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Legal Profession Part 2

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  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2


    RULE 139-B


    SECTION 1. How Instued.

    Proceedingsfor the disbarment, ss!ension, or

    disci!"ine o# a$orne%s ma% be ta&en b% the

    S!reme Cort mou proprio, or b% the Integrated

    'ar o# the Phi"i!!ines (I'P) !on the *eri+ed

    com!"aint o# an% !erson. The com!"aint sha"" state

    c"ear"% and concise"% the #acts com!"ained o# and

    sha"" be s!!orted b% ada*its o# !ersons ha*ing

    !ersona" &no-"edge o# the #acts therein a""eged

    andor b% sch docments as ma% sbstan/ate said


    The I'P 'oard o# Go*ernors ma%, mou

    proprio or !on re#erra" b% the S!reme Cort or

    b% a Cha!ter 'oard o# Ocers, or at the instance o#

    an% !erson, ini/ate and !rosecte !ro!er charges

    against an% erring a$orne%s inc"ding those in the

    go*ernment ser*ice0 Provided, however, That a""

    charges against s/ces o# the Cort o# A!!ea"s and

    theSandiganbayan, and dges o# the Cort o# Ta2

    A!!ea"s and "o-er corts, e*en i# "a-%ers are

    3oint"% charged -ith them, sha"" be +"ed -ith the

    S!reme Cort0 Provided, furher, That charges

    +"ed against s/ces and dges be#ore the I'P,

    inc"ding those +"ed !rior to their a!!ointment in

    the diciar%, sha"" immediate"% be #or-arded to

    the S!reme Cort #or dis!osi/on and

    ad3dica/on. (Asamended by Bar Maer !o. "#$%,

    May ", &%%%.'

    Si2 (4) co!ies o# the *eri+ed com!"aint sha"" be

    +"ed -ith the Secretar% o# the I'P or the Secretar%

    o# an% o# its cha!ters -ho sha"" #orth-ith transmit

    the same to the I'P 'oard o# Go*ernors #or

    assignment to an in*es/gator.



    SEC. 5. !atona( )rievan*e Investgaors.6The

    'oard o# Go*ernors sha"" a!!oint #rom among I'P

    members an In*es/gator or, -hen s!ecia"

    circmstances so -arrant, a !ane" o# three (7

    in*es/gators to in*es/gate the com!"aint. A"

    In*es/gators sha"" ta&e an oath o# oce in the #orm

    !rescribed b% the 'oard o# Go*ernors. A co!% o#

    the In*es/gator8s a!!ointment and oath sha"" be

    transmi$ed to the S!reme Cort.

    An In*es/gator ma% be dis9a"i+ed b% reason

    o# re"a/onshi! -ithin the #orth degree o

    consanginit% or anit% to an% o# the !ar/es or

    their conse", !ecniar% interest, !ersona" bias, or

    his ha*ing acted as conse" #or either !art%, n"ess

    the !ar/es sign and enter !on the record their

    -ri$en consent to his ac/ng as sch In*es/gator

    :here the In*es/gator does not dis9a"i#% himse"#,

    a !art% ma% a!!ea" to the I'P 'oard o# Go*ernors,

    -hich b% ma3orit% *ote o# the members !resent,

    there being a 9orm, ma% order his


    An% In*es/gator ma% a"so be remo*ed #or

    case, a;er the hearing, b% the *ote o# at "east si2

    (4) members o# the I'P 'oard o# Go*ernors. The

    decision o# the 'oard o# Go*ernors in a"" cases o#

    dis9a"i+ca/on or remo*a" sha"" be +na".

    SEC. 7. +utes of he !atona( )rievan*e

    Investgaor.6The Na/ona" Grie*ance In*es/gatorssha"" in*es/gate a"" com!"aints against members o#

    the Integrated 'ar re#erred to them b% the I'P

    'oard o# Go*ernors.


  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2

    the S!reme Cort -hich ma% re*ie- the

    case mou proprio or !on /me"% a!!ea" o# the

    com!"ainant +"ed -ithin 1= da%s #rom no/ce o# the

    dismissa" o# the com!"aint.

    No in*es/ga/on sha"" be interr!ted orterminated b% reason o# the desistance, se$"ement,

    com!romise, res/t/on, -ithdra-a" o# the

    charges, or #ai"re o# the com!"ainant to !rosecte

    the same.

    SEC. 4. -eri*aton and servi*e of answer.6The

    ans-er sha"" be *eri+ed. The origina" and +*e (=)

    "egib"e co!ies o# the ans-er sha"" be +"ed -ith the

    In*es/gator, -ith !roo# o# ser*ice o# a co!% thereo#

    on the com!"ainant or his conse".

    SEC. >.Adminisratve *ounse(.6The I'P 'oard

    o# Go*ernors sha"" a!!oint a sitab"e member o#

    the Integrated 'ar as conse" to assist the

    com!"ainant or the res!ondent dring the

    in*es/ga/on in case o# need #or sch assistance.

    SEC. ?. Investgaton.6@!on 3oinder o# isses

    or !on #ai"re o# the res!ondent to ans-er, the

    In*es/gator sha"", -ith de"iberate s!eed, !roceed

    -ith the in*es/ga/on o# the case. e sha"" ha*e the

    !o-er to isse sb!oenas and administer oaths.

    The res!ondent sha"" be gi*en #"" o!!ortnit% to

    de#end himse"#, to !resent -itnesses on his beha"#,

    and be heard b% himse"# and conse". o-e*er, i#

    !on reasonab"e no/ce, the res!ondent #ai"s to

    a!!ear, the in*es/ga/on sha"" !roceed e/ pare.

    The In*es/gator sha"" terminate the

    in*es/ga/on -ithin three (7) months #rom the date

    o# its commencement, n"ess e2tended #or good

    case b% the 'oard o# Go*ernors !on !rior


    :i""#" #ai"re to re#sa" to obe% a sb!oena or

    an% other "a-#" order issed b% the In*es/gator

    sha"" be dea"t -ith as #or indirect contem!t o#

    cort. The corres!onding charge sha"" be +"ed b%

    the In*es/gator be#ore the I'P 'oard o# Go*ernors

    -hich sha"" re9ire the a""eged contemnor to sho-

    case -ithin ten (1B) da%s #rom no/ce. The I'P

    'oard o# Go*ernors ma% therea;er condct

    hearings, i# necessar%, in accordance -ith the

    !rocedre set #orth in this R"e #or hearings be#ore

    the In*es/gator. Sch hearing sha"" as #ar as

    !rac/cab"e be terminated -ithin +;een (1=) da%s

    #rom its commencement. Therea;er, the I'P 'oard

    o# Go*ernors sha"" -ithin a "i&e !eriod o# +;een

    (1=) da%s isse a reso"/on seng #orth its +ndings

    and recommenda/ons, -hich sha"" #orth-ith be

    transmi$ed to the S!reme Cort #or +na" ac/on

    and i# -arranted, the im!osi/on o# !ena"t%.

    SEC. D. +epositons.6e!osi/ons ma% be

    ta&en in accordance -ith the R"es o# Cort -ith

    "ea*e o# the in*es/gators).

    :ithin the Phi"i!!ines, de!osi/ons ma% be

    ta&en be#ore an% member o# the 'oard o

    Go*ernors, the President o# an% Cha!ter, or an%ocer athoried b% "a- to administer oaths.

    e!osi/ons ma% be ta&en otside the

    Phi"i!!ines be#ore a di!"oma/c or cons"ar

    re!resenta/*e o# the Phi"i!!ine Go*ernment o

    be#ore an% !erson agreed !on b% the !ar/es or

    designated b% the 'oard o# Go*ernors.

    An% sitab"e member o# the Integrated 'ar in

    the P"ace -here a de!osi/on sha"" be ta&en ma% be

    designated b% the In*es/gator to assist the

    com!"ainant or the res!ondent in ta&ing a


    SEC. 1B. 0epor of Investgaor.Not "ater than

    thirt% (7B) da%s #rom the termina/on o# the

    in*es/ga/on, the In*es/gator sha"" sbmit a re!ort

    containing his +ndings o# #act and recom

    menda/ons to the I'P 'oard o# Go*ernors

    together -ith the stenogra!hic notes and the

    transcri!t thereo#, and a"" the e*idence !resented

    dring the in*es/ga/on. The sbmission o# the

    re!ort need not a-ait the transcri!/on o# the

    stenogra!hic notes, it being scient that the

    re!ort re!rodce sbstan/a""% #rom the

    In*es/gator8s !ersona" notes an% re"e*ant and

    !er/nent tes/monies.

    SEC. 11. +efe*s.6No de#ect in a com!"aint

    no/ce, ans-er, or in the !roceeding or the

    In*es/gator8s Re!ort sha"" be considered as

    sbstan/a" n"ess the 'oard o# Go*ernors, !on

  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2

    considering the -ho"e record, +nds that sch

    de#ect has res"ted or ma% res"t in a miscarriage o#

    3s/ce, in -hich e*ent the 'oard sha"" ta&e sch

    remedia" ac/on as the circmstances ma% -arrant,

    inc"ding in*a"ida/on o# the en/re !roceedings.

    SEC. 15. 0eview and de*ision by he Board of


    (a) E*er% case heard b% an in*es/gator

    sha"" be re*ie-ed b% the I'P 'oard o#

    Go*ernors !on the record and e*idence

    transmi$ed to it b% the In*es/gator -ith his

    re!ort. The decision o# the 'oard !on sch

    re*ie- sha"" be in -ri/ng and sha"" c"ear"% and

    dis/nct"% state the #acts and the reasons on

    -hich it is based. It sha"" be !rom"gated-ithin a !eriod not e2ceeding thirt% (7B) da%s

    #rom the ne2t mee/ng o# the 'oard #o""o-ing

    the sbmi$a" o# the In*es/gator8s Re!ort.

    (b) I# the 'oard, b% the *ote o# a

    ma3orit% o# its tota" membershi!, determines

    that the res!ondent sho"d be ss!ended #rom

    the !rac/ce o# "a- or disbarred, it sha"" isse a

    reso"/on seng #orth its +ndings and

    recommenda/ons -hich, together -ith the

    -ho"e record o# the case, sha"" #orth-ith betransmi$ed to the S!reme Cort #or +na"


    (c) I# the res!ondent is e2onerated b%

    the 'oard or the disci!"inar% sanc/on im!osed

    b% it is "ess than ss!ension or disbarment

    (sch as admoni/on, re!rimand, or +nd) it

    sha"" isse a decision e2onera/ng res!ondent

    or im!osing sch sanc/on. The case sha"" be

    deemed terminated n"ess !on !e//on o#

    the com!"ainant or other interested !art% +"ed-ith the S!reme Cort -ithin +;een (1=)

    da%s #rom no/ce o# the 'oard8s reso"/on, the

    S!reme Cort orders other-ise.

    (d) No/ce o# the reso"/on or decision

    o# the 'oard sha"" be gi*en to a"" !ar/es

    throgh their conse". A co!% o# the same sha""

    be transmi$ed to the S!reme Cort.


    SEC. 17. Supreme our Investgaors.6In

    !roceedings ini/ated mou proprio b% the S!reme

    Cort or in other !roceedings -hen the interest o#

    3s/ce so re9ires, the S!reme Cort ma% re#ethe case #or in*es/ga/on to the So"icitor Genera" or

    to an% ocer o# the S!reme Cort or 3dge o# a

    "o-er cort, in -hich case the in*es/ga/on sha"

    !roceed in the same manner !ro*ided in sec/ons 4

    to 11 hereo#, sa*e that the re*ie- o# the re!ort o#

    in*es/ga/on sha"" be condcted direct"% b% the

    S!reme Cort.

    SEC. 1

  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2

    transmit to the S!reme Cort a cer/+ed co!% o#

    the order o# ss!ension and a #"" statement o# the

    #acts !on -hich the same -as based. @!on

    recei!t o# sch cer/+ed co!% and statement, the

    S!reme Cort sha"" ma&e a #"" in*es/ga/on o# the

    case and ma% re*o&e, shorten or e2tend the

    ss!ension, or disbar the a$orne% as the #acts ma%


    SEC. 1?. ondenta(iy.6Proceedings against

    a$orne%s sha"" be !ri*ate and con+den/a".

    o-e*er, the +na" order o# the S!reme Cort sha""

    be !b"ished "i&e its decisions in other cases.

    SEC. 1D. 3/penses.6A"" reasonab"e and

    necessar% e2!enses incrred in re"a/on to

    disci!"inar% and disbarment !roceedings are "a-#"charges #or -hich the !ar/es ma% be ta2ed as


    SEC. 5B. 34e*tviy and 1ransiory Provision.

    This R"e sha"" ta&e eHect on ne 1, 1D?? and sha""

    s!ersede the !resent R"e 17D en/t"ed


    cases !ending in*es/ga/on b% the Oce o# the

    So"icitor Genera" sha"" be trans#erred to the

    Integrated 'ar o# the Phi"i!!ines 'oard o#

    Go*ernors #or in*es/ga/on and dis!osi/on as!ro*ided in this R"e e2ce!t those cases -here the

    in*es/ga/on has been sbstan/a""%

    com!"eted. 5Bar Maer !o. 67$, 0eso(uton Apri(

    "6, "#88.'



    A"berto Fernande cardio"ogist

    Isabe"o Ongteco head, O'g%ne

    Achi""es 'arto"ome ro"ogist

    St. L&es Jedica" Center


    A$%. 'en3amin Grecia

    charged -ith dishonest% and gra*e miscondct in

    connec/on -ith the the; o# some !ages #rom the

    medica" chart. Ag. 5B, 1DD1

    disbarred #or his immora" com!"icit% or nho"%

    a""iance -a dge in MC to ri! oH ban&s and

    Chineses bsiness. No*.15, 1D?>

    (7%rs "ater, he -as reinstated in the !ro#ession)

    A$%. A*es res!ondents c"ient

    Fe Linda A*es -i#e o# A$%. A*es, died bec. O# !re


    Ac/ng 'ranch o# C"er&0 Arnie Sandico and A*e"ina


    -itnesses -hen Grecia tore the !ages o# the

    medica" chart

    SidGrecias dri*er -hom Grecia ga*e the !ages.

    PO7 A"abastro !ro*ed that Sid is Grecias dri*er.


    Fe -as >ms. Pregnant, and -as rshed to St. L&es

    com!"aining o# diiness, h%!ertension, and

    abdomina" !ains -ith *agina" b"eeding. ied

    '"aming the doctors #or the death o# his -i#e, A$%.

    A*es +"ed a com!"aint against them and the

    hos!ita". A$%. amaso et.a". *s. St. L&es, et.a".

    ring the "i/ga/on in the "o-er cort, A$% Greciaa""eged"% as&ed the c"er& o# cort the

    medica" chart o# the a#oremen/oned !a/ent -hich

    -as at that /me in the cort8s !ossession, and

    therea;er tore t-o !ages iden/+ed as !ages >5

    and >7.

    Fernande et a" +"ed a disbarment case against A$%

    Grecia #or the; o# docments !ertaining to the

    "a$ers case against the !e//oners. (Fernande et

  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2


    In *ie- o# A$% Grecia8s n!ro#essiona" condct, the

    !e//oners +"ed the case #or disbarment.

    Isse0 :hether or not the disbarment case is



    The S!reme Cort cited R"e 1.B1 and Canon > in

    the R"es o# Pro#essiona" Res!onsibi"it% being

    *io"ated b% A$% Grecia, not-ithstanding that he

    -as once disbarred to !rac/ce "a- on No*ember

    15, 1D?> #or his 8nho"% a""iance8 -ith a 3dge in

    Meon cit% to ri! oH ban&s and Chinese bsiness

    +rms. And that ? months a;er the S!reme Cortheeding his !"eas #or com!assion and !romise to

    mend his -a%s, it -as 3st eight months a;er that

    he is #aced -ith %et another disbarment case. In

    e*a"a/ng the tes/monies o# the -itnesses, the

    cort states that the% are en/re"% credib"e and

    -ithot an% gi"e not a$em!t at #abrica/on,

    remaining constant e*en nder !ressre o# cross

    e2amina/on, and abso"te"% no mo/*e to tes/#%

    #a"se"% against the res!ondent. To 9ote the

    S!reme Corts decision, the% sa% that b%

    descending to the "e*e" o# a common thie#,

    res!ondent Grecia has demeaned and disgraced

    the "ega" !ro#ession. e has demonstrated his

    mora" n+tness to con/ne as a member o# the

    honorab"e #raternit% o# "a-%ers. e has #or#eited his

    membershi! in the 'AR.

    A$% Grecia -as then ordered disbarred, his "icense

    to !rac/ce "a- in the Phi"i!!ines cance""ed and his

    name -as ordered to be stric&en ot o# the Ro"" o#




    A$%. Kseco conse" o# Grecia

    'en3amin Grecia disbarred


    anito 'ernad e!t% Cort Administrator

    charged -ith s!!ressing #acts and ma&ing #a"se

    statements in his re!orts against the case o# Grecia

    Fernande,et.a". *s. Grecia


    A""ega/ons against 'ernad0

    1. A$%. Grecia has no reason or mo/*e to remo*e

    or detach the a""eged !ages >5 and >7 o# the

    medica" chart becase the entries and contents

    thereo# are materia" and #a*orab"e to the c"aim o#

    his c"ients against com!"ainants.

    5. the cort !rac/ces nho"% a""iance o# dge


    7. massi*e s!!ression o# -ho"e bod% o# e*idence

    decisi*e o# the innocence o# a$%. Grecia.

  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2

    >. dge 'ernad crimina""% s!ressed and -ithhe"d

    the #act that no com!"aint and no ada*it -as +"ed

    in the case and that the records o# ci*i" case no.


  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2



    Qictoria 'arrientos 5B%rs. O"d, co""ege stdent

    #ami"% #riend o# res!ondent


    Trans+gracion aaro"

  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2

    AM N". RT#-9$-%&$

    BALAOING VS. CALDERONA'r() 2*+ 1993

    Ponente0 Per Criam


    Com!"ainant A$%. 'a"aoing +"ed se*era"

    administra/*e com!"aints against diHerent 3dges.

    is +rst com!"aint -as against on. o3i""o -hich

    -as dismissed #or "ac& o# merit. A$%. 'a"aoing -as

    then re9ired to sho- case -h% on -h% he sho"d

    not be disci!"inari"% dea"t -ith #or s!!ressing

    certain materia" #acts and #or engaging in #orm

    sho!!ing. is e2!"ana/on -as dec"ared

    nsa/s#actor% b% the cort and he -as se*ere"%

    censred #or ha*ing ins/tted a !atent"%

    n#onded and #ri*o"os administra/*e ac/on, and

    -arned that the commission b% him o# the same or

    simi"ar miscondct -i"" be dea"t -ith more se*ere"%.

    e +"ed another administra/*e com!"aint against

    dge Ja"i-anag, charging the "a$er -ith gra*e

    miscondct #or #ai"re and re#sa" to isse the

    corres!onding -rit o# e2ec/on !ra%ed #or b%

    com!"ainant in his mo/on. The cort reso"*ed to

    dismiss the com!"aint, ss!end com!"ainant #rom

    the !rac/ce o# "a- #or one (1) %ear, and im!ose a

    +ne o# P1 BBB in *io"a/on o# the canons o# code o#!ro#essiona" res!onsibi"it%.

    Not-ithstanding the abo*e -arnings, 'a"aoing

    again +"ed administra/*e com!"aints to dge

    Ja"i-anag and Ca"deron #or miscondct, gra*e

    abse o# athorit% and ma"icios de"a% in the

    administra/on o# 3s/ce. e #rther a""eges that

    res!ondent 3dge has been ma"icios"% de"a%ing the

    dis!osi/on o# se*era" cases !ending his sa"a.

    e, %et again, +"ed a second"e$er com!"aint

    against dge Ca"deron and his OcerinCharge

    (OIC) Janiago #or gra*e abse o# athorit% and

    ma"icios de"a% in the administra/on o# 3s/ce

    dge Ja"i-anag, dge Ca"deron, and OIC

    Janiago +"ed their se!arate res!onse to A$%

    'a"aoings a""ega/ons, in -hich, the cort #ond

    their res!onse to be sa/s#actor%.



    The cort dismissed the administra/*e com!"aints,

    disbarred, and stric&en A$%. 'a"aoing #rom the Ro"

    o# A$orne%s based on the grond that he -anton"%

    disregarded the corts -arning not to again +"e

    base"ess and #ri*o"os administra/*e com!"aints

    and he adamant"% re#sed to abide b% Canon 11,

    R"e 11.B7 and 11.B< o# the Code o# Pro#essiona"






    R"e 11.B7 6 A "a-%er sha"" abstain #rom

    scanda"os, oHensi*e or menacing "angage or

    beha*ior be#ore the Corts.

    R"e 11.B< 6 A "a-%er sha"" not a$ribte to a dge

    mo/*es not s!!orted b% the record or ha*e no

    materia"it% to the case.

  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2

    AM NO. 1,2%


    Fer!r/ 12+ 199$

    Ponente0 Per Criam


    'a/sta, A$%. Gona"es #ormer c"ient, +"ed a case

    against the "a$er #or ma"!rac/ce, deceit, gross

    miscondct, and *io"a/on o# "a-%ers oath.

    On "% 1=, 1D>4, com!"ainant sbmi$ed an

    amended com!"aint #or disbarment a""eging that

    A$%. Gona"es commi$ed the #o""o-ing acts0

    1. e acce!ted a case -ith the Fortnados

    -herein he agreed to !a% a"" e2!enses,

    inc"ding cort #ees, #or a con/ngent #ee o#

    +;% !ercent (=B) o# the *a"e o# !ro!ert%

    o# "i/ga/on.

    5. e acted as conse" #or Fortnados -here

    Egenio Lo!e, r. is one o# the de#endants

    and -ithot the case terminated, he acted

    as conse" #or Lo!e, r. in another case.

    7. e trans#erred oneha"# o# the !ro!er/es o#

    the Fortnados -hi"e the said !ro!er/es

    are the sb3ect o# a !ending "i/ga/on.

  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2

    The cort denied res!ondents mo/on to re#er the

    case to the I'P on the #o""o-ing gronds0

    1. The cort is not re9ired to re#er the

    com!"aints against "a-%ers to the I'P.

    5. Re#erring the case to the I'P is not needed

    since the SGs in*es/ga/on has been

    sbstan/a""% com!"eted.

    7. The in*es/ga/on condcted a thorogh and

    com!rehensi*e in*es/ga/on ths

    res!ondents asser/on that he s/"" has

    some e*idence to !resent is not tenab"e

    since he -as a"read% gi*en that o!!ortnit%

    dring the corse o# the SGs in*es/ga/on.

    The cort acce!ted SGs recommenda/on and

    ordered the si2 (4) months ss!ension o# A$%.

    Gona"es based on the #o""o-ing +ndings0

    1. '% e2ec/ng the trans#er o# oneha"# (15)

    o# the Fortnados!ro!ert% -hich -as s/""

    sb3ect to a !ending "i/ga/on, he *io"ated

    the "a- !rohibi/ng a "a-%er #rom ac9iring

    his c"ient8s !ro!ert% or interest in*o"*ed in

    an% "i/ga/on in -hich he ma% ta&e !art b%

    *irte o# his !ro#ession. A !rchase b% a

    "a-%er o# his c"ients !ro!ert% in "i/ga/on

    cons/ttes a breach o# !ro#essiona" ethics.

    5. '% #ai"ing to disc"ose to 'a/sta, dring the

    "and de*e"o!ment agreement -as entered

    into, that the "and co*ered had a"read%

    been so"d at a !b"ic ac/on, he *io"ated

    the !rinci!"e that a "a-%er sho"d obser*e

    honest% and #airness e*en in his !ri*atedea"ings and #ai"re to do so is a grond #or

    disci!"inar% ac/on against him.

    7. '% sbming #a"si+ed docments to the

    Cort o# First Instance o# Meon Cit%, he

    *io"ated sec/on 5B (d) o# R"e 17? -hich

    !ro*ides that A "a-%er sho"d ne*er see&

    to mis"ead the cort b% an ar/+ce or #a"se

    statement o# #act or "a-.

  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2

    F45 The case stemmed #rom the reso"/on o# the

    S!reme Cort sto!!ing the res!ondent #rom

    in*es/ga/ng gra; cases in*o"*ingAn/9e Go*.

    Enri9e a"di*ar. The Cort r"ed that since the

    ado!/on o# the 1D?> Cons/t/on, res!ondents!o-ers as Tanodba%an ha*e been s!erseded b%

    the crea/on o# the Oce o# the Ombdsman, he

    ho-e*er becomes the S!ecia" Prosector o# the

    State, and can on"% condct an in*es/ga/on and

    +"e cases on"% -hen so athoried b%

    theOmbdsman. A mo/on #or reconsidera/on -as

    +"ed b% the res!ondent -herein he inc"ded

    statements -hich -ere nre"ated in the Isse

    raised in the Cort. This inc"de0 (a)That he hadbeen a!!roached t-ice b% a "eading member o# the

    cort and he -as as&ed to 8go s"o- on a"di*ar and

    8not to be too hard on him (b) That he -as

    a!!roached and as&ed to re#rain #rom in*es/ga/ng

    the COA re!ort on i""ega" disbrsements in the

    S!reme Cort becase 8it -i"" embarass the

    Cort and (c) that in se*era" instances, the

    ndersigned res!ondent -as ca""ed o*er the !hone

    b% a "eading member o# the Cort and -as as&ed todismiss the cases against t-o Jembers o# the

    Cort. Statements o# the res!ondent sa%ing that

    the SCs order 8heightens the !eo!"e8s

    a!!rehension o*er the 3s/ce s%stem in this

    contr%, es!ecia""% becase the !eo!"e ha*e been

    thin&ing that on"% the sma"" U% can get it -hi"e big

    +shes go scot#ree -as !b"icied in

    "eading ne-s!a!ers.

    No-, the Cort Reso"*ed to re9ire res!ondent to

    e2!"ain in -ri/ng -h% he sho"d not be !nished

    #or contem!t o# cort #or ma&ing sch !b"ic

    statements re!orted in the media. Res!ondent

    then soght to get some members o# the Cort to

    inhibit themse"*es in the reso"/on o# the a"di*ar

    case #or a""eged bias and !re3dice against him. A

    "i$"e "ater, he in eHect as&ed the -ho"e Cort to

    inhibit itse"# #rom !assing !on the Isse in*o"*ed

    in !roceeding and to !ass on res!onsibi"it% #or this

    ma$er to the Integrated 'ar o# the Phi"i!!ines

    !on the grond that res!ondent cannot e2!ect

    de !rocess #rom this Cort, that the Cort hasbecome inca!ab"e o# 3dging him im!ar/a""% and

    #air"%. The Cort #ond res!ondent gi"t% o

    contem!t o# cort and inde+nite"% ss!ended

    #rom the !rac/ce o# "a-. No-, he assai"s

    said con*ic/on, in*o&ing his #reedom o# s!eech

    Conse" #or res!ondent rges that it is error #or

    this Cort to a!!"% the *isib"e tendenc% r"e

    rather than the c"ear and !resent danger r"e in

    disci!"inar% and contem!t charges.

    I!e5 :hether or Not there -as a *io"a/on o#

    the #reedom o# s!eeche2!ression

    He)05 There -as no *io"a/on. The Cort did not

    !r!ort to annoncea ne- doctrine o# *isib"e

    tendenc%, it -as sim!"% !ara!hrasing Sec/on 7 (d)o# R"e >1 o# the Re*ised R"es o# Cort -hich

    !ena"ies a *ariet% o# contmacios condct

    inc"ding0 an% im!ro!er condct tending, direct"%

    or indirect"%, to im!ede, obstrct or degrade the

    administra/on o# 3s/ce.

    @nder either the c"ear and !resent danger test or

    the ba"ancingo#interest test, the Cort he"d that

    the statements made b% res!ondent Gona"e are

    o# sch a natre and -ere made in sch a manner

    and nder sch circmstances, as to transcend the

    !ermissib"e "imits o# #ree s!eech. :hat is here at

    sta&e is the athorit% o# the S!reme Cort to

    con#ront and !re*ent a sbstan/*e e*i" consis/ng

    not on"% o# the obstrc/on o# a #ree and #air

  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2

    hearing o# a !ar/c"ar case bt a"so the a*oidance

    o# the broader e*i" o# the degrada/on o# the

    3dicia" s%stem o# a contr% and the destrc/on

    o# the standards o#!ro#essiona" condct re9ired

    #rom members o# the bar and ocers o# the corts,-hich has some im!"ica/ons to the societ%.

    Nr v. Nr


    A$%. Narags s!ose +"ed a !e//on #or

    disbarment in the I'P a""eging that her hsband

    corted one o# his stdents, "ater maintaining her

    as a mistress and ha*ing chi"dren b% her. A$%

    Narag c"aims that his -i#e -as a !ossessi*e, 3ea"os

    -oman -ho absed him and +"ed the com!"aint

    ot o# s!ite. I'P disbarred him, hence, this



    Narag #ai"ed to !ro*e his innocence becase

    he #ai"ed to re#te the tes/mon% gi*en against him

    and it -as !ro*ed that his ac/ons -ere o# !b"ic

    &no-"edge and broght disre!te and sHering tohis -i#e and chi"dren. Good mora" character is a

    con/ning 9a"i+ca/on re9ired o# e*er% member

    o# the bar. Ths, -hen a "a-%er #ai"s to meet the

    e2ac/ng standard o# mora" integrit%, the S!reme

    Cort ma% -ithdra- his or her !ri*i"ege to !rac/ce

    "a-. (Canons 1V>, R"e >.B7, Code o# Ethics #or

    La-%ers) It is not on"% a condi/on !recedent to the

    !rac/ce o# "a-, bt a con/ning 9a"i+ca/on #or a"

    members. ence -hen a "a-%er is #ond gi"t% o#

    gross immora" condct, he ma% be ss!ended or

    disbarred. Gross"% immora" means it mst be so

    corr!t as to cons/tte a crimina" act or so

    n!rinci!"ed as to be re!rehensib"e to a high

    degree or commi$ed nder sch scanda"os or

    re*o"/ng circmstances as to shoc& the common

    sense o# decenc%. As a "a-%er, one mst not on"%

    re#rain #rom ad"teros re"a/onshi!s bt mst not

    beha*e in a -a% that scanda"ies the !b"ic b%

    crea/ng a be"ie# that he is Uo/ng those mora



  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2

    RULE 13&-A


    SECTION 1. onditons for Suden Pra*t*e.A "a- stdent -ho has sccess#""% com!"eted his

    7rd %ear o# the reg"ar #or%ear !rescribed "a-

    crric"m and is enro""ed in a recognied "a-

    schoo"8s c"inica" "ega" edca/on !rogram a!!ro*ed

    b% the S!reme Cort, ma% a!!ear -ithot

    com!ensa/on in an% ci*i", crimina" or

    administra/*e case be#ore an% tria" cort, tribna",

    board or ocer, to re!resent indigent c"ients

    acce!ted b% the "ega" c"inic o# the "a- schoo".

    SEC. 5.Appearan*e.6The a!!earance o# the"a- stdent athoried b% this r"e, sha"" be nder,

    the direct s!er*ision and contro" o# a member o#

    the Integrated 'ar o# the Phi"i!!ines d"%

    accredited b% the "a- schoo". An% and a"" !"eadings,

    mo/ons, brie#s, memoranda or other !a!ers to be

    +"ed, mst be signed b% the s!er*ening a$orne%

    #or and in beha"# o# the "ega" c"inic.

    SEC. 7. Privi(eged *ommuni*atons.6The R"es

    sa#egarding !ri*i"eged commnica/ons bet-een

    a$orne% and c"ient sha"" a!!"% to simi"arcommnica/ons made to or recei*ed b% the "a-

    stdent, ac/ng #or the "ega" c"inic.


  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2

    +nds scient grond to !roceed against the

    res!ondent, he sha"" +"e the corres!onding

    com!"aint, accom!anied -ith a"" the e*idence

    introdced in his in*es/ga/on, -ith the S!reme

    Cort, and the res!ondent sha"" be ser*ed b% the

    c"er& o# the S!reme Cort -ith a co!% o# the

    com!"aint -ith direc/on to ans-er the same -ithin

    +;een (1=) da%s.

    SEC. 4. 3viden*e produ*ed before So(i*ior

    )enera( avai(ab(e.6The e*idence !rodced be#ore

    the So"icitor Genera" in his in*es/ga/on ma% be

    considered b% the S!reme Cort in the +na"

    decision o# the case, i# the res!ondent had an

    o!!ortnit% to ob3ect and crosse2amine. I# in the

    res!ondent8s ans-er no statement is made as to

    an% inten/on o# introdcing addi/ona" e*idence,

    the case sha"" be set do-n #or hearing, !on the

    +"ing o# sch ans-er or !on the e2!ira/on o# the

    /me to +"ethe same.

    SEC. >. ommissioner to investgae and

    re*ommend. 0u(es of eviden*e.6@!on recei!t o#

    the res!ondent8s ans-er, -herein a statement is

    made as to his desire to introdce addi/ona"

    e*idence, the case sha"" be re#erred to a

    commissioner -ho, in the discre/on o# the cort,

    ma% be the c"er& o# the S!reme Cort, a 3dge o#

    the Regiona" Tria" Cort, or an a$orne%at"a- #or

    in*es/ga/on, re!ort, and recommenda/on. The

    So"icitor Genera" or his re!resenta/*e sha"" a!!ear

    be#ore the commissioner to condct the

    !rosec/on. The res!ondent sha"" be gi*en #""

    o!!ortnit% to de#end himse"#, to !rodce

    addi/ona" e*idence in his o-n beha"#, and to be

    heard b% himse"# and conse". o-e*er, i# !on

    reasonab"e no/ce the res!ondent #ai"s to a!!ear,

    the in*es/ga/on sha"" !roceed e/ pare. The r"eso# e*idence sha"" be a!!"icab"e to !roceedings o#

    this natre.

    SEC. ?. 0epor of *ommissioner and hearing.6

    @!on recei!t o# the re!ort o# the commissioner,

    co!ies o# -hich sha"" be #rnished the So"icitor

    Genera" and the res!ondent, the case sha"" be set

    do-n #or hearing be#ore the cort, #o""o-ing -hich

    the case sha"" be considered sbmi$ed to the cort

    #or its +na" determina/on.

    SEC. D. Pro*edure in our of Appea(s or

    0egiona( 1ria( our.6As #ar as ma% be a!!"icab"e,

    the !rocedre abo*e ot"ined sha"" "i&e-ise go*ernthe +"ing and in*es/ga/on o# com!"aints against

    a$orne%s in the Cort o# A!!ea"s or in Regiona"

    Tria" Cort. In case o# ss!ension o# the

    res!ondent, the 3dge o# Regiona" Tria" Cort or

    s/ce o# the Cort o# A!!ea"s sha"" #orth-ith

    transmit to the S!reme Cort a cer/+ed co!% o#

    the order o# ss!ension and a #"" statement o# the

    #acts !on -hich same is based.

    SEC. 1B. ondenta(.6Proceedings against

    a$orne%s sha"" be !ri*ate and con+den/a", e2ce!tthat the +na" order o# the cort sha"" be made

    !b"ic as in other cases coming be#ore the cort.

    RULE 139-A

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    PART 2

    I4er4e0 Br "7 48e P8()(''(e

    Se" 1. 9rgani:aton. 6 There is hereb%

    organied an ocia" na/ona" bod% to be &no-n as

    the Integrated 'ar o# the Phi"i!!ines, com!osed

    o# a"" !ersons -hose names no- a!!ear or ma%

    herea;er be inc"ded in the Ro"" o# A$orne%s o# the

    S!reme Cort.

    Se" 2.Purposes. 6 The #ndamenta" !r!oses

    o# the Integrated 'ar sha"" be to e"e*ate the

    standards o# the "ega" !ro#ession, im!ro*e the

    administra/on o# 3s/ce, and enab"e the 'ar to

    discharge its !b"ic res!onsibi"it% more eHec/*e"%.

    Se" 3. 0egions. 6 The Phi"i!!ines is hereb%di*ided into nine Regions o# the Integrated 'ar, to


    (a) !orhern ;u:on, consis/ng o# the

    !ro*inces o# Abra, 'atanes, 'enget,

    Caga%an, I#gao, I"ocos Norte, I"ocos Sr,

    Isabe"a, Xa"ingaA!a%ao, La @nion,

    Jontain Pro*ince, Ne*a Qica%a, and


    (b) enra( ;u:on, consis/ng o# the!ro*inces o# 'ataan, '"acan, Ne*a Eci3a,

    Pam!anga, Pangasinan, Tar"ac, and


    (c) )reaer Mani(a, consis/ng o# the Cit% o#

    Jani"a and Meon Cit%

    (d) Souhern ;u:on, consis/ng o# the

    !ro*inces o# 'atangas, Ca*ite, Lagna,

    Jarind9e, Occidenta" Jindoro, Orienta"Jindoro, Meon, and Ria"

    (e) Bi*o(andia, consis/ng o# the !ro*inces o#

    A"ba%, Camarines Norte, Camarines Sr,

    Catandanes, Jasbate, and Sorsogon

    (#) 3asern -isayas, consis/ng o# the

    !ro*inces o# 'oho", Ceb, Eastern Samar,

    Le%te, Northern Samar, Samar, and

    Sothern Le%te


  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2

    (e) Pasa% Cit%, Ja&a/, Janda"%ong and

    San an de" Jonte

    (#) Ceb Cit% and

    (g) amboanga Cit% and 'asi"an Cit%.

    @n"ess he other-ise registers his !re#erence #or a

    !ar/c"ar Cha!ter, a "a-%er sha"" be considered a

    member o# the Cha!ter o# the !ro*ince, cit%,

    !o"i/ca" sbdi*ision or area -here his oce, or, in

    the absence thereo#, his residence is "ocated. In no

    case sha"" an% "a-%er be a member o# more than

    one Cha!ter.

    Each Cha!ter sha"" ha*e its o-n "oca" go*ernmentas !ro*ided #or b% ni#orm r"es to be !rescribed

    b% the 'oard o# Go*ernors and a!!ro*ed b% the

    S!reme Cort, the !ro*isions o# Sec/on 1D o# this

    R"e not-ithstanding.

    Cha!ters be"onging to the same Region ma% ho"d

    regiona" con*en/ons on ma$ers and !rob"ems o#

    common concern.

    Se" %. House of +e(egaes. 6 The Integrated

    'ar sha"" ha*e a ose o# e"egates o# not morethan one hndred t-ent% members -ho sha"" be

    a!!or/oned among a"" the Cha!ters as near"% as

    ma% be according to the nmber o# their res!ec/*e

    members, bt each Cha!ter sha"" ha*e at "east one

    e"egate. On or be#ore ecember 71, 1D> o# this R"e, sha"" ipso fa*obecome

    members o# the 'oard.

    The members o# the 'oard sha"" ho"d oce #or a

    term o# one %ear #rom the date o# their e"ec/on

    and n/" their sccessors sha"" ha*e been d"%

    e"ected and 9a"i+ed. No !erson ma% be a

    Go*ernor #or more than t-o terms.

    The 'oard sha"" meet reg"ar"% once e*er% three

    months, on sch date and sch /me and !"ace as it

    sha"" designate. A ma3orit% o# a"" the members o#

    the 'oard sha"" cons/tte a 9orm to do bsiness

    S!ecia" mee/ngs ma% be ca""ed b% the President orb% +*e members o# the 'oard.

    Sb3ect to the a!!ro*a" o# the S!reme Cort, the

    'oard sha"" ado!t '%La-s and !rom"gate Canons

    o# Pro#essiona" Res!onsibi"it% #or a"" members o#

    the Integrated 'ar. The '%La-s and the Canons

    ma% be amended b% the S!reme Cort mou

    propioor !on the recommenda/on o# the 'oard

    o# Go*ernors.

  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2

    The 'oard sha"" !rescribe sch other r"es and

    reg"a/ons as ma% be necessar% and !ro!er to

    carr% ot the !r!oses o# the Integrated 'ar as -e""

    as the !ro*isions o# this R"e.

    Se" *.9=*ers. 6 The Integrated 'ar sha"" ha*e

    a President and an E2ec/*e Qice President -ho

    sha"" be chosen b% the Go*ernors immediate"% a;er

    the "a$er8s e"ec/on, either #rom among themse"*es

    or #rom other members o# the Integrated 'ar, b%

    the *ote o# at "east +*e Go*ernors. Each o# the

    regiona" members o# the 'oard sha"" be e/

    o=*ioQice President #or the Region -hich he


    The President and the E2ec/*e Qice Presidentsha"" ho"d oce #or a term o# one %ear #rom the

    date o# their e"ec/on and n/" their sccessors

    sha"" ha*e d"% 9a"i+ed. The E2ec/*e Qice

    President sha"" atoma/ca""% become the President

    #or the ne2t scceeding #"" term. The Presidenc%

    sha"" rotate #rom %ear to %ear among a"" the nine

    Regions in sch order or rota/on as the 'oard o#

    Go*ernors sha"" !rescribe. No !erson sha"" be

    President or E2ec/*e Qice President o# the

    Integrated 'ar #or more than one term.

    The Integrated 'ar sha"" ha*e a Secretar%, a

    Treasrer, and sch other ocers and em!"o%ees as

    ma% be re9ired b% the 'oard o# Go*ernors, to be

    a!!ointed b% the President -ith the consent o# the

    'oard, and to ho"d oce at the !"easre o# the

    'oard or #or sch terms as it ma% +2. Said ocers

    and em!"o%ees need not be members o# the

    Integrated 'ar.

    Se" &.-a*an*ies. 6 In the e*ent the Presidentis absent or nab"e to act, his d/es sha"" be

    !er#ormed b% the E2ec/*e Qice President and in

    the e*ent o# the death, resigna/on, or remo*a" o#

    the President, the E2ec/*e Qice President sha""

    ser*e as Ac/ng President dring the remainder o#

    the term o# the oce ths *acated. In the e*ent o#

    the death, resigna/on, remo*a", or disabi"it% o#

    both the President and the E2ec/*e Qice

    President, the 'oard o# Go*ernors sha"" e"ect an

    Ac/ng President to ho"d oce n/" the ne2t

    scceeding e"ec/on or dring the !eriod o


    The +""ing o# *acancies in the ose o# e"egates,

    'oard o# Go*ernors, and a"" other !osi/ons o#

    Ocers o# the Integrated 'ar sha"" be as !ro*ided

    in the '%La-s. :hene*er the term o# an oce or

    !osi/on is #or a +2ed !eriod, the !erson chosen to

    +"" a *acanc% therein sha"" ser*e on"% #or the

    ne2!ired term.

    Se" 9. Membership dues. 6 E*er% member o#

    the Integrated 'ar sha"" !a% sch anna" des as

    the 'oard o# Go*ernors sha"" determine -ith the

    a!!ro*a" o# the S!reme Cort. A +2ed sme9i*a"ent to ten !ercent (1B) o# the co""ec/on

    #rom each Cha!ter sha"" be set aside as a :e"#are

    Fnd #or disab"ed members o# the Cha!ter and the

    com!"sor% heirs o# deceased members thereo#.

    Se" 1$. 34e* of non>paymen of dues. 6

    Sb3ect to the !ro*isions o# Sec/on 15 o# this R"e,

    de#a"t in the !a%ment o# anna" des #or si2

    months sha"" -arrant ss!ension o# membershi! in

    the Integrated 'ar, and de#a"t in sch !a%ment #o

    one %ear sha"" be a grond #or the remo*a" o# the

    name o# the de"in9ent member #rom the Ro"" o#


    Se" 11. -o(unary erminaton of membership?

    re>insaemen. 6 A member ma% terminate his

    membershi! b% +"ing a -ri$en no/ce to that eHect

    -ith the Secretar% o# the Integrated 'ar, -ho sha"

    immediate"% bring the ma$er to the a$en/on o#

    the S!reme Cort. Forth-ith he sha"" cease to be

    a member and his name sha"" be stric&en b% theCort #rom the Ro"" o# A$orne%s. Reinstatement

    ma% be made b% the Cort in accordance -ith r"es

    and reg"a/ons !rescribed b% the 'oard o

    Go*ernors and a!!ro*ed b% the Cort.

    Se" 12.)rievan*e pro*edures. 6 The 'oard o#

    Go*ernors sha"" !ro*ide in the '%La-s #o

    grie*ance !rocedres #or the en#orcement and

    maintenance o# disci!"ine among a"" the members

  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2

    o# the Integrated 'ar, bt no ac/on in*o"*ing the

    ss!ension or disbarment o# a member or the

    remo*a" o# his name #rom the Ro"" o# A$orne%s

    sha"" be eHec/*e -ithot the +na" a!!ro*a" o# the

    S!reme Cort.

    Se" 13.!on>po(it*a( Bar. 6 The Integrated 'ar

    sha"" be strict"% non!o"i/ca", and e*er% ac/*it%

    tending to im!air this basic #eatre is strict"%

    !rohibited and sha"" be !ena"ied according"%. No

    "a-%er ho"ding an e"ec/*e, 3dicia", 9asi3dicia",

    or !rosector% oce in the Go*ernment or an%

    !o"i/ca" sbdi*ision or instrmenta"it% thereo# sha""

    be e"igib"e #or e"ec/on o# a!!ointment to an%

    !osi/on in the Integrated 'ar or an% Cha!ter

    thereo# sha"" be consideredipso fa*oresigned #romhis !osi/on as o# the moment he +"es his cer/+cate

    o# candidac% #or an% e"ec/*e !b"ic oce or

    acce!ts a!!ointment to an% 3dicia", 9asi3dicia",

    or !rosector% oce in the Go*ernment or an%

    !o"i/ca" sbdi*ision or instrmenta"it% thereo#.

    Se" 1:.Positons honorary. 6 E2ce!t as ma% be

    s!eci+ca""% athoried or a""o-ed b% the S!reme

    Cort, no e"egate or Go*ernor and no na/ona" or

    "oca" Ocer or commi$ee member sha"" recei*e

    an% com!ensa/on, a""o-ance or emo"ment #rom

    the #nds o# the Integrated 'ar #or an% ser*ice

    rendered therein or be en/t"ed to reimbrsement

    #or an% e2!ense incrred in the discharge o# his


    Se" 1%. @is*a( maers. 6 The 'oard o#

    Go*ernors sha"" administer the #nds o# the

    Integrated 'ar and sha"" ha*e the !o-er to ma&e

    a!!ro!ria/ons and disbrsements there#rom. It

    sha"" case !ro!er 'oo&s o# Acconts to be &e!tand Financia" Statements to be rendered and sha""

    see to it that the !ro!er adit is made o# a""

    acconts o# the Integrated 'ar and a"" the Cha!ters


    Se" 1,.ourna(. 6 The 'oard o# Go*ernors

    sha"" case to be !b"ished a 9arter"% orna" o#

    the Integrated 'ar, #ree co!ies o# -hich sha"" be

    distribted to e*er% member o# the Integrated 'ar.

    Se" 1*. -o(unary Bar asso*iatons. 6 A"

    *o"ntar% 'ar associa/ons no- e2is/ng or -hich

    ma% herea;er be #ormed ma% coe2ist -ith the

    Integrated 'ar bt sha"" not o!erate at cross

    !r!oses there-ith.

    Se" 1&. Amendmens. 6 This R"e ma% be

    amended b% the S!reme Cort mou propioo

    !on the recommenda/on o# the 'oard o#

    Go*ernors or an% Cha!ter o# the Integrated 'ar.

    Se" 19. 9rgani:atona( period. 6 The

    Commission on 'ar Integra/on sha"" organie the

    "oca" Cha!ters and to-ard this end sha"" secre the

    assistance o# the e!artment o# s/ce and o# a"

    dges throghot the Phi"i!!ines. A"" Cha!terorgania/ona" mee/ngs sha"" be he"d on Satrda%,

    Febrar% 1>, 1D>7. In e*er% case, the Commission

    sha"" case !ro!er no/ce o# the date, /me and

    !"ace o# the mee/ng ca""ed to organie a Cha!ter

    sha"" cons/tte a 9orm #or the !r!ose

    inc"ding the e"ec/on o# a President, a Qice

    President, a Secretar%, a Treasrer, and +*e


    The Commission sha"" ini/a""% +2 the nmber o#

    e"egates and a!!or/on the same among a"" the

    Cha!ters as near"% as ma% be in !ro!or/on to the

    nmber o# their res!ec/*e members, bt each

    Cha!ter sha"" ha*e at "east one e"egate. The

    President o# each Cha!ter sha"" concrrent"% be its

    e"egate to the ose o# e"egates. The Qice

    President sha"" be his a"ternate, e2ce!t -here the

    Cha!ter is en/t"ed to ha*e more than one e"egate,

    in -hich case the Qice President sha"" a"so be a


    The 'oard o# irectors o# the Cha!ter sha"" in

    !ro!er cases e"ect addi/ona" as -e"" as a"ternate


    The ose o# e"egates sha"" con*ene in the Cit% o#

    Jani"a on Satrda%, Jarch 1>, 1D>7 #or the

    Pr!ose o# e"ec/ng a 'oard o# Go*ernors. The

    Go*ernors sha"" immediate"% assme oce and

    #orth-ith meet to e"ect the Ocers o# the

  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2

    Integrated 'ar. The Ocers so chosen sha""

    immediate"% assme their res!ec/*e !osi/ons.

    Se" 2$.34e*tviy. 6 This R"e sha"" ta&e eHect

    on anar% 14, 1D>7.


    I re #!r0"


    Emi" rado, a 3orna"ist, -rote abot a""eged

    im!ro!rie/es and irreg"ari/es in the 3diciar% o*er

    se*era" months (#rom abot Oct. 1DD5Jar. 1DD7).

    C Nar*asa created an Ad oc Commi$ee to

    In*es/gate Re!orts o# Corr!/on in the diciar%.

    The Commi$ee in*ited rado t-ice bt he #ai"ed to

    sho- ! on both occasions.

    Cort ordered rado to +"e a comment on "e$er

    and ada*it #rom PLT, ada*its #rom the tra*e"

    agencies !atronied b% PLT, and #rom A$%. Qeto.

    A"" o# the abo*e categorica""% denied rados


    Issues1. Liabi"it% #or !b"ished statements

    demonstrab"% #a"se or mis"eading, and

    derogator% o# the corts and indi*ida"


    5. :ON #reedom o# s!eech ma% be in*o&ed


    1. a"di*ar *s. Gona"e

    5. NCC Art. 1D

    7. Phi". orna"ists Code o# Ethics

    +e*isionC0ato +e*idendiGi"t% o# CONTEJPT +ne

    o# P1,BBB.

    Freedom o# e2!ression is not abso"te it needs to

    be ad3sted to and accommodated -ith the

    re9irements o# e9a""% im!ortant !b"ic interests.

    'oth #ree !ress and inde!endent 3diciar% are

    indis!ensab"e to a #ree societ%.

    Cort m% ho"d an%one to ans-er #or $erances

    oHensi*e to its dignit%, honor or re!ta/on -hich

    tend to !t it in disre!te, obstrct the

    administra/on o# 3s/ce, or inter#ere -ith the

    dis!osi/on o# its bsiness or the !er#ormance o# its

    #nc/ons in an order"% manner. rado made no

    bona deeHort to ascertain his a""ega/ons.

    Pb"ica/on -hich tends to degrade the corts and

    to destro% !b"ic con+dence in them or that -hich

    tends to bring them in an% -a% into disre!te,

    cons/ttes "i&e-ise crimina" contem!t, and is

    "i&e-ise !nishab"e b% corts. Corts -o"d "ose

    their /"it% i# !b"ic con+dence in them is


  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2

    I re T!)7"


    Ramon T"#o -rote t-o ar/c"es0 1) Idio/c

    ecision on the S!reme Cort "ega"iing

    chec&!oints and, 5) Sang&atta& na 'obo -here

    he re#erred to the members o# the S!reme Cort

    as st!id #or ha*ing rendered sch decision on



    1. :ON T"#os ar/c"es can be considered in

    contem!t o# cort

    5. :ON #reedom o# s!eech ma% be in*o&ed

    +e*isionC0ato +e*idendiAd3dged in CONTEJPT

    OF CO@RT GRAQELK CENS@RE -ith theSTRONGEST :ARNING that a re!e//on o# the

    same or simi"ar miscondct -i"" be dea"t -ith


    Contem!t o# cort (de#)0 de+ance o# the athorit%,

    3s/ce or dignit% o# the cort. An% im!ro!er

    condct -hich tends, direct"% or indirect"%, to

    im!ede, obstrct, or degrade the administra/on o#

    3s/ce is !nishab"e #or indirect contem!t.

    The inherent !o-er o# corts to !nish an%

    !b"ica/on ca"c"ated to inter#ere -ith the

    administra/on o# 3s/ce is not restricted b% the

    cons/t/ona" garantee o# #reedom o# the !ress,

    #or #reedom o# the !ress is sbordinate to the

    athorit%, integrit% and inde!endence o# the

    3diciar% and the !ro!er administra/on o# 3s/ce.

    Reading throgh the t-o T"#o ar/c"es, it is !"ain

    that T"#o intended to ridic"e and degrade the

    Cort and its members be#ore the !b"ic, not

    mere"% to cri/cie its decision on the merits, as he

    -o"d "i&e the Cort to be"ie*e based on his

    E2!"ana/on.Freedom o# s!eech and e2!ression is not abso"te

    neither is it a "icense to ins"t the Cort and its

    members and to im!air the athorit%, integrit% and

    dignit% o# the Cort.


    GR N". 11$113

    C/e4" v. M""0


  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2

    1D>B1D>70 Jera"co Gro! 6 E2ec/*e o#

    *arios com!anies, i.e., Jera"co Secri/es

    Cor!ora/on, Phi"i!!ine Petro"em Cor!ora/on,

    Phi"i!!ine E"ectric Cor!ora/on

    1D>71D>40 K3ico Gro! 6 President, Fi"

    Ca!ita" e*e"o!ment Cor!ora/on and a"iated


    1D>41D>?0 Finaciera Jani"a 6 Chie# E2ec/*e


    1D>?1D?40 Ge*ent Gro! o# Com!anies 6

    Chie# E2ec/*e Ocer

    1D?41D?>0 Phi"i!!ine Cons/t/ona"Commission 6 Jember

    1D?D1DD10 The FactFinding Commission on

    the ecember 1D?D Co! A$em!t 6 Jember


    :N Res!ondent Jonsod has sccess#""% sa/s+ed

    the condi/on engaged in the !rac/ce o# "a- #or at

    "east ten %ears as !ro*ided b% the "a-.


    The cort denied Ca%etanos !e//on and armed

    COAPs con+rma/on o# Jonsod as COJELEC


    The cort ga*e "ight to the #ndamenta" 9es/on in

    the instant case, i.e. -hat cons/ttes the !rac/ce

    o# "a-Y The cort, in ans-ering the 9es/on,

    considered the modern conce!t o# "a- !rac/ce andthe "ibera" constrc/on intended b% the #ramers o#

    the Cons/t/on.

    9n he modern *on*ep of (aw pra*t*e

    Prac/ce o# "a- means an% ac/*it%, in or ot o#

    cort, -hich re9ires the a!!"ica/on o# "a-, "ega"

    !rocedre, &no-"edge, training and e2!erience. To

    engage in the !rac/ce o# "a- is to !er#orm those

    acts -hich are characteris/cs o# the !ro#ession

    Genera""%, to !rac/ce "a- is to gi*e no/ce or render

    an% &ind o# ser*ice, -hich de*ice or ser*ice

    re9ires the se in an% degree o# "ega" &no-"edge

    or s&i"".

    9n he ;ibera( onsru*ton inended by he

    framers of he "#8$ onstuton

    Jr. Fo c"ari+ed that the term "a- !rac/ce, as a

    9a"i+ca/on o# the members o# Commission on

    Adit (COA), does not necessari"% re#er to acta

    !rac/ce o# "a- otside COA bt as "ong as the

    "a-%ers -ho are em!"o%ed in COA are sing their

    "ega" &no-"edge or ta"ent in their res!ec/*e -or&,

    then the% are 9a"i+ed to be considered #oa!!ointment as members, commissioner, o

    chairman o# the COA.

    A!!"%ing these in the case at bar, the cort he"d

    that A$%. Jonsod8s !ast -or& e2!eriences as a

    "a-%ereconomist, a "a-%ermanager, a "a-%er

    entre!rener o# indstr%, a "a-%ernego/ator o#

    contracts, and a "a-%er"egis"ator o# both the rich

    and the !oor 6 *eri"% more than sa/s#% the

    cons/t/ona" re9irement 6 that he has been

    engaged in the !rac/ce o# "a- #or at "east ten %ears.


    Justce Padilla

    :hat cons/ttes !rac/ce o# "a-Y As common"%

    nderstood, !rac/ce re#ers to the acta

    !er#ormance or a!!"ica/on o# &no-"edge as

    dis/ngished #rom mere !ossession o# &no-"edge

    it connotes an ac/*e, habita", re!eated orcstomar% ac/on. To !rac/ce "a-, or an%

    !ro#ession #or that ma$er, means to e2ercise or

    !rse an em!"o%ment or !ro#ession ac/*e"%

    habita""%, re!eated"% or cstomari"%.

    A "a-%er, -ho is em!"o%ed as a bsiness e2ec/*e

    or a cor!orate manager, other than as head or

    a$orne% o# a Lega" e!artment o# a cor!ora/on or

  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2

    a go*ernmenta" agenc%, cannot be said to be in the

    !rac/ce o# "a-.

    I am !ersaded that i# e*er he did !er#orm an% o#

    the tas&s -hich cons/tte the !rac/ce o# "a-, he

    did not do so A'IT@ALLK #or at "east ten (1B) %ears

    !rior to his a!!ointment as COJELEC Chairman.

    Justce Cruz

    The eHect o# the de+ni/on gi*en in the ponen*iais

    to consider *irta""% e*er% "a-%er to be engaged in

    the !rac/ce o# "a- e*en i# he does not earn his

    "i*ing, or at "east !art o# it, as a "a-%er.

    It is conceded that he has been engaged in bsinessand +nance, in -hich areas he has dis/ngished

    himse"#, bt as an e2ec/*e and economist and not

    as a !rac/cing "a-%er. The !"ain #act is that he has

    occ!ied the *arios !osi/ons "isted in his resme

    b% *irte o# his e2!erience and !res/ge as a

    bsinessman and not as an a$orne%at"a- -hose

    !rinci!a" a$en/on is #ocsed on the "a-.

    Justce Guterrez, Jr.

    e has ne*er engaged in the !rac/ce o# "a- #or

    e*en one %ear. e is a member o# the bar bt to sa%

    that he has !rac/ced "a- is stretching the term

    be%ond ra/ona" "imits. A !erson ma% ha*e !assed

    the bar e2amina/ons. 't i# he has not dedicated

    his "i#e to the "a-, i# he has not engaged in an

    ac/*it% -here membershi! in the bar is a

    re9irement I #ai" to see ho- he can c"aim to ha*e

    been engaged in the !rac/ce o# "a-.

    The Cons/t/on ses the !hrase engaged in the!rac/ce o# "a- #or at "east ten %ears. The

    de"iberate choice o# -ords sho-s that the !rac/ce

    en*isioned is ac/*e and reg"ar, not iso"ated,

    occasiona", accidenta", intermi$ent, incidenta",

    seasona", or e2tem!oraneos. To be engaged in

    an ac/*it% #or ten %ears re9ires commi$ed

    !ar/ci!a/on in something -hich is the res"t o#

    one8s decisi*e choice. It means that one is occ!ied

    and in*o"*ed in the enter!rise one is ob"iged or

    !"edged to carr% it ot -ith intent and a$en/on

    dring the ten%ear !eriod.

    Br M=er N". %%3

    U)e' v. T8e Le) C)((+ I.

  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2

    #!e 1*+ 1993

    Ponente0 s/ce Rega"ado


    Pe//oner @"e! +"ed the instant !e//on !ra%ingthat res!ondent The Lega" C"inic, Inc. (TLC) be order

    to cease and desist #rom issing ad*er/sements

    simi"ar to Anne2 A and ' and to !er!eta""%

    !rohibit !ersons or en//es #rom ma&ing

    ad*er/sements !ertaining to e2ercise o# "a-

    !ro#ession. Pe//oner a""eges that sch

    ad*er/sements are nethica" and demeaning o# the

    "a- !ro#ession, and destrc/*e o# the con+dence

    o# the commnit% in the integrit% o# the members

    o# the bar.

    Res!ondent, on the other hand, c"aims that it is not

    engage in the !rac/ce o# "a- bt in rendering o#

    "ega" s!!ort ser*ices throgh !ara"ega"s -ith

    se o# modern com!ters and e"ectronic machines.

    Annex A


    P=4B.BB #or a *a"id marriage.


    TE P"ease ca""0 =51B>4> LEGAL =51>575, =555BF"r. Qictoria '"dg.,

    @N A*e., J"a.

    Annex B



    An A$orne% in Gam, is gi*ing FREE 'OOXS on

    Gam i*orce throgh The Lega" C"inic beginning

    Jonda% to Frida% dring oce hors.

    Gam di*orce. Ann"ment o# Jarriage.

    Immigra/on Prob"ems, Qisa E2t. MotaNon9ota

    Res. V S!ecia" Re/ree8s Qisa. ec"ara/on o#

    Absence. Remarriage to Fi"i!ina Fiancees

    Ado!/on. In*estment in the Phi". @SForeign Qisa

    #or Fi"i!ina S!oseChi"dren. Ca"" Jari*ic.

    TE >F Qictoria '"dg. 575

    =51>5=1 =555B4>


    :N TLCs !rac/ce cons/ttes !rac/ce o# "a-.

    :N sch !rac/ce ma% be a""o-ed to be



    Cort granted the !e//on and ordered res!ondent

    TLC to restrain #rom issing !b"ica/on o

    dissemina/on o# an% ad*er/sement in an% #orm o#

    the same tenor and !r!ose as Anne2es A and

    ' and #rom condc/ng direct"% or indirect"%, an%

    ac/*it%, o!era/on or transac/on !roscribed b% "a-

    or the Code o# Pro#essiona" Ethics as indicated


    TLCs services involved actvites which are in he

    scope o he practce o law.

    In order to reach its decision, the Cort +rst

    de+ned the sco!e o# the term !rac/ce o# "a-. It

    he"d that Prac/ce o# "a- means an% ac/*it%, in or

    ot o# cort, -hich re9ires the a!!"ica/on o# "a-,

    "ega" !rocedre, &no-"edge, training and

    e2!erience. To engage in the !rac/ce o# "a- is to

    !er#orm those acts -hich are characteris/cs o# the

    !ro#ession. Genera""%, to !rac/ce "a- is to gi*e

    no/ce or render an% &ind o# ser*ice, -hich de*iceor ser*ice re9ires the se in an% degree o# "ega

    &no-"edge or s&i"".

    In a!!"ica/on to the case at bar, res!ondent TLCs

    conten/on that it mere"% gi*es ot "ega

    in#orma/on -hich is nonad*isor% and non

    diagnos/c to "a%men and "a-%ers is ntenab"e. It

    strains the cred"it% o# this Cort that a"" the

    res!ondent cor!ora/on -i"" sim!"% do is "oo& #or

  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2

    the "a-, #rnish a co!% thereo# to the c"ient, and

    sto! there as i# it -ere mere"% a boo&store. :ith its

    a$orne%s and so ca""ed !ara"ega"s, it -i"" necessari"%

    ha*e to e2!"ain to the c"ient the intricacies o# the

    "a- and ad*ise him or her on the !ro!er corse o#

    ac/on to be ta&en as ma% be !ro*ided #or b% said

    "a-. That ac/*it% #a""s s9are"% -ithin the

    3ris!rden/a" de+ni/on o# !rac/ce o# "a-.

    That #act that the cor!ora/on em!"o%s !ara"ega"s

    to carr% ot its ser*ices is not contro""ing. :hat is

    im!ortant is that it is engaged in the !rac/ce o# "a-

    b% *irte o# the natre o# the ser*ices it renders

    -hich thereb% brings it -ithin the ambit o# the

    stattor% !rohibi/ons against the ad*er/sements

    -hich it has cased to be !b"ished and are no-assai"ed in this !roceeding.

    TLCs advertse!en violaes he Code o

    Proessional "esponsi#ili$% law$ers, in &eneral,

    are resrained ro! advertsin& heir practce o


    The standards o# the "ega" !ro#ession condemn the

    "a-%er8s ad*er/sement o# his ta"ents. A "a-%er

    cannot, -ithot *io"a/ng the ethics o# his

    !ro#ession, ad*er/se his ta"ents or s&i"" as in a

    manner simi"ar to a merchant ad*er/sing his


    o-e*er, there are e2ce!/ons to this genera" r"e0

    1. Pb"ica/on in re!tab"e "a- "ists, in a

    manner consistent -ith the standards o#

    condct im!osed b% the canons, o# brie#

    biogra!hica" and in#orma/*e data

    5. The se o# an ordinar% sim!"e !ro#essiona"


    Res!ondent TLCs ad*er/sement does not #a""

    -ithin the a#oremen/oned e2ce!/ons, as sch,

    the% mst be restrained #rom con/ning ma&ing

    !b"ica/ons or dissemina/ons in an% #orm and o#

    the same tenor and !r!ose as Anne2es A and


    AM N". SDC-9*-2-P

    A)>( v. A)!/

    Fer!r/ 2:+ 199*

    Ponente0 Chie# s/ce Nar*asaFACTS0

    Pe//oner A"a-i +"ed a com!"aint against

    Res!ondent A"a%a accsing him o# the #o""o-ing0

    1. A"a%a made ma"icios and "ibe"os charges

    against her -ithot so"id gronds throgh

    mani#est ignorance and bad #aith res"/ng

    in nde in3r% to her honor and


    5. @sr!a/on o# the /t"e o# a$orne% -hich

    on"% reg"ar members o# the Phi"i!!ine 'arma% !ro!er"% se.

    On his comment, Res!ondent contends that he -as

    mere"% ac/ng in de#ense o# his rights and doing

    on"% -hat is e2!ected o# an% man nd"%

    !re3diced and in3red, -ho had sHered menta

    angish, s"ee!"ess nights, -onded #ee"ings and

    nto"d +nancia" sHering, In addi/on, he 3s/+ed

    his se o# the /t"e a$orne% b% asser/ng that it is

    "e2ica""% s%non%mos -ith Conse""orsat"a-, a

    /t"e to -hich Sharia "a-%ers ha*e a righZ" c"aim

    and that he !re#ers the /t"e o# a$orne% becase

    conse"or is o;en mista&en #or conci"or

    conno/ng a "oca" "egis"ator. :itha", he does not

    consider himse"# a "a-%er.


    :N A"a%as conten/on that his ac/ons -ere

    3s/+ed since he -as mere"% ac/ng in de#ense o#

    rights:N A"a%a, a Sharia "a-%er, is a""o-ed to se the

    /t"e A$orne%


    The cort reso"*ed to re!rimand A"a%a #or the se

    o# e2cessi*e"% intem!erate, ins"/ng or *ir"ent

    "angage, i.e., "angage nbecoming a 3dicia

    ocer, and #or sr!ing the /t"e o# a$orne% and

    -arned him that an% simi"ar or other im!ro!riet%

  • 7/31/2019 Legal Profession Part 2



    PART 2

    or miscondct in the #tre -i"" be dea"t -ith more


    Alau$as conenton ha his actons were 'ust(ed

    since he was !erel$ actn& in deense o ri&hs is


    As a member o# the Shari8a 'ar and an ocer o# a

    Cort, A"a-i is sb3ect to a standard o# condct

    more stringent than #or most other go*ernment

    -or&ers. As a man o# the "a-, he ma% not se

    "angage -hich is absi*e, oHensi*e, scanda"os,

    menacing, or other-ise im!ro!er. As a 3dicia"

    em!"o%ee, it is e2!ected that he accord res!ect #or

    the !erson and the rights o# others at a"" /mes, and

    that his e*er% act and -ord sho"d be characteried

    b% !rdence, restraint, cortes%, dignit%. is radica"de*ia/on #rom these sa"tar% norms might !erha!s

    be mi/gated, bt cannot be e2csed, b% his

    strong"% he"d con*ic/on that he had been

    grie*os"% -ronged.

    Alau$a, as a )haria law$er, is no allowed o use

    he tle *A+orne$

    The /t"e o# a$orne% is reser*ed to those -ho,

    ha*ing obtained the necessar% degree in the std%

    o# "a- and sccess#""% ta&en the 'ar E2amina/ons,

    ha*e been admi$ed to the Integrated 'ar o# the

    Phi"i!!ines and remain members thereo# in good

    standing and it is the% on"% -ho are athoried to

    !rac/ce "a- in this 3risdic/on.
