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Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1

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  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Author(s): Patrick Carter, Daniel Wachter, Rockefeller Oteng, CarlSeger, 2009-2010.

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  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


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  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


     Advanced Emergency

    Trauma Course

    8hana >!ergenc( =eicine

    @ntro$ction an Co$rse O"er"iew

    @nitial /ssess!ent an=anage!ent

    Presenter% Patrick Carter, =D

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Objectives @ntro$ction to />+C Co$rse

    Co$rse C$rric$l$! >&ie!iolog( of +ra$!a Care Aistor( of De"elo&!ent of +ra$!a Care =echanis!s of @n5$r( Basics of +ra$!a =anage!ent

    Pri!ar( S$r"e(


    Seconar( S$r"e( /BCD> or!at

    Cer"ical S&inal @!!o#iliation S&ecic Case >7a!&les

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


     AETC Course /"ance >!ergenc( +ra$!a Co$rse De"elo&e #( Uni"ersit( of =ichigan an

    Uni"ersit( of Utah >!ergenc( =eicine ac$lt( 8eneral O"er"iew of +ra$!a =anage!ent

    U.S. #ase >= C$rric$l$! /+*S C$rric$l$!

    a( co$rse

    20 ho$rs of iactic teaching Skill Stations for "ital tra$!a &roce$res

    Re"iew an testing on a(

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


     AETC Course

    >"al$ation +ools Pre'Post +est of +ra$!a Enowlege Pre'Post Skill Station >"al$ations

    Post Co$rse S$r"e(

    F =onth Post Co$rse S$r"e(

    Research St$( Gol$ntar( @n"ol"e!ent

    Co$rse $tilies new teaching techni$es O&en e$cational Reso$rce =aterial *ow +echnological Si!$lation +ools

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


     AETC Course Schedule

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


     AETC Skill Stations

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Initial Assessment and

    Management of the Trauma


    Ghana Emergency MedicineGhana Emergency MedicineCollaborativeCollaborative

    Advanced Emergency Trauma CourseAdvanced Emergency Trauma Course

    So$rce% www.aic.c$hk.e$.hk'we#Htoc.ht!/ccesse 9'20'09 I Jahoo i!ages "ia Creati"eCo!!ons


  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1



    Roa +raKc /ccients are !a5or ca$se of long ter!!or#iit( an !ortalit( in e"elo&ing nations

    @n the rst $arter of 2009, )2 eaths in 8hana fro!Roa +raKc /ccients

    2L increase fro! &re"io$s (ear

    WAO &reicts that #( 2020, Roa +raKc /ccients will #esecon leaing ca$se of loss of life for worlMs &o&$lation Aigh =or#iit( N *oss of inco!e to societ( Challenges in De"elo&ing Co$ntries

     +echnological /"ances in +ra$!a Care

    *ack of @nfrastr$ct$re for +ra$!a =anage!ent >=S Pre-hos&ital notication =D'R +raining in tra$!a care

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1



    @!!eiatel( Ao$rs Da(s'Weeks




     +ri!oal Distri#$tion of +ra$!a Deaths

    8olen Ao$r N H0L of tra$!aeaths in rst ho$r after in5$r(

    Ra&i tra$!a care has greatestle"el of i!&act in these &atients

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    !istory of Trauma System "eveloment Stanarie +ra$!a /ssess!ent

    e#raska Cornel, 19F Ortho&eic S$rgeon *ea to e"elo&!ent of /+*S

     +ra$!a S(ste!s De"elo&!ent irst e"elo&e !( !ilitar( in warti!e

    i.e. =/SA Units

    >7&ane in US to *e"el 1, 2, ) +ra$!aCenters Ur#an S(ste!s Statewie networks of s(ste!s Level 9 I Aighest le"el of care, *eaers in

    research, clinical care an e$cation

    Level  I Pro"ies eniti"e care in wie range ofco!&le7 tra$!atic &atients

    Level 3 I Pro"ies initial sta#iliation antreat!ent. =a( care for $nco!&licate tra$!a&atients

    Level ; I Pro"ies initial sta#iliation antransfers all tra$!a &atients for eniti"e care

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

    Otisarchi"es1 ickr3


  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Mechanisms of Injury Bl$nt +ra$!a

    Co!&ression orces Cells in tiss$es are co!&resse an cr$she >.g. S&leen

    Shear orces

    /cceleration'Deceleration @n5$r( >.g. /orta

    Shearing force N S&ectr$! fro! $ll thickness tear>7sang$ination3 to Partial tear Pse$oane$r(s!3

    O"er&ress$re Bo( ca"it( co!&resse at a rate faster than the

    tiss$e aro$n it, res$lting in r$&t$re of the closes&ace

    >.g. Plastic #ag >.g. in tra$!a N ia&hrag!atic r$&t$re, #laer


    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Mechanisms of Injury rontal @!&act Collisions

    *ateral @!&act Collisions + #one3 Rear @!&act Collisions

    Rollo"er =echanis! O&en Gehicle or =otorc(cle'=o&e

    Peestrian Gs. Car

    Penetrating @n5$r( 8$ns "s. Eni"es3

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

    Gincent Q Brown ickr3

    Enockhill ickr3

    7tiak ickr3

    ico.se ickr3

     Q$ic(rai ickr



  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    #asics of Trauma Assessment Pre&aration

     +ea! /sse!#l(

    >$i&!ent Check  +riage

    Sort &atients #( le"el of ac$it( S/+S3

    Pri!ar( S$r"e(

    Designe to ientif( in5$ries that are i!!eiatel( life threatening an

    to treat the! as the( are ientie Res$scitation

    Ra&i &roce$res an treat!ent to treat in5$ries fo$n in &ri!ar(s$r"e( #efore co!&leting the seconar( s$r"e(

    Seconar( S$r"e(

    $ll Aistor( an Ph(sical >7a! to e"al$ate for other tra$!atic in5$ries =onitoring an >"al$ation, Seconar( a5$ncts  +ransfer to Deniti"e Care

    @CU, War, O&erating +heatre, /nother facilit(

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Prearation $ $ $ Coming Attractions

    Organie +ra$!aRes&onse +ea!

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  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Primary Survey

    Airwa( an Protection of S&inal Corn"iron!ent

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Primary Survey

    Ee( Princi&les When (o$ n a &ro#le! $ring the

    &ri!ar( s$r"e(, 26= 68.

    @f the &atient gets worse, restart fro!the #eginning of the &ri!ar( s$r"e(

    So!e critical &atients in the>!ergenc( De&art!ent !a( not

    &rogress #e(on the &ri!ar( s$r"e(

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Air%ay and Protection of Sinal Cord

    Wh( rst in the algorith!

    *oss of airwa( can res$lt in eath in ) !in$tes Prolonge h(&o7ia N @nae$ate &erf$sion, >n-organ

    a!age /irwa( /ssess!ent

    Gital Signs N RR, O2 sat

    =ental Stat$s N /gitation, So!nolent, Co!a /irwa( Patenc( N Secretions, Strior, O#str$ction  +ra$!atic @n5$r( a#o"e the cla"icles Gentilation Stat$s N /ccessor( !$scle $se, Retractions,

    Wheeing Clinical Pearls

    Patients who are s&eaking nor!all( generall( o notha"e a nee for i!!eiate airwa( !anage!ent

    Aoarse or weak "oice !a( inicate a s$#tle tracheal orlar(ngeal in5$r(

    ois( Res&irations fre$entl( inicates an o#str$cte

    res&irator( &attern1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Air%ay Interventions

    =aintenance of /irwa( Patenc( S$ction of Secretions Chin *ift'Qaw thr$st aso&har(ngeal /irwa( Deniti"e /irwa(

    /irwa( S$&&ort O7(gen RB= 100L3 Bag Gal"e =ask Deniti"e /irwa(

    Deniti"e /irwa( >notracheal @nt$#ation

    @n-line cer"ical sta#iliation

    S$rgical Crichoth(roioto!(

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

    Source undetermined

    Source undetermined

    Source undetermined

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Protection of Sinal Cord 1eneral 5rinci!le: Protect the entire s&inal cor $ntil

    in5$r( has #een e7cl$e #( raiogra&h( or clinical

    &h(sical e7a! in &atients with &otential s&inal cor in5$r(. S&inal Protection

    Rigi Cer"ical S&inal Collar N Cer"ical S&ine *ong rigi s&inal #oar or i!!o#iliation on at s$rface s$ch

    as stretcher N +'* S&ine

    >tiolog( of S&inal Cor @n5$r( U.S.3 Roa +raKc /ccients TL3 Aigh energ( falls 2)L3

    Clinical Pearls  +reat!ent @!!o#iliation3 #efore iagnosis

    Ret$rn hea to ne$tral &osition Do not a&&l( traction Diagnosis of s&inal cor in5$r( sho$l not &recee

    res$scitation =otor "ehicle crashes an falls are !ost co!!onl(

    associate with s&inal cor in5$ries

    =ain foc$s N Pre"ention of f$rther in5$r(1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    C&sine Immobili'ation

    Ret$rn hea to ne$tral &osition =aintain in-line sta#iliation Correct sie collar a&&lication Blocks'ta&e San#ags

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

    *ource:www.ossur.com>bracesandsu!!orts>nec, ands!ine>!rehos!it...oncollars>!hillybloc,headAccessed ?>0>0?

     -ahoo 6ma"es

    Palainsf ickr3


  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Breathing and (entilation

    8eneral Princi&le% /e$ate gas e7change is re$ire to!a7i!ie &atient o7(genation an car#on io7ieeli!ination

    Breathing'Gentilation /ssess!ent% >7&os$re of chest 8eneral @ns&ection

     +racheal De"iation /ccessor( =$scle Use Retractions /#sence of s&ontaneo$s #reathing Parao7ical chest wall !o"e!ent

    /$sc$ltation to assess for gas e7change

    >$al Bilaterall( Di!inishe or /#sent #reath so$ns

    Pal&ation De"iate +rachea Broken ri#s @n5$ries to chest wall

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    @entif( *ife +hreatening @n5$ries

     +ension Pne$!othora7 /ir tra&&ing in the &le$ral s&ace #etween

    the l$ng an chest wall S$Kcient &ress$re #$ils $& an

    &ress$re to co!&ress the l$ngs an shift

    the !eiastin$! Ph(sical e7a! /#sent #reath so$ns

    /ir h$nger

    Distene neck "eins

     +racheal shift

     +reat!ent eele Deco!&ression

    2n @ntercostal s&ace, =icla"ic$lar line

     +$#e +horacosto!( th @ntercostal s&ace, /nterior a7illar(


    Breathing and Ventilation

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

    *ource: www.meddean.luc.edulumen+ed7d>medicine>!ulmona

    r>cxr>!neumo9.htmAccessed ?>0>0? / -ahoo6ma"es

    elldot (wi,imedia)


  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1



    Bloo collecting in the &le$ral s&acean is co!!on after &enetrating an#l$nt chest tra$!a

    So$rce of #leeing N *$ng, Chest wall

    intercostal arteries3, heart, great"essels /orta3, Dia&hrag!

    Ph(sical >7a! /#sent or i!inishe #reath so$ns D$llness to &erc$ssion o"er chest

    Ae!o(na!ic insta#ilit(

     +reat!ent N *arge Cali#er +$#e +horacosto!(

    10-20L of cases will re$ire +horacoto!( for control of#leeing

    Breathing and (entilation

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

    htt&%''www.tra$!a.org'ine7.&h&'!ain'i!ages'C11'/ccesse 9'20'09 I Jahoo @!ages


  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Breathing and (entilation

    lail Chest Direct in5$r( to the chest res$lting in an$nsta#le seg!ent of the chest wall that!o"es se&aratel( fro! re!ainer ofthoracic cage

     +(&icall( res$lts fro! two or !ore

    fract$res on 2 or !ore ri#s  +(&icall( /cco!&anie #( a &$l!onar(cont$sion

    Ph(sical >7a! N Parao7ical !o"e!entof chest seg!ent

     +reat!ent N @!&ro"e /#nor!alities in

    gas e7change >arl( @nt$#ation for &atients with

    res&irator( istress /"oiance of o"eraggressi"e $i


    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative





  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Breathing and (entilation

    O&en Pne$!othora7 S$cking Chest Wo$n *arge efect of chest wall

    *eas to ra&i e$ili#ration ofat!os&heric an intrathoracic

    &ress$re @!&airs o7(genation an


    @nitial +reat!ent +hree Sie occl$si"e ressing

    Pro"ies a $tter "al"e e6ect Chest t$#e &lace!ent re!ote to

    site of wo$n /"oi co!&lete ressing, will

    create a tension &ne$!othora7

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

    =ile an #otto! i!age%

    htt&%''www.#rooksie&ress.org'Pro$cts'O&erational=eicine'D/+/'o&erational!e'Proce$res' +reataS$ckingChestWo$n.ht!/ccesse 9'20'09 I Jahoo @!ages

    htt&%''www.tra$!a.org'ine7.&h&'!ain'i!age'902'/ccesse 9'20'09, Jahoo @!ages


  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    )eedle Thoracostomy

    eele +horacosto!(

    =icla"ic$lar line 1T g$age angiocath

    O"er the 2n ri#

    R$sh of air is hear

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative


    9'ine7.&h&!ain'i!age'9'/ccesse 9'20'09 I Jahoo @!ages


  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Tube Thoracostomy @nsertion site

    th intercostal s&ace,

    /nterior a7illar( line Sterile &re&, anesthesia with liocaine 2-) c! incision along ri# !argin with 10

    #lae Dissect thro$gh s$#c$taneo$s tiss$es to

    ri# !argin P$nct$re the &le$ra o"er the ri# /"ance chest t$#e with cla!& an irect

    &osteriorl( an a&icall( O#ser"e for fogging of chest t$#e, #loo

    o$t&$t S$t$re the t$#e in &lace Co!&lications of Chest +$#e Place!ent

    @n5$r( to intercostal ner"e, arter(, "ein @n5$r( to l$ng @n5$r( to !eiastin$! @nfection /llergic reaction to liocaine

    @na&&ro&riate Place!ent of chest t$#e1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

    www.si!$la#.co!'+ra$!a=an...tesis.ht!'/ccesse 9'20'09 I Jahoo@!ages


    i!ageli#rar('chest001a.5&g/ccesse 9'20'09 IJahoo@!ages


  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Circulation Shock

    @!&aire tiss$e &erf$sion  +iss$e o7(genation is inae$ate to !eet !eta#olic e!an Prolonge shock state leas to !$ltiorgan s(ste! fail$re an

    cell eath Clinical Signs of Shock

    /ltere !ental stat$s

     +ach(caria AR X 1003 N =ost co!!on sign /rterial A(&otension SBP 1203 e!oral P$lse I SBP X H0 Raial P$lse I SBP X 90 Caroti P$lse I SBP X F0

    @nae$ate +iss$e Perf$sion

    Pale skin color Cool cla!!( skin Dela(e ca& rell X ) secons3 /ltere *OC Decrease Urine O$t&$t UOP 0. !*'kg'hr3

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1



     +(&es of Shock in +ra$!a Ae!orrhagic

    /ss$!e he!orrhagic shock in all tra$!a &atients$ntil &ro"en otherwise

    Res$lts fro! @nternal or >7ternal Bleeing

    O#str$cti"e Cariac +a!&onae  +ension Pne$!othora7

    e$rogenic S&inal Cor in5$r(

    So$rces of Bleeing

    Chest /#o!en Pel"is Bilateral e!$r ract$res

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Circulation >!ergenc( $rsing +reat!ent

     +wo *arge @G *ines Cariac =onitor Bloo Press$re =onitoring

    8eneral +reat!ent Princi&les Sto& the #leeing

    /&&l( irect &ress$re

     +e!&oraril( close scal& lacerations Close o&en-#ook &el"ic fract$res

    /#o!inal &el"ic #iner'#esheet

    Restore circ$lating "ol$!e Cr(stalloi Res$scitation 2*3 /!inister Bloo Pro$cts

    @!!o#ilie fract$res Res&oners "s. onres&oners

     +ransient Res&onse to "ol$!e res$scitation N sign of ongoing#loo loss

    onres&oners N Consier other so$rce for shock state oro&erating roo! for control of !assi"e he!orrhage

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1



    Pericarial +a!&onae Pericari$! or sac aro$n heart llswith #loo $e to &enetrating or#l$nt in5$r( to chest

    BeckMs +ria Distene 5$g$lar "eins A(&otension =$Ye Aeart So$ns


    Ra&i e"ac$ation of &ericarial s&ace Perfor!e thro$gh a Pericariocentesis

    te!&oriing !eas$re3 O&en +horacoto!(

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

    A    e   a   r   t   




    /ceofhearts19FH Wiki!eia3


  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1



    P$nct$re the skin 1-2 c! inferior to7i&hoi &rocess

    T'T'T egree angle /"ance neele to ti& of left sca&$la Withraw on neele $ring a"ance of

    neele Prefera#le $ner $ltraso$n g$iance or

    >E8 lea G attach!ent Co!&lications

    /s&iration of "entric$lar #loo *aceration of coronar( arteries, "eins,

    e&icari$!'!(ocari$! Cariac arrh(th!ia Pne$!othora7 P$nct$re of eso&hag$s P$nct$re of &eritone$!

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

    htt&%''www.tra$!a.org'i!ages'i!ageli#rar('chest00Tth$!#.5&g/ccesse 9'20'09 I Jahoo @!ages

    www.#rooksie&ress.org'Pro$cts+ra$!aS$rger(=N//ccesse 9'20'09 I Jahoo @!ages


  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1



    / wor a#o$t cariac arrest . . . Care of the tra$!a &atient in cariac

    arrest CPR Bilateral +$#e +horacosto!( Pericariocentesis Gol$!e Res$scitation

     +ra$!atic Cariac /rrest $e to#l$nt in5$r( has "er( low s$r"i"alrate 1L3 o &oint for e!ergenc( thoracoto!(

    Selecte cases of cariac arrest $eto &enetrating tra$!atic in5$r( !a(#enet fro! e!ergent thoracoto!( Pericarial ta!&onae Cross cla!& /orta

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

    htt&%''www.tra$!a.org'i!ages'i!ageli#rar('chest00TF. 5&g/ccesse 9'20'09 I Jahoo @!ages

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    Baseline e$rologic >7a! P$&illar( >7a! Dilate &$&il I s$ggests transtentorial herniation on i&silateral


    /GPU Scale /lert

    Res&ons to "er#al sti!$lation Res&ons to &ain Unres&onsi"e

    8ross e$rological >7a! I >7tre!it( =o"e!ent >$al an s(!!etric or!al gross sensation

    8lasgow Co!a Scale% )-1 Rectal >7a!

    or!al Rectal +one ote% @f int$#ation &rior to ne$ro assess!ent, consier

    $ick ne$ro assess!ent to eter!ine egree of in5$r(

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

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    Disability 8lasgow Co!a Scale

    >(e S&ontaneo$sl( o&ens T

     +o "er#al co!!an )

     +o &ain 2 o res&onse 1

    Best =otor Res&onse

    O#e(s "er#al co!!ans F *ocalies to &ain

    Withraws fro! &ain T le7ion to &ain Decorticate Post$ring3 ) >7tension to &ain Decere#rate Post$ring3 2

    o res&onse 1

    Ger#al Res&onse Oriente'Con"ersant Disoriente'Conf$se T

    @na&&ro&riate wors ) @nco!&rehensi#le wors 2

    o res&onse 1

    GCS ≤ 8


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    Ee( Princi&les Precise iagnosis is not necessar( at this&oint in e"al$ation

    Pre"ention of f$rther in5$r( anientication of ne$rologic in5$r( is the goal

    Decrease le"el of conscio$sness N Aeain5$r( $ntil &ro"en otherwise

    =aintenance of ae$ate cere#ral &erf$sionis ke( to &re"ention of f$rther #rain in5$r(

    /e$ate o7(genation /"oi h(&otension

    @n"ol"e ne$ros$rgeon earl( for clearintracranial lesions

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1



    Cer"ical S&inal Clearance Patients !$st #e alert an oriente to

    &erson, &lace an ti!e

    ot clinicall( into7icate with alcohol orr$gs

    on-tener at all s&ino$s &rocesses

    o focal ne$rological ecits o istracting in5$ries

    Painless range of !otion of neck

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    E*osure Re!o"e all clothing

    >7a!ine for other signs of in5$r(

    @n5$ries cannot #e iagnose $ntil seen #( &ro"ier

    *ogroll the &atient to e7a!ine &atientMs #ack

    =aintain cer"ical s&inal i!!o#iliation Pal&ate along thoracic an l$!#ar s&ine

    =ini!$! of ) &eo&le, often !ore &ro"iers re$ire

    /"oi h(&other!ia

    /&&l( war! #lankets after re!o"ing clothes A(&other!ia N Coag$lo&ath(

    @ncreases risk of he!orrhage

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    htt&%''www.tra$!a.org'ine7.&h&'!ain'i!age'9H'C11/ccesse 9'20'09 I Jahoo @!ages


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    ;b.!"Accessed ?>0>0? I Jahoo @!ages

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    Trauma +ogroll One &erson N Cer"ical S&ine +wo &eo&le N Roll !ain #o( One &erson N @ns&ect #ack an

    &al&ate s&ine

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative


     Accessed 0,12,20 3 4ahoo Images

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    Secondary Survey

    Seconar( S$r"e( is co!&lete after&ri!ar( s$r"e( is co!&lete an&atient has #een ae$atel(

    res$scitate. o &atient with a#nor!al "ital signs

    sho$l &rocee thro$gh a seconar(

    s$r"e( Seconar( S$r"e( incl$es a #rief

    histor( an co!&lete &h(sical e7a!

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1



    /=P*> Aistor(Allergies+eications

    5ast =eical Aistor(, Pregnanc(Last =eal7"ents s$rro$ning in5$r(, >n"iron!ent

    Aistor( !a( nee to #e gathere fro!fa!il( !e!#ers or a!#$lance ser"ice

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

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    Physical E*am

    Aea'A>>+ eck Chest

    /#o!en Pel"is 8enito$rinar( >7tre!ities e$rologic

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  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Physical E*am

    DiKc$lt /irwa(

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

    So$rce Uneter!ine


  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Physical E*am

    Seat#elt sign

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative


    /ccesse 9'20'09 I 8oogle @!age Search


  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Physical E*am

    Battle Sign

    RaccoonZs >(es

    C$llenMs Sign

    8re(-+$rner Sign

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

    htt&%''sfghe.$csf.e$'>$cation'Clinic@!ages'BattleZsL20sign.5&g/ccesse 9'20'09 I Jahoo@!ages

    htt&%''health-&ict$res.co!'e(e'Perior#ital->cch(!osis.ht!/ccesse 9'20'09 I Jahoo @!ages

    A. *. re an A./. "anDi5k Wiki!eia3

    A. *. re an A./. "an Di5kWiki!eia3


  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


     Adjuncts to Secondary Survey

    Raiolog( Stanar e!ergent l!s

    C-s&ine, C[R, Pel"is

    2oc$se A#o!inal *onogra&h( in 8ra$!a /S+3 /itional l!s

    Cat scan i!aging /ngiogra&h(

    ole( Catheter Bloo at $rethral !eat$s N o ole( catheter

    Pain Control  +etan$s Stat$s /nti#iotics for o&en fract$res

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

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  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Classic .adiograhical 5indings

    Pel"ic ract$re

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

    htt&%''www.iti!.nsw.go".a$'i!ages'O&en#ook&el"icfract$re7ra(.5&g/ccesse 9'20'09 I Jahoo @!ages

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    Classic .adiograhic 5indings

    e!$r ract$re

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative


    /ccesse 9'20'09 IJahoo @!ages

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    Classic .adiograhic 5indings

    >&i$ralAe!ato!a =ile =eningeal /rter(

    S$#$ralAe!ato!a Briging Geins

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative


    'th$!#'s(n&icT09H.5&g/ccesse 9'20'09 I Jahoo @!ages


    cs'th$!#'s(n&ic19.5&g/ccesse 9'20'09 I Jahoo @!ages

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Classic .adiograhic 5indings

    Dia&hrag!atic R$&t$re w' s&leenherniation

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative


    aticr$&t$res&leenherniation.5&g/ccesse I 9'20'09 I Jahoo @!ages

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Classic .adiograhic 5indings

    Wiene =eiastin$! I /ortic @n5$r(

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    "efinitive Care Seconar( S$r"e( followe #(

    raiogra&hic e"al$ation CatScan

    Cons$ltation e$ros$rger( Ortho&eic S$rger( Gasc$lar S$rger(

     +ransfer to Deniti"e Care

    O&erating Roo! @CU

    Aigher le"el facilit(

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Case E*amle =r. Qones I T ('o !ale

    in"ol"e in a rollo"er roatraKc accient an wase5ecte fro! the "ehicle.Patient was $nrestraine.Patient was not a!#$lator( onscene of accient an is#ro$ght into tra$!a #a( fore"al$ation. What concerns (o$ a#o$t stor(

    irst Ste&s of >"al$ation an=anage!ent

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

    Pete Prooehl ickr3

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Case E*amle


    /wake, ia&horetic

    P$lse N 120

    BP N 90'F0

    RR N 1H

    O2 sat N 9TL

    What o (o$ want to o ne7t

    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Case E*amle

    Pre&aration Pri!ar( S$r"e(

    /wake, alert, talking to &ro"ier Breathing

    /#sent #reath so$ns on left What o (o$ want to o ne7t

    Circ$lation Gital Signs /ccess Res$scitation

    @G'O2'=onitor Disa#ilit(

    8CS N 1T

    >7&os$re1hana 7mer"ency +edicine


  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Case E*amle Chest t$#e &lace

    R$sh of air hear consistent with &ne$!othora7

    Re&eat Gital Signs P$lse 120

    BP H0'T0

    RR N 1

    O2 sat N 99L RB=

    What o (o$ want to o ne7t Patient co!&laining of a#o!inal &ain

    >cch(!osis note o"er left ank


    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Case E*amle Bloo Pro$ct /!inistration  +ransfer to eniti"e care N O&erating


    1hana 7mer"ency +edicineCollaborative

    Bone!esh ickr3


  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    Conclusion /ssess!ent of the tra$!a &atient is a

    stanar algorith! esigne to ens$re lifethreatening in5$ries o not get !isse

    Pri!ar( S$r"e( ] Res$scitation

    /irwa( Breathing



    >7&os$re Seconar( S$r"e( Deniti"e Care

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  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


  • 8/9/2019 Lecture1 2 Advancedemergencytraumacourse Introductionandcourseoverview 1


    .eferences /!erican College of S$rgeons. /"ance

     +ra$!a *ife S$&&ort. Fth >ition. 199. eliciano, Da"i et al. +ra$!a. Fth >ition.

    =c8raw Aill. ew Jork. 200H.

    Aock#erger, Ro#ert et al. RosenMs >!ergenc(=eicine% Conce&ts an Clinical Practice. Fth >ition. =os#(. 200F.

     +intinalli et al. +intinalliMs >!ergenc(

    =eicine% / Co!&rehensi"e St$( 8$ie. Fth >ition. =c8raw Aill. 200).
