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Lecture8 - Internetworkingcs535/lect_notes/Lecture8.pdf · 1 Internetworking The Internetworking...

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1 Internetworking The Internetworking Problem Two nodes communicating across a “network of networks”… How to transport packets through this heterogeneous mass ? A B The Internetworking Problem… Before Internet: different packet-switching networks (e.g., ARPANET, ARPA packet radio) … only nodes on the same network could communicate A Translation-based Solution application-layer gateways difficult to deploy new internet-wide applications hard to diagnose and remedy end-to-end problems stateful gateways inhibited dynamic routing around failures no global addressability ad-hoc, application-specific solutions ALG ALG ALG ALG



The Internetworking Problem► Two nodes communicating across a “network of

networks”… How to transport packets through this heterogeneous mass ?





The Internetworking Problem…► Before Internet: different packet-switching networks

(e.g., ARPANET, ARPA packet radio) … only nodes on the same network could communicate

A Translation-based Solution

► application-layer gatewaysdifficult to deploy new internet-wide applicationshard to diagnose and remedy end-to-end problemsstateful gateways inhibited dynamic routing around failures

► no global addressabilityad-hoc, application-specific solutions





Native Solution: Directly on Network

► No network level overlay: each new application has to be re-implemented for every network technology!

Telnet FTP NFS


Coaxial cable





(FTP – File Transfer Protocol, NFS – Network File Transfer, HTTP – World Wide Web protocol)

IP as an Intermediary► Key ideas:

Overlay: better than any↔any translation. Fewer, simpler mappings.Network-layer: efficient implementation, global addressing

Telnet FTP NFS


Coaxial cable





Intermediate Layer (IP)

Internet Protocol (IP) Overview

► IP runs over everything► Networks linked together by Internetwork

programs -- each host supports them► Example Internetwork shown next:

Consists of two networks – Ethernet and Token ringHost connected to Ethernet can talk to one connected to the Token


IP Overview…

► The two hosts -- are end systems► Router -- intermediate system► Application layer and transport layer (e.g.,

TCP, UDP) End-to-end protocols► Network layer Hop-by-hop protocols

used on the two end systems and every intermediate system

IP Host Processing

► Host processing for TCP transfer is shown next:

data is sent down the protocol stackeach layer adds information to the data --prepending headers and trailers

IP Host Processing … IP Host Processing …

► Nearly identical scheme true for other protocols

TCP, UDP, ICMP, and IGMP send data to IPIP adds protocol field in the IP packet to indicate what type of data is in the data segment -- ICMP = 1, IGMP =2, TCP=6, UDP = 17

► Similarly, many different applications can be using TCP or UDP at any one time


IP Host Processing…

► Network interface sends/receives frames on behalf of IP, ARP, RARP -- a 16-bit frame type field in the Ethernet header is used to indicate the protocol

► Headers are removed as packet goes up► Each protocol box uses the protocol field

to demultiplex the packet among the upper layer receivers

IP Host Processing…

IP Host Processing… Internet Protocol: Details

► IP header not only carries Internet source and destination addresses -- specify a number of parameters that are essential for routers


IP Details…

► Header has fixed fields present in every packets and several options

► Header fields are aligned at 32-bit boundary► Version: 4 = IPv4► IHL: Internet header length -- in 32-bit words --

the length is 5 (when no options) and varies to 15 -- 40 bytes are allowed for IP options

► Type of service: defines packet’s precedence and desired type of routing

IP Details…

► Total length: number of bytes contained in the packet -- including the IP header

► TTL (time-to-live): sets the upper limit on the number of routers through which a datagram can pass

each router decrements this by 1 as the packet passeswhen it reaches 0, the packet is thrown away and an ICMP message is sent to the source

Internet Protocol► Identification,

Flags, Fragment offset: used by fragmentation and reassembly

► Protocol: used at the destination for demultiplexingthe packet

Internet Protocol

► Routing protocols normally use the “best” route -- there are several definitions of “best” --cheapest, fastest, most reliable

► Type of service specifies the requirement of the application to the routing protocol


Internet Protocol

► Precedence indicator does not affect routing but queuing

several packets waiting for transmission on the same channelhighest precedence should in theory be transmitted first

► The “differentiated services” effort is refining this traditional interpretation of type-of-service

Internet Protocol

Fragmentation and Reassembly:► Internetworking programs are expected to relay

packets between heterogeneous networks► Network technology implies a maximum packet

size► Incoming packet fragmented:

Internet Protocol

► Incoming fragment fragmented:

► Identification + source address uniquely identifies the packet fragment for the destination

► Receiver assembles all fragments with same ID according to the “offset”

Internet Protocol

► Host can’t reuse an identifier if there is a risk of fragmentation and new fragments mixing with old fragments

► Wait for the expiration of the fragments -- TTL► With a packet size of 4k, this translates to about

17Mbps transfer rate -- clearly not adequate► Correct way is to discovery the path MTU and

use it as the max packet size -- no fragmentation


Internet ProtocolPath MTU discovery:► sets the DF (don’t fragment bit) in the IP header

to discover if any router on the current path needs to fragment

► ICMP error message is returned by a router asked to forward an IP with DF set when MTU is less than datagram size

► this error message is used to decrease the datagram size until no error -- TCP path MTU discovery

Internet Protocol

IP Options:► IP options field is used to carry specific

functionsrequest specific routing for some packets, e.g., loose source routing, strict source routingin source routing, the send specifies the route by specifying intermediate routers

► options are rarely used now. Why?

Internet Protocol

Options and header processing:► IP options are used rarely because of the

processing costs► naive implementation of IP routing will perform

verify version field, checksum, compatibility checks, and parse any IP optionslook for next hop for destination address considering type of service, interface and so on.takes hundreds of instructions

Internet Protocol

► To speed up router processingoptimize the most commonly used casewithout the IP options -- the header has five 32-bit words -- makes verification fasterfrequently used routes can be cached -- to achieve Gigabit-per-second routing!

► Packet with options create problems --they are processed with low priority than “normal” packets


Internet Protocol

► Because of the performance penalty for options -- alternatives are used for source routing

► One technique is called “encapsulation”► Instead of specifying a loose source

routing “from A to B through C” --encapsulate a packet “from A to B” in another packet “from A to C”

Internet Protocol

► Cost at router C will be comparable, i.e., processing options and unwrapping

► Cost at intermediate routers A to C, and C to B are less with the encapsulation --processed using the optimized methods --no option processing

Internet Control Message Protocol

► IP is straightforward and simple –no feedback for diagnosing error conditions

► Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) does this feedback

layered on top of IP -- protocol type 1all routers and hosts are expected to “speak”this protocol

ICMP Details…

► Most ICMP packets are diagnostic info. sent back when a router destroys a packet -- e.g., destination unreachable, TTL expired

► ICMP also defines a echo function used for testing connectivity

► ICMP does not make IP datagram service reliable


ICMP Details…

► Just provides feedback about network problems

► ICMP is carried on IP datagrams -- these packets themselves could be victim of errors

► No ICMP error is triggered by an ICMP message

ICMP Details…

► All ICMP messages start with a common 32-bit ICMP header

ICMP Details…

► Reporting “operational” problems such as time exceeded, destination unreachable, source quench is the most common use

► These packets have the same format --includes the entire header of and 8 bytes of the triggering packet

ICMP Details…

► Destination unreachable messages are sent when a router cannot forward a packet

► Time exceeded message sent when a packet is destroyed because TTL expired


ICMP Details…

► Source quench messages are sent by a router that detects congestion -- source is supposed to reduce sending rate when it receives this message

► Parameter problem message is sent by a router that find an error in the encoding of the IP header


► When a router/host receives an ICMP message of type echo, it responds by an “echo reply”

► Reply is derived from request by swapping the IP header’s source and destination address --replacing ECHO by ECHO-REPLY and computing new checksums

ICMP Traceroute

► Traceroute tries to discover intermediate routers► Send packet with TTL = 1; first router

decrements TTL to 0, destroy the packet and send back a “TTL expired” ICMP message

► Source address of the ICMP identifies the first router

► Next message is sent with TTL+1 for second router

► Packet sent for an unused UDP port an ICMP port unreachable -- message is sent back

ICMP Router Discovery

► To send a packet – a host needs nexthopTest whether packet destination in current subnetIf not, forward packet to a router so that packet can reach the destination

► With hen there are multiple routers connected to the local network -- host should select the one nearest to the destination


ICMP Router Discovery …

► How to discovery local routers?Read from a config file – static solutionDynamic solution – zero admin overhead –discovery procedure

► Router discovery using special ICMP messages

► Routers send “router advertisements” at regular intervals

► Hosts trigger this by sending “router solicitations”

ICMP Router Discovery …

► Router advertisements contain a list of routers with a preference notation

► Hosts select router with highest preference

ICMP Redirection

► Default route is a nice way to establish connectivity -- may not be very efficient

ICMP Redirection…

► Default gateway X for A: packets go to Internet through X

► Packets sent by A to B first go to X and then to Y -- packets cross LAN twice

► “Redirection” allows routers to inform route updates to hosts to correct this problem

► The first packet to B will be sent to X -- it triggers a “redirect” ICMP message from X to A
