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Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign,...

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Leelanau Conservancy Conserving the Land, Water and Scenic Character of Leelanau County Leelanau Forever Campaign Report and 2014 Annual Report
Page 1: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous

Leelanau Conservancy Conserving the Land, Water and Scenic Character of Leelanau County

Leelanau Forever Campaign Report and 2014 Annual Report

Page 2: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


What’s Inside

Leelanau Forever Campaign Page 4-19

Campaign Summary Page 4-5

Natural Lands protected Page 6-7

Farmland protected Page 8-9

Stewardship/Endowment Page 10-11

Leelanau Forever Donors Page 12-19

2014 Recap/Annual Report Page 20-35

Houdek Dunes Expands Page 20

Bass Lake Protected Page 21

Every Number Tells a Story Page 22-23

Heritage Society Page 24

Gifts of Land or Development Rts Page 24

Founders Society Page 25

2014 Donors Page 26-35

Volunteers Page 35

2015 Hike and Event info Page 21

Larry MawbyChairman of the Board

Looking back over last year I see endings - beautiful endings, each one of which is at once an ending

and also a beginning - promising beginnings which will carry our Conservancy into the future.

The Leelanau Forever Campaign, begun five years ago, was successfully completed at the end of 2014. Because of your generous support, our Conservancy was able to protect natural lands and farmlands here in Leelanau, lands that will sustain future generations. The deferred gifts pledged during the campaign [which our Conservancy will receive over the next three decades] will help us steward those precious lands, helping us fulfill our obligations to those future generations.

We have committed nearly all of the monies in hand today to complete natural land and farmland projects started during the campaign years. As we continue to work with owners of natural lands and farmlands who want to preserve their land in perpetuity, we will roll up our sleeves, and seek funding to make those dreams a reality. The ending of the Leelanau Forever Campaign is the beginning of fundraising as usual. So our work goes on, thanks to your continuing support.

Another ending from last year is more poignant. Shortly after our Conservancy started, 26 years ago, Brian Price became our Executive Director. Very shortly after that his wife, Susan, joined the Conservancy staff. Since then they have been the team so ably leading our Conservancy. While Brian retired at the end of last year,

Thoughts From Our Chairman

Susan continues to help us as we seek to fill her role. We will not find another Susan, just as we did not find another Brian.

Tom Nelson, our new Executive Director, will lead us into the future, using his own talents, his love of Leelanau, his passion for the mission of our Conservancy, his concerns for the people of Leelanau. This is a fecund beginning for Tom, for the Conservancy, for our Leelanau.

As we reflect on the past and look to the future, I am so grateful to you, our members, our supporters. Without you, nothing our Conservancy did would have been done, and nothing our Conservancy wants to do will be done. I thank you, Leelanau thanks you. You make our Conservancy possible.

Cover Photo by Ken Scott

Page 3: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


Executive Director’s MessageThe “Hoosier Poet,” James Whitcomb Riley once wrote:

O the days gone by! O the days gone by!

The apples in the orchard and the pathway through the rye…

When the bloom was on the clover and the blue was in the sky

And my happy heart brimmed over in the days gone by

Penned in the early 1890s, Riley’s poem was in part a richly-adorned memory of a favorite landscape, lovingly recalled, and part lament for its loss. But here in Leelanau, we know the blooms of the orchard and the pathway through the rye—not to mention the ones through the verdant woods, the tawny ribbons of sand along our sparkling shores, and the starry sky…one might say. How profoundly grateful are we that we needn’t reach back for such memories? Even our children and grandchildren can still say they know the loveliness of many such pathways, orchards and shores today. This is a thought that’s really worth pondering for a moment or two.

For those of us who believe that Leelanau’s future should essentially look and feel like its past and its present, Leelanau Forever is really the perfect name for this never-ending labor of love to preserve and steward this special place. In the sweep of history, many a human-built monument has crumbled to dust for want of care and stewardship. With respect to Leelanau County, we gratefully have two awe-inspiring forces on our side. We have Mother Nature—a comfort indeed. And, no less formidable, we have all of you—our Conservancy Family.

For those of us who have taken it upon ourselves to carry this torch to preserve what we cherish, it is our collective task to march forward with a certain sense of duty to Leelanau’s timelessness. The place we know and love has changed through the centuries and decades. And yet, the essence of what is

truly enriching to our spirits endures—but only as long as we care enough to sustain it. And persevere we must.

There are many poss ib l e f u tu res ahead. The strength of the Conservancy and its mission in p r o t e c t i n g t h e t i m e l e s s n e s s o f Leelanau comes from each of us on our own terms. Be it protecting a swath of lush forest , a

centennial farm or that ribbon of shoreline—we cannot do this without you. Nor would we wish to. For we are on this pathway together, and together we will continue to give our utmost to ensure that our collective “happy hearts continue to brim over” with the conviction that Leelanau as we know it will be everlasting.

Here’s to both the blooms of days gone by and those sure to come—thanks to you.

Twenty-five family farms were protected over the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign.

Thomas NelsonExecutive Director

Ken Scott

Page 4: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


Leelanau Forever… Together!

2,749 Donors

58 Projects

76% donors gave $500 or less

$13,003,330 - Cash and Pledges

$8,282,345 - Planned Gifts


4,632acres Protected

25 Family Farms Protected

2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous members we were able to accomplish our goals of protecting Leelanau’s natural landscapes and farming heritage, while ensuring our long term vitality and ability to uphold our conservation obligations.

Natural Land



Page 5: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


Five years ago we embarked on an ambitious campaign called Leelanau Forever, aimed at preserving our natural

legacy and working lands. The plan called for making sure that the most important parts of the Leelanau Peninsula unique mosaic would remain intact for future generations. The goal: to raise $21 million to protect natural lands and farmland and to strengthen our endowment in order to ensure our long term vitality and ability to care for the lands we protect.

We’re happy to report that thanks to 2,749 generous donors, we met that goal. Of the $21,285,676 raised, $13 million in cash and pledges began yielding land protection results immediately. An astounding 58 projects all over Leelanau that preserve wetland and dunes, streams and shoreline, forest and farmland were completed because of our Leelanau Forever donors. Places like the Swanson Preserve, Hatlem Creek Preserve and Clay Cliffs Natural Area were created and today are open to the public to explore and enjoy.

One of the goals of the Campaign was to connect, expand or buffer protected lands in order to provide critical conservation corridors for the movement of plants and wildlife. Another goal was to conserve those lands that are critical to the water quality of our lakes and streams. Thanks to the success of the Campaign, in the last five years the Lake Leelanau Narrows Preserve, Houdek Dunes, Kehl Lake, and the Cedar River Preserve all grew in size. We also protected private lands that buffer DeYoung Natural Area with conservation easements.

Also included in the Campaign success story are 25 preserved family farms, which will be available to future generations of young farmers. As you know, Leelanau is home to some of the best orchard land in the world. Agriculture drives our local economy, providing hundreds of jobs and also contributes significantly to Leelanau’s vibrant tourist economy. Iconic farms like the Olsen farm in Bohemian Valley, the beautiful Esch farm near Leland, and the Spinniken farm near Suttons Bay are just a few of the great projects that happened as a result of the Campaign.

And finally, just over 8 million of our campaign gifts are deferred gifts which will help fund future projects and our endowments giving us the ability to properly steward our natural areas.

It’s pretty amazing, when you think of it, what we’ve been able to accomplish together. We know that you share our joy in preserving these places which help to define the essence of Leelanau. And we hope you’ll be with us as we look toward the future. Even though the Campaign is over, our work is not. Leelanau Forever…Together—our Campaign slogan—is an effort that must carry on.

In the pages that follow, hear about lands protected as a result of this effort, and from some of the donors to the Campaign, and why they gave.

Leelanau Forever Campaign Spurs Land Protection Efforts

Ken Scott captures the Sedlacek farm on a misty morning. The Campaign ensured that this farm—and this view--will be available to future generations.

Page 6: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


Preserving Wildlife Corridors, Forests, Shoreline, WetlandsNo single feature makes this peninsula

so special, but rather everything taken together: the majestic hardwood forests, beloved beaches, family farms and the landscape carved long ago by glaciers. Understanding the connection between these pieces, we know that if we lose just one, the landscape will never be the same.

Our finest resources must remain connected to the larger landscape, providing critical conservation corridors for the movement of plants and wildlife.

Some of the overarching goals of the Campaign were to prevent fragmentation, protect land that maintains the water quality of our spectacular lakes and streams and expand and enhance our existing natural areas by protecting land that buffers them. Houdek Dunes, the Lake Leelanau Narrows, Cedar River and Kehl Lake Natural Area all grew thanks to the Campaign, improving their effectiveness as habitat, providing peaceful refuges and undisturbed, cherished views.

Leelanau Forever… Together!A report to our Community

These beautiful showy lady slippers are just one of the 207 plant species found at Swanson Preserve. The delicate wetlands and 2,000 feet of natural shoreline were preserved in 2011, thanks to the Leelanau Forever Campaign

Clay Cliffs Natural Area… a dream come true thanks to Campaign donors. This rare clay bluff, 104 acres and 1,700 feet of shoreline on Lake Michigan and Lake Leelanau will be enjoyed by generations to come.

Natural Lands:

Ken Scott

Page 7: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


Why We Gave

My siblings and I all grew up enjoying the summers in Leelanau. As a youngster, I can remember

walking up Whaleback with my Dad, or along the shore, picnicking by boat in Good Harbor, fishing on Lake Leelanau or in Fishtown. We would spend entire days outside playing on the beach and exploring in Indiana Woods, walking out the door, joining up with our cousins, and not return until dinner time. It was one of those childhood fantasies to live where you vacation and in 1972 I was able to make that dream a reality. We moved to Leelanau and I was the branch manager of (then) Empire Bank for seven years. The fact that my siblings and I grew up here in the summers, spending time out west at camps in the mountains, working on my uncle’s ranch in New Mexico, and in the cherry orchards, gave us a great appreciation for nature.

Nancy’s introduction to Leelanau, as a youngster, was by way of vacationing at the Dutmer’s cottages on Glen Lake. Being on the water, enjoying all that it offers as kids…well it was just something that Nancy and I really wanted to be able to pass on to our kids—that love and respect for the outdoors. And I guess we did. Our five grown children and 12 grandkids are very much into the outdoors.

We chose to live in Leelanau County because of its beauty, rich history, and all it offers. We value what Larry and Jacque Verdier, Ed and Bobbie Collins, my parents and others started here, and wanted to be a part of it. Once the land is all developed, there’s no going back. The Leelanau Forever Campaign was just a great opportunity to be able to make sure everything that we love about Leelanau—places like the Clay Cliffs—is here long after we’re gone.

Project Name Acres Year Township Hunt on Northport Creek CE 10 2009 LeelanauD. Kohler CE 45 2009 BinghamBall on Cedar Lake CE 34 2009 ElmwoodDean CE 14 2009 Glen ArborAnonymous CE 60 2010 CentervilleRastetter/Weed CE 61 2010 CentervillePrice-Carlson CE 33 2010 ClevelandGoss, Cedar Lake CE 13 2010 ElmwoodDlugopolski CE 66 2010 LeelanauKehl Lake NA 5th Addition 52 2010 LeelanauMitchell Wetland CE 96 2010 LeelanauNarrows NA 3rd Addition 3 2010 Suttons BayNoonal Kettlehole CE 200 2011 KassonSwanson Preserve 83 2011 ClevelandSprouse CE 18 2011 EmpireHatlem Creek Preserve 20 2011 EmpireCedar River Preserve 4th Addition 115 2011 SolonCedar River Preserve 5th Addition 61 2011 SolonLeelanau State Park Addition 40 2012 LeelanauCathead Bay CE 44 2012 LeelanauHoudek Dunes NA 5th Addition 2 2012 LelandCedar River Preserve 6th Addition 44 2012 SolonStrang CE 80 2013 ElmwoodClay Cliffs Natural Area 105 2013 LelandHoudek Dunes NA 6th Addition 5 2013 LelandBenton CE 37 2013 SolonKiselius CE 41 2014 ElmwoodEcho Valley CE 40 2014 EmpireHatlem Creek Preserve Addition 20 2014 EmpireDuff Brooks Lake CE 9 2014 Glen ArborClay Cliffs NA Addition 5 2014 LelandHoudek Dunes NA 7th Addition Mead-Holway 30 2014 LelandGore-Corrigan DeYoung NA Buffer CE 46 2014 Elmwood

Jeff and Nancy Fisher

Natural Land Projects

Made Possible by Leelanau Forever

CE = Conservation Easement. These are private protected lands not open to the publicNA = Natural Area.

Page 8: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


Leelanau is home to a unique agricultural resource: some of the best orchard land in the world. More tart cherries are grown

in Leelanau than in any other county in the nation. Farms help drive our economy and are part of our way of life. Leelanau farms bring in more than $33 million each year, and employ more than 1,600 people. Agriculture contributes significantly to Leelanau’s annual $77 million tourism economy.

Today, fragmentation threatens the farming landscape and economic sustainability of our farms. Since 1990, Leelanau has lost over 20% of its farmland including world-class fruit growing sites. The average age of our farmers tells us we must work together to help the next generation carry on our farming

Farmland: Preserving Leelanau’s Agricultural Heritage

Leelanau Forever… Together!A report to our Community

heritage. Among the goals of the campaign: to purchase conservation

easements from interested farmers, to strengthen relationships with farm families by establishing Conservation Agreements and to engage in partnerships to help farm families improve profitability and to assist in the intergenerational transfer of farms.

As a result of the campaign, 25 family farms totaling 3,100 acres were preserved, including the 217-acre Hohnke farm, the 172 acre Spinniken farm and 506 acres owned by the Glen Noonan family.

Aaron Spinniken (on tractor) and his parents Nancy and Alan. The Leelanau Forever Campaign protected 172 acres of their fruit farm near Suttons Bay.

Page 9: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


Why We Gave

We began coming to Leelanau County in 1989 with our children and Jennie’s parents Gershon and Suzie

Be r k son . We rented cottages on Good Harbor Bay near the National L a k e s h o r e . G e r s h o n a n d Suzie were familiar with Leland as a result of several sailing journeys they had made in earlier years and thought it would be a nice place for us to vacation as a family. We rented those cottages for seven years and the magical times we shared there with our extended family formed the basis of our love for the area.

Our family continued to explore Leelanau County through stays at other establishments until we were in the very fortunate position to buy some property and build our own home.

The presence of Houdek Dunes adjacent to our property was a huge incentive for our purchase and was our introduction to the important work of the Conservancy. The involvement of neighbors in the organization furthered our commitment and we donated 1% of the purchase price of our property as our first investment in the preservation of the natural lands of the County.

Our interest in farmland evolved over more recent years as we became more committed to the importance of developing and supporting local food sources. In addition to funding these efforts through the Conservancy, we are devotees of the County’s farmers’ markets and own a 50 acre property in Northport which we are working with local farmers to make productive.

We support the Conservancy’s efforts to preserve the natural assets of the peninsula both for selfish and communal reasons. We view our support of farmland and stewardship as integral parts of the same approach. We are concerned about present and future needs that require support in a sustainable manner. Our ability to survive as individuals and as a community depends on the continuance and expansion of local food sources and places to explore and be in nature.

Leelanau County is a unique environment, the nature of which has been thoughtfully maintained by those who came before us. We feel the responsibility to do the same for ourselves, our family and the wider community now and into the future.

Project Name Acres Year Township

Goudschaal Farm 34 2009 Leelanau

Olsen Home Farm 40 2010 Cleveland

Mitchell Farm 94 2010 Leelanau

Leatherman-Walker Farm 40 2011 Bingham

Send-Emeott Farm 145 2011 Bingham

Olsen Farm project II 228 2011 Cleveland

Noonan Polack Lake Farm 306 2011 Kasson

Sedlacek Farm project II 77 2011 Leelanau

Spinniken Farm 172 2011 Suttons Bay

Cherry Bay Orchards 108 2012 Bingham

Stanton Farm 172 2012 Centerville

Egeler Farm 116 2012 Leland

Victorial Creek Farms 108 2013 Centerville

Esch Farm 115 2013 Leland

Kelenske Farm 152 2013 Centerville

B. Korson Farm 153 2013 Leland

Swanson Farm 13 2014 Cleveland

Lawton Farm 20 2014 Leelanau

Hohnke Farm 217 2014 Centerville

Bingham Farm 66 Pending Bingham

Elmwood Twp Farm 48 Pending Elmwood

Leelanau Twp Farm 202 Pending Leelanau

Leland Twp Farm 149 Pending Leland

Suttons Bay Twp Farm 120 Pending Suttons Bay

Suttons Bay Twp Farm 205 Pending Suttons Bay

Farmland Projects Made Possible by Leelanau Forever

Jennie Berkson and David Edelstein

The Oleson Farm in Bohemian Valley along Co. Rd. 669

The farms listed above are protected by conservation easements and are not open to the public.

Page 10: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


Cara grew up visiting the small cottages her grandfather had built in the 1940s

on Glen Lake every summer. When we met in college she boasted about what a wonderful place it was. Everything she said was true! As our children grew and we decided to consider a vacation home, we knew it had to be in Leelanau County and we hoped it could be on Glen Lake. We were fortunate to find the right property on Little Glen and we have spent as much of the summer there as possible ever since.

I was privileged to serve as a Board member of the Leelanau Conservancy for six years and as Treasurer for part of that time. I saw up close the skill of the Staff and Board, and the time, talent and energy employed in determining the preservation priorities the Leelanau Conservancy should pursue in coming years. When we were asked to consider donating to the “Leelanau Forever” Campaign we were quick to designate our contribution to the “Where Most Needed” category because we know the current and future Boards and staff are best equipped to determine where funds are best used. Because circumstances change over time we believe the Board must have the flexibility to make funding choices based on current facts and we trust them to do so very effectively.

Stewardship: Caring for the land

Success in preserving our cherished landscapes brings responsibility along

with it. When we create a natural area or sign a conservation easement, we make a commitment in perpetuity to protect and care for that land. One of the goals of the Campaign was to build funds to ensure our long term vitality and ability to uphold these obligations.

Stewardship funds raised during the Campaign will help with the diligent and perpetual care of our natural areas, and to create opportunities for visitors to hike and enjoy. The vast majority of the land we protect, however, remains in private ownership, through permanent legal agreements called conservation easements. Stewardship of these lands per the terms of each conservation easement is an ongoing obligation. In rare instances, legal steps may need to be taken to protect habitat for future generations.

Why We Gave

Cara and Dave Cassard

The boardwalk through Swanson Preserve, one of the signature projects of the Leelanau Forever Campaign.

Leelanau Forever… Together!A report to our Community

Page 11: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


We became involved with the Conservancy in 1987 when we moved into our home adjacent to Houdek Dunes. At the time, Houdek Dunes was being pursued for a golf course development. We viewed that as a miss-use of this spectacular

land. Because of the Leelanau Conservancy, and a united effort, Houdek Dunes is now a beautiful natural area that we and so many other people enjoy. After that, it became apparent that we wanted to become more involved. We have served on the Board, sat on committees, helped with coastal monitoring, and aided in fundraising efforts. The collective efforts of staff and members have contributed greatly to the protection of the “land, water and scenic character” of Leelanau County. We participated in this successful campaign so that future generations will enjoy and love the Leelanau we know today.

“The things we’ve accomplished can’t be undone.” These were words spoken by Brian Price during a staff pot luck

on his last day as Executive Director, December 31st. Brian led the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign and presided over the last 26 years. “One of the things I do love about this organization is that it can make big plans, keep chipping away at them and can actually accomplish them,” he added.

Protecting land in perpetuity depends on a solid Endowment Fund that ensures our long term vitality and ability to uphold our conservation obligations. Gifts directed

Craig and Nancy Miller

Houdek Creek, which can be seen from an observation deck at Houdek Dunes Natural Area. This natural area expanded by 37 acres during the Leelanau Forever Campaign, with three separate projects that protect this fragile creek, which flows into Lake Leelanau.


to our permanent endowment provide income to support our mission. Such steady, predictable funding streams are critical to our success, helping to smooth bumps in the economy and supplement operational or land protection funding needs. Supporting the Endowment Fund is a permanent, lasting way to provide on-going and essential support to conserve the land, water and scenic character of Leelanau County.

Why We Gave

Upholding our Conservation Obligations in Perpetuity

Page 12: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


Leelanau Forever Campaign Donors (2009 - 2014)

$500,000 +Anonymous (5)Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. BrackenThe Carls FoundationDavid Edelstein & Jennie BerksonGina and John ErbMrs. Janice B. FisherDr. Pam FrakerMrs. Mary Ellen GotshallMrs. Carolyn T. HoaglandMr. Jack D. HunterMr. Eugene C. MillerMr. and Mrs. David RedfieldClarence and Ruth Roy

$250,000 - $499,999AnonymousDavid M. and Cara V. CassardEdmund F. and Virginia B. Ball FoundationJeff and Susan GreenThe Herbert H. & Grace A. Dow FoundationMs. Margaret H. Watkins

$100,000 - $249,999Anonymous (7)Richard and Carolyn ChormannEsperance Family FoundationFidelity Charitable Gift FundMr. and Mrs. Paul J. FinneganMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. FisherMr. and Mrs. Edward A. KettererWill and Joan LarsonCraig A. and Nancy T. MillerKaren Mulvahill & Dan MalskiThomas S. PorterRobert J. Trulaske Jr. Family FoundationSchwab Charitable FundMr. and Mrs. Dudley B. Smith, IIIAvery StierMs. Karen R. ViskochilW & J Larson Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. Brent WadsworthJulie R. Weeks & Walter HoegyMr. and Mrs. Warren H. WatkinsJoan and Randy Woods

$50,000 - $99,999Anonymous (5)Christie L. and Bruce T. AltonWilliam Bachman and Julie BaranThe Brookby FoundationCherry RepublicColin Gardner FoundationMr. and Mrs. William L. Fortune, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. GardnerGeorge and Frances Ball FoundationJohn T. and Shirley HoaglandMs. Nancy HoaglandMr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Jones

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Leugers, Jr.Anne H. MagounMariel FoundationMr. and Mrs. Steven MartineauPatrick McCarthy, MDMorgan Stanley Smith Barney Global Impact FundMrs. Diantha C. NaftaliThe Oleson FoundationOrion FoundationBill & Julie PumphreyMrs. Gwen RichRotary Charities of Traverse CityWalter and Leslie SchmidRon and Mary TonnebergerMrs. Sally ViskochilBruce and Betsy WagnerAndy and Elizabeth WaltersElizabeth Bracken Wiese & Fred Wiese

$25,000 - $49,999Anonymous (3)Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. AndrewsMr. and Mrs. George E. L. BarbeeMr. and Mrs. Emil BrolickChuck and Susan CadyMr. Jim ChormannJeanne and Paul DalbaMr. and Mrs. John W. Fisher, IIIMr. and Mrs. John FitzpatrickMs. Julia M. FlowersJan Garfinkle and Mike O’DonnellBob and Debbie GilbertThe Gordon J. Hammersley FoundationEnid and Rick GrauerJeff and Ilze HammersleyMs. Cindy HannMs. Cecily E. HortonMrs. Jeannette HuntMr. and Mrs. Addison IgleheartBud and Nancy LieblerMr. and Mrs. David S. LindquistMrs. Mary E. LyonsMahogany FoundationLarry Mawby and Lois BahleJoshua Pokempner & Gretchen GardnerMr. and Mrs. Max ProffittPaul and Katy RadyBarbara and Frank SiepkerMr. and Mrs. Timothy J. SteinAnne Drackett ThomasMrs. Barbara V. WilsonWayne and Sharon WorkmanMr. and Mrs. Michael Wysocki

$10,000 - $24,999American Century InvestmentsAmericana FoundationGary and Christine B. Armbrecht

AYCO Charitable FoundationJennifer Baker and Stephen FishbeinGershon and Suzanne BerksonMr. and Mrs. John B. Biggs, Jr.Brant Family FundMr. and Mrs. Ronald D. BrooksDr. R. John BullDianne Christensen and Roy ChristiansonThe Columbus FoundationConsumers Energy FoundationCummings Christensen Family FoundationJeanne and Bill DennlerFrancie and John O. DowningJim and Sharon DoyleNancy R. and Berkley W. DuckTom and Gretchen DunfeeJ. Richard Emens & Beatrice E. WolperEvanston Community FoundationMr. Joseph FagganFeather FoundationErika and Dennis C. FergusonThe Gosiger FoundationGrainger Matching Charitable Gifts ProgramGrand Traverse Regional Community FoundationThe Greeney FamilyDon and Ann GregoryH. Fort Flowers FoundationMrs. Jane G. HaleyMr. and Mrs. John R. HaleyMr. and Mrs. Peter HaleyRoss Hammersley and Kate MadiganMrs. Katherine Groll HarrisMr. and Mrs. A. Grant Heidrich, IIIDavid and Betsy HendricksHeather HortonLee Jameson & Barbara Nelson-JamesonMrs. Barbara A. KrauseL. Mawby VineyardsMr. and Mrs. Thomas E. LauerMr. and Mrs. J. Michael LoshDavid and Louise LuttonM-22Mr. Peter MagounThe Nancy M. & Victor S. Johnson Jr. FoundationMrs. Jeanne M. NielsenMr. Lawrence J. NolingNorthern Trust Charitable Giving ProgramDr. and Mrs. Daniel Palmer, MDMs. Molly PhinnyJim and Marie PrestonPyromationRaymond James Charitable Endowment FundRNR FoundationMr. and Mrs. John M. Rockwood, Jr.Mrs. Lu RorickJosh and Kaylyn ShelbyThe Shelby FamilySilicon Valley Community FoundationMs. Joanne L. SprouseChris and Ann StackSteelcase FoundationCherrie and William StegeMs. Martha A. TeichnerToledo Community FoundationTom Russell Charitable FoundationJohn and Mary TrisMr. and Mrs. G. Neil TylerU.S. Charitable Gift TrustVanguard Charitable Endowment ProgramMr. Larry ViskochilMr. and Mrs. George R. WellmanTim Werner and Petra von KulajtaMr. and Mrs. Harry L. WibergMr. Todd WillsMr. and Mrs. Peter Wilson

$5,000 - $9,999Anonymous (3)Porter and Anita AbbottMario Batali & Susi CahnMr. and Mrs. Gregory J. BesioMr. and Mrs. Robert BiggsJanis Bobrin and Mike AllemangCaroline F. BradyHy and Nancy Bunn FamilyKyle and Betsy CarrMr. and Mrs. John J. CarterMr. and Mrs. Paul S. Cobb, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. CollinsThe Commerce Trust CompanyDr. and Mrs. Michael W. CraigMary Cusick and David WibleKevin and Elizabeth Garber DanielsAnnette DeibelMrs. Treva N. DeJongDellora A. & Lester J. Norris FoundationKatharine Weston DexterMrs. Rita M. DickMrs. Stephany DunfeeFannie Mae SERVE ProgramWilliam Fortune, Jr. & Joseph BlakleyRobert H. and Nancy M. GilesLouise HagertyMrs. Barbara B. HallMr. and Mrs. Alfred HoffmanHoward L. Erickson TrustHRD-C FoundationMrs. Anne G. KinzieMr. and Mrs. James D. KurasMr. and Mrs. George Littell, Jr.Mr. Thomas B. LittlewoodK. James Yager and Margaret MaierMarlis Mann and Tom SkinnerMr. Leonard P. MarszalekDrs. Ann and Conrad MasonMr. and Mrs. Randall MaysBill McCrory & Leslie MaclinBob McKelveyJim and Jan NorrisOppenheimer Funds Legacy ProgramMr. and Mrs. Thomas W. PaineMs. Cynthia D. PratherMr. and Mrs. Brian R. PricePrologis FoundationVance and Catherine QuerioDoug and Sally B. SmithDr. and Mrs. David E. SpathelfJohn and Leslee SpragginsMr. Chris Stack, Jr.Tom’s Food MarketMrs. Anne M. VaughanPhil and Barb Von VoigtlanderMrs. Nancy P. Williams

$2,500 - $4,999Barry and Lynn AdlerPeter and Vicki AlpaughAon FoundationMs. Jane T. BabbittRandy Baidas and Will ReevesMr. and Mrs. Bruce BartonMr. and Mrs. Robert W. BloomBlustone VineyardsMr. and Mrs. Charles J. BumbCedar Street Charitable FoundationCherry Capital FoodsDon and Marylou CoeMs. Sterling H. ColeDr. and Mrs. Keith L. CurtisThe Dayton FoundationRoland and Diane DraysonMs. Mary L. DuchiPete and Anne EardleyEast Leland Property Owners AssociationMr. and Mrs. Roger EdgleyMrs. Carol Y. EmensMr. and Mrs. G. Stephen Fisher

Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold M. FisherDr. and Mrs. Richard K. FosterBud and Cherryll FrickMr. and Mrs. Norbert W. GitsDr. and Mrs. Robert F. GleffeMrs. Janet E. GoettleMs. Maria GotschMr. and Mrs. Robert M. GroverCurtis Hall and Susan HousemanMs. Tracy J. HarrisonMr. and Mrs. Alan E. HartwickJustin and Paula HigdonDrs. John and Judy HoefflerIndiana Trust & Investment Management CompanyCarey and Bill KellerDr. Karl T. KristenLarry and Christy KuhnkeThomas and Bridget LamontMr. and Mrs. Jonathon M. LanphierMr. and Mrs. Henry LedermanLeelanau CellarsLittle Traverse Lk. Prop. Owners AssocDr. and Mrs. Michael G. LockhartMrs. Carol McFaddenMr. and Mrs. Stephen J. McShaneDr. and Mrs. David W. MillerMs. Joan MontezemoloNorbert and Paula Gits FoundationDr. and Mrs. Patrick OrielDr. and Mrs. Michael W. O’RiordanPaine Family FoundationDr. and Mrs. Robert PoolBert and Helene RabinowitzMs. Alexis M. ReidKeith Reynaud and Molly DonahueMs. Betty V. RhoadesMr. and Mrs. Ronald H. RileyMr. and Mrs. Scot C. RoemerDavid and Lisa SchimmelSchneider Electric North America FoundationJack and Susan SeamanMr. and Mrs. Jon M. SebalyMr. and Mrs. David T. ShelbyNancy and Tom ShepherdDaniel C. Shoup & Anne Bishop ShoupMr. William SlaterPaul Solli and Kristine BallMike and Marie StearnsMrs. Eleanor B. StephensonMr. and Mrs. W. Richard SummerwillMr. and Mrs. Peter TaylorSusan and Viktor TheissTruistMr. and Mrs. William VanWestenMr. and Mrs. Perry PentiukNoreen and Stewart WarrenMr. and Mrs. Daniel R. WhiteNancy and Stuart WinstonJohn Worst and Ruth Tucker

$1,000 - $2,499Anonymous (3)Barbara and Bill AlldredgeDavid and Suzanne AlpersMr. and Mrs. Allen A. AmmonsDavid and Jacqueline AmosMr. and Mrs. Gary E. AndersonWilliam C. and Vicki AndersonMrs. Martha B. BakerDr. and Mrs. Scott A. BakerAndrew Bamford and Tamera WalesBanc AllianceMr. and Mrs. Christopher BarberBarnabas FoundationMr. Timothy A. BarrGinny and Scott BeallJack and Renee BeamMr. Stephen & Dr. Nancy BeightsMrs. Carol BennerThe Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Charles Bennison

A third addition to the Lake Leelanau Narrows completed during the Campaign protects this sensitive wetland complex which is a haven for fish, wildlife and plants that keep Lake Leelanau pristine.

Page 13: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


Mrs. Gill BentleyMs. Anne Hatcher BerenbergTroy R. Biddix and Melissa HillDuane and Jean BingelJonathan BirgeDrs. Peter and Eleanor BlitzerDr. Amy G. BolmerMs. Susan BomierMr. and Mrs. Tony W. BordenMr. and Mrs. Philip BoriaThe Boston FoundationCarol and Lee A. BowenAlexander and Sally BrackenMichael and Sherri BromMr. and Mrs. Peter W. BrookeMr. William W. BryantFrank and Sharon BustamanteMary Beth and Phil CanfieldMs. Cathryn CarterAl and Dee ChaffeeDaniel and Linda ClineCommunity Foundation for Southeast MichiganCommunity Foundation of LouisvilleRichard Cooper & Jan TennantThe Dabney & Lavin FamilyJames and Gayle DavisDennis Hurst & AssociatesMr. and Mrs. Daniel J. DevineRon and Marion DickelAdele and Page DinsmoreMs. Kathleen DohertyMr. and Mrs. Hayward L. DraperStephanie and Mark DuckmannEmersonMr. Roger FavoriteRobert and Barbara FeatherlyJonathan Feld and Shelley LongmuirDr. and Mrs. Neal H. FellowsMr. and Mrs. James A. FisherMatt and Courtney M. FontDrs. Robert Foster & Valarie MinerMs. Roxanne H. FrankMrs. Sue FrankMr. and Mrs. Louis FuszMrs. Ursula Ann GahlbergCarl GaleanaAl and Karen GallupJames and Kathy GanleyMr. and Mrs. Jack GazianoJoseph and Suzanne GearySteve and Lauran GilbreathMr. David GilesGlobal ImpactDan and Magee GordonMr. and Mrs. David GrauerThe Greater Cincinnati FoundationMr. and Mrs. Edward W. GreenoMr. and Mrs. Thomas N. GriffithMichael Grover and Nunzio LupoMr. and Mrs. Christopher HaberMrs. Ann T. HackettMr. Michael W. HallMollie and Chuck HallMolly M. HarrisonBev and Dan HeinzScott and Catherine HeiserMs. Mary HelmickMr. and Mrs. Robert L. HinkleMr. and Mrs. Kent N. HoltonPaul Howes and Cynthia JohnsonMichael Huey and Christian Witt-DorringMr. and Mrs. Robert B. HughesMr. and Mrs. Charles J. HurbisMr. and Mrs. Dennis HurstIdyll FarmsMr. Mark IuppenlatzMr. and Mrs. John JahodaSusan and Jerry JaneckeMr. Daniel L. Johnson, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Kalin S. JohnsonJohnson Investment CounselMr. Thomas C. Jones

June & Cecil McDole FoundationMr. and Mrs. James H. KabcenellJim and Cindy KacinAlan and Teri KasperMrs. Janet H. KelleyTodd KennellSandra Kilinski and Larry GanzMr. and Mrs. Thomas KnightonMr. and Mrs. Konrad D. KohlRob KurnickRobert Kurtz and Molly O’ToolePenny and Jamie LaddMr. and Mrs. Douglas G. LakeMs. Susan LambMs. Diane G. LambertLucy L. LambertJeff Later & Betsy DonahueMr. and Mrs. Robert LavenDave and Bridget LembergSarah and Matt LichtelSteve and Marcie LindoMrs. Dorothy B. LingleMr. and Mrs. Todd LiningerMrs. Eloise E. LundMr. and Mrs. Millard H. MackMs. Theresa MadayAl and Susan MansonJohn and Maude MarchMs. Josephine MarquisKaren C. MartinKristi and Earle MartinMays Family FoundationMr. Woody McCallyMr. and Mrs. Gary McCauslandMr. and Mrs. Randall McElrathMr. and Mrs. Richard C. MilehamMr. and Mrs. Frederick MillerMr. and Mrs. James MillerMr. and Mrs. Robert MitchellNancy and Jim MogleJim and Jeanne MontieAnnabel and Robert MooreMr. and Mrs. Michael MuladoreScott and Luvie MyersNational Automobile Dealers Char. FoundationNeal and Barb NeeseLisa and Ted NeildMark Nesbitt & Sara McVayMrs. Ann NicholsMr. Frank NoverrJim Nugent and Toddy RiegerMr. and Mrs. Roger H. OettingMs. Susan P. OliverPfizer FoundationTom and Martha PhillipsEdmund and Ann Piet AndersonBruce and Linda PolizottoCharles and Jenny PoorMr. and Mrs. John PorrittBarry and Susan PorterMs. Jill PorterMr. Richard PotterPPG Industries FoundationPreston P. Joyes Trust - Joyes CottageMr. and Mrs. George J. QuardererPeter and Kristen RaceMr. Ken RichmanAnn RogersMs. Melanie A. RogersMr. and Mrs. Phillip RoosEd and Mary RuffleyMr. and Mrs. James R. ScarlettPhil and Kathy SchererMrs. Donna L. SchiffMr. and Mrs. Paul L. SehnertMs. Patricia ShileyMr. and Mrs. Allan SmithStephen and Sandra SmithMr. and Mrs. John B. SnyderShandy and Penny SpencerTheodore and Connie StandifordMr. and Mrs. Justin A. Stanley, Jr.Mr. Richard J Stephenson

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel StottMr. and Mrs. Daniel StricofStricof Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. George StrietmannMr. and Mrs. John S. SutfinMr. Lee TaftMr. and Mrs. William E. TaylorRosemary and Reed TupperMrs. Katharine W. TurnerMartha Van Eenenaam-Iwanicki & Tom IwanickiThe Vanguard Group FoundationMr. and Mrs. Howard VeneklasenBeth Verhey and Daniel TooleBarbara W. VilterTim and Jill VollbrechtThe W.D. FoundationMr. and Mrs. Allen WeaverLarry and Marcia WebbMrs. Elise I. WeisbachMr. and Mrs. Tim L. WestbayMrs. Lucy H. WickJohn and Kate WiegandMr. and Mrs. Tom WilleDavid Williams & Kim HerbertLisa Wilsher & Steve ChamberlinCaroline and Edwin WoodsMike and Trish YoungMr. John C. ZimmermanDr. Andris A. Zoltners

$500 - $999Anonymous (4)Mr. and Mrs. Weston W. Adams, Jr.Ms. Harriette P. AldMr. and Mrs. William AlvinPaul and Melisse AndersonMr. and Mrs. Daniel C. AppelMr. and Mrs. Dennis A. ArmbrusterPatty and Dick BachIrene G. and J. Sumner BagbyTim and Ann BakerCharles and Renne BallMr. and Mrs. George A. BallMr. John F. BallMike and Mary BarberMs. Patricia BardMr. David S. BattleRoger and Jan BauerMs. Ann BeaujeanBenevityCarolyn Doepke BennettMr. and Mrs. Thomas A. BennettBob and Julie BerlacherMs. Jennifer K. BernsenMs. Doris K. BlairMr. Jack A. BosgraafRichard and Sally BromFletcher and Janie BrownJudy & Meg Brown & David WardKarla and Scott BrownBrig and Merrill BuettnerMr. and Mrs. Randall BurkertDan and Connie BurkhardtMr. and Mrs. Tim ButlerDr. and Mrs. Ronald CaldwellNeil Caliman & Monica StaffordCardinal Health FoundationJohn and Marsha ChamberlinGreg and Barbara ChapmanMary Ann and Reuben ChapmanKaren L. Chase & David BelliziMr. and Mrs. David ChesterfieldDr. Mary CiottiMrs. Betty C. ClarkeDean Manikas & Susan CocciarelliMr. Douglas ColeMr. and Mrs. Michael T. ColerMike and Tedi CollierMrs. Carolyn L. CraneMr. Jay DankovichMr. and Mrs. John G. DaveyRodger and Debbie DavisAnn and Richard DeBoerDrs. Paul Dechow & Joanne Blum

Ms. Maureen J. Delaney-LehmanMr. Jeffrey DietelMr. Rex E. DobsonMr. and Mrs. Philip A. DonatelliMr. and Mrs. David A. DoranMr. August C. DorandoMs. Dorothy A. DotenMr. Hank DowDow Corning Matching Gifts ProgramMike and Sue DownsMrs. Elizabeth DrinkausMrs. Judy DrumMr. Andrew DuchiHolly and Jeff DunlopBruce and Lynn DunnDr. and Mrs. John P. DunnMr. and Mrs. Delbert DycheMr. and Mrs. John R. DyeGeorge and Mary EggenbergerMr. and Mrs. Robert W. ElberfeldAaron and Jennifer EllenbogenMr. and Mrs. Rolf EmbertsonMrs. Nicole EmensMr. and Mrs. Vincent EngererTom and Juli ErdmannGail and Keith EvansCarolyn and Dave FaughtMrs. Georgie L. FentonTom Fenton and Mary HeffronMs. Amy FergusonMr. and Mrs. Parker FieldMr. Eben M. FingerMr. and Mrs. Michael FleishmanMr. and Mrs. James FleserM. Bradley Flynn & Mary BarrMarc and Laura FoersterForty-Five North Vineyard and WineryMs. Carol FusMs. Jane L. GaleDrs. Marc and Linda GalliniMrs. Patricia M. GanterDeborah Froeb and Tim GardnerMr. and Mrs. Andrew GerbenMs. Mary GibbJeffrey and Marcia GibsonMr. James C. GilboBill and Liz GladneyMichael Goodell and Mary NorthcuttDr. and Mrs. Jack W. GottschalkAnne and Jeffrey GrausamJim and Mary Jo GroganMr. and Mrs. John E. GroteThomas Guback & Sylvia Linde-GubackBruce and Cynthia HagenMona HanfordMr. and Mrs. Bradley T. HanpeterMs. Dorothy HanpeterSherrie and Logan HardieDavid and Marcia HarrisMrs. Barbara HattKelly and Susan HaunMrs. Agnes HaydenPhyllis HaysLynn and Diane HedemanMr. and Mrs. William P. HeidrichMr. Matthew HeissTricia and Khalil HijaziCraig and Lindsay HineMrs. Carolyn B. HobartLinda and Denny HoemkeMr. J. Edward HollenderMr. and Mrs. Gary R. HoskingMrs. Georgina HosmerDaniel Inman and Catherine LittleMr. and Mrs. John P. JacksonMr. and Mrs. Mike JacobsonMrs. Mary E. JellemaMr. David C. JohnsonMs. Grace D. JohnsonDr. and Mrs. Tom M. JohnsonMs. Ann Jones

Mr. and Mrs. James L. KareckMr. and Mrs. Charles W. KeplerMs. Caryn KingMr. and Mrs. John J. KinsellaMr. and Mrs. David E. KleinerThomas and Mary Ann KnowlesMr. and Mrs. Arthur J. KubertJoseph Lada and Gary CozetteMr. and Mrs. John A. LaitalaCpt. Claude LambertJim, Anita and Kathryn LamontMr. John LehmanLeland Womens Civic ClubLilly Endowment, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd LindnerMr. and Mrs. Richard H. LippertWilliam and Nancy LittellDr. and Mrs. W. Randall LongMr. Ron LovaszJohn Lund and Annie GilletteMike and Lori LymanMr. and Mrs. Mark J. LyonsLeon and Pamela LysaghtMr. and Mrs. Robert H. MacKenzieMs. Nancy L. MaleckiDan and Lynne Mapes-RiordanMs. Lucy W. MarchKate Mason & Mary Lee MillerLynn Mathia and Ron WoodallP. Michael and Kathryn MayLinda McCarthyMr. Eric McCreadyMrs. Tobie McElrathDorothy McGavranSteve McGraw and Bobi MoreyMs. Preston Lyon McGregorMr. and Mrs. Stafford McKayMr. and Mrs. Donald R. McMullenMr. and Mrs. Glenn M. McNettJeff and Erin McRaeMrs. Mary Ann MeanwellMichelle’s Miracle, Inc.Vina and Phillip D. MikesellRick and Anne MillerMr. and Mrs. Charles MoffettMrs. Eleanor MoodyMorgan StanleyMr. and Mrs. Peter MorrisMr. Robert R. Morse, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John MortonMrs. Patricia Moulton

$1,000 - $2,499

During the Campaign, Kehl Lake Natural Area expanded by 52 acres—the 5th addition since this lovely natural area was created in 1992.

Leelanau Forever Campaign Donors (2009 - 2014)

Page 14: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


Ann and Don MunroMr. and Mrs. Michael MurphyTania and Carter NeildMr. John A. NelsonDavid Noling and Victoria BaileyJane and Jason NuzzoMs. Kiku ObataEdward & Caroline G. OberndorfMrs. Janey OdellMr. and Mrs. William OlsenWilliam and Susan PattonMr. Randy PetreshRobert and Ellen PisorMr. Richard M. PolskyMrs. Bobbie S. PoorMs. Donna PopkeJune and Jerry PowleyPrism Publications, Inc./Traverse the MagazineDr. John L. PutnamMr. and Mrs. Wayne D. RandallKimberly Ranshaw and Lynn StamMr. and Mrs. Eric R. RayMr. and Mrs. John H. RayRaymond James and Associates, Inc.Ms. Patricia RedmondDr. and Mrs. Raymond E. ReinertThomas and Susan RevelsMr. and Mrs. Charles L. ReynoldsMrs. Evaline RhodehamelMs. Patricia RichardsonShawn Ricker and Steven CacossaThe Ricord FamilyMr. and Mrs. David H. Ripper, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John W. RiskMr. and Mrs. Richard O. Ristine, Jr.Mrs. Deborah RobbinsWilliam and Pamela RosenbergThomas Sawyer & Kate Sawyer VilterJim and Jayne SchaferMr. and Mrs. John H. SchaffMr. and Mrs. Peter H. SchaffDr. William C. ScharfMrs. Elizabeth SchleefMark and Susanne SchneiderJim and Margaret SchrimpfMary Jo SchuldRob Schulz and Kelly SummerwillJohn and Susan SentellAnne and David ShaneMr. and Mrs. Leo G. SheaMr. and Mrs. John A. ShiltsMichael and Sandy ShortMr. and Mrs. Michael ShupertReid Sikes & Barbara MackeCharles Silver and Cindy EppolitoJim Simons and Shirlee AffhalterMr. Thomas SmithDr. and Mrs. Peter SneedMr. and Mrs. David E. SprandelMr. and Mrs. David J. SproutStage TurnerMr. and Mrs. Terry B. StantonJim and Beth StephensMs. Catherine W. StephensonMr. and Mrs. Ulrich A. StrausMr. Rhoden StreeterSue and Stefan SvenssonMr. Thomas W. SwiftCynthia and Bruce TaggartMr. and Mrs. Ben A Tefertiller, Jr.Abbot and Josie ThayerMs. Kathy ThomasRichard and Sera ThompsonMrs. Jeanne TownsendMr. and Mrs Richard E. TrappJosh and Angela Van ManenDr. and Mrs. James P. VarleyMs. Lois VeenstraMr. and Mrs. Peter VisserWilliam Vogt and Claire EberweinMr. and Mrs. Ralph von WalthausenMs. Karen Wachs

Roger Wallace & Mary BaughmanJulie WalterMr. and Mrs. Harvey R. WarburtonDavid and Mary Ann WarkAndrew and Molly WatkinsMr. and Mrs. David K. WatkinsDavid Weisbach and Joan NealMr. and Mrs. Robert H. WellbornMr. Gilbert H. Whelden, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. WhitneyMr. and Mrs. Stephen WilkersonDr. Robert L. WillardBrian Williams & L. Fisher-WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Dennis M. WilliamsMr. and Mrs. George R. WillsMs. Jane WilsherDavid and Christine WintersonMr. and Mrs. Dave WollenhauptMr. and Mrs. James Woodhull, IIDouglas and Jennifer WyattDuke YoonMarilyn and Gregg ZankMr. Edward C. ZeruldGeorge and Kathleen ZinkMr. M. Richard ZinmanBill Zolkowski and Susan Hawley

$250 - $499AnonymousMs. Gloria AlbrechtMr. and Mrs. Frank J. AndressMs. Sally S. AppelAdam and Mary ArentsArt’s TavernMr. and Mrs. Jim AufderhaarLauren and Tom AzoniKenneth and Mary BalcomMr. and Mrs. John F. Ball, Jr.Bank of America FoundationBank of America United Way CampaignMr. and Mrs. David L. BanksMark and Marilyn BaremanMs. Margaret BarghBruce Barnes and Kathy MarciniakDaniel and Mary BarrRob and Shelly BatterbeeMr. and Mrs. Peter BauerMr. and Mrs. Ran BellowsAmy Benner and Dominic MaceriDottie and Jerry BergmanMr. Mark BissoMr. and Mrs. Paul BlakesleeMr. and Mrs. James G. BlashillMr. and Mrs. David A. BohmerMr. and Mrs. Robert A. BolakMrs. Belle BolesPaul and Karen BolhuisRichard and Barbara BowzerKenneth Browde & Marilyn SanbornBill and Natalie BrownMr. and Mrs. James BrownJohn and Patricia BudayTom and Marsha BuehlerMs. Sandra BuellMrs. Carol P. BurchfieldMr. and Mrs. James F. BurnhamMrs. Donna D. BurrCA TechnologiesMr. and Mrs. David CamienerMs. Lucille CapraMr. David G. CardMr. Sydney CarlockMrs. Janet S. CarlsenMs. Gayle L. CarpenterMr. and Mrs. Jack L. CarpenterThomas and Denise Frieda CarrMr. and Mrs. Gene S. CartwrightMrs. Sally CaseyTracey and Rick CassardAndrew Caughey and Shelly NeitzelMr. and Mrs. David D. CellMr. and Mrs. Fred CepelaJohn Chapman and Candance DaleyMrs. Amy F. Chatfield

Jerry and Mary Faggan ChurchillSue Ann and Gary ClarkMr. and Mrs. George N. CochranJeanne Cole and Jonathan LedskyCheryl Cooper and Alice CooperKarl and Tracy CooperKaren and Bruce CopusCharles and Susan CrawfordDave Culp & Amy CritzJudy DarstMr. and Mrs. Howard DatemaNancy and Tom DaviesT. Jeff Davis & Ken SmithMr. and Mrs. John W. DeanMr. James DeatonDeering Tree ServiceMr. and Mrs. Carl M. DeFariaMrs. Diane P. DeHuffMrs. Anna M. DicksonKevin Diels and Jane DamschroderDave and Carol DixonMrs. Rosemary J. DohertyDavid & Cynthia DomanchukMs. Nancy L. DotloMrs. Janet DowMs. Elissa DrikerMr. and Mrs. Richard EbyChuck and Diana EdwardsMs. Sherry D. EdwardsDr. Claire Ernst & Al BedecarreMs. Judy ErwinNancy and James FareseMr. and Mrs. Jack FergusonDouglas and Janine FierbergJean and Buzz FinkeMrs. Cathleen C. FisherJames and Mary FluehrMr. and Mrs. John T. FlynnMargaret Flynn & Vishnu Ranganathan

Ms. Phyllis Foley WanroyMr. and Mrs. Thomas H. FoxDave and Mo FreytagJim and Sally FriendMs. Cheryl GainMr. and Mrs. David A. GalliherMr. and Mrs. Richard M. GansGene and Kathy GartheWilliam GeboMrs. Barbara F. GentileJohn Gierak and Dona TraceyRichard and Barbara GilbertsenDan and Barbara GoodearlMr. Erick TakayamaMr. and Mrs. Robert GregoryMs. Lynn GuminaMr. and Mrs. James HackenbergerMr. and Mrs. Eugene N. HadjiskyKatherine and Eric HallMr. and Mrs. John J. HandloserMr. and Mrs. Edward C. HanpeterCharles and Judith Harris

Gordy and Jeanne HattJudith Case & Karl HauslerMr. and Mrs. R. Tucker HawkinsMr. Art HeidrichMatt Heiman and Karrie ZeitsMr. and Mrs. Dennis HendricksMrs. Virginia R. C. HendricksonMr. Joseph W. HeringlakeMr. and Mrs. Thomas HiattSkip Hibbard & Nancy ElkindFrederick and Judith HillWilliam and Suzanne HoffMr. and Mrs. Richard HooverJoe and Kathleen HoudekMs. Emily HowardMrs. Ann HuffmanMrs. Alice S. HuntGordon and Mary Lou IngwersenWin and Kyle IrwinMr. and Mrs. Paul JacobsonEvelyn Jellema and Douglas BrownMrs. Marilyn D. JohnstonGreg Jorjorian and Marlys ConradMajor George E. KammererMr. John H. KattPaul and Yoka KayeJohn and Lana KeithMr. and Mrs. Scott KellerJames and Linda KemperMs. Susan KetteringMrs. Evelyn KitzulMr. and Mrs. Steven KleinMr. Charles KnappSandy and Rick KoehlerDick and Sherry KoenigMr. and Mrs. John R. KoscharaMr. and Mrs. Charles KrausLeonard and Janet KrawiecLee Kremin & Marjolijn vander Velde

Don and Jeanne KunzMr. and Mrs. Robert KurasMr. and Mrs. Michael LabriolaNessa and Ed LaingMr. and Mrs. Stephen LaterMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. LeeMs. Linda LeMieuxMr. and Mrs. Robert J. LeppinkMr. and Mrs. Daniel R. LeugersMark and Lori Leugers and FamilySkip and Liz LeuppTed and Pat LigibelMrs. Nancy H. LileyLaurie and Dan LisukDavid P. LloydMr. and Mrs. James R. LockhartJim and Monica LoganStaton and Carol LorenzSteven Luebkeman & Sara LaterKurt and Eleanor LuedtkeMs. Kristen LundMrs. Cleo P. MacMillan

Mr. and Mrs. E. Thomas MaguireMASCO CorporationMr. and Mrs. James McAndrewsPat McCool and Maureen PenfoldKate and Halley McDonaldMr. and Mrs. John McInnisAllan and Mary McKissonMr. and Mrs. Donald MeadMr. and Mrs. Franklin B. MeadMr. and Mrs. Ken Medaris, Jr.Mr. Randall K. MelvinDr. Brian D. MelzianMs. Mary R. MerwinMs. Sara MichaelMr. and Mrs. David L. MichelmoreLaurence and Melisa MillerMr. and Mrs. Reed MillerSusan and David MilneMr. and Mrs. R. John MinerCorey and Sarah MorganMr. and Mrs. Andrew B. MorrowRichard and Abby MortensenMrs. Karen A. MudgettMr. and Mrs. Timothy MulherinAnnette and Eric MunsonTom Nelson and Stephanie Berger-NelsonMr. and Mrs. Alfred K. NeugebauerRichard and Terre NeumannMr. and Mrs. Ronald N. NicholsLeonard Niehoff and Lisa RudgersNorthport Point ClubJohn and Antia O’ConnellSean and Cristin O’RiordanOryana Food Cooperative, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ostrowski, Jr.Michael Ouzounian and Trish RogersMr. and Mrs. Robert E. OvermyerMrs. Luvian Owens

Ron Paczkowski & Judy TalbottMr. and Mrs. Scott W. PandorfMr. and Mrs. Ralph PassarelliDon and Pat PaulsellThom and Rachelle PetersMr. Erik PetersonMr. and Mrs. John J. PetersonAnneke and Guy PlamondonMr. and Mrs. Michael PlessnerChristopher Podges & Barbara CunninghamMr. and Mrs. David M. PohlodPatricia Pollock and Mark RodakGlenn and Rasa T. PoormanMrs. Elizabeth PorterJohn and Bonnie RainesDr. Stuart C. RankinMrs. Charlotte ReadGregory and Brenda RenerTerry and Debra RiedingerMr. and Mrs. Thomas H. RistineMrs. Paula M. Robertson

$500 - $999

The Noonan Family Kettlehole property is a geologic wonder. This 200-acre private land conservation easement in Kasson Twp. was donated along with a second 306-acre conservation easement on Polack Lake. The combined project set the record for the largest CE project in our history at 506 acres.

Leelanau Forever Campaign Donors (2009 - 2014)

Page 15: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


$250 - $499Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. RobinsonMr. and Mrs. Tim C. RodBill and Kate RohlfsMr. and Mrs. E. David RollertMrs. Sarah F. RolosonMr. Greg RoseMrs. Marcia L. RoseRay and Ricky RossMr. and Mrs. Richard A. RossmanDr. and Mrs. Edward J. RutkowskiMrs. Rosalind RyantJudith Rycus & Ronald HughesSeth Sadis and Kristen VerheyMr. and Mrs. Wendell D. SchallerRandy and Darlene SchoenJacquelyn and Michael SchwartzAdam Segerlind & Jenee RoweThe Sehnert FamilyMs. Patricia H. SettlesMr. and Mrs. Thomas M. ShoaffMr. John ShoemakerMr. and Mrs. Richard ShusterRick and Donna SimontonStevie SimsPaul Skiem and Beth BrooksMr. and Mrs. Robert Smart, Jr.Andy and Marietta SmithMr. and Mrs. Larry L. SmithSharon and Robert SnellMs. Lianne SomervilleDrs. Beverly & R. Lawrence St. ClairQuinton and Margaret St. JohnMr. and Mrs. John H. StanleyMs. Cynthia M. StarrMr. and Mrs. William W. SteelRobert Steinhilber & Mary Jo O’ConnorDon and Tricia StogsdillMr. and Mrs. Donald J. StuhldreherMr. and Mrs. James J. StukelDon and Nancy SurberMrs. Laura L. SwireThomas H. Thibault & Ruth WinterMs. Gabriella ThomasMr. and Mrs. Jim ThomasMs. Joan ToddCarol and Ruben TronoMs. Kathy M. TuckermanAtticus TysenMr. and Mrs. Peter Van NortRhys VanDemark & Kathi McGookeyMr. and Mrs. Joseph M. VarleyVerizon FoundationMs. Sally A. VonderbrinkMrs. Shirley Wagner

David Walker and Maribeth MaleckiBob and Cyndy WalshHolly and Phil WebsterMichael and Elma WienerWildlife and Wetland SolutionsMr. William S. WillisMrs. Ethel M. WillsMr. Peter C. WolcottDr. and Mrs. James S. WoodburneMr. and Mrs. Albert L. Wrisley, Jr.Dr. Stephen A. WyattLinda and Steven YoungPhilip and Susan ZaborowiczMs. Karen E. Zerrenner

$100 - $249Anonymous (8)Barbara Abbott and Larry HauserGyula Acsadi & Agnes Jani-AcsadiMr. and Mrs. D. Douglas AlexanderMr. and Mrs. Robert L. AlflenTerry and Sandra AllenMrs. Deborah Bunn AlleyDiane and Don AllingtonIrwin Alterman and Marilyn McCallDr. and Mrs. Gordon AmidonCarol and Herb AmsterMrs. Mary H. AndersonRichard and Nancy AndersonMs. Susan AndersonMr. and Mrs. James P. AndresPeter and Elizabeth AndrewsMr. and Mrs. Richard AndrewsMr. Matt AnhutMr. Michael J. AntonDavid and Kristen ArendsJohn Arevalo and Gloria TorelloMrs. Lisa E. ArmasThe Fort FamilyMr. and Mrs. David AthanasLaura and Dana AtkinsMr. and Mrs. Richard AustinRich and Cassie AxtellMr. and Mrs. John G. BachmanBahle Enterprises, Inc.Mr. David BahrMr. and Mrs. Forrest D. BaillieDr. and Mrs. Walter M. BairdJudy and Bruce BalasKathryn S. BalcerskiMr. and Mrs. David F. BallMrs. Lena A. BallMr. and Mrs. John M. BallantyneMr. and Mrs. Mike W. BandyMs. Margaret BarberMr. and Mrs. Gary Bardenhagen

Steve and Pam BardenhagenDonna and Bill BarkerCharles and Lorraine BarnesGlenn and Patty BarnesBill and Donna BarrowsLinda and Robert BarrowsMr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Barry, Jr.Mr. Jeffrey R. BeanSue and Dan BeardsleeMr. Louis BehrensWendy BellMs. Marcia BellingerLisa Benjamin and Tyler HesterhagenMr. and Mrs. John BennettMr. and Mrs. Loren B. Bensley, Jr.Dr. Rosemary R. BerardiSteven and Christina BergmansMargene and Alex BerryMr. and Mrs. Thomas E. BerryJohn Bevington & Tina Greene-BevingtonDrs. Lindsay and Mark BiblerGary and Wendy BiceBarbara Bierlein & Tom DillonMr. and Mrs. Michael W. BinsfeldMr. and Mrs. J. Randall BirndorfTom and Gwen BischoffTim and Doris BlairMr. and Mrs. Eric BlakelyStephen & Patricia Jones BlessmanMs. Earlene W. BlevinsMr. Richard J. BolanMr. Charles T. BombaughMs. Becky BondWarren and Beverly BoosMrs. Sally B. BoothMr. and Mrs. Dave BortonMs. Susan BosseMrs. Mary G. BottingMr. John BourbonnaisBen BowmasterMs. Barbara BoyerGerry and Kathleen BoylanMr. Thomas B. BrackenCaroline, Donna and Curt BradenMs. Suzanne BrandtEd and Chris BrengmanMr. and Mrs. John H. BreniserMichael and Joan BrennanMr. Timothy BrickJohn and Brenda BromMr. and Mrs. Stephen BrotschulYarrow and Ben BrownMs. Mary Jo BrumbaughTrish and Rick Bryan

Ms. Margaret BuchananWilliam and Nancy BuchananMr. and Mrs. Richard W. BudingerMr. and Mrs. Robert BugaiMr. H. Michael BuhlerMrs. Katharine BulkleyMr. and Mrs. Craig BumaMr. and Mrs. George R. Bunn, Jr.Phil and Laura BurkDarryl and Pam BurkhardtSteven and Barbara BursianDr. and Mrs. Paul D. BursteinDebbie Varley BurtMrs. Delorus BurtonMatthew and Supapan ButlerDenise and Stu ButterfieldM. Christine Byron and Thomas WilsonMr. and Mrs. Xavier CabannePhillip and Linda CacossaMr. Harvey CalcuttMs. Christina D. CampbellFrederick and Denise CampbellMrs. Maureen CampbellMr. and Mrs. Howard W. Cann, IIIDrs. Nancy Cantor & Steven BrechinMark Cantrell & Kathy RymalMs. Margaret CarmodyMs. Karen CasebeerMr. William S. CasierMrs. Jean A. CastleMr. Lowell C. CateMichael and Kavitha CelentinoJim and Linda ChalatMs. Charlotte ChamberlainJoe and Sybil ChandlerMr. and Mrs. Robert ChapmanMrs. Evelyn ChetcutiHarry and Diane ChuganiMs. Deborah CiavattoneTerry and Sandra CiesielskiBev and Gary ClarkMr. and Mrs. David ClarkMr. and Mrs. Frank C. ClarkMrs. Joy Webb ClarkJ. Preston and Nina Cory ClaytorCarol and David CliffordDrs. Steven and Molly ClineDotti Clune and Jill HenemyerMs. Corinne CochranMs. Ellen CohnMr. and Mrs. Pope ColemanMr. and Mrs. Glenn E. CookMrs. Amy B. CookseyMr. and Mrs. E. Neal Cory,IIDr. and Mrs. Vincent CoudenMr. Ken CowanJim and Lynne CowartMs. Kathleen CraneWilliam and Patricia CreanMr. Dale CrinitiLori & Sean CryanMr. and Mrs. Ronald S. CulpMr. Curtis A. CumminsMr. and Mrs. Stephen J. CusterDr. Ben J. CzerniawskiMr. John DanielMs. Carolyn DanielsonMr. Douglas DarlandMs. Catherine DavidsonMr. Thomas K. DavisMrs. Jeanine W. DeanMr. Tom DeeringMr. R. Garret DemarestMs. Meri DembrowMs. Peggy DennisJerry and Judy DenoyerJoyce, Michael & Thomas DerenCharlie DeSando and Ellen GilliganMs. Caroline DieterleMr. and Mrs. Robert DiloretoPaul and Constance DimondMr. and Mrs. Larry L. DoddMrs. Renie Dohrmann

Karl and Jennifer DolsonKathleen Dolson and Christopher SpillingMrs. Jane W. DomkeCheryl Donakowski & Frank MisplonMr. and Mrs. Conrad L. DonakowskiMrs. Karen DoumaJennifer and Bill DoyleMr. and Mrs. Joe DresselMrs. Frances T. DrewMr. and Mrs. Michael DuBrulBrian and Kate DuensingMr. and Mrs. Jack DuffyMrs. Bette D. DuggerMr. and Mrs. C.R. DunnMr. and Mrs. Edwin R. DunnMr. and Mrs. Michael DurbinMr. and Mrs. G. Thomas DutmersMr. and Mrs. Mark PolinkoElizabeth and Mike EaglesDeborah and David EastisThomas and Gillian EbelingTerrell and Pat EbrightJames and Jill EganMs. Gayle E. EgelerMark Eidelson and Caryl MarkzonMs. Sara ElkMs. Margaret EllibeeMr. and Mrs. Robert ElliottClark and Tricia ElmerELTMr. and Mrs. R. Scott EmersonMrs. Lin EmmertWilliam and Martha EnchermanMr. Stephen A. EnkemaMr. and Mrs. William EnlowEnvironmental ArtistsMr. Mike EvanoffMr. Albert A. EvansMark and Annette EvansMr. and Mrs. Richard H. EvansMs. Leigh FaireyMark and Karen FalaheeMrs. Jeanne P. FalbergJohn and Jackie FarahMr. Robert E. FastMr. Robert W. FaullMr. and Mrs. Gregg FazzoniDr. David S. FeenstraMs. Susan V. FehrenbachMs. Pam Foster FeltAndrew and Lita FerdinandMr. James FerrickMrs. Barbara FiedlerPete and Julie FinchMs. Susan J. FinkeFischer’s Happy Hour TavernMr. and Mrs. Branden FisherBrannon and Amanda FisherMr. and Mrs. Roger H. FitchMr. and Mrs. Roy B. FlemmingLee and Jill FoersterMr. Richard W. ForceGlenn and Kim FordMs. Margaret J. ForgioneMrs. Lyde E. FowlerMr. Chuck FraenkelLaura Franseen and Norman KjomeEllen FredMs. Judy L. FrederickDon and Deb FreedMr. and Mrs. Douglas J. FreemanMr. Joseph G. FreemanMrs. Nancy P. FreemanMr. and Mrs. Donald FrerichsDavid Friar and Rorie LewisDavid and Barbara FridlineJerome FriedmanFriends of the Crystal RiverMrs. Shirley A. GainNancy Gallagher & Kevin WeberMr. and Mrs. Gary J. GallupKaren Garber & John DesmaraisMr. and Mrs. David T. Gardner

The Send-Emeott families preserved 145 acres of prime fruit-growing farmland in Bingham Township with the help of the Campaign.

Leelanau Forever Campaign Donors (2009 - 2014)

Page 16: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


Stephen Gardner, Jr. & Margot NaceyDavid and Brooke GarrattMs. Cary R. GasnerMs. Judith E. GassDavid and Sharon GeislerPaul and Teri GelterPaul and Denise GenoaIrene and Alex GherlanRob and Paige GillespieMs. Victoria Rea GitsMrs. Aurora GlettlerRichard and Marianne GlosengerMrs. Beth GoebelEllie GoldenVictor and Denice GoldschmidtMs. Kathleen G. GoodfallowMr. and Mrs. Philip W. Goodspeed, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. William B. GoodspeedGourdie-Fraser, Inc.Mrs. June L. GrahamMs. Mary GrahamMs. Diane GrauerMrs. Christine GrayGreat GoodsGreater Kansas City Community FoundationMark and Marie GreenmanMr. and Mrs. John S. GreenoMrs. Doris D. GreenoughMs. Martha GreenoughChad and Jennifer GreenwellMrs. Linda GregoryJane GreinerMr. and Mrs. Douglas GreiweMr. and Mrs. Richard GreweKen and Joyce GreywallDavid and Laura GroenkeMr. and Mrs. Berndt H. GrosMr. and Mrs. Steve GrossmannLori and Steve GrossnickleGTRCF - The Rotary Endowment FundMr. and Mrs. Michael D. GudenauKaren Gulla Mr. and Mrs. H. Louis GurthetMr. George HabererMr. and Mrs. Donald E. HackerEstate of Ann HallMr. and Mrs. Carl F. HammondMr. and Mrs. James HamptonDr. and Mrs. Timothy B. HanleyPat and Linda HannifordHarbor House TradingMs. Barbara HardyMr. and Mrs. Dan S. HarknessAnne Harper and Greg NoblesMary Harper Dr. John and Barb HarrisJohn C. and F. Susan HarrisonMr. and Mrs. R. Brent HarshmanMr. and Mrs. Michael T. HartiganMr. and Mrs. Kevin S. HartyMr. and Mrs. David W. HaughnMr. and Mrs. Michael D. HayesMichael and Jeanne HaynesDr. and Mrs. John W. HaysMr. and Mrs. Wilbur L. HazlegroveMr. and Mrs. C. Robert HeatonMr. and Mrs. John G. HeekinEdward and Joanne HeinonenMr. and Mrs. James HeinzmanMark and Maureen HelfersDavid and Sharon HendricksJames Hengelbrok & Mary HaberlandJim and Cheryl HenryJohn D. and Ardis HerroldMs. Janet HethornMr. and Mrs. Steve R. HextJoe and Mary HilgemanMs. Kathleen HillMr. Timothy Hinckley

Tom Hinsberg & Connie SomaWarren and Suzanne HinschMr. and Mrs. Warren K. HinschMr. and Mrs. William HischkeMr. Russ HjelmstadMr. and Mrs. Gary HoensheidMs. Sharon R. HoffeckerMr. Benjamin HohnkeGale Holcomb and Jennifer ReidMrs. Christeen HoldwickMs. Elisabeth HollerbachBenjamin and Emily HollowayCraig and Pat HolmesMr. Henry Holt, IIIKen and Carol HoltMr. and Mrs. Jay HomanMr. and Mrs. Ralph S. HommelJay and Joan HookJ. Stephen and Leslee HooperAndrew and Catherine HorningAlison Horton and Kathy KaczynskiMr. and Mrs. David B. HowardMr. and Mrs. Gary J. HughesMr. Thomas HuntAhm Huq and Fatema SerajeeMr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. HurlinPeter Hurlin & Kristin EllingsenMs. Amy HutchinsonMr. Doug IboldMrs. Ruth L. IezzoniJohn and Kathleen ImbodenMr. James ImhoffDr. James R. IrwinMr. Andrew M. Jamison, IIIMr. and Mrs. Chet JanikMr. and Mrs. David JanizekMr. Alex JemalMs. Amy JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Daniel W. JohnsonMs. Julie D. JohnsonDr. and Mrs. Richard S. JohnsonThomas and Julie JohnsonMrs. Ruth JolliffeMs. Louise Coleman JonesMary Jost Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. JoutrasJustGive.comMs. Angela KandlerDavid and Jennifer KareckMs. Grace KeebleJim and Wendy KellerChris and Pam KelleyMr. and Mrs. Kent B. KellyJanet Kelman and David ReinMr. and Mrs. Richard D. KennedyMr. and Mrs. Michael E. KenneyStephen and Veronica KepcharMs. Jennifer KernPat Kernaghan and Janet WardMr. and Mrs. Richard F. KiernanJason and Sandy KimpelMs. Elizabeth KirbyMr. and Mrs. David KirshenbaumMs. Karen KiserAnn and Ray KloppenburgChristopher and Joan KmotorkaMr. and Mrs. Paul KochannyMr. and Mrs. Douglas KohlbeckJohn and Maria KolozsvaryMrs. Judy KomarekMs. Susan KonopMr. and Mrs. Donald B. KorbMrs. Ruth KorzonRichard Kosinski & Deborah OchsLarry and Bonnie KoskelaMr. and Mrs. John M. KovalMr. and Mrs. Robert T. KraemerMr. Walter J. KraimerMs. Cynthia KrauseMr. and Mrs. Jack A. KrauseMr. and Mrs. Franc KrebsMr. and Mrs. Richard D. KruseMr. Mike KutasMr. and Mrs. Stuart LaingMs. Elise Lambert-McNeese

Greg and Pam LandaMr. and Mrs. Bruce D. LangMr. and Mrs. Theodore J. LanhamMr. Robert C. Lanphier, IIIStephen LaRiviere & Jennifer YanoverG. Timothy Later & Mary FieldJan and Nick LatorreThomas and Pam LauretoMr. Bayard F. LawesMs. Lisa LawsonMrs. Doreen A. LawtonMrs. Sally C. LeakMr. and Mrs. Frederick LeaskeDavid Leece and Kathy BrewerMrs. Judie LeeceMs. Hilde M. LehmannRichard and Joan LennoxMr. and Mrs. Andy LePereMr. and Mrs. James LestikowAnne Leugers and Elmer LippMr. James LeugersMs. Jennifer LeugersMr. and Mrs. Paul T. LeugersMs. Nell LickliderLincoln Financial Foundation, Inc.Wesley E. LipnerGus and Katie LoMs. Sarah LockardMichael and Patricia LoraBill and Karen LottMrs. Janet LovelaceMs. Ruth Lovingood-FinkeMr. Miles LowryMs. Kathleen LubanskiDavid and Marilyn LudtkeDr. and Mrs. John E. LundMr. and Mrs. Joel A. LutzDr. and Mrs. Vincent A. MackeMr. and Mrs. Peter S. MaherMr. and Mrs. Themistocles L. MajorosMs. Judy MalburgRay and Penny MalcounMs. Meg M. MallonMr. and Mrs. Kenneth MarekMr. Vance MarshallMs. Lisa MartinMr. and Mrs. Robert T. MartinMr. Don MartinesMr. and Mrs. Richard J. MashkeMr. and Mrs. Anthony J. MattarNoelle and Micah MaudeAlex and Jane MaximovichMs. Ellen J. MaycockMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. MayhewGary and Cheryl MazurekTim and Anita McCabeBeth and Mark McCuneDan and Susan McDavidMs. Kathy McDonaldMs. Kristen McElligattMrs. Jill B. McFarlaneJack and Becky McFellinMr. and Mrs. James G. McGovernMs. Susan B. McHughMr. and Mrs. Doug McInnisHarold and Kanda McKee

Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. McKennaKristi McKenzie and Frank SellgrenBob and Cathy McKinleyJim and Ellen McLeanLarry McMahon and Linda AndersonMr. and Mrs. Michael A. McManusMr. and Mrs. S. Craig McMillanG. Ryan and Anne McMorrowMrs. Doris P. McSweeneyJ. Kevin and Kris McSweeneyMr. and Mrs. Michael J. McWilliamsThe Meaden FamilyGreg and Linda MeideDr. Lisa MeilsMr. and Mrs. Robert MeldrumMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey MelinatMr. and Mrs. Robert MellenSusan and Mort MertzMr. and Mrs. William MeserveMr. and Mrs. Marshall W. MeyerRichard and Katherine MeyerMrs. Tallara MiddletonMr. and Mrs. G. Robert MillerDr. and Mrs. Jerry A. MillerDr. and Mrs. Keith W. MillerMr. and Mrs. Larry J. MillerMrs. Lynn MillironMr. and Mrs. Robert G. MilneMr. and Mrs. Fred MissadBernard and Harriet MitchellHarreitt and Ralph MittelbergerMr. and Mrs. Richard G. MollSacha and Jane MontasJeffrey Moon and Joselyn MooreMr. and Mrs. Preston D. MooseMrs. Linda L. MoothartArthur and Elizabeth MoranDave and Joy MorganMs. Beth MorossDennis and Linda MorozMr. John MorrisGary A. MorrisonJames MorrisonMr. and Mrs. James M. MoskalikLyn MotlowG. Michel Mott and L. Kim McManamaMs. Mimi MullinMr. and Mrs. Michael F. MulvaneyKenneth and Gretchen MunganJoe and Dawneanne MunnSharon Murphy & Sharon MontonyeMs. Carol MurrelMr. and Mrs. Donald H. MyersMr. and Mrs. Scott MyersRich and Laura NachazelMr. Charles NeedhamMr. Russell NelsonJonathan and Sally NesbittMs. Michelle NewtonMrs. Margaret V. NielsenMr. and Mrs. Daniel S. NobleMr. Glen M. NoonanNorthwoods HardwareLawrence and Marilyn NorwoodKristen and Michael NovakMs. Barbara J. NowinskiDr. and Mrs. C. Thomas Nuzum

Ms. Pauline L. OberlinMr. and Mrs. Randy ObersonMs. Arlene ObettsPatrick and Amy L. O’BrienDale and Sue O’DonnellMaria and Dave O’DonnellMr. and Mrs. Thomas OetingerKirk and Jamie O’GreenMr. and Mrs. Michael OliveriMrs. Nancy W. OlsenMr. and Mrs. David D. OlsonSteve Olson and Lynn WilsherKathryn Eckert OmotoDr. Robert and Zibby OnealNancy and Bill O’NeillMr. and Mrs. William J. OrcuttJane and Pat O’RourkeStephen and Ami OrrDr. and Mrs. Mark OrringerNate and Jenny OrsburnMr. Ernest OstunoLouise OwenMr. David T. OwsleyRuss and Jane PackardAlan and Kimberly PageMs. Suzanne M. PapkeKim Para and Roxanne ShetlerMs. Cheryl ParkerMr. and Mrs. Michael ParksJack and Jan PatrickMichael and Susan PatrickRoy and Helen PattersonBette and Dick PattonMiriam and Albert PaulPaul May Furniture CompanyMr. and Mrs. Thomas PavelkaLeigh & Linda PaymentMr. and Mrs. William D. PeaceMr. William D. Peace, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. George M. PearceMs. Jane D. PearsonDr. and Mrs. Jeffrey PearsonJoe and Zoe PearsonMr. L. Harlan PeckMr. Richard F. Peck, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. William F. PeckGeoffrey Peckham and Patricia MelzerTerry and Kathleen PennellDr. and Mrs. Burton L. PerryClarence and Helen PerryTerrill Persky and Marshall PerskyFred and Nancy PerzanowskiDr. and Mrs. Nathaniel A. PetersMr. and Mrs. Louis PevenLarry and Rebecca PeytonTom and Christine PfennigDennis PhillipsDonn and Kathleen PiattMr. Hans PijlsSally and Mason PilcherDick and Nancy S. PobstMr. Francis J. Pollnow, Jr.Cindy and Ovide PomerleauMr. and Mrs. Stan Ponstein

$100 - $249Thad and Nancy PopaJeff and Lynn Porritt

$100 - $249

The iconic Oleson Farm in the Bohemian Valley was preserved by the Campaign in two separate projects totaling 268 acres. Sandhill cranes flock to this property in the spring, and the lands protected include working farmland as well as forest.

Leelanau Forever Campaign Donors (2009 - 2014)

Page 17: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


Ms. Alexia Warburg PostCoe and Alyce PotterMr. and Mrs. Robert F. PotvinDavid and Laura PowersKurt and Maria PregitzerChris and Kathryn PrestonCarol Price and Santo SantorielloMrs. Dorris PriceMr. Larry PriceMr. and Mrs. Thomas P. PriceMr. Bill PritchardJohn and Lyn Dolson PughJim and Mary PulsiferMrs. Frieda PutnamStephen and Marcie QuaLori Holstege and David QuimbyNancy RadcliffePeter and Laura RamsdenMs. Laura RamusBruce Randall & Jeanine GriswoldMrs. Margaret RaptisMr. and Mrs. Jere RasnickFields and Ivy RatliffLarry and Carolyn RawsthornePolly ReaMr. and Mrs. Stephen ReadSteve and Connie ReddicliffeMs. Tracy RedfordMr. and Mrs. Daniel ReelitzMr. and Mrs. David L. ReeseMr. and Mrs. Frederick W. ReevesDoug and Beth ReidEllen and John ReisterMr. and Mrs. Scott RempalaMs. Laurie G. RemterMr. and Mrs. Dewey J. RennekerMs. Adrienne M. ReynoldsMrs. Ruth R. RichardsJim and Sandy RichardsonMr. Phil RichardsonMs. Sandra RingleverThe Riverside InnMr. Steve RobbinsMr. and Mrs. Robert J. RobertsCarl Robinson and Karen FujisawaMr. and Mrs. James RobinsonMs. Mary Elizabeth RocheMichael and Ruth RoederMr. Edward RolosonMs. H. Teak RolosonMr. and Mrs. Stephen E. RootTom and Patty RosbrowCraig and Mary RosenbergPrue and Ami RosenthalCindy and Ken RosiekMs. Ronnie RosnerMichael and Vicki RossDavid and Lynn RuschhauptMs. Sue RushingTed and Sally Samples

Donald and Carol SanctorumMr. and Mrs. Joseph D. SarafaDr. and Mrs. William F. SasserMr. and Mrs. Charles B. Schaff, Jr.Mary Alice SchaffGerald Schatz and Barbara ConleyDr. and Mrs. Richard J. SchillingMs. Rosa SchindlerMr. and Mrs. Karl SchlabachJeffrey Schloemer and Marcia BankerMr. and Mrs. Robert SchlueterMr. and Mrs. Edward D. SchockerThomas and Suzanne SchoenebergerScott D. Schrager & MaryAnne FordMr. and Mrs. Curtis SchreiberJulie Schumaker and Kevin DombkowskiRichard and Nancy SchwabMr. Richard L. Schwab, Jr.Jeffrey and Zane SchwaigerMr. and Mrs. Max Schwartzwww.KenScottPhotography.comMs. Joan H. SearbyDr. and Mrs. John A. SebrightNancy and Glenn SedgwickWilliam and Ellen SedgwickNatalie and Eric SenneBob and Lynne SersonMs. Heather SewardJack Seymour and Margaret Ann CrainMr. and Mrs. James R. ShannahanBrian and Sally ShapiroMr. and Mrs. Duane ShawRobert and Linda ShirkeyBettegail ShivelyTalia ShoupRichard and Rebecca ShrinerColleen and Bryan SibthorpMr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. SicaMr. and Mrs. Scott SiegelSusan and Scott SimsTed and Sherry SkinnerSleeping Bear OrchardsDoug and Sherry SlessmanHamish and Beryl SmallDr. Sarah SmedmanMr. and Mrs. Ernest H. SmithMr. Greg SmithJames and Megan SmithMr. Jon F. SmithMr. and Mrs. Mark R. SmithMr. and Mrs. John P. SnedekerMs. Mary SochaDick and Pat SolemMs. Deborah SomervilleMs. Elizabeth SonnegaFrederick and Priscilla Sperling

Mr. Karl SporckBrad and Jandy SprouseFred and Joyce StackableMr. and Mrs. James T. StacyDrs. Richard and Linda StanfordMrs. Patricia StangeGary StankowskiBob and Laura StapletonBarbara Stark-Nemon & Barry NemonWilliam and Adwoa SteelRuss and Anne SteinmanMs. Janet StephensonBill and Gail StrietmannRon Strong, Inc.Dennis and Maria SullivanJeffrey and Bridget SummerwillMr. Charles H. SutfinWayne and Pat SwallowJohn and Ciss SweeneyMary and Bill SwiftMr. and Mrs. Stephen SyrjamakiDavid Tabolt & Lisa GenesenThe Taglauer CabinMr. and Mrs. William M. TaylorAmy and Brian TennisThe Gunzenhaeuser FamilyMargaret and Eron ThielePaul ThielkingMr. Stephen ThoburnMrs. Margaret J. ThomsMs. Kate ThornhillMr. Tim ThromMr. and Mrs. William A. ThurnerMrs. Martha ThurstonMs. Christine TideringtonMr. and Mrs. Steve A. TorokShannon and Chris TorresStanley S. TowersLeslie and John TreterMr. Joseph TrisMr. and Mrs. John E. TropmanMr. and Mrs. Dan TubbsRobert and Anne TuckerDr. Frances H. TullyTony and Pam TurchiDaniel and Lisa TurnerDennis and Kathy TurnerMs. Dori TurnerGretchen UhlingerPatrick and Tammy ValadeMr. and Mrs. Bill ValpeyMr. and Mrs. Frans Van LiereMs. Deborah Joy VanderMr. and Mrs. Ken VanElslanderMr. and Mrs. Michael A. VanRiperDr. and Mrs. Samuel VasiuMr. and Mrs. Mark VeenstraThe W.W. Group, Inc.John and Carrie WadasMrs. Betty J. WaiteMr. Joe WalacavageMs. Harriet WallMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. WallMs. Lorri WalletJohn and Gina WalshMs. Evie WaltzMs. Dana WarnezDick and Karen WarrenSheen and David WatkinsMrs. Jeanne M. WatsonMr. and Mrs. William WatsonMs. Mary K. WeadockMrs. Alice B. WeaverJustice Elizabeth A. WeaverMr. John WeberMs. Tamara L. WeberRick and Gail WebsterRussell and Dolores WelchliMr. and Mrs. Edward WellerStephen and Kathleen WellerDeborah E. WelshMr. William WesleyMs. Helen K. WetterauMrs. Shirley L. Wheatley

Mr. Gil WheelerChuck and Janet WhetselSteve and Amy WhitlatchDr. and Mrs. Michael & April WiaterMrs. Martha WilczynskiWildtype Design, Native Plants & Seed, Ltd.Dr. and Dr. Michael A .WillettDavid and Roberta WilliamsMr. Jonathan WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Thomas L. WilliamsMs. Julie WillisMr. and Mrs. Steven A. WilsonTerry and Sandy WilsonMr. Robert J. WinnieMr. William P. WinslowBill WiseMr. and Mrs. John WitheeMr. and Mrs. William WitlerNorman and Susan WoerlePete and Ginna WoessnerMr. Michael WojtkowiakMrs. Avis D. WolfeMr. Charlie WollborgDr. Randall WolthuisMs. Shirley J. WoodardMrs. Jean V. WoodhullDick and Jane WoolseyMr. and Mrs. John WoomerMr. and Mrs. Roger O. WootonMrs. Taya Workum-ByersCurt and Cindy WrightMs. Lynne WrightJohn Wunsch & Laura WigfieldMr. and Mrs. James C. WynnsJim and Kit WysorMrs. Agnes L. YaldaJeanne Dolson and Michael YocumDr. and Mrs Ivars ZadvinskisDonald and Beth ZiemanMr. and Mrs. Gordon ZimmerRobert and Gayle ZimmererCatherine ZimmermanMiss Mary Helen ZinkRobin ZiolkowskiMrs. Mary Ellen ZokasDutch Zonderman & Bonny EverettDoug and Pam Zwart

$50 - $99Anonymous (2)Ms. Joanie AbbottMr. and Mrs. Thomas AbrahamMr. and Mrs. Gary AldenMs. Ronnie AlffMr. and Mrs. Richard W. AllanBenjamin and Ginny AllenMrs. Mary C. AllenLoretta AmesMs. Carol AndressMr. Jay AndressMs. Barbara ArmstrongMrs. Mary Ann ArvoEishi Asano, MD, PhDMr. Kenneth AsheMrs. June H. AtkinsonMr. and Mrs. Patrick BaconMr. and Mrs. Vojin BaicMr. Phil BalyeatMr. Erich BandemehrMr. and Mrs. William A. BannaschMr. and Mrs. James V. BardenhagenMr. and Mrs. John J. BarnesMr. and Mrs. Ronald G. BauerCarol and John BaughmanAnna and Andrew BeaserMs. Jennifer BellDavid and Joyce BenjaminsMrs. Rosemary R. BennettMs. Marjorie H. BennisonDelbert and Jacqueline BensonMr. and Mrs. P. James BernardoMichael and Polly BestBill and Carole Betts

Ms. Diane BiegertMs. Sarah BielmanJeff and Sue BirdRoschelle Bisping Mr. and Mrs. Charles BloombergMr. and Mrs. Timothy BloomquistPeter and Joan Blos, Jr.BluCheryl and Don BordJeff and Gail BowdenMrs. Beth BowermanJoe and Lynda BozinMr. and Mrs. William BradleyMrs. Barbara C. BralyJim and Robin BranskyHugh Brenneman, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. James BrennerMs. Helen BrettMr. and Mrs. Thomas G. BriggsJanice and Robert BrimacombeBarbara J. BrinerJim and Pam BrownDr. Kersti and Mr. Daniel J. BruiningMr. and Mrs. Craig BrunsMrs. Cheri W. BuchbinderJim and Kitty BuckMr. and Mrs. Frank BurkeRon and Jeany BurkhartMs. Martha J. ByrdField and Sandy CardenMs. Madeline CarlockEric and Jenny CarpenterTimothy Carpenter and Ann CibulskisMr. and Mrs. Robert CarrollPaul and Susanne CartmanMr. and Mrs. Thomas H. CartwrightMat and Jessica CashmanMs. Kathleen CavanaughMr. Jason CayaMr. and Mrs. Michael L. ChamberlinMr. Robert ChambersJim and Marge ChesneyMr. and Mrs. Donald ChristieMs. Kathleen E. CiganKatie Cleaver & Peter CrabtreeMr. and Mrs. Frank V. Cliff, Jr.Gail E. & Steven L. CobbDr. Carl R. ColemanMr. Ray C. CollinsMs. Marie ColomboMr. and Mrs. John ConderMs. Cynthia ConlonMr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Cooper, IIMrs. Dorothy J. CoulterMrs. Janet CraneKennard and Wendy CreasonMr. and Mrs. Cedric G. CurrinMary, Gary and Chris CurtisMr. and Mrs. William G. CutlerChris DaffnerConnie DahmMr. Michael DaileyMichael and Dixie DavisStephen and Consiglia DawsonMr. and Mrs. Robert DeVriesMr. and Mrs. Roland DeYoungRichard and Janette DilleyMs. Ann DinnenDr. and Mrs. Stuart L. DonesonMrs. Jean A. DonleyJames Donohue & Martha GroverBarbara and Barry DoveBill and Peggy DriehorstMs. Mia DrinanMs. Christine DriscollMrs. Lucille C. DumbrillMs. Julie DunfeeGana and Jim DunlopMs. Rebecca DunnMs. Kerry DziczkaniecMrs. Gretchen EdgrenMrs. Judith M. EgelerMr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Eike, Jr.

The Campaign funded the creation of three new natural areas for the public to enjoy, including Hatlem Creek Preserve, home to a rare marl spring. The fragile Hatlem Creek area includes habitat for the endangered Michigan monkey flower, and the creek is the prime tributary to Glen Lake.

Leelanau Forever Campaign Donors (2009 - 2014)

Page 18: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


Mr. Peter

ElkesMs. Sally EricksonMs. Eleanore EvansRobert Evans and Adria BadagnaniRobert and Myra FallMs. Susan Grogan FallerWalter and Marjorie FarrellMs. Pamela FazzioGeorge Felton & Karen ThomasMr. and Mrs. Brian T. FisherSarah and Timothy FogartyMr. and Mrs. Ronald E. FornowskiJeff and Nancy ForrestBetsy and Allan FrakerRonald and Ruth FrakesMr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. FrankMr. and Mrs. Phillip FranklinMrs. Bercie C. FrohmanMr. Brian GarrettMr. and Mrs. Lewis G. GatchTom GennetteMichael and Reta GibbonsMr. and Mrs. John E. GideonMr. and Mrs. Don B. GillMr. and Mrs. William A. GoodfallowMr. and Mrs. Philip W. GoodspeedMr. and Mrs. Bill GoshornDr. and Mrs. Jack GossettMarvin Grahn and Christine HaukeEric and Stephanie GreenMr. Josh GreenMr. and Mrs. William GreenMr. and Mrs. Robert C. GrigereitMrs. Margaret GroosMr. and Mrs. Raymond GruenderMr. and Mrs. Thomas HackneyDon and Jane HagamanMs. Karen HagueMs. Tracy HalasinskiMr. Steve HammondMr. and Mrs. Joseph HardyMr. and Mrs. Andrew HarrisMr. and Mrs. Michael HartingsCyndie and Jim HartmannMs. Gail HastingsMr. David HawkinsMr. Richard M. HaynesEleanor and Ray HealdDeborah Hecht and Joseph FalikRandal and Molly HeemstraMr. Beau HeidrichMrs. Elisabeth HeikelMr. and Mrs. Ward HeineCharles Heintz & Erin MelleyHoward and Kathleen HeinzelJeff and Debbie HeitzmanMrs. Del HendricksonJohn and Sandy HenryMr. and Mrs. Robert J. HerberMs. Nancy HerbertMarc and Sarah HernandezBrian HerrsWarren Herrs Gail and Bob HetlerGary and Jo HewittAnne and Tony HillTheresa HitchensMrs. Lorraine HomingaMr. and Mrs. John HonneyMr. Adam HoogMs. Ann HoopferTerence and Christy HoranMs. Mary HughesNancy Hulka and Duane DunlapMs. Hester A. HullDr. Douglas B. HutchisonDouglas and Melanie HyndenMs. Katherine IeremiasJerry and Carol InmanThomas and Lynn IrvineMrs. Joan K. JanowskyMr. Todd Jarvis

Huiyuan JiangBob and Karen JohnsonMs. Jane JohnsonMs. Sandra JohnstoneRichard JorgensenJoan Kalchik & Michael TenbrockMs. Jane KarelMr. and Mrs. John KasmerskyMichael and Mary KedzierskiMs. Martha R. KellerMichael and Susan KelleyBarbara Kelly & Ruth FreyDaniel and Diane KellyMrs. Jean C. KemperRon and Dianne KernerEd and Karen KettererMs. Lynn B. KeyMs. Beatrice KimmerlyMr. and Mrs. Alan L. KleinMr. and Mrs. Bruce KlosnerMs. Janice KnepleyMr. and Mrs. William H. KnorpMr. and Mrs. James KobberstadMr. and Mrs. John G. KoelzerMr. and Mrs. John J. KonkalMr. and Mrs. John KorchRichard and Alina KrahnMrs. J. Patricia KrajewskiMr. and Mrs. David KrausMargaret KrydaGene and Joan KufskieMr. and Mrs. Bob KunzeDr. and Mrs. Sander A. KushnerMr. Greg LacrossLake AffectMark and Julie LakerBen and Stephanie LamphereMrs. Page LandguthMr. and Mrs. Peter LangasMarsha and Martin LanghorstMelvin C. Laracey and Marian AitchesMs. Anne P. LaymanLeelanau Cheese CompanyJessica and George LemmonMichael and Teresa LenhartMr. and Mrs. Dan LeppekMr. and Mrs. Richard A. LerchJoe and Kim LeugersMr. and Mrs. Alfred J. LevanenJim and Nancy LewisJohn and Cynthia LhostMr. and Mrs. George I. LiljebladMs. Mary LintonMrs. Anne LivingstoneStephanie J. LongMs. Mary LottesMr. and Mrs. Richard A. LoveSusan L. LowellRick and Lori LozenMr. and Mrs. Christopher LundMichael and Debie LyonsMrs. Ellen M. MacKinnonMr. and Mrs. J. Parke MalcolmMrs. Angela E. MaleskiMs. Marilyn MalinowskiMs. Kelly MalotkaSteve and Sheri ManettAl & Odette ManzorMaple Lane Resort MotelMs. Joyce H. MarkeyBarry and Debbie MarshMs. Linda MasonMr. and Mrs. Kevin J. McCartyMr. and Mrs. Archibald McClure, IIIMr. and Mrs. John V. N. McClureMr. and Mrs. C. Craig McConnell, Jr.Ms. Kathryn R. McCordMr. and Mrs. William McIlrathMr. and Mrs. Edward McInnisMr. Mike McKeoughBob and Sukie McNuttMr. and Mrs. John T. McRobertsMs. Gaytha McVayRob and Anne Meermans

Mr. Larry MeierMike and Carol MeloenyMrs. Allan J. MelvinRob and Judy MeyerDr. and Mrs. Wendell MeyerMrs. Ann P. MeyersJaclyn Miel-UkenDennis Miller & Daina BriedisMike and Robin MillerPhillip and Ayumi MillerMrs. Susan MillerMr. and Mrs. William J. MillerMs. Sarah G. MinarikMs. Dena MitchellCindy Moore and Eric GouldMrs. Janet L. MorganMs. Ruth Ann MorganChuck and Linda MuellerSusan Muenzer and Craig NilssonMs. Susan MurchieMs. Rachel MurphyMrs. Geri MusialMr. Robert J. NaftaliBrooke A. Nash & Bruce FulfordMichael and Teresa Lederle NatzkeTed and Jennie NelsonThe Noling Kids - David, Susan & JaimeMr. William NolingNorthern Trust Matching Gift ProgramMs. Susan OdomJoe Ohren and Sandra BermanOmena Women’s ClubMs. Kaitlin O’RiordanMs. Ann OrwinMs. Cara Lee PaigeJohn and Leslie PalmerParadesia Association Inc.Mary Anne ParksPatrell-Fazio FamilyMr. and Mrs. Tom PatrevitoMr. and Mrs. Albert PawlickRobert and Kathleen PawlikGreg and Jan PeabodyWendi and Jeffrey PeakeJoel and Meggen W. PetersenMr. and Mrs. Richard D. PetersonChristina PfeuferDr. and Mrs. Clark D. PhelpsMrs. Dorotha PitcherJanette PivittMr. & Mrs. Leroy PortserMatthew Posner & Marian KromkowskiMrs. Patricia PotterMr. Kevin PriceJeff and Jane PuvogelMr. and Mrs. Robert W. QuinnMr. Robert RadazThe Raftery FamilyKen and Marcia Ray

Donald and Mary RederMr. and Mrs. David J. ReevesJoan Rehm and Jerome SchulmanDr. and Mrs. Maurice S. ReizenPeachy and John RentenbachDale and Jane RhoadesJames and Lois RiceRob and Marylou RidayMrs. Louisa RidgwayMr. and Mrs. James C. RiversMr. and Mrs. Eppa RixeyChuck and Kay RobertsonMr. and Mrs. John B. Rodgers, IIIJoel and Angie RogeroGwen and Hugh RogersTom and Peggy RohsDr. and Mrs. Albert D. RollingsMr. Christopher RoodMr. and Mrs. Barry RossMike and Laura RothermelMs. Donna RothschildBradley and Kathy RoynonDavid and Susan RuppMrs. Barbara A. SanderMr. and Mrs. S. Johnson SchaffMr. and Mrs. John J. SchafferVinnie and Colleen ScharneckTerry and Jan SchmidtMr. Richard A. SchmuckalTodd and Julie SchnuckSusan and Alvin SchonfeldEmily and Jared SchroederGary Schultheiss & Barbara RichmanMr. and Mrs. James SchultzKurt and Gail SchultzMr. Lawrence H. SchultzJames Schwantes and Judy ReinhardtLinda and Jim ShadMr. and Mrs. Kenneth ShaferMr. Gregory C. ShafferMs. Judie ShararMrs. Carrie A. SharpMr. and Mrs. Donald ShawHarold and Marilyn ShawMr. Jerry ShermanMrs. Mary A. ShinerKris and Courtney ShirleyMr. and Mrs. Kent ShoemakerLuAnn and Fred ShumanMr. and Mrs. Dan SifferlinMs. Lalitha SivaswamyMrs. Charlotte SmithMs. Marjorie SmithMrs. Sharon SmithToni and Jonathan SmithMarcia and Joe SojkowskiMr. & Mrs. Robert W. Soutas-LittleMs. Rebecca SparksMrs. Jeanette E. SpechtMr. Dave Stachnik

Keller and Mary StaleyCapt. and Mrs. John P. StamosMs. Emily StankusDarlene Stanley & Harry ZoccoliMr. David SteelMr. and Mrs. William R. SteelMr. Michael S. StepkaMrs. Barbara R. StevensonDavid and Toni StevensonMr. Timothy L. StrawbridgeDr. and Mrs. Stephen StrobelMrs. Elizabeth StrongSteven and Cynthia StrongMr. and Mrs. Russell StroudMr. William SutfinMr. and Mrs. Thomas SutterMs. Carolyn SwiftMrs. Faith TannerGeorge and Daniela TaposMr. and Mrs. S. Shepherd TateMrs. Mary Ellen TheroMs. Connie ThompsonMs. Joyce ThompsonDan and Sue TobinMr. and Mrs. John T. ToddMs. Jennifer Tolle WhitesideMr. and Mrs. Alfred TorresTrattoria FunistradaMr. Kyle TrevasMr. David TrisNorman and Marjorie TubbsMr. and Mrs. Robert E. TurneyMr. and Mrs. Gary B. TwomeyMs. Susan TyburskiMr. Edward J. UlisseMs. Deborah Van VechtenMr. Eli S. Van ZoerenWarren and Julie VeltmanRoger and Norma VerheyMr. Raphael L. VermeirMs. Mary E. VielhaberMr. Frederick von StadeAmanda and Alan VossTim and Karen WadeMs. Leslie J. WadsworthMr. and Mrs. Donald F. WallMr. and Mrs. F. Jon WalterMr. and Mrs. William J. WarrenMr. and Mrs. David M. WattJim and Sharon WawrzyniakMs. Sandy WeirMr. and Mrs. Bruce J. WestoverDale and Kit WhalenMrs. Frances A. WheelerNorman and Mimi WheelerGlenn and Jennifer WhitakerMr. and Mrs. Douglas WhitleyMs. Kathleen WichmanMs. Candace WiebenerTom and Joan WigtonMr. and Mrs. Timothy C. WilcoxSteve and Kelly WilczewskiThomas and Sarah WilliamsBrett Wills and Tony AshleyMs. Kathryn I. WilsonMr. and Mrs. Richard N. WilsonFoster WinterMr. and Mrs. Robert WitteMr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Witten, IIMrs. Jane WoodMs. Elli A. WorkumMr. and Mrs. Lee J. Workum, Jr.Mr. George WrightMarcy WydmanWendy Wygant & Steven DavisMrs. Elinore YardFred Young and Julie YoumansMr. Gary ZachritzMr. and Mrs. Larry E. ZbanekMr. and Mrs. Daniel Zunk

$49 and underAnonymous (2)Ernie and Jennifer AbelMr. and Mrs. Mark C. AllenMr. and Mrs. Brayton Bunn Alley

Three wetland projects funded by the Campaign expanded the beautiful Cedar River Preserve by 220 acres—helping to ensure the pristine nature of Lake Leelanau.

Leelanau Forever Campaign Donors (2009 - 2014)$50 - $99

Page 19: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


George and Dorann AnargyrosAnchor Hardware and GiftsAurora Borealis DesignsMr. and Mrs. Fred Bakker-ArkemaMs. Suzanne BankardSusan Bass and Tom BradfordMr. and Mrs. Gerald G. BattleEric Beights and Rachel FarnsworthRobet and Donna BeilMr. and Mrs. William BellingerCindy and Robert BerryBetsie Bay Medical Center PLLCRev. Raymond BettsDavid Blackmore & Barbara WorlandJerry and Dorothy BlackstoneMr. and Mrs. Robert BlohmMr. and Mrs. William C. Bobbs, Jr.Rick and Kat BodetteMr. and Mrs. John W. BogleyMr. and Mrs. Paul L. BolmerMs. Kim BooseMerri Lynn Bouckaert & Paul PeschelMr. John BourgaultMr. John B. BowersMs. Sandy BradburyMrs. Helen A.P. BradleyMr. and Mrs. David BradshawMr. and Mrs. Robert BrennerMr. and Mrs. James B. BrownMiss Vivien BrownMs. Sara K. BrubakerMr. and Mrs. Karl F. BruderCarl and Denise BulatBill and Janet BurmeisterMarty Burns and Wendy KahnRobert and Nancy BushMary and Jerry ByrneMs. Denise A. CalisiMonica and Brian CarmanDan and Barbara Beeker CarruthMs. Rosemary CaryMr. William J. CasierCharles and Nancy ChaceMr. Joseph CherupGregory and Michelle ChristensenMr. and Mrs. Bob ChristinaMr. and Mrs. Willard F. ClarkMr. and Mrs. Bill ColeBrian and Amy CollardMs. Rosemary ColliasPeter and Lauren ConnorMr. Charles D. ConwayMs. Sarah CookMr. James CooperMike and Karen CoquillardMr. Roger CornellMr. Ronald L. CramerMs. Jane CrownerMr. and Mrs. Alexander CrudenCynthia Galbraith CurleyCustom StemsMr. and Mrs. Donald D’AlessandroMs. Sarah DalglieshMathew and Barbara DansburyMr. Henry DarlingtonMr. and Mrs. Ronald DavisMr. William S. DeadmanMs. Alice DeboDale and Meg DeJagerMs. Megan DeLaneyMr. and Mrs. Cormac B. DelaneyMr. John DixonMr. Gary J. DlugeMr. Norman DodtTim Donaghy and Margy KlesneyMr. Doug DowdyMs. Alice DroegerMr. and Mrs. Douglas S. DrummondMrs. Julia S. DuttonMr. and Mrs. Mark EckersonMrs. Betty ElliottAlaine Emens and Jackie FieldsEmpire Holly House

Empire OutdoorsGerri Erickson and Margaret PlatnerLawrence A. Fatt & Jennifer MuntenEnrique and Suzanne FeferPeter and Whitney FinchForest Gallery LLCMr. and Mrs. W. Robert FoskettLynn and Vicki FrancisMr. and Mrs. Scott FraryMs. B. Cowan FrautschyMs. Beth C. FrenchMr. and Mrs. James A. Gardzulis, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Billy R. GarwoodMs. Jessica GerberMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. GerndtMr. and Mrs. Richard Gibout-UmphreyCarl and Marsha GirouxGeorge and Pat GizaDoug and Helen GloverMr. John G. GoenseMr. and Mrs. Richard J. Goettle, IVMr. and Mrs. Dennis GolecHeather Gaffney and Jeffry GoliberMr. Doug GoodfallowMr. and Mrs. Jay GoodmanMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. GrateMargaret Groeber and Peter McCannMr. and Mrs. Jay W. GrosmarkMr. and Mrs. Ronald L. HacklemanMs. Mary HaganMs. Marie HalcliMr. and Mrs. James A. HamMs. Patricia S. Hanson BronsonHappy WomanDavid and Elizabeth HarnadekDoreen and Douglas HartmanBarbara and Lew HatalaDylan Hawkins and Emily SteinhilberMr. and Mrs. Terry HaymsMrs. Sally S. HedgesMr. and Mrs. Hans H. HeikelMr. and Mrs. Conrad F. HeinsMr. Paul HendricksMr. and Mrs. Charles W. HerwehLiz and Jerry HesselMrs. Margaret HigleyMrs. Margaret C. HiltonMrs. Beatrice HobertMrs. Ruth E. HoekstraBob and Mary HoernerHerb and Jean HoldwickMr. and Mrs. Richard HollowayMs. Camille M. HoskeyMrs. Allison G. Hubley-PattersonMs. Heather HudsonChristopher and Rebecca HymanMr. Clifford JacobsMs. Annie JamesMr. and Mrs. John T. JamesonMr. and Mrs. William E. JansenMrs. Ruth M. JenneweinJentees Custom Logo GearMr. and Mrs. Douglas N. JohnsonJay and Betsy JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Charles W. JohnstonMr. and Mrs. Raymond C. KainRichard and Rochelle KaplowMr. John KeatingDaniel Keaton and Jennifer ArdisGerald and Michaline KiltsMilton KnightMr. and Mrs. Gordon KochMr. and Mrs. Pete KohrsMr. Robert A. KruchMr. Tom KuieckMr. and Mrs. Alfred LabarreMs. Mary Lou LandryJudith LangJeff and Jillian LangerMs. Carole Lanier

Seth and Catherine LeadbeaterJamie and Betty LeandersonDr. and Mrs. William J. LeeLeelanau Coffee Roasting Co.Mike and Brandie LeichMs. Michelle LeppekMr. Stephen J. LerchScott and Jeannine LeslieMr. and Mrs. Gene LewisDr. and Mrs. S. Martin LindenauerPhil and Carol LingmanMs. Rose Mary LinzmeyerMr. Drew LipnerMr. Calvin R. LittleMs. S. Terrie LloydMike and Kathy LubigMr. Alan Macdonald, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. David MagriniDavid and Lois MainzMr. Kirt ManeckeDale Manty and Elizabeth TuckermantyMr. Wayne MartinMr. Gerald MartineauTerry and Barbara P. MartyMr. Steven R. MattsonSusan and Grant MauneJudy and Chuck McConnellMr. James McCordSteven and Susan McCordMs. Jana McDonaldMrs. Margaret R. McInerneyMaggie McInnis and Derek GreenMs. Margaret McIntyreMurray and Pat McKeanBonnie and Tom McKeirnanMr. and Mrs. John McLoughlinMs. Rosemary M. McNallyPaul and Julie McNeillyMr. and Mrs. Allan F. MeyerMr. and Mrs. Peter MillerScott Mills and Kelly KieftMr. William H. MillsEvelyn and Al MillsteinGerd MooreMs. Sandra MooreCarol and Marc MorencyMs. Agnes C. MorseMr. and Mrs. Robert J. MorseMr. Harold MosankoMs. Sharon NelsonMs. Lori NewhouseMr. and Mrs. Charles NielsenMr. and Ms. Steven S. NimsRichard and Nicola K. NoelJoseph and Lindsay O’ConnorPatty O’Donnell & JoAnn PapenfussMr. and Mrs. Bruce G. OlsonMr. and Mrs. George OlsonOmena Cut FlowersJohn and Beth Orr and FamilyMs. Margaret A. O’TooleMr. and Mrs. Frederick OverdierMs. Kathy PapaMr. Dan PattersonHedwig, Lester and Tina PerzanowskiMr. and Mrs. Frank PetrockMrs. Mary M. PovoloMr. and Mrs. David PriceEdward and Jane PriceMr. Alfred PrizlowMr. and Mrs. David PrusynskiMrs. Marion K. PurdyMs. Anna M. PuttiMr. and Mrs. Bruce D. RaganMr. and Mrs. Richard RakersMr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Reahard, IIIMary and Tim RectorMs. Ellen RiggleMs. Trish RileyMr. and Mrs. Larry RilkoMrs. Lou RistineRichard and Nancy RobertsonJohn Roh and Susan Bromley-Roh

Elliot and Nancy RosenstockJohn Rozum and Wendy GoodfriendRuth Conklin GalleryMorgan SaafMs. Elaine SabadyHenry and Chloris SadochaMs. Virginia SadochaMs. Kristen SaldanaMrs. Johanna E. SchaeferMr. and Mrs. Frederick SchauppGeorge and Judith SchneiderPhillip and Susan SchreiberMs. Carla E. SchumacherMr. Mark SchumacherMr. Justin ScottDoug and Merilee ScrippsHenry and Loraine ScusselMs. Suzie SebastianMrs. Carla J. SedgwickTim and Jody SeefriedTony and Lisa SeefriedMilan and Karen SellMrs. Rosalind B. SellMartin Settle and Deborah BosleySteve and Susan ShermanMs. Kezia ShirkeyMr. and Mrs. Christopher J. ShookMs. Jean Vilter ShortMs. Gail ShulmanBarry and Carolyn SilversteinMr. James R. SitkoSleeping Bear Surf and KayakRyan and Abigail SmithMr. Charles SommersMs. Sally A. SomselLeo and Patricia SosnowskiAnne and Tom SpearsMrs. Martha J. SpeerMs. Marion SpencerJane and Gordon C. SpinkMr. Leif SporckMr. and Mrs. Leo StallmanMrs. Theresa J. Stamos-UnderwoodKim and Dick StandishMs. Julia StantonGerald and Cindy StaymanBev StepnitzBob and Judee SternbergLillian and Terry StyxMr. and Mrs. Raymond D. SullivanMrs. Ann SutherlandSuttons Bay BikesTampico

Tandem CidersMr. Terry TerhuneThe Misers HoardThe Painted BirdThe Secret GardenMr. and Mrs. Roy F. TrifilioMichael and Ann TrombleyTru North Landscaping LLCAdam and Briana TruckeyDayna and Rody ValpeyMr. Warner VanderheuelMs. Lisa VecoreMs. Melanie VecoreMr. and Mrs. Frederick VeldeAnthony and Nevada VerrinoMr. Jon F. WadsworthMs. Elizabeth WaiessJim and Jo WalkerBob and Marsha WaltonLarry and Cindy WanermanBill and June WaylandMrs. Barbara G. WeberRobert and Dianne WelshMr. and Mrs. G. David WhitmoreJohn and Lisa WichmannMs. Kathleen M. WiesenMr. Torrey WigfieldDr. Donald WillmanMr. and Mrs. Colby WilsonJohn and Karen WilsonDr. William E. WilsonEmily Wilson-Tobin and Jack RichardsonBarbara and Eric WinkelmanJohn and Connie WintzingerMr. and Mrs. James D. WirtMr. and Mrs. Dave WislandDenny and Marilyn WolcottMs. Joan A. WolfAllen and Janice WolfeMs. Phebe WongMs. Kathie WoodsCourtney YapleMs. Diane O. YeeMr. Nathaniel YocumMerilyn Ueno and Doug ZernowTed and Missy Zettel & FamilyMs. Angela Zonderman

Two projects on Cedar Lake were funded by the Campaign that protects 1,690 feet of natural shoreline, including the Goss family’s 13-acre conservation easement.

Leelanau Forever Campaign Donors (2009 - 2014)

Page 20: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


Houdek Dunes, with its 100-year old birch trees and beautiful dunes of all types, is one of our most popular natural areas.

Thanks to a generous summer family with deep Leland roots, the natural area grew by nearly 30 acres at the end of 2014 when three siblings donated critical wetland adjacent to it.

The donors are the late William John (Jack) Mead, Frank Mead, III, and their sister, Edith (Edie) Mead Holway, who grew up spending summers in Leland. Jack passed away just after the gift was made. Frank and Edie say they donated the land to honor their father, John Mead, and uncle, Frank Mead.

“Dad and his brother were both great fishermen,” says Frank Mead III. “We would fish wonderful streams all over the area, from the Boardman to the Platte, as well as a terrific pond up in the hills between Provemont and Suttons Bay which was stocked by the county.”

Edie surmises her father and uncle bought the land because they were enamored with Houdek Creek, which runs through it—and is a spawning area for trout. “I think they had this idealistic notion that they would fish there and come home with a mother lode of trout,” says Edie. The property, then as now, is wild and tangled.

“It was tough fishing, very narrow, with trees everywhere,” adds Frank. “All you could really do was toss a line out. They never cleared it like someone might to make it more accessible.”

That’s a good thing for the brookies these men loved to catch. The dense shaded thicket provides prime habitat for fish and other wildlife that thrive here. “Houdek Creek is the largest tributary stream flowing into North Lake Leelanau,” says Matt Heiman, Director of Land Protection. “This groundwater-fed trout stream is buffered by healthy wetland complexes over much of its course. The dense wetland helps provide critical habitat and maintain very high water quality, which in turn helps maintain the overall health of the lake.” The property contains at

Family Ties at Houdek Dunes

least 3,200 feet of stream; however, the vast network of braided stream channels deep in the forest makes it nearly impossible to determine the exact frontage. The property also borders M-22 and therefore protects additional frontage on the designated Scenic Heritage Route. “We’re extremely grateful to the family for making this amazing gift to the Conservancy,” adds Matt.

Houdek Dunes is already one of our largest natural areas at 370 acres, second only to the Cedar River. It is located four miles north of Leland, where the Mead families have vacationed for generations. Both sets of grandparents spent their summers in Leland. John and Sybil (Stafford) Mead—Frank, Jack, and Edie’s parents—met in Leland in 1924 at age 14 and a summer romance ultimately resulted in their marriage in 1935. Frank says his parents travelled north by train to Traverse City, then boarded a steamer ship near Fouch Landing. After a short trip up Lake Leelanau, they docked along the Leland River at what is now the Riverside Inn.

When he was a teenager, Frank says friends would meet at the village lakeside park (now the marina parking lot) and “have our soda pop until the sun went down. I loved Fishtown and would go every morning when the boats returned and watch them unload the daily catch.”

“I adore Leland,” adds Edie, who like Frank, lives in Boston. “It’s a place where our family, which is scattered all across the country, gathers every summer.”

This past July, Frank and his daughter, Kristina Mead Vetter, visited Houdek Dunes for the first time. She is a marine biologist from California, with two young daughters “who love to hike,” says Frank. “We had heard about the wonderful old birch trees there, and loved the little overlook of the stream. We had a great time and it made Kristina and me feel very pleased about what my siblings and I were doing.”

Mead Clan Fishing (1979): Left to Right Frank Mead Jr, John Mead, Jack Mead, and Allen Mead.

The 30-acre land donation protects 3,200 feet of stream frontage along fragile Houdek Creek at the Houdek Dunes Natural Area.

2014 Annual Report: Year-End Projects

Page 21: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


Spring and Summer Hike ScheduleOur Docents have some fantastic hikes on tap to take you through spring and summer at several of our natural areas. Details about the hikes are posted at leelanauconservancy.org, along with a sign up link. Our weekly emails also remind members about hike and event opportunities, so if you aren’t already on our email list, please sign up! Just call Carolyn (231-256-9665) or email [email protected] to get on the list.

Workbees at our Natural AreasProjects aplenty are on tap at our natural areas and your help is needed! If you love to be outdoors, meet new friends and enjoy physical work, please consider helping out at one of our many workbees this season. Our stewardship staff is putting together a schedule now of workbees and trainings which will be posted at leelanauconservancy.org. Again, our weekly emails detail all workbees and volunteer opportunities, so make sure you are on our list! (See above.)

Volunteer OpportunitiesIn addition to the workbees mentioned above, we have other volunteer opportunities. You can work at our Picnic, serve on our Auction Committee, work with our water sampling group, help out in our office with mailings and more. Tell us about your interests by filling out our Volunteer Questionnaire. Find it by clicking on the Volunteer tab at leelanauconservancy.org.

Save these dates!Earth Day Greenfire Movie Bay Theatre in Suttons BayWednesday, April 22nd 6 pm

Memorial Weekend Wildflower Rescue Plant SaleLeland Village GreenMay 22nd & 23rd (Friday and Saturday), 9 am to 4 pm (see back cover)

Leelanau Peninsula Birding FestivalMay 28-31st Learn more at mibirdfest.com

Summer Sustainers GatheringWednesday, July 1st, 5 pm Location TBA

Our Annual Friends Picnic and Auction will be held on Thursday, August 6th at the Chippewa Run Natural Area in Empire. The Picnic begins at 5 p.m., with pre-Picnic hikes and field trips held in the afternoon. Expect great local food and wine, the fantastic Kids Tent and a fun and creative Auction. If you would like to help underwrite this “event of the summer,” join our fun and creative Picnic-Auction Committee or donate an item to the Auction, email [email protected] or call Carolyn Faught, 231-256-9665.

Bass Lake Shoreline Protected

The Conservancy, supported by our West Grand Traverse Bay Protection Grant from the MDEQ, has purchased

a conservation easement on 89 acres of beautiful and ecologically significant land that forms the headwaters of Belanger Creek on Bass Lake near Omena. The landowner, who wishes to remain anonymous, has generously donated a portion of the conservation easement value to help the Conservancy meet the MDEQ’s grant match requirements. The project protects over 3,100 feet of undeveloped shoreline, a mature hardwood forest stand, 22 acres of wetland and over 1,000 feet of stream frontage on Belanger Creek. This conservation easement will maintain critical fish and wildlife habitat and connects to a natural greenway along the Belanger Creek valley. The project is also located near other protected lands, creating a significant conservation corridor.

Shallow-rooted cedars overturned by the wind at the Jeff Lamont Preserve, seen on a spring time docent-led hike last year.

A significant part of Bass Lake shoreline—over a half mile—has been preserved with a conservation easement.

2014 Annual Report: Upcoming Events

Page 22: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


2014 Annual Report: Year in Review 2014 Annual Report: Every Number Tells A Story

1 beloved Executive Director–Brian Price–stepped down at the end of 2014 after leading the organization for the last 26 years.

771 gifts were made online in 2014; my how the world has changed!

1,000 photos were posted on our Why Leelanau photo blog as of year end, including this panorama from Trish Petrat taken from the Clay Cliffs meadow.

198 students visited our Natural Areas during Conservancy-led outings.

533 people attended hikes with docents like Marsha Buehler (l) and Mary Smart (center)

11 people/families joined our Heritage Society, and have included the Leelanau Conservancy in their will or estate plan. The Heritage Society’s membership climbed to 133.

216 acres of the Ben Hohnke Farm were preserved, keeping this working cherry farm with its spectular views of Pyramid Point intact.

22 is the number of years that our wonderful Wildflower Rescue Committee has been holding their Annual Plant Sale on the Village Green over Memorial Weekend, raising funds to care for the Green.

150 people donated an item or experience to our Auction, helping to raise funds and make for an exciting event.

470 feet of boardwalk were laid this year for a new Universal Access trail at DeYoung Natural Area, slated to open spring of 2015.

Page 23: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


2014 Annual Report: Every Number Tells A Story

800 plus members attended our Annual Friends Picnic at the beautiful Gregory Top of the World, including the Ron Brooks Family

2 Speaker Series events this year concluded our two-year series of exploring topics important to Leelanau. Over 600 people attended the series.

154 conservation easements were monitored this year and many miles walked—a task that must happen annually.

1 gorgeous overlook hosted hundreds of visitors at Clay Cliffs Natural Area after it was built last fall.

61 individuals/families joined our Sustainers Circle in 2014 for a total of 578 Sustainers—a group that funds the lion’s share of our operating expense.

3 Natural Areas were officially opened to the public this year: Clay Cliffs and the Hatlem Creek and Swanson Preserves.

22 gorgeous photos of Leelanau Conservancy protected lands by Ken Scott hung at a Dennos Museum exhibit that ran last fall showing the public just how beautiful it is in Leelanau.

51 caspian tern nests (a threatened species) were counted on Gull Island.

3,996 volunteer hours were logged by 360 wonderful volunteers like Julie Baran.

Ken Scott Ken Scott

Page 24: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


RICHARD O. RISTINE HERITAGE SOCIETYThe Heritage Society recognizes donors who have shared in the mission of the Leelanau Conservancy by making a gift through a will, bequest, trust, annuity, insurance or other planned or deferred gift. This important group is helping to ensure the long term financial capabilities of the Conservancy. If you would like information about making a planned gift, contact Leslee Spraggins.

GIFTS OF LAND OR DEVELOPMENT RIGHTSThis list recognizes people who have made a gift of land or development rights through an outright gift or bargain sale. Thanks in part to the generosity of these donors, the Leelanau Conservancy can ensure significantly more land and water conservation for every dollar raised. The names below reflect all such donors from our founding in 1988. .

Anonymous (24)Barbara and William AlldredgeChristie L. and Bruce T. AltonGary and Christine ArmbrechtJ. Sumner & Irene G. BagbyMr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Barry, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. J. Randall BirndorfDale and Joan BlountDr. R. John BullMrs. Carol P. BurchfieldChuck and Susan CadyMr. William S. CasierDavid M. and Cara V. CassardR. Weston CaughlanRev. and Mrs. Albert A. ChaffeeWilliam J. CharlesworthJim and Kay CharterJohn and Linda CloudMr. and Mrs. Edward J. CollinsMarie Eleanor CoppaMr. and Mrs. John G. DaveyMr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. DeibelMrs. Jane W. DomkeCheryl Donakowski & Frank MisplonMs. Nancy L. DotloMrs. Karen DoumaJim and Sharon Doyle

Roland and Diane DraysonNancy R. and Berkley W. DuckTom and Gretchen DunfeeDavid Edelstein & Jennie BerksonJohn and Gina ErbErika and Dennis C. FergusonEJ and John FitzpatrickCourtney M. FontMr. and Mrs. Tom H. FoxDr. Pam FrakerMr. and Mrs. James W. FrederickMs. Judy L. FrederickBob and Debbie GilbertElizabeth and Richard GotschEnid and Rick GrauerJeff and Susan GreenMr. Richard A. GroutMs. Karen HagueMrs. Jane B. HancockSherrie and Logan HardieMr. William S. HarperMrs. C.L. Harrison, IIIMr. William R. Hoff & Dr. Julienne HoffJack D. HunterBart and Gail IngrahamKay Johnston & Jeff SanbornBob Jones

Mr. John H. KattMr. and Mrs. Edward A. KettererMr. and Mrs. Jack A. KrauseWill and Joan LarsonMr. and Mrs. George I. LiljebladDr. R. William LustigAnne j Marszalek & Leonard P. MarszalekMr. and Mrs. Steven MartineauLarry MawbyDan and Susan McDavidRob & Anne MeermansElizabeth MelkildCraig A. and Nancy T. MillerMs. Mimi MullinKaren MulvahilDiantha C. NaftaliFrederick C. NeidhardtMr. and Mrs. Walter H. NielsenMr. Lawrence J. NolingAllen NorthcuttMr. and Mrs. William D. PeaceRandy PetreshRasa PoormanThomas S. PorterJim & Marie PrestonMax and Linda ProffittBill & Julie Pumphrey

Jean and David RedfieldMs. Betty V. RhoadesGary Schultheiss and Barbara RichmanJack and Susan SeamanCathy and Paul SehnertMr. and Mrs. David T. ShelbyMs. Janet ShroyerMr. and Mrs. Michael ShupertMr. and Mrs. Dudley B. Smith, IIIMr. and Mrs. Timothy J. SteinCheryl Stereff & Dennis MarcheseAvery StierDr. and Mrs. Stephen StrobelDr. Nora SugintasMr. and Mrs. Ben A. Tefertiller, Jr.Amy and Brian TennisMr. Terry TerhuneDana K. ThomasMr. and Mrs. Ronald TonnebergerBarbara W. VilterPhil and Barb Von VoigtlanderBruce and Betsy WagnerMr. and Mrs. Warren H. WatkinsLarry and Marcia WebbJulie R. WeeksHarry and Susan WibergElizabeth Bracken Wiese & Fred WieseNancy and Stuart Winston

Anonymous (6)Horace and Barbara AbbottEstate of Wayne F. AndersonJeffrey Anderson & Sandra McArthurAndrew V. Kiselius TrustDebra Antzis and Chad AtkinsLuigi BadalmenteMr. and Mrs. Edmund F. BallMr. George A. BallPeter W. BallGary and Christi BardenhagenJim and Jan BardenhagenRobert BartleMs. Karol BerwaldBen BowmasterMrs. Alexander M. BrackenDavid BrighamJudy BrownWill CaseMr. William J. CasierMr. Lowell C. CateJim and Kay CharterCherry Bay Orchards, Inc.Dr. Priscilla CoganGary A. Cook & Sueann WoodMr. and Mrs. James J. CookMs. Barbara CrudenMr. and Mrs. Howard M. DeanJeannie and Bill DennlerMr. Joseph E. DlugopolskiTerry Stanton, Trustee Donna C. Stanton TrustMs. Dorothy A. DotenMs. Gertrude M. DoyleBeverly and Jim DuffEgeler Brothers Farm, LLCMr. and Mrs. William L. ElderScott and Penny EmeottMr. and Mrs. Larry EschKatherine Fairman and Bill QueenErika and Dennis C. FergusonMr. and Mrs. Eben M. FingerDr. Max and Mrs. Mary Finton

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. FisherMr. and Mrs. John W. FisherMr. and Mrs. Richard W. ForceEllen Fred and Bob MartelMr. and Mrs. Richard M. GansMr. and Mrs. James C. GanterMr. and Mrs. William Y. GardCharlotte Giltner and Avery BurnsMs. Barbara M. GoodbodyMr. and Mrs. Edward GossMrs. Claudia D. GoudschaalMr. and Mrs. John S. GreenoMr. and Mrs. Steven P. GrossnickleJohn D. and Ardis HerroldJohn T. and Shirley HoaglandMr. and Mrs. Alfred HoffmanRose and Stuart HollanderEdith M. HolwayBenjamin F. HohnkeElmer B. HohnkeMr. and Mrs. Bruce HoodMrs. Jeannette HuntMr. and Mrs. Donald D. HutchinsonCharles and Dorothy JohnsonMr. F. Randall KarfontaJerry and Anna May KelenskeMr. James KimmerlyMr. John KimmerlyMr. Patrick KimmerlyMs. Beatrice KimmerlyMr. and Mrs. Henry B. KinzieMr. and Mrs. Eugene L. KleinMr. and Mrs. Allen KoehlerMr. and Mrs. A. Scott KoezeMrs. Diana KohlerMr. and Mrs. Blaise I. KorsonDavid Krumlauf and Joan D’ArgoRobert and Geraldine KrumwiedeMr. and Mrs. Raymond KuhnMr. and Mrs. Stuart LaingMr. and Mrs. Theodore J. LanhamThomas S. Lawton Trust

Leland Woods Property Owners AssociationMr. and Mrs. Harrison C. LingleMr. and Mrs. Robert H. MacKenzieMr. and Mrs. William F. MarshMr. and Mrs. John E. MartinMr. and Mrs. Van W. MartinMs. Lilian P. MattsonLarry Mawby and Lois BahleMr. Charles McBrideMr. John McBrideLynn McGovernMr. and Mrs. Doug McInnisAllen and Sandra McSweeneyFranklin B. Mead William MeadMr. Kevin MeiselMr. and Mrs. G. Robert MillerBernard and Harriet MitchellMr. and Mrs. Stephen NanceCoco and Roger NewtonMr. Robert A. NitschkeMr. Glen M. NoonanMr. and Mrs. William OlsenMr. Gerald K. OlsenMr. and Mrs. Alvin OwsleyMr. and Mrs. Woodruff PalmerDennis PhillipsRobert and Ellen PisorMrs. Hazel PorterThomas Price and Cynthia CarlsonJean C. RaftsholLynda RaftsholMr. Curtis RaftsholMr. Warren RaftsholBill Rastetter and Cary WeedMrs. Jean S. RaymondRoy and Ruth ReynoldsBill and Coralyn RileyMs. Elizabeth McBride RobertsMary Ellen RobinsonJean M. SanbornCecily & Kurt Sanford & FamilyMrs. Frances Petty Sargent

Gary Schultheiss & Barbara RichmanMr. and Mrs. D. Martin ScottMs. Jean SedlacekJeff and Nita SendMr. and Mrs. Richard R. SewardMr. and Mrs. Richard ShusterDayton and Edith SimmonsMr. and Mrs. William SlawsonMr. and Mrs. Rossman W. SmithKristine BallMrs. Edna SoperAlan and Nancy SpinnikenMs. Juliet SprouseAnn and Chris StackJerry and Pegy StanekMr. B. Eugene StrangMr. and Mrs. Norman StrunkMs. Martha A. TeichnerMr. and Mrs. Viktor G. TheissMr. and Mrs. Brian M. UrsuMr. Douglas M. Van ZoerenTom and Alice Van ZoerenJoe VanderMeulen & Bronwyn JonesVictoria Creek Farms LLCMr. Bruce VigerPhil and Barb Von VoigtlanderJayne Leatherman WalkerMr. Maitland WalkerMs. Carol L. WatersMr. and Mrs. John B. WatkinsLorraine Weber and Mac ListerBen and Cindy WeeseMrs. Betty L. WestDr. Mary C. WhiteMrs. Howard R. WhitneyMs. Constance WhittleseyDr. and Mrs. Robert L. WillardHamilton and Elizabeth WilliamsLucinda K. WillisMs. Julie WindhamNona and Jay WindhamMr. Norman Wollenweber

Lifetime Donor Recognition

Page 25: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


FOUNDERS SOCIETY AS OF 12-31-2014The Founders Society recognizes those donors whose generous and long term support has resulted in cumulative lifetime giving of $25,000 or more to any variety of funds. Please note, the amounts listed do not contain planned gifts such as Charitable Remainder Unitrusts. Many of the individuals listed have also made plans for significant contributions to the Leelanau Conservancy through their estate plans.

$1 million and greaterThe Carls FoundationMr. and Mrs. William L. Fortune, Sr.Miss Sally Reahard

$500,000—$999,999Anonymous (2)Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. BrackenMr. and Mrs. John W. FisherGeorge & Mary Ellen GotshallMr. and Mrs. John H. HoaglandMr. and Mrs. Eugene C. MillerClarence and Ruth Roy

$250,000—$499,999AnonymousMr. and Mrs. Edmund F. BallMario Batali and Susi CahnRichard and Carolyn ChormannMr. and Mrs. Edward J. CollinsDavid Edelstein & Jennie BerksonEdmund F. and Virginia B. Ball FoundationMr. and Mrs. William L. ElderEsperance Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. William Y. GardGeorge and Frances Ball FoundationThe Herbert H. & Grace A. Dow FoundationMr. and Mrs. Addison IgleheartWill and Joan LarsonMariel FoundationMr. and Mrs. Dudley B. Smith, IIIMs. Margaret H. WatkinsMr. and Mrs. Warren H. Watkins

$100,000—$249,999Anonymous (6)Americana FoundationAndrew V. Kiselius TrustDavid M. and Cara V. CassardCherry RepublicMr. and Mrs. Howard M. DeanMr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. DeibelMs. Laura L. DeibelFrancie and John O. DowningJeff and Nancy FisherMrs. Sue Frank

Enid and Rick GrauerMr. and Mrs. John T. HackettMrs. William B. HallJohn T. and Shirley HoaglandMr. and Mrs. Ronald L. JonesMr. George Littell, Jr.Larry Mawby and Lois BahleCraig A. and Nancy T. MillerThe Oleson FoundationMrs. Rose OudemolenDr. and Mrs. Daniel Palmer, MDPhilip S. Harper FoundationDr. James Rae & Arleen Rakas-Mitchell RaeRobert J. Trulaske Jr. Family FoundationMs. Catharine P. RobertsMr. and Mrs. Gordon H. RobertsonRotary Charities of Traverse CityWalter and Leslie SchmidMr. and Mrs. Richard ShusterMs. Martha A. TeichnerDavid and Sally ViskochilMs. Karen R. ViskochilThe Wadsworth FamilyAndy and Elizabeth WaltersE. Perry and Laurel (Wolfe) WebbJoan and Randy Woods

$50,000—$99,999Anonymous (4)The Ashken FamilyMr. William BachmanMrs. Martha B. BakerMr. and Mrs. John F. BallMr. and Mrs. Robert BiggsMrs. Alexander M. BrackenMr. and Mrs. Ronald D. BrooksColin Gardner FoundationDellora A. & Lester J. Norris FoundationMrs. Jane W. DomkeCheryl Donakowski & Frank MisplonMr. Martin M. EaslingMrs. Bowman F. ElderGina and John ErbMr. and Mrs. John W. Fisher, IIIMs. Julia M. FlowersMr. and Mrs. Richard A. Funke

Mr. and Mrs. James C. GanterEdward Gergosian & Susan HoekengaMr. and Mrs. Robert GoffMr. and Mrs. Edward A. KettererLake Leelanau Lake AssociationMr. and Mrs. William J. Leugers, Jr.Mr. George H. LittellMrs. Mary E. LyonsMahogany FoundationMr. and Mrs. Steven MartineauMr. and Mrs. John D. NorrisMr. and Mrs. Richard D. OliverOrion FoundationMr. and Mrs. Alvin OwsleyThomas S. PorterPorter Family FoundationMr. Ralph M. Reahard, Jr.James and Gwendolyn RichThe Ricord FamilyMr. and Mrs. Marvin C. RorickMary Alice SchaffMs. Anne SchermerhornMr. and Mrs. David T. ShelbyChris and Ann StackAnne Drackett ThomasJohn and Mary TrisW.K. Kellogg FoundationBruce and Betsy WagnerBen and Cindy WeeseMr. and Mrs. Harold G. Wilson

$25,000—$49,999Anonymous (14)Barbara and Bill AlldredgeJennifer Baker and Stephen FishbeinBroadleaf FoundationMaureen and Emil BrolickRichard Cooper & Jan TennantMichael and Susan CraigMrs. Treva N. DeJongJeanne and Bill DennlerDole Family FoundationTom and Gretchen DunfeeJoseph FagganFeather FoundationJan Garfinkle and Mike O’Donnell

Mrs. Lurah GilbertMr. and Mrs. Norbert W. GitsDan and Magee GordonMr. and Mrs. John M. GordonThe Gordon J. Hammersley FoundationGrainger Matching Charitable Gifts ProgramJeff and Susan GreenMs. Ann HallThe Gordon J. Hammersley FoundationMolly M. HarrisonMr. and Mrs. A. Grant Heidrich, IIIOmena FundMr. and Mrs. David B. HowardMrs. Jeannette HuntMr. John LangdonJeff Later & Betsy DonahueFrank and Conchita LockhartMr. and Mrs. J. Michael LoshDr. R. William LustigMrs. John C. ManixMr. and Mrs. William F. MarshDr. and Mrs. Robert J. McElroyMrs. Gertrude M. OliverDr. and Mr. Nels L. OlsonMr. and Mrs. Denis B. PierceJune and Jerry PowleyJim and Marie PrestonMax R. and Linda J. ProffittThe Paul and Katy Rady FamilyMr. and Mrs. Richard O. RistineChris Rowney and Siobhan CaffertyMs. Carolyn T. RussellMrs. Frances Petty SargentThe Shelby FamilyMr. and Mrs. John P. SnedekerMrs. Louise ThomasTom Russell Charitable FoundationMr. Robert J. Trulaske, Jr.Anne Miles VaughanMr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. VerdierMr. John B. WatkinsElizabeth Bracken Wiese & Fred WieseRobert L. Willard, M.D.Mrs. Nancy P. Williams

The DeYoung Natural Area on Cedar Lake protects nearly one mile of shoreline.

Ken Scott

Page 26: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous

26 * Denotes members of our Sustainers Circle, who have pledged to donate a minimum of $500 annually to our Operating Fund

Champion ($10,000+)Anonymous (5)Mr. and Mrs. Ian AshkenThe Ashken Family Charitable Foundation, Inc.William Bachman and Julie BaranJennifer Baker & Stephen Fishbein*Mr. and Mrs. Emil Brolick*The Brookby FoundationThe Carls FoundationDavid M. and Cara V. Cassard*Richard and Carolyn Chormann*Dellora A. & Lester J. Norris FoundationDavid Edelstein & Jennie Berkson*Edmund F. and Virginia B. Ball FoundationEsperance Family Foundation*Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Finnegan*Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Fisher*Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fisher, III*Ms. Julia M. Flowers*Grand Traverse Regional Community FoundationThe Greeney FamilyDavid and Betsy Hendricks*Mrs. Carolyn T. HoaglandJohn T. and Shirley Hoagland*Ms. Nancy Hoagland*Mr. and Mrs. Addison Igleheart*Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Jones*Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Ketterer*Will and Joan Larson*Les and Ann Biederman FoundationMrs. Mary E. Lyons*Anne H. Magoun*Mr. Peter MagounMariel FoundationMr. and Mrs. Steven Martineau*Mr. Eugene C. MillerMrs. Jeanne M. NielsenJim and Jan Norris*The Oleson FoundationDr. and Mrs. Daniel Palmer, MD*Thomas S. PorterBill & Julie Pumphrey*Paul and Katy RadyMrs. Gwen RichRobert J. Trulaske Jr. Family FoundationRotary Charities of Traverse CityMr. and Mrs. Ross G. Satterwhite*Walter and Leslie Schmid*Mr. and Mrs. Dudley B. Smith, III*Mrs. Sally Viskochil*W & J Larson Family FoundationAndy and Elizabeth WaltersMr. and Mrs. George R. Wellman*Mrs. Nancy P. Williams*Mrs. Barbara V. Wilson*Joan and Randy Woods*Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wysocki*

Advocate ($5,000-$9,999)AnonymousBarbara and Bill Alldredge*Mr. and Mrs. George E. L. BarbeeJanis Bobrin and Mike AllemangHy and Nancy Bunn Family*Cherry Republic*Mr. and Mrs. George N. Cochran*Mary Cusick and David Wible*Annette Deibel*Jeanne and Bill Dennler*Katharine Weston DexterNancy R. and Berkley W. Duck*Mr. Joseph FagganJan Garfinkle and Mike O’Donnell*Edward Gergosian & Susan Hoekenga*The Gordon J. Hammersley FoundationThe Gosiger FoundationJeff and Susan Green*

Don and Ann GregoryH. Fort Flowers FoundationMrs. Jane G. HaleyMr. and Mrs. John R. HaleyMr. and Mrs. Peter HaleyJeff and Ilze HammersleyMr. and Mrs. Alfred HoffmanMrs. Anne G. KinzieMr. and Mrs. James D. Kuras*Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon M. LanphierMr. and Mrs. J. Michael LoshM-22K. James Yager and Margaret MaierBill McCrory & Leslie Maclin*Bob McKelveyCraig A. and Nancy T. Miller*Oliver Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. Richard D. OliverJoshua Pokempner & Gretchen GardnerMr. and Mrs. David Redfield*Doug and Sally B. Smith*Ms. Joanne L. Sprouse*Chris and Ann Stack*Steelcase FoundationSusan and Viktor Theiss*Toledo Community FoundationJohn and Mary TrisMrs. Anne M. VaughanMr. and Mrs. Warren H. Watkins*Elizabeth Bracken Wiese & Fred Wiese*

Partner ($2,500-$4,999)Anonymous (2)Aon FoundationGershon and Suzanne Berkson*Mr. and Mrs. Robert Biggs*Alexander and Sally Bracken*Chuck and Susan Cady*Mr. and Mrs. David CamienerMr. and Mrs. John J. CarterDianne Christensen and Roy ChristiansonCummings Christensen Family FoundationThe Dayton FoundationFrancie and John O. DowningMr. and Mrs. Roger Edgley*J. Richard Emens & Beatrice E. Wolper*Gina and John Erb*Mrs. Janice W. FlemingJames and Kathy Ganley*Mr. and Mrs. Norbert W. Gits*Curtis Hall and Susan Houseman*Mr. and Mrs. A. Grant Heidrich, IIIMr. Jack D. Hunter*Carey and Bill KellerMrs. Barbara A. Krause*Rob and Linda LanphierMr. and Mrs. Thomas E. LauerMr. and Mrs. Henry Lederman*Mr. and Mrs. David S. LindquistDr. and Mrs. Michael G. LockhartDavid and Louise Lutton*Ms. Nina MansooriMr. and Mrs. Donald K. Marik*Patrick McCarthy, MD*Mrs. Carol McFadden*Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. McShane*Scott and Luvie Myers*The Nancy M. & Victor S. Johnson Jr. FoundationNorbert and Paula Gits FoundationPatagonia Environmental ProgramsPPG Industries FoundationPrologis FoundationMs. Alexis M. Reid*Mrs. Lu Rorick*David and Lisa Schimmel*Silicon Valley Community FoundationDr. and Mrs. David J. Smith, Jr.*John and Leslee Spraggins*

Tom Russell Charitable FoundationMr. and Mrs. G. Neil TylerNoreen and Stewart WarrenJohn Worst and Ruth Tucker

Benefactor ($1,000-$2,499)Anonymous (4)Porter and Anita Abbott*Mrs. Mary C. Allen*Peter and Vicki Alpaugh*Christie L. and Bruce T. Alton*Mr. and Mrs. William Alvin*David and Jacqueline Amos*Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Anderson*William C. and Vicki Anderson*Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Appel*Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Armbruster*Randy Baidas and Will ReevesMrs. Martha B. Baker*Mrs. Pam Baker*Mr. Frank E. BallMr. John F. BallRobert & Jeanine Ball*Mike and Mary Barber*Barnabas FoundationGlenn and Patty Barnes*Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Barton*Mr. L. Graeme Bell, IIINancy and Joe Belton*Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Besio*Troy R. Biddix and Melissa HillJonathan BirgeBlustone VineyardsMs. Susan Bomier*The Boston FoundationKurt M. Bowden & Nancy Dady*Caroline F. BradyMichael and Sherri BromMr. and Mrs. Peter W. Brooke*Trish and Rick Bryan*Frank and Sharon BustamanteMary Beth and Phil CanfieldKyle and Betsy Carr*Cherry Capital FoodsThe Chicago Community TrustMrs. Betty C. Clarke*Daniel and Linda ClineDon and Marylou Coe*Ms. Sterling H. ColeThe Columbus FoundationCommunity Foundation for Southeast MichiganDr. and Mrs. Michael W. Craig*James and Gayle DavisRodger and Debbie DavisMs. Lois R. DeBackerMrs. Treva N. DeJong*Mr. and Mrs. Robert DennerMr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Devine*Mrs. Rita M. DickRon and Marion DickelMr. and Mrs. Michael L. Dow*Mr. and Mrs. Hayward L. Draper*Roland and Diane Drayson*Ms. Mary L. DuchiBeverly and Jim Duff*Dr. and Mrs. John P. Dunn*Ms. Sherry D. Edwards*Bill and Mary Fallon*Jonathan Feld & Shelley Longmuir*Dr. and Mrs. Neal H. Fellows*Mr. and Mrs. Parker Field*Mr. and Mrs. G. Stephen Fisher*Mr. and Mrs. James A. Fisher*Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold M. FisherMr. and Mrs. John Fitzpatrick*Pamela Fortune*William Fortune, Jr. & Joseph Blakley*Mrs. Sue Frank*Ms. Jane L. Gale*Carl GaleanaMr. and Mrs. Jack GazianoJoseph and Suzanne GearyJeffrey and Marcia Gibson*

Bob and Debbie Gilbert*Mr. David Giles*Robert H. and Nancy M. Giles*Mrs. Janet E. Goettle*Ellie Golden*Dan and Magee Gordon*Ms. Maria GotschThe Greater Cincinnati FoundationJim and Mary Jo Grogan*Dick Grout*Mr. and Mrs. John GudritzMr. Robert L. Hagerman*Mrs. Barbara B. HallMr. Michael W. HallMr. William S. Harper*Molly M. Harrison*Ms. Tracy J. HarrisonHarvey S. Firestone, Jr. FoundationSusan and Jack Hayes*Timothy Hefferon and Leeann Konrad*Scott and Catherine HeiserMr. and Mrs. Fred H. Heslop*Drs. John and Judy Hoeffler*Mr. and Mrs. Gary HoensheidMr. and Mrs. Kent N. Holton*Hoogland Family FoundationHeather HortonPaul Howes and Cynthia Johnson*HRD-C FoundationJames and Diana Huckle*Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Hurbis*Daniel Inman and Catherine LittleMr. and Mrs. John Jahoda*Lee Jameson & Barbara Nelson-JamesonThe Jerry and Marcia Tubergen FoundationMr. Daniel L. Johnson, Jr.Dr. Jeffrey JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Kalin S. Johnson*Mr. Thomas C. Jones*Dr. David Kam*Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kane*Todd Kennell*Sandra Kilinski and Larry Ganz*Mr. and Mrs. David E. Kleiner*Jeffrey and Jane KrysinskiRob KurnickL. Mawby VineyardsPenny and Jamie LaddMr. and Mrs. John A. Laitala*Lucy L. LambertThomas and Bridget Lamont*Dr. and Mrs. Albert LeBlancDave and Bridget LembergMrs. Dorothy B. LingleMike and Lori Lyman*Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Lyons*Mr. and Mrs. Millard H. Mack*Ms. Josephine Marquis*Mr. Leonard P. Marszalek*Kristi and Earle Martin*Mr. Gene MartineauDrs. Ann and Conrad Mason*Larry Mawby and Lois Bahle*Mrs. Carol F. MaxonMr. Woody McCallySteve McGraw and Bobi Morey*Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. McKenzie*Rick and Sally Meese*Dr. and Mrs. David W. Miller*Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Miller*Mr. and Mrs. G. Robert MillerThe Minneapolis FoundationAnnabel and Robert Moore*Mr. and Mrs. John MortonKaren Mulvahill & Dan Malski*Annette and Eric Munson*National Automobile Dealers Char. FoundationMark Nesbitt & Sara McVayMr. Frank Noverr*Ms. Kiku ObataEdward & Caroline G. Oberndorf*

Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Oriel-SCDr. & Mrs. Michael W. O’Riordan*Philip S. Harper FoundationMr. and Mrs. Denis B. Pierce*Mr. and Mrs. Fairfax F. PollnowBarry and Susan PorterMr. and Mrs. Robert F. Potvin*Tom and Burma Powell*Jim and Marie Preston*Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Price*Mr. and Mrs. Max Proffitt*Mr. and Mrs. George J. Quarderer*Vance and Catherine Querio*Bert and Helene Rabinowitz*Raymond James and Associates, Inc.David Reinisch and Julie Kiefer*Mr. Ken RichmanShawn Ricker and Steven Cacossa*The Ricord Family*Robert W. Baird & Co. Inc.Mrs. Paula M. Robertson*Jon and Julianne RobinsonMr. and Mrs. Scot C. Roemer*Kati Rooney & Jim Hennessey*Clarence and Ruth RoyEd and Mary RuffleyRunning, Wise & Ford PLCThomas Sawyer & Kate Sawyer Vilter*Mr. and Mrs. James R. Scarlett*Jim and Jayne Schafer*Mr. and Mrs. John H. SchaffDr. William C. Scharf*Phil and Kathy Scherer*Mrs. Elizabeth Schleef*Bill and Karen SchuilingMr. and Mrs. Jon M. Sebaly*Anne and David Shane*Nancy and Tom Shepherd*Daniel C. Shoup & Anne Bishop Shoup*Paul Skiem and Beth Brooks*Mr. and Mrs. Allan Smith*Mr. and Mrs. John P. Snedeker*Paul Solli and Kristine Ball*Mr. Chris Stack, Jr.*Mr. and Mrs. Justin A. Stanley, Jr.*Mr. and Mrs. Terry B. Stanton*Cherrie and William StegeMr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Stein*Jim and Beth Stephens*Mr. and Mrs. Samuel StottMr. and Mrs. Daniel Stricof*Stricof Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. George Strietmann*Mr. and Mrs. W. Richard Summerwill*Mr. and Mrs. John S. Sutfin*Svoboda Capital Partners LLCMr. Thomas W. Swift*Mr. Lee TaftMr. and Mrs. William E. TaylorMs. Martha A. TeichnerAnne Drackett Thomas*Tom’s Food MarketMr. and Mrs. Ronald Tonneberger*Mr. and Mrs Richard E. TrappTruistMrs. Sarah TrulaskeMr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Tubergen*Rosemary and Reed Tupper*Mrs. Katharine W. Turner*Mr. and Mrs. William VanWesten*Mr. and Mrs. Howard VeneklasenMr. and Mrs. Perry PentiukBeth Verhey and Daniel TooleBarbara W. Vilter*Ms. Karen R. Viskochil*Tim and Jill VollbrechtThe W.D. FoundationLarry and Marcia Webb*Julie R. Weeks & Walter Hoegy*Mrs. Elise I. Weisbach*Ms. Martha Welch*Tim Werner and Petra von Kulajta

Leelanau Conservancy 2014 Donors

Page 27: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous

27 * Denotes members of our Sustainers Circle, who have pledged to donate a minimum of $500 annually to our Operating Fund

Mrs. Lucy H. Wick*Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wille*Mr. Todd WillsMr. and Mrs. Peter Wilson*Mrs. Pauline Womac*Mike and Trish YoungDr. Andris A. Zoltners*

Patron ($500-$999)Anonymous (3)A2M2, LLCBarbara Abbott and Larry Hauser*Mark and Connie Adamson*Barry and Lynn AdlerSusan Ager & Larry Coppard*Ms. Jane AisenbreyDorothy Stites AligMrs. Beverly D. Almquist*David and Suzanne AlpersBarbara Ames & Paula RobeyMr. and Mrs. Frank J. Andress*Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Angus*Andrew and Susan AppelMs. Sally S. Appel*Ms. Phyllis ArchambeauEd Arlin and Deb Greenman*Gary and Christine B. Armbrecht*Ms. Jane T. BabbittIrene G. and J. Sumner BagbyBahle Enterprises, Inc.*Tim and Ann BakerJudy and Bruce Balas*Charles and Renne BallMrs. Lena A. BallAndrew Bamford and Tamera WalesMark and Marilyn BaremanSusan Bass and Tom Bradford*Rob and Shelly BatterbeeRoger and Jan Bauer*Ginny and Scott Beall*Jack and Renee BeamMs. Ann BeaujeanCarolyn Doepke Bennett*Jill Berkeley & Larry Goldman*Mr. and Mrs. P. James Bernardo*Mrs. Susan BetzigDrs. Lindsay and Mark Bibler*Mr. William BiedensteinMrs. Nancy A. Bierley*Mr. and Mrs. John B. Biggs, Jr.Biggs Construction ServiceDavid and Chari Binstadt*Mr. Brian BloodDr. and Mrs. Dale M. Blount*Dr. and Mrs. Harry M. Blount*The Boeing CompanyMr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Bogley*Dr. Amy G. BolmerMr. Jack A. BosgraafMr. and Mrs. Russell G. BowCarol and Lee A. Bowen*Richard and Barbara Bowzer*Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Brooks*Guy and Meg Brossy*Fletcher and Janie BrownTom and Marsha Buehler*Brig and Merrill Buettner*Kate Bulkley & Ross BiddiscombeMrs. Katharine Bulkley*Dr. R. John Bull*Mr. and Mrs. Randall BurkertNeil Caliman & Monica StaffordAnthony Camill and Ashley Storey*Drs. Nancy Cantor & Steven Brechin*Capital Insurance GroupMs. Lucille Capra*Mr. and Mrs. Mark Carlson*Ms. Cathryn CarterJohn Chapman & Candance Daley*Karen L. Chase & David Bellizi*Chemical BankDean Manikas & Susan Cocciarelli*Jeanne Cole and Jonathan Ledsky

Mike and Tedi Collier*Mr. Dennis R. CollingMr. and Mrs. Edward J. Collins*Mr. and Mrs. William T. Collins, Jr.*Community Foundation of LouisvilleMichael and Michelle Connell*Mr. and Mrs. James CooperRichard Cooper & Jan Tennant*Marie Eleanor Coppa*Dr. and Mrs. Keith L. Curtis*Mr. Jay Dankovich*Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Darland*Mrs. Katharine M. Davis*Drs. Paul Dechow & Joanne Blum*Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickinson*Adele and Page Dinsmore*Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Dixon*Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. DonatelliMrs. Karen Douma*Mr. Hank DowMr. and Mrs. Gary P. Drew*William Drozdalski & Linda Janman*Harry and Beth Drucker*Mr. Andrew DuchiTom and Gretchen Dunfee*Harriet Dunlop*Mr. and Mrs. John R. Dye*Susan Edgar and Greg WaltaGeorge and Mary Eggenberger*Mr. and Mrs. William L. Elder, Jr.Aaron and Jennifer Ellenbogen*Ms. Margaret EllibeeMr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott*EmersonMrs. Mary Emmett*Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Engerer*Robert and Barbara Featherly*Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Fellows*Ms. Amy FergusonErika and Dennis C. Ferguson*Douglas and Janine FierbergJean and Buzz FinkeMs. Susan J. Finke*Mark and Betsy Fisher*Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fleishman*Matt and Courtney M. Font*James and Kathryn Fonte*Dr. and Mrs. Richard K. Foster*Drs. Robert Foster & Valarie Miner*Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Fox*Mr. and Mrs. James W. Frederick*Mrs. Ruth M. French*David Friar and Rorie Lewis*Jim and Sally Friend*Nancy Gallagher & Kevin Weber*Drs. Marc and Linda Gallini*Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Gans*Deborah Froeb and Tim GardnerMr. and Mrs. Lee H. Gardner*Ms. Judith E. Gass*William GeboMr. and Mrs. Andrew Gerben*Jeffrey and Georgia Gietzen*Mr. James C. Gilbo*Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. GleffeMr. Gerald J. GondaDr. and Mrs. David Gordon*Mrs. Elizabeth W. GotschSusan Gotsch and Ronald ThomsonMr. and Mrs. David GrauerEnid and Rick Grauer*Greater Kansas City Community FoundationJerry Gretzinger & Meg Staley*Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. GriffithMartha Grogan and Ross HallerMr. and Mrs. Steve Grossmann*Michael Grover and Nunzio Lupo*Mr. and Mrs. James GrovesMr. and Mrs. Rick Halbert*Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hamilton*Dr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Hanley*Mr. and Mrs. Bradley T. Hanpeter*

Ms. Dorothy Hanpeter*Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Hanpeter*Mr. Paul Hanpeter*Mr. and Mrs. Alan Harold*Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Hartwick*Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur L. HazlegroveLynn and Diane Hedeman*Bev and Dan HeinzMs. Mary Helmick*Mark and Beth Henry*Mr. and Mrs. David Herr*Eric and JoAnna HesseGail and Bob Hetler*Mr. and Mrs. Thomas HiattFrederick and Judith Hill*Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. HinkleLinda and Denny HoemkeWilliam and Suzanne Hoff*Mrs. Nancy Hollowell*Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoover*Mr. John H. Hoppin, Jr.*Mrs. Ann Huffman*Mrs. Barbara A. Irwin*Ms. Catherine E. Irwin*Mr. Mark Iuppenlatz*T. Michael and Joan Jackson*Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jacobson*Susan and Jerry JaneckeMr. David C. Johnson*Ms. Judy Jorgenson*Alan and Teri Kasper*Mr. and Mrs. Mike Keen*Mrs. Janet H. KelleyJamie and Polly Jo Kemler*James and Linda Kemper*Pat Kernaghan and Janet Ward*Ms. Susan Kettering*Mr. and Mrs. John J. KinsellaMr. and Mrs. Steven Klein*Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knighton*Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Knode*Thomas and Mary Ann KnowlesDick and Sherry Koenig*Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Krause*Mr. and Mrs. Franc Krebs*Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kremin*Dr. Karl T. KristenJoseph Lada and Gary Cozette*Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Lake*Ms. Susan LambCpt. Claude Lambert*Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Lanham*Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larkin*Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laven*Leland Womens Civic ClubMs. Linda LeMieux*Joe and Kim Leugers*Mr. and Mrs. William J. Leugers, Jr.*Bud and Nancy Liebler*Mrs. Nancy H. Liley*Lime Lake AssociationMr. and Mrs. John Ling*Dr. Christopher J. Lingle*Mr. and Mrs. Todd Lininger*Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. LippertMike and Sarah Litch*Mr. and Mrs. George Littell, Jr.*Phil and Holly Littell*Mr. Thomas B. Littlewood*Frank and Conchita Lockhart*Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lockhart*Jim and Monica LoganDr. and Mrs. W. Randall LongMr. Ron LovaszMr. and Mrs. William Loveless, II*Ms. Ruth Lovingood-Finke*Mr. Donald S. Lowe*Steven Luebkeman & Sara Later*Kurt and Eleanor Luedtke*Mrs. Eloise E. Lund*Dr. R. William Lustig and Jeri Hose*Dr. and Mrs. James Lutz*Leon and Pamela LysaghtMrs. Cleo P. MacMillanMs. Theresa Maday*

Mr. Tom Maiolani*Mr. and Mrs. Themistocles L. Majoros*Ms. Nancy L. Malecki*Marlis Mann and Tom Skinner*Al and Susan Manson*Dan and Lynne Mapes-RiordanJohn and Maude MarchMr. and Mrs. Karl Marsh*Mr. and Mrs. John G. Martin*L. Craig and Nancy Martin*Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Martin*MASCO CorporationMarvin and Marlo Matson*P. Michael and Kathryn May*Mr. and Mrs. Ben D. McCallister, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. William J. McCool*Mr. Eric McCreadyKate and Halley McDonald*Mr. and Mrs. Randall McElrathMr. and Mrs. Doug McInnis*Allan and Mary McKissonMr. and Mrs. Glenn M. McNett*Mr. R. Duncan McPhersonJeff and Erin McRaeMr. and Mrs. Donald Mead*Mr. and Mrs. Franklin B. Mead*Mrs. Mary Ann Meanwell*Dr. Lisa Meils*Kenneth and Barbara E. Melichar*Mr. and Mrs. Leon B. Michael*Vina and Phillip D. Mikesell*Andrew and Janet Miller*Dr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Miller*Laurence and Melisa Miller*Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Miller*Mr. and Mrs. Robert MitchellDr. Jack Mobley*Nancy and Jim Mogle*Bob and Marcia Moglia*Sacha and Jane Montas*Jim and Jeanne Montie*Michael and Theresa Morton*Mr. Cyril MoscowLyn Motlow*Tom and Janet MugMr. and Mrs. Michael Muladore*Ms. Mimi Mullin*Ann and Don Munro*Frederick C. Neidhardt*Lisa and Ted NeildTom Nelson and Stephanie Berger-Nelson*Travis and Chai Hung NelsonNetwork For GoodMrs. Ann NicholsLeonard Niehoff and Lisa Rudgers*John and Leslie Nilsson*John Nitschke & Jean McLaren*Mr. and Mrs. Thomas NixonMr. Lawrence J. Noling*Allen and Ellen Northcutt*Jim Nugent and Toddy Rieger*Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Oetinger*Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Oetting*Charles and Sara Ofenloch*Ms. Susan P. OliverCharles and Connie Olson*Kathryn Eckert Omoto*Dr. and Mrs. Mark Orringer*Michael Ouzounian & Trish Rogers*Ron Paczkowski & Judy Talbott*Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Paine*Mr. and Mrs. Jerry P. Palmer*Mr. David Patton*Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Pearson*Joe and Zoe PearsonMr. Randy PetreshMs. Mary V. Petterson*Tom and Martha Phillips*Donn and Kathleen Piatt*Robert and Ellen Pisor*Plante & Moran, PLLCMr. and Mrs. Michael Plessner*Dick and Nancy S. Pobst

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Pool*Mrs. Bobbie S. Poor*Mr. and Mrs. John PorrittMr. Richard Potter*Preston P. Joyes Trust - Joyes CottagePrism Publications, Inc./Traverse the MagazineDr. John L. PutnamLori Holstege and David Quimby*Ms. Margaret M. RabenKimberly Ranshaw and Lynn StamMr. and Mrs. Eric R. Ray*Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ray*Polly Rea*Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. ReayMr. and Mrs. James RedmondDoug and Beth Reid*Dr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Reinert*Keith Reynaud and Molly DonahueMr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Riley*Mr. and Mrs. David H. Ripper, Jr.Bob and Bonny Risbridger*Mr. and Mrs. John W. Risk*Mrs. Deborah RobbinsMr. and Mrs. Robert J. Roberts*Carl Robinson and Karen Fujisawa*Ms. Melanie A. Rogers*Bill and Kate Rohlfs*Mr. Thomas M. Rooks*Mr. and Mrs. Phillip RoosCraig and Mary Rosenberg*Ray and Ricky Ross*Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rossman*Dr. and Mrs. Todd H. Ryan*Mrs. Barbara A. SanderCecily & Kurt Sanford & FamilyAudra and Vito Santoro*Mr. and Mrs. James A. Schaberg*Mrs. Donna L. SchiffMs. Joan E. SchleefMr. and Mrs. Robert Schlueter*Mr. and Mrs. Milford J. Schuette*Gary Schultheiss & Barbara Richman*Jack and Susan Seaman*Ms. Joan H. Searby*Jim and Cathy Searing*Mrs. Rosalind B. Sell*Mrs. Carrie A. Sharp*Ms. Patricia Sharpnack*Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sheppard*John Shoaff & Julie Donnell*Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shuster*Barbara and Frank Siepker*Reid Sikes & Barbara MackeCharles Silver and Cindy Eppolito*Jim Simons and Shirlee Affhalter*Rick and Donna SimontonMr. William SlaterMr. and Mrs. Robert Smart, Jr.Cynthia Greig and Richard SmithStephen and Sandra SmithMr. Thomas SmithJohn Snodgrass & Janet FleshmanMr. and Mrs. John B. SnyderMr. David L. SpargoDr. and Mrs. David E. Spathelf*Darlene Stanley & Harry Zoccoli*Mike and Marie StearnsMrs. Marilyn H. SteeleMrs. Eleanor B. StephensonMr. Steven L. TrulaskeMr. Charles G. Stockwell*Jean and Bob Stoessel*Don and Tricia Stogsdill*Mr. and Mrs. James J. StukelMrs. Laura L. Swire*Cynthia and Bruce TaggartMichael and Terry Tarnow*Mr. and Mrs. Peter Taylor*Richard and Sera Thompson*Three Sisters FoundationMike and Ginny Toal*Mrs. Jeanne TownsendMs. Kathy M. Tuckerman*

Benefactor ($1,000-$2,499)

Leelanau Conservancy 2014 Donors

Page 28: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


Dennis and Kathy Turner*Bob and Trudy Underhill*United Jewish FoundationUnited Methodist Foundation ofMichiganUnited Way of Northern New JerseyMr. and Mrs. Gary C. Valade*Mr. and Mrs. Bill Valpey*Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. VarleyMr. Larry ViskochilWilliam Vogt and Claire EberweinPhil and Barb Von Voigtlander*Mr. and Mrs. Ralph von WalthausenMs. Karen Wachs*Bruce and Betsy Wagner*Carl and Dorothy Walker*Roger Wallace & Mary BaughmanMr. and Mrs. F. Jon Walter*Andrew and Molly Watkins*Sheen and David Watkins*Doug and Jacqueline Watson*Mr. and Mrs. Allen Weaver*Justice Elizabeth A. Weaver*Mrs. Doris B. Webb*Mr. John Weber*Ben and Cynthia WeeseDavid Weisbach and Joan NealDr. and Mrs. William W. Wells*Dr. and Mrs. R.A. Westphal*Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. WhiteMr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Whitney*John and Kate WiegandWildlife and Wetland Solutions*Dr. Robert L. Willard*William Blair & Company, LLCWilliam Harris Investors, Inc.Brian Williams & L. Fisher-Williams*Ms. Jane WilsherTerry and Sandy Wilson*Barbara and Eric Winkelman*Nancy and Stuart Winston*Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Witten, II*Mr. Peter C. Wolcott*Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wollenhaupt*Caroline and Edwin Woods*Wayne and Sharon Workman*Douglas and Jennifer WyattMr. and Mrs. James C. WynnsBruce and Susan Young*Marilyn and Gregg Zank*Kristin Zimmerman & Christopher GreenMr. M. Richard ZinmanBill Zolkowski and Susan HawleyDavid and Kenna Zorn*

Steward ($250-$499)Anonymous (2)Mrs. Georgia C. AbbeyMr. and Mrs. Allen A. AmmonsMr. Matt AnhutArt’s TavernMr. and Mrs. Jim AufderhaarLauren and Tom AzoniMs. Margaret M. BaileyKenneth and Mary BalcomMr. and Mrs. John F. Ball, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. BallouBank of America FoundationMr. David S. BattleMr. and Mrs. Peter BauerMark and Joanne BaumanAndre Begosso and Amy CannonMr. Stephen & Dr. Nancy BeightsMs. Marcia BellingerMr. and Mrs. Ran BellowsLisa Benjamin and Tyler HesterhagenDr. and Mrs. Carl BennerMrs. Carol BennerMr. and Mrs. John BennettDuane and Jean BingelBlack Star FarmsBoathouse Vineyards LLCMr. and Mrs. David A. Bohmer

Dr. and Mrs. Gregory G. BondMr. and Mrs. Philip BoriaBen BowmasterJere and Gail Brown-SCKarla and Scott BrownRick and Tammi BudingerMr. and Mrs. George R. Bunn, Jr.Mrs. Donna D. Burr-SCCardinal Health FoundationMrs. Janet S. CarlsenThomas and Denise Frieda CarrMr. and Mrs. David CarrollMr. and Mrs. Gene S. CartwrightCedar Lake AssociationJohn and Anne ChafeeAl and Dee ChaffeeJohn and Marsha ChamberlinDr. Mary CiottiJ. Preston and Nina Cory ClaytorMs. Corinne CochranColdwell Banker Schmidt RealtorsMichael CollinsCommunity Foundation of the Holland/Zeeland AreaCheryl Cooper and Alice CooperMrs. Carolyn L. CraneCharles and Susan CrawfordWilliam and Patricia CreanRoy and Maribeth DangelMr. and Mrs. Richard A. DanielMs. Carolyn DanielsonJudy DarstMr. James DeatonAnn and Richard DeBoerJoyce, Michael & Thomas DerenG. Paul and MaryAnn DerosaMr. August C. DorandoBill and Peggy DotterweichMs. Elissa DrikerEugene E. & Elaine C. DrikerStephanie and Mark DuckmannBruce and Lynn DunnElizabeth and Mike EaglesMr. Martin M. EaslingEasling Construction CompanyEastern Michigan University FoundationMr. and Mrs. Rolf EmbertsonTom and Juli ErdmannShane and Deborah EvansMark and Karen FalaheeNancy and James FareseMr. and Mrs. Douglas S. FaulknerMs. Jennifer FineMrs. Cathleen C. FisherMr. and Mrs. Jud FisherMr. and Mrs. Roger H. FitchMr. and Mrs. James FleserMarc and Laura FoersterMs. Phyllis Foley WanroyBen and Judy FowlerG.J.’s RentalsMr. and Mrs. David A. GalliherAl and Karen GallupDavid and Sharon GeislerMrs. Barbara F. GentileJohn Gierak and Dona TraceyDr. and Mrs. Jack W. GottschalkGourdie-Fraser, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. John S. GreenoMr. Rod GroleauLori and Steve GrossnickleMr. and Mrs. John E. GroteMr. and Mrs. Robert M. GroverMr. and Mrs. Christopher HaberCharles and Kandi HackerBruce and Cynthia HagenMr. and Mrs. Carl F. HammondSherrie and Logan HardieMr. and Mrs. Dan S. HarknessCharles and Judith HarrisGordy and Jeanne HattMr. and Mrs. David W. HaughnMr. and Mrs. R. Tucker HawkinsSkip Hibbard & Nancy Elkind

Mr. Benjamin HohnkeMr. J. Edward HollenderMr. and Mrs. Jay HomanThe HomesteadThomas Hooker and Kristen RabeMichael Huey and Christian Witt-DorringMr. and Mrs. Robert B. HughesIdyll FarmsMr. Troy IhlanfeldtJohn and Kathleen ImbodenBrian and Jennifer JaffeMrs. Mary E. JellemaMr. and Mrs. Bradley J. JohnsonJay and Betsy JohnsonMs. Louise Coleman JonesMr. John H. KattMr. and Mrs. Alan T. KirbyLeonard and Janet KrawiecLee Kremin & Marjolijn vander VeldeMr. and Mrs. Robert KurasDavid and Judith KurtzMr. and Mrs. Bradley E. LaffreyGreg and Pam LandaMr. and Mrs. Edward O. Lanphier, IILeelanau Cheese CompanyLeelanau EnterpriseMr. and Mrs. James W. LeenhoutsMr. and Mrs. David M. LeiserMr. and Mrs. Robert J. LeppinkAnne Leugers and Elmer LippMr. and Mrs. Daniel R. LeugersMr. and Mrs. Paul T. LeugersMr. Drew Lipner-SCDavid P. LloydJohn Lund and Annie Gillette-SCManitou Passage AssociationKaren C. MartinMr. William MartinMr. Don MartinesMr. and Mrs. Robert R. MartinsonLynn Mathia and Ron WoodallLinda McCarthyMr. and Mrs. Gary McCauslandMs. Pamela McCordMr. and Mrs. Donald R. McMullenBob and Sukie McNuttMr. and Mrs. Michael J. McWilliamsThe Meaden FamilyMr. Randall K. MelvinMr. and Mrs. David L. MichelmoreMr. and Mrs. Richard C. MilehamMr. and Mrs. Reed MillerDrs. Robin Lin Miller and Miles McNallMr. Robert R. Morse, Jr.Richard and Abby MortensenMr. and Mrs. James M. MoskalikG. Michel Mott and L. Kim McManamaMrs. Patricia MoultonMrs. Karen A. MudgettMs. Sharon NelsonRichard and Terre NeumannMr. and Mrs. Ronald N. NicholsOcean Reef Community FoundationMrs. Janey OdellMr. Rich OdellMr. and Mrs. William OlsenMr. and Mrs. David D. OlsonDr. and Mr. Nels L. OlsonMrs. Luvian OwensAlan and Kimberly PageMr. Wes ParkerMr. and Mrs. Albert PawlickMr. and Mrs. William D. Peace-SCMr. L. Harlan PeckThom and Rachelle PetersPfizer FoundationEdmund and Ann Piet AndersonPlante Moran TrustMs. Denise PoloyacThad and Nancy PopaMs. Donna PopkeMrs. Charlotte Read

Ms. Laurie G. RemterGregory and Brenda RenerMr. and Mrs. Dewey J. RennekerMs. Sandra RingleverTerry and Debra RiedingerMr. and Mrs. Ronald R. RobinsonAnn RogersMrs. Marcia L. RoseDr. and Mrs. Edward J. RutkowskiJudith Rycus & Ronald HughesSeth Sadis and Kristen VerheyMr. and Mrs. Peter H. SchaffDr. and Mrs. Richard J. SchillingRandy and Darlene SchoenTodd and Sheila SchorerEd and Mary SchreckJohn and Susan SentellMs. Patricia ShileyMr. and Mrs. John A. ShiltsMr. and Mrs. Thomas M. ShoaffMr. John ShoemakerMrs. Mary J. SiddallMrs. Sharon SmithDr. and Mrs. Peter SneedMs. Deborah SomervilleMr. William SomervilleDr. John SpencerBrad and Jandy SprouseQuinton and Margaret St. JohnMr. and Mrs. Jerry J. StanekMr. and Mrs. William W. SteelRobert Steinhilber & Mary Jo O’ConnorMs. Catherine W. StephensonAmy and Brian TennisAbbot and Josie ThayerMs. Kathy ThomasThe Timberland GroupCarol and Ruben TronoDaniel and Lisa TurnerUnited Way of Tarrant CountyJosh and Angela Van ManenMr. and Mrs. Ken VanElslanderGary and Georgiana VannWarren and Julie VeltmanJulie WalterMr. and Mrs. David K. Watkins-SCMr. George H. Watkins, Jr.Weathervane Vineyards, Inc.Mrs. Alice B. WeaverMr. and Mrs. Robert H. WellbornDeborah E. WelshMr. and Mrs. Max WendellJim and Kathy WestlakeLisa Wilsher & Steve ChamberlinDavid and Christine WintersonMr. and Mrs. John WitheeEric and Dorothy WolffMs. Laila J. WorrellDr. Stephen A. WyattMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey WylerDuke YoonMs. Karen E. ZerrennerMr. and Mrs. John J. ZevalkinkGeorge and Kathleen Zink

Contributor ($100-$249)Anonymous (18)Geoff Abbate and Marty EisenbarthMs. Joanie AbbottMr. and Mrs. Weston W. Adams, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. AicherMr. and Mrs. D. Douglas AlexanderMrs. Frances H. AlexanderMs. Ronnie AlffAlfie Embroidery Inc.Tom and Nancy AlfieriMr. and Mrs. Robert L. AlflenMr. and Mrs. Mark C. AllenTerry and Sandra AllenWilliam and Nancy AllenMr. and Mrs. Len AllgaierLoretta AmesDr. and Mrs. Gordon AmidonJohn and Jo Anders

Dr. and Mrs. David G. AndersonMrs. Mary H. AndersonPaul and Melisse AndersonPhil and Bev AndersonMs. Susan AndersonMr. William H. AndersonMr. and Mrs. James P. AndresTom and Marsha AndresMr. and Mrs. Charles J. AndrewsPeter and Elizabeth AndrewsMr. and Mrs. Richard AndrewsMr. Michael J. AntonDavid and Kristen ArendsMike and Ruth ArentsSara ArmbrusterMs. Judy ArmstrongMrs. Mary Ann ArvoMr. and Mrs. David AthanasMrs. June H. AtkinsonRich and Cassie AxtellMr. and Mrs. John G. BachmanMr. David BahrMr. and Mrs. Joel BaillieDr. and Mrs. Walter M. BairdPeter and Lauren Bakker-ArkemaKathryn S. BalcerskiMr. and Mrs. David F. BallMr. and Mrs. John M. BallantyneMr. and Mrs. Mike W. BandyMr. and Mrs. David L. BanksMr. and Mrs. William A. BannaschMs. Margaret BarberMs. Patricia BardMr. Lance BardenMr. and Mrs. Gary BardenhagenSteve and Pam BardenhagenJohn and Dorothy BarkerMr. and Mrs. Charles L. BarnellCharles and Lorraine BarnesMr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Barry, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. George A. Basta, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Don BatyCarol and John BaughmanMr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bayer, Jr.Mack and Lorraine BeersDr. and Mrs. Royce L. BeersMr. and Mrs. John E. BeeskowMrs. Rosemary R. BennettMr. and Mrs. Thomas A. BennettDr. Rosemary R. BerardiMs. Anne Hatcher BerenbergSteven and Christina BergmansMr. Adam BerksonMr. and Mrs. Edward BeuerleJohn Bevington & Tina Greene-BevingtonBarbara Bierlein & Tom DillonDr. and Mrs. James G. BinghamMr. and Mrs. Kipp BinghamMr. and Mrs. Michael W. BinsfeldBirchwood Shores Preservation Assoc.Edward and Joan BirrellTom and Gwen BischoffDave and Linda BjerkeJerry and Dorothy BlackstoneMr. and Mrs. Brent BlackwelderTim and Doris BlairMr. and Mrs. James G. BlashillMs. Earlene W. BlevinsBob Maleski and Sons LLCMs. Joan C. BockGina and Ron BoeAnnette BoiceMrs. Belle BolesMr. and Mrs. Dave BortonMr. Daniel J. BoyntonMr. and Mrs. William M. BrackenSteve and Elizabeth BradburyMrs. Helen A.P. BradleyJim and Cynthia BannonMr. and Mrs. Christopher E. BransonMr. and Mrs. Mark BrantRichard and Sherry BrayMrs. Sharon Brehmer

Patron ($500-$999)

Leelanau Conservancy 2014 Donors

* Denotes members of our Sustainers Circle, who have pledged to donate a minimum of $500 annually to our Operating Fund

Page 29: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous

29A complete set of financial statements is available upon request.

Contributor ($100-$249)Mr. and Mrs. John H. BreniserMichael and Joan BrennanBrian and Cathy BrentonMr. and Mrs. Gary G. BrownJim and Laura BrownDr. Kersti and Mr. Daniel J. BruiningJohn and Susan BryantMr. William W. BryantMrs. Cheri W. BuchbinderFredrick Budd and Donna WildsMr. and Mrs. Richard W. BudingerMs. Sandra BuellPaul and Tanya J. BulthuisMrs. Carol P. BurchfieldJim and Natalie BurkPhil and Laura BurkMr. and Mrs. Keith W. BurnhamMrs. Avery L. BurnsMr. and Mrs. John P. BurnsSteven and Barbara BursianDr. and Mrs. Paul D. BursteinDebbie Varley BurtChuck and Susan BuxtonM. Christine Byron and Thomas WilsonCA TechnologiesMr. Harvey CalcuttDr. and Mrs. Ronald CaldwellMs. Christina D. CampbellFrederick and Denise CampbellMrs. Maureen CampbellMr. and Mrs. Michael P. CampoCanadian National RailwayMr. and Mrs. Howard W. Cann, IIIMark Cantrell & Kathy RymalRonald and Mary CappellettiMr. David G. CardField and Sandy CardenMr. and Mrs. Charles W. CaresMs. Margaret CarmodyMs. Gayle L. CarpenterMr. and Mrs. Jack L. CarpenterRobert Carr & Lydia ArnoldLarry and Jane CarterMr. and Mrs. John CaseMs. Karen CasebeerMrs. Sally CaseyMr. and Mrs. Thomas D. CassadyTracey and Rick CassardPhilip Castillo & Susan RundleAndrew Caughey and Shelly NeitzelMr. R. Weston CaughlanMrs. Bethany A. CebulaMichael and Kavitha CelentinoMr. and Mrs. David D. CellMr. and Mrs. Mark D. CernyMr. Charles ChamberlainMs. Charlotte ChamberlainMr. and Mrs. Stephen C. ChambersMr. and Mrs. William J. ChamboMrs. Joan ChandlerMary Ann and Reuben ChapmanGreg and Barbara ChapmanMr. and Mrs. Robert ChapmanCharles Johnson Family Investment LLCBill and Anne ChatfieldChef’s Pride CateringAndrew and Kimberly CherryCherry Bay Orchards, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. David ChesterfieldTerry and Sandra CiesielskiMr. and Mrs. Allan J. ClaypoolCarol and David CliffordDrs. Steven and Molly ClineMr. and Mrs. John M. CloudDotti Clune and Jill HenemyerTom and Karen CogswellMr. Douglas ColeMr. and Mrs. John D. ColemanMr. and Mrs. Pope ColemanGrant Cone and Tracey PaddockMr. William C. ConnellyBill and Linda Connor

Jerry and Kathy ConroyAnita Constant, Jane Gard & Terry MeyersMrs. Amy B. CookseyKarl and Tracy CooperMr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Cooper, IIDavid and Renee CordsMr. and Mrs. E. Neal Cory,IIMr. and Mrs. Daniel B. CoteJim and Lynne CowartW. Scott Craig & Carol BawdenAbigail Crane and Benjamin GoldmanFrank and Mary CraneJennifer Crane and Scott DenningMs. Lynne CraneJohn and Kitty CranorMs. Kathleen J. CrispellErnie and Dottie CronkMr. and Mrs. Alexander CrudenCarol and Dan CruzLori & Sean CryanMr. and Mrs. Ronald S. CulpMr. and Mrs. Roger CummingsMr. and Mrs. Cedric G. CurrinMrs. Carole M. CusickRenie and Barry CutlerThe Dabney & Lavin FamilyMr. Michael DaileyMr. Donald D’annunzioNicholas and Janet DarbyMr. Douglas DarlandRichard and Carole DarstGeorge and Maryellen DastonMr. and Mrs. John G. DaveyNancy and Tom DaviesMs. Catherine M DavisMark Davis and Mary KranstoverMichael and Dixie DavisT. Jeff Davis & Ken SmithMrs. Lynne S. Dawson and FamilyMr. William S. DeadmanMrs. Jeanine W. DeanMr. and Mrs. William E. DeanMrs. Jeanne A. DeeganMr. and Mrs. Daniel L. DeeringMr. Tom DeeringDeering Tree ServiceMr. and Mrs. Carl M. DeFariaMrs. Diane P. DeHuffDale and Meg DeJagerMs. Maureen J. Delaney-LehmanMr. R. Garret DemarestMs. Peggy DennisMr. Stephen F. DetersTom and Audrey DeVaultMr. and Mrs. Robert DeVriesMr. and Mrs. George DeWeeseMr. and Mrs. Roland DeYoungMrs. Anna M. DicksonMr. Gino DiClementeKevin Diels and Jane DamschroderMr. and Mrs. Paul F. DillerMr. and Mrs. William P. DillonMr. and Mrs. Robert DiloretoDave and Carol DixonMr. and Mrs. William L. DockterMr. and Mrs. Larry L. DoddMs. Kathleen DohertyMrs. Renie DohrmannDavid & Cynthia DomanchukMrs. Jane W. DomkeCheryl Donakowski & Frank MisplonRobert and Nancy DoughtyJennifer and Bill DoylePaula and Bryce DreeszenMr. and Mrs. Joe DresselMs. Mia DrinanMrs. Elizabeth DrinkausMr. and Mrs. Michael DuBrulMr. and Mrs. Jack DuffyBob and Rae DumkeMr. and Mrs. C.R. DunnLewis and Bobbi DunnDrs. Michael and Carrie Dunn

Mr. and Mrs. Michael DurbinMr. and Mrs. G. Thomas DutmersMr. and Mrs. James E. Dutmers, Jr.Mrs. Patricia DutmersMr. and Mrs. Delbert DycheThomas and Gillian EbelingTerrell and Pat EbrightMr. and Mrs. Richard EbyMr. and Mrs. Mark Eckerson-SCJames and Jill EganMrs. Judith M. EgelerMark Eidelson and Caryl MarkzonMr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Eike, Jr.Ms. Marci EisensteinMr. and Mrs. Robert ElliottFred and Nancy ElmoreBob and Judy ElseyMrs. Lin EmmertWilliam and Martha EnchermanDr. Elfriede EngelJohn and Linda EngelhardJoe and Dawn ErhardtMs. Sally EricksonDr. Claire Ernst & Al BedecarreMs. Judy ErwinMr. Albert A. EvansGail and Keith EvansMark and Annette EvansMatt and Sue EvansMr. and Mrs. Daniel EzekielMs. Leigh FaireyMrs. Jeanne P. FalbergJohn and Jackie FarahMr. and Mrs. Hugh A. FarberWalter and Marjorie FarrellCarolyn and Dave FaughtMr. Peter Fazio, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Gregg FazzoniDr. David S. FeenstraMs. Susan V. FehrenbachGeorge Felton & Karen ThomasRev. and Mrs. Gerald FergusonMr. Mason FerryPete and Julie FinchFirst Independent Insurance AgencyFischer’s Happy Hour TavernBrannon and Amanda FisherMr. and Mrs. Kevin FitzgeraldNancy Fitzgerald & Jerry AgnewMr. Tyrone G. FleemanMs. Nancy FlemingMr. and Mrs. Roy B. FlemmingJames and Mary FluehrMr. and Mrs. John T. FlynnMargaret Flynn & Vishnu RanganathanDavid Foley & Margaret WillmanFood For ThoughtMr. Richard W. ForceJeff and Nancy ForrestAllen and Nancy ForsaithMary L. Forster, M.D.Mrs. Lyde E. FowlerMr. Chuck FraenkelDr. Pamela FrakerMr. Andrew W. FrankEdmund Frank and Eustacia SuLaura Franseen and Norman KjomeMs. Sharon FrazierEllen FredDon and Deb FreedMr. and Mrs. Douglas J. FreemanJames S. and Judith N. FreemanMrs. Nancy P. FreemanMs. Susan L. FremontMr. and Mrs. Donald FrerichsDave and Mo FreytagMs. Claudia FryMs. Carol FusMr. and Mrs. Louis FuszMichael Gadbaw & Sally ChandlerMs. Cheryl GainMrs. Shirley A. GainMr. and Mrs. Gary J. GallupMr. and Mrs. J. Carl Ganter

Karen Garber & John DesmaraisMr. and Mrs. Paul D. GardRon and Chris GardhouseStephen Gardner, Jr. & Margot NaceyDavid and Brooke GarrattMr. and Mrs. Billy R. GarwoodMr. T.H. Gasteyer, IIMr. Joel L. GauthierMr. and Mrs. Norm J. GauthierPaul and Teri GelterBrad and Dana GemeinhardtMs. Mary GibbMichael and Reta GibbonsMr. Ed GillDonald Gilligan & Regina ManiscalcoMrs. Frances M. GitsMs. Victoria Rea GitsMrs. Aurora GlettlerRichard and Marianne GlosengerMr. and Mrs. Charles GodboutMrs. Beth GoebelMr. and Mrs. Richard J. Goettle, IVMr. Richard S. GolasMr. and Mrs. Philip GoldmanVictor and Denice GoldschmidtMr. and Mrs. Steven J. GoldsteinMr. and Mrs. James H. GoodenMr. and Mrs. Jay GoodmanDr. and Mrs. James D. GoodspeedMr. and Mrs. Philip W. Goodspeed,Jr.Mr. and Mrs. William B. GoodspeedMr. and Mrs. Harvey GordonSarah Gordon and Martin SaadMr. and Mrs. Bill GoshornDr. and Mrs. Jack GossettJon and Gloria GraberMr. Bill GrafMs. Mary GrahamMarvin Grahn and Christine HaukeMr. Erick TakayamaAllan and Sydell GrantMs. Diane GrauerAnne and Jeffrey GrausamMs. Sharon K. GreanyaGreat GoodsTim and Pat GreenMs. Martha GreenoughNan and Wally GreenoughRick and Fran GreenupChad and Jennifer GreenwellMrs. Linda GregoryMr. and Mrs. Robert GregoryJohn Greiner & Martha WarpehoskiMr. and Mrs. Richard GreweKen and Joyce GreywallMr. and Mrs. Mike GroleauMr. and Mrs. James H. GrossMs. Karen Rubner GrotbergGTRCF - The Rotary Endowment FundThomas Guback & Sylvia Linde-GubackMr. and Mrs. Michael D. GudenauMs. Lynn GuminaThe Gunzenhaeuser FamilyMr. and Mrs. H. Louis GurthetMr. Charles R. Haberlein, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. James HackenbergerMr. and Mrs. Thomas HackneyMr. and Mrs. Eugene N. HadjiskyHaenlein Builders, Inc.Juliet Hafford and Barbara TrippeDon and Jane HagamanMr. Steve HammondMr. and Mrs. James HamptonMr. and Mrs. John J. HandloserMr. Stephen HankinsPat and Linda HannifordMr. and Mrs. Robert HanpeterHarbor House TradingMs. Barbara HardyGene and Jo HardyMr. and Mrs. Paul HarknessAnne Harper and Greg NoblesHarriger Construction, Inc.David and Marcia Harris

John C. and F. Susan HarrisonJudith Case & Karl HauslerMichael and Jeanne HaynesMr. and Mrs. Carl B. HeadlandMr. and Mrs. C. Robert HeatonMr. and Mrs. Jerry L. HeimanMr. and Mrs. Ward HeineHoward and Kathleen HeinzelJeff and Debbie HeitzmanMr. and Mrs. Dennis HendricksMrs. Virginia R. C. HendricksonJames Hengelbrok & Mary HaberlandThe Henne GroupDr. and Mrs. Gregory L. HenryJim and Cheryl HenryChuck and Anne HesseMs. Janet HethornMr. Henry HeuermanMr. and Mrs. Steve R. HextMr. Timothy HinckleyCraig and Lindsay HineTom Hinsberg & Connie SomaMr. and Mrs. Warren K. HinschMs. Caroline HirthTheresa HitchensMr. Russ HjelmstadHNTB CorporationMrs. Carolyn B. HobartTracy Hobbs and Edward SullivanMs. Ellen HoekstraMr. William A. HoffmanGale Holcomb and Jennifer ReidMrs. Christeen HoldwickCraig and Pat HolmesTom and Cris HolstromMs. Teresa G. HoltropMr. and Mrs. Ralph S. HommelJ. Stephen and Leslee HooperAndrew and Catherine HorningAlison Horton and Kathy KaczynskiAllan and Carolyn HorwichMrs. Georgina HosmerMr. and Mrs. Robert HovelandDave and Mary HovestMr. and Mrs. Michael R. HowardMr. and Mrs. Brian HoweMr. and Mrs. Terrence HoweMr. Gilbert HudsonRowell and Alice HuesmannMr. and Mrs. Gary J. HughesMr. Robert HuntMr. and Mrs. David D. HunterMr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Hurlbutt, Jr.Ms. Brenda J. HusbandMs. Amy HutchinsonTom and Kathy HySteven and Janet HydeMr. Doug IboldMrs. Ruth L. IezzoniIllinois Tool Works FoundationMrs. Monica InchausteguiGordon and Mary Lou IngwersenDr. James R. IrwinWin and Kyle IrwinMr. and Mrs. Bruce C. JacobsenMr. and Mrs. John T. JamesonMr. and Mrs. John T. Jameson, IIIMr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Jamieson, Jr.Mr. Don JandernoaMr. and Mrs. Chet JanikMr. and Mrs. David JanizekDr. and Mrs. Albert B. JankoMr. Alex JemalMrs. Barbara JillsonMr. and Mrs. Daniel W. JohnsonMr. David V. JohnsonDr. and Mrs. Richard S. JohnsonMr. Robert H. JohnsonDr. and Mrs. Tom M. JohnsonJ. Kay Johnston & Jeff SanbornMatt and Kelly JohnstonMs. Ann JonesMr. T. Scott JonesMr. Peter N. JorgensonJohn and Janet Juarez

Leelanau Conservancy 2014 Donors

Page 30: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous

30 A complete set of financial statements is available upon request.

Mike and Sarah JulienJoe and Beth JunewickJustGive.comMr. Jonathan Z. KamholtzMs. Kari KarrMichael Kaselnak & Michelle TaylorMr. and Mrs. Charles R. KaufmanPaul and Yoka KayeMichael and Mary KedzierskiMs. Grace KeebleEllen and Jeff KeenDr. and Mrs. Charlie KehrJim and Wendy KellerMr. and Mrs. Scott KellerMr. and Mrs. Charles H. Kellogg, Jr.Mrs. Jacquelyn KelloggBarbara Kelly & Ruth FreyJanet Kelman and David ReinMr. and Mrs. Michael E. KenneyStephen and Veronica KepcharMr. and Mrs. Charles W. KeplerNancy Keppelman & Michael SmerzaMs. Jennifer KernJeff and Susan KesslerLiz Ketterer and Tom BalazsMr. and Mrs. Richard F. KiernanDon and Jan KiesselMr. James F. KimpelJason and Sandy KimpelMrs. Susan D. KingMr. and Mrs. Raymond KingsleyDavid Kirby & Martha TopolMs. Elizabeth KirbyMr. and Mrs. David KirshenbaumDan KleinMrs. Marilyn M. KleinChristopher and Joan KmotorkaMr. Charles KnappBryan and Katie KoehlerMr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. KohlMr. and Mrs. Douglas KohlbeckJanie and Chuck KolbJohn and Maria KolozsvaryMrs. Judy KomarekMs. Susan KonopMrs. Ruth KorzonMr. and Mrs. John R. KoscharaRichard Kosinski & Deborah OchsLarry and Bonnie KoskelaMr. and Mrs. Jeff KozisekMr. Walter J. KraimerMr. and Mrs. Charles KrausMs. Cynthia KrauseMr. and Mrs. David KrollMargaret KrydaGene and Joan KufskieDon and Jeanne KunzJonathon KunzMr. and Mrs. Peter F. KunzEric and Grace LaceyMr. and Mrs. James LaddMr. and Mrs. Stuart LaingJoe and Sue LakeLake Leelanau Lake AssociationLake Street StudioJim, Anita and Kathryn LamontMr. and Mrs. Bruce D. LangMr. Robert C. Lanphier, IIIMr. and Mrs. Thomas R. LarkinMr. and Mrs. Erik LarsenMr. and Mrs. Stephen LaterJan and Nick LatorreMr. Bayard F. LawesCrystal and Andrij I LawrinJeff and Cathy LaymanMr. and Mrs. Frederick LeaskeDr. and Mrs. Russell A. LeBlancDavid Leece and Kathy BrewerMrs. Judie LeeceMr. and Mrs. George A. LemckeMr. and Mrs. Dan LeppekMs. Jennifer LeugersMark and Lori Leugers and FamilyMr. Martin Leugers

Matt and Maureen LeugersThomas and Diane LeugersSkip and Liz LeuppGerald Levine & Sarah PokempnerMr. and Mrs. Gene LewisLarry and Ruth LezotteJohn and Cynthia LhostMs. Nell LickliderTed and Pat LigibelMr. and Mrs. Ed LindemanMr. and Mrs. Lloyd LindnerSteve and Marcie LindoArt and Mary LinkLarry and Lorraine LiszewskiGus and Katie LoCarla and Dennis LoganMr. and Mrs. Nicholas LomakoMichael and Patricia LoraStaton and Carol LorenzBill and Karen LottMrs. Judy LovelaceMr. Miles LowryMike and Kathy LubigDr. and Mrs. John E. LundMs. Kristen LundMr. and Mrs. Joel A. LutzMr. and Mrs. Donald W. LystraMrs. Esther M. MackMr. and Mrs. Robert H. MacKenzieMr. and Mrs. Peter S. MaherMs. Judy MalburgMr. and Mrs. J. Parke MalcolmRay and Penny MalcounMs. Meg M. MallonMs. Lucy W. MarchJonathan and Anna MarksBarry and Debbie MarshMr. and Mrs. John E. MartinPaul and Laura MartinMr. and Mrs. Richard J. MashkeKate Mason & Mary Lee MillerDr. Victor MastaglioMr. and Mrs. Anthony J. MattarAlex and Jane MaximovichMr. and Mrs. Jerry MayMs. Ellen J. MaycockMr. and Mrs. Robert A. MaynardGary and Cheryl MazurekMr. and Mrs. James McAndrewsTim and Anita McCabeMr. and Mrs. John McCaffertyMr. and Mrs. Michael P. McCaldenMr. and Mrs. Kevin J. McCartyMr. and Mrs. Richard McClearMs. Nancy J. McCloskeyMr. and Mrs. C. Craig McConnell, Jr.Mary and John McCoyDan and Susan McDavidDavid and Catherine McDowellMs. Kristen McElligattDr. and Mrs. Robert J. McElroy-SCBob and Shirley McFeeDorothy McGavranMr. and Mrs. James G. McGovernMs. Susan B. McHughMr. and Mrs. Stafford McKay-SCHarold and Kanda McKeeMr. and Mrs. Charles D. McKennaKristi McKenzie and Frank SellgrenJeri McKeon-Andersen & David AndersenBill McKinley and Judith BriggsBob and Cathy McKinleyMr. George F. McKissonJim and Ellen McLeanTom and Shirley McLenithanMr. and Mrs. John McLoughlinLarry McMahon and Linda AndersonMr. and Mrs. Michael A. McManusMr. and Mrs. Bill McMenamyMr. and Mrs. S. Craig McMillanG. Ryan and Anne McMorrowMr. and Mrs. John L. McNamaraMr. and Mrs. G. Scott McNettMs. Barbara McNitt

J. Kevin and Kris McSweeneyMs. Gaytha McVayMr. and Mrs. George N. MeekerRob and Anne MeermansMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey MelinatMr. and Mrs. John W. MelstromDr. Brian D. MelzianDonald and Louise MennelRobert and Susan MennelMr. and Mrs. William MeserveMr. and Mrs. Allan F. MeyerMr. and Mrs. James P. MeyerMs. Suzanne MeyerMrs. Ann P. MeyersMs. Sara MichaelMr. and Mrs. Del MichelNancy Mikolaitis & William HindsMr. and Mrs. William S. Miles, IIIMr. and Mrs. Donald R. MileskiDennis Miller & Daina BriedisGreg and Suzanne MillerDr. and Mrs. Keith W. MillerMr. and Mrs. Peter MillerPhillip and Ayumi MillerMr. and Mrs. Richard MillerMrs. Lynn MillironMr. and Mrs. Robert G. MilneMr. and Mrs. R. John MinerMr. and Mrs. Fred MissadBernard and Harriet MitchellMr. and Mrs. Charles MoffettDavid L. Monstrey & Katherine HeilMrs. Eleanor MoodyJeffrey Moon and Joselyn MooreMrs. Betty MooreMr. and Mrs. David B. MooreGreg and Patti MooreStephen and Amelia MooreMr. and Mrs. Preston D. MooseMrs. Linda L. MoothartCorey and Sarah MorganDennis and Linda MorozMr. John MorrisMr. and Mrs. Michael D. MorrisGary A. MorrisonJames MorrisonMr. and Mrs. Andrew B. MorrowMr. and Mrs. William MuempferSusan Muenzer and Craig NilssonMr. and Mrs. Timothy MulherinMr. and Mrs. Michael F. MulvaneyJoe and Dawneanne MunnMr. and Mrs. Dennis MurphyKen and Pat MussonMr. and Mrs. Scott MyersDennis and Leigh Ann NaasMr. and Mrs. John D. NehilTania and Carter NeildMr. John A. NelsonJonathan and Sally NesbittMr. and Mrs. Alfred K. NeugebauerMs. Michelle NewtonMs. Zan NicolliMrs. Margaret V. NielsenCatherine and Robert NoonanPaul Norman Ph.D.Northwestern BankNorthwoods HardwareMs. Barbara J. NowinskiDr. and Mrs. C. Thomas NuzumJane and Jason NuzzoPat and Marlene O’ConnorDale and Sue O’DonnellMaria and Dave O’DonnellKirk and Jamie O’GreenMrs. Nancy W. OlsenSteve Olson and Lynn WilsherMr. and Mrs. Michael OltersdorfDr. Robert and Zibby OnealNancy and Bill O’NeillPat and Rose O’NeillMrs. Amy L. OosterhouseMr. and Mrs. William J. OrcuttStephen and Ami OrrNate and Jenny Orsburn

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. OvermyerLouise OwenMs. Marie OwenJan and Mike OwensRuss and Jane PackardMs. Cara Lee PaigeMr. and Mrs. Scott W. PandorfMr. and Mrs. G. Bruce PapeshMr. and Mrs. Keith E. ParkerMr. and Mrs. Grant W. ParsonsJack and Jan PatrickMichael and Susan PatrickPaul May Furniture CompanyDon and Pat PaulsellMr. and Mrs. Thomas PavelkaLeigh & Linda PaymentWendi and Jeffrey PeakeMs. Barbara R. PearsonMs. Jane D. PearsonMr. Richard F. Peck, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Henry PeetVictor and Bette PeirceMr. John W. PepplerDr. and Mrs. Burton L. PerryTerrill Persky and Marshall PerskyElmer and Ruth PetermanMr. Erik PetersonGerald and Mary PetersonMr. and Mrs. John J. PetersonByron and Gayle PetrakisMr. and Mrs. Louis PevenTom and Christine PfennigChristina PfeuferDennis PhillipsMs. Margaret PhillipsMary and Ben PhillipsMs. Molly PhinnyMr. Peter PhinnyDave and Karen PhippsMs. Ellis PhyfeThe Piskor FamilyAnneke and Guy PlamondonChristopher Podges & Barbara CunninghamMr. and Mrs. David M. PohlodPatricia Pollock and Mark RodakCindy and Ovide PomerleauGlenn and Rasa T. PoormanSteven and Janet PopperMr. James J. PoreaMs. Jill PorterMatthew Posner & Marian KromkowskiCoe and Alyce PotterDavid and Laura PowersKurt and Maria PregitzerLarry and Lauren PrenticeMr. John PrestonCarol Price and Santo SantorielloMr. and Mrs. James D. PriceMr. and Mrs. Thomas P. PriceJohn and Lyn Dolson PughJim and Mary PulsiferMrs. Bette M. PuschelMr. and Mrs. Jack S. PutnamJohn and Bonnie RainesPeter and Laura RamsdenMs. Laura RamusDr. Stuart C. RankinSharon and Artie RaphaelBill Rastetter and Cary WeedLarry and Carolyn RawsthorneBob and Sally RaySteve and Connie ReddicliffeMs. Patricia RedmondMr. and Mrs. Frederick W. ReevesRehmannMs. Anne Wise ReidJeffrey Reider and Chuck OtisMr. and Mrs. Ronald L. ReiminkEllen and John ReisterPeachy and John RentenbachMs. Adrienne M. ReynoldsMrs. Ruth M. ReynoldsMr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Rhoads

Jim and Sandy RichardsonMs. Patricia RichardsonMr. and Mrs. Ken RichmondMrs. Barrie RidayRob and Marylou RidayMrs. Louisa RidgwayBill and Coralyn RileyRobert and Deborah RileyGarry and Pat RingnaldaGary and Anita RisbridgerMr. Robert RischardThe Riverside InnMr. and Mrs. Tim C. RodMr. John RogersMr. Benjamin RoggeMs. Yvonne M. RolandsonMr. and Mrs. E. David RollertDr. and Mrs. Albert D. RollingsMr. Edward RolosonMrs. Sarah F. RolosonMr. and Mrs. Stephen E. RootRichard RosenWilliam and Pamela RosenbergMichael and Vicki RossMike and Laura RothermelCora and John RubitschunMrs. Justina G. RubnerMr. and Mrs. Donald L. RumelhartRunning Dog StudioDavid and Lynn RuschhauptJim and Kathy RyanTim and Janet RyanMrs. Rosalind RyantMr. Kenneth RyskampArnold Sameroff and Susan McDonoughTed and Sally SamplesMs. Linda J. SamuilowDr. John R. SanbornMr. and Mrs. Erik E. SaxonPeter and Jennifer ScanlonJeff Schad and Marilyn LankferMr. and Mrs. John J. SchafferMr. and Mrs. Wendell D. SchallerMr. Michael E. ScharpfGerald Schatz and Barbara ConleySchiff Hardin FoundationMs. Rosa SchindlerMr. and Mrs. Karl SchlabachRev. and Mrs. Roger SchleefClint and Joan SchloopFolkert Schmidt & Kathleen SullivanMr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. SchmidtTerry and Jan SchmidtMrs. Marilyn M. SchneiderMark and Susanne SchneiderMichael and Betsy SchneiderMr. and Mrs. Edward D. SchockerThomas and Suzanne SchoenebergerMr. and Mrs. Robert ScholzScott D. Schrager & MaryAnne FordMr. and Mrs. Curtis SchreiberJim and Margaret SchrimpfJeffrey and Zane SchwaigerMr. and Mrs. Max SchwartzFrank Sciannella and Roberta HansonThe Sehnert FamilyBob and Lynne SersonJack Seymour and Margaret Ann CrainMr. and Mrs. James R. ShannahanBrian and Sally ShapiroMr. and Mrs. Duane ShawDonald and Mildred SheaMr. and Mrs. Leo G. SheaMr. and Mrs. Edson P. SheppardRobert and Linda ShirkeyBettegail ShivelyMr. and Mrs. Fred B. Shoaff, IIIMr. James C. ShookMr. and Mrs. Michael ShupertColleen and Bryan SibthorpTom and Diane SiebrasseMs. Brita SiepkerMr. and Mrs. Dan Sifferlin

Contributor ($100-$249)

Leelanau Conservancy 2014 Donors

Page 31: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous

31A complete set of financial statements is available upon request.

Ms. Karenlee M. SiglerDr. & Mrs. Daniel Silvasi & FamilyMadlen and Marc SimonTed and Sherry SkinnerMs. Julie SklomSleeping Bear OrchardsMr. and Mrs. John B. SmartDr. Sarah SmedmanAndy and Marietta SmithMr. Greg SmithJames and Megan SmithMr. and Mrs. Larry L. SmithWilliam and Jane SmithMrs. Betty W. SmykalSharon and Robert SnellMs. Mary SochaDick and Pat SolemMs. Lianne SomervilleMr. & Mrs. Robert W. Soutas-LittleMs. Christine SowDr. and Mrs. Todd SpaceJeffrey and Jenny SpaethFrederick and Priscilla SperlingJane and Gordon C. SpinkMr. and Mrs. David J. SproutEdward and Samar SrourDrs. Beverly & R. Lawrence St. ClairFred and Joyce StackableDrs. Richard and Linda StanfordGary StankowskiBob and Laura StapletonMrs. Gloria L. StappBarbara Stark-Nemon & Barry NemonDr. and Mrs. Michael G. SteichenMr. and Mrs. Barry SteinPolly and Jacob SteinRuss and Anne SteinmanDennis Marchese & Cheryl StereffPaul and Suzanne StergarMrs. Barbara R. StevensonDavid and Toni StevensonScott and Ann StewartSteve Stier and Julie AveryMr. Eric E. StollJohn and Margie StollerMs. Joanna StoneMr. and Mrs. Ulrich A. StrausMr. Timothy L. StrawbridgeBill and Gail StrietmannDr. and Mrs. Stephen StrobelMrs. Elizabeth StrongRon Strong, Inc.Mrs. Ann StuderMs. Barbara StuberMr. and Mrs. Donald J. StuhldreherDr. and Mrs. Spiridon N. SuciuSugar Bush AssociationMr. and Mrs. Gregory SuhajdaDenny and Melanie SullivanMr. and Mrs. John F. SullivanMr. and Mrs. Raymond D. SullivanJohn and Susan Sullivan-BolyaiDon and Nancy SurberTerry and Susan SutherlandWayne and Pat SwallowJim and Ruth SweeneyJohn and Ciss SweeneyMr. and Mrs. John SweetMary and Bill SwiftThe Sylvan InnMr. and Mrs. Stephen SyrjamakiGreg Szafranski & Heather SzafranskiDavid Tabolt & Lisa GenesenThe Taglauer CabinMrs. Phyllis L. TakayamaTamarack GalleryMr. and Mrs. William M. TaylorMr. and Mrs. Ben A Tefertiller, Jr.TERC EmployeesThomas H. Thibault & Ruth WinterPaul ThielkingBert and Diane Thomas

Greg and Michelle ThomasMr. and Mrs. Jim ThomasMs. Elizabeth B. ThompsonMs. Kate ThornhillMr. and Mrs. William A. ThurnerTIAA-CREF Trust Company, FSBMr. and Mrs. John TichonJohn and Eileen TierneyTiny Toes Travel Baby Equipment RentalsDan and Sue TobinMr. and Mrs. Steve A. TorokShannon and Chris TorresStanley S. TowersErin Trame and Carrie TurnerLeslie and John TreterTy and Susanne TriplettMr. Joseph TrisMr. and Mrs. John E. TropmanThe Troy FoundationMr. and Mrs. Tom TrumbullValerie and Randolph TrumbullMr. and Mrs. Dan TubbsRobert and Anne TuckerMr. and Mrs. Gary B. TwomeyMr. and Mrs. John UlrichMrs. Carole A. UnderwoodPatrick and Tammy ValadeMartha Van Eenenaam-Iwanicki & Tom IwanickiMr. and Mrs. Frans Van LiereMr. and Mrs. Peter Van NortScott and Marie Vander LindeMr. and Mrs. Michael A. VanRiperDr. and Mrs. Samuel VasiuMs. Lois VeenstraMr. and Mrs. Mark VeenstraMs. Karen VerheyMr. and Mrs. Peter VisserThe W.W. Group, Inc.John and Carrie WadasTim and Karen WadeMr. and Mrs. Brent Wadsworth-SCMr. Jon F. WadsworthMs. Kathleen M. WagnerMrs. Shirley WagnerMrs. Joyce L. WainwrightMr. Joe WalacavageMr. and Mrs. John W. WaldropDavid Walker and Maribeth MaleckiMs. Harriet WallMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. WallMs. Lorri WalletBob and Cyndy WalshJohn and Gina WalshBill and Carole WarrenMr. and Mrs. William J. WarrenWaste ManagementMs. Elizabeth L. WatersMrs. Jeanne M. WatsonMr. and Mrs. David M. WattPrice and Jane WattsMark and Lisa WeadickMs. Mary K. WeadockJeffrey and Alison WeemesSteve and Nancy WegienekJerry and Diane WeinbergerMr. Bruce WeisenthalRussell and Dolores WelchliMr. and Mrs. Edward WellerStephen and Kathleen WellerMr. William WesleyMr. and Mrs. Peter F. WestermanMr. and Mrs. Bruce J. WestoverWhaleback InnDennis and Erin WhalenMr. Gil WheelerNorman and Mimi WheelerMr. Gilbert H. Whelden, Jr.Chuck and Janet WhetselKen and Kimberly WhippleMr. and Mrs. Bill WhiteSteve and Amy WhitlatchDr. and Mrs. Michael & April WiaterMr. and Mrs. Harry L. Wiberg

Ms. Kathleen WichmanMichael and Elma WienerMr. and Mrs. Don G. WilcoxMr. and Mrs. Timothy C. WilcoxDr. and Dr. Michael A .WillettDavid and Roberta WilliamsDeborah and Barry WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Dennis M. WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Thomas L. WilliamsThomas and Sarah WilliamsWilliams and Bay Pumping ServicesMr. and Mrs. George R. Wills-SCMike and Ruthanne WilsonMr. and Mrs. Richard N. WilsonRick and Barb WilsonRobert T. Wilson & Sandra SmithMr. and Mrs. Mark H. WindemullerMr. and Mrs. William WitlerJack and Carol WixtedNorman and Susan WoerlePete and Ginna WoessnerMr. Michael WojtkowiakMrs. Avis D. WolfeMr. Charlie WollborgDr. Randall WolthuisMs. Shirley J. WoodardDick and Jane WoolseyMr. and Mrs. Roger O. WootonMrs. Marilyn WotringDavid D. Wright & Julie QuinnMs. Lynne WrightMr. and Mrs. Albert L. Wrisley, Jr.John Wunsch & Laura WigfieldMs. Wendy Jo WyattMs. Kathryn WildeJim and Kit WysorMrs. Agnes L. YaldaMrs. Elinore YardLinda and Steven YoungYourCause, LLCMark and Linda ZaanderPhilip and Susan ZaborowiczMr. Gary ZachritzJames and Rose ZacksDr. and Mrs Ivars ZadvinskisDaniel and Mary ZiegelerDonald and Beth ZiemanMr. and Mrs. Gordon ZimmerRobert and Gayle ZimmererCatherine ZimmermanMr. John C. ZimmermanScot and Elizabeth ZimmermanPaul and Imogene ZimmermannMr. and Mrs. John C. ZinkDr. Birgit ZipserMr. and Mrs. Michael ZipserMrs. Mary Ellen ZokasMr. and Mrs. John ZubikDoug and Pam ZwartRick and Terry Zweering

Supporter ($60-$99)Anonymous (2)Sharon and Steve AlguireAmazonSmile FoundationAdam and Mary ArentsMrs. Lisa E. ArmasMr. Kenneth AsheTerrance and Sandra BaconMr. and Mrs. Forrest D. BaillieMr. and Mrs. Fred Bakker-ArkemaMr. and Mrs. George A. BallMr. and Mrs. Gerald G. BattleDottie and Jerry BergmanMr. Phillip BernhardtBill and Carole BettsMr. and Mrs. Robert H. BirchMr. and Mrs. Lowell O. BirdMr. and Mrs. J. Randall BirndorfMr. and Mrs. Michael J. BiskupskiMr. and Mrs. Robert BlohmMr. and Mrs. Timothy BloomquistPeter and Joan Blos, Jr.BluMr. Linton Bodwin

Mr. Charles M. BoeselMr. and Mrs. Paul L. BolmerMerri Lynn Bouckaert & Paul PeschelMr. and Mrs. Jon R. BoultonMr. John BourgaultMrs. Florence K. BowlbyMs. Barbara BoyerFaryl BoylMs. Marcia J. BoyntonMr. Thomas B. BrackenMrs. Barbara C. BralyMr. David BrewerBright Sky Properties LLCBarbara J. BrinerMr. and Mrs. Stephen BrotschulMr. and Mrs. Hugh C. BrownMs. Mary Jo BrumbaughMr. and Mrs. William BrunelleMr. and Mrs. Thomas B. BrushMr. H. Michael BuhlerMr. and Mrs. Charles J. BumbMr. John R. BurdickMr. and Mrs. Marlin G. BusseyMr. and Mrs. George A. Cantrick, Jr.James C. Carpenter & Rebecca ReynoldsMrs. Jean A. CastleMr. and Mrs. Fred CepelaJoe and Sybil ChandlerJim and Marge ChesneyMs. Li Mon CheungMarc and Jenny ChipaultMs. Deborah CiavattoneMs. Kathleen E. CiganMs. Mildred ClemesonJames E. CleworthMr. and Mrs. Frank V. Cliff, Jr.Joe and Barbara CofferGigi CollinsMr. Thomas W. CramptonWilliam and Deborah DaceyMr. Henry DarlingtonMr. and Mrs. Howard DatemaPeter Davidson and Wendy SladeMr. and Mrs. Joseph P. DayMr. and Mrs. David DeCewMichael and Judy DennisMrs. Michelle DennyCharlie DeSando and Ellen GilliganMr. and Mrs. Mark J. DeVirgilioMs. Caroline DieterleMr. John DixonMrs. Rosemary J. DohertyMr. and Mrs. Conrad L. DonakowskiMr. and Mrs. Falk DornMr. Frederick DoseBarbara and Barry DoveMike and Sue DownsMrs. Nancy D. DownsBill and Peggy DriehorstAndra and Olivia DupontRussell Dzuba and Karen KirtMr. and Mrs. Robert C. EdmundsonMs. Kathy EganMr. and Mrs. Thomas M. EganGayle E. EgelerMr. and Mrs. John A. EllisAlaine Emens and Jackie FieldsMrs. Carol Y. EmensEnvironmental ArtistsMr. Mike EvanoffMr. and Mrs. Peter W. FabienDr. James and Sally FadelyFannie Mae SERVE ProgramMr. Robert W. FaullMr. and Mrs. Jack FergusonFinancial & Investment Management GroupPeter and Whitney FinchPeter and Cassidy FisherMr. and Mrs. Ronald E. FornowskiMr. Eugene ForsterTom and Molly FreemanDr. Bruce GallerDeborah Oliver and George Gates

Mr. and Mrs. Don B. GillCarl and Marsha GirouxMr. and Mrs. Richard F. GlennonMr. and Mrs. Thomas GreenMrs. Elinor GreenerMr. and Mrs. Robert C. GrigereitChris GrobbelMr. Gerald GruskaMs. Tracy HalasinskiMr. Craig HamiltonPhyllis Harrington and Bonnie KernMr. and Mrs. Michael HartingsMs. Gail HastingsJohn and Laurel HauserMr. and Mrs. Clarence E. HeeremaMrs. Elisabeth HeikelMr. and Mrs. James HeinzmanMaureen and Jens HenselMr. Joseph W. HeringlakeJohn D. and Ardis HerroldGary and Jo HewittMs. Kathleen HillWarren and Suzanne HinschMr. and Mrs. William HischkeRose E. HollanderMrs. Lorraine HomingaNancy Hulka and Duane DunlapMrs. Alice S. HuntJerry and Carol InmanMs. Annie JamesMr. and Mrs. James H. KabcenellEd and Jackie KaganMr. and Mrs. James L. KareckMr. and Mrs. Robert F. KarnerBrian and Mona KaserMrs. Jane KeenMr. and Mrs. Thomas M. KellyMs. Beatrice KimmerlyMr. and Mrs. Russell R. KirtMrs. Evelyn KitzulDr. and Mrs. Henry KlughBruce and Barbara KnappMs. Nancy KnightMr. and Mrs. Paul KochannyMr. and Mrs. Konrad D. KohlMr. and Mrs. John J. KonkalMichael and Paula KoppischMr. and Mrs. John KorchMr. and Mrs. John M. KovalRichard and Alina KrahnMrs. J. Patricia KrajewskiMr. and Mrs. Robert A. KristRobert Kurtz and Molly O’TooleDr. and Mrs. Sander A. KushnerMs. Debra LabinLake AffectMs. Elise Lambert-McNeeseDick and Susan LangThomas and Pam LauretoMs. Anne P. LaymanSteven Lee and Julie TarrDr. Jeffrey G. LefleinMr. and Mrs. William J. LeGrayMr. and Mrs. Andy LePereMs. Michelle LeppekMr. and Mrs. Gerald LievoisMs. Nancy J. LindemanMs. Marya K. LinkMs. A. Catherine LookMs. Erika LundRon and Deb LunneyMr. Kirk A. LutzMr. and Mrs. David MagriniMr. and Mrs. E. Thomas MaguireAmy Marowitz & Ronald KramerMatt and Cindy MarshMr. Steven R. MattsonLee and Ross McAninchMrs. Gloria M. McClayPat McCool and Maureen PenfoldJack and Becky McFellinMrs. M. Egan McGlynnMr. and Mrs. Edward McInnisMr. and Mrs. John McInnisMichael McManus & Sue Brightheart

Contributor ($100-$249)

Leelanau Conservancy 2014 Donors

Page 32: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous

32 A complete set of financial statements is available upon request.

Timothy Mennel and Colleen FrankhartMs. Johanna S. MillerMrs. Susan MillerScott Mills and Kelly KieftHarreitt and Ralph MittelbergerDave and Joy MorganJames and Paris MorseHoward and Susan MuellerMr. Glenn MuhrPat and Meridith MulcahyMr. and Mrs. Roger L. MulderKenneth and Gretchen MunganMs. Susan MurchieSharon Murphy & Sharon MontonyeBrooke A. Nash & Bruce FulfordTed and Jennie NelsonRobert and Jane NeuharthMr. and Mrs. John G. NeumanDavid Noling and Victoria BaileyLawrence and Marilyn NorwoodMr. and Mrs. James R. NuvemanMs. Majel C. ObataPatrick and Amy L. O’BrienMr. and Mrs. James OliverMr. and Mrs. Robert E. OlsonOmena Women’s ClubJane and Pat O’RourkeOryana Food Cooperative, Inc.Roy and Helen PattersonBette and Dick PattonTerry and Kathleen PennellMr. and Mrs. William D. PerkinsFred and Nancy PerzanowskiDr. Glen PetersonMr. and Mrs. Richard D. PetersonLarry and Rebecca PeytonSteve and Bonnie PlamondonM. Jon Posner & Roberta HenrionMs. Alexia Warburg PostMr. Larry PriceMr. and Mrs. Robert W. QuinnBruce Randall & Jeanine GriswoldThomas and Nancy ReichardMr. James L. RichardsonJim Ristine & Mardi BlackMr. and Mrs. W. Scott RobertsonJohn Roh and Susan Bromley-RohMr. Greg RoseDaniel and Janet RosemergyCindy and Ken RosiekRay and Donna RosinskiMr. and Mrs. Thomas L. RughMs. Sue RushingMr. James E. Ryan, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. SanfordMs. Laura SantoskiMr. Zachary E. SavasAndy and Susan SchaedelMr. and Mrs. Timothy L. SchaubRobert and Elaine SchneiderMr. and Mrs. Russell A. ScholtensRichard and Nancy SchwabJames Schwantes & Judy ReinhardtMs. Barbara A. SchwartzElizabeth SchwartzMrs. Marsha K. SchweikertMr. and Mrs. Benjamin P. ScottRick and Karen SeefeltAnn and Jack ShermanMr. Michael S. SherryMs. Janet ShroyerMr. and Mrs. Edward H. SichlerSisson’s Main Street SpecialtiesTed and Kelly SlaterMr. and Mrs. Ernest H. SmithMr. Jon F. SmithMr. and Mrs. Mark R. SmithRichard and Patricia SmithW. Dale SmithDaniel Snyder and Ann RichTim Sparling and Lynne TobinMs. Beverley SporckMrs. Theresa J. Stamos-Underwood

William and Adwoa SteelDan and Susan StepekMs. Deborah StevensMr. and Mrs. William B. StrubbeMr. Jerry SuraMrs. Ann SutherlandMr. and Mrs. Thomas SutterMr. and Mrs. Daniel D. SweeneyMs. Nancy A. SwiftBob and Jean SwisherMr. and Mrs. S. Shepherd TateMs. Joyce ThompsonTimberlee Property Owners, Inc.Ed and Cindy TimmerMr. and Mrs. John T. ToddAndrew and Amy TopperMr. George D. TownsendTru North Landscaping LLCMr. and Mrs. Robert E. TurneyDr. and Mrs. Richard F. TylerAnthony and Patricia VahcicMs. Susan M. VanaelstRhys VanDemark & Kathi McGookeyDr. and Mrs. James P. VarleyMr. Raphael L. VermeirJohn and Marsha VingsnessBob and Marsha WaltonMs. Evie WaltzDick and Karen WarrenMs. Tani WatkinsColt and Debbie WeatherstonRick and Gail WebsterBob and Anne WhiteMr. and Mrs. John WicklandNettie WietheMr. and Mrs. Stephen WilkersonMr. and Mrs. John R. WilliamsMs. Myrna WilliamsKen and Brigid WillisDenny and Marilyn WolcottMrs. Jane WoodDr. John R. WoodsMr. George WrightMr. and Mrs. Wayne WunderlichWendy Wygant & Steven DavisFred Young and Julie YoumansMiss Jeanie ZiebellDutch Zonderman & Bonny Everett

Subscriber ($30-$59)Anonymous (33)Ernie and Jennifer AbelMr. and Mrs. Werner AdamofskyMr. and Mrs. David E. AdamsJeffrey and Susan AdamsMr. Ken AdamsMs. Gloria AlbrechtMr. and Mrs. Gary AldenMr. and Mrs. Richard W. AllanArnold and Terrie AllemangBenjamin and Ginny AllenMr. and Mrs. George D. AllenJason and Suzanne AllenMr. and Mrs. Eugene F. AlmanDeb and Cary AltmanAnchor Hardware and GiftsMr. and Mrs. Alan AndersonMrs. Diane C. AndersonMr. and Mrs. Enoch AndersonRichard and MeeRan AndersonValerie and Gary AndersonJames and Belinda AndrewsMr. and Mrs. Philip R. AndrusMs. Virginia Lois ArdeleanJoel and Marilyn AronoffJames E. AshmoreMr. and Mrs. Louis E. AugAurora Borealis DesignsMr. and Mrs. Richard AustinLarry and Maureen AyotteMr. and Mrs. Sherman A. BaarstadMrs. Jacqueline F. BaaseMiriam Nancy Taschner BachMr. and Mrs. Richard L. BahleMs. Sarah Baldwin

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. BarbulescoMr. and Mrs. James V. BardenhagenDonna and Bill BarkerBob and Maryann BarnesJames and Brenda BarnesMr. and Mrs. John J. BarnesJoyce BartelsDave and Theresa BartzGreg and Chris BassettMr. and Mrs. Ronald G. BauerWerner and Barbara BauerMr. Warren BaumannMs. Rebecca BeachMs. JoAnne BeareSusan Ann BeebeDr. and Mrs. Patrick J. BeecherCaroline Bell and Alexander BartonMs. Jennifer BellMs. Marianna BellWalter and Jacqueline BellWendy BellMr. and Mrs. William BellingerAmy Benner and Dominic MaceriMr. and Mrs. Loren B. Bensley, Jr.Delbert and Jacqueline BensonMr. Eric BensonGregory and Louise BergSally M. BersotBetsie Bay Medical Center PLLCMs. Sandra M. BiaginiMs. Heidi BiedermanGreg BinsfeldEthel and Keith BirchlerJeffery and Suzanne BischoffJeff and Cindy BlackDavid Blackmore & Barbara WorlandMs. Doris K. BlairMr. and Mrs. Eric BlakelyMr. and Mrs. Paul BlakesleeEric Blanchard and Carol BachmeyerMs. Thelma BlanckMs. Wilma M. BloodMr. Cleo B. BloomquistKen and Ann BloomquistMr. and Mrs. Sanford BlumenfeldMs. Tena BobrinMrs. Wilamae BockstahlerRick and Kat BodetteMr. and Mrs. John W. BogleyPaul and Karen BolhuisMr. and Mrs. David BoligMr. and Mrs. John C. BollmanMs. Becky BondCharles and Janis BondBonek Agency, Inc.Warren and Beverly BoosMrs. Sally B. BoothMr. and Mrs. Robert K. BoschJeff and Gail BowdenMrs. Beth BowermanMr. John B. BowersRuby and George BrachCaroline, Donna and Curt BradenMrs. Helen B. BraunMr. and Mrs. James BrennerMr. and Mrs. Robert BrennerHoward and Mary BridgesMr. and Mrs. Thomas G. BriggsJames and Vicki BrinkmanBradley and Linda BrogrenBill and Bea BrownJeffrey BrownMs. June E. BrownleeMr. and Mrs. Larry BrubakerMr. and Mrs. Thomas A. BruceMr. and Mrs. Karl F. BruderBeverly BryceJim and Kitty BuckLisa BuecheCarl and Denise BulatPeter and Sue BumpusChris and Maureen BunchRon and Jeany BurkhartMs. Peggy Burman-LootensMs. Joyce Burrell

Robert and Nancy BushTim Calkins and Carol SaltounMs. Ellie CanfieldMrs. Nancy CardleMr. Kevin CarlsonEric and Jenny CarpenterMr. Manson C. CarpenterTimothy Carpenter and Ann CibulskisDave and Kathy CarricoPaul and Susanne CartmanJohn and Barbara CartonMr. and Mrs. Thomas H. CartwrightMs. Rosemary CaryMr. William J. CasierMr. William S. CasierMs. Connie CastleMr. Lowell C. CateMs. Eleanor W. CaughlanMs. Kathleen CavanaughCharles and Nancy ChaceJim and Linda ChalatMr. and Mrs. Michael L. ChamberlinMs. Mary Ann ChampagneWilliam Champion & Beverly PylmanMr. Clyde P. ChardJim and Kay CharterMr. and Mrs. Alvo R. CherneMr. Joseph CherupJim and Gwen ChesterfieldMr. and Mrs. Alfred F. Chimoski, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Donald ChristieMr. and Mrs. Harold W. ClarkKatie Cleaver & Peter CrabtreeMr. Wayne ClementsMr. and Mrs. Eric A. ClemetsenMr. Robert ClevelandMs. Joyce ClevengerGail E. & Steven L. CobbMr. and Mrs. Horace H. Cobb, Jr.Pamela Stuber and Tony CobleMr. and Mrs. Robert CohenMr. and Mrs. Bill ColeDr. Carl R. ColemanRonald and Sally Cole-MischMs. Rosemary ColliasMs. Marie ColomboMr. and Mrs. John ConderCharles and Judith ConnellyMr. Kyle B. ConnollyPeter and Lauren ConnorMs. Melissa M. ConroyMs. Kara CookMs. Sarah CookMr. James L. CooleyMike and Karen CoquillardTimothy and Janet CordesPeggy CoreMr. and Mrs. Douglas CorwinMrs. Dorothy J. CoulterMr. and Mrs. Jerome P. CousinoMs. Kristin CrackelTobin and Sonya CraigMr. Ronald L. CramerMs. Ellen CraneMrs. Janet CraneMs. Kathleen CraneKennard and Wendy CreasonMr. John S. CrosbyMs. Jane CrownerMs. Dora E. CrowtherJohn and Alison CruiseRenae and Dan CubbinMr. and Mrs. Robert CullumCynthia Galbraith CurleyJerry and Cookey CurrierMr. and Mrs. William G. CutlerMr. and Mrs. J.M. DabrowskiConnie DahmMrs. Mary L. DaileyMs. Sarah DalglieshRichard and Mary DalyMr. James P. DanaherMichael DanaherRod and Marti Daniel

Kevin and Elizabeth Garber DanielsMr. and Mrs. Donald E. DankoMathew and Barbara DansburyAlexandra and Francis DariganJames and Kathleen DatemaRobert and Kathy DavidsonMs. Marjean W. DavisMr. Thomas K. DavisMr. and Mrs. William R. DavyStephen and Consiglia DawsonBarry DealArlene DeanChristy DeBurton and Bill MayerRon and Rebecca DeeringMr. and Mrs. Cormac B. DelaneyMs. Dorothy M. DelehantyDennis Hurst & AssociatesMs. Margaret A. DetrickMr. and Mrs. Charles W. DickersonMs. Ann DinnenMr. Gary J. DlugeMr. Bill DodgeMr. L. M. DolsonTim Donaghy and Margy KlesneyMs. Carole DonaldsonDr. and Mrs. Stuart L. DonesonMr. and Mrs. Andrew DotterweichMrs. Janet DowMr. Doug DowdyKay and Bob DoyleMr. and Mrs. Timothy K. DoyleMrs. Phyllis DozierLawrence and Carol DreaskyDave and Sue DrosteMrs. Bette D. DuggerSteve and Wendy DumasMrs. Lucille C. DumbrillArthur F. Dundon, MDMs. Edith N. DunhamMr. and Mrs. Edwin R. DunnMrs. Julia S. DuttonMs. Barbara A. DuvallRita and Michelle EderMs. Nancy EdgintonMs. Martha G. EdwardsMr. David W. EgelerMs. Beth EifertMrs. Nancy ElifritzMrs. Susan M. EllisonAndrew and Gretchen EmersonEmpire Holly HouseEmpire OutdoorsMrs. Marion E. EngelhartGerri Erickson and Margaret PlatnerR. Thomas and Nancy EschbachMs. Sally M. EvaldsonRobert Evans and Adria BadagnaniMr. and Mrs. Thomas F. EvansBecky Ewing and Bob EichenlaubMr. and Mrs. Roger FaberMs. Margaret FakoRobert and Myra FallMs. Julie FallerMs. Susan Grogan FallerMs. Edith FarnhamLawrence A. Fatt & Jennifer MuntenMrs. Mary C. FayJohn and Joanne FeherMs. Voilet M. FelkerMs. Stephanie J. FiebingMr. Harry J. Finke, IVMr. and Mrs. Brian T. FisherMr. and Mrs. Terence R. FlanaganMr. and Mrs. James FloreLee and Jill FoersterGlenn and Kim FordForest Gallery LLCMs. Margaret J. ForgioneMr. and Mrs. W. Robert FoskettBetsy and Allan FrakerLynn and Vicki FrancisMr. and Mrs. Scott FraryMs. Judy L. FrederickBarney and Evelyn FreemanMr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Freeth

Supporter ($60-$99)

Leelanau Conservancy 2014 Donors

Page 33: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous

33A complete set of financial statements is available upon request.

Ryan and Jennifer FrenchKeith and Kay FritzschingMrs. Bercie C. FrohmanMr. Michael S. GaberJames, William & George GaggosMr. and Mrs. David T. GardnerMs. Maureen GardnerMr. and Mrs. James A. Gardzulis, Jr.Mr. Austin GarfieldMr. Jonathan GarvinMr. and Mrs. Lewis G. GatchMrs. Jacqueline GazoulPaul and Ruth GeilGen Financial Management Inc.Tom GennettePaul and Denise GenoaRoger and Gail GenshawMs. Florence B. GerndtIrene and Alex GherlanMr. and Mrs. John E. GideonBarb GillenMr. Ralph GinocchioMr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. GirbachGeorge and Pat GizaGlazier Persik Beach AssociationGlen Lake Beauty ShopMr. Gerald GlencerMr. Richard GolabLeo Goldsmith and Rachael RakesHeather Gaffney and Jeffry GoliberMr. and Mrs. Helmut P. GoralLisa and Randy GoransonSusanna Gotsch and Kristopher HartnerMs. Sally M. GradyMs. Barbara GrahamMr. and Mrs. James R. GrantMr. and Mrs. David GrathLTC & Mrs. Steven GravlinEric and Stephanie GreenMr. and Mrs. William GreenBridget Greenan and B. Regan PatrickRichard and Patricia GreeneMr. and Mrs. Edward W. GreenoMs. Helen GreigJane GreinerMichael Greven & Liz Nolan-GrevenMr. Gordon GrevenstukMr. Robert GreyRuth and James GreyMr. and Mrs. Douglas K. GrieseMargaret Groeber and Peter McCannMr. Tom GroganMr. and Mrs. Berndt H. GrosMr. and Mrs. Jay W. GrosmarkAndrew Grover and Thea AraiMr. and Mrs. Raymond GruenderNancy Cugierrez and James HathawayMr. George HabererMr. William E. HabichMr. and Mrs. Donald E. HackerMr. and Mrs. Ronald L. HacklemanMs. Mary HaganMs. Karen HagueMs. Joan D. HaighMr. and Mrs. James A. HamMr. and Mrs. James A. HandsMs. Patricia S. Hanson BronsonJohn and Sharon HanusinHappy WomanDr. and Mrs. Bruce W. HarltonDavid and Elizabeth HarnadekMs. Nancy HarriganMr. and Mrs. Andrew HarrisMr. and Mrs. John HathawayMs. Linda HawkerMr. and Mrs. Michael D. HayesMr. and Mrs. Terry HaymsDennis and Eileen HaysMr. and Mrs. Alfons HecklRandal and Molly HeemstraJim and Jacquie Heidamos

Mr. and Mrs. Conrad F. HeinsSharon HeissenbuttelMr. Thomas HellerMr. and Mrs. Phillip E. HendgesMrs. Jean G. HengelbrokJohn and Sandy HenryMr. and Mrs. Robert J. HerberMarc and Sarah HernandezMs. Jeanne A. HerrmannMr. and Mrs. Charles W. HerwehMr. and Mrs. William A. HestonMs. Margaret HiettMr. Richard HigginsMrs. Barbara HildnerAnne and Tony HillMr. Arthur N. HillRudy and Mary Jo HirtDavid and Liane HodgmanMs. Pat HoekstraJudith HoernerMr. Timothy C. HoernerWilliam and Monica HoffmanHerb and Jean HoldwickStephen and Diane HolkerMs. Jane L. HollonKen and Carol HoltJay and Joan HookMs. Ann HoopferTom and Patty HopcianDr. John M. Houk, Jr.Mrs. Allison G. Hubley-PattersonMs. Heather HuffstutlerMrs. Kay B. HughesMs. Mary HughesMs. Hester A. HullJohn and Jean HumbleMrs. Mildred HurleyMr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. HurlinMr. and Mrs. Dennis HurstDr. Douglas B. HutchisonMr. and Mrs. James R. HutchisonRichard Hylwa & Kathryn AllenMike and Carol HypioMr. and Mrs. Gordon E. IacovoniIBMMs. Katherine IeremiasJames and Nadine IltenBart and Gail IngrahamMs. Mary Kent IrelandThomas and Lynn IrvineMr. Michael IsaacsMr. and Mrs. Raymond IsaacsonJason and Shelley JablonMr. and Mrs. James G. JacksonMr. Clifford JacobsMrs. Josephine M. JahodaMr. Daniel H. JamiesonMrs. Joan K. JanowskyMr. and Mrs. William E. JansenBrent and Debra JeffersRonald and Kerry JenkinsMrs. Ruth M. JenneweinMs. Sue JenningsJentees Custom Logo GearBob and Karen JohnsonMr. and Mrs. David JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Gregory A. JohnstoneMr. and Mrs. Edgar F. JoppichRichard JorgensenGreg Jorjorian and Marlys ConradMr. and Mrs. William C. JoyMr. and Mrs. Allen S. JurisArmen and Belinda KabodianJoan Kalchik & Michael TenbrockGeoff and Deborah KammererMs. Angela KandlerMr. Michael J. KaneMr. and Mrs. John KasmerskyBonnie and Dick KayMr. John KeatingJohn and Lana KeithKeith and Kay FritzschingMichael and Susan KelleyMr. and Mrs. Kent B. KellyMr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kelly

Ms. Gabriele F. KendeMs. Annalee KennedyKentucky Leelanau CorporationJack and Beth KettellMs. Lynn B. KeyKeyBank FoundationGerald and Michaline KiltsMr. and Mrs. Richard L. KirbyMr. and Mrs. John A. KishMr. and Mrs. Alan L. KleinDr. and Mrs. Alfred KlingerMr. and Mrs. Bruce KlosnerMr. and Mrs. David KnaggsMs. Janice KnepleyMilton KnightMr. and Mrs. William H. KnorpMr. and Mrs. James KobberstadMr. and Mrs. Gordon KochMr. and Mrs. John G. KoelzerEllen Kohler and Matt CauchyMs. Amy Celeste KowalakMr. and Mrs. Bryane E. KowalewskiKima M. KraimerMrs. Joan H. KrampsMr. and Mrs. John G. KrauseHillary and Kurt KruseMr. Tom KuieckMr. Mike KutasMr. and Mrs. Robert K. LabaMr. and Mrs. James LaFaveGertrude Laferte & Helen PattersonMark and Julie LakerMr. and Mrs. Bruce LanceMs. Mary Lou LandryMs. Dee LaneMarsha and Martin LanghorstMs. Carole LanierJerald and Beth LaperriereStephen LaRiviere & Jennifer YanoverWilliam and Nancy LawickiMr. Rob LawsonMrs. Doreen A. LawtonJeremy and Michele LeAndersonJamie and Betty LeandersonRick and Kristi LearmanMr. and Mrs. George LeeMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. LeeLeelanau Coffee Roasting Co.Michael and Teresa LenhartScott and Jeannine LeslieMr. and Mrs. Terrence LesniewiczMrs. Rebecca A. LessardMr. and Mrs. James LestikowMr. and Mrs. Alfred J. LevanenMr. and Mrs. Sheldon LevinJim and Nancy LewisMr. Eric LezotteMr. and Mrs. James LindberryMs. Judith W. LindenauMr. Donald T. LindquistPhil and Carol LingmanMs. Rose Mary LinzmeyerJames and Susan LippertMrs. Carol M. LiszewskiMr. Grant LittkeMr. Calvin R. LittleLittle Garden ClubMs. Alice L. LittlefieldMs. Jenny LittlefieldMr. and Mrs. A. Lynn LivingstonMr. and Mrs. William LivingstonMr. David LockwoodDr. and Mrs. F. Paul LogemanStephanie J. LongJoe and Becky LovatoMr. and Mrs. Richard A. LoveStan and Kelley LovelaceSusan L. LowellMs. Tamara LubicMs. Elizabeth LundKim and Jim LyneDennis and Linda LyonMichael and Debie LyonsMs. Maxine MacInnisMs. Roberta R. Mackay

Mrs. Ellen M. MacKinnonMrs. Mary MadoleRobert and Susan MadoleMr. and Mrs. Daniel D. MahaneyDavid and Lois MainzKevin and Carol MakushikMr. Sean MaloneyFrank and Kathy MalyMs. Linda ManickAl & Odette ManzorMr. and Mrs. Kenneth MarekMs. Heidi MarohnMr. and Mrs. Robert D. MarthJerry and Martha MartinMs. Peggy P. MartinMr. Wayne MartinMr. Gerald MartineauTerry and Barbara P. MartyMr. and Mrs. Douglas G. MasonMrs. Norma L. MateerDr. Barbara S. MatsonGary and Rebecca McAdamDennis and Sally McCaughanMrs. Pauline R. McClureJudy and Chuck McConnellSteven and Susan McCordMs. Marcia McCreadyMrs. Jill B. McFarlaneMr. and Mrs. William McIlrathDan and Lucky McKeenMr. Mike McKeoughMs. Pauline McLaughlinMs. Rosemary M. McNallyMr. and Mrs. P.J. McNamaraMr. Leonard F. McNeil, Jr.Paul and Julie McNeillyMr. and Mrs. Charles L. MeachMr. and Mrs. Ken Medaris, Jr.Mrs. Marguerite K. MeekerMr. and Mrs. Robert MeldrumCarl and Donna MelinatMr. Robert M. MelloMrs. Allan J. MelvinMichael and Nicki MetcalfMs. Marcia MetzenRob and Judy MeyerDr. and Mrs. Wendell MeyerAmy Middleton & Therese DurkinPeter and Muriel MikowskiMr. and Mrs. David MillerMr. and Mrs. Larry J. MillerMike and Robin MillerMr. and Mrs. William J. MillerChristopher and Marissa MillironEvelyn and Al MillsteinMs. Mary C. MintzThe Misers HoardMs. Dena MitchellDan and Lynne MixerMs. Ellen MonahanMs. Donna MontagueCindy Moore and Eric GouldMs. Jennifer R. MooreKaren and Bob MooreMr. and Mrs. Richard MooreMr. and Mrs. Gerald R. MorawskiCarol and Marc MorencyMrs. Nancy T. MorrisonBill and Florence MorrowMr. Harold MosankoMr. and Mrs. Willard L. MudgetMr. Earl N. MuhleckMr. and Mrs. Jerry K. MuirHolly and Dan MullinJeff and Jenny MullinBruce and Jane MullkoffMr. Cliff MurieDr. Annie MurphyMr. and Mrs. Donald H. MyersMr. Mark NadolskiMr. Robert J. NaftaliMrs. Cheryl NaperalaMr. and Mrs. Terry NaylorMr. Charles NeedhamMrs. Susan P. Neill

Ms. Carol R. NelsonMr. Fred NelsonMr. and Mrs. Larry J. NelsonTim Nelson & Nancy JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Mike NerbonneJack and Sally NesbittMs. Kathryn H. NewtonMs. Stacy NiedzwieckiMr. and Mrs. Charles NielsenMrs. Denae L. NiermanHelen and John NilesMr. and Ms. Steven S. NimsRichard and Nicola K. NoelMr. Patrick NolanNorth Coast DesignDouglas Northrop and Michelle McClellanMr. James W. O’BannonMr. and Mrs. Frederick H. O’BrienMs. Susan OdomJoe Ohren and Sandra BermanSusan OlesonEric and Kim OlsonMs. Maureen T. OlsonDr. and Mrs. Travis N. T. OlsonMarcia M. O’NeillMs. Ann OrwinRon and Sue OsgoodMr. Ernest OstunoMs. Margaret A. O’TooleWalt and Vicki OwensMr. and Mrs. Christopher C. PainchaudThe Painted BirdMs. Kathy PapaKim Para and Roxanne ShetlerJohn ParhamGeoff and Betsy ParkerWilliam and Barbara ParkerMary Anne ParksJann Parsons and Tim AscroftMr. and Mrs. Tom PatrevitoMr. Dan PattersonMr. Brad PaulyMr. Jay PeacockMr. and Mrs. William F. PeckJames and Marilynn PecottMr. Philip J. PelkyMs. Norma J. PembertonMs. Alice A. PepperMs. Marianne PerryDr. and Mrs. Nathaniel A. PetersJoel and Meggen W. PetersenLissa and Dan PetersenMr. and Mrs. Frank PetrockDr. and Mrs. Clark D. PhelpsMs. Margaret PiersonMr. Hans PijlsMr. Dominic V. PittiglioJanette PivittMr. and Mrs. Stan PonsteinSteven and Joy PooleMr. Edward A. PorterMrs. Elizabeth PorterHarriett and Alan PosnerMr. & Mrs. Leroy PortserMrs. Patricia PotterMrs. Mary M. PovoloMr. and Mrs. Calvin PowellMs. Rebecca PrangerChris and Kathryn PrestonMrs. Dorris PriceMr. Alfred PrizlowMr. and Mrs. Rodger H. PruisMrs. Marion K. PurdyJack and Janice PurseMrs. Frieda PutnamDr. John PutzJeff and Jane PuvogelMr. and Mrs. Mark RaaymakersR. Douglas and Thressa RaceMs. Megan RachfordMr. and Mrs. Bruce D. RaganMrs. Rebeccah RainesPeg and Don Ramsdell

Subscriber ($30-$59)

Leelanau Conservancy 2014 Donors

Page 34: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous

34A complete set of financial statements is available upon request.

Brad Skiba and Jessica RatliffMr. and Mrs. Larry L. RayKen and Marcia RayMs. Susan RayJohn and Ginny RazMs. Arie ReathMr. and Mrs. David J. ReevesDale and Jane RhoadesMarsha and Kent RhodesJames and Lois RiceMs. Carol E. RiggMs. Trish RileyMr. Bernard RinkLarry RisbridgerMr. and Mrs. Carl M. RisemanMr. and Mrs. Richard O. Ristine, Jr.Mrs. Judith A. RitterDorothy and Bill RobertsMs. Kathleen R. RobertsChuck and Kay RobertsonMrs. Alis RobinsonMr. Logan G. RobinsonRob and Kiki RobinsonMs. Joanne RochowMr. and Mrs. Chuck RodeckMr. and Mrs. Thomas H. RodgersTom and Peggy RohsKay and David RootBarry and Elyn RosenthalKay and Pete RossiterMs. Eleanor RoundsMr. and Mrs. William M. Rouse, Jr.Mary Cobb RouseelotBradley and Kathy RoynonFred and Beverly RuebeckDavid and Susan RuppMs. Ariel RuthRuth Conklin GalleryMs. Sarah RutherfordBob and Lenette RuzzinMs. Elaine SabadyMs. Julie SancoMr. and Mrs. Joseph D. SarafaSaving Birds Thru HabitatMr. and Mrs. Robert SawyerMs. Jane M. SaxtonMr. and Mrs. Glenn SchaeferMrs. Johanna E. SchaeferDick and Carol SchausMr. and Mrs. James E. SchlueterDavid and Susan SchmidtGeorge and Judith SchneiderMr. and Mrs. Richard SchneiderDr. and Mrs. Byron W. SchoolfieldRobert and Franziska SchoenfeldMr. and Mrs. James SchultzKurt and Gail SchultzMr. Lawrence H. SchultzMr. and Mrs. Steve SchwaigerMr. and Mrs. John A. ScottMr. Justin Scottwww.KenScottPhotography.comDoug and Merilee ScrippsThe Secret GardenLinda and Jim ShadStephen Shank and Donna SnyderMs. Judie ShararMr. and Mrs. Owen SherberneauMrs. Mary A. ShinerMr. and Mrs. Kent ShoemakerMr. and Mrs. Greg L. ShoffMs. Jean Vilter ShortRandall and Denise ShourdRick and Heather ShumakerMr. and Mrs. James R. ShusterMr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. SicaMs. Marjorie SimicMr. Larry SimmsMr. Michael SingerMr. and Mrs. John C. SingletonMr. James R. SitkoJoseph and Judy SlackMs. Anne SlaterSleeping Bear Surf and Kayak

Doug and Sherry SlessmanBob and Randi SloanNadine Scodellaro & Daryl SlowinskiMrs. Charlotte SmithEthan and Jaime SmithDr. and Mrs. Garth D. SmithRandy and Marianne SmithToni and Jonathan SmithMr. and Mrs. Richard M. SnedeMs. Joan V. SniderBrian Sniokaitis and Maggie SmithCarl and Cynthia SnipesMr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. SnodgrassPat and Ron SoberMr. and Mrs. Carl V. SoderlundMarcia and Joe SojkowskiMs. Brenda L. SolanLarry and Greta SolomonsonMr. Charles SommersMs. Elizabeth SonnegaTim and Michele SoulesSocrates and Gloria SouyiasMrs. Martha J. SpeerBrad and Karen SpencerMs. Marion SpencerJames and Sandra SpinnikenMr. and Mrs. Jack St. JohnMr. Robert St. JohnMr. Dave StachnikTempie and Ed StahlinKeller and Mary StaleyMr. and Mrs. Leo StallmanMs. Julia StantonMr. and Mrs. Bernard J. StarkMr. David SteelMr. and Mrs. William R. SteelMr. and Mrs. Michael SteinbergMs. Terri SteinhauerBev StepnitzBob and Judee SternbergDale and Jeannie StevensMs. Charlotte L. StiversonMs. Jane K. StiversonMs. Wendy StockFred and Mary Lu StrangeMr. Thomas StreasickSteven and Cynthia StrongMs. Jane StuntzLillian and Terry StyxMs. Julie SutfinSteve and Lynn SutherlandSuttons Bay BikesSue and Stefan SvenssonDavid Sweet and Elaine KiharaMs. Peg SweetMs. Genie SwickAl and Mary Beth SwiderskiMs. Carolyn SwiftMr. and Mrs. David TaghonTampicoMrs. Faith TannerMs. Jodee TaylorMs. Joy M. TaylorTC West Titan Athletic BoostersMac and Marian TennantTim and Trish ThaneMr. Kenneth C. ThatcherMr. Bruce C. ThelenLoretta and John D. ThiryDonald Thomas & Kathy VezinaDrs. Philip S. Thomas & Henrietta BarnesDr. and Mrs. William G. ThomasMs. Jean ThomsonMrs. Martha ThurstonMs. Christine TideringtonEdwin S. TobesMs. Joan ToddMs. Lori A. TomlinsonMr. and Mrs. Alfred TorresTraverse Area Basketry GuildTraverse Bay Area Pi Beta PhiGreg and Margaret TravisDoug and Mary Lee TreterMr. and Mrs. Roy F. Trifilio

Mr. David TrisAdam and Briana TruckeyNorman and Marjorie TubbsMr. and Mrs. Ronald W. TuckDr. Frances H. TullyMr. William C. TurnerMr. Edward J. UlisseUnited Way of Northwest MichiganMrs. Marion UnwinDayna and Rody ValpeyMr. Douglas M. Van ZoerenTom and Alice Van ZoerenMs. Deborah Joy VanderBenedict Vander Kolk, DDSMr. and Mrs. Wayne VanderPloegMr. and Mrs. John D. Van RaalteJoe and Sue VenturaRoger and Norma VerheyMrs. Patricia VingsnessRobin N. VleugelRolf and Mari Von WalthausenWilliam and Pamela VredevoogdMs. Christie VrevichJudy WagnerMs. Elizabeth WaiessMs. Diana J. WakefordMr. and Mrs. Donald F. WallMr. and Mrs. Raymond J. WallPriscilla Walmsley and Doug KimbleMs. Lynne F. WaskinElise and Christopher WassinkMr. and Mrs. William WatsonJim and Sharon WawrzyniakMrs. Joyce M. WaytMrs. Doris WebbMrs. Barbara G. WeberMr. and Mrs. James R. WeckenbrockVance and Julie WeedonRobert and Dianne WelshMr. and Mrs. John M. WernerDennis and Sue WestMr. Larry M. WestJohn and Ruth WestolMr. and Mrs. L. James Wetherbee, Jr.Mrs. Carol Ann WettersMrs. Frances A. WheelerMrs. Katherine H. WheelerGlenn and Jennifer WhitakerMr. and Mrs. Allen H. WhiteColvin and Beverly WhitefootDavid and Marsha WhitestoneMr. and Mrs. G. David WhitmoreNan and Ron WickMs. Kathleen M. WiesenTom and Joan WigtonSteve and Kelly WilczewskiRick Wiles and Maggie DanielsBlaine and Joan WileyMs. Eileen WilliamsMs. Kathleen R. WilliamsDr. Donald WillmanMrs. Ethel M. WillsMr. and Mrs. Colby WilsonIan and Elizabeth WilsonJohn and Karen WilsonMs. Kathryn I. WilsonDr. William E. WilsonMr. William P. WinslowFoster WinterJohn and Connie WintzingerJerry and Linda WirostikMr. and Mrs. James D. WirtTracy and Jered WittkoppMr. and Mrs. Edward E. WoessnerMs. Joan A. WolfAllen and Janice WolfeMs. Phebe WongMr. and Mrs. Gary W. WoodcockMs. Kathie WoodsThomas and Sarah WoodsMarilee WoodworthGreg and Pam WoolcottMs. Elli A. WorkumMr. and Mrs. Lee J. Workum, Jr.Mrs. Taya Workum-Byers

Curt and Cindy WrightLaurel Wright and Dan YannantuonoMrs. Nancy WrightMrs. Maxine A. WyattMr. Kenneth C. WylieCourtney YapleMr. and Mrs. Michael W. YeiserJeanne Dolson and Michael YocumMs. Patricia YoungPhilip and Janet YoungMr. and Mrs. Laddie ZaludMr. and Mrs. Larry E. ZbanekJill Zeeb and Nancy AveryEdward and Mary ZellnerMerilyn Ueno and Doug ZernowDave and Marcia ZielinskiMs. Maryann F. ZimmerMiss Mary Helen ZinkDr. and Mrs. Robert ZondervanMrs. Patricia L. Zoyhofski

Subscriber ($30-$59)

In Kind DonorsAnonymous9 Bean RowsMr. and Mrs. Robert D. AicherBill AllenAllure SalonDavid and Suzanne AlpersAmerican WasteAmicalMr. and Mrs. Allen A. AmmonsArt of RoxaneAlison Arthur and Body BalanceArt’s TavernB & Z Water Well DrillingThe Bag LadyMr. and Mrs. Alan J. BakkerBar Naked Soap CompanyMr. and Mrs. Gary BardenhagenMr. and Mrs. James V. BardenhagenMr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Barry, Jr.Mario Batali & Susi CahnThe Bay TheaterBay Wear, Inc.Bayside GalleryBayside GatheringsBecky Thatcher DesignsBen Maier CeramicsDrs. Lindsay and Mark BiblerBiggs Construction ServiceBistro FouFouBlack Horse FarmBlack Star FarmsBluebird of LelandBlustone VineyardsBoathouse Vineyards LLCBowers Harbor InnCaroline F. BradyBrian Zimmerman & AssociatesDavid Brigham and Allison ArthurBo BurkeWilliam S. CasierKaren L. Chase & David BelliziChef’s Pride CateringCherry Bay Orchards, Inc.Cherry RepublicRobert Cleveland Drs. Priscilla Cogan & CW Duncan Cook’s HouseMr. and Mrs. Paul A. CovaThe CoverCreekside GrainsCrystal River Outfitters, The Cyclery & M-22 GACustom StemsLinda Alice DeweyMark and Karen DrakeMs. Melissa DrakeLynn DunnMs. Catherine DunnDynamite LandscapingMrs. Judith M. EgelerEric and Diana Ellis

EnerdyneEpicure CateringDavid Faught CPAFlying Still PhotographyForty-Five North Vineyard and WineryFour Season Nursery G.J.’s RentalsGannon Creek Trading Co.Jan Garfinkle and Mike O’DonnellGfgoodiesGood Boy! BandGood Harbor GrillGrand Traverse Bike ToursGrand Traverse Pie CompanyGreat Lakes Photo ToursGreta’s of LelandHappy WomanSusan and Jack HayesHaymaker Poultry at Sonny Swanson’s FarmHaystacksHillside HomesteadMr. and Mrs. Kent N. HoltonLee Houtteman, Golf Pro at Manitou Passage Golf ClubMichael Huey and Christian Witt-DorringIdyll FarmsJohn and Kathleen ImbodenInland Seas Education AssociationIsland Thyme CateringJelinek HoneyDr. Frank KerriganMr. and Mrs. Edward A. KettererLiz Ketterer and Tom BalazsMr. and Mrs. Steven KleinMrs. Ruth KoezeTom KruegerL. Mawby VineyardsLandmark Photography, LLCLeelanau Cheese CompanyThe Leelanau Club at Bahle FarmsLeelanau Coffee Roasting Co.Leelanau EnterpriseLeelanau PressThe Leland LodgeDody LogemanLulu’s Décor, Apparel and FringeMade by Rae Great GoodsMr. Brian MalskiMr. Kirt ManeckeManitou Island TransitManitou Passage Golf Club Martha’s Leelanau TableLarry Mawby and Lois Bahle Mayfly Designs, LLCKate and Halley McDonaldMr. and Mrs. Stephen D. McGrawKenneth and Barbara E. MelicharMichigan Green Safe ProductsMr. Allan W. MitchellMs. Mimi MullinKaren Mulvahill & Dan MalskiNest of Grand Traverse, LLCNew Mission OrganicsMr. and Mrs. Patrick NiemistoAllen and Ellen NorthcuttNorthern Building SupplyNorthern Seasons, LLCNorthport BreweryNorthport Creek Golf CourseNorthwestern BankOmena Cut FlowersOwl Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. PaineEllen Pisor via Alice WatersPlantMastersMr. and Mrs. Brian R. PriceMr. and Mrs. Max ProffittBert and Helene RabinowitzThe RedheadsShawn Ricker and Steven Cacossa

Leelanau Conservancy 2014 Donors

Page 35: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous


Leelanau Conservancy Volunteers 2014

In Kind Donors

Event Sponsors

Marketing AgreementsThe Riverside InnRuth Conklin GalleryMr. and Mrs. Ross G. SatterwhiteSBD ToursWalter and Leslie SchmidMargaret Schrimpf Jeffrey and Zane SchwaigerMs. Joan H. SearbyMr. and Mrs. Jon M. SebalyMr. and Mrs. David T. ShelbyShort’s Brewing CompanySisson’s Main Street SpecialtiesSleeping Bear Surf and KayakGreg and Wanda SobranMs. Lianne Somerville

Bahle Enterprises, Inc.Biggs Construction ServiceThe Bluebird RestaurantChef’s Pride CateringChemical BankCherry Capital FoodsEasling Construction CompanyEastern Michigan University Foundation

Cherry RepublicL. Mawby VineyardsM22

Mr. Leif Sporck Mrs. Judy L. StachnikSallie StanleyThe State TheaterSteelcaseSteve Stier and Julie AveryMs. Greta StimsonStone House BreadSuttons Bay BikesSuttons Bay SchoolsTandem CidersThird Coast Anne Drackett ThomasMr. and Mrs. Jim ThomasTimberlee Hillsansen FoodsTom’s Food Market

Trattoria FunistradaTuckers of NorthportTurtle Creek Casino and HotelTwo Twisted Trees Photography Maggie Figgis Van GalenVillage Press, Inc.Sheen Watkins Weathervane Vineyards, Inc.Larry and Marcia WebbWhaleback InnNorman and Mimi Wheeler Wild Birds UnlimitedBarbara and Eric WinkelmanMr. Justin WinkelmanMarilyn and Gregg ZankZoup!

Dorothy CarpenterGeorge CarpenterHarold CarpenterKyle CarrCara CassardDavid CassardCenter for Conservation LeadershipKaren ChaseCarolyn ChormannDick ChormannAnn CibulskisSusan CocciarelliBobbie CollinsEd CollinsKelly CollinsDick CookmanDavid CoyneKathleen CrispellKat DakotaJeanne DalbaPaul DalbaJane DamschroderTreva DeJongBill DennlerJeanne DennlerRita DickJoey DiFrancoShelli DiFrancoAlison DiltsBarbara DoveBarry DoveBerkley DuckNancy DuckGretchen DunfeeThomas DunfeeDavid EdelsteinJudy EgelerJohn ElderMartha EldredgeRobert ElliottRuth ElliottCarly EllisEric EllisGina ErbJohn ErbRachel EubanksAlicia EvansDavid FaughtWill FaughtDeborah FellowsNeal FellowsDennis FergusonErika FergusonWhitney FinchJohn FitzpatrickMichael FleishmanJeff FletcherSue FletcherJill Foerster

Theresa ForrestMegan FrakerCherryll FrickKristin FrodlNancy GallagherCandy GardnerLee GardnerRuth GeilJo Anne GerbenRobert GilbertJames GilboMarvin GrahnJeffery GreenSusan GreenAnn GregoryDonald GregoryForrest GundersonDonna HaganChris HalbertAnka HarknessDaniel HarknessChristine HaukeLarry HauserJim HeffnerJanet HethornDave HicksJohn HoaglandShirley HoaglandJohn HoefflerJudith HoefflerWalter HoegyKent HoltonRebecca HoltonElizabeth HooverRichard HooverElizabeth HuffakerLori HuntNancy HunterJohn ImbodenKathleen ImbodenBarton IngrahamGail IngrahamCindy JacobDick JacobMichelle JahrausChet JanikAmy JinJulie JohnsonMichael KaneJeff KesslerEdward KettererPaul KierenJane KiernanBarbara KrauseFranc KrebsMary Ann KrebsJulie KristMarian KromkowskiCarey KunzGreg LaCross

Bridget LamontMonica LarsenBrian LeflerLeland High School Spanish StudentsLeland Middle School Science StudentsNancy LindemanDavid LuttonLouise LuttonLillian MahaneyTom MaiolaniSaida MalarneyDean ManikasAugie ManriqueKaia ManriqueKim ManriqueSue MansonDon MarikMary Ellen MarikBarbara MarshDeborah MarshKarl MarshLeonard MarszalekDeborah MartineauSteven MartineauAnn MasonLawrence MawbyMike McCartyPat McCoolKate McDonaldJill McFarlaneAnn McInnisTad McKayBarbara MelicharJanice MerrimanRoger MerrimanMarcia MetzenAaron MillerCraig MillerDannah MillerNancy MillerRichard MillerSue MillerLynn MillironNancy MogleJames MontieJeanne MontieCarol MoormanDevante MorganLyn MotlowBrad MuirJean MuirTeddy MuirKaren MulvahillEric MunsonCoco NewtonRoger NewtonAnn NicholsBarbara Nowinski

Nicole ObrienSusan OdomSusan OliverBruce OlsonKim OlsonSusie OlsonPatrick OrielSharon OrielLaura PaineTom PaineAndrea PaladinoMaureen PenfoldJessica PeplinskiMary PettersonHolly PharmerEllen PisorSteven PopperThomas PorterMatthew PosnerMary PovoloLinda ProffittMax ProffittBert RabinowitzHelene RabinowitzTraci RazPaul ReboriPhyllis ReboriJohn RentenbachCherry RepublicLouis RicordSarah Landry RiderAnita RisbridgerKurt RivardSally RivardGinny RockwoodJohn RockwoodAnne RodickCindy RosiekKama RossJulie SancoRoss SatterwhiteLeslie SchmidWalter SchmidCatherine SchockerEdward SchockerMargaret SchrimpfAndrew SchudlichJeffrey SchwaigerKris SendAlissha ShankAlyxandra ShankPenelope ShankClaudia ShannahanJames ShannahanCarrie SharpPatricia SheaKevin SkerlJudy SmartMary SmartBarbara Smith

Dudley SmithSherry SmithJanice SnedeKathleen SnedekerLianne SomervilleLeif SporckJohn SpragginsGretchen SproutSharon SteinTimothy SteinCathy StephensonAbby StrietmannEvy SussmanMarnie SutterLinnea SwansonAlexander SwiderskiLaura SwireMary TaylorMartha TeichnerBrian TemplinAmy TennisBrian TennisKate ThornhillFrank TobinMary TonnebergerRon TonnebergerMimi TorreyMaria UlrichTrudy UnderhillAlice Van ZoerenBarbara VarleyKristy VersnyderSally ViskochilJohn VisserPhyllis Foley WanroyJanet WardAnn WatkinsWarren WatkinsDouglas WatsonEmma WatsonJacqueline WatsonLarry WebbMarcia WebbPerri WebbJulie WeeksAnneke WegmanCharles WhetselJanet WhetselHarry WibergSusan WibergTorrey WigfieldBarbara WinkelmanGrant WinkelmanPeter WolcottJoanie WoodsSharon WorkmanWayne WorkmanAdam WurmMark WykoffSteven Young

Barbara AbbottConnie AdamsonKelly Adamson Shirlee AffhalterJen AminMargo AmmonsDavid AmosJacqueline AmosKatherine AngusDaniel ArizaChristine ArmbrechtDennis ArmbrusterKimberley ArmbrusterKara AshworthLynda BahleRichard BahleDerek BaileyJulie BaranPatrick BarryMario BataliDave BauerDoug BauerJan BauerRebecca BeachDave BeattyRobin BeattyBrandon BellJessica BellOliver BellSamuel BellSamantha BennettKalie BensonStephanie Berger-NelsonDorothy BergmanAlice BeyersBetsy BiggsJack BiggsJanis BondMonica BoswoodCarol BowenKatherine BowmanCaroline BradyAlix BrittBen BrittScott BrittBruce BrownieKendall BrunnerCammie BuehlerMarsha BuehlerThomas BuehlerLynn BugenskeTimothy BugenskeBo BurkeJoanne BurnhamHeather BursonDennis BusheyCharles CadySusan CadySusi CahnJoel Caldwell

Leelanau Conservancy 2014 Donors & Volunteers

Gourdie-Fraser, Inc.Kent and Becky HoltonThe HomesteadLeelanau Cheese CompanyLeelanau EnterprisePlante & Moran, PLLCNorthern Building SupplyRaymond James and Associates, Inc.Robert W. Baird & Co. Inc.Jack and Susan SeamanVenture PropertiesWilliams and Bay Pumping Services

Page 36: Leelanau Conservancy...2014 marked the successful end of the five-year Leelanau Forever Campaign, raising $21,285,676 in cash, pledges and deferred gifts. With the help of our generous

Leelanau Conservancy105 North First StreetP. O. Box 1007Leland, MI 49654231-256-9665 [email protected]

Non-Profit OrganizationU.S. Postage

PAIDTraverse City MI

Permit No. 29


Edward and Barbara CollinsFounders

Frank SiepkerCraig MillerTom DunfeeJohn Erb Chairs Emeriti

Larry Mawby, ChairmanSteve Martineau, PresidentBruce Wagner, Vice-PresidentEd Ketterer, Vice-PresidentRoss Satterwhite, TreasurerSharon Oriel, Secretary Christine ArmbrechtDavid EdelsteinLee GardnerBob GilbertSusan GreenGreg LaCross Karen MulvahillJim NugentLinda ProffittKathy RicordLeslie SchmidBarb Von VoigtlanderWarren WatkinsJulie Weeks STAFF

Executive DirectorThomas Nelson

Finance DirectorSusan Price

Land Protection Matt HeimanYarrow Brown

Charitable GivingLeslee SpragginsSara Michael

Membership and OutreachCarolyn FaughtGayle EgelerZane Schwaiger

AdministrationNancy Thomas

Spring is coming, and so is our annual Wildflower Rescue Plant Sale on the Village Green in Leland.

Now is your chance to purchase native ferns, trillium and more along with a selection of native trees and shrubs provided by locally owned Four Season Nursery, who will be on hand to answer questions about going native. Sale begins Friday, May 22nd and runs 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on both Friday and Saturday. All proceeds help maintain the Village Green and assist with other Conservancy projects.

The Wildflower Rescue Committee continually seeks new sites on which to dig. If you are building a home, driveway, addition, or know of someone who is, please contact the WRC so they may have a chance to remove these precious wildflowers before the excavators arrive! Contact Patty Shea: 256-9249 or Joanie Woods: 256-7154.

Wildflower Rescue Plant Sale Memorial Day Weekend!

Ken Scott
