with systems that have nonzero initial conditions.

Maxim Raginsky Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform

Page 6: Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform - Maxim Raginskymaxim.ece.illinois.edu/teaching/fall08/lec14.pdfThe Laplace transform This leads us to the definition of the Laplace transform.

The Laplace transform: an example

As an example, let us consider x(t) = e−btu(t), where b is real orcomplex.

X(s) =






= limT→∞



b + se−(b+s)t




b + s−


b + slim





The above limit will be equal to 0 if Re(b + s) > 0; otherwise, it does notexist. Hence,

X(s) =1

s + b, if Re(b + s) > 0.

Thus, the ROC is the set of all complex numbers s, such that

Re s > −Re b.

Maxim Raginsky Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform

Page 7: Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform - Maxim Raginskymaxim.ece.illinois.edu/teaching/fall08/lec14.pdfThe Laplace transform This leads us to the definition of the Laplace transform.

The relation to the Fourier transform

A word of caution: it is tempting to assume that we can compute theFourier transform of x(t) from its Laplace transform X(s) by settings = jω (i.e., σ = 0). However, this is valid if and only if the set{s ∈ C : Re s = 0} is in the ROC of X(s).

Ex.: x(t) = e−btu(t), b real.

The ROC is {s ∈ C : Re s > −b}. If b > 0, then the ROC includes allpurely imaginary numbers. Thus,

X(ω) =1

s + b



jω + b,

which we have proved before.

On the other hand, if b ≤ 0, the ROC does not contain any purelyimaginary number, so the Fourier transform does not exist, while theLaplace transform is equal to

X(s) =1

s + b

for any s in the ROC.Maxim Raginsky Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform

Page 8: Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform - Maxim Raginskymaxim.ece.illinois.edu/teaching/fall08/lec14.pdfThe Laplace transform This leads us to the definition of the Laplace transform.

Properties of the Laplace transform

Just as the Fourier transform, the Laplace transform has a number ofuseful properties which we will learn to exploit. We will look at and provea few of these.

We will use the notation x(t) ↔ X(s) to denote the fact that X(s) is theLaplace transform of x(t); we will also use the notation X(s) = L[x(t)].First of all, the Laplace transform is linear: if X1(s) = L[x1(t)] andX2(s) = L[x2(t)], then for any constants a1 and a2

L[a1x1(t) + a2x2(t)] = a1L[x1(t)] + a2L[x2(t)] = a1X1(s) + a2X2(s).

This is obvious from definitions.

Maxim Raginsky Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform

Page 9: Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform - Maxim Raginskymaxim.ece.illinois.edu/teaching/fall08/lec14.pdfThe Laplace transform This leads us to the definition of the Laplace transform.

Properties: right shift in time

IF X(s) = L[x(t)], then for any real number c > 0 we have

x(t − c)u(t − c) ↔ e−csX(s).


L[x(t − c)u(t − c)] =


x(t − c)u(t − c)e−stdt



x(t − c)e−stdt




= e−cs



= e−csX(s).


Maxim Raginsky Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform

Page 10: Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform - Maxim Raginskymaxim.ece.illinois.edu/teaching/fall08/lec14.pdfThe Laplace transform This leads us to the definition of the Laplace transform.

Right shift in time: example

Ex.: consider the rectangular pulse

x(t) =


1, 0 ≤ t < c0, otherwise

We can writex(t) = u(t) − u(t − c).

Then, using linearity and shift property we get

X(s) =1




1 − e−cs


The ROC is {s ∈ C : Re s > 0}.

Maxim Raginsky Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform

Page 11: Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform - Maxim Raginskymaxim.ece.illinois.edu/teaching/fall08/lec14.pdfThe Laplace transform This leads us to the definition of the Laplace transform.

Properties: multiplication by a power of t

If X(s) = L[x(t)], then

L[tNx(t)] = (−1)N dN


Proof: similar to the corresponding property of the Fourier transform.

Ex.: x(t) = tNu(t).

X(s) = (−1)N dN






=N !


In particular, for the unit ramp x(t) = tu(t) we have

X(s) =1


Ex.: x(t) = te−btu(t).

X(s) = (−1)d




s + b



(s + b)2.

Maxim Raginsky Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform

Page 12: Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform - Maxim Raginskymaxim.ece.illinois.edu/teaching/fall08/lec14.pdfThe Laplace transform This leads us to the definition of the Laplace transform.

Properties: multiplication by an exponential

If X(s) = L[x(t)], then

L[eatx(t)] = X(s − a)

for any a, real or complex.


L[eatx(t)] =






= X(s − a).

Ex.: x(t) = [u(t) − u(t − c)]eat, where c > 0 and a is a real number.Then

X(s) =1 − e−c(s−a)

s − a.

Maxim Raginsky Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform

Page 13: Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform - Maxim Raginskymaxim.ece.illinois.edu/teaching/fall08/lec14.pdfThe Laplace transform This leads us to the definition of the Laplace transform.

Laplace transform of cosine and sine

1 x(t) = cos(ω0t)u(t) = 12


ejω0t + e−jω0t]


X(s) =1




s − jω0+


s + jω0




s2 + ω20


s2 + ω20


2 x(t) = sin(ω0t)u(t) = 12j


ejω0t − e−jω0t]

X(s) =1




s − jω0−


s + jω0





s2 + ω2 + 0


s2 + ω20


Maxim Raginsky Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform

Page 14: Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform - Maxim Raginskymaxim.ece.illinois.edu/teaching/fall08/lec14.pdfThe Laplace transform This leads us to the definition of the Laplace transform.

Exponentially damped sinusoids

1 x(t) = e−bt cos(ω0t)u(t)

X(s) =s + b

(s + b)2 + ω20

2 x(t) = e−bt sin(ω0t)u(t)

X(s) =ω0

(s + b)2 + ω20

Maxim Raginsky Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform

Page 15: Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform - Maxim Raginskymaxim.ece.illinois.edu/teaching/fall08/lec14.pdfThe Laplace transform This leads us to the definition of the Laplace transform.

Properties: differentiation in time domain

If X(s) = L[x(t)], then






= sX(s) − x(0),

(when x(t) is discontinuous at t = 0 or if it contains an impulse or thederivative of an impulse at t = 0, x(0) should be replaced by x(0−)).

Proof: assume that, as t → ∞, x(t) decays faster than an exponential,i.e., |x(t)| < Ce−at for t large enough and for some C ≥ 0 and a > 0.Then we integrate by parts to get















0+ s



= −x(0) + sX(s),

where we have used the exponential decay of x(t).

Maxim Raginsky Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform

Page 16: Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform - Maxim Raginskymaxim.ece.illinois.edu/teaching/fall08/lec14.pdfThe Laplace transform This leads us to the definition of the Laplace transform.

Differentiation in time domain

Ex.: x(t) = δ(t). Since δ(t) = (d/dt)u(t), we have

L[δ(t)] = s ·1

s− u(0−) = 1.

For the second derivative, we have






= s2X(s) − sx(0) − x′(0),

where x(0) and x′(0) are, respectively, the values of x(t) and x′(t) at

t = 0.

Maxim Raginsky Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform

Page 17: Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform - Maxim Raginskymaxim.ece.illinois.edu/teaching/fall08/lec14.pdfThe Laplace transform This leads us to the definition of the Laplace transform.

Properties: integration in time domain

If X(s) = L[x(t)], then








Proof: define the function

v(t) =

{∫ t

0x(λ)dλ, t ≥ 0

0, t < 0

Then v′(t) = x(t) for t ≥ 0; since we are dealing with the one-sidedLaplace transform, we assume that x(t) = 0 for t < 0. Hence, by thedifferentiation in time domain property we get

X(s) = sV (s),

so V (s) = (1/s)X(s). Q.E.D.

Maxim Raginsky Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform

Page 18: Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform - Maxim Raginskymaxim.ece.illinois.edu/teaching/fall08/lec14.pdfThe Laplace transform This leads us to the definition of the Laplace transform.

Properties: convolution in time domain

If X(s) = L[x(t)] and V (s) = L[v(t)], then

L[x(t) ⋆ v(t)] = X(s)V (s).

Ex.: let x(t) = v(t) = u(t) − u(t − 1). Then

X(s) =1 − e−s



L[x(t) ⋆ x(t)] = X2(s) =


1 − e−s



=1 − 2e−s + e−2s


We can actually invert this Laplace transform using its properties:

x(t) = tu(t) − 2(t − 1)u(t − 1) + (t − 2)u(t − 2).

Maxim Raginsky Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform

Page 19: Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform - Maxim Raginskymaxim.ece.illinois.edu/teaching/fall08/lec14.pdfThe Laplace transform This leads us to the definition of the Laplace transform.

Properties: initial-value theorem

Given a signal x(t) with the Laplace transform X(s), we can computethe initial values x(0) and x′(0) via

x(0) = lims→∞


andx′(0) = lim


[s2X(s) − sx(0)]

This property is called the Initial-Value Theorem (IVT).

Ex.: suppose the signal x(t) has the Laplace transform

X(s) =−s2 + 1

2s3 + 3s2 + 1.


x(0) = lims→∞

sX(s) = lims→∞

−s3 + s

2s3 + 3s2 + 1= −



Maxim Raginsky Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform

Page 20: Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform - Maxim Raginskymaxim.ece.illinois.edu/teaching/fall08/lec14.pdfThe Laplace transform This leads us to the definition of the Laplace transform.

Properties: final-value theorem

Given a signal x(t), such that the limit


= limt→∞


(called the final value of x(t)) exists, we have

x(∞) = lims→0


Note that the limit on the right-hand side may exist, but it will onlyequal x(∞) if the latter limit is well-defined. This property is called theFinal-Value Theorem (FVT).

Ex.: suppose

X(s) =1

s2 + 1.


sX(s) = lims→0


s2 + 1= 0.

However, X(s) = L[sin(t)u(t)], and sin(t)u(t) does not have a final

value.Maxim Raginsky Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform

Page 21: Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform - Maxim Raginskymaxim.ece.illinois.edu/teaching/fall08/lec14.pdfThe Laplace transform This leads us to the definition of the Laplace transform.

The use of IVT and FVT

The IVT and the FVT are useful because they show how we can extractinformation about the initial and the final values of a signal from theknowledge of its Laplace transform. However, when using the FVT weshould be careful to make sure that x(∞) is, in fact, defined.

Later we will see how to ascertain that from the form of the Laplacetransform of x(t).

We also note that the IVT cannot be used to infer x(0−), because the

one-sided Laplace transform is based on the signal x(t) for t ≥ 0.

Maxim Raginsky Lecture XIV: The Laplace transform
