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Legend of Dragoon 2 Movie

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LoD2 Movie story
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Dart was in his house in seles dreaming of his adventure he had with shana. He woke up and walked outside to see where Shana was at. She was no where in sight. There was a suspicious looking person wearing all black talking to a man at the market. Dart walked slowly over to the person. Suddenly the person got down on her knees and put her hands on the ground. The ground started shaking. The person took out a sword and put it to the mans neck. As she did, something fell out her pocket. It seemed to be the darkness dragoon spirit. But how is that possible. Shana attacked the person with her arrow and the person disappeared into a cloud of black. Dart picked up the dragoon spirit and put it in his pocket. They left to go to visit Albert to talk about this person they call the “dark shadow.” They are confronted by a different person in all black who asks them to hand over there dragoon spirits, they refused and turned into the dragoons and ran toward the person. He escaped. Now they had more of a reason to go to bale..... They entered bale and were stopped by lavitz’ mother. They spent the night there.

Dart was in his house in seles dreaming of his adventure he had with shana. He woke up and walked outside to see where Shana was at. She was no where in sight. There was a suspicious looking person wearing all black talking to a man at the market. Dart walked slowly over to the person. Suddenly the person got down on her knees and put her hands on the ground. The ground started shaking. The person took out a sword and put it to the mans neck. As she did, something fell out her pocket. It seemed to be the darkness dragoon spirit. But how is that possible. Shana attacked the person with her arrow and the person disappeared into a cloud of black. Dart picked up the dragoon spirit and put it in his pocket. They left to go to visit Albert to talk about this person they call the dark shadow. They are confronted by a different person in all black who asks them to hand over there dragoon spirits, they refused and turned into the dragoons and ran toward the person. He escaped. Now they had more of a reason to go to bale..... They entered bale and were stopped by lavitz mother. They spent the night there.

Dart and Shana were having breakfast at Lavits' mothers house. Shana asked for more and lavits' mother got up. Seconds later as Dart and Shana carried on conversations about the two dark shadows. they both heard a scream in the kitchen. They rushed to the scene to see out the window that the village

was on fire. It seemed to be coming from the twin castle spreading all around the village. The two headed to the castle as fast as they could leaving lavits mother behind waiting, hopefully to be safe. Moments later, they found the castle in a blazing fire. The main door was accessible. It seemed to be fire free for that moment. They both ran up the stairs and found dead knights all over the ground, unfortunately none of them had survived. They rushed up the stairs to find Albert, the king, and his wife Emile dead, not from fire, but from a sword. They walked toward them and they heard a voice that said I guess my work here isn't done yet. The two turned around to find the dark shadow (man) in the room with a blood stained sword in his hand. The man left them to die in the fire. The man blocked all the paths out. A few moments later there was continuous loud banging. Kongol barged in with Hachel through the wall. Now they had a way out. As they left the building, Hachel said he had his dragoon spirit stolen along with kongols too and was on his way to visit them but the village was on fire, he went on to say that he checked lavits mothers house to find her burned alive. He also adds he saw the two enter the castle followed by a strange man who appeared to look exactly like zieg, darts father. As they approached the exit of the once filled with life village bale, a person was dragging herself towards them, it seemed to be Miranda. Her whole body was covered in blood. She said she was to report to the king

and queen of bale that the city had been attacked by two people wearing all black who she described as rose and zieg. She added that Meru took her husband for a walk in the woods and they were stabbed and killed by a woman that a witness described as Rose. The winglies in rage took this offensively and declared a war. Her last words were that it is too late to save her, to just save the world. When she died Shana was shot in the leg by a flaming arrow from a wingly. As she fell to her knees in pain she was shot once again in the neck by another one. She fell to the ground dead. Dart ran to the winglies and took out his sword, but hachel knocked him out. Hachel wanted to take care of the winglies Dart woke up to find Kongol on the ground gasping for breath as a wingly had his foot on his chest. He was immediately stabbed to death. Dart tried to get up and looked to find hachel on the ground with about 20 arrows in his body. Dart was shot in the chest with an arrow and was pinned to the ground. The wingly group surrounded him and soon after they killed him. A bright light came from behind the winglys. It crept up on them. He took his spear and devoured them like nothing. He examined the area to see that all of his friends were dead. He looked around the area once again and saw movement. It was shana! lavitz is that you. from those last words she finally died. He walked through the fire to his mothers house. He found out his mother was dead. I

will kill those responsible for the death of my friends and my mother, thanks to the power I have acquired from the great soa. It is for him the reason I am living. I will have my revenge against everyone!!! Lavitz made his way to the hideout of the dark shadows. As he entered, two people from both sides charged at him. All lavitz doing was stretching his arms out and power escaping from him caused the men to fly backwards through the wall. He walked through the first door and found on the table the jade, the divine, and the silver dragoon spirits. He picked them up and walked away. it seems you have fallen into our little trap, lavitz. A voice said. It seemed to be rose. no, you have it all wrong, I was expecting this, you are in my trap now at that he turned into the dragoon and through his spear at her. It went straight through her, she fell slowly to the ground, then she hit her hand against the floor and she disappeared into a cloud of darkness. it seems theyre too scared to fight. All they can do is run, what cowards they are. What has gone wrong with their spirits Thats right Soa, melbu frama has possessed them. What evil. His body has died but his soul has lived in two bodies. How is that possible. Right again Soa, I will find them and kill them All dragoons except lavitz are not living today, 540 years later, the day the moon would have glowed red 5 more times. That is the legend of the 7 dragoons. The dragoon spirits have yet

to choose there leaders again. It is now present day, a century where many things have been created such as the coal powered locomotive and a revolver gun. A new century when the new dragoons will save the world from the forces of evil. 540 years in the future this takes place in a town called neet, the last town the black monster destroyed in search for the moon child, also home for 15 people. 21 year old Fayle and 19 year old Brenda were going to take a walk to the abandoned village bale where they plan to get away for awhile. As they approached Bale, it was quiet, too quiet. Usually there would be civilians touring the town. But not today, so they think. They took a few steps forward and a person came out of the building repeating there all dead, were all dead over and over. He fell to the ground, his last words were save yourselves. A wingly approached them slowly. In complete shock they jumped over the dead body and ran into the building. They ran out the back door and stopped not knowing where they would go. They headed toward the exit and were quickly stopped by the wingly. He settled to the ground and his wings rested against his back. The wingly walked closer and closer as they walked further and further back. Soon after Brenda tripped to the ground and following Fayle did too. As they were about to die with the sun staring into there eyes, all seemed lost when all of the sudden something was

suddenly blocking the sunlight in the distance. It seemed to be coming from the sky closing in on the wingly. All the wingly saw was the shadow of a person closing in on him. The wingly was soon stabbed in the back and put to death by a warrior with a unique armor with strange wings. He came closer to them and introduced himself as Vanadel, the jade dragoon. He explained that all of the dragoon spirits were taken by the dark shadows so they could make a machine to bring the world to an end. So far vanadel has only two spirits, dart and shanas from 540 years ago. For some weird reason the divine dragoon spirit and the silver dragoon spirits glowed. Vanadel then set them down and the dragoon spirits lifted up in the air and had chosen their beholders. The divine spirit went to Fayle and the silver spirit went to Brenda. They both got up with the dragoon spirits in there hands and used the power to turn into the dragoons. They both examined themselves like it is the best thing they had ever seen, to have the powers of the dragoons The 3 of them entered seles to look for the dark shadows, rose and zieg. They entered slowly. They spotted the them on there knees with 3 dragoon spirits (hachels, kongols, and merus). The group stopped in terror not knowing what would happen next. Suddenly dark clouds covered the once brighten up sky to total darkness. The two muttered some strange words and the clouds opened in a large

circle. Suddenly they set the dragoon spirits to the ground and they lifted up. They spun around at the speed of light and spun off into the opening in the clouds. Amazingly, the light of the dragoon spirits could be seen from the ground. Out of nowhere there was a flash of bright light and then following an explosion. The light soon faded away to reveal........ A planet that looked like a moon. Then the spirits went in each direction of the endiness. For about a minute it glowed red and then faded to a whitish color faded with some blue. They disappeared.

Many weeks had passed. They found out the moon has killed off all the living winglies. Fayle and Brenda got married. They had a child. She later confessed that she was part wingly and says she does not know why she didnt die along with the rest of them. 9 months later the child is revealed to be a boy and named after Fayles father, Ted. 15 years and 11 months had passed and they have lived a great life until the day of Teds 16th birthday and that night the moon had once again glowed red. Suddenly the children turned into a creature. It was soon after called a night stalker. It was odd because Ted did not turn into the creature. It might have been the fact that he was part wingly It was night time and every one was sitting at the dinner table eating dinner. Everyone was upset not knowing where there children had disappeared to. Suddenly there

was a loud scream far away. They ignored it. Ted came down the steps five minutes later. Fayle put his hand under the table to find a piece of gum. He questioned the whole table. Suddenly there was another scream a lot closer. And followed by another one even closer and then faint sounds of foot steps getting louder and louder and suddenly stopped for a second. Out of nowhere glass shattering sounds and screaming of pain were being heard. Then the glass of there house was shattered onto the floor and the night stalkers swarmed in and slaughtered them with just there hands. Fayle escapes and is forced to leave Brenda and Ted behind to be killed but he is jumped by a mob of them and killed......... Ted woke up after having this dream and went down the steps to see if everything was alright. Everything seems to be alright until he heard a scream from outside. Then he saw Fayle put his hand under the table to find gum and then he gets scared. He yelled out that everyone has to leave and there is no time. He explained everything in a minute and says there will be a scream and sure enough there was a scream. Everyone got out of there seat and panicked. They concluded they had to leave that moment. Everyone headed out the back door and they heard another scream. They ran even faster. They heard faint footsteps. They looked back to see if anyone was left behind and sure enough there was a villager that was at the dinner table on the

ground with a night stalker on top of him ripping him apart as he screamed to his death. So there is left Ted, Brenda, Fayle, and another villager. They pass an ally as a night stalker jumps from the ally nearly missing Ted, grabs the other villager as he yelled in pain. They had no choice but to leave him behind. Far away they see 6 red glowing eyes in the distance. It is 3 night stalkers blocking the exit. To everyones surprise Vanadel, who has not been seen for sixteen years, had wiped out the 3 night stalkers off there feet and knocked them out for the night. They escaped unharmed. At the exit there was a horse drawn carriage walking about with nobody in it. They jumped on it and left for some where safe for the night. Brenda woke up to the hearing of Fayle and Vanadel talking amongst themselves. She overheard Vanadel talking about a hideout further north of the area they were in now. That is where they had to go. Moments later they arrived at the hideout. That is proof this is the hideout Vanadel said, there is the red flag on the roof of the building. They entered the building and upon walking up the steps there was sick people lying on the ground begging for help. They were helped by Brenda. There was a loud sound coming from the outside. They all looked out to see a long locomotive passing behind the house with all the doors closed, labeled 72. it was ignored. Later they met with the founder of the hideout and he said that this was a friends house that was attacked by a night stalker and to this day he

has not been seen. He showed them around the building also known as a mansion. He took them into the living room area with one door on each wall, one taking them in to the hiding room. It has an attic door on the ceiling. He took them up the latter into the attic. There was about 20 people in the area lying around. Some of them were sleeping and some reading the local newspaper. They left the room and went down the latter and checked out another room. That was the eating room, where approximately 7 refrigerators holding food stolen from the villages food areas. They settled down and discussed how safe they feel to be away from the creatures for a while day 3, no night stalkers have been spotted in the last 48 hours.. day 7, the people from the mansion start to look for food, 11 people leaving, 7 coming back alive day 13, the search for more stranded villagers takes place, 5 new people being found day 19, present day, no signs of night stalkers, the day the moon has once again glowed the wonderful bluish white and children have returned back to normal. Ted has woken up after sleeping next to the window. It was pitch black. He turned the other direction away form the window. Brenda was on his other side sleeping. He turned the other direction to face the window and saw something strange. There was a train stopped on the tracks. It seemed to be a different train from before, labeled 73, but with the doors opened. There was a man heading toward the mansion with a revolver in

his hand. It was very rare to see one at that time. Ted turned the other way and tried to wake up Brenda. She woke up and was light headed. There was loud banging on the walls moving along the side of house, until it suddenly stopped at the corner. At that time it was about 3 in the morning. The light all of the sudden cut off and flickered on and off very fast. It was as if someone was doing it on purpose because it was going along with the banging on the doors and walls. The banging on the walls and door stopped and the lights cut back on. By that time everyone was awake and headed toward the attic. As Brenda and Ted went up the latter, the lights cut off and the banging started again. Brenda was looking for Fayle while Ted was looking for Vanadel. Ted found Vanadel but Brenda could not find Fayle. The light from the moon faded once again to a red glowing color and at that very second everyone was scared because they all knew that in that room knew there was a teenage boy. Everyone stood dead still except for the quiet sounds of footsteps in that room. There was a loud scream and growling, followed by louder screams. Everyone moved from there spots out of the attic and headed for the living room, before everyone got out safely the main front door was busted down and followed by a gunshot. Everyone stopped, hearing the sound of two people struggling in a fight and then 1, 2, 3 gunshots, and then a scream, Brenda was certain that it was Fayle, so she ran to the scene to find someone lying

on the ground. She felt the persons face and did not recognize it. Then she got an unpleasant feeling. It was dark, too dark for her to see anything and her heart was pounding out of her chest. To make it worse someone tapped on her back. She turned around slowly to see that it was Fayle. She was relieved to see his face again. The villagers, Fayle, Brenda, Ted, and Vanadel, headed out the front door. They examined the surrounding area to see two people next to the locomotive. Fayle, Brenda, and Ted left the villagers behind to escape while they went to see what they were there for. Something seemed suspicious. There was a scream in the distance closer to the locomotive engine. The two people were walking closer to the group. They did not know whether to run or to keep going. They thought they had enough power to take the two but they soon found out they meant no harm. They introduced themselves as Paul and Adam. They said that they go by and stop by houses and collect villagers to bring them to safety. It was then the group felt once again safe. Fayle turned around to see if the villagers had left yet but they did already. They followed Paul and Adam to the third out of the five train cars. Paul said that the first two cars were filled and also said they have to make a few more stops on the way to this place unknown to them called Dinru. Adam opened the third door and suddenly a girl jumped out and ran. Paul ran

after her and caught her. He told her that it was for her own good that she stayed in the car. He brought her to the car. As she stepped up Ted noticed a tear coming out of her eye, falling down her cheek. Ted looked down at his feet and looked back up. By that time Fayle was stepping up into the car. Then Brenda grabbed Teds hand and brought him after Fayle. Vanadel was a little hesitant but he managed to follow. The door closed behind them. The train soon started up. There was a barred window on the train. Ted looked out of it. He could not see a thing. He backed away from it and hit something behind him. He felt around to see what it was. It seemed to be a large bucket. He reached his hand to see what was in it and stopped by the voice of a girl saying stop. He took his hand out as fast as anyone could blink. She said her name was Fayrore. lets play a little game, I will tell me about myself, why I am here, and what I know, in exchange you tell me the same. Start with me, I am 21, I was taken from my home several hours ago, they took my parents somewhere else, the only thing I have to remember them is a stone that has no value to me. I have no idea why I was taken, I hope to get that information from you. I know that they are taking us to no place of safety, rather a place of torture. They might be right about the name of the place they said we are headed to but not about a so called place of safety. I have heard of this place. Heres what I have heard. They take people to a place called dinru, a fenced in area

with barbed wire and double rows on each side of the fence of electrical lines about fifteen feet high. No escape for a normal person, except from my grandfather who is now dead. He had the powers of the dragoons. He escaped with ease and left everyone to die. He later tried to go back and was put to death by a shot in the head. He left behind his power called the dragoon spirit that he gave to my father to keep. He gave it to me once I turned 18. Now who is next.

I am 16, my name is Ted. My home village was destroyed by a mob of creatures we called night stalkers. They took the lives of my friends, my relatives. The only thing I have left is my mother and father. I am clueless as to why I am here. Next. My name is Fayle, I am 37 years of age. I was born in a village called neet and married a beautiful girl, Brenda. We had a son you have already met named Ted. Like Ted said, our hometown was destroyed by kids. My life was taken away by mere children. We made it out by chance by the help of Vanadel, who I had not seen since 16 years ago, before Ted was born. I too also dont know why I am here. Next. Everyone calls me Vanadel, I am 39 years old. I was 9 when I lost my parents in a crisis. I have lived my life in shadows, no one ever saying a word or showing any care to me. I was 17 when a wingly attacked me and everyone around me ran away and left me to be killed. I found

something in the sand from where I was and it was glowing. It was a dragoon spirit. It chose me. To this day I still wonder why, but I took the responsibility and killed the wingly. I lived my life after with the guilt that I killed an individual. I was 23 when I saw a wingly attacking Brenda and Fayle. So I killed him. A few weeks later I disappeared for 16 years searching for the one responsible for the death of my family and the disappearance of my little sister. I came back to neet to seek help from my closest friends Fayle and Brenda. That night the moon glowed red and I was attacked by a child. I did not know what to do so I threw him. He hit his head and I walked away as if nothing happened. I regretted that moment until I found out they were possessed by the moon. I helped Brenda and Fayle out to safety, and now I am here, being brought to a place of torture as you said. At that time the train stopped and later the fourth car door opened. By the sound, it sounded like about 10 people got into the car, and not a single yell from either one of them. They heard an elderly woman say that they were going to be safe. How wrong she was. My name is Brenda, I am 35, our village, neet, was destroyed but Vanadel helped us out. We made it to a hideout and we were attacked by people. I have a suspicion it was the drivers of this train. One of them was killed and left in the house. I also do not know why I am here. The train started again and made two more stops. The last stop was long. It filled the train up to the last car

including the third. It started to stink in the third car. Everyone soon found out what the bucket was for. About 15 minutes later the train started up and was on the tracks for a whole day. 24 hours later the train came to a stop. Everyone could hear footsteps walking along side the cars. A voice that seemed to be Paul started to say, You have been chosen, you have been chosen by the rulers of this world, to be slaves, to serve who you should. This is the only way to live your lives the way a life should be lived. There are rules, rules you have to live by, or if you choose not to you will positively die. You will be living in a sector large enough to hold 10 people. There are 15 sectors numbered by order from 1 to 15. Each sector and its group of ten will be assigned a job, if you cannot accomplish your assigned job you will either be hung, burned, or beheaded. Each car on this train holds 10 people. Car number 1 will be assigned to sector 1, car number 2 will be assigned to sector 2 and so on. You will be fed enough to keep you alive and none more. There will be a role call and if 1 person is missing from your sector everyone in your sector will be hung and stabbed until you die of either loss of blood or suffocation. You will refer to us as officer. That is all. Everyone at that time was in complete terror. Suddenly the first car door opened and there was a loud scream and followed by crying. They were forced to get out the car. Apparently

someone tried to stay in the car and was dragged out and hit on the head with a pole. All that was heard was a yelp that faded. Nothing was heard after that. Then it was time for the second car to be opened. It all went according to plan for Paul and Adam. It was then time for the third car. Fayrore was the first to get out, followed by Fayle, Brenda, Ted, Vanadel, and others that were in the car from the previous stops by the villages. Ted had a feeling of regret. But then his mind moved to something completely different. Why havent Vanadel or his parents used there powers. The officers would not stand a chance. He had that on his mind for a long time. Later they were put into sector 3. It was time for sleep. All the people in sector 3 fell asleep after long hours. It was then time for the group to talk. I was thinking about this before, Fayle, why cant we just escape, I mean, you have the powers of the dragoons. It is not as easy as you think. There are innocent people that are going to die if we leave so we have to have a plan and that might take time. Vanadel began to say I have lied to you all these years. I am not who you think I am. My name is Lavitz. I lied to you about everything, about me being attacked by a wingly, finding a dragoon spirit on the beach, even about losing my sister, I have never had a sister in my life. Heres the truth I met my best friend at hellena prison, we helped each other out safely and we went on an adventure to find the one responsible for killing his parents. During the journey I was killed. But the great

creator of this world saved me. He gave me another life, and along with it I achieved powers far beyond dragoons. I made my way to find my best friend and his friends to tell him of this great news but by the time I got there they were killed by winglys and the dark shadows. Just to let you all know the winglies are not on the same side as the two dark shadows, rose and zieg. They are complete enemies. Rose killed a wingly just to acquire something for her own. They took it offensively and took revenge on the humans once again. I have been living my new life for 543 years thanks to soa. And for those years I have been thinking of a way to take my revenge on rose, zieg, and the winglies for killing my friends and my mother. The dark shadows made another moon that never sets for a whole different purpose, to kill the winglys. Its powers kill the winglies. My plan needs you and a few more people to bring back the dragoon spirits and destroy the dark shadows and bring peace once again to this world.
