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Led Lighting Retrofit White Paper

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Retrofitting to LED whitepaper
White Paper LED Lighting Retrofit Action Services Group
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White Paper

L E D L i g h t i n g Re t r o f i tAction Services Group

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A u t h o r

Te d S t o u c hP r e s i d e n t / C E O

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t s t o u c h @ a c t i o n s e r v i c e s g r o u p . c o m

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C o m p a n y

Action Services Group has over 20 yrs of experience in interior and exterior l ighting programs, services, maintenance, installation, energy impact evaluations, and return on investments analysis.

Converting traditional lighting to high efficiency LED in area applicationsAction Services Group - Aston, PA

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1LED Lighting Retrofits

Executive Summary

Problem: Lighting in commercial buildings account for over 70% of the overall lighting elec-tricity used in the United States. Rising energy and maintenance costs are hurting profits of commercial and industrial facilities and their carbon emissions must be dramatically reduced to halt global warming issues.

Background: Increasing energy efficiency in lighting systems will impact reducing the overall environmental effects, such as greenhouse gas emissions, and CO2 emissions. The reducution of greenhouse gas emissions and an energy-efficiency focus will be crucial to businesses in the United States if the Federal Climate Change Waxman-Markey Bill passes, as businesses will be taxed on greenhouse gas emissions.

Solution: LED lighting offers significant energy, maintenance and recycling savings. When retrofitting with LEDs, with good lighting design and LED product selection, energy con-sumption in most commercial and industrial facilities will be cut 50-80% while maintaining improving lighting quality. Three factors are accelerating for the use of large scale deploy-ment of LED products for general area lighting applications:

1) Retrofitting an existing lighting system with quality LEDs will make the facility more energy efficient and yield costs. LEDs have the best return on investment (ROI) of any energy-efficient technology. 2) The aesthetic quality of a facility’s environment will be enhanced and productivity increased without sacrificing the lighting system performance. 3) Federal and state governments are making laws regarding lighting, and associations are taking action towards quality products. All to make the United States more energy efficient and responsible. With support and encouragement through grants, and departments such as the DOE, an LED lighting system becomes even more advanced and cost effective.

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2LED Lighting Retrofits


Light-Emitting-Diodes are solid-state semicon-ductor devices that convert an electrical current through the diode, the recombination of positive and negative charges within the different compositions results in the emission of light.

LEDs have a lifetime that can last from 30,000 hours to 100,000 hours (depending on the manufacturer), almost 10 times longer than fluorescent lighting, and 15 times longer than HID lighting. They are durable, reliable and have safe operations due to low voltage secu-rity and no ultra violet or other harmful emis-sions. They’re instantaneous, flicker-free and start in temperatures ranging from -20°c to 70°c depending on the fixture. LEDs have none of the fragile glass coverings or filaments, characteristics of conventional lamps that can fail during shipment or installation. LED's can withstand physical shocks that would typically shatter conventional lamps.

Lamps are the removable and replaceable portion of a luminaires that convert electrical energy to both visible and non-visible electro-magnetic energy. Common characteristics used to evaluate lamp quality include efficiency measured in lumens per watt, typical lamp life measured in hours and color rendering index (CRI) on a scale of 0 to 100. Cost of replace-ment lamps are also an important factor in design. There are a number of measures that can be implemented in a facility that will upgrade lighting quality and improve energy efficiency and costs related to the overall lighting system.

Converting to LED Lighting

Retrofitting conventional lighting technologiesLED light fixtures commonly replace: T-12, T-8, & T-5 Fluorescent Incandescent High Intensity Discharge (HID) Mercury Vapor Metal Halide High & Low Pressure Sodium

LED luminaries use different optics than HID lighting. Each LED diode is, in effect, a direct point of light. Effective luminaire engineering utilizes the directional characteristics of LED light emission, in turn decreasing optical losses while increasing luminaire efficacy and providing more uniform light distribution across a targeted area.

LEDs are energy efficient and environmentally friendly. They operate with 50-80% less of energy usage compared to standard HID light-ing and have up to 80% in energy savings. Almost all of the energy in an LED radiates within the visible spectrum. By contrast, fluorescent and HID lamps are discharge sources which have a higher efficiency but still have loss mechanisms in the electrodes. LEDs have no hazardous materials such as lead and mercury and require no special disposal proce-dures.

Best applications for LEDsCurrent LED technology enables quality fixtures to be suitable for exterior and interior area lighting applications. These applications include but are not limited to:

Exterior Parking lots Parking garages Canopy lighting Pathway lighting Street lighting Perimeter lighting

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3LED Lighting Retrofits

Interior Warehouses Manufacturing plants Gymnasiums Sporting arenas Office lighting

However, with the growing availability of solid-state lighting technologies, lighting controls, LED lighting systems, and improve-ments on traditional sources, the search for lighting solutions and the best LED products for facilities are growing more complex and must be researched for adequate product selection.

LEDs - A Better Light Source

LEDs create a better environmentLighting is a critical component of energy use, especially in large commercial and industrial buildings. High-efficiency lighting systems reduce glare, which helps to reduce eyestrain, boosting oc¬cupant productivity. Electronic ballasts do not flicker or hum like magnetic ballasts, improving the quality of the facility’s environment. Light levels must be maintained at certain levels for particular surface areas. For example, the number of foot-candles at the desktop level for proper work is different from the number of foot-candles needed at the floor level a building or exterior area.

LED fixtures deliver better light levels over typical HID lighting fixtures. LEDs have a high CRI (Color Rendering Index), which is the

quantitative measure of light to reproduce colors of objects in comparison with ideal or natural light sources. The light emitted by LEDs provides an accurate rendering of the object’s natural color. LED lights have been designed to produce a cool, white, light that range from 85 to 90 (on a scale of 100) on the color rendering index (CRI). Compared to conventional HID lighting, there is a 20% improvement in an observer’s ability to discern color difference in objects. The most efficient white LEDs at this time emit light between 4500K to 6500K correlated color temperatures (CCT). This renders the light from white to bluish-white in appearance.

Superior lighting qualityLEDs light up very quickly and are ideal for use in applications that are subject to frequent on-off cycling. Comparing LEDs to other light-ing technologies, fluorescent lamps tend to burn out more quickly when cycled frequently, where HID lamps require a long time before restarting. LEDs can very easily be dimmed either by pulse-width modulation or by lower-ing the forward current. In contrast to most light sources, LEDs radiate very little heat in the form of infrared (IR) that can cause damage to sensitive objects or fabrics. Wasted energy is dispersed as heat through the base of the LED.

ICE LINE, a hockey rink located in southeastern PA, used 400 watt Metal Halide lighting fixtures over their ice arena, which uses 458 watts of energy. Some ice rinks are retrofitting their Metal Halides to T5 236-watt lighting,but the installed LED lights that reduces that to 91 watts, providing a more efficient solution.

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(Metal Halide Lamps-Before Retrofit) (LEDs - After Retrofit)

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Also, the type of lights utilized is very impor-tant because some lights render color more effectively than others, and operations often require a color rendering index (CRI) of close to 100 (CRI of daylight). The LEDs are more energy efficient, have no anticipated mainte-nance costs for 10 years, and have a longer life expectancy of 20 years. They are brighter, whiter lights compared to the prior Metal Halide lamps with less lumen depreciation. The lighting retrofit will immensely reduce energy consumption and heat output which decreases HVAC costs.

Energy consumption & cost savings The emergence of efficient LED devices signals a shift in lighting technology. The goal of these efforts is to save energy and gain market share in the emerging SSL industry. LEDs con-tain no mercury, lead or hazardous materials. The reduction in energy consumption also decreases the carbon emissions associated with powering the existing conventional light-ing. This environmental benefit eliminates any costs associated with proper disposal at the end of its useful life.

LEDs are an environmentally friendly option for many lighting needs. A single kWh of elec-tricity will generate 1.34 lbs (0.6 kg) of CO2 emissions. Assuming the average light bulb is on for 10 hours a day, a single 40 watt incan¬descent bulb will generate 196 lbs (89 kg) of CO2 every year. The electricity needed to operate a 13 watt LED equivalent will result in the emission of 63 lbs (29 kg) of CO2 over the same time span.

4LED Lighting Retrofits

Emission Reductions Are: Equivalent to saving 15,610 trees annually Or approximately 1,300 trees per month

LED lighting also leads to decreased demand on heating, ventilating and air condition¬ing (HVAC) systems. For commercial facilities, lighting is the largest source of waste heat, also called heat gain. For every 3 watts of lighting load reduction, the air conditioning load is reduced by 1 watt. Lighting also affects the power quality of a building’s electrical distribution system. Poor power quality is a concern because it wastes energy, reduces electrical capacity and can harm equipment and the electrical distribution system. Upgrad-ing with LED lighting systems can free up valuable electrical capacity.

LED lighting retrofits have the best return on investment (ROI) of any energy-efficient tech-nology. Once the payback is realized, the savings will continue, creating a sound invest-ment in the future. It must be understood, too, that energy savings should be monitored on a consumption level, not a dollar level. Energy costs fluctuate; the amount of energy saved is the true telling measure. Below is a ROI chart for Appalachian Lighting System’s high bay LED lighting fixtures.

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Annual Emission Reductions

Pollution Type ReductionGreenhouse Gases

Nitrogen Oxides

Sulfur Dioxide


637,595 pounds

934 pounds

2,591 pounds

4,386 milligrams

Calculated with the online “Emissions Reduction Calculator”.Numbers based on LED Retrofit using 400 (250w) Street Light LEDs.


Year 1Year 3Year 5

Year 10Year 15Year 20

Year 7



















$446,115$82,902$549,017 $466,115

High Bay & Low Bay Fixtures - 50 Fixture Qty

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Government is Leading the Way

The emergence of efficient LED devices signals a shift in lighting technology. The goal of these efforts is to save energy and gain market share in the emerging SSL industry. The LED is an environmentally friendly option for many lighting needs.

Future national energy law changes On June 30, 2009, US President Barack Obama passed legislation that called for stricter energy-efficient lighting standards. Solid state lighting was a part of this initiative. Products made in the United States or imported for use in the United States are required to meet new energy parameters starting in 2012. According to the United States Department of Energy (DOE), the changes in lamps and lighting equipment would prevent the emission of about 594 million tons of carbon dioxide between 2012 and 2042. This is roughly equiva-lent to removing 166 million cars from the road for a year.

EPAct 2005 law updates Also, the Energy Policy Act (EPAct) 2005 con-tains a number of provisions that directly affect lighting. These include new lighting products subject to federal efficiency stan-dards, a new tax deduction provision for energy-efficient lighting in commer¬cial build-ings, the establishment of a solid state light-ing program at the DOE and promotion of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and Inter-national Energy Conservation Code (IECC) standards.

Tax incentives available under EPAct 2005 pro¬vide a tax deduction of up to $1.80 (US dollars) per square foot ($19.40 per square meter) for building investments that achieve specified energy cost reductions beyond ASHRAE 90.1-2001.Of the $1.80 per square foot, $0.60 per square foot can be used for

5LED Lighting Retrofits

lighting, $0.60 per square foot for HVAC and $0.60 per square foot for the building enve-lope. Building envelope investments can include roofs, walls, windows, doors, floors and foundations. To achieve the maximum deduction for lighting, $0.60 per square foot, a 40 percent reduction from ASHRAE 90.1-2001 is required. A $0.30 per square foot ($0.03 per square meter) savings can be achieved for lighting when the 25 percent reduction of ASHRAE 90.1-2001 is met.

Local utility incentivesDepending on your location, there is a good chance your local utility provider has a rebate program set up for energy-efficient upgrades. The rebate could be per-fixture, per-kW saved or per-sensor; the possibilities vary with every provider. The key is to know what's available. Any incentives you can help your customer attain will do at least two things: shorten the all-important payback period and cement your status as a strong energy partner with your customer.

A helpful resource for finding information about energy-related financial incentives is DSIRE: Database of State Incentives for Renew-able & Efficiency, www.dsireusa.org. DSIRE is a comprehensive source of information on state, local, utility and federal incentives and poli-cies that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency. DSIRE is an ongoing project of the North Carolina Solar Center and the Interstate Renewable Energy Council funded by the United States Department of Energy.

Department of Energy’s programs and testingThe US Department of Energy developed the “Solid-State Lighting Quality Advocates” pro-gram. The SSL Quality Advocates program showcases LED luminaire manufacturers who commit to testing products and reporting performance results according to industry standards. DOE’s Lighting Facts program is factually derived and audited from IESNA LM-79 test reports, from a DOE certified test lab.

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Lighting Fact Label is for LEDHighbay fixture manufactured by

Appalachian Lighting Systems

6LED Lighting Retrofits

ConclusionWell-designed LED luminaires will provide the required surface luminance while consuming less energy and improving lighting quality and uniformity. LED luminaries also have signifi-cantly longer rated life (30,000 -100,000, compared to 15,000 to 35,000 hours of conven-tional HID lighting) while also drastically decreasing maintenance costs. LED environ-mental benefits include: no mercury content, lead, or other known hazardous materials that are often associated with conventional outdoor area lighting; while using less power to distribute more light.

LED lighting retrofits will save commercial and industrial facilities on operating, maintenance and energy costs. To fully realize the cost savings, energy efficiency, and low mainte-nance LEDs offer, it is important to convert to LED with the most advanced and capable technology on the market. With performance, lifetime, cost, safety, and theft-deterrence advantages, LED lighting is the best choice when retrofitting with energy efficient tech-nology. Depending upon the technology being replaced, potential energy savings, rebates, and incentives, a lighting retrofit could be a low-cost implementation.

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The new “Lighting Facts” performance label was created to give a quick summary of perfor-mance data – such as light output and color. Accurate and consistent reporting of product performance is a foundation for product qual-ity and will increase consumer satisfaction and accelerate market adoption. Quality LED products where the manufacturer submitted their fixtures into the program, will have the current IESNA LM-80 test reports available.

With emerging resources and organizations defining LED lighting standards, verifying the quality of LED products is essential. Evaluating the economic payback, based on wattage, energy use, maintenance savings, operating hours and operating costs for the application will justify the specifications of LED technol-ogy.

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ReferencesAppalachian Lighting Systems (2010). www.appalachianlightingsystems.com

Dark Sky Society (2009). www.darkskysociety.org/handouts/LightingPlanGuidelines.pdf

Lighting Facts (2010). Products with the Lighting Facts Label.www.lightingfacts.com

United States Department of Energy EERE (2009). Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. www.eere.energy.gov

ResourcesENERGY STAR www.energystar.gov

National Lighting Bureau www.nlb.org

Solid-State Lighting www1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/ssl United States Department of Energy www.energy.gov

United States Environmental Protection Agency www.epa.gov

Utility Rebates www.dsireusa.org

About Action Services Group

Action Services Group provides interior and exterior lighting services, maintenance, installation, energy impact evaluations, return on investment analysis and many other comprehensive turnkey capabilities. We offer numerous lighting programs and LED opportunities to cost effectively manage your facility’s lighting, resulting in reduction of energy related costs.
